Report of the Angelo Coast Range Reserve NSF Planning Workshop

Report of the Angelo Coast Range Reserve NSF Planning Workshop
September 4-7, 2003
Bret Harvey (Chair), James Kirchner, Arthur Stewart, David Strayer, Mark Stromberg
With assistance from Mary Power, Peter Steel, and John Latto
Main Report
o Promising new research directions
o Critical Priorities for Facilities and Infrastructure
o References
o 1. Attendees
o 2. Workshop Agenda
o 3. Angelo publication list
o 4. Current Facilities of the Angelo Reserve
o 5. Current Information and Datebase Management Policies
o 6. Potential Augmentation and Matches for Gifts or Grants
The Angelo Coast Range Reserve is a component of the University of California Natural
Reserve System (NRS), and is managed by UC Berkeley (UCB). The National Science
Foundation sponsored a planning workshop for the Angelo Reserve, held on site, near
Branscomb, California, on September 5-7, 2003. The participants included twelve
scientists from outside the University of California, listed in Appendix 1. Of these, five
were affiliated with universities outside of California, one was with a nonprofit
ecological research institute (the Institute of Ecosystem Studies), four were affiliated with
federal research agencies (USGS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the USDA-USFS)
and one scientist worked for a private environmental consulting firm. Also in attendance
were the Director of the Hastings Natural History Reservation (also in the NRS), and
seven faculty from three departments at UCB, one of whom was the campus Vice
Chancellor for Research, and another the Director of the UC Systemwide NRS.
Following a general orientation to the site, guided field trips demonstrating ongoing
research projects, and a day and a half of discussion, the review committee reached
several recommendations.
Future Research Directions
Workshop participants noted a number of assets at the Angelo Reserve that could support
strong programs of future field research:
Inclusion of the whole watersheds of seven small streams, and of reaches of larger river
channels, spanning catchment areas of < 1 to 260 km2.
Meteorological and stream runoff monitoring data, including a 36 year record from Elder
Creek, as a USGS Benchmark Station.
Twenty-five years of research on biological, ecological, geomorphological, and human
cultural aspects of the Angelo Reserve ecosystem.
A new partnership with Earth Scientists at the NSF STC, the National Center for Earth
Surface Dynamics, and strong potential for partnerships and collaborations with scientists
from the USGS and USFS currently engaged in other studies in the Pacific North Coast
A favorable location with relatively simple underlying geology and no major upwind
sources of urban or agricultural pollution, facilitating the study of atmospheric inputs
from the Pacific Ocean.
The committee recommended four new research directions building on past programs at
the reserve, advantages of the natural setting, advances in new technologies, and the
potential for heuristic comparisons with ongoing studies by other researchers in the
Cross-habitat linkages between channel and terrestrial food webs and ecosystems.
Use of remote and automated sensing devices to monitor ecologically-relevant
environmental conditions and corresponding habitat use and movements of
Salmonid population dynamics in fluctuating, heterogeneous environments.
Feedback from organisms and climate to the physical and chemical forcers of
landscape evolution.
Facilities and Infrastructure needed
To prepare the Angelo Reserve to support outstanding research for the 21st Century,
workshop participants identified the following critical needs:
Upgraded housing
Improved communications, including satellite and wireless technology
Storage, equipment and shop facilities for visitors
Significant spatial augmentation of automated sampling and sensing devices for
environmental and biological monitoring
Essential scientific equipment for laboratories at the new Environmental Science
center to support the program of research
Augmentation of walkways and support cables providing access for instruments
and investigators into the forest canopy and over rivers at high flow
Support for data and information storage and dissemination
Report for the NSF Sponsored Planning Workshop:
Future directions for Interdisciplinary Research at the Angelo Coast
Range Reserve:
"Detecting, interpreting, and predicting change in river and watershed
ecosystems of the California North Coast”
September 4-7, 2003
University of California, Berkeley and
Angelo Coast Range Reserve
42101 Wilderness Rd
Branscomb, CA 95417
The Angelo Coast Range Reserve is one of 34 sites in the University of California
Natural Reserve System. The Reserve encompasses about 3000 hectares of steep,
dissected landscape, one of the largest tracts of coastal Douglas fir-Coast Redwood forest
remaining in the state of California, a 5 km reach of the South Fork of the Eel River, and
the entire watersheds of three of its perennial tributaries. Research at the Reserve began
under The Nature Conservancy of California in the 1970s, and has continued after
administrative transfer to the University of California, Berkeley and the UCNRS in 1994.
A gift from the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund allowed the construction of a new
Environmental Center, including a meeting room, simple laboratories, and a screened
lathe house completed during the summer of 2002. In addition, a rudimentary canopy
access facility was constructed along a river-to-ridge elevational gradient. These new
facilities can support an expansion and deepening of the contribution of the Angelo
Reserve to our understanding of the California North Coast region, as well as broad
scientific questions about organismal, ecosystem and landscape change.
To help plan the next generation of research programs at the Angelo Reserve, an NSFsponsored workshop was held. Among the goals for this workshop were the following:
To demonstrate the new Angelo facilities to prospective new users, and illustrate
the range of habitats available at the reserve
To familiarize all participants with past, present and potential future ecological
monitoring at the Angelo Reserve
To discuss the potential for coordinated or collaborative interdisciplinary research
among university and agency scientists interested in:
o regional monitoring for ecological forecasting
o sediment budgets, watershed management and salmonid populations along
the California North Coast;
o effects of landscape position on species performances and interactions and
ecosystem processes;
o use of isotopes to study interactions of biota, land use, and hydrologic and
nutrient cycling over organismal to regional scales;
canopy biology and ecophysiology.
To gather specific recommendations about management and additional facilities,
resources or efforts necessary needed to support such collaborative and innovative
programs at the Angelo Reserve
Our review committee was given a draft management plan, and an oral presentation on
past and present research at the Angelo Reserve from the 1970s until the present. The
presentation emphasized the potential at the reserve to deepen research collaborations
between ecologists and earth scientists through initiatives such as those supported by the
new National Center for Earth Surface Dynamics (NCED), a Science and Technology
Center funded in 2002 that will use the Angelo Reserve as one of its primary field
laboratories. We were asked to provide perspectives on the future research directions
proposed for the reserve and the facilities development needed to support such initiatives.
Participants were asked to address the following questions in a general Group Discussion.
1. What new questions could or should be addressed at the Angelo Reserve that have not
yet been addressed? What promising new research directions could be well-served by this
2. What other research programs are studying environmental change in rivers and
watersheds along the California North Coast? How might changes over the larger region
influence the future of Angelo Reserve ecosystems? How might the Angelo Reserve
participate in coordinated regional studies to expand the spatial extent of our knowledge
of landscape-ecosystem-organism interactions?
3. Can one defend a long-term commitment to monitoring at the Angelo Reserve? What
variables would be most valuable to monitor? What emerging technologies are available
to support monitoring? Who might fund or support such efforts? What are successful
models from other institutions or programs?
4. Informatics: How does data sharing and archiving work now, and how it should work
in the future?
5. What other infrastructure (buildings, equipment, monitoring technology) is needed for
the Angelo Reserve to fulfill its promise as a center for University and collaborative
research, teaching, and outreach?
The first three question topics were merged during the lively day and a half discussion,
and our report below combines participants’ thoughts on all three questions under each of
the following four research directions that were highlighted as promising avenues for
future collaborative research programs at the Angelo Reserve. Following this, we
describe the facilities and other infrastructure needed to support these programs.
Promising new research directions for the Angelo Reserve
1. Feedback from organisms and climate to the physical and chemical forcers of
landscape evolution.
