Latvian Evangelic Lutheran Christian Academy ACCREDITATION MATERIALS OF THE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Jûrmala 1997 THE AIMS AND TASKS OF THE ACADEMY Introduction The beginnings of the Higher educational institution can be dated back to July 2, 1993, when it, then called Lutheran Deaconal institute“, received its license No. 04007 (valid for five years) issued by Ministry of Education of Republic of Latvia. The Academy originally was intended to be an educational institution that provides with education in deaconate and Christian ministry to meet the requirements of congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and prepares the artists – experts in painting, drawing and sacral Church interior design so as to arrange chapels in the institutions of Social care and Charity work, to realize the theological and artistic desing of altars in the new-built and restored Churches etc. The work was successfully begun and as the social changes in Latvia took place and the labor market developed, it was further specified. The specification asked extension of educational aims, and, taking into account the reform of higher education and the new legislation for the higher education in Latvia, more precise definition of the tasks was required. By September 20, 1995 the higher school was registrated anew as the non-profit Ltd. organization “Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Christian Academy“. In May 28, 1997 the Academy received a licence providing it with rights to carry out the Academic programs of higher education for Bachelor of theology and Bachelor of arts as well as programs of the professional studies “Practical theology“ and “Sacred art“. Aims To proceed activities as the Academic and Professional institution of higher education and research within the modern information society; to develop the higher school into the theological research center of State significance. To assure the indivisible unit of the Christian creed, Academic studies and research work. To develop dialogical relationships of theological science with the Latvian social and cultural environment; to effectuate the higher school as an open Center of theological education to meet the needs of society. To educate and teach free and independent personalities that are able to pose the work of the Church beyond the piety and formalism, and to integrate the tasks of the Church into society along with possession of good abilities to understand social behavior, culture and traditions. Tasks 1. To prepare Academically educated specialists of theology for science, State social work management deaconal Church. 2. To offer the classical interpretation of the Christian theology along with skills to make use of it on behalf of spiritual welfare of the Latvian modern society. 3. To perform fundamental and practical research in theological sciences. In this respect: – to investigate the problems considering the spiritual, moral and ethical health of Latvian society, – to develop the research centre of applied theology “Dialogue“ for interpretation of humanitarian and social problems in Latvia as viewed from the perspective of the Christian theology. In this respect to make available in future Master’s and doctor’s degrees in theology, while developing the following spheres of scientific research: human mobility and spiritual resources in Latvia, a man and the processes of redemption, Christian tradition and interaction of social and cultural environment in Latvia, the Gospel in modern society, the Gospel and alternative religious movements, theology of culture, to continue end expand already started practical research works, to continue and expand fundamental researches carried out in cooperation with Finnish Theological Institute, university of Tel-Aviv, university of Ģrhus, the European “DialogCenter“, Lahti Academy of Social work and Deaconia, Norsk DiakonihØyskole in Oslo. 4. To offer the higher Academic education for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in theology providing the Church of Latvia (in Ecumenical sense) with religious workers of high scientifical competence: clergy 2460 04* chaplains 2460 06 ministers 2460 07 evangelists 3480 02 5. To offer the higher professional education in Practical theology preparing: social care and charity workers 1319 22 deacons 2460 07 managers of various structures within the sphere of social work 1229 06 social workers for various institutions of rehabilitation and recreation in Latvia 2446 05, 2446 04, 2446 06, 3460 12 Christian counselors 2445 01. To get accredited already started education for Bachelor’s degree in art and the higher education in Church painting, drawing and sacred interior design, so as to provide higher school’s graduates with theological and professional skills to set up chapels in the institutions of rehabilitation, to solve the problems of Altar-painting, to apply the classical Christian approaches to communicative drawings and illustration of Christian books. 6. To arrange the work so as to induce the presence of Christianity in the Latvian Academic and art life: to continue organization of the annual Advent exibitions of Church art and workshops devoted to the Church and Christian art. to issue annual collected articles of LChA (since 1997), * The number following the job qualification is a profession according to the “Classifier of occupations of Republic of Latvia“. to prepare the higher school’s monthly TV program “Good Will“ (“Labs prats“), to set up and conduct the broadcasting program of LChA within the Latvian Christian radio “To believe a Bit“ (“Mazliet ticu“), to prepare interdisciplinary or international Conferences on the main Academic issues of LChA (like “The Gospel and Cultural Situation in Latvia“ in December 1996). To be concerned with production of new scientific generations in theology, with the balanced development of Academic theological education and Practical theology or professional theological education in Latvia. To base the work of the higher school upon the socially orientated model of theological education used in the higher educational institutions of the most developed European countries. THE SELF-ASSESMENT OF THE LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY The structure of the higher school, organization of studies and management. The students are offered two types of studies programs: Academic * Art programs Bachelor of theology Bachelor of (being prepared for accreditation in 1999) * Master of theology professional Practical theology (asked to accreditate in 1997) Sacred (Church) art (being prepared for accreditation in 1999) The LChA administrative committee was set up in order to make the Self-assessment of the higher school (See the extract from the record of the Senate session in May 5, 1996 added). It was divided in two subdivisions: subcommittee for assessment of Bachelor of theology and Master of theology studies programs, subcommittee for assesment of the Professional studies program. The obligations of administrative committee encloses also assessment of the material and technical maintenance and comparison of the studies programs with those of other European higher schools. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE STUDIES PROGRAMS AT THE LCHA Doctoral courses Master’s degree Final examinations for Master’s degree Master’s courses (4 terms) Bachelor’s degree Higher professional education diploma Final examinations for Bachelor’s degree Bachelor’s courses (8 terms) Qualification tests Professional studies (parallel to Academic studies and Bachelor’s courses) Entrance examinations 1. The graduates of professional educational programs and from other higher educational institutions have to pass examination “The Biblical theology” in order to enroll Master’s courses. 2. The examination is not required, if the student has attained full part A of the program for Bachelor of theology. The Administration of the Studies Programs at the LChA THE S e n A t ReCtor VICE–reCtor Full-time department StudiES dEPARTMENT PART-time department HEAD OF THE STUDIES PROGRAMS Academic studies program for Bachelor of theology Professional studies program “Practical theology“ Parts A B C Academic studies program for Bachelor of arts Courses of theological sciences Courses of social and humanitaria n sciences Courses of professional theorethical knowledge # Professional studies program “Sacred Art” Courses of professional skills Field work’s Courses of scientific research Foreign languages Academic staff STUDENTS EDUCATED PEOPLE TO THE CHURCH AND STATE OF LATVIA # The Program being prepared for accreditation in 1999. The Management of LChA The Constituent Assembly Arbitration Auditing Commission Senate Rector Saimnieciskais direktors Pro–rector Department of Studies Personnel Academic personnel - Professors, Associate professors, Docents, Leading researchers, Lecturers, Research assistants General personnel - Head of the Departments, Head of the Scientific Research "Dialogue Center", Director of Practical field work Student’s Regular Day Department Regular Evening Department Scientific research "Dialogue Center" Scientific library The Staff of LChA: Students, General Staff and Teaching Staff. The staff of the LChA consists of full-time Day and Evening department students, teaching staff and general staff. The activities of the staff are regulated by the Senate confirmed documents – see“Appendices and Explanations“. Students. The enrollment of 1997/1998 Academic year is 360 students; the higher school expects its first graduates in this year. The Day department admits students under 35 years with completed secondary education. The Evening department admits secondary school graduates without any age restrictions. The studies at the LChA proceed according to the “Regulations for administration of Studies in the LChA“, see “Appendices“ and “Regulations for Academic and Professional Studies in the LChA“, see “Appendices“ and “The Contract of Studies“, see “Appendices“. For more detailed information about students see “References to the student staff“, see “Appendices. Activities and functional duties of a general staff are determined by the Senate of LChA, taking as a basis legislative acts that are valid in the Republic of Latvia. See “Appendices“ and “Regulations for Inner Activities of LChA“, see “Appendices“. General staff of LChA consists of the administrative staff and assistants to the teaching staff. Administrative staff: head of Studies department, head of scientific research center “Dialogue Center“, chief accountant, assistant director, cashier. Assistants to the teaching staff: senior secretary, secretary of the part-time department, librarians, rector’s assistant on media issues, rector’s assistant on publishing and art issues. For more details see “References to General Staff of LChA“, “References to Administrative Managerial Structure of the LChA“ – “Appendices“. The teaching staff consists of: Professors, associated professors, Assistant professors, senior researchers, Lecturers, researchers and assistants. These specialists are performing pedagogical activities, scientific research work, educational work with students. The activities the Academic staff are regulated by “The Regulations of the Senate of LChA“, see “Appendices“, “The Tasks and Obligations of the Academic Staff of LChA“, see “Appendices“, “Regulations for Academic Elections“, see “Appendices“ and “Labor Contract with a Teaching Staff“. The teaching staff consists from 23 persons on full-time basis from Latvia; 9 of them are Ph.D, 3 assistant professors are candidates for a doctor’s degree at the Latvian University. 14 regular visiting professors from remarkable European higher schools and authoritative Lutheran theological educational institutions; 8 of them are doctors and professors. These specialists provide annual work at the LChA, 15 persons are visiting professors and associated professors; 9 of them are professors and doctors. The teaching staff of LChA consists of 39 persons on regular basis; 21 of them have got qualification as doctors and professors. For more details see “References to the Academic staff of LChA (brief version of CV)“ and “CV of a Teaching staff“, “Appendices“. Such studies programs as an Academic program for Bachelor’s degree, the program of Practical theology and the Professional program of Sacred art which is still being prepared, are primary ones – we suppose that after 50 years of Communist atheistic ideology the opportunities of the higher education have to introduce the practical use of traditional Christian charity enabling the Christian Church to conduct a social dialogue. Due to the dominance of atheistic education over the previous decades, it is not possible to provide Latvian doctors and professors for the studies programs. The Academic courses of theology rooted in fundamental sciences are read by visiting professors with a proper Academic qualification. They are working jointly with Latvian specialists who have attained Master’s degree in theology thus being coaches to the young specialists and assistants to their work with doctor’s thesis. Material, financial and data maintenance Provision of the teaching and training process The issues in regard to material, financial and data maintenance are examined and confirmed by the Senate. The inspection and auditing of business and economic activities is carried out by Inspection Committee of LChA. For more details see “Regulations for Inspection Committee of LChA“. LChA is located in town Bulduri within Jurmala; it disposes with blocks of buildings for studies at 23 Bulduru prospect, land and buildings at 21 Bulduru prospect and lodgings for visiting professors at 32 Vidus prospect. Studies are proceeding at 23 Bulduru pr. The Academy is housed into the pemises of previous sanatorium “Bulduri“ after their capital rebuilding according to the reconstruction project of architect V.Vilks, and now the premises at 23 Bulduru pr. meet the requirements of a modern institution of learning. Reconstruction of educational block is completed in 1997 Academic year. The enterprise is brought to privatization. According to the order No. 58 issued by the Cabinet of Ministers from February 11, 1997, the 1200sq/m of land are registered as an ownership of the Academy and registered in the Land Cadaster at March 3, 1997. In March 27, 1997 the State Real EState Agency has concluded with Academy contract for rent of the land and buildings at 21 Bulduru pr. along with the prerogatory rights of privatization. The construction project is worked out to build on this land with total area of 3417 sq/m in three stages. The following buildings are planned: The building of a new theological Library for Academy (1st stage) The premises for second educational bloc in order to encrease the number of lecture-rooms (2nd stage), The Hall and/or the Conference hall (2nd stage), The office premises for the scientific research“Dialogue Centre“ (3rd stage). See the building project enclosed. In due course of building and reconstruction works the question about privatization of land and bying of the existing buildings at 21 Bulduru prospect from the State Real EState Agency with permission to pull them down is going to be settled. The total space of present lecture-rooms is 591 sq/m, and land – 7200 sq/m. For more detailed information about the use of premises, other facilities and technical equipment see “Appendices“, “References to the material resources of LChA“. The higher school is provided with a modern linguaphone lab for Mastering of foreign languages. The Computer class is available for free students’ use. The computers are connected with the INTERNET web. At present there are 10 computers IBM 486 DX and 5 printers in the Academy. The computer basis should be assessed as modest, but it is enough for a medium size higher school. The number of computers is planned to increase, but at the present moment all attention is fixed to establishment of a thorough scientific Library. Acquisition of books takes a lot of money. The lecture-rooms are provided with white blackboards, projectors and other audiovisual equipment. At the disposal of students there is a Chapel, refectory; the contracts were signed with neighbouring sanatoriums “Lielupe“ and “Edinburg“ for rent of gymnasium and a swimming pool. Those students who need a hostel can use low-priced premises of The Science House in Lielupe. A part of rental fees is covered by the Academy. A scientific Library is registered as a structural unit within the Academy. The majority of books is in foreign languages; the higher school acquisits and supplements the Library with books in accordance with the applications submitted by the program directors. For more details see “References to the scientific Library of LChA“, see “Appendices“. The financial resources of the Academy consist of: Tuition fees: I, II year in full-time department III, IV year in full-time department 200 Ls per term 100 Ls per term, provided the progress is good The present full-time graduates have paid 50 Ls per term during their III, IV years of study. The advanced students (if the progress is as high as 8, 9, 10 points) have got their tuition fees released or diminished to half of amount. The students receive cash-register cheques for each payment of fees. The tuition rates, possibilities to diminish or to annul fees are decided by the Senate of the LChA, depending on the report of the chief accountant and that of the Inspection Committee of the LChA. The stipends fund is established within the LChA. Payments for courses and the Evening students’ Tuition fees: Part-time students are charged for 15 Ls monthly or 135 Ls per Academic year. NB The students’ self-government can demand a cut down of Tuition fees via term to 50% of the total, if the criteria of Academic studies program are not sufficient. Rent of premises by foreign mission organizations over the summer period, Financial support by the international program of evangelical participation “Hilfe fur Brüder“ (Germany), Financial support by Evangelical Lutheran Covenant Church in Sweden (Alliance Mission), Financial support by Lutheran organization “Good News for Israel“ (the USA), Financial support by mission organization “Josuamission“ (Sweden), Individual financial support or technical aid by various foreign Christian congregations, Financial aid confirmed by the International Assistance Programs’ Coordination department at the Ministry of Finances of Republic of Latvia (May 23, 1996, No. 02.01.04/337). Terms of payment. The teaching staff of LChA receives salaries according to: Labor contracts, see Appendices at page… . Instructions for commencement of payment to the teaching staff, see Appendices at page… . Instructions for amount of work performed by members of the teaching staff at the LChA, see Appendices at page…, calculating a coefficient according to Academic or scientific degree and setting up payment for 50 minutes long Academic hour. The teaching staff is paid weekly on each Friday. Summary about material and financial resources of the LChA: Considering any standards, one can assert that the lecture-rooms and auditoriums are on good level. Rapidly increasing number of students would ask new premises for studies; they are planned to be built by construction of the second affiliated block at 21 Bulduru prospect. The second computer class is needed along with the increased number of computers and printers. The Library should be further complected and supplemented. It is formed so as to be of high quality and apt to performance of the studies programs. The books for Library are ordered according to internationally acknowledged catalogues. Complectation work is aided by the Lutheran organisation “Good News for Israel“ (the USA), Danmark Dialogcenter at the university of Århus (Danmark) and International Book Aid London (Great Britain). The financial resources of the Academy have been sufficient for parallel work at the project of reconstruction and improvement of premises, covering of expenditures of the educational process and salaries to Academic and administrative staff. The higher school has taken no credit loans in any of credit institutions. The financial reserve fund of LChA is being raised. A person appointed by the Rector and responsible to the Senate is liable for it. The higher school has no financial proof that in case the studies programs are eliminated (and we have no intention to eliminate studies programs, but, quite contrary, we invest wast money resources in order to develop them) we shall be able to grant financial opportunities for students to continue their education in other institution of higher education. Where could we get the proof? All information considering financial issues is available at the account department of the LChA: here see Appendices: “The balance of 1996 with explications“, “The auditing act to the balance of 1996“, “Report of the LChA administration“, “References to the further financial strategics“. The Quality Maintenance by the Academy. Scientific, methodical and administrative efforts of the higher school are directed towards efficiency of studies and maintenance of their quality. Let us mention some quality maintenance factors: Conformity of the studies programs with a model of socially oriented programs of theology in higher educational institutions of other European countries. The LChA has provided the comparison of the Academic studies program for Bachelor’s degree and Professional studies program in Practical theology with programs carried out by Finnish Theological Institute, Norsk DiakonihŲyskole, programs of Theological faculty at the Higher School of Lutheran Covenant Church in Kortebu as well as informal comparison with theological studies programs of such prominent institutions of learning as Fuller Theological Seminary, Theological faculty at the university ofÅrhus, Lutheran Bible Schools in California. The preparation of LChA’s studies programs was provided with advice by Finnish Theological Institute, the rector of Norsk DiakonihŲyskole J.Grossner, by General secretary of International Association of Bible Schools Dr. J.O.Mosbo. During the session of the LChA Senate, while analysing the materials of studies programs prepared for accreditation and their self-assesment, the Senate admitted that in general the Academic and Professional studies programs do meet the requirements of international standards and “Occupational classifier“. The compared programs do not differ essentially and principially; in basic lines they coincide with other programs and answer to the requirements of studies programs for Bachelor’s degree in theology and those of Practical studies program “Practical theology“. Scientific research work. The scientific research activities within the higher school are coordinated by research center “Dialogue Center“, the independent structural unit of the Christian Academy. It is the basic task of the center to include effectively and innovatively by means of scientific and practical research activities the work contents, carried out by Academy, into the society of information, where the main product is information and the most important resource is knowledge. For more details see “Appendices“: “Regulations for scientific research center of LChA ‘Dialogue Center’.“ The high school executes four practical researches in Latvia and participates in five international projects of fundamental scientific research. For more information applie to “References to scientific research work in LChA“ “Appendices“. Over the period of 1994-1997 the members of teaching staff have delivered papers at 12 international Conferences abroad, and at 5 interdisciplinary Conferences in Latvia. 