University of Ferrara
Faculty of Mathematical,
Physical and Natural Sciences
The characterising aspect of the curses offered by the Faculty of
Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences is its scientific approach.
Whether one chooses well-established cultural areas as Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology; or whether one is drawn
towards the more modern sector of Computer sciences or Technology of
Cultural Heritage, the scientific approach remains the most useful tool
for problem solving.
The Faculty guarantees a high level of cultural and technical study to
young people, thus creating professionals ready for the world of work or
research, with the capacity to influence both the economy and modern
society, and to actively contribute to the improvement of the quality of
The Faculty offers good relation teachers/students, giving good access
possibilities to laboratories to acquire specific professional skills.
Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
44100 Ferrara, via Luigi Borsari n. 46
Tel. 0532.291347
Student Secretary Office
Segreteria Studenti Scienze, matematiche fisiche e naturali e Farmacia
44100 Ferrara, Via Savonarola n. 9
Tel. 0532.293303
Orientation Delegate
Prof.ssa Elisa Anna Fano
Didactic Managers
The Faculty of Sciences offers didactic formation on three
levels: triennial degrees, specialist degrees, research
doctorates, beside post graduate I and II level Masters.
Triennial degrees
Activated triennial degrees and their curricula are here listed:
Degree in chemistry
Environmental chemistry
Synthesis and chemical characterisation
Degree in physics and astrophysics
Degree in computer sciences
Informatics systems
Distributed systems and calculator networks
Multimedia techniques
Modelling and simulation
Degree in mathematics
Pure math
Didactic and scientific divulgation of math
Applied math
Economical mathematic models
Degree in cultural heritage and environmental
sciences (distance didactic)
Degree in biological sciences
Experimental biology
Molecular biology
Biologic production and renewable resources
Degree in geological sciences
Degree in natural sciences
Natural sciences
Environmental communication
Degree in innovative physics technologies
Quality Control
Degree in biotechnology (Interfaculty degree)
Medical pharmacology
Agro industrial
Degree in technology of cultural heritage
(Interfaculty degree)
Prehistoric-archaeological heritage conservation
Artwork diagnosis and conservation
Specialist degrees
Activated specialist degrees and their curricula are here listed:
Agro industrial biotechnology
Conservation and diagnosis of modern and
contemporary works of art
Conservation and management pf natural,
environmental and cultural assets
Ecology and evolution
Applied ecology
Ecology and evolution
Computer sciences
Pure math
Didactic and divulgation of mathematics
Applied mathematics
Bimolecular and cellular sciences
Prehistoric sciences
Geological, geo-resources and land sciences
Many different Masters are offered every year.
To point between the I° level master:
MaSTeM (Sciences, Technologies and Management)
in collaboration with local agencies with two possible didactic projects:
Environment and renewable resources
Quaternary and prehistory
activated in relation to the project Erasmus Mundus in partnership with
many European institution.
Curriculum: Geotechnologies of environmental monitoring for
land management
in collaboration with local agencies.
Research doctorates
The research doctorates activated for the year 2006 are here listed:
 Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
 Biology
 Physics
 Mathematics and Computer sciences
 Chemistry
 Earth sciences
The doctorate activity is linked to the Istituto Universitario di Studi
Superiori (University Institute of higher level studies), IUSS-Ferrara 1391,
whose main objectives are the development of talent and ability, the
internationalization of the programmes of study and the promotion of
Information on doctorate schools, access to the IUSS, doctorate courses are
available at http://web.unife.it/cdl/iuss
The Courses of Study of the Faculty of Sciences are distributed between
three locations:
Polo Tecnologico di Via Saragat 1: Degrees in Physics and astrophysics,
Computer sciences, Innovative physics technologies, Mathematics, Earth
Polo Museale di Corso Ercole I° d'Este 32: Degrees in Natural sciences,
Prehistoric sciences, Technology for cultural heritage.
Polo Biologico - Mammuth, Via Borsari 46: Degrees in Biotechnology,
Chemistry and Biological sciences.
All triennial degrees of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural
Sciences do not foresee a test to enroll, with the exception of
Biotechnology and Innovative physics technologies. The degree in
Biological sciences does a test, after enrolling, to verify the level of
knowledge and organise a recovery courses with final exam, to fill
eventual gaps. The degree in Computer sciences organises a selfevaluation test on mathematics.
First level graduation at the University of Ferrara or at another University
after evaluation of the achieved credits by a special committee is needed
to enter a specialist degree.
Didactic activity throughout the year is articulated in didactic periods.
Each didactic periods is followed by an exam periods, when any lesson is
kept. Didactic periods are three (from September to December, from
January to March, from April to June) for the degrees located at the Polo
Tecnologico di Via Saragat: Physics, Computer sciences, Innovative physics
technologies, Mathematics, Earth sciences. Didactic periods are two (from
October to December and from February to May) for the degree located
at the Polo Biologico di Via Borsari: Biotechnology, Chemistry, Biological
sciences; and for that located at the Polo Museale di Corso Ercole d'Este:
Natural sciences, Technologies for cultural heritage and Prehistoric
sciences. Distance learning is adopted for the degree in Cultural heritage
and environmental sciences.
Each degree has three year duration. 180 credits are needed to graduate.
Each degree foresees both lessons and laboratory activities. Reaching 180
credits, before the end of the third year, the student can graduate, as
indicated in the regulations. After the triennial graduation it is possible to
enter a specialist degree. Specialist degrees have two year duration. 300
credits, included the previous 180, are needed to graduate.
After the triennial graduation it is possible to enter a I° level Master, after
the specialist graduation is possible to enter a research doctorate or a II°
level Master.
The Faculty of Sciences is involved in the project ERASMUS, allowing
studying in European Universities for many months. The courses followed
abroad are then recognised by the University of Ferrara and became part
of the didactic curriculum of the student.
Tutorship services kept by didactic managers, senior students and
professors, are organised for each triennial degree to facilitate student’s
introduction in the University.
The Courses of study foresee a training/stage in an enterprise or inside the
University. The degree Council individualizes the enterprise, a tutor inside
the structure, a tutor inside the Faculty and defines a program in
accordance with the structure.
The degrees in Cultural heritage and environmental sciences and
Technology for cultural heritage offer the possibility to do field experiences
in archaeological sites such as Isernia La Pineta (Isernia, Molise) and
Riparo Tagliente (Verona, Veneto).
To help the student entrance in the job environment, the Faculty of
sciences adheres at the project Percorsi di Inserimenti Lavorativi (PIL) of
the University of Ferrara.
Triennial degree students, enrolled at the third year, with less then 6
exams to sustain to graduate, can participate to the project PIL. Its
program foresees class lessons (from October to December) followed by a
selection/combination with the available employments and by a stage
and a one year jib contract. In particular:
 Class lessons (October-December),
 Candidate selection (January),
Stage (February-April),
Remunerated employment for a 12 month period, with a regular
Class lessons will be certified and the overall project gives credits to insert
in the student personal curriculum.
The final exam consists of a public discussion to show the acquisition of
specific scientific competences and the capacity to produce a critical
elaboration, after a training period in a private agency or inside the
University, on a particular subject defined with the lecturer. Specialist
degree dissertation usually is the result of an experimental activity of
certain duration.
The course manifest for each degree indicating the different curricula, the
modality to build the personal curriculum, the list of optional subjects and
other up-to-date information, are available, each year, at the Student
Secretary Office of the of mathematical, physical and natural sciences (via
Savonarola, 9) or at the University web-site.
Prof. Elisa Anna Fano - fne@unife.it
Five curricula are present:
Molecular biology
Experimental biology
Biological production and renewable production
Professional possibilities common to all the curricula:
junior biologist, employee in public agencies that adopt biological
methodologies for practical and applied purposes, employee in private
agencies operating in the field of experimental and applied biology,
access to specialist degrees, research doctorates and Masters, formation
program for teaching sciences at secondary schools.