Building on several decades of field ecology and organismal biology at the Reserve, as
well as gemorphological studies of river incision and sediment transport through its rivers
(Appendix 3), future investigators using the the Angelo Reserve have exceptional
potential to link biology and geomorphology to biogeochemistry and hydrology (Grimm
et al. 2003, Porporato & Rodriguez-Iturbe 2002). The last two subjects have not yet been
extensively studied at the reserve. The site is remarkably well suited for this endeavor, for
a number of reasons:
A long-term context for such research is provided by discharge, temperature and water
quality records from the USGS gaging station on Elder Creek, continuously monitored
from 1967 to the present. The Elder Creek station is a Benchmark Hydrological Station,
one of 57 operated throughout the United States by the USGS. As such, participant Carol
Kendall told us that it qualifies for support from the USGS Water, Energy, and
Biogeochemical Budget, for example, water chemistry analyses of collected samples.
Gaging records from the USGS station on the South Fork Eel River at the south end of
the Reserve are available from 1968 to 1996. With NSF research funding, the station was
reactivated after 1990, and monitoring of standard meteorological variables was added.
Sampling sites are available within or near the reserve that range in catchment area from
< 1 km2 to 260 km2, enabling study of downstream and basin related changes in
physical, chemical, and biological variables linking landscapes and biota.
The relatively simple geology underlying the Reserve (sandstones and mudstones are the
only two common rock types) facilitates basin-level comparisons of the influence of other
drivers like slope, drainage area, aspect, and local micro-climate.
The regional setting of the Reserve in the North Pacific Coast positions it for studies
potential impacts over the next decades of factors such as the anticipated change in
atmospheric inputs from China. The Mediterranean climate and the lack of snow pack
storage in the basin simplify studies linking climate, hydrology, and landscape and
ecosystem dynamics. They also potentially make the site representative of landscapes
anticipated to respond sensitively to climate and land use change. The only other site in
the North Pacific Coast region with intensive biogeochemical studies is the H.J. Andrews
Experimental forest in Oregon, much further inland than the Angelo Reserve.
2. Cross-habitat linkages between channel and terrestrial food webs and ecosystems.
A number of participants identified study of ecosystem and ecological interactions across
habitat boundaries as a key area for future research (Polis et al. 2004, Turner 1989,
Cadenasso et al. 2003, Lovett et al. 2004) with two boundaries identified as key foci for
future research: the interface between river channels and terrestrial watersheds, and that
between the forest canopy and the atmosphere. The Angelo Reserve offers exceptional
opportunities to study ecological, biophysical, and biogeochemical processes that mediate
fluxes across both boundaries. These fluxes combine to exert major control on forest and
river ecosystems and landscape evolution.
Watershed – Channel interactions
Previous research at the Angelo Reserve (Sabo and Power 2002a,b, Power et al. 2004,
Power and Rainey 2000) has addressed how upslope export of river production (of algae
or emerging aquatic insects) influences a variety of terrestrial consumers in adjacent
watersheds, from riparian zones upslope to drainage divides. The indirect food web and
ecosystem consequences of these fluxes remain largely unknown. In addition, the
reciprocal forest-to-river linkages are more poorly understood at the Reserve, particularly
as these relate to hydrologic flow paths and their influence on sediment, nutrient and
carbon budgets in the watershed. The representation on site of many sub-basins with
different drainage areas greatly enhances the Reserve’s ability to support studies of how
factors that change systematically down drainage networks (edge:area ratios; drainage
area, slope dependent controls) affect these interactions. Several participants expressed
keen support for, and interest in initiating hydrologic monitoring to begin to fill this gap
in our understanding of Angelo watershed dynamics.
Atmosphere - Forest Canopy - Watershed interactions
Atmospheric inputs to the Reserve of precipitation and airborne chemicals are intercepted
and altered by the extensive forest canopy over the Angelo Reserve in as yet unknown
ways. The canopy walkway facility (the first and so far the only to be built in a forest
with old growth redwoods) provides access for researchers to the fascinating and
ecologically important habitat boundary between the atmosphere and the forest canopy.
Participant Todd Dawson briefly described his research program on the interactions of
redwoods and coastal fogs. This research documents mechanisms of atmosphere-canopy
interactions that can strongly influence the health of redwood trees and forests. Prof.
Dawson related the leap forward that his program has recently taken due to collaboration
with Prof. David Cullar, Director of the Intel Laboratory at U.C. Berkeley, an expert in
wireless networks of small sensors that are beginning to revolutionize our ability to detect
micro-climatic and biological changes at scales relevant to organisms in nature (see
discussion of Critical Needs for Infrastructure below). The Angelo Reserve would be an
interesting site for Dawson’s program because it represents redwoods at an inland
extreme of their range, where they are stressed by low fog inputs. Inputs of fog and other
sources of moisture to the site are anticipated to change during long-term climate change.
Monitoring of these variables and their effect on ground water and channel hydrology
and chemistry would also be invaluable should fire or Sudden Oak Death cause large
scale changes in forest cover of basins within the Angelo Reserve, as little is known
about the impact of either event on these key ecosystem properties. In the absence of such
a large scale disturbance, monitoring of these variables would still be very informative, as
changes in the composition of the diverse forest stands at the Angelo Reserve, which
include upslope mixed deciduous forests, would document the consequences of forest
conversion to Douglas fir dominated assemblages under the current regime of fire
suppression (Hunter and Barbour 2002). Needless to say, hypotheses about the effects of
forest stand conversion (e.g. from deciduous to conifer species) on variables like ground
and surface water chemistry would strongly motivate long term monitoring of key
variables. Long term monitoring at the Angelo Reserve should become increasingly
feasible as technology for remote sensing and automated monitoring improves, and
becomes more affordable.
3. Use of remote and automated sensing devices to monitor ecologically-relevant
environmental conditions and corresponding habitat use and movements of
Several participants who had studied landscape scales (including Drs. Strayer, Stewart,
Kirchner, Kendall, Dietrich, Welter and Hastings Reserve Director Dr. Mark Stromberg)
strongly suggested that remote sensing images (e.g. from AVHRR satellites) be used to
supplement the airborne laser altimetry images (LIDAR) already provided to the Angelo
Reserve by Prof. Dietrich at UCB. Periodically collected satellite and LIDAR images
would greatly facilitate monitoring changes in forest composition, productivity, and
health over the rugged terrain of the Reserve. In addition, several participants (Drs.
Dawson, Lisle, Welter, Schade) related their own experiences with newly available
ground-based sensor technology and automatic sample collection in their process studies
and long-term environmental monitoring programs. They advocated the implementation
of such technology to support research at the Angelo Reserve. The USFS Redwood
Sciences Laboratory in Arcata CA has developed cutting edge technology for automatic
sampling of suspended sediment, a variable of central importance in relating land use
(forest practices, roads) to sediment loading, channel habitat condition, and ultimately,
the capacity of these watersheds to sustain salmonid populations (Tom Lisle, personal
communication). Drs. Lisle and Harvey, researchers in hydrology and aquatic ecology,
respectively, at the USFS Redwood Sciences Laboratory, expressed strong interest in
adding sites for their studies at the Angelo Reserve to generate heuristic comparisons
with their ongoing studies in other regional watersheds. For example, sediment yields
from watersheds representing a gradient of land use intensity could be compared using
Angelo in combination with the Caspar Creek Experimental Watershed (on the west side
of the Coast Range in Mendocino Co., CA), and Bull Creek, a heavily logged watershed
in the South Fork Eel drainage of similar size to Elder Creek. Comparisons between the
Angelo Reserve, on the landward east side of the Coast Range, and Caspar Creek, on the
west side of the Coast Range, would allow us to examine the effect of oceanic influence
on variables like fog inputs, through fall water chemistry and ground water and runoff
isotopic signatures. These are variables that influence stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes
that have been used at the Angelo Reserve to study the spatial scales of trophic
interactions in river food webs that support salmonids (e.g. Finlay et al. 2002).
4. Dynamics of species of critical concern, including salmonids, in fluctuating and
heterogeneous environments.