4 Academic workshops are providing experimental research activities, while the members of teaching staff are working jointly with students. Since 1997 Scientific Writings of LChA are being issued. A team of translators is working at translation of theological issues. Five members of the teaching staff are working at their habilitatis theses. See “References to scientific research activities in LChA“ - “Appendices“. The work at theorethical workshops by members of the teaching staff is considered to be a valuable means in order to specify and develop the studies programs. Scientific research work is not a peripheral phenomenon in LChA, but a central one that is carried out gradually, structurally and systematically System of the scientific researchwork at the LChA Doctor’s degree studies Participation of heads of courses beyond the Academy Magistraey Investigation of heads of course Scientific work of the LChA Academic The orientation, further education and quality maintenance of the teaching staff in LChA. Primarily the persons are invited to join the teaching staff of LChA, taking into account their scientific contribution, not the ability of deft and attractive lecturing. Management of some particular scientific branch along with ability to develop integrative and comparative link of it with Christianity as a foundation of West European culture and education is considered to be an advantage. The aim of LChA is to prepare people in a way that encourages their skill and will for further learning and self-improvement. The high school seeks for job applicants that are able to create the required air of scientific interests, and not that of “didactics and mentoring“, and who are willing to engage themselves into life of a high school that is open to satisfy the public educational needs in various ways (summer courses, weekend courses, evangelism training etc.) In Latvia there is a lack of highly qualified Academic specialists – after the years of offical State atheism of anti-Christian and anti-theological orientation the Statement is only but natural. For this reason we oppose the request demanding immediate observance of Academic titles in theological disciplines – at first an educational and scientific centre which would be able to keep a dialogue with secular society, and to prepare a highly qualified clergy has to be established. LChA would like to become such a center. The LChA studies programs are carried out by lecturers: possessing interdisciplinary scientific interests (philosophy and sociology theology, psychology theology, philology theology etc.) not so qualified members of teaching staff are working at the theological courses jointly with a lecturer whose qualification corresponds to that of a doctor or professor – most frequently it is a visiting professor from any of the partnership high schools. Working this way, a new generation of scientists is gradually educated, a generation who is willing to synthesize achievements developed in a dialogue, thus uniting its vocational skills, aspects of international cooperation and definite Academic goals. Three stages were planned by Academic team of the high school, while working at the Academic program of studies and vocational program of studies “Practical theology“: consideration stage: proposal of courses by different lecturers for arrangement of interdisciplinary Academic educational project; comparison of studies programs and course programs in regard to their conformity; preliminary work in order to prepare a precise Academic conception of LChA, participation stage: discussion on revised course programs after their comparison with programs of foreign high schools; counterpoise of scientific interests, discussion over recommendations; basical establishment of integrative thought along with monthly theoretical workshops with regular participation of LChA’s lecturers, stage of maintenance: development of professional and Academic contacts (interdisciplinary workshops in 1995, 1996; international conference “The Gospel and Cultural Situation“ in 1996; exhibitions of Sacred Church art in 1994, 1995, 1996); foundation of scientific research center “Dialogue Center“ and arrangement of smooth work, realization of practical and fundamental international research. The qualification of teaching staff is planned, and opportunities of its improvement are more than once discussed at the sessions of Senate. At present 21 member of the teaching staff is raising its qualification as planned. For more details on issue see “References to the qualification guaranties of the LChA teaching staff“ Appendices. Quality control in LChA The mechanism of quality control is strict, immediate in action and just logical; it corresponds to responsibility of the high school in front of the students: bureaucratic control and informal control. The bureaucratic control is carried out by the Senate and Studies Department; it comprises strategic control (Senate) that means regular pursue after realization of high school’s strategic goals and activities. Administrative and registrative bureaucratic control is hold on by the Studies department, which takes care of fulfillment of respective studies program and programs of Academic courses as discussed and confirmed by the Senate. The registrative control is provided by summarizing student’s record cards for each Academic discipline and those for particular classes. Positive results of registrative control considerably affects material stimulation and bonuses given to the teaching staff. Informal control is provided by the Staff Department within the Senate; the aim of it is a selfcontrol performed by the members of teaching staff. Informal control is directed towards high scientific striving of the teaching staff, so as the strategic priorities of LChA are supported by the whole teaching team. The system of informal control includes: annual analysis of work applied by the Senate to work of each member of teaching staff. The elements of analysis: Academic level of studies programs; its conformity with scientific research priorities of LChA; inquiring and interviewing of students about the particular Academic course and the high school; see “Appendices“. attendance of lectures, participation of students in affiliated Academic workshop or another kind of research activities, scientific etc. publications and publicity of a teaching staff, activity of a teaching staff member throughout the course of Theoretical seminar. The following factors are used at the high school to promote the work quality of a teaching staff: Factors that positively affect satisfaction of teaching staff with their work Acknowledgement of successes as an additional moral and material assesment of work Development of responsibility Possibilities of Academic and vocational development, career Factors of educational and scientific work hygiene Academic and social status Attitude of direct supervisor, attractive opportunities of vocational training Good work conditions Rise of salary prospects of young teaching staff members. Attractiveness of work. Sufficient information about life in the LChA. IN TOTAL: incite the willingness of teaching staff members to search for scientific and pedagogical self-assurance in this very institution of higher education. Quality Control mechanism at the LChA Buereaucratic control Study Department SENATE Administratration accounting control Strategic control Personal Department of the Senate Informal control Students Evaluation of the obtained results Teaching staff Action To maintain existing programs and the method of work To eliminate deviation from academic standard To revise programs to change the method of work Approbation of new teaching courses in the respective studies program. Approbation of new Academic courses increases the need of teaching staff to search for scientific and pedagogical self-assurance and develops its yearning for belonging exactly to LChA. Approbation order: 1. submission of course application and program to the program director, 2. informative report on the course, delivered by teaching staff member at the Theoretical workshop, along with motivation of its purposefulness. 3. confirmation of the course program at the Senate in order to read it within respective program of studies. The teaching staff members of secular thinking can face themselves with a motivated conclusion: “My knowledge of Christianity is insufficient“; this is a good reason for self-improvement. Indices to involvement of secular teaching staff members in the Christian dialogue with the respective branch of science. Unsatisfactory feeling Indiference towards the Christianity, created by the previous system state L E - existing L - lack Neutral position towards Christianity Satisfactory feeling E Motivators. Factors of teaching and scientific work at the LChA L The Senate of LChA is working towards positively motivated environment for the dialogue of Christianity with secular spheres of knowledge. Use of modern technological advantages in educational process. Lectures, tests, workshops, practical work, groups of discussion, analysis of videomaterials and statistic data – all these techniques are available at LChA. Technological advantages: TV, video, records etc. are not exaggerated, since nothing can substitute student’s work with a book at scientific Library as well as impact upon the student left by personality of skilled, scientifically strong teacher. APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS IN LATVIA, WHICH ARE REALIZED BY THE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY CLIENT TIME Social Work Department of the Republic of Latvia (Saeima) L.Kuprijanova The Bulduri Center of Family Care V.Randa SUBJECT From 1996 From 1996 LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY INVOLVE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECT’S Joint research project THEMATIC To unite lecturers and pract-icians of the deaconny of the European higher education institutions. To develop modern work conception of the deaconry To create professional know-how conception NETWORKS Beginning of the project in 1995: is being continued The Lahti Deaconal Higher Education Institution, Finland Dr. M.Overlund The Oslo Deaconal High School Rektor J.Gosner Other European higher edu-cation institutions of caritative caracter Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane Project of archeological examination “EMMAUS PROJECT” ISRAEL Aim Beginning of the project in 1994 is being continued To clear up history and traces of Christianity of the Roman and Byzantine period Emmaus /in Latrun Partnerorganisations of cooperation and their managers Finnish Theological Institute General Secretary Eero Junkkaala Israel Antiquities Authority Dr. Mikko Lauhivuori Dr. Karl-Heinz Fleckenstein (Germany) Prof. Michele Piccirillo (Italy) Latvian Ev Luth Christian Academy. Sk.Gutmane Dr Project of the Archeological excavations PROJECT THE LAND GESHUR IN SOUTHERN GOLAN _________________ ISRAEL TO STUDY the Early Bronze Age Beginning of the project in 1994- is being continued (3300. - 2200. BC.) Organizations of cooperation and their leaders University of Tel Aviv Prof. Moshe Kochavi Finnish Theological Institute General Secretary Eero Junkkaala Latvian Ev Luth Christian Academy Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane Joint Research Projects THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION ON INTERNET TEIN Beginning of the project 1996: is being cont. To study new religious movements in European countries (Latvia included) and put the studies into TEIN Partnerorganizations of coopertation International Dialogcentre Univ of Aarhus Denmark Prof. J.Aagard Theological Faculties of many European universities Latvian Ev Luth Christian Academy Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane Joint Research Projects Youth for Europe. Action D. European Comission for Exchange with Non-member countries. Univeristy of Aarhus, Denmark Prof. J.Aagard Veidot alternatīvu teoloģisko semināru tīklu Eiropā jaunatnei, Kristietības integrācija sabiedrībā, Jauniešu darba vadītāju izglītošana, Pētīt personības brīvības un atbildības attiecības, solidaritātes attiecības. un t.s. “Programme countries” (15 Eiropas Savienības valstu organizācijas) plus to valstu institūcijas, kas nav Eiropas Savienībā: Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Czech, Slovak, Rumania, Slovene, Armenia, Georgia, Beginning of the project 1996: is being cont Latvia Latvian Ev Luth Christian Academy Dr. Skaidrīte Gūtmane REFERENCE ON SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THE LCHA The LChA Constitution provides that the Academy realizes its work in interests of both the State of Latvia and Church, its task is to maintain high level of intellectual work. The Academy cannot restrict itself by carrying out its activities only within the walls of the Academy, already from the first year it has knocked at the self-conscious door of the Church and urged to start Dialogue with Society, to strong and intensive work among people. The aim of such attitude is: to Educate people and practically help those who feel themselves Socially helpless; to show to the Church that leaving the walls of Church is the only practical justification of its existence; to give evidence that the Church shall not deal so much with its religious creeds, but has to serve the World. If it is the Church as Christ instituted it - it has to follow the sample of Saviour. 1. Regular Deaconal care, Spiritual care and Social care by the LChA students. in the Union of Disabled Persons of Latvia (frequently); in the Union of Disabled Persons of the Latgale district in Riga; in the Center of Social Care in Jaundubulti (arrangement of a Chapel); in the Center for Family care "Bulduri"; formation of Prayer groups and work in St.Peter's church, Cross church, Luther's congregation in Riga; work of Prayer groups at the LChA (each Wednesday from 18:00 till 20:00); all winter 1995, distribution of Bread and other food deliveries (altogether 4 t); received from Sweden, to needy persons of Latvia, work with Single women with Children, formation of "Women Aglow International" groups in Latvia. Center of the international organization - LChA: - January 1996 - a Seminar for Single women with Children of Latvia "Self-organization: a Woman beyond notions of Feminism theology in Society of Latvia", - March 1996 - a Seminar for Single women with Children of Latvia "What is a prayer?" 2. Creative and educational work * 1994 - The first Latvian exhibition of sacral art in St.Peter's church during Advent (with participation of 85 artists). Evangelization activities, concerts of the Church music, Bible readings, lectures on Spiritual and Mental (Christian) awakening, related with the exhibition "Glory to the Living God". The exhibition was opened by the President of the Republic of Latvia G.Ulmanis. During the Advent of 1995 in St.Peter's church, an Exhibition devoted to 1000 years of Christianity in Norway, with participation of 16 Norwegian artists. The Exhibition was opened by the Ambassador of Norway in Latvia Knud Torassen. Guests of the government of Norway, prominent persons of Culture and Art were present. Within the exhibition a seminar "Art of Christians in Post-modernism Society. Topical Problems" was held. In Advent of 1996 - conference "Gospel and Situation of Culture". A photo exhibition by Guntis Dislers "Holy Land (Israel)". A Cycle of lectures for groups of Confirmands at the ev. luth. Cross congregation (each Tuesday from 18:00 till 20:00, starting from April 1996). A Cycle of Radio programs at the Latvian Christian Radio "The Buried and Unburied Talents", made and run by students of the LChA. A Cycle of Radio programs by S.Gutmane, rector of the LChA "To believe a little bit" (each Thursday at 19:00) at the Latvian Christian Radio. A Cycle of Radio programs by Rev. G.Dislers, a lecturer of the LChA, "For Theocratic Latvia" at the Latvian Christian Radio (in 1996). The first competition of Christian poetry in Latvia in 1996 - during the Whitsun (120 clusters of poems were sent in). The second competition of Christian poetry in Latvia - during the Easter of 1997 (160 clusters of poems were sent in). Popular University of the Deaconate - monthly cycles of Lectures. Regular work of the LChA students in Sunday Schools, work with groups of youngsters in their congregations. Informative and educational work through the press: from 1994 till 1997 some 38 educational articles have been published. From September 1997 the LChA starts it’s own program at the National TV "A Good Will". Institutions in which the LChA carries out regular work of Assistance and Christian care # Name of institution Responsible person 1. The Riga Central district branch of the the J.Puķīte Union of Disabled Persons of Latvia 2. The Latgale district of Riga branch of the Union of Disabled Persons E.Grīns 3. The Vidzeme district of Riga branch of the Union of Disabled Persons E.Grīns 4. Centre for Social Care in Jaundubulti B.Zīvere 5. Centre of Family Care "Bulduri" B.Zīvere 6. The Riga ev. luth. Cross congregation G.Dišlers # 1. Creative and educational work. 1. Exhibitions of sacral art "Glory to Ever Living God" Name of exhibition 1994 - The first exhibition of Sacral (Church) art in Latvia. 2. 1996 - Photo exhibition "The Holy Land (Israel)" (made on the basis of archaeological excavations in Israel) 3. 1995 - Exhibition of Sacral (Church) art dedicated to 1000 years of Christianity in Norway. 4. November 1996 - Exhibitions of works, made by the LChA students, in the Christian book and Arts saloon "The Way". "The President of the Republic of Latvia G.Ulmanis positively valued the possibility to enjoy a real heart education. It is clear, that the message of the Ever Living God has to be cleared from drifts of the epoch and human thoughts." Newspaper "Diena", 5 Dec. 1994 J.Vanags, Archibishop of the LELC: "This is not an exhibition of amateurs. Works of artists, who are well-known in the country, can be seen here. It is important, that they have turned to the One, who can give life". 2. Competitions Newspaper of Christian"Diena", poetry 5 Dec. 1994 # 1. Name of competition 1995 - "People and the cognition of God" 2. 1996 - "Through silence and joy" 3. The radio and TV programs # Name of the program 1. Christian programs at the Latvian Radio (frequently), also in the program "Gundega" etc. 2. In the Latvian Christian Radio: - a regular program "To believe a little bit"; - a Cycle made by students "The buried and unburied talents"; - a Cycle of programs "For theocratic Latvia". 3. A program of the LChA "A Good Will" - monthly, starting from 13 September 1997. 4. Publications in press From 1994 to June 1997 - 68 educational publications in magazines and newspapers. # 1. 2. 5. Conferences and seminars organized by the LChA Subject of the conference and Time seminar A seminar: "Cultural Historical 5 May 1994 Absurdities or - how in seekings of the God he was rejected" Days of Norwegian Christian art in Latvia (sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway) Place LChA. St.Peter’s Church in Riga Dec.1-30, 1995 * a seminar "Singing and Music in Norwegian churches" 1995 of Advent The Academy "The St.Peter's church met the Dec. first 1,Sunday of Music overfilled. Not only Norwegian artists with their works, which * a concert of the Oslo Chamber choir The Academy represented almost all types of fine arts - graphics, painting, Dec.13, of Music sculpture, took part in the exhibition, but1995 also Norwegian * a seminar "Scandinavian and LChA choirs with concerts of the church music." Renaissance church music" Newspaper "Diena", Dec.4, 1995 Dec.4, 1995 * a theoretical seminar "Topical LChA, problems of Christian art" (9 reports) A.Setter, * a discussion - seminar: "Role of the Dec.9, 1995 Min. of Pictorial art in Church" Relig.Affairs * a report "Potential of Art in Liturgy of Norway and Service" Dec.10, 1995 3. An international conference "The Gospel and the present Situation of Culture" Dec. 1996 LChA, The Reutern’s House in Riga 6. Participation at international conferences, congresses, seminars. # Subject and place of conferences or seminars "Myths and Nationhood", University of London, England Who participates, subject Time of report Dr. A.Priedīte Oct. 1996 "National Myths in History of Ideas of Latvia, in View of Science of Religion" 2. "Identity and the writing of National Histories" University of London + Kymenlaksoo Summer University, Finland Dr. A.Priedīte June 1994 "National Myths in History of Ideas of Latvia, in View of Science of Religion" 3. "Cultural Identity in Social and Historical Context" University of Vilnius, Lithuania Dr. A.Priedite "National Myths in History of Ideas of Latvia, in View of Science of Religion" Dr. A.Priedīte Sept. 1996 "National Myths in History of Ideas of Latvia, in View of Science of Religion" 4. "Israel conference in Roveniemi" University of Lapland + "Friends of Israel" Dr. S.Gūtmane "Postmodernism and problems and Experience of Christian Education" Aug. 1997 5. "The Role of the churches in promoting human security in the Baltic Sea region" "Life and Peace Institute Uppsala" + Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation" Dr. S.Gūtmane "Ontological Aspects of Deaconal Education and Deaconal Work" April 1996 1. 6. Archaeological excavations "Emmaus project", Israel Dr. S.Gūtmane "Predemptive Processes in the Context of IndoEuropean Cultural History and the Latvian Folklore" June 1995 7. Gospel and the situation of culture, Latvia Dr. S.Gūtmane "Gospel and Culture in Postmodernism Society Dec. 1996 8. Women Aglow International: "Democracy and Faith", Arizona, USA Dr. S.Gūtmane Nov. 1993 "Christian Education under Developing Democracy in Latvia 9. Women Aglow International: "Gospel and Churches". Strasbourg, France Dr. S.Gūtmane "Secular and Christian Higher Education in Latvia: Processes and problems" March 1994 10. Women Aglow International: "Gospel and Cultures", Tesaloniki, Greece Dr. S.Gūtmane "Christian Education and Cultural Institutions of Traditional Christian Confessions in Latvia. Topical Questions" March 1995 11. "Building a Common and Comprehensive Security Towards an Ecumenical Agenda of a Changing Europe", Tallinn, Trans-Baltic Network Dr. S.Gūtmane A report: "Some statements on christian education and training" Oct. 1995 12. "The Gospel and Cultures", University of Oslo, Norway Dr. S.Gūtmane "Conflict prevention and peace building through higher Christian educational network" Febr. 1996 13. "Questions of Christian Education in Latvia", Latvian Association of Christian Schools "Aspera", Latvia Dr. S.Gūtmane "Christian education as a part of Democratic culture" May 1996 14. International symposium "Weisheit, Kraft und Inspiration der Diakonie", the Lahti Deaconate High School, Finland + Diakoniewissenschaftliches Dr. hab. J.Vējš "Charity in Posttotalitarian society: some socio-ethical problems in Latvia" March 1996 Institut, Heidelberg 15. "Israel-conference" in Roveniemi, Finland M.philol. G.Dišlers "The God and his people in Time of Josuah Covenant of the Old Testament" Aug. 1997 16. East European Mission's Network conference, USA M.philol. G.Dišlers "Self-contentment and agression: Christian identity in Post-totalitarian Latvia" April 1997 17. Symposium of the World Bible High Schools at the Minnesota Bible Institute, USA M.philol. G.Dišlers "Initiative of the Christian Academy in Latvia: the evangelic identity and the so called Churchood" May 1995 7. Concerts of the church music, organized by the LChA # Name of the concert 1. A concert tour of Anna-Lena Maria* for invalids of Latvia: - in St.Peter's Church, - in Union of Disabled Persons of Latvia (in the House of the Latvian Society), - for disabled children of Latvia. * Anna-Lena Maria is a world famous singer - invalid (was born without both arms and legs, but has overcome the physical weakness with enormous strength of belief in Christ. Has recorded several CD’s, used to be a Champion in swimming (!)). 