THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMAL DIVERSITY I. What is an animal? a. Multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that obtain nutrients by ingestion i. INGESTION eating food 1. Distinguishes animals from fungi; internal digestion b. Other unique features exist in the animal life cycle c. The transformation of a zygote into an adult animal is controlled by specialized genes; molecular biology distinguish animals from the other organisms II. The animal kingdom probably originated from colonial protests a. First animals appeared over 600 million years ago b. Cambrian explosion, a span of about 10 million years, that occurred 545 million years ago i. Saw a massive amount of animal species evolve c. Majority of animals are invertebrates i. INVERTEBRATES lack a vertebral column (backbone) III. Sponges have a relatively simple, porous body a. SPONGES phylum = PORIFERA; stationary animals that appear so sedate the ancient Greeks believed they were plants b. RADIAL SYMMETRY body parts are arranged like pieces of a pie around an imaginary central axis c. SUSPENSION FEEDERS filter-feeders; animals that collect food particles from water passed through some type of foodtrapping equipment IV. Cnidarians are radial animals with stinging threads a. CNIDARIANS stingers with radial symmetry i. Ex. Jellies, anemones, hydras, corals ii. CNIDOCYTES “stinging cell” V. Most animals are bilaterally symmetrical a. BILATERAL SYMMETRY divided equally by a single cut with a mirror image on the right and left side i. ANTERIOR towards head ii. POSTERIOR towards tail iii. DORSAL back iv. VENTRAL underside, bottom, belly VI. Flatworms are the simplest bilateral animals a. FLATWORMS phylum = PLATYHELMINTHES; leaf-like or ribbon-like animals ranging in length from 1 mm to 20 m b. 3 groups i. Flatworms (planaria) ii. Flukes iii. Tapeworms 1. *Parasitic VII. Most animals have a body cavity a. BODY CAVITY fluid-filled space between the digestive tract and the body wall i. PSEUDOCOELOM a body cavity that is not completely lined by tissue derived from the mesoderm ii. COELOM cavity is completely lined by tissue derived from mesoderm b. Having a body cavity allows for better movement; larger internal organs; and increases nutrient circulation and gas (oxygen) circulation VIII. Roundworms have a pseudocoelem and a complete digestive tract a. ROUNDWORMS phylum = NEMATODA; cylindrical worms with a blunt head and tapered tail i. One species is responsible for TRICHINOSIS 1. TRICHNOSIS obtained by eating undercooked pork IX. Diverse mollusks are variations on a common body plan a. MOLLUSCA more than 150,000 known species i. 3 most diverse groups 1. GASTROPODS 2. BIVALVES 3. CEPHALOPODS X. Many animals have a segmented body a. SEGMENTATION the subdivision of the body along its length into a series of repeated parts i. Advantages 1. Flexibility and mobility XI. Earthworms and other annelids are segmented worms a. ANNELIDA a segmented body resembling a series of fused rings i. EARTHWOMRS ii. POLYCHAETES iii. LEECHES XII. Arhtropods are the most numerous and widespread of all animals a. ARTHROPODA nearly 1,000,000 types; equipped with jointed appendages and an exoskeleton of chitin i. MOLTING shedding of exoskeleton ii. Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. Horseshoe crab Arachnids Crustaceans Millipedes 5. Centipedes XIII. Insects are the most diverse group of organisms a. ENTYMOLOGY study of insects b. Largest group of arthropods XIV. Echinoderms have spiny skin, an exoskeleton, and a water vascular system for movement a. ECHINODERMATA “spiny skin”; sea stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers i. ENDOSKELETON internal skeleton XV. Our own phylum, Chordata, is distinguished by four features a. Dorsal, hollow nerve cord b. NOTOCHORD a flexible, supportive, longitudinal rod located between the digestive tract and the nerve cord c. PHARYNGEAL SLITS gill structures in the pharynx d. A muscular POST-ANAL TAIL e. *MOST DIVERSE GROPU OF CHORDATES ARE THE VERTEBRATES XVI. A skull and a backbone are hallmarks of vertebrates a. Skull and backbone enclose the main parts of the nervous system XVII. Most vertebrates have hinged jaws a. AGNATHANS small group of “jawless” fishes XVIII. Fishes are jawed vertebrates with gills and paired fins a. CHONDRICHTHYES b. OSTEICHTHYES XIX. Amphibians were the first land vertebrates a. AMPHIBIA class that exhibits a mixture of aquatic and terrestrial adaptations XX. Reptiles have more terrestrial adaptations than amphibians a. REPTILIA class that includes snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles i. AMNIOTIC EGG can be laid on dry land ii. ECTOTHERMIC vs ENDOTHERMIC XXI. Birds share many features with their reptilian ancestors a. AVES class of about 8,600 species of birds i. Many questions linger about origin of birds XXII. Mammals also evolved from reptiles a. MAMMALIA hair and mammary glands i. MARSUPIALS VS EUTHERIANS (PLACENTALS) XXIII. A phylogenetic tree gives animal diversity an evolutionary perspective XXIV. Humans threaten animal diversity by introducing non-native species a. Ex. i. Rabbits in Australia