department of diagnostic radiology

University of Kentucky
College of Medicine
Faculty Involvement in Educational Policy Making:
The Department of Diagnostic Radiology faculty consists of full-time professors, associate
professors, assistant professors, as well as joint appointments and adjunct professors, and has
the primary responsibility for the development of policies related to its academic programs,
courses of study, and class schedules. Course descriptions follow.
1. Courses of Study -- All medical students are introduced to Diagnostic Radiology during the
latter half of their second year (MD821). Small group sessions are accommodated by
assigning eight students per faculty member or experienced resident. A senior elective
(DR850) is offered for individuals with a possible interest in radiology as a subspecialty or
a wish to observe radiology practice in a large academic department. Additionally, an offsite elective (DR890) is designed for the senior medical student who wishes to explore the
role of the diagnostic radiologist in a small community.
2. Class Schedule -- Academic schedules of the above described courses are attached.
3. Graduate Programs -- The Residency Training Program Director meets periodically with the
faculty to discuss residency training, evaluations of residents, and residency recruitment and
selection. The residency in Diagnostic Radiology is governed by a schedule of rotations on
the various subspecialty services with exposure to each in accordance with
recommendations from the American College of Radiology. In addition, a core-curriculum
of lectures (daily), a comprehensive repeating course in the physics of diagnostic radiology,
nuclear medicine and ultrasound, a series of introductory lectures on the radiological
diagnosis of urgent conditions, and weekly teaching rounds in various subspecialties serve
to supplement the month long block rotations.
A six week course at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology covering
radiologic/pathologic correlation of disease, visiting lecture series of nationally recognized
academicians, and department-supported attendance at national society meetings are all
ongoing portions of the educational experience in Diagnostic Radiology.
4. Research Programs -- The department has instituted a research development initiative
whose two-fold purpose is to facilitate research starts within the department with strong but
not exclusive emphasis on younger faculty and residents.
5. Service Functions -- Department faculty serve on departmental, college, and university
committees as assigned with attention being given to assure a proper balance between such
assignments and the primary requirements for education, research, and patient care. The
department's commitment to the service of its patients is eminent.
Faculty Involvement in Developing Procedures for the Following Areas:
1. Appointing Faculty Members -- The department chair shall consult all department faculty
for input before new faculty appointments are made. Written letters of support are provided
by department tenured faculty. The Director of a Multidisciplinary Center shall be
consulted if the new faculty candidate shall have an initial appointment in that center. Per
AR II-1.1.
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- Approved 10/1/04
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2. Reappointments -- All tenured faculty in the department shall participate in the review
process for reappointments of non-tenured faculty. The Director of a Multidisciplinary
Center shall participate for those faculty members with such appointments. The
Department Chair shall notify the non-tenured faculty member of the tenured faculty
recommendation before a departmental recommendation is made to the Dean. AR II-1.
3. Terminating Faculty -- The Department Chair is responsible for recommendations to the
Dean on terminating faculty. Procedures and criteria used in preparing recommendations
shall include consultations with all tenured members of the department and will all fulltime, non-tenured members of the department (except those appointed in the research title
or visiting series) with the actual or equivalent rank of assistant professor or higher who
have been members of the department for two years. ARII-1.
4. Decisions to not Reappoint -- Same as Reappointment above
5. Post-Retirement Appointments -- Same as Reappointment above
6. Granting Tenure -- All tenured faculty in the department shall participate in the review
process for promotion of non-tenured faculty to a tenured rank. The Director of a
Multidisciplinary Research Center shall also participate for those faculty members with
such appointments. The Chair shall consult with and seek the support of the tenured faculty
individually, when one of their members is considered for promotion. College of Medicine
rules govern the promotion of tenured faculty. AR III-1.