Subscription to the National Order of Biologist (http://www.obn.it) (junior
biologist) after an exam sustained under the authority of the University of
Each student gains at least 20 credits for laboratory experiences.
The curricula have a similar didactic organisation: free credits (9), stage
credits (15) final exam credits (6) foreign language credits (at least 3),
subject of general biology (96) and credits specific for each curriculum (51).
Subjects of general biology
First year
Second year
Comparative Anatomy
General and inorganic chemistry, plus
Organic chemistry
Biometry and laboratory
Molecular Biology
Vegetal Physiology
Formative objectives and professional possibilities: this curriculum
wants to favour the insertion in the ambit of molecular biology. The
formative project gives a deep knowledge or general biology and of the
use of the most modern bimolecular techniques to apply in industries (e.g.
to make medicines and industrial products applying recombinant
techniques) particularly in pharmaceutical industries for the pre-clinic and
clinic production of medicines and development of diagnostic
methodologies and gene therapy.
Subjects of the curriculum
Human anatomy
General pharmacology
Development molecular biology and Lab
Biological macromolecules
Molecular genetics
Cellular and molecular pharmacology
Applied microbiology and Lab
Cellular biochemistry
Lab. of Physical Methodologies
Vegetal Recombinant Methodologies
Recombinant Technologies
Formative objectives and professional possibilities: this curriculum
wants to favour the insertion in the ambit of experimental biology. The
formative project give a deep knowledge or general biology and of
sanitary-biology and pharmacology elective fields for biologists.
Subjects of the curriculum
Human anatomy
General pharmacology
Evolution and Genetics
Applied pharmacology
Lab. of Experimental Chemistry
System Physiology
Curriculum: ECOLOGY
Formative objectives and professional possibilities: this curriculum
wants to favour the insertion in the ambit of applied ecology. The
formative project gives a deep knowledge or general biology and an easy
application of the studied ecological theories (e.g. biological resources
management, methodologies of biological sampling). First level
graduated students could find a job position in relation to environmental
quality monitoring and ecosystems management.
Subjects of the curriculum
Applied Ecology
Environmental Legislation
Environmental Economy
Environmental Bioremediation
Biologic Depuration of solid and liquid wastes
Marine Ecology
Vegetal Ecology of terrestrial ecosystems
Ecology of freshwater ecosystems
Formative objectives and professional possibilities: this curriculum
wants to favour the insertion in the ambit of management and analysis of
genetic data. The formative project give a deep knowledge or general
biology, particularly respect genetic and evolution, and of the informatics
systems for data analysis. This curriculum is inserted in the new field for the
management and interpretation of large genetic-molecular database,
the bioinformatics, offering new professional possibilities.
Subject of the curriculum
Probability calculation
General bioinformatics
Population Genetics
Human Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Biological Database Management
Phylogenetic Reconstruction
Database and informatics systems
Biological Macromolecules
Formative objectives and professional possibilities: this curriculum
wants to favour the insertion in the ambit of production and
transformation of alimentary products that in Italy is actually suffering for
the lack of specified personnel checking chemical-biological quality. This
curriculum is linked to the new market tendency of certify the quality of
the products (e.g. DOC, regional product or biological product
certification). Graduated students could find many job possibilities in the
field of agro industrial production and transformation.
Subjects of the curriculum
Ecosustainable Agriculture
Alimentary Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Management of Vegetal Resources
Lab. of Microbiology Applied to Production
Quality Check and Certification
Prof. Carlo Peretto – carlo.peretto@unife.it
Distance learning
Formative objectives: to acquire competences in the field of cultural
heritage respect archaeology, history-art, demoetno-anthropology,
landscape and environment.
To learn an adequate knowledge of legislation in the field of cultural
heritage and environment.
To be able to use the main informatics tools of data management and
telematic communication, evaluating also their efficiency.
To analyse the relation between the archaeological/monumental assets
and biologic communities that are using it.
To develop a knowledge on cultural heritage and environment under
study also in relation to the possibility of intervention in situ and in
laboratory for recovering and cataloguing.
Professional possibilities: management and recovery of naturalistic
sites as parks and reservation, to work in the field of palaeontology,
anthropology, prehistory, archives, cataloguing, museology; protection
and use of cultural heritage and environment in private organisations,
museum, specific institutions and local or national agencies.
First year
Palaeontology and Evolution
Mammal Palaeontology
Second year
Medieval and Humanistic
Human Origin and Evolution
Italian Literature: literary
Prehistory and Protohistory
Etruscology and Italian Antiquity Fauna Safeguard and
Classic Archaeology
Botany applied to cultural
heritage and environment
Antique History: basis of Greek
Flora Safeguard and
and Roman History
Antique Topography
Ecology applied to cultural
heritage and environment
Methodologies and Techniques
Physics applied to cultural
for Archaeological research
heritage and environment
Informatics and Multimedia
European Projecting for cult.
her. and env.
English or France
European Legislation for cult.
her. and env.
Third year
Sustainable development and
Mineralogy and Petrography for
the environment and cultural
Petrographic Methodologies for
cultural heritage protection
Cultural heritage and
Environmental Chemistry
Free choice subject
Free choice subject
Final exam
Security and Environmental
Prof. Luigi Beccaluva – luigi.beccaluva@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire knowledge in the field of chemistry,
physics, mathematics and computer sciences; on the different subjects on
the Earth system considering theory, laboratory and field experimental
activities, geological systems and related process studies. This knowledge
will be applied to geologic cartography, ground exploration,
environmental investigations, headstone material degradation, beside the
evaluation and mitigation of geological risks (hydrogeologic,
geomorphologic, seismic and volcanic).
Professional possibilities: general and thematic geological
cartography; georesources retrieving (mineral, oil, hydric, geothermic,
headstone material); prevention and mitigation of geologic and
environmental risks; ceramic, refractory, cement, glass industries; technical
consultation applied at construction engineering, territory planning,
environmental impact evaluation; telerelieve and territorial informatics
system; naturalistic museum; research.
First year
Mathematics – 6
Chemistry – 3+6
Second year
Mineralogy (I part)- 5)
Lab. of mineralogy – 6
Morphoclimatic systems – 3
Lab. of lithology – 3
Physics I – 6
Computer sciences – 3
Geochemistry – 3
Physics II – 6
Lab. of Palaeontology – 6
Lab. of Petrography – 6
Introduction to volcanology
Morphodynamic systems –
Lab. of cartography and
topography – 3
English – 3
Petrography (I part) – 5
Palaeontology - 6
Geology I – 6
Structural Geology – 3
Lab. of geological
cartography – 3
Security and environmental
protection - 1
Mineralogy (II part) – 4
Third year
Applied geology – 6
Methods of cartography and
geomorphology – 3
General geophysics – 3
Geology II – 6
Hydrogeology – 3
Environmental geochemistry
Gemmology – 3
Ornamental stones and lithic
materials petrography – 3
Lab. of stratigraphy and
Environmental chemistry –
sedimentology – 6
Lab. of chemical analysis and Geobotany - 3
geomaterials – 3
Geological survey – 6
Free choice subject– 9
Petrography (II part)
Final exam - 6
Prof. Andrea Marchi – andrea.marchi@unife.it
Three curricula are present:
 Environmental chemistry
 Materials chemistry
 Synthesis and chemical characterisation.
Professional possibilities common to the curricula: graduated
students could work in industries; do research, control and analysis in
laboratories; in the field of environment and energy; in the field of cultural
heritage conservation.
Formative objectives: to acquire the basis of general, inorganic,
organic, physic and analytic chemistry, to learn how to work in a
laboratory, experimental methodologies and the use of scientific
Professional possibilities: industry, in small and medium size
enterprises or in public/private agencies for analysis and quality control,
environment and energy, chemical characterisation of environmental
systems and territory, synthesis and use of materials respecting the
environment, cultural heritage conservation.
