PWR Instructor Presentation and Publication list

PWR Publications and Presentations 2004-2005
Christine Alfano
Envision: Persuasive Writing in a Visual World. Co-authored with Alyssa J. O’Brien.
NY: Longman Publishers, 2004.
Presenter, with Alyssa O’Brien, “Interactive Authorship on Manuscripts-in-Progress:
Collaborations, Conversations, and Classroom Dynamics.” Conference on
College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
Paul Bator
“Teaching the Photo-Essay: Experimental Directions” Young Rhetoricians’
Conference. Monterey, CA. June 2004.
Shay Brawn
The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, Volume One: 17th through 19th Centuries, Coedited. Forthcoming, 2004.
Nancy Buffington
Home-Based Life Saving Skills. Training manual for the American College of Nurse Midwives.”
Co-author. Washington, D.C.: American College of Nurse Midwives, 2004.
“Fictions of the South: Antebellum Portraits of Slavery,” Blackwell Companion to American
Fiction, 1780-1865. ed. Shirley Samuels. London: Blackwell, 2004.
Marvin Diogenes
"Purposeful Laughter: Toward a Rhetoric of Comic Appeals." Conference on College
Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
"Making Writing Assessment Matter." Workshop Consultant. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
"Working the Rooms of a Crowded House: The Writing Program and Undergraduate
Education." Council of Writing Program Adminstrators Annual
Conference. Newark, DE. July 2004.
Workshop Presenter, Writing Center Administration Panel, Northern California Writing Center
Association Conference. Stanford, CA. March 2004.
Performances with the Composition Blues Band at Northern California Writing Center
Associations Conference, CCCC, and WPA.
Words and Deeds: Stanford Undergraduates Write About Stanford Student-Athletes. Edited with
Andrea Lunsford). Stanford Department of Athletics, 2004.
“Towards Delivering New Definitions of Writing,” co-authored with Andrea Lunsford.
Forthcoming in Delivering College Composition, ed. Kathi Yancey.
Kevin DiPirro
"Open Mic Drama Night and Other Acts of Writing." Northern California Writing Center
Association Conference. Stanford University. March 2004.
"It's All Right, It's Okay, It's Just Fine." Conference on College Composition and
Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
Big Fun. (stage reading) Edward Albee Theater Conference. Valdez, AK. June 2004.
Big Fun, Presented at Bay One-Act Festival is a theatre festival of one-act plays, San Francisco
Big Fun, play, accepted for production in San Francisco in 2005 and also to be published in an
anthology called BOA 1-Act Festival 2005.
Marjorie Ford
The Changing World of Work. NY: Longman Publishers, 2005
Citizenship Now. NY: Longman Publishers, 2004.
Community Matters. 2nd edition. NY: Longman Publishers, 2004.
Wendy Goldberg
"Composition At/Of the Center." Pre-Conference Workshop. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
“Composition Theory, Tutor Training, and Multimedia.” Conference on College Composition
and Communication. San Antonio, Texas. March, 2004.
"Spoken Word: Performing Writing in the Center." Conference on College Composition
and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
"The New Scene of Writing: Designing an Oral, Visual, and Textual Curriculum."
Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX.
March 2004.
Videotape: "Performing New Literacies in the Writing Center (2002-2004)"
Videotape: “The Stanford Writing Center 2002-2004.”
Arturo Heredia
“Teaching Race and Ethnicity as Public and Private Issues.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March, 2004.
Instructor’s Manual, Co-Authored with Ann Watters, for Global Exchange: Reading and
Writing in a World Context. Prentice Hall. 2005.
Josephine Kelso
“Learning the Language of Literary Interpretation for L2 Composition Students.” American
Association of Applied Linguistics. May 2004
Sohui Lee
”Writing Competence vs. Performance: Revising our Teaching Goals in terms of Deep Learning
Reception.” Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San
Francisco, CA. March 16-19, 2005.
”Manifest Empire: How U.S. rivalry with Great Britain shaped America's imaginary of manifest
destiny in the 1840s” at the International Conference on Romanticism. Texas A & M
International University. Laredo, TX. November 14-17, 2004.