2. A concert tour of the Oslo Chamber Choir in Latvia. Conductor Grete HelgerØd Concerts in 1994: - at the Riga Dom Cathedral, - the Luther's Church in Tornakalns, Riga - the Kuldiga Church of St.Ann 3. A concert of the Oslo Chamber Choir: - in the Latvian Academy of Music, - in St.Peter's Church in Riga, February 1995 4. A seminar, organized by the LChA in the Latvian Academy of Music "Singing and the Church Music in Norwegian Churches", January 1995 7. Individual activities of the LChA academic personnel Skaidrīte Gūtmane * a member of the board of "Women Aglow International", Baltic Department, President of the branch organization in Latvia, * "Josuamission" (Sweden), member of the Board, * a member of the Council of the Ev. Luth. Luther's congregation (Rev. Juris Rubenis) from 1992 to 1996, * a member of the Council of the Ev. Luth. Cross congregation (from 1997), * "Friends of Israel, Ass.". President of the branch international organization in Latvia. Valdis Tēraudkalns * President of the Bible Society, Latvia Guntis Dišlers * Member of the World Association of the Bible High Schools, * Pastor of the Ev. Luth. Cross congregation, * Pastor of the Ev. Luth. Bulduri Congregation. Juris Cālītis * Pastor of the International Church of Riga Rinta Bružēvica * Member of the International Radio Association (IBRA) Guntis Kalnietis * Member of Latvian Association of Physicians and Psychiatrists Ilze Trapenciere * Lecturer of courses at the Duke University, USA Prospects of development The main trends of expected development of the high school are included into “The Plan of Strategic Development for 1996-2002.“- see “Appendices“. According to the records, kept by Department of public and religious affairs at the Ministry of Justice, by August 1, 1997, there was registered 891 Christian congregation in Latvia, 75 of them joined in 1997. The wast number of congregations motivates necessity that ministers with higher education have to be prepared as well as opens a remarkable prospect for activities of educated people. Surely there are three institutions of spiritual education registered at the Ministry of Justice in Latvia: The Seminary of Orthodox Church in Riga, Theological Seminary of the Union of Baptist Congregations, The Roman Chatolic Seminary in Riga. However, the above mentioned institutions of learning are limited by confessional bounds and stay beyond the tasks of Academic and Ecumenical dialogue between the Church and society. These educational institutions prepare clergy merely for their own (and only!) needs. Faculty of Theology at the Latvian university is a secular institution of learning, and it does not prepare clergy. The Latvian Christian Academy differs from these institutions since it is expected to educate both clergy and social workers – respectively, people, who are able to manage evangelical ministration tasks of charity in society and to encourage people’s resocialization. A minister is not bound within the narrow limits of cult and worship; he has to be able to organize religious teaching, to offer various religious and charity services (for instance, to administer Communion in prison or hospital, to baptize a child, to conduct wedding or funeral rites) according to regulations set by confessional affiliation of a particular person; a minister has to be professional at the charity tasks within the frames of social work. According to the records, held by Department of Social Security at the Ministry of Welfare, on April 1996, there were 291 social aid services at various levels in Latvia with 686 persons employed. 955 persons were employed in Children care centers and Orphanages, and 6943 persons had received home care, financed by local governments of towns and rural communities. The care was provided by 5161 person. There is one position of social care and charity worker per 800 inhabitants in Riga, but only one specialist per 300 persons. These figures expose the need in social care and charity workers with higher education. Development of the Christian Academy is tended towards practical activity performed by educated people of Christian stand; it is directed towards integration of Christianity into Academic environment, which was denied for many decades in Latvia. LChA opposes the large and small, dirty and dignified worldly matters by qotation from the Bible: “May Christ gains and we are in Him“. “We are in Him“ means to live looking upon life from Christ’s perspective. It is life subjected to Justice of God and service to one’s neighbours. To educated Christians it is a prospect of service and ministry. The strategic plan of the high school consists of six interconnected blocks: 1. The prospect of Academic program of studies, 2. The prospect od Professional program of studies, 3. The prospect of further education in sphere of clergy and social care and charity work, 4. The model of social activities at the Academy, 5. Plans for international cooperation. 6. Improvement of material and technical resources. Summary: the analysis of a Force field. LChA is an institution of higher education fostered by the “author“. The idea is being realized as formulated by author in accordance with State and Church aims, and with full responsibility in front of students, who confides in it: to direct Christianity towards a competent Academic dialogue with society, to lead the Church out of isolation and self-contentment, to supply the State with qualified specialists of social charity work. The students Christians believe that after graduation of the high school they will be able to see difference between the form of knowledge and the form of society, between scientific rationality and rationality ethically based upon the Christianity. The problems can be solved not merely by the Christian ethics, but the whole discourse of rational ethics as one. Development of the Academy is faced with the strongholds and opportunities the weak points and threats Still there are many defects, mainly Brief and qualitative theological and in details. The most obvious ones: humanitarian studies, combined with practical and theoretical orientation of The Library funds are not fully education within the frames of open completed – the collection of a Library educational system. that is qualitative and apt to the studies programs and research work is an Flexible contents of studies. expensive and pains-taking process. Development of student’s skills and There is a lack of doctors and abilities along with their application professors; one has to do with visiting within the frames of studies programs. professors from abroad or no so highly Orientation towards scientific qualified specialists from Latvia. competence: The use of INTERNET is limited, Involvement into international because the telephone exchange of research projects, Yurmala city cannot afford more (an objective problem in the city of connection of theological studies Jurmala). with research work and arhaelogical The structure of unaided studies still is excavations at the Holy Land, not set up. the commencement of applied The fund of stipends in order to sponsor practical theological research in completely the studies of gifted students Latvia. is not raised. Balanced partnership with several institutions of higher theological 1.There is still very much to do: education in Europe and the USA. The high school has to become an open Establishment of Academic environment center of theological research and in a rather short period of time: education in order to meet the needs of high motivation and career prospects society. The scientific research center for young members of the teaching “Dialogue Center“ must continue and staff, expand its activities. involvement of high-level Academic Correspondence education has to be specialists from Latvia and abroad arranged and developed. into fulfilment of strategic tasks of The details for intensive courses in partthe LChA, time department have to be specified. successful and thorough theoretical The program for Master’s of theology workshop provided by the teaching courses must be detailed. staff. Academic and Professional program Extensive and multibranched public “The Sacred Art“ for Bachelor’s of art activities, courses has to be prepared for Democratic self-government and easy accreditation. functioning Academic work control Investigation of labor market must be system. launched and graduates engaged within Good premises and data basis, according it. to average criteria. The fund of stipends to sponsor the Reconstruction of premises, acquisition studies of most advanced students ought of equipment, job payments were to be raised. realized considering the difficult Operating of each study program has to situation of the State and without any be critically revised and analysed in credit loans. regard to its contents and examinations. TO WORK so as to strenghten the high school and develop its maximal competitiveness in society of information. Using the methods worked out by the Center of Higher Education Quality Assessment, we have performed the assessment of LChA according to following parametres. 1. Aims and Objectives of the LChA. 2. The structure of the high school, organization and administration of studies. 3. Students: regulations for admission, regulations for studies. 4. Qualification of Academic teaching staff. 5. Scientific research work, connection of it with educational process. 6. Material and financial maintenance. 7. Data maintenance. 8. The process of quality maintenance. 9. Public activities of the high school. 4 Parameters of evaluation 3,5 3 2,5 2 4 4 3 1,5 4 3,5 3 3 3 2 1 0,5 0 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 1- unsatisfactory 2 - satisfactory 3 - very satisfactory 4 - very good In hr sep Ac ist ar ad ian ab an em be ility li d o i re c st ef a f se ud nd ar i ch es C Common purposes: Academic and Professional education and Research facility Contro l: Common missionof contro l of Acade Christian education mic qualific ations and progre ss; * knowle control of dge an d sk of the studen ills ts r o yf g e at str ic m h m r ifo ade l: hig f n c U A so ne on ent s r l m pe uire tica nd s e q re heor nd a ilitie b u t a gro al ck ion a b ess of Pr he o t tate t ies he S h t ud rc St it of hu f C e ne be d th n a At h s wit Link hes, paris es rc h Ch u Pro gra ms s t of u d i e aca s : dem Pro i c , fes sio nal of ent , m lve nts o e v d In stu ibility e h s t on p s re E x t e r envi ronm n a l ent the of Aca dem y l a of r ent y m o nm d e ro a M vi A c en e th of nk dli ize al al as gic soci ph olo h Em h e s w i t e n t T m d i e ro n stu envi m pu prom osp rpo ot he of ses. ing t re an h F att orm e itu at de ion * A PENDIX AND EXPLANAT ION 1 APENDIX ~ 46 ~ THE LICENSE ISSUED BY THE REGISTER OF ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA Latvijas evaņģēliski luteriskā Kristīgā Akadēmija Vidus prospekts 32 Bulduri, Jūrmala LV 2010 Tālrunis un Fakss 754045, Tālrunis 751919 (rektore), 753360 (sekretāre) LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY BY-LAWS Issued under Article 10, Part 3, of the University Act I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Christian Academy (hereinafter referred to as the ‘’Academy’’) shall be an establishment of higher academic education and science founded by a legal entity and situated within Republic of Latvia and operating in its best interests. The autonomy of higher educational institutions is characterized by the rights and obligations of the Academy provided for under the law and the present By-laws. The full name of the higher educational institution shall be as follows: 2.1. in the Latvian language - Latvijas evaņģēliski luteriskā Kristīgā akadēmija; 2.2. in the English language - Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Christian Academy; 2.3. in the German language - Ev.-luterische Christliche Akademie Lettland; 2.4. The abbreviated name of the higher educational institution in the Latvian language shall be LKrA. The legal address of the Academy shall be: 32 Vidus prospekts, Bulduri, Jūrmala LV 2010. The Academy shall be an institution with rights of self-government exercised by the management and staff of the Academy in the procedure established under the Academy By-laws. The Academy shall operate in accordance with the Constitution of Republic of Latvia, the University Act (published in “Latvijas Vēstnesis”, 1995, No. 179), the Education Act (published in “Latvijas Republikas Akadēmijas Padomnieku un Valdības Ziņotājs”, 1991, No. 31), the Act “On Scientific Activities” (published in “LR AP un Valdības Ziņotājs”, 1992, Nos. 46/47/48) and other legal acts and the Academy Bylaws. The Academy shall be a legal entity. It shall have a common seal with the name of the Academy in the Latvian and English languages and the effigy of its emblem. ~ 47 ~ II. PURPOSES, MAIN DIRECTIONS AND OBJECTIVES OF OPERATION 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The main purpose of operation of the Academy shall be to provide residents of Republic of Latvia with higher professional education in theology and arts and higher professional education in practical theology and sacral arts to promote the development of theological sciences for the dialogue with social and cultural environment of Latvia. To develop and educate personalities capable of undertaking responsibilities and integrating the objectives of the Christian Church into the public for the sake of its moral rebirth. The objectives of the Academy shall be: 7.1. to provide the students with the possibility to acquire higher academic and professional education, appropriate academic degrees in theology, arts and professional skills in practical theology and sacral arts; 7.2. to turn out experts in theology having an academic education for employment in science, national social care agency, diaconal church; 7.3. to carry out fundamental and applied research in theological sciences; 7.4. to ensure academic freedom of the academic staff and students; 7.5. to develop and implement programs for academic and professional studies, ‘’Dialogue Center’’ for academic research in theology, academic theological library and facilities to enable the students to acquire academic education together with professional practice in a focused and adequate manner consistent with the level of scientific development; 7.6. to develop programs for further and additional adult education in the field of social assistance and diacony; 7.7. to inform the public about the activities by the Academy, directions and facilities for studies and scientific research as well as to offer to the public the scientific and professional ideas and results of research acquired at the Academy. The Academy shall provide for implementation of appropriate programs of studies to acquire higher professional and academic education. The Academy shall implement the programs for both academic and professional studies as well as the programs for further and additional adult education. Upon completion of the program for academic studies the academic degree of a Bachelor or Master shall be awarded accordingly. Upon completion of the program for professional studies the graduates shall be awarded professional qualification. The Academy shall be based on the following principles: 10.1. the caritative etc. principles of biblical truth characteristic to the Christian belief, skills of their practical integration into the modern neo-religious community, achievements of world scientific opinion, national interests of Republic of Latvia shall be applied to the studies and scientific work; 10.2. the Academy shall exercise freedom and autonomy of studies and scientific work, publishing and promotion of results obtained through the research; 10.3. the Academy shall ensure the inseparability of studies and scientific work; ~ 48 ~ 11. 12. 10.4. the Academy shall provide for reciprocal relations between the Christian values and culture, warrant the continuity of traditional Christian values and denounce any manifestations of sectantism in issues of belief. Any citizen of Republic of Latvia and persons entitled to an Alien’s Passport issued in Republic of Latvia as well as persons holding a permit for permanent residence in Republic of Latvia shall be eligible to acquire higher professional and academic education at the Academy. Foreign nationals who had not been granted the permit for permanent residence shall have the right to study at the Academy under the laws and other legal acts. III. COMPETENCE AND OTHER FORMS OF OPERATION 13. 14. Pursuant its purpose and objectives the Academy shall: 13.1. develop and adopt the By-laws of the Academy as well as make amendments to them; 13.2. hire the Academy personnel, determine its obligations and rights, approve the lists of the staff; 13.3. determine the management bodies of the Academy, procedure for establishment, reorganization and dissolution of its sub-divisions as well as the rights and obligations of such sub-divisions; 13.4. determine the procedure and amount of the payment to the personnel in compliance with the legal acts; 13.5. determine independently the contents and forms of the studies, develop and approve the programs of studies; 13.6. develop and implement the additional regulations for enrollment and immatriculation procedure; 13.7. determine basic directions for scientific work; 13.8. award academic degrees and professional qualification, issue the appropriate certificates of education; 13.9. award the honorary title of the Academy and elect Honorary Members of the Academy; 13.10. grant the Academy awards and personal scholarships; 13.11. develop and approve Internal Rules of the Academy. The Academy shall have the right: 14.1. to enter into agreements with educational, scientific and other institutions within and without Republic of Latvia; 14.2. to organize courses and lectures, hold conferences, congresses and other meetings; 14.3. to operate within national and international foundations and projects as well as to establish its own foundations; 14.4. to enter into agreements with public and municipal institutions, other natural persons and legal entities on education of specialists and conduct of scientific research; 14.5. to establish sub-divisions of the Academy and open its affiliates and representation offices; 14.6. to establish its internal societies and other organizational bodies; 14.7. to carry out publishing, business and other commercial activities consistent with the purpose of the Academy in the procedure provided ~ 49 ~ for under the laws, other legal acts and the Academy By-laws as well as to invest funds in other companies and businesses in compliance with the purposes of the Academy; 14.8. the sub-divisions, internal societies and other organizational bodies of the Academy shall operate under the provisions approved by the Academy Senate. Should the operation of any such sub-division, society or other organizational body is inconsistent with the relevant provisions or contradictory to the interests of the Academy, the Academy Senate shall have the right to suspend or terminate its activities by the respective resolution. IV. ACADEMY PERSONNEL 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. The Academy personnel shall comprise: 15.1. academic staff for whom the work at the Academy is their main employment; 15.2. general Academy personnel for whom the work at the Academy is their main employment; 15.3. full-time students (students pursuing the Bachelor and professional programs of studies, students pursuing Mastership and Doctorship, students of further and additional adult education programs for whom the studies at the Academy are their main occupation). The personnel shall have the following rights: 16.1. to participate in making of the Academy management and selfgovernment resolutions and development of internal rules in the procedure provided for under the Academy By-laws; 16.2. to vote at the elections of self-government bodies and be elected as members of the same; 16.3. to attend the meetings of collegiate management bodies and express their opinion; 16.4. to use the Academy premises, facilities, inventory, libraries and services provided by its sub-divisions. The management of the Academy shall provide adequate conditions for professional work, health and recreation as well as possibilities for further and additional education if advisable in furtherance of interests of the Academy. The personnel of the Academy shall be responsible for performance of their obligations. The procedure for qualification of offenses and imposition of penalties shall be governed by the Labour Law Code of Republic of Latvia and Internal Rules of the Academy. The academic personnel shall comprise: 19.1. Professors and Associated Professors; 19.2. Assistant Professors and Senior Researchers; 19.3. Lecturers and Researchers; 19.4. Assistants. The academic personnel shall perform the pedagogical work and scientific research. The elected academic and managerial offices (Rector, Vice-Rector, Dean, Head of the Chair) at the Academy may be taken by persons up to 65 years of age. The Rector shall have the right to enter into employment agreements with retired academic personnel specifying the amount of the work and payment commensurate to the qualifications of the employee. The Academy ~ 50 ~ 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. may grant honorary titles for special contribution to higher education to Professors and Associated Professors who have reached the retirement age. Eligible persons may be elected as Honorary Members of the Academy for special contribution to the operation and development of the Academy. A person holding the degree of a Habilitated Doctor may be elected as the Professor. The Professor shall be elected for the term of six years in an open competition in the procedure provided for under the University Act. The Rector shall make the employment agreement with the elected person for the entire term of the office or until he/she reaches the age of 65 years. A person holding the degree of a Habilitated Doctor or (for the first time) Doctor may be elected as the Associated Professor. The office of the Associated Professor may also be held by a person having Doctor’s degree and at least five-year experience of practical work (as a pastor, in Christian pedagogy, diaconal care) in his/her field. The Associated Professor shall be elected for the term of six years in an open competition in the procedure provided for under the University Act, and the Rector shall make an employment agreement with him/her. A person holding the degree of a Habilitated Doctor or Doctor may be elected as the Assistant Professor. In implementation of a professional program of studies the office of an Assistant Professor may also be held by a person with higher education lacking any scientific or academic degree provided that the person in question has at least ten-year experience of practical work in the relevant specialty. The Academy Senate shall approve the requirements to be met by the candidates to the office of an Assistant Professor and elect the Assistant Professor in accordance with the provisions applicable to election to academic offices. The Assistant Professor shall be elected for the term of six years, and the Rector shall make an employment agreement with him/her. A person holding the degree of a Habilitated Doctor, Doctor or Master may be elected as the Lecturer. In implementation of a professional program of studies the office of a Lecturer may also be held by a person with higher education lacking any scientific or academic degree provided that the person in question has at least five-year experience of practical work in the relevant specialty. The Academy Senate shall specify the responsibilities of a Lecturer and elect the Lecturer in accordance with the provisions applicable to election to academic offices. The Lecturer shall be elected for the term of six years, and the Rector shall make an employment agreement with him/her. A person holding the degree of a Doctor or Master may be elected as the Assistant. In implementation of a professional program of studies the office of an Assistant may also be held by a person with higher education lacking any scientific or academic degree provided that the person in question has at least five-year experience of practical work in the relevant specialty. The Academy Senate shall specify the responsibilities and obligations of a Lecturer. If there is any vacancy or temporary vacancy of a staff employee at the Academy, the Academy Senate upon proposal by the Rector may decide not to hold any competition but hire temporarily a guest Professor, guest Assistant Professor or guest Lecturer for a definite period up to two years. Guest Professors, guest Assistant Professors or guest Lecturers shall be hired under an employment agreement, and they shall have no right to participate in the work of the elected management bodies of the Academy. A person may be elected to the office of a Senior Researcher for performance of scientific research under the Act “On Scientific Activities” (published in ~ 51 ~ 30. 