First year
General and inorganic
chemistry (I part) – 4
General and inorganic
chemistry (II part) – 3
Lab. of general and
inorganic chemistry – 5
Analysis I – 6
Chemistry and informatics
Organic chemistry (I part) –
Organic chemistry (II part)
Lab. of organic chemistry –
Algebra and geometry – 6
Second year
Security and environmental
protection – 1
Organic chemistry II – 6
Lab. of organic chemistry II –
Analysis II – 6
English II – 2
Inorganic chemistry– 6
Third year
Physical chemistry II – 6
Lab. of physical chemistry II
(I and II part) – 6
Free choice – 3
Analytical chemistry II – 6
Free choice subject – 3
Physics II – 6
Lab. of analytical chemistry
II - 6
Free choice subject – 3
Lab. of physics – 2
Free choice subject – 2
Biochemistry– 6
Environmental chemistry (I
and II part) – 6
Chemistry and informatics II Pharmacological chemistry – Cultural heritage chemistry
(I and II part) – 3
Analytical chemistry I (I
Physical chemistry I – 4
Chemical technologies for
and II part) – 6
the environment – 4
Lab. of analytical chemistry Compl. of physical chemistry I Industrial chemistry – 4
(I part) - 3
Lab. of analytical chemistry Lab. of structural physical
Final exam - 7
(II part) - 3
chemistry - 3
Physics I - 6
Lab. of thermodynamics and
electrochemistry - 3
English I - 2
Lab. of inorg. chemistry - 6
Formative objectives: to acquire the basis of general, inorganic,
organic, physic and analytic chemistry, to learn how to work in a
laboratory, experimental methodologies and the use of scientific
Professional possibilities: industry, in small and medium size
enterprises or in public/private agencies for the production of ceramic
materials, metals and polymers, for the transformation of material to use
in house building, nautical, auto industries and artworks restauration,
control and prevention of metal and ceramic manufacture corrosion, for
the conversion of energy particularly respect lithium accumulators,
combustion cell and photovoltaic systems.
First year
General and inorganic
chemistry (I part) – 4
General and inorganic
chemistry (II part) – 3
Lab. of general and
inorganic chemistry – 5
Analysis I – 6
Chemistry and informatics
Organic chemistry (I part) –
Organic chemistry (II part)
Lab. of organic chemistry –
Algebra and geometry – 6
Second year
Security and environmental
protection – 1
Organic chemistry II – 6
Lab. of organic chemistry II –
Analysis II – 6
English II – 2
Inorganic chemistry– 6
English I - 2
Lab. of physical chemistry II
(I and II part) – 6
Free choice subject – 3
Analytical chemistry II – 6
Free choice subject – 3
Physics II – 6
Lab. of analytical chemistry
II - 6
Free choice subject– 3
Lab. of physics – 2
Free choice subject – 2
Biochemistry– 6
Surface spectrophotometry
Electrochemistry and
elements of metal corrosion
Crystallochemistry – 2
Chemistry and informatics II Pharmacological chemistry –
Analytical chemistry I (I
and II part) – 6
Lab. of analytical chemistry
(I part) - 3
Lab. of analytical chemistry
(II part) - 3
Physics I - 6
Third year
Physical chemistry II – 6
Physical chemistry I – 4
Compl. of physical chemistry I
Lab. of structural physical
chemistry - 3
Lab. of thermodynamics and
electrochemistry - 3
Lab. of inorg. chemistry - 6
Material technology and
applied chemistry – 3
Polymeric materials – 3
Molecular interaction and
identification - 3
Final exam – 7
Formative objectives: to acquire the basis of general, inorganic,
organic, physic and analytic chemistry, to learn how to work in a
laboratory, experimental methodologies and the use of scientific
Professional possibilities: chemical, pharmaceutical-chemical
industries, public/private agencies for analysis and quality control in the
field of organic, inorganic and organ metallic molecules synthesis, for
polymer synthesis and for purification and characterisation of chemical
First year
General and inorganic
chemistry (I part) – 4
General and inorganic
chemistry (II part) – 3
Lab. of general and
inorganic chemistry – 5
Analysis I – 6
Chemistry and informatics
Organic chemistry (I part) –
Organic chemistry (II part)
Lab. of organic chemistry –
Algebra and geometry – 6
Chemistry and informatics II
Analytical chemistry I (I
and II part) – 6
Lab. of analytical chemistry
(I part) - 3
Lab. of analytical chemistry
(II part) - 3
Physics I - 6
English I - 2
Second year
Security and environmental
protection – 1
Organic chemistry II – 6
Lab. of organic chemistry II –
Analysis II – 6
English II – 2
Third year
Physical chemistry II – 6
Lab. of physical chemistry II (I and
II part) – 6
Free choice subject– 3
Analytical chemistry II – 6
Free choice subject – 3
Inorganic chemistry– 6
Lab. of analytical chemistry II - 6
Physics II – 6
Free choice subject – 3
Lab. of physics – 2
Free choice subject – 2
Biochemistry– 6
Pharmacological chemistry –
Physical chemistry I – 4
Photochemistry – 3
Metallorganic chemistry – 3
Compl. of physical chemistry I
Lab. of structural physical
chemistry - 3
Lab. of thermodynamics and
electrochemistry - 3
Lab. of inorg. chemistry - 6
Compl. of organic chemistry – 3
Industrial synthesis – 4
Organic molecules biologically
active – 4
Final exam – 7
Prof. Roberto Calabrese - calabrese@fe.infn.it
Formative objectives: learn classical and modern physics and the basis
of chemistry, use mathematical and informatics instruments, use the
scientific method, build and verify models, have laboratory competences.
Professional possibilities: job possibilities that request familiarity with
sciences, an open and flexible mind, able to rapidly learn methodologies
and technologies, and to use complex instruments.
The didactic program include: free credits (12), credits for forage
languages, computer sciences, relational ability, training (12), credits for
the final exam (9), forage language credits (3), basic subjects (30), related
and integrative subjects (24), and Physics subjects (90).
First year
Differential Calculus
Second year
Lab. of digital electronic
Linear Algebra
Analytical mechanics
Dynamics Laboratory
Point Mechanics
Differential and integral
Electricity and magnetism
Integral Calculus
Lab. of analogical electronics
Elements of Geometry
System Mechanics and
Superior mechanic sand
Electromagnetic waves and
Programming for physical
Lab. of optics
Study of functions with
physical interest
Environmental safety and
Test of english as a scientific
Free choice subject
Third year
Lab. of interaction
Elements of quantistic
Elements of astrophysics
Introduction at atomic and
molecular physics
Elements of subatomic
Elements of static physics
and condensed material
Language and computer
sciences knowledge and
Free choice subject
Final exam
Prof. Roberto Calabrese - calabrese@fe.infn.it
One curriculum is present:
 Quality control
Professional Possibilites : freelance, employee in public agencies
dealing with physics in general and with technological applications in
particular. Management of public and private research centers. Modelling
and data analysis and its implications for physics and computer science.
Laboratory graduate technician in public and private research centers
and in firms with industrial activities in the mechanical and automation
The course organizations foresees : some credits chosen by the
students (12), some credits for further linguistic knowledge, computing and
relational skills, stages for the initiation of professional activities (15),
credits granted for the final dissertation (6), credits for foreign languages
(3), basic disciplines (42), similar and integrated disciplines (36), specific
courses for phyics characterization (66).
This degree is limited to a maximum number of 45 students (of which 5
are reserved for students from outside the EU). Two additional positions
are reserved for disabled students.
Informations on the entry test will be posted at http://www.unife.it
First Year
Differential Calculus
Linear Algebra
Dynamics Laboratory
Point Mechanics
Integral Calculus
Elements of Geometry
System Mechanics and
Programming for physical
Environmental safety and
Test of english as a scientific
Second Year
Calculus III
Electricity and Magnetism
Electronic Laboratory
Mechanical Production
Service and Documentation
Electromagnetic Waves and
Elements of Structure of
Physics of Electronic Devices
Modern Physics
Third Year
Computer for technology
Cad/Cam programming I
Semiconductor physics
Space Technology
New Materials and New
Quality, Test and Control
Further linguistic Knowledge,
computing and relational
skills, stages etc.