Written letters of support are provided by the department tenured faculty through the
Department Chair to the College of Medicine's Rank and Tenure Committee, and form a
part of the dossier submitted to that Committee when proposing a faculty member for
The Department Chair shall notify the candidate of the faculty recommendation before a
Department recommendation is made to the Dean.
Tenured Faculty Meeting: The Department Chair shall call a special meeting of all tenured
faculty for consultation regarding faculty promotions and review of tenure progress of
non-tenured faculty members. A written agenda and copies of faculty members' curriculum
vitae shall be circulated to members of the tenured faculty for review prior to the scheduled
Faculty Participation: Faculty being considered for promotion or review of tenure progress
shall be notified in writing by the Chair of that fact, and of the date that a tenured faculty
meeting will be called for such review.
Such faculty members shall be required to submit an updated curriculum vitae to the Chair
one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Faculty are encouraged to submit additional data
at the time of annual reviews, and shall have the privilege of dissent from the judgment of
their peers on those and other matters, in accord with promulgated University rules and
The Department Chair shall convey the outcome of the review to individual faculty
members. The Chair shall prepare a written review for two and four year periods for
non-tenured faculty.
7. Faculty Performance Evaluations -- The Chair will discuss junior faculty performance with
senior faculty for the two and four year evaluation reviews. All specific input from senior
faculty will remain confidential. The junior faculty may ask to present their input before
the senior faculty. The Chair will perform the evaluation and sign after considering all
input from the faculty.
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The College of Medicine policies require an annual faculty performance review and an
updated CV for all tenured and non-tenured full-time faculty.
8. Preparation of Budget Requests -- The Chair of the department is responsible for budget
preparation in accordance with department's practice plan and the process developed by the
college, Medical Center and the University. Diagnostic Radiology's budget is developed in
concert with the business manager and reviewed by the Executive Council.
Establishing Rules -- Rules and/or policies, or alterations, are developed by the Executive
Council after submission by appropriate members of the faculty, then presented to the
departmental faculty for vote for revision, adoption or rejection.
Governing and Administration Regulations: Rules of Procedure for department faculty are
superseded by governing and administrative regulations of the institution.
Modifying Rules -- See above
Copies of Rules to All Faculty -- All Regulations and Rules of Procedures manuals are
maintained in the Department Administrator's office and are available for review by all
department faculty and staff.
Regularly Scheduled -- The faculty (Governing Committee) shall convene at least semiannually and upon call by the Chairman or by two-thirds of the voting members. The
Executive Council shall meet at least every other month and upon call by the Chairman of the
Department or by a one-third of the members of the council. Attendance at Faculty meetings
includes the faculty and Business Manager.
Number needed to Request a Special Meeting -- Special meetings may be called by the
Department Chair or designee or by two-thirds of the voting members.
Quorum Necessary for Transaction of Business – A quorum is met by the presence of 60% of
the faculty. Action taken at meetings shall require approval by a majority vote of faculty
members present and voting.
Presided over by Chair or Delegate -- The Department Chair shall preside over all
departmental faculty meetings, except as the Chair may delegate this function.
Minutes Available to Faculty -- Copies of departmental faculty meeting minutes shall be made
available to all members of the faculty of the department.
Notification of Meetings -- Contact is made by phone and written confirmation of the meeting
place and time. The Chair establishes the agenda and distributes it to the membership at least
24 hours before the meeting.
Voting Policy -- Each member holding full-time (i.e. at least a 10 month appointment) faculty
appointments shall have one vote, and each member holding 50% or greater part-time faculty
appointments shall have a half vote. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at meetings, and
voting shall be by secret ballot whenever action to vote by such ballot is approved by a
majority of those present and voting.
Conformity to Open Meeting Act -- The College of Medicine complies with all rules and
regulations relating to open meetings, open records, and archival requirements, according to
University policy.