31. 32. 33. “Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs”, 1992, Nos. 46/47/48). In case of temporary absence (not exceeding two years) of the relevant officials and upon the consent by the Academy Senate the Rector shall have the right to appoint to the Professor’s office an Associated Professor and to the Assistant Professor’s office - a Lecturer or Assistant having the Doctor’s degree. The general personnel shall comprise: 31.1. managerial personnel; 31.2. auxiliary teaching personnel; 31.3. service personnel; 31.4. other personnel. The general personnel shall be hired under employment agreements made with the members of general personnel by the Academy Rector or the person authorized by him/her. The employment relations with general personnel shall be governed by the Labour Law Code of Republic of Latvia, Internal Rules of the Academy and the signed employment agreements. V. STUDIES AT THE ACADEMY 34. 35. 36. 37. The right to study at the Academy shall be available to any person who has acquired: 34.1. general secondary education and intends to study for higher academic education and Bachelor’s degree and higher professional education; 34.2. Bachelor’s degree and intends to study for Master’s degree; 34.3. Master’s degree and intends to study for Doctor’s degree. The additional regulations for enrollment of students shall be approved by the Academy Senate. The number of students at the Academy shall be determined by its founder. The students shall have the right: 36.1. to use the opportunities of studies offered by the Academy and acquire academic education and scientific degree or higher professional education; 36.2. to use the Academy premises, library, equipment, devices, culture, sport and medical facilities; 36.3. to suspend and resume their studies in the prescribed procedure; 36.4. to choose the direction of the studies; 36.5. to vote and be elected to the student self-government bodies, participate in management bodies of the Academy and organize societies and clubs. The student self-government shall operate under the provisions developed by the students and approved by the Academy Senate. The self-government rights of students shall be governed by the Academy rules and the said provisions. The student self-government may have the rights of a legal entity, provided that it has been duly registered as a public or non-profit organization in the procedure specified under the law. The students shall have the right of veto at the Academy Senate in the matters affecting the interests of students. The resolutions adopted by the student self-government shall become binding for all students of the Academy upon their approval by the Academy Senate. ~ 52 ~ 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. The studies at the Academy shall proceed under the programs of studies approved by the Academy Senate. The operation of the relevant program of studies shall be determined by the description of contents and implementation of the studies. The programs of studies may also be developed and presented for approval by separate Professors as well as departments or other academic sub-divisions in the procedure specified by the Academy Senate. Special requirements to the studies shall be established by the Academy Senate. If any program of studies is eliminated, the Academy shall provide the students with the possibility to continue their education within another program of studies or another higher educational institution. The Academy shall implement both the academic and professional programs of studies. Programs of studies which upon their completion provide the students with an academic or higher professional education may not be shorter than four years. The academic programs of studies shall end with final examinations that include the writing and defending of a Bachelor’s or Master’s Paper. The professional programs of studies shall end with State examinations that may include the development and defending of a Graduation Paper or Graduation Project. Final examinations and State examinations may be held both in oral and written form. Their organization and procedure shall be determined by the Provisions for Final Examinations and State Examinations approved by the Academy Senate. A tuition fee for studies at the Academy shall be established. The amount of the fee and payment procedure shall be determined by the Academy Senate for each academic year. The tuition fee shall be paid by individuals and legal entities as specified under the agreements made by the Academy with the students. The full amount or a part of the tuition fee may be paid by the State in the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers. VI. MANAGEMENT AND STRUCTURE 44. 45. 46. The Academy shall have the following main representational, management and decision-making bodies: 44.1. the Academy Assembly; 44.2. the Academy Senate; 44.3. the Rector; 44.4. the Auditing Commission; 44.5. the Arbitration Court. The Assembly shall be the supreme collegiate body of representation and management and the decision-making body acting under the Academy mandate. It shall consist of 20 members: a founder’s representative, the Rector, the Vice-Rector and the representatives of academic personnel and students to be elected to the Assembly for the term of three years by means of a secret ballot. The procedure for nomination and election of representatives to the Academy Assembly and their dismissal therefrom as well as the procedure for convening and holding the Assembly meetings shall be governed by the Assembly Provisions. Upon election of representatives to the Assembly the proportion established under the University Act in respect of the number of ~ 53 ~ 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. representatives elected from the academic personnel and the students shall be retained. The regular meetings of the Academy Assembly shall be held by the Academy Senate or the Rector at least once in every three years. The emergency meetings of the Assembly shall be held upon the demand by the Rector, the Academy Senate or at least one half of the academic personnel as well as one half of the students. The Assembly meeting shall: 48.1. adopt the Academy By-laws and make amendments to them; 48.2. elect and dismiss the Rector; 48.3. hear the report by the Rector; 48.4. elect the Academy Senate and approve its provisions; 48.5. elect the Auditing Commission and Arbitration Court; 48.6. approve provisions for the Auditing Commission and Arbitration Court; 48.7. discuss and decide on other matters related to conceptual directions of the Academy operation not included within the competence of the Academy Senate, Rector or Vice-Rector. The resolution by the Assembly meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes, an it shall be competent to adopt the resolutions (with the exception of cases specified under Article 50 below) if at least one half of the Assembly members are present at the meeting. The resolutions on amendments to the Academy By-laws and election of the rector to the office and his/her dismissal therefrom shall be adopted by the majority of votes equal to three-fourths of the total number of the Assembly members. The Academy Senate shall be a collegiate management and decision-making body of the Academy. It shall consist of 12 members elected for the term of three years by the Assembly meeting. The operation of the Academy Senate shall be governed by the provisions approved by the Assembly. The competence of the Academy Senate shall cover all fields of the Academy operation, approval of provisions for election to academic offices, provisions for final examinations and state examinations, lecturing and methodology, scientific research, matters of organization and coordination of the studies, foundation, reorganization and dissolution of sub-divisions and approval of provisions for such sub-divisions. The Academy Senate shall approve Internal Rules of the Academy and determine the amounts and procedure for payment of salaries. The salary shall not be less that the minimum wage (hourly rate, monthly salary or basic monthly salary) established by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Academy Senate shall establish a standing commission to control the performance of the Academy By-laws and compliance of the Academy operation with the laws and other legal acts. Upon its own initiative the Academy Senate may establish a Convention of Councilors that shall operate under the University Act and provisions approved by the Academy Senate. The Rector shall be an official representative of the Academy who shall: 55.1. represent the Academy without any specific Power of Attorney; 55.2. carry out general administrative management of the Academy, supervise and organize the operation and financial affairs of the Academy and be responsible for it. ~ 54 ~ 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. The Assembly meeting of the Academy shall elect the Rector from among the candidates nominated by the Academy Senate for the term of five years by means of a secret ballot. The Rector may not be re-elected to the office for more than two successive terms. The dismissal of the Rector may be initiated by the Academy Senate. The Rector shall give instructions and take decisions concerning the operational matters of the Academy, make employment agreements with personnel, sign Powers of Attorney etc. documents within the framework of his/her competence. Upon the nomination by the Rector the Academy Senate shall approve the appointment of the Vice-Rector for studies and scientific work. The competence of the Vice-Rector shall include the organization and coordination of scientific themes and scientific work by the staff, and analysis of programs of studies. Other responsibilities of the Vice-Rector shall be specified by the Academy Senate. The economic operation by the Academy shall be managed and supervised by Assistant Manager. The responsibilities of the Assistant Manager shall be specified by the Rector under the respective employment agreement. The operation of the Academy shall be controlled by the Auditing Commission. The Auditing Commission consisting of three members shall be appointed by the Academy Assembly meeting for the term of three years. No representatives of the managerial personnel may be appointed as members of the Auditing Commission. The Auditing Commission shall have the right to inspect and audit the property of the Academy and examine the Academy operation, study the documentation pertaining to economic and financial position of the Academy. The Auditing Commission shall report its actions to the Academy Senate at least once in a year. The Academy Assembly meeting shall by secret ballot elect from among the academic personnel the Arbitration Court consisting of three members that shall serve for the term of three years. No representatives of the managerial personnel may be elected to the Arbitration Court. The resolutions by the Arbitration Court shall be approved by the Academy Senate and executed by the management. The members of the Arbitration Court shall be responsible for their actions before the Academy Assembly. The Arbitration Court shall operate in compliance with the requirements specified under the University Act. The Academy may have the following sub-divisions: 62.1. Departments; 62.2. the Scientific Research Center; 62.3. the College; 62.4. the Bible School. The operation and status of Departments shall be specified under the provisions approved by the Academy Senate. The Departments shall provide for adequate implementation of programs of studies, organization of process of studies, coordinate research programs as well as perform other responsibilities arising out of the purposes and objectives established for operation of the Departments. Each Department shall be managed by its Head to be elected by the Department personnel for the term of office not exceeding five years. The Department Head may not be re-elected to the office for more than two successive terms. ~ 55 ~ 64. 65. 66. The status and objectives of the Scientific Research Center shall be specified under the provisions approved by the Academy Senate. The operation of the Scientific Research Center shall be managed by its Head. Upon consent by the founder of the Academy and by resolution of the Academy Assembly the College, a sub-division for provision of professional education within the period of studies less than four years may be established. Upon consent by the founder of the Academy and by resolution of the Academy Assembly the Bible School with the two-year period of studies may be established to raise the level of general knowledge about Christianity. VII. PROPERTY AND FUNDS OF THE ACADEMY 67. 68. 69. 70. The property of the Academy shall comprise the property and funds allocated by its founder, tuition fees, income from scientific activities and scientific research, income from the commercial and economic activities provided for under the Academy By-laws, donations and gifts by legal entities and individuals as well as credits granted by banks and other credit institutions. The Academy shall manage its financial resources in compliance with the Regulations applicable to non-profit organizations. The structure of financial resources of the Academy shall be determined by the Academy Senate but the implementation of the budget shall be controlled by the Auditing Commission. The Academy may own land, movable and immovable property and intellectual property as well as funds within and without Latvia. The Academy shall have the right to manage its property in order to achieve the purposes specified under the Academy By-laws. The Academy shall have the right to use and exploit the property of the founder placed in its possession. The procedure for use of the founder’s property placed in the possession of the Academy shall be determined under the bilateral agreement made between the Academy and its founder. VIII. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION BY THE ACADEMY 71. 72. The Academy shall promote international cooperation between higher educational institutions. According to its specific purposes the Academy shall have the right to enter into cooperation agreements with foreign higher educational institutions as well as to organize joint ventures with foreign companies in the procedure provided for under the legislative acts of Republic of Latvia. IX. REORGANIZATION AND DISSOLUTION OF THE ACADEMY 73. The Academy shall be reorganized or dissolved by the resolution of its founders or in other cases provided for under the law. Should the license issued to the founder be canceled in the statutory procedure, the Academy shall be dissolved or reorganized into such educational institution that has no status of higher educational establishment. ~ 56 ~ 74. 75. Upon dissolution or reorganization of the Academy the students shall be provided with the possibility to continue studies at another higher educational establishment. In case of dissolution or reorganization of the Academy its founder shall be liable for obligations of the Academy as provided for under the laws and other legal acts. X. PROCEDURE FOR ADOPTION AND AMENDING OF THE ACADEMY BY-LAWS 76. 77. The Academy By-laws shall be adopted and amended by the meeting of the Academy Assembly in the procedure specified under the Academy By-laws. Any member of the Academy Assembly shall have the right to propose amendments to the Academy By-laws. The Academy By-laws and amendments to them shall be approved by the founder of the Academy. The Academy By-laws and amendments to them shall take effect upon their approval by the Cabinet of Ministers. Prime Minister Minister for Education and Science, Assistant Prime Minister J.Celmiņš ~ 57 ~ LICENCE OF LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY THE BY–LAWS (STATUTES) OF THE DEACONAL INSTITUTE 2 APENDIX IEŅĒMUMA DIENESTA IZZIŅA PAR LKRA STĀŠANOS NODOKOĻU MAKSĀTĀJU UZSKAITĒ UN NORĒĶINĀŠANOS AR VALSTS BUDŽETU. PAŠVALDĪBU IZZIŅA PAR ATTIECĪGĀS MĀCĪBAS IESTĀDES DARBĪBAS IESPĒJAMĪBU TĀS ADMINISTRATĪVAJĀ TERITORIJĀ. Nekustāmā īpašuma Bulduru prospektā 21 nomas līgums 3 APENDIX Academic year 1996/97 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES NO. 12 OF THE MEETING OF LATVIAN EV.-LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SENATE Jūrmala April 29,1997 The meeting was chaired by: Rector, Dr.theol., Dr.phil. Sk. Gūtmane The meeting was attended by: Prof. Jānis Vējs, Manager of Studies Baiba Zīvere, Asst.Prof. A.Kuzņecova, Asst.Prof. V.Tēraudkalns, Asst.Prof. I.Trapenciere, Asst.Prof. O.Brūveris, Lecturer Rev. Guntis Dislers, Asst.Prof. Guntis Kalnietis, Accountant Lāsma Janberga, Eskil Albertsson (President of the ‘’Swedish Alliance Mission’’, Sweden), Donald Richman (Vice-President of the ‘’Good News for Israel’’, USA), students R.Valters, I.Ozola. Minutes were kept by: Vineta Zāle, Secretary of the Senate Agenda: ~ 58 ~ 1. Approval of the report containing Self-evaluation of the Program for Academic studies for the degree of Bachelor of Theology and the program for Professional studies made by the Supervising Committee and Sub-committee for Academy Self-Evaluation. 2. ..... Reports were delivered by: Rector Dr. S.Gūtmane, Asst.Prof. I.Trapenciere, Asst.Prof. V.Tēraudkalns, Asst.Prof. O.Brūveris Contribution to the debate was made by: Prof. Jānis Vējs, Lecturer Rev. Guntis Dislers, Accountant Lāsma Janberga, Eskil Albertsson (President, ‘’Alianssmission’’, Sweden), Donald Richman (Vice-President, Interlutheran mission organization ‘’Good News for Israel’’ from the USA). Dr. S.Gūtmane introduced the Senate members to the report on Selfevaluation of the Program for Professional studies, “Practical Theology” made by the Supervising Committee and Sub-committee. The following aspects of the Program for professional studies were put forward for approval by the Senate Members: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Parameter Aims and objectives of the program for studies Quality of contents of the Program for studies Professional practical studies Orientation towards scientific work in the subjects and process of studies System used to ensure the quality of studies Evaluation 4 3 4 3 3 Evaluation grades: 4 - very good 3 - very satisfactorily 2 - satisfactorily 1 - unsatisfactorily Every aspect was voted on separately. A debate arose on the aspect 3. Asst.Prof. O.Brūveris, Lect. G.Dislers, E.Albertsson participated in the debate. The majority voted for the evaluation as ‘’4’’. The Senate resolved: 1. To approve the Self-evaluation report made by the LChA Supervising Committee. 2. To recommend to execute the report in compliance with the guideline requirements for evaluation of Programs of studies at Higher educational institutions established by Ministry of Education and Science. 3. To file with the Center of the Evaluation of the Quality of the Highest Education the Documents for Accreditation of the program for professional higher education studies, ‘’Practical Theology’’, by July 10, 1997. Chairman of the meeting: the LChA Rector, Dr.theol., Dr.phil. Skaidrīte Gūtmane ~ 59 ~ Senate Members: Senate Secretary: seal True excerpt: V.Zāle, Secretary of the LChA Senate July 1, 1997 Academic year 1996/97 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES NO. 12 OF THE OPEN MEETING OF LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SENATE 4 APENDIX CALCULATIONS FOR 1996 FINANCIAL REPORT UZZIŅA PAR DARBA SAMAKSAS NOTEIKUMIEM LKRA 1. Darba samaksas noteikumus īsteno LKrA rektora pavēle “Par pasniedzēju darba samaksu” un “Rīkojums par docētāju slodzēm”. Darba samaksas likmes akadēmijā nav zemākas par Latvijas Ministru kabineta noteiktajām likmēm. 2. Administratīvajām un mācību palīgpersonāla darba samaksu nosaka pēc rektora apstiprināta štatu saraksta. ~ 60 ~ Apstiprināts LKrA Senāta sēdē 1996.g. 15. oktobrī RĪKOJUMS PAR MĀCĪBU SPĒKU SLODZĒM LKRA 1. Noteikt šādus docētāju slodzes aprēķinu normatīvus: Lekcijas, semināri, praktiskie darbi 1 akadēmiskā stunda 50 min. 1 st. Ieskaites, eksāmeni (mutiskie) 0,5 st. katram studentam; Ieskaites, testi (rakstiskie) 0,25 st. katram studentam; kontroldarbu, pastāvīgo darbu pārbaude 0,25 st. katram studentam; NB!: kontroldarbi, pastāvīgo darbu pārbaude ietilpst pasniedzēju slodzē, ja to paredz attiecīgā kursa programma. Diplomdarba (diplomprojekta) vadīšana 15 st. par vienu darbu; Bakalaura darba vadīšana 15 st. par vienu darbu; Mācību darba konsultēšana 0,5 st. katram studentam; Recenzēšana 3 st. par vienu darbu; Diplomdarbu, bakalaura darbu konsultēšana 1 st. katram studentam; Eksaminācijas (projekta, bakalaura, diplomdarba) komisijas vadīšana; Piedalīšanās eksaminācijas komisijās 0,5 katram studentam Ekspertīze - rezenzēšana 5 st. katram studentam 2. Saskaņā ar Ministrijas kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 191, 23.08.1994.g. augstskolu lektoriem un asistentiem noteikta darba slodze 600 - 1000 stundu gadā, docentiem un profesoriem ne mazāk par 6 lekciju un semināru nodarbībām nedēļā. 3. LKrA Studiju daļai sagatavot atbilstošu atskaites dokumentāciju par : lekciju, eksāmenu, konsultāciju, slodžu izpildi, kas iesniedzama LKrA grāmatvedībā. LKrA Rektore: Sk.Gūtmane Lasīju: studiju daļas vadītāja: B.Zīvere Galvenā grāmatvede: L.Zanberga ~ 61 ~ INFORMATION ABOUT THE MATERIAL BASIS OF STUDIES AT LCHA LChA owns two building blocks: 23 Bulduru prospect and 32 Vidus prospect. Table 1. TOTAL DWELLING PLACE ROOMS AND PREMISES SIZE M2 269 110,6 36 50 76,3 100 1 200 6 000 Auditoriums Library Reading rooms Chapel Kitchen and Dining room Complex Land (owned) Land (rented) AMOUN T NOTES 9 1 2 2 1 FOR SOCIAL NEEDS OF STUDENTS 50 76,3 100 Chapel / for Prayers Chapel / Hall Cafe There is no Sports hall at the ChA but there is Contract with sanatoriums "Edinburga" and "Lielupe" about the Rent of respective Facilities for student needs For Dormitory needs Lielupe Science house comfortable rooms are available 50 Part of the Payemnt is covered by LChA NB! LChA has received another Building block 4000 m2 — after the Reconstruction it will be used for the Academic library, Conference hall needs and more Auditoriums and Classrooms. Table 2 TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF STUDIES EQUIPMENT AMOUNT Epidiascope Overhead projectors for A4 slides "Demolux" Regular slide projectors Cassette recorders Amplifier with Mic and Loudspeakers Codoscope Pofessional photo camera Leica R7 and Acss. Leica lenses 1 2 NOTES 2 6 2 1 1 3 28/2,8 80/1,4 135/2,8 ~ 62 ~ Snapshot cameras "Minolta", "Ricoh" Photo enlarger "Azov", "Durst" Copy machines "AGFA", "Toshiba", "Sharp" 2 TV and Video set "Funai" Computers IBM 486 DX/66 Mhz 8MB RAM, 412MB HDD 1 3 Computers IBM Pentium 75Mhz 8MB RAM, 805MB HDD 3 Printers HP (Lazer and Ink) Fax & Phones "Panasonic", "Toshiba" Audiocassettes for the Program of Theology Audiocassettes for Modern Languages White boards White screens for projection 5 2 2 4 More than 1000 copies per year are made for study needs # Intensive use of this equipment guarantees available materials for both students and teachers # Computer class alows 110 hours of PC access for each student in the Program called "Basics of Information technology" with MS DOS, MS Windows 95, MS Word and MS Excel 100 10 2 Asisstant rector for Management and Maintenance E.Grīns DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE LIBRARY OF THE LCHA 1. The Library of the LChA is a Scientific Library. 