Activities chosen by the
Final Exam
Optional courses:
Cad/Cam programming II
Regulations and technology of general industrial sectors.
Regulations and technologiy in the food and agricultural sectors.
Regulations and technology in the pharmaceutical sector.
Regulations and technology in the car sector.
Some courses are organized by and held in the companies partecipating
in the project « Quadrifoglio » ; these imply 150 hours of teaching and
other activities under technical tutoring.
Upon immatriculation each student joins the project « Quadrifoglio » :
some courses are organized and managed by the partner companies
which host the corresponding classes. Students are reimbursed for the
expenses incurred for attending those classes.
Prof. Valeria Ruggiero – valeria.ruggiero@unife.it
The degree wants to create professionals and specialists able to project,
develop and manage innovative software and informatics systems.
Graduated students could work in industries, public and private agencies,
and research laboratories working in the field of computer sciences. The
course of study is characterised by intense laboratory activity and many
subjects foresee the development of Project Work on themes typical of the
world of work. Two informatics classes, respectively with 50 and 30
postings, are available. Exercises and Project Works could be realised in a
free entrance laboratory. The library has a section dedicated on computer
Three curricula are present:
 Informatics systems
 Distributed systems and calculator networks
 Multimedia techniques,
The first year, common to the three curricula, foresees the following
First year
Discrete mathematics
Lab. of programming
Mathematics II
Physics I
Algorithms and data structure
Elaborator architecture
Lab. of architecture
Physics II
Each curriculum foresees an English test and a test on security and
environmental protection. The student can decide in which year to sustain
the two exams.
The third year foresees a three month stage and the participation to the
project PIL.
The student can modify the personal curriculum choosing 5 exams to
sustain starting from the second year.
Formative objectives: to acquire competences to project, organise and
manage informatics system to support production, managing and service
distribution (e.g. project and manage database, decision-make support
systems, informatics systems intra- and inter-enterprises).
Professional possibilities: organisation and management of
informatics systems both in productive enterprises working in the field of
informatics systems, and in enterprises, agencies and laboratories that use
informatics systems; programmer, system administrator.
Obligatory subjects
Second year
Third year
Numerical calculation I and lab.
Software engineering
Languages I and lab.
Final exam
Probability calculation and statistics
Database I
Lab. of database
Language II and lab.
Operative systems
Lab. of operative systems
Database II
Formative objectives: to acquire competences to manage and develop
software for local and geographic networks used by public and private
agencies, and scientific institutions
maintenance of networks in enterprises and administrations that use
informatics systems. Development and management of networks for data
elaboration in public and private structures; network systemist.
Obligatory subjects
Second year
Third year
Numerical calculation I and lab.
Lab. of networks
Languages I and lab.
Final exam
Probability calculation and statistics
Database I
Lab. of database
Language II and lab.
Operative systems
Lab. of operative systems
Networks architecture
Formative objectives: to acquire competences to develop of
multimedia applications and computer graphic.
Professional possibilities: multimedia application and computer
graphic for private and public structures; web designer; web engineer,
web administrator, multimedia system manager, CAD system export.
Obligatory subjects
Second year
Third year
Numerical calculation I and lab.
Computer graphic
Languages I and lab.
Final exam
Probability calculation and statistics
Database I
Lab. of database
Language II and lab.
Operative systems
Lab. of operative systems
Multimedia techniques
http:// www.unife.it
Prof. Luigi Abelli – luigi.abelli@unife.it
Two curricula are present:
Natural sciences
Environmental communication.
Formative objectives: to create professionals able to know and
interpret the environment as a systemic reality resulting from complex
interactions between biotic and abiotic ecosystem components.
Professional possibilities: natural parks, natural reservation, scientific
First year
General biology – 6
Mathematics – 6
Second year
Organic chemistry – 6
Palaeontology – 6
Statistics – 3
General and inorganic
chemistry – 6
Botany – 6
Physics– 6
Anthropology – 6
Genetics – 6
Geography – 6
Mineralogy – 6
Compared anatomy – 6
Zoology – 6
English - 3
Systematic zoology – 6
Systematic botany – 6
Petrography – 6
Ecology – 6
Security and environmental
protection – 1
Free choice subject - 11
Third year
General physiology– 6
Basis of Environmental Impact
Evaluation– 6
Environmental legislation – 6
Geobotany – 6
Lab. of informatics – 6
Geology – 3
Free choice subject- 21
Final exam - 6
Formative objectives: to create professionals able to know and
interpret the environment as a systemic reality resulting from complex
interactions between biotic and abiotic ecosystem components.
Professional possibilities: tutor and accompanist in didactic centre and
in natural environment, particularly in protected areas, naturalisticenvironmental popularised.
First year
General biology – 6
Second year
Organic chemistry – 6
Mathematics – 6
Statistics – 3
General and inorganic
chemistry – 6
Botany – 6
Physics– 6
Anthropology – 6
Genetics – 6
Geography – 6
Palaeontology – 6
Mineralogy – 6
Compared anatomy – 6
Zoology – 6
English - 3
Systematic zoology – 6
Systematic botany – 6
Petrography – 6
Ecology – 6
Security and environmental
protection – 1
Free choice subject - 11
Third year
Basis of Environmental Impact
Evaluation– 3
Environmental legislation – 3
Environmental economy– 3
Communication sciences – 3
Geobotany – 6
Lab. of informatics - 6
Geology - 3
Free choice subject - 24
Final exam - 6
Prof. Massimiliano Mella – massimiliano.mella@unife.it
Four curricula are present:
Pure mathematics
Mathematics didactic and scientific divulgation
Applied mathematics
Mathematics model for economy
Professional possibilities common to the curricula:
 Access to specialist degree and then research doctorate, and
then didactic and research;
 Work in public or private structures that need a modellingmathematic and informatics support, in the field of industry,
informatics, telecommunication, finance (bank and
Formative objectives: to have basic knowledge in the field of
mathematics and methods of modern mathematics.
Professional possibilities: public and private structures that need a
mathematic support, industry, telecommunication, finance (bank,
insurance, commercial bank). Research at the University.
First year
Analysis I – 6
Geometry I – 6
Algorithms and data structure –
Mechanics of material point – 6
Algebra I – 6
Analysis II – 6
Geometry II – 6
Probability calculation – 6
Lab. of numerical calculations –
English – 3
Hygiene and environmental
security - 1
Computer activity - 3
Second year
Algebra II – 6
Analysis III – 6
Geometry III – 6
Analysis IV – 6
Geometry IV – 6
Programming – 6
Algebra III – 6
Models of mathematic
physics - 6
Free choice subject – 12
Third year
Analysis V – 6
Function of a complex variable – 6
Equation of mathematical physics
Electromagnetism – 6
Free choice subject - 24
Computer activity - 6
Final exam - 6
Formative objectives: to have basic knowledge in the field of
mathematics and, mathematic didactic and scientific divulgation;
Professional possibilities: to access at School of Specialisation for
teaching at secondary school, scientific culture diffusion, cultural
journalism, organisation and management of exhibitions and cultural
scientific events.
First year
Analysis I – 6
Geometry I – 6
Algorithms and data structure –
Mechanics of the material point
Algebra I – 6
Analysis II – 6
Geometry II – 6
Probability calculation – 6
Lab. of numerical calculation – 6
English– 3
Hygiene and environmental
security - 1
Computer activity - 3
Second year
Analysis III – 6
Geometry III – 6
History of mathematics I – 6
Algebra II – 6
Analysis IV – 6
Mathematics didactic – 6
Geometry IV – 6
Programming - 6
mathematics– 6
Free choice subject – 6
Third year
Mathematics didactic II – 6
Elemental mathematics – 6
Elements of physical mathematics
for didactic – 6
Electromagnetism – 6
Free choice subject - 24
Computer activity -6
Final exam - 6
Formative objectives: natural, social, economical and technological
phenomena modelling, and their numerical analysis.