”Anglophobia and Jacobin.” Historical essays in Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and
History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia. Eds. Will Kaufman and Heidi Macpherson.
(Oxford: ABC-Clio). Forthcoming, February 2005.
”[O]ur American kinsman: British Nationalism and Book Reviews of American Literature in the
1840s.” Romanticism on the Net. Forthcoming, Spring 2005.
”An Anti-Democratic Habit of Feeling: The Rhetoric of Toryism in OSullivans Democratic
Review 1837-1836.” In Sullen Fires Across the Atlantic: Essays in Romanticism. Eds.
Lance Newman, Joel Pace, and Chris Koenig-Woodyard. Romantic Circles Praxis
Series. Forthcoming 2005.
“Hawthorne’s Politics of Storytelling: Two ‘Tales of the Province House’ and the Specter of
Anglomania in the Democratic Review.” American Periodicals. April 2004.
Andrea Lunsford
“Women against War.” International Conference on Rhetoric and Democracy, Cape Town,
South Africa, June 8, 2004.
“The War Rhetoric of George W. Bush.” University of Orebro, May 27, 2004.
“Language Wars, USA.” Uppsala University, May 18, 2004.
“Teaching Writing in the 21st Century.” University of Kentucky, April 15, 2004.
“What Matters Who Writes? Two Case Studies from the Stanford Study of Writing, Conference
on College Composition and Communication, March 26, 2004.
“Writing for the 21st Century.” International Literacy Association, Greenville, SC, March 22,
“To Act, To Do, To Perform, To Write: Reflections on the Culture of Writing at
Stanford.” Northern California Writing Center Association Conference, March 6, 2004.
“Changing Media, Changing Literacies, Changing Writing.” National Council of Teachers of
English Assembly for Research Conference, February 21, 2004.
“Writing for your Life.” St. Joseph’s University, February 20, 2004.
“Ethics and Writing.” Michigan State University, February 5, 2004.
“Writing and Learning throughout College.” Series of lectures and seminars, CIDE University,
Mexico City, January 22-25, 2004.
Crossing Borderlands: Composition and Postcolonial Studies. Edited. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh
P, 2004.
Everything's an Argument--with Readings. With John Ruszkiewicz and Keith Walters. New
York: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 2001; 2nd edition, 2004.
“Crimes of Writing and Reading.”in Rhetorica Redefines Theory and Practice: Teaching
Women's Rhetorics. Logan: Utah State UP. Forthcoming.
“Writing Definitions,” co-Authored with Marvin Diogenes. In Delivering College Composition:
the Fifth Canon. Ed. Kathleen Blake Yancey. Forthcoming.
“Expanding Literacies at the End of the Twentieth Century: Girls, Writing, and Science
Education." With Lisa Weems, Paul Miller, and Janet Russell. In Girls and Literacy in
America, ed. Jane Greer. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2003: 121-149.
“Feminism and Rhetoric: Possible Alliances,” in Weibliche Rede: Rhetorik der Weiblichkeit, ed.
Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf and Doerte Bischoff. Freiburg: Rombach, Druch, und
Verlagshaus, 51-61.
“Rethinking the Ph.D. in English." Carnegie Essays on the Doctorate. Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching, 2004.
Melissa Marconi
Colloquium Leader: “The Whole-Class Workshop as a Teaching Strategy,” English Department,
Santa Clara University. April 2004
Book Review for "Literacy Is a Life Story," Pearson/Prentice Hall. August 2004
Joyce Moser
“Haunted by Hamish: Memory and Repression in the Novels of Charles Todd.” American
Popular Culture Conference. Albequerque, NM.
Classic American Jewish Fiction (4 lectures, Temple Beth Am), February-March 2004 and
Lehrhaus Judaica (January--February 2004).
“Steinbeck vs. Salinas.” Lecture, Steinbeck Museum. Salinas, CA. February 2004.
Creating America: Reading and Writing Arguments, 4th ed. with Ann Watters. Prentice Hall,
Alyssa J. O’Brien
Presenter, with Jeremy Battle, “Lights, Camera, Writing as Multimedia Performance.”
