1. Site Description 1.1 The site for the proposed building is located within the complex of existing buildings at Berwick Intake Farm. The new building would be attached to the east elevation of an existing farm building facing the A65. The farm is quite prominent when viewed from the A65. 2. Proposal 2.1 The proposal is to construct a new double -span farm building 27.5m x 18.3m on plan and the overall heights of the buildings would be approx 7m but they would be stepped. The roofs would be clad in profile fibre cement sheeting coloured brown (08 B 29) and the upper parts of the external walls would be clad in vertical timber boarding to a height of approx 2m. The inner building would be open fronted The remainder of the walls below the timber boarding would be constructed in concrete block. 3. Planning History 3.1 A farm building was constructed on the site immediately adjacent(west) to the proposed building in March 1995 as a determination proposal. (TCF). 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 ENV13 – New Agricultural Buildings and Structures. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Draughton Parish Council has raised no objections to the proposal. 6. Consultations 6.1 Environment Agency – no objections. 6.2 Yorkshire Water – no objections. 7. Representations 7.1 None 8. Summary of principle planning issues 8.1 Whether or not the proposal meets the requirements of policy ENV13. 9. Analysis 9.1 Local Plan Policy ENV13 states that:In instances where prior approval or planning permission is required for an agricultural building, consent will be granted if: 1. The building is located within or adjacent to an existing group of buildings, unless it can be demonstrated that a more isolated location is essential to meet the needs of the enterprise; 2. The building in terms of scale, materials, colour and siting is sympathetic to its surroundings; 3. The proposal will not have an unacceptable impact on sites of nature conservation value, or of archaeological or historic importance; 4. Where necessary the proposal incorporates landscaping and planting to help minimise its impact on its surroundings. Proposals for agricultural buildings or structures that require planning permission will be required to satisfy the following additional criteria: i) The proposal will not have an unacceptable impact on the character or setting of local settlements or on the amenity of existing residents; ii) The proposal accords with all other relevant Local Plan policies; iii) The proposal will not create conditions prejudicial to highway safety. 9.2 The proposed new buildings would be located adjacent to a group of farm buildings and would be of a scale and colour which would harmonise with the existing buildings. It would not impact on sites of nature conservation or of archaeological importance. 9.3 The buildings would not be located near to existing residential property, or part of any settlement, and would not therefore be likely to harm neighbouring amenity. 9.4 Berwick Intake Farm is a working farm which already generates vehicular movement to and from the site. The construction and use of the proposed buildings would be unlikely to generate significantly more traffic than is currently generated by farming activities. 9.5 Landscaping provision has been discussed with the applicant and they would wish to submit a scheme at a later date. They wish to consider plans for future farm buildings and point out that there are not many options for siting farm buildings in the area due to its topographical nature. They point out that if they had planted trees to the east of the previously approved building it is likely they would have had to be dug up to make way for the presently proposed building. 9.6 It is considered that the proposed building is acceptable and meets the requirements of policy ENV13. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Approval. 11. Summary of Conditions 11.1 No development shall take place in advance of the approval in writing of the DPA of a scheme of landscaping to screen the buildings from the A65. The scheme shall include the types and species of tree to be planted and the numbers of trees to be provided and planting distances. The approved scheme shall be carried out during the first available planting season following the completion of the new farm building. 11.2 Reason: To reduce the visual impact of the proposed building when viewed from the A65.