Word Clues Lesson 2 - Brookwood High School

75 Multiple choice and Matching items
1-30 Matching the roots with the definitions
31-60 Matching the vocab words with the definitions
61-75 Grammar Sentences – Parts of Speech, Parts of the Sentence, Sentence Types (Multiple
Vocabulary Lesson 1
Literature Terms
1. enmity (Genesis)
2. shrewdest (Genesis)
3. corrupt (Genesis)
4. comprised (Genesis)
5. duped (Genesis)
6. void (Genesis)
7. babel (Gilgamesh)
8. teemed (Gilgamesh)
9. nether (Gilgamesh)
10. somber (Gilgamesh)
11. immolation (Gilgamesh)
12. subsided (Gilgamesh)
1. sub- (subsided)
2. –ity (enmity)
3. du- (duped)
4. com- (comprised)
5. ne- (nether)
under; below; up from below
condition; quality; act
double; two
together; with; very
Vocabulary Lesson 2
Literature Terms
1. assertions (Counsels of the Bird)
2. travail (Counsels of the Bird)
3. adjured (Fisherman and the Jinnee)
4. blasphemous (Fisherman…)
5. enraptured (Fisherman…)
6. perfidious (Fisherman…)
7. prodigious (Fisherman…)
8. venerable (Fisherman…)
9. munificence (Fisherman…)
10. indignantly (Fisherman…)
11. mediocre (Zen Parables)
12. rebuked (Zen Parables)
1. dign (indignantly)
2. fiss, fid (perfidious)
3. –able (venerable)
4. mun, muner
5. pro- (prodigious)
cleave; split
having power
duty; service; gift
before; instead of; in behalf of
Vocabulary Lesson 3
Literature Terms – (Oedipus Part I)
1. sluggard
2. sovereignty
3. calamity
4. suppliant
5. surfeit
6. knavish
7. lamentation
8. expiation
9. embassy
10. induced
11. compulsion
12. herald
1. ver
2. in- (induced)
3. –ant (suppliant)
4. ex(expiation)
5. duc- (induced)
in; within; into; on; not
person who; thing which
out of; from; very
Vocabulary Lesson 4
Literature Terms – (Lord of the Flies)
1. conch (Chp. 1)
2. hiatus (Chp. 1)
3. irrelevance (Chp. 1)
4. mirages (Chp. 1)
5. mortification (Chp. 1)
6. askew (Chp. 1)
7. enmity (Chp. 2)
8. errant (Chp. 2)
9. martyred (Chp. 2)
10. silhouette (Chp. 2)
11. antagonism (Chp. 3)
12. festooned (Chp. 3)
1. -ance (irrelevance)
2. mir (mirages)
3. mort (mortification)
4. err
5. ag
condition; quality; act
stray; wander
do; act; drive
Vocabulary Lesson 5
Literature Terms – (Lord of the Flies)
1. convulsion (pg. 66)
2. impassable (pg. 103)
3. derisive (pg. 114)
4. sanctity (pg. 115)
5. demented (pg. 119)
6. covert (pg. 120, 2nd use)
7. carcass (pg. 122)
8. runnels (pg. 123)
9. corpulent (pg. 130)
10. abominable (pg. 136)
11. illumination (pg. 142)
12. assimilate (pg. 142)
1. vuls (convulsion)
2. verts (covert)
3. rid, ris (derisive)
4. lumen, lumin (illumination)
5. simil, simul (assimilate)
pull; tear
turn; cover
laugh; smile
light; source of light
together; likeness
Vocabulary Lesson 6
Literature Terms – (Lord of the Flies)
1. perpetually (pg. 66)
2. solemnity (pg. 67)
3. mimed (pg. 135)
4. beckoning (pg. 145)
5. multitudinous (pg. 155)
6. ferocity (pg. 162)
7. talisman (pg. 162)
8. incantation (pg. 163)
9. impenetrable (pg. 165)
10. ensconce (pg. 172)
11. ululation (pg. 176)
12. simpleton (pg. 177)
1. mim (mimed)
2. pet (perpetually)
3. man (talisman)
4. -lation (ululation)
5. sol- (solemnity)
seek; attack
remain; dwell
carry; bear
alone; only
I. Parts of Speech – Identify the part of speech of each underlined word in the sentences below
as Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, or Adverb.
1. The Pawnee lived in different sections of the United States.
2. In their religion, they paid respect to the morning star.
3. Meat from buffalo was an important food.
4. Religion was very important to this tribe.
5. Native Americans in the Utah area were peaceful.
6. One tribe became part of the Grand Pawnee in the early 1800’s.
7. Most of them lived peacefully in adobe homes.
8. There is not enough information about Native American tribes in North America.
9. Materials for fishing were man made.
10. Hunting for fish was an important part of the culture.
II. Sentence Parts – Identify the subject(s) in each sentence. Also identify any direct and
indirect objects in the sentences. Not all sentences will have DO or IO.
1. Jason played quarterback on the varsity team his freshman year.
2. Bravery is a characteristic that those without fear possess.
3. Sara gave the homeless man several dollars.
4. Flora did not follow through with her plan to jog daily.
5. Dad wanted to raise vegetables in containers on the roof.
6. Jerry deposited his check, and then he went to the store.
7. Her sister wants good grades so she can become a veterinarian.
8. My grandmother attends the local night school to improve her Spanish.
9. Her hope is to study fashion design.
10. The mechanic promised the client great service on her car today.
III. Sentence Types – Identify the following sentences as Simple, Compound, Complex, or
1. Carving in stone was how the Aztecs made their calendars which were very accurate.
2. The Aztecs were skilled at building in dense forests.
3. Denise’s great accomplishment was weaving blankets, and she usually sold them when she
was finished.
4. Showering in the morning was Vicky’s routine, but sometimes she was rushed because she
slept in late.
5. They ran into the tepee without removing muddy moccasins.
6. Pilgrims learned about planting crops from a Native American tribe who were skilled in the
technique, and the Pilgrims proved to be fast learners.
7. Advanced weapons made fighting the Sioux a successful effort, yet the Sioux still proved
dangerous foes.
8. The Sioux became a tribe that lived by hunting buffalo.
9. Beads brought by the Europeans were used in decorating clothing.
10. When the winters started, learning from the Native Americans allowed the Europeans to