2. The LChA Library is included in the joint Catalogue of the Republic of Latvia, the joint information file "Foreign periodicals in the libraries of Latvia". For the time being the LChA Library is situated on the 2nd floor of the main building of the LChA comprising the area of 167,6 m2. 4. The LChA has acquired an area of 4,000 m2 at 21 Bulduru prospect to accomplish the building of the Theological Library of the LChA according to the construction plan of the architect M.Liepa (see: The Construction Plan of the new building of the LChA at 21 Bulduru prospect) and "The strategic development plan of the LChA 1887. - 2002”). 5. The Library is compiled with the view of quality in compliance with the goals of the LChA and its training program. The orders for books are placed through internationally acknowledged subject catalogues. The international Lutheran organization "Good News for Israel" (USA), the ”Dialogcenter” of the Århus University (Danmark), and International Book Aid London (UK) give assistance in supplying books for the Library. ~ 63 ~ 6. At present the library comprises 3128 titles; the total number of books is 3298. (Some of the books are located at 32 Vidus prospect for the use of visiting lecturers). 7. The books are classified according to the international DDC classification. The Book stocks: The General section - Reference Books, Dictionaries, The Bible translations. 176 Philosophy and related branches 980 Religion 1020 Social Sciences 620 Languages 39 The Sciences 150 Technology (applied research) The Fine Arts 152 Fiction 50 General Geography and History 50 8. The Academy has an agreement with the Library of Jûrmala (head I.Zoldnere) to let the students of the Academy use the books at the Jûrmala Library and readingrooms at Bulduri. Both fiction and other literature at this Library is at the disposal of the students of the LChA The Library being situated near the Academy is very convenient. 9. The Library comprises complete sets of the following periodicals: In Foreign languages: National Geographic, IGNIS Journal. Zeitschrift für christliche pszchologie, therapie and Biblische seelsorge, Prophecy Today Vol.12 1996, Good News for Israel, Spirituality in East and West. DialogCenter International. Update & Dialog on New religious movements 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996, Journal of Baltic Studies, Baltic Studies Newsletter, Berliner Dialog. Informationen un Standpunkte zur religösen Begegnung Biblical Atrcheology Review Apostolic Care since 1995 Newsweek - selection since 1993 In Latvian: Labâ Vçsts. (A magazine importing Christian knowledge), Luteriskâ Mantojuma Fonds: Mantojums. (A magazine on Lutheran theology), Ceļabiedrs. (A Christian monthly by LELBA), Eiropas Dialogs. (A magazine for European integration), Files of the following newspapers: Diena, Izglîtîba un Kultûra, The Official Newspaper of the Republic of Latvia: "Latvijas Vçstnesis", Latvijas Luterânis, Svçtdienas Rîts. ~ 64 ~ Our dream is to get access to the London and Washington libraries through the World Wide Web. Librarian of the LChA B.Grîna 5 APENDIX REFERENCE TO ACADEMIC STAFF OF LCHRA (SHORTENED VERSION OF CV) 1. Regular teaching staff from Latvia (alphabetic order) No. Name, Surname 1 Rinta Bružēvica 2 Olafs Brūveris 3 Juris Cālītis Position Scientific degree Length of profes– sional service Lecturer M.Philol. 12 Assistant professor Assistant professor Dr. Theol. 15 Dr.Phil.hab. Dr. Theol. Dr. Psych. 25 Courses French Latin History of Christian mission Systematic theology The Symbols of Lutheran faith Creeds in the Bible Theology of the Old Testament 4 Guntis Dišlers Lecturer, M.Philol, executive Pastor of director of the Ev.Luth. "Dialogue Church Centre" 5 Skaidrīte Rector, Dr.Phil. Gūtmane lecturer Dr. Theol. 13 6 Gunārs Jukumnieks Lecturer Art critic 40 7 Māris Jukumnieks Lecturer M.A. designer 10 8 Guntis Kalnietis Assistant professor Dr. Psych. psychiatrist clinician Dr.Phil. 20 Theology of the New Testament Introduction to Redemptive theology Bible doctrines History of art History and theology of image in Christian art Iconography Fundamentals of environmental art Modern Art Psychiatry 28 Introduction to philosophy M.Theol. candidate for a doctor's degree at LU 5 Psychology and sociology of religion Spiritual growth and Christian counseling 9 Aino Assistant Kuzņecova professor 10 Gatis Līdums Assistant 26 ~ 65 ~ 11 Rūta Lūse 12 Gunta Ošeniece 13 Guntars Prānis Assistant professor Assistant Lecturer 14 Aija Priedīte Assistant professor 15 Ģirts Priedols Assistant 16 Silvija Rēvele Assistant professor 17 Ritma Rungule Assistant professor 18 Valdis Tēraudkalns Program director bachelor's degree theology, assistant professor 19 Didzis-Andris Assistant Lasmanis 20 Ilze Assistant Trapenciere professor 21 Anita Assistant Vecgrāve professor M.Philol. 32 English B.Philol. candidate for a master's degree M.Theol. M. in Church music, conductor Dr. Phil 5 German 10 Hymnology Liturgy 16 History of Latvian culture 3 Computer science 11 Psychology of organizations 20 The methods of social research Sociology History of theology I History of theology II B.Sc. Analyst of computer systems M.E., candidate for a doctor's degree at AS Dr.Soc. M.Theol., for candidate for a doctor's in degree at LU, President of Latvian Bible society M.L. 3 10 Fundamentals of general law Dr.Soc. 10 Family sociology Dr.Psyh. 18 Introduction to psychology Personality psychology Developmental psychology History of Christianity I Patristics History of Christianity II Middle Ages Modern philosophy Philosophy of Modern Times Hebrew 22 Jānis Vējš Vice-rector, Dr. program Phil.habil., director for professor master's degree in theology 35 23 Ilmārs Zvirgzds Lecturer 4 M.Theol. 23 members of teaching staff in LChA from Latvia are engaged on regular basis. 9 of them are doctors, 3 lecturers at present are taking courses for doctor's degree at Latvian University. ~ 66 ~ 2. Visiting professors (from abroad) Visiting professors on regular basis are working jointly with young teaching staff members of Academy No. Name, Surname Position Scientific degree Length of profes– sional service 1 Johannes Aagaard Professor Dr.Theol. hab. 41 2 Steinar Bakken Lecturer 10 3 Tilo Claussen Lecturer M.Polit. M.Psych., Rel.Hist. Missionary 4 Jan Gossner Assistant professor, lecturer, rector M.Theol. 24 5 Wolf-Dieter Hartmann Peter Hübner Assistant professor Assistant professor Dr.Psych. 20 Dr. Phil. Dr. Psych. 25 Assistant professor Dr. Phil. Mission sciences 36 6 7 Knud JØrgensen 15 8 Eero Kalevi Rector, Junkkaala lecturer Dr. Theol 27 9 Donald Clary R. Assistant professor, Missionary Tore Associated Lindholm professor, senior researcher Dr. Theol. 17 Dr. Phil. 30 Francis Wesley Monseth Johannes Orville Mosbo Dr. Theol. M.Div. 29 10 11 12 Assistant professor Professor at Dr. Theol. 30 the Institute of (USA) Lutheran Bible in Sietle Courses University of Orhus (Danmark) World religions Theological processes in the Modern world University of Oslo Politology Demography Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pneumatology Norsk DiakonihØyskole, Oslo Deacon's education Evangelical social work University of Hamburg Psychology of religion II Friedrich Alexander university Psychology of religion I Oslo university Theory and history of Christian mission, Evangelization Finnish Theological institute Archaeology and Geography of the Bible Alder's memorial university Psychology of family and marriage Oslo university, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights The problems of ethics and human rights History and practices of labor and social law The methods of social research Concordia Seminary USA Theology of the Old Testament Concordia Seminary The methods of the Biblical exegesis, Gospels (Exegesis) Letters of the New Testament (Exegesis) ~ 67 ~ 13 14 Robert L. Assistant Moylan professor Wagner Senior Wolfgang researcher Dr.Theol. 30 Dr. Psych. 33 Concordia Seminary Judaism and Christianity The Institute of Christian psychology IGNIS (Germany) Psychology of marriage Each academic year 14 scientists from well–known European high schools and authoritative educational institutions of Lutheran theology are engaged in LChA, 8 of them are doctors and professors 3. Visiting and part-time professors (from Latvia) No. Name, Surname Position Scientific degree Length of profes– sional service 1 Aivars Baldiņš Assistant professor Dr.Hist. 2 Dagmāra Beitnere Lecturer M.Phil. 17 candidate for a doctor's degree in AS 3 Gatis Bušs Dr. Psych. 13 4 Arvīds Drīzulis Assistant professor Assistant professor 39 5 Ināra Krūmiņa Ludmila Kuprijanov a Assistant professor Lecturer Artist Assistant professor Dr. Psyh 7 Roberts Mūks Assistant professor Dr.Phil. 8 Pēteris Laķis Jānis Andris Osis Anita Plūme Professor, rector Professor, rector Assistant professor Dr. Phil 20 Painter 26 M.Paed. 17 6 9 10 10 25 Dr. Hist Courses Latvian university Introduction to political sciences Institute of Philosophy and Sociology World's religions Introduction to history of Eastern religions Introduction to family counseling Latvian Academy of Arts Sculpture Latvian university General psychology The president of Committee of Social and Labor affairs at the Parliment of LR The methods of social work System of social welfare in Europe Academy of Culture History of Culture Theology of P.Tillich Academy of Culture Theology of Rule Latvian Academy of Arts Painting Work with ill-disposed families Problems of family and sexual patology ~ 68 ~ 11 12 13 14 15 Anda GaitniecePutāne Andris Teikmanis Vilis Vārsbergs Jānis Zemītis Juris Zaķis Lecturer M.Psych. 13 Therapy of crisis Latvian university Psychology of interaction Lecturer M.A. artist Dr. Theol 5 Painting 29 Church administration Painter 36 Painting Dr.Phys. 20 Latvian university Physics and the Bible Assistant professor Professor Professor, Rector academic year 1999/2000. 15 visiting professors are engaged in LChA, 9 of them are professors and doctors There are 39 members of teaching staff in LChA that are working on regular and constant basis; 21 person of them are qualified as doctors and professors ~ 69 ~ CURRICULUM VITAE Jānis Vējš 1. DATE OF BIRTH: March 2, 1936, in Jelgava 2. EDUCATION: 1957 - Graduate of Riga Pedagogical Institute, English Language Department. 1962 - Oxford University, BA (Theol.) 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Dr.phil.habil., Professor. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since 1970 - Candidate of Philosophy Sciences. Since 1972 - Academy of Sciences, Institute of History. Since 1980 - Institute of Philosophy and Law. Lecturer of the course in ‘’Linguistic Analytical Philosophy’’ for Mastership students at the Institute and LatvianUniversity. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvianpress editions II. Articles in Foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 4 5 1 Valdis Tēraudkalns 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 1990 - Graduate of Riga Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry Technology. 1994 - Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, USA. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Mg.Theol. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since 1994 - Lecturer at the Lutheran Diacony Institute. Since 1994 - Lecturer at the Social Health School under Medicine Academy. 1990-1991 - Assistant Minister of Baptist Church in Subate. 1991-1992 - Minister of Baptist Church in Subate. ~ 70 ~ Since 1993 - Baptist Church in Bauska. 1990-1995 - Secretary of LatvianBible Society. Since 1996 - President of LatvianBible Society. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvianpress editions 3 President of LatvianBible Society, Manager of new Translation of the Bible II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 2 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 Dagmāra Beitnere 1. DATE OF BIRTH: March 13, 1955, in Ventspils 2. EDUCATION: 1974-1980 - Latviannnn University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, specialty of History, Graduation Paper ‘’History Philosophy Problems in Works by R.Vitram’’’. 1983-1986 - post-graduate course at the Latviannnn University, Thesis ‘’Religious Philosophy of LatvianExiles’’. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English conversational German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1980 -1983 - Head of Methodological Office of Philosophy Chair at the Latviannnn University, lecturer of LatvianUniversity. 1986 - Assistant at Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. September 1992 - Assistant at Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, under a Grant on the theme ’’Dievturība as a Phenomenon of LatvianMoral Culture in the 20th Century’’. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvianpress editions 8 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 ~ 71 ~ Skaidrīte Gūtmane 1. DATE OF BIRTH: December 8, 1948, in Riga 2. EDUCATION: 1969 - cum laude graduate of Latviannnn University, qualification Philologist, Teacher of Literature. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent Greek with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Dr.phil. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Scientific activities: 1978 - Doctor of Philology. Thesis nostrified as Dr.phil. in 1992. Directions of scientific work - literature reviews, relations between Culture and Theology. A member of Council of Rectors of LatvianHigher Educational Institutions. 1978-1985 - Senior Lecturer at the LatvianUniversity. Since 1985 - Lecturer at Riga Applied Arts College. Since 1991 - Asst.Prof. at LatvianUniversity Faculty of Theology. May 1993 - Founder and Rector of LatvianLutheran Deaconal Institute (after Accreditation in November 1995 - ev. luth. Christian Academy). Since December 1995 - Leader of the Christian radio program ‘’Mazliet ticu’’ (Believe a Bit). Creative activities: Attending Conferences, including the most important specified below: until 1983 - annual Scientific conferences of LatvianState University. 1984 - Initiator of the All-Union Scientific Conference ‘’Philosophy and Literary Critic’’ (dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Prof., Dr.phil. Kārlis Kraulins) at the University. The Conference was controversial to the Marxist ideology prevailing at the time, facilitated the development of an alternative creative thinking during the period of Communist rule. It was the main reason why she had to leave the University with a reprimand due to her refusal to keep strictly to Marxist-Leninist ideology. October 1992 - ‘’Gruntvig Readings’’ at Århus University in Danmark, the report ‘’Christian Education in Latviannnn’’. Since 1993 - ‘’Januarkursus’’, annual seminars of Bible studies at the Bible Institute in Copenhagen, Danmark. November 1993 - Conference of a worldwide organization ‘’Women Aglow International’’ in Arizona, the USA, the report ‘’Women and Democratic Development in Latviannnn’’. March 1994 - the ‘’Women Aglow International’’ conference in Strasbourg, the report ‘’Education and Problems of Changing Qualification in Latviannnn’’. March 1995 - the ‘’Women Aglow International’’ conference in Thesaloniki, Greece, the report ‘’Problems of Secular and Christian Education in Latviannnn’’. July 1994 - Conference of International Bible School Association in Minneapolis, USA, the report ‘’Christian Education in Latviannnn and Initiatives of LatvianChristian Academy’’. May 1996 - ‘’Environment and Culture’’ in Riga. ~ 72 ~ February 1996 - ‘’Gospel and Culture’’, Oslo University, Faculty of Theology. April 1996 - Conference by Swedish Council of Churches ‘’Role of the Church in Facilitation of Human Safety in the Baltic Sea Region’’, in Stockholm. May 1996 - Conference by ‘’Aspera’’, the LatvianAssociation of Christian Schools, the report ‘’Christian Education as a Part of Democratic Culture’’. 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 - a participant of Archaeological excavations in Israel together with Finnish Theological Institute and Israel Antiquities Authority. Initiator of scientific work at the LatvianChristian Academy: - man and resources of his Moral and Spiritualal power; - mediation of Culture and Christianity and integration of Christianity into Social environment; - participation in international research projects ‘’Emmaus Project’’ and ‘’The Land of Geshur’’ in Israel (together with Archaeology, Theology and History experts from Finland, Israel, Italy, Germany). Organizer of exhibitions: December 1994 - LatvianChristian Art (the first in Latvia) at the St.Peter’s Church in Riga. December 1995 - Norwegian Christian Art, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Christianity in Norway, at the St.Peter’s Church in Riga. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 Coordinator of two international projects in Latvia III. Scientific conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 Guntis Dišlers 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 30, 1958, in Limbazi 2. EDUCATION: 1978-1983 - Latvian University, Faculty of Philology. 1989 - Latvian University, Faculty of Theology. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Bachelor of Philology. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1984-1989 - scientific editor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences at the Publishing house ”Zinatne” of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. July 1990 - ordained as a Pastor at the Latvian ev. luth. Church. 1990 - Co-pastor at the Dom Church and St.John’s Ev.Luth. Church in Riga. Since 1992 - minister of Ev.-Luth.parish in Ikskile. ~ 73 ~ 1990-1993 - annual courses for Sunday School teachers of Latvian Ev.Luth.Church (Theology of New and Old Testimony). Since 1990 - regular Bible lessons at the St.John’s parish in Riga and Ev.Luth. parish in Ikskile. 1989-1993 - Editor of the weekly ‘’Svētdienas Rīts’’ of Latvian Ev.Luth.Church. 1991-1994 - Leader of Christian programs in Latvian State Radio. Since 1993 - work at the Daaconal Institute: administrative responsibilities, lecturer of Bible Sciences and Judaism; translation of lectures from English into Latvian etc. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 9 II. Articles in Foreign editions 4 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books translation of 3 Theological books from English (total of 1250 pages) VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 Francis Wesley Monseth 1. NAME, SURNAME: Francis Wesley Monseth 2. BIRTH: November24, 1941, Minot, North Dakota 3. EDUCATION: Oak Grove Lutheran High School, Fargo, North Dakota, 1957-1959; Lutheran Bible Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1959-1960; Augsburg College, Minneapolis, 1961-1963; Valley City State University , 1960-1961,1963-1964 (Bachelor of Arts degree); Association Free Lutheran Theological seminary, Minneapolis, 1964-1967 (Master of Divinity degree); Seattle Pacific University graduate School, Seattle, 1969-1971; was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies in July 1972. (Thesis topic: “Luther’s Understanding of the Pastoral Ministry”) Concordia Seminary Graduate School, St. Louis, 1972-1973, 1978-1979; was awarded a master of Sacred Theology degree in Systematic and Historical Theology in 1978. (Thesis topic: “The Doctrine of Sanctification as Portrayed in Spener’s Pia Desideria”). He was awarded the Doctor of Theology degree in Systematic Theology in 1986. (Thesis topic: “Millennialism in America Lutheranism in Light of Augsburg Confession, Article XVII”). 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: I. II. Monseth was installed as pastor of Calvary congregation in November, 1967. He was ordained into the Lutheran ministry in 1968. ~ 74 ~ III. Dr. Monseth has served in several official capacities as an evangelical Lutheran minister. He was an officer in the Evangelical Pastor’s Association in Everett. He has been a member of the board of Lutheran Colportage, Inc., and the home council of World Mission League and served president of the Lutheran Council on Biblical Inerrancy. IV. As a pastor of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, he has been an officer of its national Lutheran League Federation and its Youth Board. he also served three terms as vice-president of the AFLC and for many years was a member of the Editorial Board of the Lutheran Ambassador. V. Monseth joined the faculty of Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary in August, 1971, as a pastor of Systematic Theology. In June of 1981, he was elected Dean of the Seminary . VI. Dr. Monseth has had opportunity to teach theology in south America (Brazil) during the summer of 1990 as well as in eastern Europe (Russia, Estonia, and Latvia) during the 199301994 school year. 5. PUBLICATIONS: I. Articles in the Latvian press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 6 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 6. LANGUAGES: English fluent German fluent Norwegian fluent 4 4 Johannes Orville Mosbo 1. NAME, SURNAME: Johannes Orville Mosbo 2. BIRTH: 3. EDUCATION: Post graduate studies - Candidate of Theology, Luther Theological Seminary 1954 Doctor of ministry, Graduate Theological Union via Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Pedagogical experience: 16 years of teaching at the Lutheran Bible Institute in California, (now located in Irvine, California). Pastoral Ministry: 1954-1957 Cathlamet, Washington; 1957-1963 madras, Oregon; 1963-1968 Lakewood, California; 1969-1976 Marysville, California. Service in congregations registrar - Lutheran bible Institute in California; Currently: Founder and general Secretary of INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN BIBLE SCHOOL FELLOWSHIP MOVEMENT. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 ~ 75 ~ IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 4 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 4 6. LANGUAGES: English fluent German fluent Norwegian conversational 3 Juris Cālītis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: December 14, 1939, in Riga 2. EDUCATION: 1962 - graduate of University of Maryland. 1965 - Harvard University Faculty of Theology 1965-1969 - Harward University, candidate to Doctor’s degree in Philosophy. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, English fluent Greek with the help of a Dictionary German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1962 - Bachelor of Humanitarian Sciences, summa cum laude; 1965 - Master of Theology, magnum cum laude; S.T.B/M.Div. degree; 1967-1968 - Woodrow Wilson Fellow; Phi Beta Capa Fellow; Asst.Prof. of Harward University; 1969 - Candidate to Doctor’s degree in Philosophy (Psychiatry D.); 1991 - Latvian University Doctor of Theology honoris causa; 1992 - Doctor’s degree awarded through habilitation of Latvian University; 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Lecturer of Systematic and New Testimony Theology at Latvian University, Faculty of Theology. Lecturer of Systematic Theology at Latvian ev. Luth. Christian Academy. Minister of St.Saviour’s Ev.Luth.Church in Riga. Minister of Ev. Reformed-Brother parish in Riga. Since 1996 - Coordinator of the work by Bible Translation Commission of Latvian Bible Society. Since 1982 - Dean of the LELBA Institute of Theology. Since 1996 - a Member of the LELBA Liturgy Commission. 1973-1995 - Minister of St.Andrew’s Ev.Luth. parish in Toronto (Canada). 1974-1995 - Teacher at the TLTA Latvian Gymnasium in Toronto, Canada. 1978-1995 - Chairman of Latvian Committee for Bible Translation. 1991-1995 - Dean of the LELBA region of Canada. 1991-1995 - a member of Church Senior Council of the Latvian Ev. Luth.Church Abroad (LELBA). 1978-1995 - a member of the LELBA Church and Liturgy Commission. 1981-1995 - Manager of the LELBA Theology Branch. 1981-1990 - a Member and Deputy Chairman of the LELBA Board. ~ 76 ~ 1984-1987 - a Board member of Ev. Luth.Church in Canada (ELCIC). 1984-1987 - a member of Theology Commission of the Lutheran Congregation of the USA (LCUSA). 