MINUTES OF THE TOURISM AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 14TH OCTOBER 2010 Present: Councillor Wynne (in the Chair) Councillors Brown Evans Mineur Coleman Hardy Price Mrs Delves Jackson Stansfield In attendance: Ms H. France, Executive Director, Places Mr A. Cavill, Assistant Director, Asset Management, Capital Projects and Illuminations Mr P. Welsh and Miss N. Wyatt, Places Directorate Miss G. Atkinson, Resources Directorate Councillor Mrs Callow, Cabinet Member, Tourism and Regeneration Mr D. Cam, Director, Pleasure Beach Blackpool Also Present: Mr M. Smith, member of the public 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest on this occasion. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 9th September 2010 The Committee agreed that the minutes of the last meeting be signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendment under Item 1, Declarations of Interest: Councillors Price, Stansfield and Hardy declared a personal interest with regard to Item 7, ’Tourism Assets, Illuminations and Quality Standards’. The nature of the interest being that they were members of the Public Protection Sub-Committee. 3. DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE EXECUTIVE AND CABINET MEMBER The Committee considered the decisions taken since the last meeting of the Committee by the Executive and Cabinet Member for Tourism and Regeneration. The Committee agreed to note the decisions. MINUTES OF THE TOURISM AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 14TH OCTOBER 2010 4. FORWARD PLAN The Committee agreed to note the decisions relevant to the Cabinet Member for Tourism and Regeneration, as outlined in the current Forward Plan, Summary of Key Decisions. 5. PLEASURE BEACH BLACKPOOL The Committee received a presentation from Mr Cam, Director, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, which outlined a range of proposed developments within the company. A number of key improvements undertaken throughout the year had resulted in a positive increase in visitor satisfaction levels. This predominantly related to improving the visitor experience upon entering the Pleasure Beach and creating a family-friendly environment throughout the park. With regard to the sale of wristbands, Mr Cam advised that between 40 and 75 per cent were purchased in advance of arrival, according to the scale of the minimum £5.00 offer which acted as a valuable incentive for customers to plan a visit to the park. The Committee was advised that the Pleasure Beach had a positive working relationship with visitBlackpool and had worked in partnership on a number of marketing opportunities to maximise the promotion of major events. Mr Cam provided the Committee with an outline of the Nickelodeon Land project which would be constructed within the park over the winter period. The £10.3 million project would redesign six acres of the park and included 14 new rides, together with additional catering, retail and games facilities. He added that Nickelodeon Land, which would be opened in April 2011, had been designed to appeal to all ages and was therefore a valuable contribution to Blackpool’s objective to become a family-friendly destination. Mr Cam informed the Committee of a number of key areas that he considered to be essential to the success of the town’s redevelopment. These included the condition of the gateways, the provision of positive ambassadors, continued support for the Multi Area Agreement and a review of car parking arrangements. The Chairman requested that Mr Cam’s suggestions be noted and considered by the relevant senior officers. In response to questioning from the Committee, Mr Cam explained that it was essential to instil confidence in the future of Blackpool among residents and local business, in order to attract investment opportunities. He suggested that the Council could frequently publicise positive stories about recent developments and improvements that had been achieved, which would act as a reminder of the gradual progression of the town. The Committee thanked Mr Cam for his attendance and agreed to note the presentation. Background Papers: None. MINUTES OF THE TOURISM AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 14TH OCTOBER 2010 6. ILLUMINATIONS SWITCH ON The Committee considered a report on the outcome of the Illuminations Switch On Event by Miss Wyatt, Head of visitBlackpool. It was reported that the Guardian Media Group (GMG) had sponsored the 2010 event, which was held on 3rd September 2010. This had provided visitBlackpool with an opportunity to improve the commercial viability of the event, while designing a show that was tailor-made for Blackpool. The Committee was advised that the logistics for the event had been adjusted due to the significant popularity of the Switch On celebrity, Robbie Williams. This had required the event to be ticketed, through wristbands, and provide overspill areas on the headlands. The event was considered to be a success and had achieved positive publicity for the town. It was acknowledged that it had also provided an invaluable learning opportunity for visitBlackpool. With regard to the 2011 event, it was anticipated that it would be held on the Tower Festival Headland; however, this was subject to the Headland being completed by August 2011. Miss Wyatt explained that it was essential for a number of small events to be trialled on the Headland prior to the Switch On ceremony. It was also important for GMG to achieve greater returns from the event, to balance the significant