Northern California Writing Center Association Conference. Stanford, CA. March
Presenter, with Christine Alfano, “Interactive Authorship on Manuscripts-in-Progress:
Collaborations, Conversations, and Classroom Dynamics.” Conference on
College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
Presenter, “Other Uses for our Scholarship,” Seminar Leader, Modernist Studies Association,
Vancouver, BC. October 2004.
Envision: Persuasive Writing in a Visual World. Co-authored with Christine Alfano.
NY: Longman Publishers, 2004.
“Drawn to Multiple Sides: Making Arguments Visible with Political Cartoons,” in Writing the
Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication, eds Anne
Richards and Carol David. Parlor Press, forthcoming.
“'Am I a Snob?': Modernism and the Novel.” Book review forthcoming in ELT: English
Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 47:4 (Sept 2004).
“The Virtual Marshall McLuhan.” Book Review forthcoming in The James Joyce
Quarterly (Dec 2004).
“Ulysses's Promise for a Post-Colonial Ireland.” Book Review of Joyce's Revenge:
History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses, by Andrew Gibson (NY: Oxford
University Press, 2002): in ELT: English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 47:1
(Jan 2004): 231-235.
The Everyday Writer, Revision Review for Bedford/St. Martin's. 2004.
The NEXT Reader, Review for McGraw-Hill, 2004.
John Peterson
Entry in Pedagogy Forum, Associated Writing Programs Conference in Chicago.
Manuscript Review, Composition.
Laura Roman
Presentation: “The Rhetoric of De Quincey’s Confessions,” to be presented Universite de Aix,
Marseille, December 2004.
Publication: “Confessions in Translation” Editions du Temps, Paris; The Collected Writings of
Thomas De Quincey, Pickering and Chatto, London (Vols 14-21).
Carolyn Ross
"The Discourse of Community: Expanding the Scene of Community-Based Writing,” Presented
with Doree Allen, In session: "The New Scene of Writing: Designing the Oral, Visual,
and Textual Curriculum"), College Conference on Composition and Communication,
San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
Jennifer Trainor
“‘My Ancestors Never Owned Slaves’: Reading Whiteness in the Multicultural Classroom,”
Research in the Teaching of English, forthcoming.
“The Wages of Whiteness? Literacy and Life Goals in an All White Suburban High School”
Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March 2004.
“Online Forms of Plagiarism,” NCTE Mid-Winter Conference, February 2004
John Tinker
“The Writing Center and Multimedia Curriculum Development.” College Conference on
Composition and Communication, 55th annual convention. San Antonio, Texas.
March 2004.
“Composition Theory, Tutor Training, and Multi Media.” with Wendy Goldberg, for preconference workshop, “Composition at/of the Center.” College Conference on
Composition and Communication, San Antonio, Texas. March 2004.
Co-chair of the NCWCA annual conference, Stanford, March 2004; president of NCWCA, and
attended Summer Institute for Writing Center Directors and Professionals, Madison, WI.
July 2003.
Erik Turkman
"Taking the A Train: Getting Derailed Tutoring Sessions Back on Track." Northern
California Writing Center Association Conference. Stanford, CA. March 2004.
"Physics & Rhetoric: The Composition of Matter and the Matter of Composition."
Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. May
Ann Watters
Global Exchange: Reading and Writing in a World Context. Prentice Hall. 2005.
Creating America: Reading and Writing Arguments, 4th ed. with Joyce Moser. Prentice Hall,
Jonah Willihnganz
“Radio as Fascism in Depression Novels,” Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, TX April
“The Voice of America in Richard Wright” Modernist Studies Association, Vancouver, BC,
October 2004
“The Subject of Communication in Kenneth Burke's Towards a Better Life,” National
Association of Communication, Chicago, IL, November 2004
Susan Wyle
"Women Outlaws, Women Prisoners: Dichotomies of Discourse." Conference on College
Composition and Communication. San Antonio, Texas, March 2004
Revisiting America : Readings in Race, Culture, and Conflict. Prentice Hall, 2004.