1977-1982 - a member of Theology Commission of the Canada Church Congregation (CCC). 1976-1980 - a member of Foundation and Managing Committee of the Latvian Center in Toronto (Canada). 1969-1973 - Minister at Sero Colorado parish (Aruba, the Dutch Antilles). 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 5 a member of Latvian Bible Society Presidium II. Articles in foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books 2+founder of 1 journal, editor, author of many articles VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 Aija Priedīte 1. DATE OF BIRTH: November 7, 1954. 2. EDUCATION: 1976-1981 - Latvian State University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy. 1995 - Scientific Degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the Promotion Paper ‘’Culture Philosophical Problems in Latvian History of Ideas/Second Half of the 19th century and First Half of the 20th Century’’. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since 1981 - Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, project ‘’History of Ideas in Latvian’’. Results of the research have been summarized and included in the following courses of lectures: ‘’Philosophical Idea in Latvian’’ (for students of Education Development Institute), ‘’Culture History in Latvian’’ (for students of Riga Technical University), ‘’Culture Philosophical Problems in Latvian History of Ideas’’ (for students of Latvian University studying for Master of Philosophy), ‘’Culture history’’ (for students of the RSEBAA). 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions 4 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 ~ 77 ~ V. VI. Books Articles in Scientific Collections - 1 4 Aino Kuznecova 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 1942. 2. EDUCATION: 1963-1969 - Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English with the help of a dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1981 - Candidate of Philosophy Sciences. 1992 - Doctor of Philosophy. Since 1985 - Assistant Professor. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1969-1970 - Lecturer of Philosophy at the Latvian State Institute of Physical Culture (LVFKI). 1970-1973 - Senior Lecturer of Philosophy at the LVFKI. 1973-1976 - post-graduate student of Latvian University, Faculty of Philosophy. 1976-1985 - Senior Lecturer at the LVFKI. 1985-1991- Assistant Professor, Chair of Social Sciences, the LVFKI. 1991-1995 - Assistant Professor, Chair of Management and Social Sciences, the LSPA. Since 1995 - Head of Management and Social Sciences Chair, Assistant Professor at the LSPA. Since 1994 - also part-time teacher of philosophy at the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Christian Academy. Academic courses: * at the LSPA - Philosophy, Ethics, Esthetics; * at the Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy - Introduction to Philosophy, Ancient philosophy. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvianpress editions II. Articles in Foreign editions 2 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 8 V. Books 8 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 Anita Vecgrāve ~ 78 ~ 1. DATE OF BIRTH: April 29, 1954. 2. EDUCATION: 1973-1979 - Latvian State University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. 1988-1989 - Leningrad University, Faculty of Psychology. Since 1994 - Latvian University, candidate to Doctor’s degree. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English conversational German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1979-1983 - teacher. 1983-1989 - research associate, Chair of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education of Latvian SSR. 1989-1997 - Psychologist. Courses of lectures at the Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy: 1995 ‘’Psychology of an Ill person’’, 1997 - ‘’General Psychology’’. Since 1994 - work on the Thesis ‘’Emotional Development of Children Aged 3-7 and Possibilities of its Correction’’. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 10 II. Articles in Foreign editions 2 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - none V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 Ināra Krūmina 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 1942, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: 1969 - graduate of Leningrad State University, Faculty of Pedagogy. 1977 - Candidate of Psychology Sciences. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent German fluent English conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1969- up to now - Assistant Professor of Latvian University. 1983 - Assistant Professor, Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Latvian University. Scientific Secretary of Pedagogy and Psychology Institute, Latvian University. A Member and Board Member of Latvian Association of Professional Psychologists. A Member of Latvian Association of School Psychologists. A Member of Certification Commission of Professional Psychologists. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) ~ 79 ~ I. Articles in the Latvian press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - 5 3 3 6 2 4 Dr.hab., prof. Johaness Aagaard 1. NAME, SURNAME: Dr.hab., prof. Johaness Aagaard. 2. BIRTH: April 29, 1928 Horsens, Denmark. 3. EDUCATION: Preliminary religious studies at the University of Århus, BA degree, 1949-1952 Religious studies in Pakistan and India, 1952-1953. Theological studies in Århus, M.Th. degree, Egregie., 1953-1956. Studies in Rome, 1961. Studies during the summer in various parts of Germany, 1962/63/64. Finishing a dissertation for the theological doctorate, 1965. Public defence of the dissertation Mission, Konfession und Kirche. Dr. Theol. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Research secretary for the Danish Missionary Society, 1956-1957. Research in Uppsala, Sweden, 1957-1958. Research in London, Leiden and Humburg, 1958-1959. Appointed lecturer at the Theological faculty, Århus University for Missiology. (simmilar to Assistant Professor), 1959. Appointed Associated Professor (Afdelingsleder) and Director of the Institute for the Missiology and Ecumenics Science then a number of study - tours to EastAfrica, Latin-America, to India and the other countries, 1968. Member of the Board of the Theological Faculty since 1971 and member of the senate of the University of Århus for two periods. Full Academic profesor since 1995. Johaness Aagaard has been a guest-lecturer in the following places: Uppsala, at the Institute for Missionsforskning Reykjavik at the theological faculty. Helsinki, Abo Akademi, Finland. Oslo at the Theological Faculty and at Menighedsfakultetet. Bergen at the institute for the Religious Studies. Trodheim at the institute for the Religious Studies. Selly Oak, Birmingham at the Selly Oak Colleges. Aberdeen at the institute for the Religious Studies. Halle , Germany at Theological faculty. Tübingen, at the Institute of Tübingen. Pune / Poona, India, at the theological Seminary. Madurai, at the Tamilandu Theological seminary. St. Louis at the SEMINEX. Chicago at Lutheran School of Theology. Dubuque, Iowa at Wartburg Theological Seminary. ~ 80 ~ Columbus, Ohio ar the Apostolic Lutheran Church - Theological Seminary. Ventnor, New Jersey at the Institute for Overseas Mission. Copenhagen, at the Theological Faculty. St.Peterburg, The Theological Academy. Moscow, The St.Ireneus Center, The Russian Orthodox Church. Riga, Latvia, The Theological faculty, and the Lutheran Academy. Prag and Ostraava, The Tjekkei, at the theological faculties Various Evangelical Academies in Germany. The ABAC University , Bankok, Thailand. The Christian University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Lutheran Theological Seminary, Bangkok, Thailand. The Lutheran Theological faculty, Shatin, Hong Kong and at Schinshu, Taiwan. Johaness Aagaard has been invited to serve on the following boards in honorary capacities: Danish Member of the Faith and order Commission of the World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. Chairman of the Nordic Ecumenical Institute, Sigtuna, Sweden. President for the International Association for Mission Studies. Member of the Steering Committee of the Theological education Fund. Member of the Academy for the Future Research, Denmark. Vice-chairman of the Nordic Institute for the Missiology and Ecumenics. Member of the Danish Ecumenical Council. Member of the Inter-Church Council of the Church Denmark. Member of the Danish Missionary Council. President of the Danish Student Christian Movement/ Kirketjenesten I Danmark. Chairman of the Ecumenical Center and in Copenhagen. Chairman of the Dialog-Center and the Dialog-Center International Vicechairman of the RENNER, research network for New Religions 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 12 III. Scientific Conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 23 V. Books 3 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 10 6. LANGUAGES: Danish fluent English, German fluent French fluent Hindu .............................conversational Ilmārs Zvirgzds 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: September 11, 1941. ~ 81 ~ 1990-1994 - Latvian University, Faculty of Theology. 1994-1996 - studies at the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English, German fluent Hebrew fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1993-1994 - Acting Minister of Bolderāja Ev. Luth. congregation. During studies in Germany - Personal Secretary to the Archbishop E.E.Rozītis. Summer 1994 - ordained as a Minister by Archbishop of Riga and Latvia Jānis Vanags. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 1 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none Gunta Ošeniece 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 22, 1972, in Sigulda. 2. EDUCATION: 1990-1994 - Latvian University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of German Language and Literature. Since 1994 - studies at Latvian University, Faculty of Foreign Languages for Master’s degree. 1992/1993 - practical studies in Menhengladbach, Germany. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent German fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1994 - Bachelor of Philology. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1991-1992 - Leading Specialist at National Inspectorate for Protection of Culture Monuments. German language teacher at Tourist Business Department of Riga Purvciems Vocational School. 1994-1996 - translation of Seminars under the contracts with Tourism Council, Ministry of Education and Science, Center of Professional Education. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions none III. Scientific Conference theses 1 ~ 82 ~ IV. V. VI. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 Books Articles in Scientific Collections none none Rūta Lūse 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - none 4 2 13 none 2 Rinta Bružēvica 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent French fluent English conversational Latin with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions none III. Scientific Conference theses none IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 4 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 ~ 83 ~ Guntars Prānis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: July 7, 1971, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: 1987-1989 - Music School named after Em.Dārzins. 1989-1993 - Choir Conductor Department of Latviann Music Academy named after Jāzeps Vītols. 1993-1995 - German Church Music Higher School in Hertford. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent German fluent English conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1993 - Bachelor of Choir Conductor. 1995 - Master of Church Music, Germany. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1990-1993 - conductor of Jesus Parish Choir and Youth ensemble. A Member of Composers’ Union. Founder, manager and conductor of Gregorian Chant Choir. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 Silvija Rēvele 1. DATE OF BIRTH: March 11, 1963. 2. EDUCATION: 1981 - Latvian State University, Philosophy. 1992 - Central European University, Sociology. 1993 - Mastership at the Academy of Sciences. Since 1997 - Candidate to Doctor’s Degree at the Latviann Academy of Sciences. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: M.E. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1994 - Assistant, Chair of Sociology and Pedagogy, Riga Technical University. 1988-1993 - Assistant, Chair of Political Science, Riga Technical University. ~ 84 ~ 1990 (winter session) - lecturer of the Exchange University, the USA. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - program with St.Lutheran 4 5 3 2 1 3 Gatis Līdums 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 7, 1965, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: June 19, 1991 - graduate of Riga Technical University, Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, qualification - industrial thermal energy engineer. June 6, 1992 - graduate of Nordiska Bibelinstitutet in Saffle, Sweden, Certificate in Theological Studies. May 3, 1997 - high honours graduate of Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, the USA, Master of Divinity with specialization in Pastoral Care. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: May 3, 1997 - Master of Divinity awarded by Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, the USA. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1988-1989 - non-staff employee of the ev. luth. weekly ‘’Svētdienas Rīts’’ and ‘’Pakāpieni’’ magazine. 1990-1991 - involved in creation of the Christian program ‘’Vārds un Mūzika’’ (The Word and Music) at the Latviann Radio. Together with the journalist Arnis Sablovskis wrote the column ‘’Ne no sīs pasaules’’ (Not From This World) in the newspaper ‘’Latvijas Jaunatne’’ (Latviann Youth). January 1991 - August 1991 - Junior Specialist in Environment Protection Committee of Republic of Latvian. July 1992 - July 1993 - Temporary Charge d’Affaires for the American Christian mission ‘’The Greater Europe Mission’’ in Riga. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 ~ 85 ~ Anda GaitniecePutāne 1. DATE OF BIRTH: November 12, 1970, in Grobina. 2. EDUCATION: 1989-1993 - Latvian University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. 1993-1996 - Latvian University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1993 - Bachelor of Philosophy. 1996 - Master of Philosophy. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1993-1994 - Assistant at the School Psychology Center under Latvian University. 1994-1995 - psychologist at Riga Secondary School No. 58. Since 1994 - Lecturer of Psychology at Latvian University. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 2 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 Alvars Baldins 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 5 II. Articles in Foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses - 1 ~ 86 ~ IV. V. VI. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 2 Books Articles in Scientific Collections 2 none Tore Lindholm 1. NAME, SURNAME: Tore Lindholm 2. BIRTH: March 23 1941, Skien, Norway 3. EDUCATION: Magister artium in philosophy, University of Oslo (Spring 1973); Dissertation on Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science. Associate professor. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1990.- Senior researcher and co-ordinator of NIHR research program in cross-cultural foundations of human rights (job title change to “associate professor” as of 1 January 1995 when the NIHR was incorporated into the University of Oslo). 1987 - 1990 researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights. 1982-1989 main lecturer in mandatory philosophy of sscience course program for doctoral students at the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH-Ås) and at the Faculty of Social Science, University of Oslo. 1984-1987 Philosophy of science lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Oslo. 1985-1989 Teaching philosophy courses in moral philosophy for extra-mural university students (grunnfang) in Skien, Drammen, Bærum, LØrensskog and Oslo. 1984-1987 Head of the University seminar for the study of science, University of Oslo. 1980, 1982 Associate professor in philosophy at the University of Trondheim. 1981-1984 University scholar in philosophy at the University of Oslo. 4. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 6 V. Books 4 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 5. LANGUAGES: English fluent German fluent Norwegian fluent ~ 87 ~ Gunārs JukumsonsJukumnieks 1. DATE OF BIRTH: April 9, 1930, in Liepāja. 2. EDUCATION: Latvian Arts Academy. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent German with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1966 - Art Critic. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since 1956 - teacher at Riga Secondary Schools No. 1, 3, 4, 47, Latvian State Conservatory, Christian School of Juris Barbins, Latviann Baptist Theological Seminary. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions none III. Scientific Conference theses none IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 8 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none Marita Olina 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - 2 none 1 3 none 1 ~ 88 ~ Vilis Vārsbergs 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 1, 1929, in Prauliena, Lazdona. 2. EDUCATION: 1949 - Secondary School named after Kr.Barons at the refugee camp in Hersbruck, Germany. 1954 - graduate of Midland College in Fremont, Nebraska. 1957 - graduate of Lutheran Theology School in Chicago. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1954 - B.A. Magnum cum Laude. 1957 - Master of Divinity. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: May 14, 1957 - ordained as a Minister by United Luther Church in America, Michigan Synod. Mission developer in Alibone, Michigan, 1959 and 1960 - participated in preparation of Foreign high school students in Drew University, New Jersey, within the framework of ‘’International Christian Youth Exchange’’. 1962 - Chairman of Managing Committee of Lutheran Evangelism Mission. 1963-1968 - Minister of Messiah Lutheran Church, Constantine, Michigan. 1965 - Chairman of Interim Board and later the Council Member of Garezers, Inc., Michigan until 1984 when elected as the Chairman of the LELBA Board. 1969-1972 - Administrator of Garezers. 1969-1984 - Religion Teacher at the Garezers Summer High School. January 15, 1973 - August 30, 1994 - Minister of Zion parish under Chicago Latvian Ev.-Luth. Church. 1972 - spring of 1994 - Religion and Church History Teacher at the Latviann School named after Kr.Barons in Chicago. 1986 - studies of the work by Church Mission in Southern India. 1987 - visits to Latviann parishes in South America: Buenos Aires, Argentine, Sao Paulo and Novo Odesa, Brazil, Caracas, Venezuela. A life-time member of Association of American Latvians. 1985 and 1989 - lectures on Parish structure and Administration at summer courses of Theology Institute held in Sidrabene. May, 1993 and February, 1994 - lectures on parish administration to students of Latvian University Faculty of Theology in Riga. July 1, 1995 - by Rector’s order appointed as the Dean of Latvian University Faculty of Theology for the period of 3 years and currently lecturing on Pastoral ministry, Parish administration and Casuistry. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 4 II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books none, but he is the editor of many ~ 89 ~ books issued by the LELBA (USA) VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - Peter Hübner 1. DATE OF BIRTH: . 2. EDUCATION: Friedrich Alexander university in Erlang-Nirnberg. January 30, 970 - awarded Doctor’s degree for the paper ‘’Informative Theoretical Model for Simulation of Supermark Detection’’. August 6, 1970 - won the Faculty Award. 3. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Dr.phil. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1967-1992 - Lecturer at Erlangen University, Institute of Psychology. Subject: General psychology, Methodology. 1992 - up to now - Lecturer at the IGNIS Academy of Christian Psychology. Subjects: Christian anthropology and Psychology; Philosophy; research Methodology. Current employment: Director of the IGNIS Academy of Christian Psychology. At the Latviann Ev.Luth. Christian Academy lectured on ‘’Christian Anthropology and Psychology’’; ‘’Image of Man. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 1 II. Articles in Foreign editions 18 III. Scientific Conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 8 V. Books 3 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections -Scientific editor and publisher of the scientific collection ‘’IGNIS Journal’’, ‘’Zietschrift für Christliche Psychologie, Therapie und Biblische Seelsorge’’ Dr. phil. WolfDieter Hartmann 1. NAME, SURNAME: Dr. Phil. Wolf-Dieter Hartmann 2. BIRTH: Jun 27, 1946 in Bückenburg. 3. EDUCATION: Hamburg University, Diplom -Psychologen. 1968-1975 ~ 90 ~ 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Teaching the confirmation classes in 2 Lutheran parishes (local churches) in Hamburg, 1972-1984. Teaching the candidates for confirmation the protestant-lutheran church in Hamburg-Osdorf. Building and management of the advice centre in this church, 1972-1980. Outside lecturer at the institute for further education training for teacher in Hamburg. Speaker and director of conferences in different institutions in the area adult education, 1972-1982. Building up and management of an office for psychotherapy in Hamburg, 19751988. Working at IGNIS, German Society for Christian Psychology, leader of the section “parish and counselling”, Member of the board, lecturer at the academy for the christian psychology, 1989- today. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 16 V. Books 2 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 4 6. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent Didzis-Andris Lasmanis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: 2. EDUCATION: 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - 2 none none 4 none 1 ~ 91 ~ Donald R. Clary 1. NAME, SURNAME: Donald R. Clary 2. BIRTH: March 12, 1945 3. EDUCATION: Adler’s Memorial university USA. Magister theology 1969. Dissertation on Christian counselling 1975. Dr.Psyh. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Family Living Ministries founder 1969. Christian counsaller and pastor. Member of the Association of Christian counselling U.S.A. member of the National Evangelical Association. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions -a book in Latviann ‘’Kristīgā padomdevēja rokasgrāmata’’ (Christian Adviser’s Manual), 1996 II. Articles in Foreign editions 18 III. Scientific Conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 12 V. Books 4 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 8 6. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent Ģirts Priedols 1. DATE OF BIRTH: April 16, 1970, in Aizpute, Liepāja district. 2. EDUCATION: 1988-1994 - Riga Technical University, Faculty of Automatic Equipment and Machinery. October 1995 - specialized courses in Computer science by the IBM company (in Helsinki, Finland). 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English conversational German with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1994 - Bachelor of Computer Science. 1994 - Diploma of Engineer, System Technician and Analyst. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1994-1995 - specialist-consultant at a private Computer company. 1995 - Sales Manager, the ‘’Computerland’’ company. 1995-1997 - Manager of Computer Center, the ‘’Invest Rīga’’ auditing company. ~ 92 ~ 1997 - Computer Science Teacher at the Latvian Ev.Luth. Christian Academy. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions none III. Scientific Conference theses 1 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 (author of the software program ‘’Means of Forecasting and Automatic Management for Latviann Shipping company’’) V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none Dr. Eero Kalevi Junkkaala 1. NAME, SURNAME: Dr. Eero Kalevi Junkkaala 2. BIRTH: 3. EDUCATION: Theol. Cand. (MA) Degree at the Helsinki University 1976. Working towards theol. doctor’s degree. thesis :The Reseach History of the Israelite Settlement in the Promised Land. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Working as a Youth leader at the Pälkäne Congregation 1969-70 and at the Taivallahti Congregation in Helsinki 1971-1975, working as a Teacher at the Finnish bible Institute 1976-1983 and as a Rector 1983-1987, working as a General Secretary at the Finnish Theological Institute from 1988. Chairman of the Nordic Inner Mission Councel in Finnland 1980-1987, Chairman of the Scripture Union in Finland 1985-1991, Chairman of The Friends of Israel Association in Helsinki 1991-1995 and Chairman of the Akacia-Foundation from 1990. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 6 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 5 V. Books 2 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 8 5. LANGUAGES: Finnish fluent German, English fluent Swedish fluent Ritma Rungule 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 14, 1952, in Liepāja. ~ 93 ~ 2. EDUCATION: 1975 - Latvian University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy. 1987 - defended Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Science on the theme ‘’Recreation of City-Dwellers in Nature, Its Social Importance’’ at the Moscow Institute for Sociological Research. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent German fluent English with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1992 - scientific degree of Doctor of Social Sciences awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1975-1990 - research associate, Nature Protection Laboratory, Institute of Forestry Problems under the ‘’Silava‘’ Scientific and production association. Since 1991 - Institute of Philosophy and Social science. 1991-1994 - project ‘’Ethnically Homogeneous and Mixed Families in Latvian’’. 1997 - Head of the project ‘’Place of the Youth in Public Structures’’. Course of lectures ‘’Sociology’’. Course of lectures ‘’Stratification of Community’’ for Mastership students of Latvian University. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 5 II. Articles in Foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books 2 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 10 Ilze Trapenciere 1. DATE OF BIRTH: August 14, 1953. 2. EDUCATION: 1976 - Latvian University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. 1988 - Extra-mural post-graduate studies at Institute of Social Sciences in Moscow. 1989 - a course in Computer science at Latvian University. 1990 - a course in Computer science at Riga Polytechnical Institute. 1991, 1992 - summer school ‘’Sociological Methods of Research and Analysis’’ held by IREX. 1995 - a course in methodology of teaching the English language organized by Soros Foundation. 3. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ~ 94 ~ 1977-1995 - researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences. 1992-1993 - practical work at the Sociology Chair, Wisconsin University (Madison, the USA). September-November 1993 - practical work at Stockholm University, Sweden. January-May 1995 - a guest lecturer at Duke University, the USA. 1995-1997 - holder of the grant from Soros Foundation for the project ‘’Gender Differences in the Life Course’’. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 4 II. Articles in Foreign editions 5 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - scientific coordinator of 7 international projects in Latvian Wagner Wolfgang 1. NAME, SURNAME: Wagner Wolfgan, Diplom- Psychologe (Oberstudienrat) 2. BIRTH: 3. EDUCATION: 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Teacher at a Gymnasium (the German kind of Highschool) 1964-1975 and since 1987. School Psychologist at a Country School Board 1977-1987. Full Gospel Business men’s Fellowship International: Local Chapter President ,1975 ff; Field Representative 1979 ff; Member of the National Board, since 1983; National Vice President, since 1991. IGNIS- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Christliche Psychologie: (German Society for Christian Psychology): Foundation member 1986, member of the national Board since 1986, Staff member in numerous seminaries, Lecture at the IGNIS- Academy for Christian Psychology since the beginning 1992. TLC (a Teaching and Training Program for Senior Pastors of the Josua - Stiftelsen, Sweden) - teaching staff member since 1990. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 13 V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 9 6. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent French fluent ~ 95 ~ Jan Gossner 1. NAME, SURNAME: Jan Gossner. 2. BIRTH: January 30, 1946. 3. EDUCATION: I. Cand. theol. (Master of Theology, from the Free Faculty of Theology, Oslo 1971. II. Pastoral training and ordination in the Lutheran Church of Norway 1973. III. Additional training in Pastoral Counselling, Modum Christian Hospital 19921983 IV. Pedagogical Training for Collage teachers, University of Oslo 1994. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: I. Assistant professor, Old and New Testament, The Free faculty of Theology, Oslo 1973. II. Lecturer, Old testament, The theol. Seminary of the Lutheran Free Church of Norway, 1971. III. Student Pastor. Norwegian Colleges and Schools Christian Union, 1973-1979. IV. Pastor of Halden Lutheran Congregation, 1979-1987. V. Hospital Chaplain, Modum Christian Hospital 1982-1983. VI. Principal of the Norwegian Deaconal College 1989VII. Lecturer in Practical Theology an Pastoral Ministry at the Free faculty of Theology, Oslo. VIII. Speaking and teaching in Church conferences and courses in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Baltic countries, mostly Latvia. In Latvia since 1990. IX. Board Member of the Norwegian Santal Mission 1980-1986. X. Founder and President of TELEIOS Norway, courses in christian conselling and communication, based on the works and courses of Dr. Gary R. Sweeten, Cincinnati, Ohio 1986-1994. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 8 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 6 V. Books 2 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 13 6. LANGUAGES: Norwegian fluent German, English fluent French conversational Robert L. Moylan 1. NAME, SURNAME: Robert L. Moylan ~ 96 ~ 2. BIRTH: November 10, 1945. Redmond, WA 3. EDUCATION: Lutheran Bible Institute, Minneapolis, 1960-63. Augsburg College V.1965. Concordia Seminary Graduate school, St.Louis. Master of sacred Theology degree. The Doctor of Theology. “Roots of Judaism in Christianity”- Thesis topic. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1) Pastor of Christ congregation - 1968. 2) Ordained into the Lutheran Ministry 3) Faculty of Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary, pastor in Judaism. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 7 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 5 V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 4 6. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent Gatis Bušs 1. DATE OF BIRTH: February 18, 1961. 2. EDUCATION: 1984 - graduate of Latvian University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. 1989 - graduate of Leningrad State University, Special Faculty of School Psychologists. 1991 - a course for Health and Social care workers in Freiburg, Germany. 1993 - completed post-graduate studies at Latvian University Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology. 1995 - a training course in Psychodynamic psychotherapy held by Eskilstuna (Sweden) College of Care Professions. 1995 - enrolled for the 3-year training program in Family Counselling and Psychotherapy, jointly organized by Latvian University and Osnabrück University (Germany). 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1984 - specialty of a Physicist - teacher. 1993 - scientific degree of Dr.psych. 1995 - Bachelor of Psychotherapy. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ~ 97 ~ 1984-1985 - a teacher and class master in the 8-year school at Priekuli, County of Cēsis. 1984-1988 - a teacher and group master at Forest School of the sanatorium in Cēsis. 1990-1993 - school psychologist at Forest School of the Sanatorium in Cēsis. Since 1992 - psychologist at the Latvian Family Center. 1992 - participant of the 6th Conference of the European Health Psychology Association. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 7 II. Articles in Foreign editions 1 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - none V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 2 Tilo Claussen 1. NAME, SURNAME: Tilo Claussen 2. BIRTH: 3. EDUCATION: Study as an Engineer at Technical High School Hamburg, Germany, 1957-1960. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Engineer of Electronic design, 1950-1980. Engineer in Documentation and Advertisement Department, 1980-1993. Full time ministry with Josuamission in Germany and Sweden, since 1993. Participation in different organizations - Young Men’s Christian Association. - Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. - Fellowship of pastor and spiritual ministers. 4. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 4 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 2 V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 5. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent Rosemarie Claussen ~ 98 ~ 1. NAME, SURNAME: Rosemarie Claussen 2. BIRTH: 3. EDUCATION: Studied as Medical Technical Assistant for medical laboratories. Degree in christian counselling of IGNIS Academy, Germany. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 15 years experience in preaching and teaching the Bible. 15 years experience in counselling and training leaders. Travelling ministry. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 12 III. Scientific Conference theses 1 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 5. LANGUAGES: German, English fluent Steinar Bakken 1. NAME, SURNAME: Steinar Bakken 2. BIRTH: February 3, 1957 in Oslo, Norway. 3. EDUCATION: Cand. polit. (Political Science), main subject, 1985. Supplementary degree in Psychology, 1978. Supplementary degree in Religious Knowledge, 1980. Supplementary degree in History, 1983. Pedagogy, practical training certificate. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Education in counselling and supervision based on the Gestalt and Confluent training principles. - Counselling Training centre, “META” Centre, Kristiandsand, 1989-1994. Lecturer and educational officer at the Norwegian Deaconal College Aid, 19851990 and 1992-1994. Planning Consultant at the Norwegian Church Aid, 1990-1992. Advisor in The Norwegian Postbank, Oslo. Advisor in organisational Development and Leadership training, 1994-. 4. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 1 II. Articles in Foreign editions 3 III. Scientific Conference theses 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - none V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 5. LANGUAGES: Norwegian, Swedish fluent German, English fluent ~ 99 ~ Anita Plūme 1. DATE OF BIRTH: January 31, 1956. 2. EDUCATION: 1980 - graduate of Riga Medicine Academy. 1983 - Moscow ‘’Mother and Child Health Center’’. 1983 - Riga Medicine Academy, a post-graduate training course in Gynaecology, M.D. 1987 - Riga Medicine Academy, Chair of Psychiatry, a post-graduate training course. 1990-1991 - Psychiatry Department of Lloyd University in Chicago, the USA. 1991 - a post-graduate training course with Dr. Kaspars Tūters. 1991/1994 - psychotherapist at the psychotherapy Department of ‘’The Nursering School of Eskilstuna’’, Sweden. 1995 - Latvian University Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology. 1996 - London University College Faculty of Development Psychology. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1980 - a Physician. 1983 - a ultrasonography expert in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, M.D. 1991 - a Sexopathologist. 1991 - Assistant Professor in Psychic and Marriage Therapy, Toronto University. 1995 - Master of Pedagogy. 1996 - Master of Psychology Sciences in Psychoanalytical Development. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1983-1991 - Gyneacologist-ultrasonographist at the National Family Planning and Reproduction Center in Riga. Since 1991 - Manager, Psychotherapist and Marital therapist of the Latvian Family Center. 1989/1994 and thereafter - a teacher of sexual education and moral health in teenage audience-oriented mass media (TV, radio) programs. 1992/1994 and thereafter - author of special programs for teachers of sexual education and moral health, health study lecturer at Latvian schools, to adolescents and volunteers. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 6 II. Articles in Foreign editions 2 III. Scientific Conference theses 4 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books 1 (in printing stage) VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 ~ 100 ~ Guntis Kalnietis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: May 10, 1952, in Siberia. 2. EDUCATION: 1970-1977 - studies of neurology at the Riga Medicine Academy. 1978 - a specialization course in psychiatry. July 1995 - complete 3.5-year long studies at the training group in Riga organized by Eskilstuna (Sweden) College of Social Workers. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English conversational German conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Master of Medicine; certified Psychiatrist and Narcologist. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since 1978 - Head Psychiatrist of Kuldīga County. Works also as a Narcologist and during the last decade - also as a Psychotherapist and Child psychiatrist. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 2 II. Articles in Foreign editions 2 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 Dr.Phil. Knud Jorgensen 1. NAME, SURNAME: Steinar Bakken 2. BIRTH: February 3, 1957 in Oslo, Norway. 3. EDUCATION: Cand. polit. (Political Science), main subject, 1985. Supplementary degree in Psychology, 1978. Supplementary degree in Religious Knowledge, 1980. Supplementary degree in History, 1983. Pedagogy, practical training certificate. 4. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Education in counselling and supervision based on the Gestalt and Confluent training principles. Counselling Training centre, “META” Centre, Kristiandsand, 1989-1994. Lecturer and educational officer at the Norwegian Deaconal College Aid, 19851990 and 1992-1994. Planning Consultant at the Norwegian Church Aid, 1990-1992. ~ 101 ~ Advisor in The Norwegian Postbank, Oslo. Advisor in organisational Development and Leadership training, 1994-. 5. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions 10 III. Scientific Conference theses 5 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 13 V. Books 2 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 5. LANGUAGES: Norwegian fluent German, English fluent Olafs Brūveris 1. DATE OF BIRTH: August 26, 1947, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: 1965 - Ogre Forestry School No. 32, specialty of a Universal operator of Forest development machinery. 1992 - a graduate of Fuller’s Theological Seminary, USA. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Doctor of Mission Sciences (Missiology). 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1963-1966 - Forest development machinery operator in Riga and Jūrmala forestries. 1976 - expelled from Latvian (USSR). Studies and work in exile in West Germany. 1979 - studies in USA. 1983-1985 - representative of International Refugee Mission (USA) in Europe. 1985-1992 - Head of Laboratory ‘’Microsemi Corporation’’. Since July 6, 1993 - a Member of Saeima (Parliament) of Republic of Latvian. The Head of the Human Rights bureau, Ministry of Foreign affairs. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 12 II. Articles in Foreign editions 7 III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - none V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 3 ~ 102 ~ Jānis-Andris Osis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: October 4, 1943, in Jaunlutrini, Saldus County. 2. EDUCATION: 1958-1963 - Riga Applied Arts Secondary School. 1963-1971 - Latvian State Academy of Art. 1975/1982 - upgrading of qualification at Tallinn Institute of Art. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Rector of Latvian Art Academy (LMA). 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1971-1997 - art teacher at the LMA. Since 1987 - Assistant Professor of the LMA. Since 1992 - Professor of the LMA. Since 1987 - Vice-rector of the LMA. Since 1996 - Professor at the Latvian Ev.Luth. Christian Academy. Since 1997 - Rector of the LMA. A member of Artists’ Union. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 4, participation in Exhibitions in Latvian - 5 II. Articles in Foreign editions participation in Exhibitions abroad - 5 III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none Jānis Zemītis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: March 3, 1940, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: 1958-1954 - studies at Latvian Academy of Art, specialty of Easel painting, qualification obtained - an Artist-painter-teacher. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Professor, academic degree of Assistant Professor. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: August 26, 1993 - awarded the academic title of Professor. 1992 - elected as the Head of Painting Chair. ~ 103 ~ 1981 - Senior Lecturer of the Painting Chair. 1965-1981 - lecturer of special subjects at the Art Secondary School named after J.Rozentāls. 1962-1965 - teacher of drawing at the Evening Shift School No. 17. 1961-1962 - teacher of drawing at the Riga 8-Year School No. 27. Professional development: Since 1970 - creative work within the Artists’ Union. Since 1966 - participation of republican and international Exhibitions. 1984 - practical studies at the Vilnius Art Institute. Guest lecturer in Thunderland (England), Seattle (USA), Jerusalem. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 2, participation in Exhibitions in Latvian - 3 II. Articles in Foreign editions participation in Exhibitions abroad - 5 III. Scientific Conference theses organization of Conferences - 2 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 3 V. Books VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 13 (since 1972) Arvīds Drīzulis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: September 28, 1934. 2. EDUCATION: 1955 - a graduate of Riga Applied Arts Secondary School. 1958-1964 - Latvian State Academy of Art, Department of Sculpture. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English conversational German with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 1991 - scientific title of Assistant Professor with the Design Chair. 1992 - Master of Art. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1955-1958 - construction Sculptor in new construction sites in Riga, later at the ‘’Māksla’’ combined plant. Senior Lecturer at Latvian State Academy of Art, Department of Industrial Art. Teacher of Plastic art at Latvian State Academy of Art, Department of Design Drawing. Teacher of sculpture at the Design and Metal Work Departments. Lecturer of Plastic anatomy at the Fine Arts Department as well as applied departments of optional courses. A member of the Artists’ Union. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none ~ 104 ~ II. III. IV. V. VI. Articles in Foreign editions none Scientific Conference theses Methodological articles and teaching aids - 8 Books Articles in Scientific Collections 2 2 none Vitālijs Karkunovs 1. DATE OF BIRTH: November 21, 1925, Kharkov, Ukraine. 2. EDUCATION: 1946 - a graduate of Kiev Art School. 1948-1954 - Latvian State Academy of Art, Faculty of Painting. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1954-up to now - Teacher of drawing at the Riga Applied Arts Secondary School. Since 1959 - a member of the Artists’ Union. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions none II. Articles in Foreign editions none III. Scientific Conference theses none IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 18 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none Andris Teikmanis 1. DATE OF BIRTH: February 5, 1967, in Riga. 2. EDUCATION: 1978-1985 - Riga Art Secondary School named after J.Rozentāls. 1986-1992 - Latvian Academy of Art (LMA), Department of Painting. 1992 - Bachelor of Arts, the LMA. 1991-1993 - studies for Master’s degree at the LMA. 1993 - Master of Art, the LMA. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English conversational German with the help of a Dictionary 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Master of Art. ~ 105 ~ 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1992-1993 - teacher of Fine arts at the Vecmīlgrāvis Art School. Since 1993 - Lecturer, Chair of Art critic, Latvian Academy of Art. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions 1 II. Articles in Foreign editions III. Scientific Conference theses 3 IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 1 V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections 1 Vilma Zarina 1. DATE OF BIRTH: June 9, 1947, in Balvi County. 2. EDUCATION: 1967 - a graduate of Riga Applied Art Secondary School. 1972 - a graduate of Tallinn State Institute of Art, Chair of Artistic Metal Work. 3. LANGUAGES: Latvian, Russian fluent English conversational 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1972-1993 - teacher of Composition and Drawing, Fine arts at the Riga Applied Art Secondary School (RLMV) 1980-1986 - Head of Artistic Metal Work Chair at the RLMV. 1987-1991 - Deputy Headmaster for Studies at the RLMV. 1991-1993 - Methodologist at the School Center under Ministry of Culture, also teacher at the RLMV. Since 1993 - Office Manager at the Riga Applied Arts College. Since 1976 - a Member of Latvian Art Union. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latviann press editions 1 II. Articles in Foreign editions regular participation in Exhibitions III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids - 5 Art education Methodologist V. Books none VI. Articles in Scientific Collections none ~ 106 ~ Nele Zirnīte 1. DATE OF BIRTH: May 27, 1959, in Lithuania. 2. EDUCATION: 1978-1982 - Vilnius Institute of Art, Department of Drawing. 1982-1984 - Latvian State Academy of Art, Department of Drawing. 3. LANGUAGES: Latviann, Russian fluent English fluent German with the help of a Dictionary Lithuanian fluent 4. ACADEMIC TITLE, SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: Qualification of a Drawing artist, teacher. 5. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Teacher of Elementary visual arts to children visiting Riga Park of Culture and Recreation. Since 1988 - a Member of the Artists’ Union of Latvia. 1993 - series of envelopes with drawings by N.Zirnīte depicting historical monuments of Christianity in Latvia were printed during the visit by John Paul II to Latvian. 1994 - a participant of the exhibition ‘’Slava Dzīvajam Dievam’‘ (Glory to the Living God. 6. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: (in last 3 years) I. Articles in the Latvian press editions regular participation in drawing Exhibitions in Latvian and abroad. 10 collective Exhibitions and 9 individual shows. II. Articles in Foreign editions 2 III. Scientific Conference theses IV. Methodological articles and teaching aids V. Books 1 VI. Articles in Scientific Collections - 4 ~ 107 ~ INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGING STRUCTURE The Organizational and Managing structure is determined by the LChA Constitution and the functional duties of the Personnel. 