The Angelo Reserve has, can and should contribute to our knowledge of factors affecting
species of special concern in the region, such as salmonids, foot-hill yellow legged frogs,
Townsend’s long-eared bat, and spotted owls. The canopy facility presents an exciting
opportunity to develop tools for monitoring species like birds and bats acoustically. Some
of the spawning streams are narrow and clear enough to permit optical monitoring of
returning salmonid spawners. These data are quite limiting in general for salmon
biologists, and annual population return information from the Reserve would be of great
value to biologists trying to assess and understand trends in salmonid populations along
the Pacific coast.
The Angelo Reserve has a special opportunity to contribute to regional studies of
salmonid population dynamics. Its steep, erosion prone coastal forests include large areas
that have not been degraded by logging or roads, and thus offer baseline representation of
natural levels of fine sediment yields to channels, a primary variable linking land use in
watersheds to salmonid habitat and performance in channels. Biologists and earth
scientists presently working on related issues in the region should be made more aware of
this opportunity, and collaborations should be fostered. Bull Creek, mentioned above, has
been a site for Dr. Harvey’s studies of how high sediment loading influences salmonid
habitat use, feeding, and population dynamics. It represents an extreme contrast with the
nearly pristine Elder Creek in the Angelo Reserve, but is similar in other important
aspects (e.g. slope, drainage area, general regional climate.) Research on salmonids at the
Angelo Reserve to date has been restricted to short term (e.g. 1-2 month long) studies
during the summer low flow season of how juvenile salmonids influence food webs in
river pools, or how they respond to various amounts of fine deposited sediments in the
river bed. Longer-term, larger scale studies would be needed to probe factors influencing
their life histories and population dynamics in this system. However, recent advances in
isotopic and trace element analysis of otoliths (underway at Berkeley in the in the
laboratory of Drs. Peter Weber and Lynn Ingrahm), combined with efforts by Dr. Bret
Harvey to calibrate and validate Individual Based Models for salmonids in Bull Creek,
could expand our understanding of Angelo salmonid population dynamics and contribute
to our understanding of regional changes in freshwater habitat that underlie the alarming
declines in salmon populations along the Pacific North Coast.
Critical Priorities for Facilities and Infrastructure at the Angelo Reserve
Present assets of the Reserve include a $1.2 M Environmental Science Center, gifted by
the Goldman Fund and completed in summer 2002. This complex includes laboratory,
computer, library, and meeting spaces that have been used for several workshops
(including this one) and multi-university scientific collaborations, and support both
extremely well. The potential of this new facility to support outstanding new research for
the 21st century at the Angelo Reserve, however, is still severely limited by the lack of
suitable housing for vistiting investigators at the Reserve. In addition, other infrastructure
to support data storage and dissemination, real time communications, equipment storage,
and environmental monitoring are needed. These critical infrastructural needs are detailed
Communications, Transportation, and Access
At present, funding from the National Center for Earth Surface Dynamics supports
internet satellite connectivity at the new Environmental Science Complex built by the
Goldman Fund (Power et al. 2003 (see Management Plan)). Efficient communications
between remote sites on the Reserve and central headquarters are still lacking, however,
and are essential, both in case of emergency, and to serve as a communications backbone
for the real-time environmental monitoring envisioned for future research. Several
participants suggested that small All Terrain Vehicles would greatly facilitate transport of
researchers, particularly those carrying heavy equipment, to remote sites on the reserve.
These vehicles, and a stable of non-motorized mountain bicycles available for visitors to
borrow and use on the roads would also reduce wear and tear on the single road by
reducing automobile traffic. (The problems of maintaining roads in steep erodable terrain
makes reducing vehicular traffic particularly desirable).
At high flow, the South Fork Eel cannot be waded, precluding access to the western third
of the Reserve. An aquatic sampling platform over the river would provide this access
during the winter, and would also facilitate taking photographs of channel habitats as well
as biological, and geological (e.g. suspended sediment) samples during high flow. This
sampling platform would greatly enhance the ability of earth scientists to understand the
evolution of channel form in bedrock rivers by allowing measurements as yet unavailable
for gravel transport during high flow (W.E. Dietrich, personal communication). While
this type of river is extremely common, the geomorphic processes governing the
evolution of its form are not yet well understood.
Funds from the Goldman gift were not sufficient to complete the canopy access facility.
The committee agreed that the value of the facility for 3-dimensional forest sampling, and
for studying the probably critical function of canopy gaps in the forest, would be
enhanced by simple cable and pulley systems that could allow cameras and
environmental monitoring and sampling devices to be deployed at various distances
above the forest floor in upstream or downstream directions from each tree, perpendicular
to the present river-to-ridge cross valley transect. The safety of the canopy is ensured by
annual inspections of the Arbornaut Access team that built it, and modest recurring funds
are needed to cover the fee for their inspections.
Monitoring Equipment and Resources
Workshop participant Todd Dawson described his collaboration with researchers at U.C.
Berkeley who are PIs in CENS, the Center for Embedded Network Sensing (a 2002 NSF
STC Center). These researchers are pioneering the development of wireless networks of
environmental sensing devices. New and ongoing programs at the Angelo Reserve (e.g.
monitoring and experimental studies of animal activity, plant physiology, and
microenvironments and ecosystem productivity in channels or forest canopies) would
benefit greatly from the deployment of these new wireless devices. Collaborations
between CENS and NCED have been encouraged by NSF, and are being pursued by both
STC Directors and by NCED Co-PI Mary Power. The use by NCED of Angelo as a
primary field laboratory increases our chance of collaborating with CENS PIs at the site.
In addition, automated sample collections for analyses of stream water chemistry and
suspended sediment from 6-8 different stream drainages within the reserve would support
ongoing research (e.g. Power and Dietrich 2002, Finlay 2001) and future studies of
ecology, ecosystem metabolism, hydrology, biogeochemistry and sediment transport in
watersheds of varying drainage areas. Cutting edge technology for this purpose has been
developed and used by scientists at the Redwood Sciences Laboratory. Automatic
samplers of stream runoff and suspended sediment also underpinned studies by two
workshop participants (Welter and Schade) of Arizona desert watersheds. These
researchers would make use of such devices for comparative work at the Angelo Reserve.
Participants also recommended the periodic purchase of satellite (e.g. AVHRR) and
LIDAR imagery to track large-scale changes in forest biomass, composition, and health,
as well as more general changes in land cover, in light of anticipated changes in all these
variables due to disease (e.g. sudden oak death), climate change, forest type conversion
due to fire suppression, or large scale disturbances from major floods, fires or landslides.
An acute housing shortage at the Reserve limits its ability to host workshops. The nearest
comfortable motels are about an hour's drive over a winding logging road. There is no
housing available on site suitable for senior researchers, particularly those who might
wish to bring their families for extended periods of research. The Reserve needs two to
four small apartments for the latter type of user, and a second building with single
bedrooms and shared living, cooking and bathrooms suitable for housing about 10-12
students or workshop or conference attendees. These new buildings should be on the
south border of the Reserve, near the new Environmental Science Center.
As a further incentive for faculty or agency PIs, the Angelo Reserve needs to provide
secure storage for investigator’s private equipment and samples. Such storage would
provide the convenience to researchers of not being limited by what they can carry in
their cars, and would also facilitate keeping the common scientific space uncluttered.
Inexpensive storage for this purpose could be created from modified shipping containers.
A recharge system could defray expenses, and would also discourage long-term storage
of less than critical samples or gear at the Reserve.
Shop Facilities and Laboratory Equipment
Field scientists commonly need to invent and fabricate gear on site. An upgraded shop
facility would support this need, and improve the efficiency and safety of researchers
using it. The Angelo Reserve has old garage space that would be suitable for conversion
to a shop.
The laboratory also is in need of a water purification system to support the expanded
water chemistry analyses planned for the future. In addition, augmentation of dissecting
and compound microscopes, vacuum pumps, balances, centrifuges, and other equipment
commonly required by researchers at the reserve would better equip the laboratory
facility to serve future needs.
Information Management; Database Storage and Dissemination
As stated in the current Angelo Reserve Management Plan, “Information infrastructure is
arguably more important to a field research reserve than its “bricks and mortar” facilities.
A well-curated database enables researchers to build on the work and context of others,
and alerts them to cases in which their findings may be influenced by previous land use
or experimental manipulations. Increasingly, we recognize the importance of historical
context in documenting environmental and biotic trends and events.”
Workshop participants recommended that the Angelo Reserve follow guidelines in a
national framework for data collection and management that was recently articulated by
the Organization of Biological Field Stations. The OBFS Operations Manual for field
stations outlines the need to establish an Internet-based network for data sharing and
archiving among Biological Field Stations. Structure and guidelines for data sharing have
built on collaborations among 160 OBFS member stations, Long Term Ecological
Research (LTER) sites, and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
(NCEAS) and the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSCS). Protocols and standards
for data management and sharing through the development of an OBFS network were
proposed in order to answer questions about the condition of strategic natural resources
nationwide, and to contribute to the development of more informed land use and
environmental policies (Stanford and McKee 2000). The Angelo Reserve should make
use of these guidelines as they develop database and information management techniques
to compile, store and disseminate the swelling tide of information that will be gathered by
researchers, automated environmental and biological monitoring, as well as from the
anticipated spatial data from LIDAR, AVHRR, GPS, and other technologies used to map
and monitor environments.
Human resources are clearly a limiting factor for this large endeavor. Workshop
participants with experience in long-term ecological research (Strayer, at Hubbard Brook
and IES, and Welter and Schade, at the Arizona Urban LTER and Sycamore Creek)
strongly urged Angelo researchers and managers to apply for supplementary funding
such as NSF LTREB (Long Term Research in Environmental Biology) grants to support
salaries of technicians who could oversee monitoring programs and assist with database
management. In addition, some funding from the NSF NCED STC should be applied to
this critical infrastructural need at the Angelo Reserve.
References (See also Appendix 3 for Angelo Reserve Publications)
Cadenasso, M. L., S. T. A. Pickett, K. C. Weathers, S. S. Bell, T. L. Benning, M.
M. Carreiro, and T. E. Dawson. 2003. An interdisciplinary and synthetic approach
to ecological boundaries. BioScience 53:717-729.
Grimm, N.B., S. E. Gergel, W.H. McDowell, E.W. Boyer, C.L. Dent, P.M.
Groffman, S.C. Hart, J.W. Harvey, C.A. Johnston, E. Mayorga, M. McClain, and
G. Pinay. 2003 Merging aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of nutrient
biogeochemistry. Oecologia: in press.
Lovett, G.M., C.G. Jones, K.C. Weathers, and M.G. Turner (eds). 2004.
Ecosystem function in heterogeneous landscapes
Porporato, A. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe. 2002. Ecohydrology-a challenging
multidisciplinary research perspective. Hydrological Sciences 47: 811-821.
Turner, M. F. 1989. Landscape ecology: the effect of pattern on process. ARES
Appendix 1: Attendees
Cherie Briggs
Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California,
My research focuses on factors affecting the dynamics of animal populations. In
particular, I am interested in how stage-specific processes, life-history traits and
behaviors of individuals translate into effects on dynamics at the population level. My
approach is to combine predictions from theoretical models with laboratory or field
observations and experiments. I am especially interested in how population dynamics
theory can be applied to species interactions in host-parasitoid or host-pathogen systems.
I have worked on a range of different systems, including the biological control of
California red scale by its parasitoid, Aphytis melinus, the interaction among the
autoparasitoids of whitefly, and the impact of disease on insect population dynamics.
Murdoch, W. W., C. J. Briggs, and R. M. Nisbet. 2003 Consumer-Resource Dynamics.
Monographs in Population Biology. Princeton University Press.
Murdoch, W. W. and C. J. Briggs. 2002. Spatial dynamics of measles epidemics. Trends
in Ecology & Evolution.17(9):399-401.
Murdoch, W. W., B. E. Kendall, R. M. Nisbet, C. J. Briggs, E. McCauley, and R. Bolser.
2002. Single-species models for many species food webs. Nature. 417(6888): 541-543.
Jerry Booth
Senior Science Writer, University of California Natural Reserve System
NRS publications and video productions focus on making people aware of the research
and teaching that goes on at U.C. Natural Reserve System. As the writer for Transect, the
NRS's regular publication, my job is to uncover interesting stories and convey them in a
way that engages and informs a wide audience, from U.C. administrators to the general
Mary Beth Burnside
Vice Chancellor for Research and Chancellor's Professor of Cell & Developmental
Lab Homepage:
Our lab is investigating the roles of cytoskeletal motors in motile events critical to the
morphogenesis and survival of vertebrate retinal photoreceptors, and thus to human
vision. We are interested in how these motors are deployed and how they power
morphogenetic events and photomembrane turnover.
A class III myosin expressed in the retina is a potential candidate forBardet-Biedl
syndrome. [A. C. Dose and B. Burnside (2002) Genomics, In press]
Cloning and chromosomal localization of a human class III myosin. [A. C. Dose and B.
Burnside (2000) Genomics, 67, 333-342]
Photoreceptor localization of the KIF3A and KIF3B subunits of the heterotrimeric
microtubule motor kinesin II in vertebrate retina. [J. L.Whitehead, S. Y. Wang, L. BostUsinger, E. Hoang, K. A. Frazer, and B. Burnside (1999) Exp. Eye Res. 69, 491-503]
Todd Dawson
Associate Professor in Integrative Biology at the University of California Berkeley
Research in my laboratory focuses on the interface between plants and their environment.
The tools of physiological and evolutionary plant ecology are currently being applied
towards the study and interpretation of this interface. Investigations draw upon a variety
of physiological methods, modeling and the use of stable isotopes as avenues for
improving our understanding of how the ecophysiological characteristics of plants are
shaped by and respond to the environments they inhabit. Projects done in my laboratory
pay special attention to how aspects of plant form and function combine to permit
adaptation to environmental variation, whether naturally or anthropogenically imposed,
and how plants and their unique traits influence the structure and function of the
communities and ecosystems they compose.
Gregg, J.W., C.G. Jones, and T.E. Dawson. 2003. Urbanization effects on tree growth in
the vicinity of New York City. Nature 424:183-187.
Dawson, T.E, S. Mambelli, A.H. Plamboeck, P.H. Templer and K.P. Tu. 2002. Stable
Isotopes in Plant Ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33:507-559.
Traw, B.M. and T.E. Dawson (2002). Differential induction of trichomes by three
herbivores of black mustard. Oecologia 131: 526-532.
Bill E. Dietrich
Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, at the University of California
Our research projects share a common theme: we are seeking mechanistic, quantitative
understanding of the form and evolution of landscapes. In addition, we are seeking
linkages between ecological and geomorphic processes, as well as building tools to tackle
pressing environmental problems. Our approach is to use field work, laboratory
experiments, and numerical modeling to quantify and explore geomorphic processes. One
result of these combined approaches has been the development of "geomorphic transport
laws" that can be field-calibrated and used in both landscape evolution modeling and in
practical applications. We have used high resolution laser altimetry to create detailed
topographic maps and cosmogenic nuclide analysis to obtain estimates of rates of
processes and to quantify transport laws. Numerical modeling work is underway to
exploit both the high resolution topography and rate measurements to explore controls on
landscape morphology.
Sklar, L. and W. E. Dietrich, in press, Sediment supply, grain size and rock strength
controls on rates of river incision into bedrock, Geology
Roering, J.J., J. W. Kirchner, and W. E. Dietrich, 2001, Hillslope evolution by nonlinear,
slope-dependent transport: Steady state morphology and equilibrium adjustment
timescales, Jour. Geophys. Res. V. 106, No. B8, P. 16,499 - 16514.
Dietrich, W. E., Bellugi, D., Heimsath, A. M., Roering, J. J., Sklar, L., and Stock, J. D.,
submitted, Geomorphic transport laws for predicting the form and evolution of
Alexander Glazer
Professor of the Graduate School of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University
of California Berkeley. Director, UC Natural Reserve System.
We are interested in the biosynthesis, structure, function, and assembly of
phycobiliproteins, the light-harvesting proteins of cyanobacteria , red algae, and the
cryptomonads, and in the design and applications of a wide variety of fluorescent probes.
We have recently reconstituted the entire pathway for the synthesis of a fluorescent
holophycobiliprotein subunit from a cyanobacterium in Escherichia coli. These
experiments demonstrate the feasibility of generating constructs of these proteins in situ
for use as fluorescent protein probes in living cells. We are also collaborating on
computational approaches to the identification of important sites in protein sequences
with Professors Bickel and Spector in the Department of Statistics.
Biosynthesis of a fluorescent cyanobacterial C-phycocyanin holo-a-subunit in a
heterologous host. [A.J.Tooley, Y.A. Cai, and A.N. Glazer (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. USA
98, 10560-10565]
Natural Reserves and Preserves. [A.N. Glazer (2001) In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. ed.
S. Lewin, Vol. 4, pp. 317-327, Academic Press, San Diego]
Energy Transfer Cassettes for Facile Labeling of Sequencing and PCR Primers. [L. Berti,
J. Xie, I.L. Medintz, A.N. Glazer, and R.A. Mathies (2001) Anal. Biochem. 292, 188197]
Robert O. Hall, Jr.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming
I am most interested in linking population and ecosystem processes in streams to answer
the following questions: How do organisms affect ecosystem properties? How do
changes in ecosystem function affect the composition and dynamics of populations? I am
maintaining research on two broad fronts: biogeochemistry of nutrients and food web
studies. Food webs allow interspecific interactions, such as predation, to be expressed in
units of element flow, thus combining attributes of both population and ecosystem
approaches. Studies of nutrient biogeochemistry allow understanding of functions unique
to streams: How far are nutrients transported downstream, and what controls this
distance? What is the role of stream channel processes in nutrient loss from a watershed?
Stream biota may influence nutrient cycling and transport, e.g. snails can excrete nitrogen
at rates nearly equal to demand by autotrophs.
Hall, R. O. and J. L. Tank. 2003. Ecosystem metabolism controls nitrogen uptake in
streams in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Limnology and Oceanography
Bernhardt, E. S., R. O. Hall, and G. E. Likens. 2002. Whole-system estimates of
nitrification and nitrate uptake in streams at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest.
Ecosystems 5:419-430.
Paul, M. J. and R. O. Hall. 2002. Particle transport and transient storage along a stream
gradient in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society 21:195-205.
Bret C. Harvey
Research Fisheries Biologist, USDA-USFS Redwood Sciences Laboratory, Arcata, CA
Current Research Interests: Relationships between stream fishes and habitat features such
as depth, cover, sediment conditions, and barriers to fish movement ;Biotic interactions
within stream food webs, and the dependence of these interactions on habitat ; The
success and effects of introduced fishes in streams
Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. In press. Habitat-dependent interactions between two
size-classes of juvenile steelhead in a small stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences
Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. 1996. Effects of steelhead density on growth of coho
salmon in a small California coastal stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries
Society 125:237-243.
Harvey, B. C., and C. D. Marti. 1993. The impact of dipper predation on stream benthos.
Oikos 68:431-436
John Hunter
Plant Ecologist
Plant ecology, systematics, and physiology; importance of canopy gaps vs throughgrowth as mechanisms of change for forest composition; tree physiological traits and
their significance for long term dynamics of mixed evergreen deciduous forests.
Hunter, J.C. and M.G. Barbour. 2001. Through-growth by Pseudotsuga menziesii: A
mechanism for change in forest composition without canopy gaps. J. Vegetation Science
12: 445-452.
Hunter, J.C. 1997. Fourteen years of change in two old-growth Pseudotsuga-Lithocarpus
forests in northern California. J. Torrey Botanical Society 124: 273-279.
Hunter, J.C. 1997. Correspondence of environmental tolerances with leaf an branch
attributes for six co-occurring species of broadleaf evergreen trees in northern California.
Trees 11: 169-175.
Carol Kendall
Chief of the Isotope Tracers Project, USGS Menlo Park Stable Isotope and Tritium Labs.
Carol's main field of interest is watershed biogeohydrochemistry. Other interests include:
the impact of isotopic fractionations and heterogeneity in shallow hydrologic systems on
determination of water and solute sources; the development of an isotope database of
meteoric-derived waters in North America; nitrate sources and cycling; the use of biota
isotopes as indicators of nutrient sources, landuses, and redox reactions; and the
development of new analytical methods and practical applications for CHNOS stable
Variation in trophic shift for stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur.
McCutchan JH, Lewis WM, Kendall C, McGrath CC. OIKOS 102 (2): 378-390 AUG
Mechanisms underlying export of N from high-elevation catchments during seasonal
transitions. Sickman JO, Leydecker A, Chang CCY, Kendall C, Melack JM, Lucero DM,
Schimel J. BIOGEOCHEM 64: 1-24 JUN 2003
Global patterns of the isotopic composition of soil and plant nitrogen. Amundson R,
Austin AT, Schuur EAG, Yoo K, Matzek V, Kendall C, Uebersax A, Brenner D, Baisden
Jim Kirchner
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
My training is in physics and systems analysis, and I work at the interface between Earth
science and environmental science. My current research spans the fields of
geomorphology, hydrology, environmental geochemistry, evolutionary ecology, and
paleobiology. Much of my research involves a combination of field work, laboratory
measurements, and mathematical modeling. I also serve as the director of the Berkeley's
Central Sierra Field Research Stations. Research Interests: Watershed hydrology and
biogeochemistry; Environmental geochemistry; Geomorphology; Evolutionary ecology;
Paleobiology; Analysis of environmental data
Feng, X., J.W. Kirchner, and C. Neal, Spectral analysis of chemical time series from
long-term catchment monitoring studies: hydrochemical insights and data requirements,
in press, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.
Kirchner, J.W., A double paradox in catchment hydrology and geochemistry,
Hydrological Processes, 17, 871-874, 2003.
Kirchner, J.W., The Gaia Hypothesis: conjectures and refutations, Climatic Change, 58,
21-45, 2003.
Tom Lisle
Research Hydrologist, USDA-USFS Redwood Sciences Laboratory, Arcata, CA
Research Interests: Fluvial geomorphology; Relation of watershed processes to aquatic
and riparian ecosystems Research Objectives:To gain a better understanding of the
physical and biological processes that integrate terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic
ecosystems at the watershed scale. To take an interdisciplinary approach to study the
production and transport of watershed products (water, sediment, woody debris, nutrients,
and heat) and their influence on physical and biological resources (such as water supply
and fish populations). Using this improved understanding, to assist in the development of
new management strategies for ecoscape management.
Dewey, Nicholas J., Thomas E. Lisle, and Leslie M. Reid. 2002. Gully development in
tributaries to Caspar Creek, Northern California Coast Range. Eos, Transactions
American Geophysical Union 83(47): F532.
Lisle, Thomas E., and Michael Church. 2002. Sediment transport-storage relations for
degrading, gravel bed channels. Water Resources Research 38(11): 1219,
doi:10.1029/2001WR001086, 2002
Smith, Bonnie J., Thomas E. Lisle, Diane G. Sutherland, Sue Hilton, Harvey M. Kelsey,
and Eileen M. Cashman. 2002. Interactions between sediment storage and bed material
transport: A field and flume study. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
83(47): F532.
Carolyn B. Meyer
Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Wyoming
Research Emphasis: Landscape ecology; Plant and wildlife ecology in natural compared
to human-impacted systems. Current Research Projects in Progress: historic range of
variability of vegetation in national forests; spatially-explicit metapopulation model of
the marbled murrelet.; reconstruction of historic vegetation using dendrochronology on
Libby Flats, Wyoming; changes in resources and ecosystems that led to the demise of the
Anasazi; spatial and temporal variation in nutrient transport from sea to land by coastal
river otters.
Meyer, C.B., S.L. Miller, and C.J. Ralph. 2002. Multi-scale landscape and seascape
patterns associated with marbled murrelet nesting areas on the U.S. West Coast.
Landscape Ecology 17(2):95-115.
Meyer, C.B., and S.L. Miller. 2002. Marbled murrelet use of fragmented landscapes in
southern Oregon. Conservation Biology 16(3):755-766.
Miller, S.L., C.B. Meyer, and C.J. Ralph. 2002. Landscape and seascape patterns
associated with marbled murrelet abundance offshore. Waterbirds 25(1):100-108.
Michael Parker
Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, Southern Oregon University
My research focuses on streams and rivers primarily, with emphasis in two broad areas:
(1) understanding ecological consequences of human disturbance and (2) conservation of
aquatic biodiversity. Recent projects include unravelling the effects of dams and flow
regulation on energy pathways through river food webs and evaluating alternatives to
herbicides for control of invasive aquatic vegetation in irrigation canals with connections
to salmon-bearing streams. My ongoing research includes (1) an investigation of the
distribution and effects of non-native higher aquatic plants on river systems in
southwestern Oregon and the role of dams and flow regulation in mediating these effects;
(2) a biogeographic analysis of amphibian distribution in the Klamath-Siskiyou
ecoregion, focused specifically on the recently designated Cascade-Siskiyou National
Landscape Monument, and (3) restoration of thermal spring systems in Ash Meadows
National Wildlife Refuge and an investigation of factors controlling reproductive success
in the Devils Hole pupfish.
Parker, M. S., M. E. Power, and J. T. Wootton. 2002. Effects of substrate composition,
streambed stability, and sediment supply on survival and trophic role of a dominant
stream grazer. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 28: 238-241.
Parker, M. S. 2002. Aquatic environments and associated fauna. Pp. In D. C. Odion and
E. J. Frost (eds.). Protecting Objects of Scientific Interest in the Cascade-Siskiyou
National Monument: Status, Threats, and Management Recommendations. World
Wildlife Fund, Ashland, OR.
Sytsma, M. D. and M. S. Parker. 1999. Aquatic vegetation in irrigation canals: a guide to
integrated management. Oregon Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State
University. 51 pp.
Mary Power
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
Our lab group investigates food webs in rivers and their watersheds. We are interested in
how attributes of species influence their effects in food webs, and how species
interactions change under different environmental regimes. My group investigates the
interplay of trophic dynamics with hydrologic and productivity regimes in northern
California rivers and meadows. We also study impacts of invading alien species, and
linkages between rivers and their watersheds. For several years, we have studied the
influence of river-derived insect production on terrestrial consumers in watersheds
(spiders, lizards, bats). We are beginning studies of effects of fine bed sediments on
juvenile steelhead and the food webs that support their growth.
Sabo, J.L., M.E. Power. 2002. Numerical response of lizards to aquatic insects and shortterm consequences for terrestrial prey. Ecology, 83(11), 2002, pp. 3023–3036.
Finlay, J.C., Khandwala, S. and M.E. Power. 2002. Spatial scales of energy flow in food
webs of the South Fork Eel River. Ecology 83: 1845-1859.
Power, M.E. and W.E. Dietrich. 2002. Food webs in river networks. Ecological Research
John Schade
Postdoc at Arizona State University
My specific research interests concern interactions between hydrology, biogeochemical
cycles and food webs, and encompass the following questions: 1) How do stoichiometric
relationships between plants, soils, microbes and herbivores link biogeochemical cycles
to population and evolutionary ecology? 2) How does spatial and temporal variation in
hydrologic exchange between landscape elements influence biogeochemical cycling? 3)
how do interactions between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous cycling influence
ecosystem structure and function? The answers to these questions will be heavily
influenced by the effects of human activities, particularly disruptions of carbon and
nitrogen cycles, and changes in hydrological processes and precipitation regimes.
Schade, J.D., S. Collins, R. Sponseller, and A. Stiles. 2003. The influence of Mesquite on
understory vegetation: effects of landscape position. Journal of Vegetation Science 14:
Schade, J.D., M. Kyle, W.F. Fagan, and J.J. Elser. 2003. Stoichiometric tracking of soil
nutrients by a desert insect herbivore. Ecology Letters 6: 96-101.
Schade, J.D., S.G. Fisher, N.B. Grimm, and J.A. Seddon. 2001. The influence of a
riparian shrub on nitrogen cycling in a Sonoran Desert stream. Ecology 82: 3363-3376.
Art Stewart
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
My research interests are demonstrably eclectic, but usually aquatic or botanical, and
almost always empirical, as evidenced from my publications. I have a special fondness
for research that helps me understand key functional processes of ecology, particularly
those that occur at interfaces between various types of things and between subject-matter
areas -- chemistry and biology, biology and physics, land and water, etc.
Stewart, A.J. 2000. A simple stream monitoring technique based on measurements of
semi-conservative properties of water. Environmental Management (In press).
Stewart, A.J. and B.K. Konetsky. 1998. Life-cycle testing of receiving waters with
Ceriodaphnia dubia. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:1165-1171.
Napolitano, G.E., J.E. Richmond and A.J. Stewart. 1998. Characterization of petroleumcontaminated soils by thin-layer chromatography with flame ionization detection. Journal
of Soil Contamination 7:709-724.
David L. Strayer
Aquatic Ecologist, Institute of Ecosystem Studies Millbrook NY
Dr. Strayer's research is focused on the distribution and roles of freshwater invertebrates.
He is currently working on the ecology of the Hudson River and on understanding the
controls on distribution and abundance of pearly mussels. He is co-author of The Pearly
Mussels of New York State, a comprehensive book on Unionids, a diverse and
endangered group of animals.
Strayer, D.L., H. Ewing, and S. Bigelow. 2003. What kind of spatial and temporal details
are required in models of heterogeneous systems? OIKOS 102: 654–662.
Strayer, D.L., K. Hattala, and A. Kahnle. 2003. Effects of an invasive bivalve (Dreissena
polymorpha) on fish populations in the Hudson River estuary. Ecological Applications.
Strayer, D.L., and D.R. Smith. 2003. A guide to sampling freshwater mussel populations.
American Fisheries Society. In press.
Mark Stromberg
Resident Reserve Director, Hastings Natural History Reservation
Growing up on the desert grasslands of the Sandia foothills in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, I have had a life-long association of animals and plants of open prairies. My
undergraduate training was in wildlife biology at Colorado State University, where I
learned basics of plant ecology on the short-grass steppe of Pawnee Buttes and later the
grasslands of southeastern Arizona. Later, I completed a Master’s degree in the Thunder
Basin grasslands of eastern Wyoming and then a dissertation in the sand prairies of
southern Wisconsin, as a member of the Zoology Department of the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. I minored in botany. I have studied grasslands and the animals they
support including swift foxes, prairie dogs, black-footed ferrets, Wyoming toad, and
Montezuma Quail. Recently, I have described long-term patterns in California grasslands,
and trying to understand the plant ecology of California coastal terrace grasslands as well
as the ecology of other California grasslands.
Stromberg, M. R., P. Kephart and Mardi Sicular-Mertens. 2002. Tillage: Cheap weed and
gopher control before planting native grasses. Grasslands 12:1-7.
Steenwerth, K. L., L. E. Jackson, F. J. Calderón, M. R. Stromberg, and K. M. Scow.
2002. Soil microbial community composition and land use history in cultivated and
grassland ecosystems of coastal California. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:15991611.
Hamilton, J. G., J. R. Griffin, and M. R. Stromberg. 2002. Long-Term population
dynamics of native Nassella bunchgrasses in unmanaged stands in central California.
Madrono 49:274-284.
Jill Welter
PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
The objective of my dissertation research is to determine how terrestrial and aquatic
components of an arid land watershed are connected, and how their spatial arrangement
influences nitrogen cycling. Specifically, I have been investigating the role of intricate
networks of intermittent rivulets, gullies and larger tributaries in desert landscapes in
connecting the terrestrial desert with larger streams during storms, and the implications of
these interactions for nitrogen processing and retention. While focusing on nutrient
cycling and biogeochemistry, I have explicitly considered 1) how hydrologic processes
influence runoff patterns and horizontal nitrogen transport in arid-lands; 2) how patterns
in rainfall and storm size, intensity, and frequency influence both horizontal and vertical
patterns in microbial activity and processing of nitrogen; and 3) where nitrogen retention
“hot spots” are located in the landscape and how they shift in space and time.
Belnap, J., J.R. Welter, N.B. Grimm and N. Barger. 2003. Linkages between microbial
and hydrologic processes in arid and semi-arid watersheds. In review. Ecology.
Schade J.D., E. Marti, J.R. Welter, S.G. Fisher, and N.B. Grimm. 2002. Sources of N to
the riparian zone of a desert stream: implications for riparian vegetation and nitrogen
retention. Ecosystems 5:68-79.
Fisher, S.G., J.R. Welter, J.D. Schade, and J.C. Henry. 2001. Landscape challenges to
ecosystem thinking: creative flood and drought in the American Southwest. Scientia
Marina 65 (suppl 2): 181-192.
David Wise
Professor of Entomology, University of Kentucky
My research group has always been diverse. We pursue a range of projects and our
personal histories are varied. We are united by a shared curiosity about how generalist
arthropod predators interact with each other, with their prey, and with their enemies. Our
interests run from basic to applied ecology and back; the distinctions are fuzzy. Our
research sites have ranged from the forest floor to Mediterranean scrub to vegetable
gardens. We have an inordinate fondness for spiders and beetles. We share a commitment
to field experimentation to test ecological hypotheses, but we have also employed other
approaches: behavioral experiments in the laboratory, multivariate analyses of field
surveys, protein electrophoresis to identify prey in spider guts, stable isotope analysis,
measurement of fungal biomass by assaying for ergosterol, meta-analyses of published
studies, and an occasional foray into modeling. I don't know how my group will evolve in
the future. The hypotheses, not a technique or approach, are central.
Williams, J. L, and D. H. Wise. In press. Avoidance of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae)
by striped cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): laboratory and field studies.
Environmental Entomology.
Moya-Laraño, J. J. M. Orta-Ocaña, J. A. Barrientos, C. Bach and D. H. Wise. In press.
Intriguing compensation by adult female spiders for food limitation experienced as
juveniles. Oikos.
Moya-Laraño, J., J. Pascual and D. H. Wise. In press. Mating patterns in late-maturing
female Mediterranean tarantulas reflect the costs and benefits of sexual cannibalism.
Animal Behaviour.
Appendix 2: Workshop Agenda
Friday 10 am.
Private cars and vans with student drivers depart from U.C. Berkeley for Angelo Reserve.
Driving time ca. 3.5 h. Estimated arrival: 1:30 pm
Friday 2 pm.
Group convenes at Environmental Science Center. Welcome from Peter Steel (Reserve
Manager) and Mary Power (Faculty Manager). Sign ups for guided field trips of forest,
meadow, rock bar, and stream and channel biota and habitats (each participant can
choose two different tours).
Friday 3 – 6 pm
Driving, hiking tour for overview of the Reserve: the Environmental Science Center
facility; Headquarters, meteorological and gaging stations; drive to Elder Creek
confluence, view mainstem South Fork Eel River at Elder Creek Confluence, then hike
up to waterfall along Elder Creek; drive over divide returning to South Fork Eel
watershed and see canopy access facility, McKinley Creek, and Jane’s riffle; drive by
South Meadow and tour Blake Suttle’s climate change experiment; arrive at Fox Creek
Lodge at 6 pm.
Friday 6:30-9:00 pm.
Dinner at Wilderness Lodge. Informal campfire discussions.
Friday 9:00 pm
Vans/cars depart for coast lodges from Wilderness Lodge.
Saturday 8:30 am
Continental breakfast at the Environmental Science Center.
Saturday 9-10 am.
Overview of the history of the Angelo Reserve, the evolution of Angelo-based research,
and current opportunities and challenges. Discussion of goals for the workshop.
Saturday 10 am-noon.
Group Discussion – During these, we will ask some participants to relate their own
experiences with long term monitoring programs or regional scale studies to the potential
for such contributions at the Angelo Reserve.
1. What new questions could or should be addressed at the Angelo Reserve that have not
yet been addressed? What promising new research directions could be well-served by this
2. What other research programs are studying environmental change in rivers and
watersheds along the California North Coast? How might changes over the larger region
influence the future of Angelo Reserve ecosystems? How might the Angelo Reserve
participate in coordinated regional studies to expand the spatial extent of our knowledge
of landscape-ecosystem-organism interactions? (brief presentation by Tom Lisle of
program at Caspar Creek)
3. Can one defend a long-term commitment to monitoring at the Angelo Reserve? What
variables would be most valuable to monitor? What emerging technologies are available
to support monitoring? Who might fund or support such efforts? What are successful
models from other institutions or programs? (remarks from David Strayer, Institute for
Ecosystem Studies, on his experiences with long term monitoring, including Hubbard
Saturday 12:00-1:00.
Group Photo, followed by lunch at Environmental Science Center.
Saturday 1:00-3 pm.
Group discussion about infrastructural needs for the Angelo Reserve:
4. Informatics: How data sharing and archiving works now, and how it should work in
the future (Collin Bode, Mark Stromberg, OBFS and LTER models).
5. What other infrastructure (buildings, equipment, monitoring technology) is needed for
the Angelo Reserve to fulfill its promise as a center for University and collaborative
research, teaching, and outreach?
Saturday 3:30-6:30 pm.
Guided tours for interested participants of research projects at the reserve. Swimming or
snorkeling in the river is an option (bring your own gear).
Saturday 6:30-9 pm.
Dinner at Wilderness Lodge, and campfire discussions.
Saturday 9:30 pm.
Vans depart for the coast.
Sunday. 9-10 am.
Continental breakfast at Environmental Science Center.
Sunday 10 am –12 noon.
General discussion to summarize suggestions about new initiatives and collaborations.
Key points relevant to workshop report recorded. Final discussion of facilities and
management planning at the reserve that would support of research directions proposed.
Sunday 12-2
Lunch at Environmental Science Center, free time.
Sunday 2-6 pm.
Writing committee (3 participants) drafts a 5-10 pp Workshop Report covering the five
topics covered in our discussions. Other workshop participants disperse to further explore
the Reserve or depart, as their schedules allow or require.
Appendix 3: Angelo Publication List
1. Bastow, J. L., J. L. Sabo, J. C. Finlay, and M. E. Power. 2002. A basal aquaticterrestrial trophic link in rivers: algal subsidies via shore-dwelling grasshoppers.
Oecologia 131:261-268.
2. Berlow, E.L., S.A. Navarrete, M.E. Power, B.A. Menge, and C. Briggs. 1999.
Quantifying variation in the strengths of species interactions. Ecology 80: 22062224.
3. Carpenter, S., T. Frost, L. Persson, M. Power and D. Soto. 1996. Freshwater
ecosystems: Linkages of complexity and processes. pp. 299-325 in Mooney, H.A.,
Cushman, J.H., Sala O.E. and Schulze, E-D. (eds.) Functional Roles of
Biodiversity: A Global Perspective. Wiley, N.Y.
4. Carpenter, S., T. Frost, L. Persson, M. Power, and D. Soto. 1995. Lakes and
rivers. pp. 157-164 In H.A. Mooney and J. Lubchenco. SCOPE Global
Biodiversity Assessment, UNEP.
Dunne, T., J. Agee, S. Beissinger, W.E. Dietrich, D. Gray, M.E. Power, V.H.
Resh, and K. Rodrigues. 2001. A scientific basis for the prediction of cumulative
watershed effects. University of California Wildland Resource Center Report No.
46. 103 pp.
5. Feminella, J.W., M.E. Power, and V.H. Resh. 1989. Periphyton responses to
grazing invertebrates and riparian canopy in three Northern California coastal
streams. Freshw. Biol. 22:445-487.
6. Finlay, J.C., S. Khandwala and M.E. Power. 2002. Spatial scales of energy flow
to a river food web. Ecology, 83: 1845-1859
7. Finlay, J.C., M.E. Power and G. Cabana. 1999. Effects of carbon limitation on
algal carbon isotope ratios: implications for river food webs. Limnology and
Oceanography 44:1198-1203.
8. Finlay, J.C. 2003. Controls of streamwater dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics
in a forested watershed. Biogeochemistry 62: 231-252.
9. Finlay, J.C. 2001. Stable carbon isotope ratios of river biota: implications for
energy flow in lotic food webs. Ecology 82, 1052-1064
10. Finlay, J.C. 2000. Stable isotope analysis of river food webs and carbon cycling.
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
11. Ford, L.D. and K.S. Norris (1988). "The University of California Natural Reserve
System." BioScience 38: 463-470.
12. Gresens Susan E. 1995 Grazer diversity, competition and the response of the
periphyton community. Oikos 73: 336 -- 346
13. Gresens, S.E. 1997. Interactive effects of diet and thermal regime on growth of
the midge Pseudochironomus richardsoni Malloch. Freshwater Biology 38: 365373.
14. Gresens, S.E. 1997. Interactive effects of diet and thermal regime on growth of
the midge Pseudochironomus richardsoni Malloch. Freshwater Biology 38: 365373.
15. Hill,W.R. and Knight A.W. 1987. Experimental analysis of the grazing interaction
between a mayfly and stream algae. Ecology 68: 1955-1965.
16. Howard, J.K. and K.M. Cuffey. 2003. Freshwater mussels in a California North
Coast Range river: occurrence, distribution, and controls. J. North Am. Benthol.
Soc. 22: 63-77.
17. Hunter John C. 1997. Correspondence of environmental tolerances with leaf and
branch attributes for six co -occurring species of broadly evergreen trees in
northern California. Trees 11: 69 -- 175.
18. Hunter John C. 1994. Extra floral nectaries on Arbutus menziesii (Madrone).
Madrono 41 (2)
19. Hunter, J.C. 1995 Architecture, understory light environments and stand
dynamics in northern California's mixed evergreen forests. PhD dissertation,
University of California Davis
20. Hunter John C.. 1997. Fourteen years of change in two old-growth PseudotsugaLithocarpus forests in northern California. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
124: 273 -- 279.
21. Hunter, J.C. and Michael G. Barbour. 2001. Through-growth by Pseudotsuga
menziesii: A mechanism for change in forest composition without canopy gaps. J.
Vegatation Science 12: 445-452.
22. Hunter JC, Parker VT, 1993 Thedisturbance regime of an old-growth forest in
coastal California. Journal of Vegetation Science, 4 (1): 19-24
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Appendix 4: Current Facilities of the Angelo Reserve
The headquarters complex consists of several buildings, including a headquarters
building that is more than sixty years old and in substandard condition. In 1997, campus
health and safety experts recommended replacement of the headquarters building. It
currently functions as housing for visiting researchers in three small bedrooms. A garage
and shop facility is associated with the headquarters complex. The small residential
complex, known as Fox Creek Lodge, consists of 5 separate bunkhouse cabins (4-6 bed
platforms each, but only one of these large enough for an adult), a dining hall/kitchen,
and bathroom. This complex serves as group housing for up to 30 people, and is used as a
dormitory for visiting students during the spring and fall semesters, and as housing for
researchers in the summer. The bunkhouses contain beds and lockers, and some of the
structures require upgrading. Finally, there is a small three-bedroom structure known as
the Wilderness Lodge. As a result of recent renovations, this structure is in good
structural condition, and is occupied by visiting researchers throughout the year
Two other areas with structures are located on the grounds of the reserve: the Angelo
Homesite, an area retained as an inholding by the Angelo family and currently occupied
by the Resident Manager, Peter Steel, a descendant of the Angelo’s, and his family; and
the White House, an unoccupied building that is listed on the Federal Register of Historic
In 1998, the Angelo Coast Range Reserve, with the assistance of the NRS, applied for
and gratefully received approximately $1.2 million dollars from the Richard and Rhoda
Goldman Fund to build a “Center for Environmental Science.” Construction of the
Environmental Science Center with a meeting room, simple laboratories, computer and
collection rooms, an office, and a screened lathe house was completed in summer 2002.
This structure addresses the need for laboratory, computer, and meeting space at the
Reserve. On-site administrative activities and collections have moved from the
Headquarters to the new center, and classes and research teams can be accommodated. In
addition to lab and meeting spaces, a rudimentary canopy access facility was constructed
along a river-to-ridge elevational gradient in the reserve.
All structures in the Reserve are managed in a manner that minimizes environmental
impacts. Only the headquarters complex is linked to the county electrical grid; all other
occupied buildings are powered by solar energy and propane.
Appendix 5: Current Information and Datebase Management Policies at Angelo
Use of Reserve Application Management System for logging visitor information and
research metadata.
In collaboration with the newly organized spatial informatics groups at the Berkeley
Natural History Museum (John Deck, Craig Moritz, Collin Bode), and at the UCNRS
(Kevin Brown, Cyndi Luc, Mike Hamilton, Dan Dawson web sites, emails), we intend to
capture, archive, and disseminate the data and information generated by researchers about
the Angelo Reserve. To help us with this endeavor, we require that researchers:
· Submit written summaries of their research questions and hypotheses, followed by
observations and results while working at the Reserve. They will be asked to specify GPS
coordinates of study sites. Permanent, but relatively inconspicuous markers (e.g. tree
tags) to monument location of studies will be encouraged; these should be sufficiently
annotated to identify the project, and located with GPS coordinates that are reported in
each writeup. Reports should be submitted to Peter Steel within two months after each
field season, on an annual basis.
· Send two copies of all published research conducted through the use of the Reserve
must be sent to the Reserve Manager. Published research should acknowledge use of the
Reserve using the following approved wording ‘This work was performed (in part) at the
University of California Natural Reserve System Angelo Coast Range Reserve’
In the past, researchers at the Angelo Reserve have informally shared data with one other
on relevant projects and have been asked to supply reports or reprints on completed
projects. With support from NCED, computing capabilities at Angelo have been
upgraded to provide satellite web connectivity, and more efficient data file sharing over
the Internet is now possible. Together with networked desktops in the new Environmental
Center, and advice from experts assembled for workshops, upgraded computing facilities
would facilitate Angelo’s integration into the OBFS framework or one like it . We will
work towards developing a data archiving and sharing plan that is fair to individual
researchers while increasing the probabilities that over the longer term, the data will be
used as effectively as possible for advancing science and our bases for informed
environmental decision-making.
Appendix 6. Potential Augmentation and Matches for Gifts or Grants to the Angelo
NCED programs (research and education)
Peter Steel’s salary
John Latto’s salary
Joyce’s salary
Power Gompertz Chair?
CBC funding for workshops, taxonomic forays, etc.
University allocations
Colin’s salary if from CALFED
Horseshoe Bend Foundation
Other gifts