airtime costs. It was anticipated that the move to the Tower Festival Headland would provide the opportunity to redesign the show and Miss Wyatt welcomed any thoughts and suggestions. A discussion took place with regard to the entertainment that was provided following the event at the Tower Ballroom. Miss Wyatt explained that as the acts provided the entertainment free-of-charge, it was difficult to guarantee their commitment. The Committee considered the event to be a significant success which had achieved nationwide publicity for Blackpool. The Committee agreed to note the report. Background Papers: None. 7. VISITOR ECONOMY Mr Welsh, Head of Directorate Development, presented Members with an overview of performance information relating to the Visitor Economy. It was reported that overall, the results indicated a positive growth in terms of visitor numbers during the 2010 season, January to August. The figures for June and July were comparatively lower than the same period last year, which was attributed to the screening of the World Cup football tournament over a four-week period; however, this had been balanced by a very strong August. A key area for development related to the proportion of staying visitors, which had not increased from 24 per cent in 2009. MINUTES OF THE TOURISM AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 14TH OCTOBER 2010 Members were advised that visitor satisfaction levels were now monitored and the results from the 2010 survey had provided the Council with a baseline figure for future comparison. This indicator would also be used to monitor the impact of new improvements across the town. In addition to the report, Mr Welsh advised that the results indicated that night time entertainment was not the predominant reason for visiting the town, with 38 per cent of visits attributed to the provision of family-friendly attractions. This boded well for Blackpool in 2011, when a cluster of new visitor attractions would be launched by Pleasure Beach Blackpool, Merlin and the Sandcastle Waterpark. In response to a query raised, Mr Welsh explained that the Omnibus survey was a nationally recognised survey methodology. Of the 4,000 individuals who had been surveyed, around 250 had visited Blackpool. Those individuals were asked a series of questions specific to their experience while in the resort, to determine the results as published in the report. The Chairman suggested that surveys be undertaken on departure, such as at the train station, as part of the Blackpool Ambassadors programme. The Committee agreed to note the report and performance information. Background Papers: None. 8. AREAS FOR FUTURE SCRUTINY The Committee considered information relating to the Places Directorate Revenue Budget allocation for 2010/11. Ms France, Executive Director, Places, explained that the purpose of the report was to provide the Committee with information on the key areas of expenditure across the Directorate, in order to identify areas where efficiency savings could be achieved. The Committee agreed to appoint a Scrutiny Working Group to examine the impact that the abolition of a number of quangos would have on the Council. Councillors Brown, Coleman, Hardy, Mineur and Wynne agreed to sit on the Working Group. The Committee agreed to: 1) Note the report; and 2) Request that a report on expenditure relating to the Transport section of the Places Directorate Revenue Budget 2010/11 be presented at the next meeting. Background Papers: None. MINUTES OF THE TOURISM AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 14TH OCTOBER 2010 9. COMMITTEE WORKPLAN The Committee was presented with the updated Committee Workplan for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2010/11. Members were advised that the Illuminations Investment Scrutiny final report had been considered by the Executive on 13th October 2010. Only Recommendation 13 had been rejected, which had requested: "That the possibility of using the new headland space along the Promenade be explored as an opportune location for temporary car parking and that the parking fee revenue could be directed back to the Illuminations division". It was reported that the recommendation had been rejected by the Executive on the grounds of safety and proposed usage of the headland space. However, the Executive had suggested that alternatively, an investigation could be undertaken to explore ways in which visitors could be encouraged to park their cars and experience the Illuminations on foot. The Committee agreed that the suggestion be included within the Illuminations Investment Scrutiny Action Plan for future monitoring. With regard to the Lower Walk Scrutiny final report, the Committee was advised that it would be considered at the next meeting of the Executive, which had been scheduled for 3rd November 2010. An update on the outcome of the Executive consideration would be presented at the Committee meeting scheduled for 25th November 2010. The Committee agreed to note the update report and Committee Workplan. Background Papers: None. 10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Committee noted the date of the next meeting as Thursday 25th November 2010, commencing at 5.00 p.m. in Committee Room A. It was agreed that a tour of the Sandcastle Water Park be arranged prior to the meeting at 2.00 p.m. Chairman (The meeting ended at 6:25 pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Georgina Atkinson, Senior Democratic Services Adviser Tel: 01253 477164 E-mail: georgina.atkinson@blackpool.gov.uk