DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY SAFEGUARDS FORM 1 REQUEST FOR STANDARD AUTHORISATION AND URGENT AUTHORISATION This form has been compiled in an effort to minimise duplication in completing the DOH form 4 (Request for a Standard Authorisation) and where required, form 1 (Urgent Authorisation). This form can be completed instead of forms 1 and 4 and has been adapted from the new ADASS forms. If the person’s ordinary residence is within the Dorset County Council area, please forward to: or fax with a header to 01305 224325 for the attention of the MCA Team. If you need advice in completing this form and whether a DOLS is needed, please call us on 01305 225650. If the person’s ordinary residence is within the Bournemouth area, please forward to: or fax 01202 458931, telephone 01202 451657/458823. For Poole ordinary Residence, please forward to: and and telephone 01202 633851. If the person is self funding, their ordinary residence is where the care home/hospital is located and the local authority within that area is responsible for the DoLS process. Please note Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards only applies to people that lack capacity so by completing this form you are agreeing that this person lacks capacity to make a decision about where they are staying. I confirm that the person has an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain. This is due or appears to be due to: On the date below and in relation to the decision, the person was able to: 1. Understand the information relevant to the decision (including the reasonably foreseeable consequences of deciding one way or another, or of failing to make the decision). Select 2. Retain the information long enough to make a decision. Select (The fact that a person is able to retain the information for a short period only does not prevent them from being regarded as able to make the decision). 3. Use or weigh the information to make a decision (degree of awareness and insight, evidence of reasoning processes). Select 4. Communicate the decision (to produce a response, not necessarily verbal that indicates choice, in any way recognised by the assessor). Select Failure on any one point above means the person lacks capacity at this time to make the decision outlined above.(If this is the case then a Best Interests decision must now be made using the statutory checklist (Section 4 MCA 2005). The person HAS capacity to make the decision required of them Record this in the persons notes and review regularly. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards is not applicable in this situation. The person LACKS capacity to make the decision required of them. Assessor: Signed: Position: Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 1 of 6 Date: Please tick if any of the following are applicable: Person Objecting Other Person objecting Unbefriended (i.e. no family or friends) High Level of Restriction/restraint Out of County AN URGENT AUTHORISATION including REQUEST FOR STANDARD AUTHORISATION (giving yourself 7 days authority to detain person A REQUEST FOR STANDARD AUTHORISATION only (to be completed within 21 days, (complete all sections except K) The DoLS Acid test is: “is the person who is lacking capacity under continuous supervision and control and are they free to leave?” If the answer is yes and no, they are likely to be deprived of their liberty. Full name of person being deprived of liberty: Date of Birth Sex : Select Relevant Medical History Sensory Loss Communication Requirements Date admitted to hospital / Care Home Reference if any Name and address of the care home or hospital requesting this authorisation Telephone Number Person to contact at the care home or hospital Name Telephone Email Ward (if appropriate) Present address of the person, (if different to above) Telephone Number Name of the Supervisory Body where this form is being sent Select How the care is funded (please cross): Local Authority please specify NHS Local Authority and NHS (jointly funded) Self funded by person Funded through insurance or other A. REQUEST FOR STANDARD AUTHORISATION THE DATE FROM WHICH THE STANDARD AUTHORISATION IS REQUIRED: If standard only – within 21 days If an urgent authorisation – within 7 days In exceptional circumstances, if you need to request an extension of the urgent authorisation for a further 7 days complete form 1A or phone the DoLS office. Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 2 of 6 PURPOSE OF THE STANDARD AUTHORISATION Note: there is a legal requirement that the giving of a Mental Capacity Act 2005 deprivation of liberty safeguards authorisation must be for the purpose of giving care or treatment to the person to whom the authorisation relates. The entry below should therefore identify the care and/or treatment that constitute the purpose for which the authorisation is given. It should be borne in mind, however, that the deprivation of liberty authorisation does not itself authorise the care or treatment concerned, the giving of which is subject to the wider provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The purpose of the urgent authorisation (where applicable) and / or the requested standard authorisation is to enable the person to be given the following care and / or treatment in this hospital or care home. Please describe the care and/or treatment this person is receiving day-to-day and attach a relevant care plan. Please give as much detail as possible about the type of care the person needs, including personal care, mobility, medication, support with behavioural issues, types of choice the person has and any medical treatment they receive. Please give details if they or their family are objecting to the placement and or attempting to leave/remove them. Explain why the person is not free to leave and why they are under continuous or complete supervision and control. Describe the restrictions you have put in place which are necessary to ensure the person receives care and treatment. (It will be helpful if you can describe why less restrictive options are not possible including risks of harm to the person.) Indicate the frequency of the restrictions you have put in place. B. INFORMATION ABOUT INTERESTED PERSONS AND OTHERS TO CONSULT Family member or friend Anyone named by the person as someone to be consulted about their welfare Anyone engaged in caring for the person or interested in their welfare Any donee of a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare granted by the person Any Deputy