Professional possibilities: public and private structures that need a
telecommunication, finance (bank, insurance and commercial bank).
Research at the University.
First year
Analysis I – 6
Second year
Analysis III – 6
Geometry I – 6
Geometry III – 6
Algorithms and data structure –
Mechanics of material point – 6
Algebra I – 6
Analysis II – 6
Geometry II – 6
Probability calculations – 6
Programming – 6
Lab. of numerical calculations –
English – 3
Hygiene and environmental
security - 1
Computer activity - 3
Lab. of programming – 6
Numerical analysis I – 6
Analysis IV – 6
Numerical analysis II – 6
Models of mathematical
physics – 6
Algebra II – 6
Free choice subject - 6
Third year
Equations of mathematical physics
Mathematical models for industry
Mathematical statistics – 6
Electromagnetism – 6
Free choice - 24
Computer activity -6
Final exam - 6
Formative objectives: economical phenomena modelling, numerical
and symbolical calculations, and mathematical statistics.
Professional possibilities: public and private structures that need a
telecommunication, finance (bank, insurance and commercial bank).
Research at the University.
First year
Analysis I – 6
Second year
Analysis III – 6
Geometry I – 6
Algorithms and data structure –
Mechanics of material point – 6
Algebra I – 6
Analysis II – 6
Geometry II – 6
Programming – 6
Numerical analysis I – 6
Probability calculations – 6
Lab. of numerical calculations –
English – 3
Hygiene and environmental
security - 1
Computer activity - 3
Lab. of programming – 6
Analysis IV– 6
Game theory – 6
Informatics management of
business data – 6
Financial mathematics I – 6
Actuarial Mathematics – 6
Free choice subject– 6
Third year
Differential equation for economy
Mathematical statistics – 6
Economical mathematics history –
Electromagnetism – 6
Free choice subject- 24
Computer activity -6
Final exam - 6
Inter fa cu lty course or g a n ise d by th e Fa cu l ty o f Sc ie n ce s a n d
Li te r a tur e a n d Ph i l os op hy .
Prof. Antonio Guerreschi – gue@unife.it
Two curricula are present:
Conservation of Prehistoric Archaeological assets
Diagnostic and conservation of artworks.
Formative objectives: to acquire competences in the field of
technologies and methods to recover, preserve and valorise cultural
heritage, developing knowledge on material composition, structural
characterisation and properties.
Professional possibilities: technical and laboratory activity in
archaeological and paleontological sites, restauration, valorisation of
cultural heritage, applied research in museum and University,
consultation in private Agencies operating in the field of cultural heritage.
First year
Elements of mathematics and
statistics and Lab. – 6
Physical methods for archaeology
and art – 6
Computer sciences – 6
General and inorganic chemistry
and Lab. – 5+1
General botany applied at cult.
her. – 6
Archaeological research
methodologies and field
experiences – 6+3
Petrography – 6
Env. and cul. her. chemistry. – 3+3
Second year
Greek history – 3
Third year
Geography – 3
Roman history– 3
Medieval Archaeology – 3
Ecology for cult. her. – 6
Methods for survey and
representation – 3
Computer sciences – 2
Medieval art history – 3
Classical archaeology – 3
Etruscology – 3
Cult. her. legislation – 3
Paletnology – 6
European Community
legislation – 3
Geobotany – 3
Applied geology – 3
English – 3
English – 3
Anthropology and
Palaeontology – 6
Archeozoology – 3
Human palaeontology – 3
Lab. of lithic technology – 3
Multimedia lab. – 3
Prehistoric ecology – 6
Artistic critique of museology and
restauration – 3
Job environment security – 3
Stages – 6
Vertebrate palaeontology and
Lab. – 3+3
Quaternary geology and
palaeontology I - 3
Quaternary geology and
palaeontology II - 3
Thematic cartography – 3
Pedoarcheology – 3
Petrography applied at cult. her. 3
Latin epigraphy - 3
Isotopic geochronology and
geochemistry – 6
Morphodynamic systems – 3
Geomorphology II - 3
Lab. of geobotany - 3
Lab. of lithology – 3
Christian archaeology – 3
Genetics - 6
Genetics evolution - 3
Final exam – 6
Formative objectives: to acquire competences in the field of
technologies and methods to recover, preserve and valorise cultural
heritage, developing knowledge on material composition, structural
characterisation and properties.
Professional possibilities: technical and laboratory activity in
archaeological and palaeontological sites, restauration, valorisation of
cultural heritage, applied research in museum and University,
consultation in private Agencies operating in the field of cultural heritage.
First year
Elements of mathematics and
statistics and Lab. – 6
Physical methods for archaeology
and art – 6
Computer sciences – 6
General and inorganic chemistry
and Lab. – 5+1
General botany applied at cult.
her. – 6
Archaeological research
methodologies and field
experiences – 6+3
Petrography – 6
Env. and cul. her. chemistry – 3+3
Second year
Greek history – 3
Third year
Geography – 3
Roman history– 3
Medieval archaeology – 3
Ecology for cult. her. – 6
Methods for survey and
representation – 3
Computer sciences – 2
Medieval art history – 3
Classic archaeology – 3
Etruscology – 3
Artistic critique of museology and
restauration – 3
Job environment security – 3
Cult. her. legislation – 3
Applied geology – 3
Paletnology – 6
European Community
legislation – 3
Geobotany – 3
English – 3
Lab of archeometry - 3
Petrography applied at cul. her. 3
Lab. of geobotany - 3
Thematic cartography – 3
English – 3
Modern history – 3
Lab. of lithology - 3
Modern art history – 3
Degradation and diagnosis of
historical building materials –
Elements of organic chemistry
Restauration biology - 3
Geophysics prospecting - 3
Petrography applied at cult. her. 3
Restauration theory – 3
Microclimate for artworks
conservation – 3
Museum didactic - 3
Contemporary art history II – 3
Artistic techniques of restauration 3
Iconography - 3
Stages – 6
Final exam – 6
Emila-Romagna art history - 3
Contemporary art history I – 3
Inte rfa cu lty cours e or g an is e d by t he F a cu l ty o f S c ie n ce s ,
Medicine and Pharmacy.
INFO AT laureabiotec@unife.it
Prof. Laura Del Senno – laura.delsenno@unife.it
Three curricula are present:
Agro industrial
Professional possibilities common to the curricula:
Public and private structures that need technicians and professionals with
biotechnological competences to analyse and produce recombinant DNA,
modified or not modified cellular systems, and derivates.
Subjects common to the three curricula:
First year
Computer sciences and
Physics and Laboratory
General biology
Basics of formal genetics
General and inorganic chemistry
Laboratory of general and
inorganic chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Lab. of analytical chemistry
Human anatomy
Organic chemistry
Lab. of organic chemistry
Biotechnology environmental
Security and environmental
Second year
Third year
Cellular technology and
Stage – 12 credits
Lab of cellular technology
Final exam
and immunology
Lab. of microbiology
Molecular biology
Lab. of molecular biology
Recombinant technologies
Lab. of recombinant
Bioethics and legislation
Economy, business
management and marketing
Free choice subject
curriculum: AGRO - INDUSTRIAL
Formative objectives: to acquire specific knowledge and techniques to
manipulate and use prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, animals and plants,
to produce natural or modified organic molecules as biopolymers,
enzymes and metabolites.
Professional possibilities: the agro-industrial biotechnologist is able to
do chemical-biological analysis and experiment to qualitatively and
quantitatively characterise biotechnological production and processes in
industry, energy production, from agro-alimentary to fermentation and
Second year
Formal genetics
Chemistry of natural substances
Vegetal biology
Vegetal physiology
Third year
Vegetal recombinant methodologies
Vegetal molecular diagnostic
Animal biology
Animal physiology
Fermentation chemistry
Biocatalysis and biotransformations
Chemistry of biotechnological processes and Lab.
