1 Estimates of Water Demands Overview We need to know only two things, how many people and industries we must serve, and how much water each will demand. We would also like to know the influence of the price of water and the influence of wet and dry periods. First population projections Demography - the science of population Large variability in population density in U.S. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas What are the drivers of population? An important factor is the availability of employment How can this be predicted? Techniques We would like procedures more sophisticated than simple extrapolation. Why do we perform water demand forecasts 1. Baseline forecasting 2 2. Predicting impacts of policy intervention 3. Balancing use and supply Demand and Requirements Demand is used in terms of supply/demand curve Requirements are in terms of what must be delivered Demand Elasticity Short-term - Response to immediate price changes Long-term - Response to changes envisioned A P 0 P1 C B Q0 Q1 3 Price is Set in the Open Market Does not allow centrally planned decision Does not take advantage of economies of scale By administrative decision how high how it is varied in time and space Temporal variability of demand and supply Methodological Framework Statistical Engineering These approaches involve two different approaches that model process differently, require different amounts of information, and appeal to different needs. Statistical approach looks to define significant parameters then regress these to find correct "equation" Engineering approach is more directly causal General form of statistical models Q = ao + a1X1 +... + anXn + u 1n Q = bo +b1X1 +... + bnXn + u 4 Q = co c11n X1 +...cn1n Xn + u Four other categories 1. Trending - extend or extrapolate past events into the future, this can be done for aggregate or user groups. List bad assumptions 2. Per capita sector projections - involve extra element of customer disaggregation and forecaster judgment. Break things into better sub-groups. 3. Econometric Models - identify and estimate the effects of specific factors on water use. Relate use to income, price, employment, weather, etc. Determine significance and elasticity. 4. Large scale use of models like IWR-Main, Municipal and Industrial Needs model. Uses previous methods, but uses highly disaggregated detail. Lost of built in values. Why choose a particular approach How variable is the future? How good an answer do you need? How characteristic is the region? What are important factors? What are likely to be important parameters 1. Price and Bill Impacts 5 Average rates, marginal rates This usually addresses classes of customer 2. Other Economic Real income Employment 3. Demographic Growth and Change Employment There is a warning against just population but to look at changes in how water use is applied in each sector 4. Household Type and Mix Single, Multiple, Non residential Weather How do we include this Seasonal yes but what else Average temperature Cooling degree days Irrigation precipitation 5. 6. Customer Learning Curve How quick do consumers respond 7. Conservation and Ethics 8. Behavioral Changes Seattle Model 6 Geographic Disaggregation Inside city/outside city Also one for each purveyor Customer Class Disaggregation Residential Single Family Residential Duplex Residential Multi-family Small Commercial Large Commercial Industrial Irrigation Government and Education For Purveyors Residential Single Family Residential Multi-family Government and Education Commercial and Industrial Water Use Determinants Water and Sewer plus water prices with lagged response patterns (all sectors) Household Income (SF, MF, and Duplex) Sector or Total Employment (all but residential) Cooling Degree Days (all except industry) 7 Irrigation Precipitation days (residential) Number of Households (residential) SEATTLE Model (1) Demand Y,t = exp[X1 * ln(Annual DemandY * Monthly Factort) + X2 * ln(Rainfallt) + X3 * ln(Tempt) + Const] (2) Demand Y,t = (Annual DemandY * Monthly Factort) * (Rainfallt) X1* (Tempt)X2 *exp( Const) (3) Demand Y,t = exp[X1 * ln(Annual DemandY * Monthly Factort) + X2 * ln(Rainfallt) +X3 * ln(Tempt) + X4 * ln(Rainfallt-1) + Const] (4) Demand Y,t = (Annual DemandY * Monthly Factort) *(Rainfallt) X1* (Tempt)X2 *(Rainfallt-1)X3 * (Tempt-1)X4 *exp( Const)