for Health and Welfare appointed for the person by the Court of Name Address Telephone Relationship Name Address Telephone Relationship Name Address Telephone Relationship Name Address Telephone Relationship Name Address Telephone Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 3 of 6 Protection Relationship Any IMCA instructed in accordance with sections 37 to 39D of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Name Address Telephone Any previous/current relationship C. WHETHER IT IS NECESSARY FOR AN INDEPENDENT MENTAL CAPACITY ADVOCATE (IMCA) TO BE INSTRUCTED Place a cross in EITHER box below Apart from professionals and other people who are paid to provide care or treatment, this person has no one whom it is appropriate to consult about what is in their best interests There is someone whom it is appropriate to consult about what is in the person’s best interests who is neither a professional nor is being paid to provide care or treatment D. WHETHER THERE IS A VALID AND APPLICABLE ADVANCE DECISION Place a cross in one box below The person has made an Advance Decision that may be valid and applicable to some or all of the treatment The Managing Authority is not aware that the person has made an Advance Decision that may be valid and applicable to some or all of the treatment The proposed deprivation of liberty is not for the purpose of giving treatment E. THE PERSON IS SUBJECT TO SOME ELEMENT OF THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT (1983) Yes No If Yes please describe further F. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Names and contact numbers of regular visitors not detailed elsewhere on this form: Any other relevant information including safeguarding issues: Please indicate when would be the best time to see the person: G. PLEASE NOW SIGN AND DATE THIS FORM BELOW Signature Print Name Date Time Position I HAVE INFORMED ANY INTERESTED PERSONS OF THE REQUEST FOR A DoLS AUTHORISATION (Please sign to confirm) Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 4 of 6 H. RACIAL, ETHNIC OR NATIONAL ORIGIN Place a cross in one box only White British Irish White and Black Caribbean Any other White background (to include Travellers of Irish heritage and Gypsy/Roma) Mixed OR Mixed British White and Black African White and Asian Any other mixed background Asian OR Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background Black OR Black British Caribbean African Any other Black background Other ethnic groups Chinese Any other ethnic group Not stated (to include cases in which the person has refused to divulge their ethnic origin or where their ethnic origin is not yet known) I THE PERSON’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION Place a cross in one box only Heterosexual Other Lesbian or Gay Prefer not to say Bisexual Not Known J. DISABILITY THAT IS CAUSING THEIR CURRENT INCAPACITY Place a cross in EACH of the boxes below that apply Physical disability, frailty and/or sensory impairment Please identify which of the following apply: Physical disability, frailty and/or temporary illness Hearing impairment Visual Impairment Dual sensory loss Mental Health Please also place a cross in this box if the Mental Health condition is dementia Learning disability K. ONLY COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF YOU NEED TO GRANT AN URGENT AUTHORISATION BECAUSE IT APPEARS TO YOU THAT THE DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY IS ALREADY OCCURING AND ALL THESE CONDITIONS ARE MET URGENT AUTHORISATION Place a cross in EACH box to confirm that the person appears to meet the particular condition The person is aged 18 or over Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 5 of 6 The person is suffering from a mental disorder The person is being accommodated here for the purpose of being given care or treatment. Please describe further in section A The person lacks capacity to make their own decision about whether to be accommodated here for care or treatment The person has not, as far as the Managing Authority is aware, made a valid advance decision that prevents them from being given any proposed treatment Accommodating the person here, and giving them the proposed care or treatment, does not, as far as the Managing Authority is aware, conflict with a valid decision made by a donee of a Lasting Power of Attorney or Deputy for Health and Welfare appointed by the Court of Protection under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 It is in the person’s best interests to be accommodated here to receive care or treatment, even though they will be deprived of their liberty Depriving the person of liberty is necessary to prevent harm to them, and a proportionate response to the harm they are likely to suffer otherwise The person concerned is not, as far as the managing authority is aware, subject to an application or order under the Mental Health Act 1983 or, if they are, that order or application does not prevent an urgent authorisation being given The need for the person to be deprived of their liberty here is so urgent that it is appropriate for that deprivation to begin immediately AN URGENT AUTHORISATION IS NOW GRANTED This urgent authorisation comes into force immediately. It is to be in force for a period of: days The maximum period allowed is seven days. This urgent authorisation will expire at the end of the day on: Signed Position Print name Date Time ACTION NOW NECESSARY: Due to statutory time limits please forward this form by email or fax WITHOUT DELAY and MARKED URGENT to the appropriate local Authority/Council. NB: If making a request for a standard authorisation only, the supervisory body will have 21 calendar days from when this form is received to complete the necessary assessments. If an urgent authorisation has been granted then the supervisory body must complete the necessary assessments within the time period that the urgent authority is in force i.e. a maximum of 7 days. However an urgent authority can be extended in exceptional circumstances where it has not been possible to complete the necessary assessments in time. The supervisory body should ensure that each assessor, and any instructed IMCA, receives a copy of this form as soon as possible. Once a DoLS is in place if the person goes home or moves or the DoLS is no longer required, the appropriate DOLS Team must be informed ASAP. Also, if a person dies whilst on a DoLS, the Coroner must be informed prior to a death certificate being issued. Name: DoB: Managing Authority: DOLS Form 1, Page 6 of 6