Industrial chemistry
Biotechnological implants
Human alimentation and nutrition
Aliment hygiene and nutrition
Alimentary chemistry
Basis of entomology and biological control
Lab. of microbiology applied to production
Formative objectives: to acquire specific knowledge and techniques of
chemical-biological, molecular and cellular systems, interpreted in
pharmacological optic.
Professional possibilities: production of pharmacological products and
services analysing and using chemical-biological systems in
pharmaceutical industry and laboratory.
Second year
Chemical-pharmaceutical biotechnologies
and Lab.
Officinal plants biotechnologies
Third year
Molecular pathology
Molecular pharmacology
Lab. of molecular pathology
Chemical-pharmaceutical biotechnologies
and Lab.
Pharmaceutical technologies
Applied microbiology
Advanced cellular technologies
Lab. of physiologic techniques
Structural biochemistry
Advanced bimolecular technologies
curriculum: MEDICAL
Formative objectives: to acquire specific morphological and functional
knowledge on human body and conceptual and technical practical
instruments to analyse and use, also modifying them, human cells or
tissues and their components.
Professional possibilities: technicians and professionals in the field of
medical biotechnologies for the diagnosis, prevention and cure of illness,
contributing to project and development of cellular and molecular
systems applicable in research laboratories, sanitary and industry
Second year
Human anatomy
Human physiology
Molecular cytology
Third year
Endocrinology and lab.
Pharmacology and toxicology, and lab.
Medical and applied microbiology and lab.
General and molecular pathology Medical genetics and lab.
and lab.
Pathological anatomy and lab.
Applied molecular biology
Ematology and lab.
Oncology and lab.
Nuclear and molecular medicine and lab.
Immunotherapy and lab.
Transplant and implant and lab.
Gene therapy and lab.
Specialist degree in Agro industrial
Prof. Giuseppe Vaccari –giuseppe.vaccari@unife.it
Formative objectives: to deepen some basic knowledge and acquire
deep technical-scientific knowledge tot o manage particular technological
situations; to deepen methods and themes linked to agro industrial
productions to define and realize the development of innovative
biotechnological processes.
Professional possibilities: direction of biotechnological laboratories,
managerial and administrative coordination of development programs
and industrial biotechnologies control particularly respect the
development of alimentary, pharmaceutical and agro-chemical products,
considering ethic, legislative and environmental aspects
First year
Advanced biometry
Biologic system thermodynamics
Industrial enzymology and lab.
Environmental chemistry
Alimentary microbiology II
Laboratory of advanced informatics
Physics applied at biological systems
Protein engineering and lab.
Lab. of instrumental analytical chemistry
Aliments chemistry II
Environmental bioremediation
Basis of vegetal genetic improvement
Quality management and certification
Second year
Applied biocatalysis and industrial metabolites
Sugar and sweetener production
Use of agro industrial sub-products
Technical scientific English
Stage – 12 CFU
Thesis internship - 37 CFU
Free choice subjects (12 credits)
Cellular molecular physiology
Vegetal organisms of agro industrial interest
Animal organisms of agro industrial interest
Vegetal resources management
Lab. of physiological methodologies
Atmosphere chemistry – energy and environment
Basis of multimedia applications
Vegetal genetics
Genetic engineering
Lab. of transgenic product identification
Ecosustainable agriculture technologies
Alimentary technologies
Specialist degree in Ecology and Evolution
Prof. Elisa Anna Fano - fne@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire conceptual and methodological
instruments to understand the origin, maintenance and significance of the
biological variability, being able to adequately use ecological and modern
genetics instruments.
Professional possibilities: public or private environmental
management in protect or recovered areas, ecosustainable development,
biodiversity defence and valorisation; subscription to the National Order
of Biologist (http://www.obn.it) after an exam sustained under the
authority of the University of Ferrara.
Two curricula are present:
curriculum in Ecology and Evolution
curriculum in Applied Ecology
Both the curricula have the same didactic structure, while the cultural
setting is more theoretical for the curriculum in Ecology and Evolution and
more practical for the curriculum in Applied Ecology. One year of study
and one year of experimental activities in university laboratories in Italy
or abroad are foreseen.
The subjects choose by the student to reach the credits necessary to
graduate, are here listed:
Curriculum in Ecology and Evolution
General Botany II
Vegetal cellular biology
Animal systematic
Biological rhythms evolution
Biological evolution and Cultural evolution
Ecosystems evolution
Quantitative analysis of ecological systems
Systematic botany
Invertebrate evolution
Vertebrate zoology
Microbial ecology in aquatic environment
Microbial ecology in terrestrial ecosystems
Genetic biodiversity and conservation
Evolution and genetics
Population genetics
Human genetics
Molecular genetics
Human ecology
Geobotany and vegetal ecology
Biometry II
Vertebrate palaeontology and lab
Curriculum in Applied Ecology
Applied ethology
Flora management and protection
Fauna management
Animal socio-biology
Environmental politics history
Evaluation of environmental impact
Sustainable development and instruments
for territory management
Solid and liquid wastes depuration
Biological monitoring of water treatment
Ecology applied to urban systems
Underwater ecology I
Underwater ecology II
Environmental education
Environmental quality control and
GIS techniques applied to ecology
Aquaculture and musselculture
Genetic biodiversity and conservation
Human ecology
Applied vegetal ecology
GIS techniques in vegetal ecology
Geobotany and Vegetal ecology
Specialist degree in Bimolecular and Cellular
Prof. Elisa Anna Fano - fne@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire a solid cultural knowledge to do
research and applied activities in the field of cellular and molecular
biology and a deep knowledge of laboratory methodologies, analytical
instruments and data acquisition and analysis techniques.
Professional possibilities: professional activities and projects
development in the field of biology, in industry, sanitary system and public
administration, development of scientific and innovative research and
technology in the field of bimolecular and cellular biology, biological,
microbiological, genetics and biochemical applications in laboratories
operating in industrial and sanitary structures. Subscription to the
National Order of Biologist (http://www.obn.it) after an exam sustained
under the authority of the University of Ferrara.
One year of study and one year of experimental activities in university
laboratories in Italy or abroad are foreseen.
Some examples of subjects choose by the student to reach the credits
necessary to graduate, are here listed:
Development biology
Recombinant technologies
Biological macromolecules
Molecular and applied pharmacology
Molecular physiology
Cellular and molecular pathology
Molecular clinic biology
Human anatomy
General virology
Functional anatomy of integrated systems
Molecular virology
Special virology
Biometry II
Applied biology
Specialist degree Conservation and
diagnosis of modern and contemporary works of art
Prof. Antonio Guerreschi - gue@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire technical-scientific and historicalartistic competences finalized to the study of the material constitution, the
technique of execution, the state of conservation of artworks and to
intervene on the artworks and/or its environment for a correct
preservation and degradation prevention.
Professional possibilities: graduated students could occupy, in relation
to the course of study, stage and training in the field of programming of
diagnostic investigation on artworks, microclimate in confined
environments, manufactured degradation level evaluation, projecting,
evaluating and verifying the conservation strategies on a short and long
term basis, in relation to the different art typology, different materials and
exposition possibilities.
First year
Relieve and restauration of modern artworks and contemporary polymat. – 3
Painting material chemistry – 3
Ceramic material chemistry – 3
Architectural material degradation – 3
Nuclear analytical techniques – 3
Modern and contemporary artwork materials – 3
Traditional and contemporary techniques of restauration – 3
Contemporary art protection and valorisation – 3
Contemporary history – 3
Spectroscopic techniques – 3
Lab. of analysis of microclimate – 3
Metal corrosion – 3
Macromolecules chemistry – 3
Headstone material degradation and conservation – 3
Lab. of petrography – 3
Images elaboration - 3
Second year
Stage – 3
Applied informatics – 3
Restauration materials – 3
Contemporary artwork movement - 3
Instrumental analytical chemistry – 3
Special polymers – 3
Biodeterioration – 3 Final exam - 39
Specialist degree in Physics
Prof. Roberto Calabrese - calabrese@fe.infn.it
Formative objectives: to acquire competences to do scientific research
in the ambit of the chosen curriculum, to reach a solid cultural
preparation in classical and modern physics and a good knowledge of the
measurement instruments and data analysis techniques.