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Departmental Faculty Committees shall be established by the Chair in consultation with
department faculty. The Department Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of all
departmental committees. The department has no standing committees:
Distribution of Effort -- Distribution of Effort Assignments: The Chair in consultation with
the faculty member determines the annual distribution of effort assignment. The Distribution
of Effort Assignment form is signed by both the faculty member and the Department Chair,
and forwarded to the Dean.
Evaluation of Faculty Performance -- Performance Evaluations: Faculty are evaluated on an
annual basis by the Department Chair. Each faculty member submits an updated CV to the
Department Chair on an annual basis. Major areas of evaluation include: 1) research, 2)
teaching, 3) clinical service, 4) University and public service, 5) professional activity and
administration. Greater weight is given for national and international recognition and
leadership within the University community for senior faculty members (Associate Professors
and Professors).
Appointments/Reappointments -- After permission to recruit from the Dean, potential faculty
appointments will be discussed at regularly or specially called faculty meetings. Faculty
members will meet the candidate, review appropriate CV materials, letters and other pertinent
information. Each faculty member's input may be open or confidential at the member's
discretion. Letters from faculty will be requested by the Chair. The Chair will make a decision
after reviewing all input from faculty.
Reappointment/Terminal Reappointment/Non-reappointment - Discussion of any of the above
will be at a regularly or specially called faculty meeting. A full and open discussion shall be
held on the merits of any of the above. Faculty under consideration may request to present
their case to the full faculty meeting. Letters from faculty may be requested by the Chair. The
Chair may call a special meeting of all tenured faculty as appropriate. The Chair will make a
decision after reviewing all input from the faculty.
Promotion -- The Chair will review periodically, according to UK regulations, the
tenure/promotion progress of the appropriate faculty. Explanations of satisfactory performance
as well as unsatisfactory performance will be given. The Chair will ask for faculty input and
relay such information to the faculty under review. The Chair's review with the faculty
member is free and open and the faculty member is encouraged to express their views
including suggestions which could enhance their progress.
Tenure -- Same as for promotion
Advising -- Diagnostic Radiology faculty are customarily available for advising and/or
directing medical students, graduate students and/or residents. Upper level medical students
with strong interests in Radiology freely seek out faculty for direction, especially as it pertains
to various sub-specialties. On occasion, medical students are assigned a regular advisor from
the department's faculty.
Needed changes in the course policy or teaching content are presented at the regular faculty
meetings. The progress of students, course content and distribution of topics are also discussed
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at faculty meetings. A consensus is generally reached among all teaching faculty regarding
specific changes. In the case of a lack of agreement among the entire teaching faculty, the
Chair, in discussion with the Course Director, makes a final decision. The Course Director,
with the help of appropriate senior faculty, is responsible for attending lectures of junior
faculty in order to provide guidance and appropriate input in evaluation of teaching.
Curriculum and Class Schedules -- The medical student experiences are outlined in section I.,
No. 2 and sample schedules are attached. Basically education occurs in the following ways:
Primary clinical instruction
Community experiences
Evaluations of Courses -- The Course Director reviews on a regular basis the student course
evaluation forms in which course policy, examination policies, etc., are discussed. Concerns of
the students are brought to the attention of the entire faculty at scheduled faculty meetings.
VI. BUDGET PREPARATION: A budget for the department shall be prepared and established in
accordance with the Department's Medical Practice Plan which defines the allocation of
resources, limits on expenditures and management of the Department Budget.
The Department budget shall be prepared by the Department Chair, in consultation with the
"Executive Council" and upon completion will be presented to the Foundation.
Budgets shall be prepared and submitted consistent with such format and specificity as
established by the institution.
Interim modifications in established Department budgets shall be made in accordance with the
Department's Medical Practice Plan.
Number of Students Involved -- one outstanding senior medical student is chosen each year
and recognized via an award, as well as an outstanding resident.
Method of Selection -- the outstanding student is elected by faculty ballot and the outstanding
resident is chosen based on academic performance.
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- Approved 10/1/04
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Department of Diagnostic Radiology
- Approved 10/1/04
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