Behavior Evaluation Form

Behavior Evaluation
This form must be turned in before a training time slot can be reserved.
Dog’s behaviors are directly affected by a myriad of things from history to diet to environment.
Please be as thorough as possible when answering questions so we can help you as best as
possible, thank you!
Basic Information:
Owner’s names:
Dog’s name:
Dog’s Information
To the best of your ability, please write a short summary of whatever information you know
about your dog’s background & history, including how you got your dog (use back side if
Is your dog spayed/neutered?:
If no, are you planning on spaying/neutering?
If no, are you planning on breeding your dog?:
Brand of food or other diet:
How often do you feed your dog? (dinner only, left down all day to graze, etc):
Eat right away and finish meals?
Other Pets in Household:
How many people live in your household?:
Occupation/Time spent outside home
Primary Vet Clinic:
Medical Problems/meds/allergies:
Other treats/snacks & how often:
Where does dog stay when owner gone?
Exercise Type (walks, swim, fetch, etc)/Frequency:
Equipment used on walks (collar styles, leash styles, etc):
Any previous training? (Behaviors dog knows, training methods used, location):
Has dog ever bitten or injured a person or animal? ____ (If yes, please describe)
What are your behavior concerns/frustrations for your dog? In other words, what led you to
contact a trainer? (In-home puppy or new dog basic manners training can ignore this