Professional possibilities: to access to job activities that need
projecting and the use of complex scientific instruments.
First year – (in common for the curricula)
Mathematical methods for physics – 6
Fundamentals of astronomy – 6
Solid state physics – 6
Critical phenomena physics – 6
Nuclear and sub-nuclear astrophysics – 6
Applications of quantistic mechanics - 6
Elements of elemental particles physics – 6
Diffusion theory – 6
Physical chemistry – 6
Second year –Curriculum: general theoretical
Introduction to camp theory – 6
Statistic mechanics. – 6
Applications of camp theory – 6
Classic electromagnetism and narrow relativity – 6
General relativity – 6
Second year –Curriculum: Nuclear and sub-nuclear physics
Lab. of sensors and programmable electronics – 6
Nuclear physics – 6
Lab. of high energy physics – 6
Strong interaction phenomenology – 6
Electroweak interaction phenomenology - 6
Second year – Curriculum: Materials physics
Lab. of semiconductor and electronic microscopy – 6
Material magnetic properties – 6
Lab. of magnetism – 6
Semiconductor physics – 6
Surface and nanostructure physics – 6
Second year – Curriculum: biosystem physics
Radioactivity and quantimetry – 6
Introduction to biophysics – 6
Theory for image diagnostics – 6
Lab. of radiation and quantimetry – 6
Lab. of image diagnostics – 6
Second year – Curriculum: Astrophysics and space physics
Stars, galaxies and interstellar medium – 6
Celestial X and gamma rays observation – 6
Radio-optic observations – 6
High energy astrophysics – 6
Cosmology – 6
Second year –Curriculum: Advanced technologies
Lab. of semiconductors and electric microscopy – 6
Weak film technologies – 6
Semiconductor physics - 6
Environmental and industrial sensing – 6
Silica micromanipulation for electronic and photovoltaic devices – 6
Second year –Curriculum: Atmosphere physics
Cloud physics – 6
Atmospheric dynamics – 6 (not activated for the year 2005-2006)
Radar/satellite laboratory – 6
Atmospheric radiation – 6
Climatology – 6
Second year – Curriculum: Didactic physics
Not activated for the year 2005-2006
Second year – in common for the curricula
Language knowledge, computer sciences and, relation and introduction to the work
environment with training and stage; 6 credits
Free choice; 3 credits
Final exam – 27 credits
Specialist degree in Computer Sciences
Prof. Valeria Ruggiero – valeria.ruggiero@unife.it
The formative objective of the specialist degree is to form professionals
with a deep cultural preparation and wide competences in the field of
computer sciences, able to face the technology improvement and also to
contribute to its progression.
Professional possibilities: to access to all the productive and research
public/private realities for the administration of informatics systems, the
development of parallel and distributed software with characteristics of
scalability and multiplatform operability, the realisation and
management of complex elaboration systems, also with high
performance, and of net and multimedia informatics applications.
The specialist degree is structured with a single curriculum, leaving a wide
choice possibility to the student that can personalise its formative project,
developing competences in agreement with him/her interests and
Particularly, the course, offers the following ambits of specialisation:
High Performance Computing
High Throughput Computing and Networks
Scientific Software
Obligatory subjects
First year
Mathematical methods for informatics
Advanced operative systems
Scientific calculation
Advanced algorithms and lab.
Second year
Architecture of elaborators II
Calculability and complexity
Final exam
During the second year the student can do stage, at least for three
months, in enterprises or research laboratories
Students can access to advanced laboratories working on architectures
and computational grates, beside the class and laboratories accessible also
during the triennial degree.
Specialist degree in Mathematics
Prof. Massimiliano Mella – massimiliano.mella@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire a deep cultural knowledge in the field
of mathematics and its methods, to develop advances computational and
informatics competences.
Professional possibilities: to access to the Research doctorate to
devote to didactic and research; possibility to hold high responsibility
positions in the construction and development of mathematical models of
various nature, in different scientific, environmental, sanitary, industrial,
financial ambits, in public service and administration; scientific consulting
and information in the field of
mathematic and scientific
Three curricula are active:
Pure mathematics
Didactic and divulgation of mathematics
Applied mathematics
First year
Geometry of real and complex realities I
Algebra IV – 6
Mathematical analysis VI – 6
Mathematical statistics – 6
Free choice between Base Activities – 24
Free choice between Linked and
integrative Activities- 12
Second year
Analysis VII -6
Free choice between Base Activities – 12
Free choice between Linked and integrative
Activities - 12
Additive formative activities -6
Final exam - 24
First year
Function of a complex variable – 6
Algebra III – 6
Complementary mathematics II – 6
History of mathematics II - 6
Mathematics divulgation and museology
Mathematical statistics – 6
Free choice between Base Activities – 12
Free choice between Linked and
integrative Activities - 12
Second year
Lab. of didactics – 6
History of mathematical teaching –6
Free choice between Base Activities – 6
Free choice between Linked and integrative
Activities – 12
Addictive formative activities -6
Final exam - 24
First year
Algebra II – 6
Mathematic physics – 6
Mathematic analysis IV– 6
Geometry IV – 6
Free choice between Base Activities – 12
Free choice between Linked and
integrative Activities - 12
Free choice between Linked and
integrative Activities - 12
Second year
Free choice between Base Activities – 18
Free choice between Linked and integrative
Activities - 12
Additive formative activities -6
Final exam - 24
Specialist degree in Chemistry
Prof. Andrea Marchi – andrea.marchi@unife.it
Two curricula are present:
Molecular and functional material sciences
Chemical methodologies for life and environmental sciences
Formative objectives: the specialist degree in chemistry foresees
formative activities, lessons and laboratory experiences, dedicated to:
Deepen basic chemistry formation;
Acquire of techniques for the comprehension of phenomena at
molecular level;
Learn experimental methods, data elaboration and mathematical
and informatics support instruments;
Be able to operate in the field of research in chemistry.
Moreover, experimental activities in the University or in private structures,
public administration or laboratories, beside experiences in other Italian
and European Universities.
Professional possibilities: the specialist degree in chemistry wants to
form professionals able to operate, even at dirigential level, in chemical
laboratories and in private/public structures, to promote and develop
scientific and technological innovation, beside management and
projecting of technologies; the graduated student could also hold
responsibility positions in the field of industry, environment, sanity, cultural
heritage and public administration.
Formative objectives: this curriculum has the aim to deepen the
knowledge of basic chemistry and to reach specific competences:
In the field of inorganic chemistry, respect: a) synthesis of molecular
system to use in catalytical and photocatalytic processes, b) synthesis
of supra-molecular systems for the development of Photonics and
molecular electronics, c) to non-structural and polymeric systems for
solar energy conversion and optic memories development;
In the field of structural and computational physical chemistry for
basic research and applied development respect: a ) experimental
and computational structural investigation of new materials and
molecules of technological and biological interest, b) simulation and
prediction, of molecular properties and molecules behaviour in
chemical reactions, using computers.
First year
Advanced analytical chemistry (I and II
part) – 4
Lab. of advanced analytical chemistry – 4
Advanced organic chemistry – 4
Lab. of advanced organic chemistry – 4
Applied economy – 4
Thermodynamics and molecular modelling
Advanced inorganic chemistry – 4
Lab. of inorganic advanced chemistry – 2
Advanced bioinorganic chemistry – 2
Non-structural material chemistry – 3
Supra-molecular photochemistry – 3
Semiconductors: functional material for
electronic and sensing – 3
Elements of solid state physics – 3
Free formative activities – 6
Additive formative activities – 3
Second year
Molecular spectroscopy – 4
Material spectroscopy – 3
Chemical structuring – 3
Materials for energetic – 2
Functional polymeric materials – 2
Additive formative credits – 3
Final exam – 50
Formative objectives: this curriculum has the aim to deepen the
knowledge of basic chemistry and to reach specific competences:
In the field of chemical synthesis to solve basic research problematic
and for the applied and industrial development, particularly respect
life sciences and pharmacological and cosmetic production;
In the field of analytical chemistry, to acquire experimental
methodologies and advanced chemical technologies to solve basic
research problematic, for the applied and industrial development,
particularly respect environmental problematic as chemicalenvironmental investigations and decontamination activities.
