Organization Information Sheet – RUSH

An Overview of the Organizations at Ohio University
College of Osteopathic Medicine
1. Student Government Association
Executive Government
Purpose: Represent Entire Student Body
First year liaison/position: YES-CPC & PCC Representatives; ALSO, Wellness
Key Events: Orientation, COMrade picnics, Wellness, Professionalism & Business
of Medicine Lecture Series, Leadership Awards, Presidents’ Association meetings.
Membership Costs and Due Date: There are no dues. Elections are held by
ballot for the 2 representative positions.
Class Government
Purpose: Represent Class Concerns to Faculty, Staff, and Student Government,
Build Class Pride, and Develop a Culture of Companionship
First year liaison/position: YES-President, Secretary/Treasurer, VP-CPC,
Key Events: Review Sessions before block exams, Create Class Apparel for
Fundraising, Class Socials, Service Events
Membership Costs and Due Date: There are no dues. Elections are held by
2. National Osteopathic Medical Honor Society
Sigma Sigma Phi National Honorary Osteopathic Fraternity
Purpose: Continued advancement of the College, Fraternity, and the Osteopathic
profession in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and community service.
First Year Liaison Position: NO
Key Events: Childrens’ Services Giving Tree, OUCOM Talent Follies, D.O.C.
Student Awards Night, And Osteopathic Medicine Run
Membership Costs and Due Date: Membership selection is based upon
application and is limited to 25% of the class. Applications will be available for
class of 2010 during fall quarter and class of 2011 during spring quarter. Upon
selection, national dues are $70 one time fee.
National Affiliations
Specific Osteopathic Interest
3. Family Practice Club
Purpose: To educate, promote and serve both our peers and our community with
the practice of family medicine.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: "OU-COM Prom", residency dinners, Bike Rodeo, Annual
convention (in Denver, CO this year)
Membership Costs and Due Date: Free!!!
Extra: Every year OU-COM has nearly 100% sign up for FPC--help us reach that
4. Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association- SOIMA
Purpose: The purpose of SOIMA is to represent and to further the educational
goals of aspiring osteopathic internists. Because osteopathic internal medicine
encompasses many specialty areas, all osteopathic medical students are welcome to
join regardless of specialty interest.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Chilly Open Golf Scramble, Journal Club, Etiquette Seminar,
Procedure Clinics, possibly a Halloween 5K Run
Membership Costs and Due Date: $10 due by October 15, 2007
5. Student Osteopathic Research Association-SORA
Purpose: To encourage and support students both in understanding and evaluating
research articles and also in conducting their own research.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Journal Club
Membership Costs and Due Date: No fee.
6. Surgery & Sports Medicine Club
Purpose: To educate students on specialties, skills, and training programs related
to surgery and sports medicine
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: SOSA Conference, Suture Clinics, Sterile Technique Clinic,
Residency Preparation Panel, Community Service, Physician Lectures, OU Team
Physician Shadowing, and More
Membership Costs and Due Date: $15 for local membership $30 for local and
national membership
Specific Osteopathic Interest (cont)
7. Undergraduate American Academy of Osteopathy-UAAO (OMM Club)
Purpose: To help students acquire better OMM skills and knowledge.
First year liaison/position: NO
Key Events: Tea and treats with OMM Faculty, speaker events with expert OMM
docs, and practice sessions throughout the quarters, UAAO Auction in January,
AAO Convention in Dallas during spring break.
Membership Costs and Due Date: $40, 10-13-07
General Osteopathic Interests
8. Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)
Purpose: To promote osteopathic ideals and unity within the profession, to
educate future osteopathic physicians, and to establish and to maintain lines of
communication among healthcare professionals.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Talent Follies, College Gate
Membership Costs and Due Date: $60 for all four years, due at sign up
General Medical Interests
9. American Medical Association - Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS)
Purpose: The AMA serves physicians as their voice in state and federal policies.
The AMA is an advocate for medical students as well and provides opportunities
for to be involved in the issues that we'll face as physicians.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: AMA Interim Meeting - November 10-13th Hawaii; AMA
Advocacy Trip to Washington DC - TBA
Membership Costs and Due Date: $68 (4 year membership) is due at Rush on
Thursday, September 13th. Free JAMA subscription and gift when you sign up!
10. American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
Purpose: To provide medical students a national organization that is ran by
students for students. AMSA fights hard for the issues that are important to
medical students, such as universal health care for the uninsured, health care for all
children, women's health, minority health, and much, much more.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Regional and National Conferences, Speakers and Movies on Global
Health, AIDS awareness events
Membership Costs and Due Date: $75 paid once for up to 5 years of
General Medical Interests (cont)
11. Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Purpose: to support minorities and women in health profession education and to
decrease health disparities experienced by minorities and people in rural and urban
First year liaison/position: YES, first years can be chairs of committees for
various events and service learning projects
Key Events: Medical Spanish, Journal Club, Medical Jeopardy, Service learning
projects, Cultural Extravaganza
Membership Costs and Due Date: $70 can be paid at RUSH or first meeting
OUCOM Special Interest Clubs
12. Christian Medical and Dental Association
Purpose: The Christian Medical and Dental Association provides fellowship and
support through weekly meetings in order to discuss and maintain a Godly
influence in the medical field.
First year liaison/position: NO
Key Events: Weekly Bible Study Relating to the Medical Field and Life,
Community Service Events and Fellowship Activities
Membership Costs and Due Date: $5.00 Optional dues
13. Emergency Medicine Club
Purpose: To provide experience in and exposure to Emergency Medicine
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Skills clinics, EMS ride-alongs, MedFlight tour, talks on
Emergency Medicine, subspecialties and residencies
Membership Costs and Due Date: $15 per year
14. Geriatrics Club
Purpose: To provide an educational and service network for students with an
interest in the health of older adults; to provide mentors and other opportunities for
students to develop knowledge and clinical skills in working with older adults.
First year liaison/position: YES
Membership Costs and Due Date: FREE
OUCOM Special Interest Clubs (cont)
15. Medical Students For Choice
Purpose: To educate and inform students about the full scope of reproductive
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Visiting physicians and events leading to a reproductive health
letter in your academic file.
Membership Costs and Due Date: $10
16. Medical Students for Life
Purpose: Medical Students for Life is an organization dedicated to honoring the
dignity and value of every human life.
First-year liaison position: Yes
Key events: Athens Walk for Life, Pregnancy Resource Center Baby Bottle
Drive, Ohio University Health Fair, guest speakers
Membership Fee: FREE
17. OB/GYN Club
Purpose: An organization for anyone interested in women's health, obstetrics
and gynecology.
First year liaison/position: NO, but if truly interested a position can be
Key Events: Women's Health Issues lunches, Lunch lectures from local OB/GYNs
discussing topics such as Board review, surgical techniques or any other topic that
students desire to learn about.
Membership Costs and Due Date: $10 paid each year by members
18. Pediatrics Club
Purpose: Providing pediatric exposure via activities, clinical skills labs, and
community service to club members.
First year liaison/position: YES
Key Events: Reach Out & Read, Halloween Safety @ local elementary schools,
Bowl-a-Thon, Clinical Skills Labs, KidsFest, Pediatric Speakers
Membership Costs and Due Date: $40 covers 4 years and includes national
membership dues for the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians