Persuasive Writing Rubric 4 (Advanced) ___Author’s position or argument is firmly stated, with conviction; draws reader to the issue in an interesting or provocative way 3 (Proficient) 2 (Basic) 1 (Below Basic) ___Author’s position or argument is clearly stated (includes key words from the prompt as appropriate). ___Author’s position or argument is unclear, ambiguous, or lacks conviction. ___Author’s position or argument is not stated. ___Strong author’s position is maintained throughout piece. ___Author’s position is maintained throughout piece. ___Author’s position is inconsistent or contradictory. ___Author’s position is not evident. ___Task and audience are deliberately and specifically addressed. ___Task and audience are addressed appropriately. ___Little recognition of task and audience ___ Recognition of task and audience is not evident. ___ Conclusion paraphrases the author’s position or argument, re-caps the main reasons, and includes a compelling call to action. ___Conclusion paraphrases the author’s position or argument, and includes a call to action. ___ Conclusion simply restates the author’s position or argument. ___Conclusion is absent or illogical. ___Main reasons are strong and compelling and support the author’s position or argument. ___Main reasons support a clear author’s position or argument. ___ Main reasons are unclear or insufficient to support the author’s position or argument. ___Main reasons are redundant, contradictory, illogical, or absent. ___Examples, explanations, and/or evidence provide in-depth support of the author’s position or argument. (Cited when appropriate) ___Examples, explanations, and/or evidence are reasonable and provide adequate support of the author’s position or argument. (Cited when appropriate) ___Examples, explanation, and/or evidence usually support the author’s position or argument. ___Examples, explanation and/or evidence provide little or no support for the author’s position or argument. ___Counter argument accurately acknowledges and rebuts the opposing view. ___Counter argument is stated and accurately acknowledges opposing view. ___Counter argument is attempted but is ineffective, illogical, or irrational. ___Counter argument is not addressed. ___Planner/graphic organizer is well detailed. ___Planner/graphic organizer is appropriate. ___Planner/graphic organizer is incomplete. ___No planner/graphic organizer ___Paper has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion which are deliberately and effectively organized into paragraphs. (When appropriate for assigned task) ___Paper has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion which is organized into paragraphs. (When appropriate for assigned task) ___Introduction, body, and conclusion are attempted, but not clearly defined. ___Introduction, body, and conclusion are not evident. ___Argument is presented in a logical and purposeful sequence. ___Argument is presented in a logical sequence. ___Logical sequence is attempted but ineffective. ___Order of argument seems random or list-like. ___Direct and subtle transitions are used within and between paragraphs to enhance the argument. ___Appropriate transitions move the piece forward. ___Some transitions, but may be overly simplistic or minimal for the task and audience. ___Transitions are missing, repetitive, or inappropriate. ___Sophisticated word choice creates a distinct voice appropriate to audience. ___ Word choice contributes to the voice and is appropriate to the audience. ___Word choice is overly simplistic. ___Word choice is inappropriate, repetitive, or confusing. ___Smooth, varied, and flowing sentences give the piece a polished feel. ___Sufficient variety in sentence structure and in the way sentences begin ___Mostly simple sentences or sentences that begin the same way ___Many fragments, run-ons, short or choppy sentences ___Strategic use of rhetorical devices creates a compelling persuasive tone (questioning, 2nd person reference, citing an expert, etc.). ___Rhetorical devices create a persuasive tone. ___Rhetorical devices attempted ___ Rhetorical devices not evident Style Organization Content Focus (includes key words from prompt as appropriate). Score Persuasive Writing Rubric Conventions 4 (Advanced) 3 (Proficient) 2 (Basic) 1 (Below Basic) ___Very few errors, if any, in grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and other punctuation; does not interfere with reading ___Some errors in grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and other punctuation; does not interfere with reading ___Many errors in grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; sometimes interferes with reading ___ Filled with errors in grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; extremely difficult to read ___Strong control of sentence formation; no interruption in flow ___ Sufficient control of sentence formation; few, if any, fragments and run-ons ___ Limited and/or inconsistent control of sentence formation; fragments and run-ons often interfere with flow. ___ Lacks control of sentence formation; many fragments and run-ons repeatedly interfere with flow. ___Precise format is used for assigned task (letters, paragraphs, headings, etc.). ___Appropriate format is used for assigned task. ___Format is partially followed for assigned task. ___Format is inappropriate for assigned task. Score Total Score Prompt / Writing Task ____Focus ____Content Development ____Organization ____Style ____Conventions ______TOTAL Below Basic 5 6 7 Basic 8 9 10 11 Proficient 12 13 14 15 16 Advanced 17 18 19 20 Glows: _________________________________________ Grows: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Student Name: ______________________________________________ Teacher Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: _________ Class / Content: _________________________ Date: _________________ English Teacher: __________________________