First year
Advanced analytical chemistry (I and II
part) – 4
Lab. of advanced analytical chemistry – 4
Advanced organic chemistry – 4
Lab. of advanced organic chemistry – 4
Applied economy – 4
Thermodynamics and molecular modelling
Advanced inorganic chemistry – 4
Lab. of advanced inorganic chemistry – 2
Advanced bioinorganic chemistry – 2
Experimentation sciences (I, II, III part) – 3
Advanced chemiometry – (I and II part) – 3
Advanced organic synthesis – 3
Ecosystem pollution – 3
Free formative activities – 6
Additive formative activities – 3
Second year
Molecular spectroscopy – 4
Electrochemical methodologies and
interfase chemistry – 4
Biocatalysis – 3
Environmental toxicology – 3
Additive formative credits – 3
Final exam – 50
Specialist degree in Prehistoric Sciences
Prof. Carlo Peretto – carlo.peretto@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire knowledge to correctly apply the
naturalistic, archeological/prehistorical investigation method for specific
researches. To acquire the ability to coordinate and actuate
interdisciplinary actions beside knowledge of filing and analysis of
information about human and natural environment evolutions, knowing
also the techniques for material recovery.
Professional possibilities: to do activities in autonomy and with high
responsibility, in public agencies, private societies and offices, for the
rescue, conservation and fruition of the cultural, scientific,
naturalistic/prehistoric assets;
To do dirigential, management, programming and intervention activities
of archaeological and pale ontological character;
To do professional activities in the field of cataloguing, filing and
restauration of prehistoric assets in relation to University, Museum and
First year
Human palaeontology and paleoanthropology – 3
Chronology and culture of the inferior and medium Palaeolithic – 6
Genesis and evolution of anthropic and palaeontologic deposits – 3
Vertebrate evolution – 3
Quaternary fauna association evolution – 3
Archeozoology and taxonomy of hard animal materials – 3
Quaternary vegetal pool evolution – 3
Epistemology and science and life history – 3
Biological evolution and cultural evolution – 3
Population genetics – 3
Chronology and culture of the Palaeolithic and superior Mesolithic – 6
Lab. of methods and techniques for archaeological site excavation – 3
Free choice subjects (characterising and linked or integrative activities) - 6
Second year
Free choice subjects (characterising and linked or integrative activities) – 15
Formative activities of F type – 8
Free choice subjects - 9
Stage for the thesis - 6
Final exam - 34
Free choice subjects table 1
Lab. of lithic technology and typology - 6
Radiometric methods of datation - 3
Human skeleton biology - 6
Lab. of bird and mammal palaeontology - 6
Lab. of paleontological restauration - 3
Free choice subjects table 2
Chronology and culture of the Neolithic - 6
Chronology and culture of the Bronze Ages - 6
Language evolution - 3
Language evolution and compared grammar - 3
Animal socio-biology - 3
Lab. of lithic material functional analysis - 3
Paleobotany and palinology - 6
Lab. of vertebrate anatomy - 6
Vertebrate zoology - 3
Ethology - 3
Evolution and genetics - 6
Human genetics - 3
Thematic cartography and GIS applications - 6
Theories and techniques of 3D computer graphics and virtual reality - 6
Atmosphere and energy - 3
Elements of organic chemistry - 3
Specialist degree in Conservation and
management of natural, environmental and
cultural assets
Prof. Luigi Abelli – luigi.abelli@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire knowledge to develop critical
capacity essential to protect, manage and valorise natural and cultural
resources, naturalistic museum, and for the conservation and
development of protected areas.
Professional possibilities: public structures working on naturalistic
resources; parks, protected areas and botanical gardens; scientific
museum; public and private structures working on research; free
profession to study and analyse natural environments for the realisation of
thematic maps, for the recovery and valorisation of naturalistic, museum
and cultural assets.
First year – (in common for all the curricula)
Basis activities to reach 42 credits
Vegetal and environment morphogenesis – 4+2
Invertebrate evolution – 3
Vegetal ecology – 2+1
Vertebrate systematic and evolution – 5+1
Human palaeontology II – 4+2
Survey and representation methods – 2+1
First year – Curriculum: Conservation and management of protected areas
Citotoxicology – 3
Sustainable development and territory management instruments - 3
Biodiversity conservation – 3
Evaluation of the hydrogeological, fluvial and coastal risk – 5+1
Geochemistry I – 3
Geochemistry II – 3
Fauna conservation – 2+1
Symbiosis and animal associations – 3
Population genetics - 3
Paleoecology - 2+4
Vegetal physiology – 5+1
Museology - 3
First year – Curriculum: Scientific museology
Vertebrate palaeontology – 4+2
Quaternary paleobiology – 4+2
Paleobotany – 4+2
Population genetics – 3
Human genetics – 3
Prehistoric ecology II – 4+2
Naturalistic museology 3+3
Vertebrate palaeontology 2+1
Archeologic research methodologies – 6
Museology – 3
Second year
Sciences and techniques history – 5
Free choice subjects
15 credits maximum
Other activities (F)
18 credits maximum
Final exam
52 credits maximum
Specialist degree in Geological, geo-resources
and land sciences
Prof. Luigi Beccaluva – luigi.beccaluva@unife.it
Formative objectives: to acquire specific knowledge in the field of
earth sciences relatively to theoretical, experimental and practical aspects;
to acquire advanced methodologies to analyse geological systems and
processes, for geological cartography, GIS, environmental investigations,
headstone material degradation and, evaluation and mitigation of
geological risk.
Professional possibilities: to be professionals in structures and agencies,
public structures operating in the field of basics and thematic geological
cartography, telerescue particularly respect geological and environmental
problematic, territory and natural resources planning and monitoring,
environmental impact evaluation, evaluation of hydrogeological and
biochemical aspects linked to pollution, evaluation and prevention of
cultural and natural assets for their conservation.
First and second years
GIS theoretical principles – 3
Geology of alluvial plans – 3
Environmental monitoring systems – 3
Geology of energy sources – 3
Paleoecology – 3
GIS in geological and geomorphologic cartography - 3
Sedimentology – 6
Micropaleontology – 6
Applied geophysics – 6
Sequential stratigraphy – 3
Geophysics prospections – 3
Regional geology – 3
Stratigraphic geology – 6
Sedimentary basin development – 3
Lab. of biostratigraphy – 3
Free choice subjects and other activities – 24
Final exam - 39
First and second year
GIS theoretical principles – 3
Coast classification, evolution and management – 6
Hydrogeological, fluvial and coastal risk assessment – 6
Applied hydrogeology – 3
Environmental monitoring systems – 3
GIS in geological and geomorphologic cartography– 3
Techniques and methods for aero photographic image interpreting – 3
Techniques and methods for satellite image interpreting – 3
Environmental geology – 3
Applied geophysics – 6
Geophysics prospetions – 3
River dynamics – 6
Mathematical models in hydrogeology – 3
Hydrogeological prospections and monitoring - 6
Free choice subjects and other activities – 24
Final exam – 39
First and second year
GIS theoretical principles – 3
Crystallochemistry – 3
Water geochemistry – 3
Advanced difractrometric techniques – 3
Petrology – 6
Petroarcheometry – 3
Mining deposits – 6
Isotopic geochemistry and geochronology – 3
Volcanology – 6
Applied geophysics – 6
Minerals in environmental and anthropic contests – 3
Environmental chemistry (2° part) – 3
Advanced difractometric techniques - 3
Geophysics prospections – 3
Magmatism and geodynamics – 3
Advanced techniques of chemical analysis – 3
Free choice subjects and other activities – 24
Final exam - 39