1. The representation, managing and decision -making institutions of the LChA are: The Constituent Assembly; Senate; Rector, Pro-rector, Auditing Commission; Arbitration. 2. The structure of the LChA is formed by the following units: Regular Day and Evening Department Scientific research "Dialogue Center", it is founded with the aim to: a) carry out scientific Research work; b) inform public about the research activities of the LChA; c) functions of "Dialogue Center" are determined by "Statute of the LChA scientific research center "Dialogue Center". The Dialogue Center is headed by the Director. It is foreseen, that by time it will grow into the Center of Theological studies of National importance; Scientific library. The SL of the LChA is an independent structural unit, the task of which is to create conditions for students' scientific work, to provide the Academic personnel and studying persons with the necessary Literature on the spot or through SLS. 3. The LChA Academic personnel is formed by: Professors, Associate professors, Docents, Leading researchers, Lecturers, Research assistants. These specialists carry out Pedagogical work, Scientific work, educate students. 4. T h e G e n e r a l p e r s o n n e l is accepted to work or dismissed from it in procedure, determined by the LChA Senate, grounding on the effective legislation of the Republic of Latvia. Activities of the General personnel are determined by functional duties for each employee, approved by the Rector. 5. Functional duties of the Personnel. Head of the Department of Studies ensurance of active functioning of the Study process (provision of realization of the Study schedule, provision of necessary conditions for the Study work); elaboration of the regime of the Study work; development of the Data basis of the Study process at the Academy; preparation of draft orders; ~ 108 ~ summarization of students' Study results; regular summarization of the Study work results; mediatory and conciliatory functions between the LChA Senate, Director of the Study program, students; elaboration of the Normative documents for the Practical field work. Director of Practical field work: Academic provision for realization of Practical work; training of instructors of Practical work; formation of basis for the LChA Practical work (development of network of students' Practical work in Latvia); regular rendering of assistance to students during their Practical work; submission of evaluation of Practical work to the Department of Studies; realization of coordinate functions between the Senate, directors of Study programs Head of the Scientific Research "Dialogue Center": elaboration of applied and Scientific research projects, their supervision; informing of wider public about the Research work; provision of information and consultations about the activities of New religious movements and Sects in Latvia; Responsible secretary of the LChA: development of the Office work system; heading of the Office work; coordinative work among students; duties of a Coordinator between directors of Study programs, Academic personnel of the Academy, Heads of departments; filling in of students' Test books; Technical drawing up of Documents on a Computer; recording of meetings; provision of circulation of internal information. Chief accountant: planning of Budget and Book-keeping control, realization of Bookkeeping; realization of full Calculation of the institution's finances; provision of correct monetary and other financial operations; realization of the Cash operations. Director of the study program: The Director of study program is appointed by the Direction of the LChA rector from among the Academic personnel of the Academy; The Director of study program supervises realization of the Study program. Duties of the Director of study program: to supervise the elaboration of the Study program; to listen to and summarize opinions of experts, teaching staff, students, etc., to develop an optimal model of the Program; ~ 109 ~ to organize discussion and approving of the Program at the Senate; to prepare the Study program for accrediting; to coordinate realization of the Program, to help to select the teaching staff for separate disciplines, to promptly carry out the necessary changes of the Program; to listen to references of the Teaching staff and students on the contents of the Program, problems and better possibilities of its realization; to carry out inquiry of students by summarizing students' opinions about the Study program, to carry out analysis of opinions and inform the Senate about it; to carry out the investigation of Labor market for the benefit of the Study program; Director of Study program has the right: to initiate and prepare for consideration of the LChA Senate investigations, which are connected with approving, implementation, perfection, modification and other questions of the Program; to control the work of the Academic personnel in realization of the Study program; to suggest to the management of the Academy to replace individual representatives of the Teaching staff, who do not favour the realization of aims of the Study program or do not concert the delivered course with aims and tasks of the LChA in procedure, provided by the LChA Constitution; to suggest to close the Study programs. The Management of LChA The Constituent Assembly Arbitration Auditing Commission Senate Rector Saimnieciskais direktors Pro–rector Department of Studies ~ 110 ~ LATVIAN LCHA STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS. 1. The student knowledge and skills are evaluated at the end of every course. The manner of evaluation depends on the peculiarities of the subject. 2. The requirements and the manner (oral, written, workshop, discussion) of testing are made clear to the students by the teachers at the beginning of their course. In case the assessment depends on workshop, quiz or report, the teacher makes clear the relative significance of those for the purposes of general evaluation. 3. In case the course is presented by several teachers (a visiting lecturer and a staff member) the test may be administered by both of them. All visiting lecturers' courses are concluded by a test given by the respective lecturer and assisted by a staff lecturer. 4. The evaluation of student's knowledge is made at the end of the respective course. The examination time is coordinated with the teacher and the Study Department. 5. The is a 10 score system of assessment as follows: 10, outstanding: The knowledge exceeds the curriculum requirements, Personal insight and deep understanding is evident, The manner of presenting the knowledge is an evidence of a balanced personality with a power of apprehension. 9, excellent: The subject has been learnt completely, The knowledge can be independently and skillfully applied. 8, very good: The subject has been learnt completely, There might be occasional setbacks in the application of knowledge. 7, good: The subject has been studied and learnt, However, there are some irrelevant shortcomings. 6, nearly good (getting on for good): the subject has been learnt, yet there are some significant shortcomings. 5, mediocre: There is a general knowledge of the subject, yet several basic concepts have not been understood to the full, There are difficulties in using the knowledge. 4, nearly mediocre: There is a general knowledge of the subject, yet several concepts are misunderstood, Lacking the skills to use the knowledge. ~ 111 ~ 3, poor: Just a general survey of the subject, No skills to use the knowledge. 2, very poor: Just a general survey of parts of the subject, No understanding of the core of the subject. 1, inadequate: No understanding of the basic concepts of the subject. 6. The examination is passed provided the score is within "10" to "5" (not less than "5"). 7. In the case of a quiz, it should be at least 60% correct. 8. The "A" section of the curriculum are the specialty academic subjects tests. The specialty professional curriculum tests are as follows: the theological subjects, the professional theoretical subjects, the professional specific subjects. 9. The specialty subject tests have been passed within the scores of "10" through "7" (not less than "7"). 10. Optional subjects are tested orally or in writing at the choice of the lecturer. 11. There is an appendix to the present regulations: the chart of knowledge assessment compiled with the view of the knowledge acquirement level and intellectual work. THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE LCHA GRADUATES ON THE LABOR MARKET Two presumptions orienting in favor of and against human inward spiritual motives: AGAINST 1. There can be no connection between the science and Christianity IN FAVOR OF 1. The Dutch Sociological Research Center Science historian R.Hooykaas is right when he writes in his work: “Religion and the Rise of Modern Science (in 1972) as follows: “Christianity has played a significant positive role in the development of modern science, beginning with the Christian Europe during the Middle Ages, reaching its culmination in the outstanding scientific achievements of the 17th century, and proceeding ~ 112 ~ 2. By practicing Christianity and getting a Christian education you loose your I.Q. throughout the contemporary dominant of materialism and naturalism, that often consider theism as delusion. The concept of culture dominant, attempting to prove the distance between the apologetics of the Christianity and science has been disguised in scientific outfits, but in reality is as far from the science as Christianity from delusion.” 2. You can have the greatest surprise in life by opening the Bible. The Bible may seem to thick, strange, dated and obscure for a while, yet eventually you will find more freshness and topicality in it than in all the daily newspapers together. The major question of human-kind have always remained invariable, Trivial, unimportant, transitory and irrelevant things are inconsistent. Both ideas “AGAINST” are cynical. Before discussing the competitiveness of graduates of a Christian higher educational establishment on a secular world job market one should discard the popular cynicism to have a natural and intelligent approach. The L.Chr.Acc. students are oriented to the invariable values in people, humankind and contemporary world, however they are well versed in the modern worldly language as well. On graduation they also have the knowledge of the values of people who think differently, in order to implement the charity task of the Gospel in dialogue with the social environment of a democratic country, beyond the usual theological lingo that is suitable to speak to a person, but is useless for conversation with a person. Reasons for the Competitiveness of the L.Chr.Acc. Graduates on the Labor market: 1. The skill of an academic application of an ancient and short maxim: ORA ET LABORA (Pray and Work) 2. Being prepared to work both in the state and Church charities This maxim is affirmed in the altar of the L.Chr.Acc., as well as confirmed in the daily routine of theology studies and Christian mode of life at the Academy. Nevertheless one has to train oneself lifelong to learn living by it. According to the Social care department of the Welfare Ministry, in April 1996, there were 291 various Social aid institutions in Latvia with 686 employees. 955 employees work at children's homes and orphanages. 6943 people get home care paid for by the local authorities, employing 5161 persons both in towns and ~ 113 ~ villages. There is 1 staff social worker for 8000 residents of Riga. 1 specialist for 300 people who need care. These figures demonstrate the need for social aid workers with higher education. Besides that, there are 300 Ev.Luth. congregations in Latvia; and 799 religious organizations altogether (according to the figures of 1992). All of them need highly qualified clergymen, evangelists and other workers. What is the difference between the graduates of the L.Chr.Acc. and other Social worker training institutions? Their distinction is a clear evangelical motivation of Social work. The foundation of charity work is primarily not of soci-ethical but of religious motivation. Our strength is not in any kind of organization. It is in God and those who live in fellowship with God. Pragmatically we educate social aid workers. From the self esteem point of view we should say that we educate people willing to do charity work and to introduce idea of humanity where the conditions are inhumane. 3. Assessment of the professional activities of the Graduates The assessment is conditional as the first graduates are going to leave the Academy in December 1997. L.Chr.Acc. is going to continue labor market research. Agreements that guarantee advising the students and cooperation in specialist training until 2002 have been concluded with the following organizations: - The Riga coordination Center of Social Aid (head A.Gaigale) - The State psychiatric care Center (head O.Velmers) - The Ev.Lutheran Cross Congregation (pastor G.Dislers) - The Old People Nursing Center at Jaundubulti (head A.Zvirgzdina) - The Family Care Center "Bulduri" (head V.Randa) - The Social Aid Service of the Jurmala town council The students of L.Chr.Acc. have had practice placements in the above organizations. ~ 114 ~ The 4th year students have worked in various social aid organizations of the Riga town council during the Spring semester of the Academic year of 1996/97. The L.Chr.Acc. did not question the organizations, yet the supervisors of the student practice analyzed their work and submitted a report on students work, their professional and theoretical knowledge demonstrated during the work. These reports are available at the Study Department of the Academy. In the present survey you can find them on page … "Reports on Students' Work During the Practice". As to the training level and readiness for competition on the labor market of the 4th year students the reports reveal the following objective facts: Professional knowledge good - 60% Some shortcomings in professional knowledge - 35% Lots of shortcomings in professional knowledge - 5% insufficient professional knowledge - -- interpersonal relation skills of the students: excellent - 87% good - 13% All reports stressed the unusual skills of the students to find a non-traditional approach in application of their knowledge, their compassion, patience and altruistic work as well as a new manner in dealing with people. This attitude in combination with the professional knowledge facilitates re-socialization of a person. Social involvement, permanent accumulation of knowledge after graduation, being educated an reborn in Christ in order to uplift and carry the socially paralyzed to Jesus - such people should be trained by Christian education and the Church. It would not be fair to finish this survey with cheap promises. Rather a question of attitude could be asked: are we in the middle of a tragedy, force or revolution? The future generations might be better equipped to answer this question. Nobody can predict the progress of social humanness in the minds of people, economic, political and culture life. Work has to be done to eliminate the discrepancy between the official image of an intelligent, well educated nation and the humiliating truth. The expressionless eyes of the adolescents are dreadful if they do not reflect hope for future. That is why the work must be done, it will require all our will and effort. ~ 115 ~ 6 APENDIX LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1997. - 2002.) Any educational institution is capable of development, provided it has a clear vision of its future within a goal - orientated system. The strategy of LCA consists of six items: 1. Perspective of the academic studies programme; 2. Perspective of the professional programme; 3. Perspective of further education of pastoral and social help specialists; 4. Social activities of the Academy; 5. International cooperation; 6. Development of material resources. Perspective of Academic studies programme. A model of academic studies has been worked out in two fields : t h e o l o g y and arts. These two fields of academic studies are closely integrated with the respective professional studies programmes - t h o s e o f p r a c t i c a l t h e o l o g y a nd o f sacred art. The “Academic programme of Theology” is based on a wide research programme comprising: bachelor, master and doctoral research activities; “research work of the “Dialogue Center” (see. …. page. Status of the Dialogue Center); development of workshop research system; involvement in TEIN (Theological Education on Internet) - programmes on the subject of New Religious Movements and spirituality (both being popular themes in Latvia) development of the principle of openeness - LCA is open to all inhabitants of Latvia - regardless of age, profession, providing opportunity for intellectual development by way of various study programmes - academic, professional, additional, courses, etc. The education provided by the Academy is distinct from secular education in that it is based on Christian principles, integrated within academic discourse. The occupation of Latvia in 1940 and subsequent deportations and repression’s against theologians have created a situation where the ~ 116 ~ development of Latvia theological thought was cut short. We want to continue the most significant traditions of the pre-war independent Latvia within the context of modernity The situation obtaining in the Church requires that we formulate anew the tasks o the Church in present - day Latvia” this is important for the relations of the Church to society (dialogue between sexes, inter denominational dialogue, etc.), because the short - lived interest towards the Church during the initial awakening period has been replaced by indifference, scepticism and even animosity, The semi-intellectual religious educationalism (courses etc.) at present popular in Latvia might turn into intellectual stagnation in matters of theological education and become separated from the social needs of the people, not the people for the Church. The Church is true to its mission if it cares for the well-being of the souls. A broad academic theological education (not sectarian, self-contained) and self-complimentary) is an indispensable way to demonstrate the relevance of evangelic Church for the well-being of the nation. We are of the opinion that Christianity is capable of providing answers to every aspect of social applicability - Jesus Christ opened up such a dimension: “you will know the truth and the truth will make you free”. We hold that theological research should be based not on passive reflection, but on active analytical approach to every facet of human life, the central element of which is the well-being central element of which is the well-being of the soul in Jesus Christ. The Academy does not speak “about God”, but lives “in God”. It is capable of upholding a specific world view paradigm. which is the authentic bases of Christianity. This notion is not dogmatic but open to the Incarnate Word - it is creative and capable of broad development and growth in relation to the mission of the Church within the historical, cultural, social, traditional contexts Critically considering the denominational self - containment within the Church and the various conflicting views on the sexual roles pertaining to pastoral calling, we hold that the doctrine of sin and evil of the world is to be understood exclussivelly through the Incarnate Word - Jesus Christ. Instead of anthropocentric orientation we view the surrounding reality as God’s world. God is not a psychological projection and to understand God one has to start from Him, not from humankind. The academic education of the LCA is integrative in that it tends to follow the following models: liberal, progressive. humanistic, technological. radical and dogmatic ~ 117 ~ IN THE INTERESTS OF THE CHURCH AND THE NATION, THE ACADEMY FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING MODELS liberal education progressive education: humanistic approach the chief problem is lack of knowledge, the teacher gives knowledge, “knowledge” is the same as wisdom the best metaphor for education is “initiation”, the chief value is reason, educated person knows much the chief problem - changes in society, the teacher calls forward, “knowledge” leads to and evaluates action, the chief metaphor of education problem solving, the chief value - democracy, educated person is responsible The liberal approach assumes that a person can learn the truth about the world in which he/she lives, that he/she is influenced by the world and is capable of influencing the world. This approach is less compartmentalised than the liberal one and more ready for action. The chief dictum - problems have to be solved by competent thought and action. The teacher has to bring students to new tasks and results. The student is vessel to be filled up The student’s back-ground determines his/her ability to join the process of interpersonal relations. The social deve-lopment, based on the liberal approach envisages the degree of participation according to the intellectual capacity. Special application: detailed information, discussion by specialists confrontation of conflicting views, e.g. in Church history, gene engineering, etc. Methods - lectures, films, books. The student is aware of his/her responsibility and is committed to it. Here the student’s background is an object of analysis and is inseparable from knowledge. The social development theory reforms. Special application problem solving sessions on social questions: environment, narcotics, education, etc. Methods - group work, role playing analysis of facts, analysis of personal experience . the chief problem - personal insignificance, the teacher is supportive, “knowledge” means integration and wholeness, best metaphor for education growth, chief value - to be esteemed, educated person “fits in” This approach makes use of traditional Christian terms - growth, development, maturity, support, integration. It is not specially interested in personality to identify the good and the right. During the last 30 years it has fostered significant changes in secular and Christian education of adults. Student is a growing plant The background of the student is the chief source of knowledge and educational work. The theory of society is based on self - actualisation. Special application counselling, group prayers, marriage strengthening, consultations on health problems. Methods - involve various events from personal experience. ~ 118 ~ IN THE INTERESTS OF THE CHURCH AND THE NATION, THE ACADEMY FOLLOWS THE FOLLOWING MODELS technological education radical education dogmatic education chief end - final product and effectiveness, the teacher is instructor “knowledge” as presentation the best metaphor for education modelling, chief value - efficiency, educated person is a component The aim of the type of education is to prepare persons for particular tasks and functions, to help them to become competent, efficient. It provides clear goals and evaluates them. Student is a material (like clay, wood, metal) to be shaped. Student’s background is the starting point of education. Social theory following from this approach - modernisation. Special application: preparing of a person for performing specific tasks within the Church. Methods teaching while working, involvement of experienced experts. the chief problem - depression, the teacher is “attentive”, “knowledge” is praxis (reflexive thought and action), the best metaphor for education to give strength, chief value - freedom, This method has roots in Christianity. It models experience (Reflection) gives attention to action. Of grate value for personal development. Education is never neutral and it’s task is not to make people happy and uncapable of change. Neither is it a “bank” which accumulate knowledge and passes it to them who do not know. The student as prisoner. Here the student’s background experience is the foundation of knowledge his/her ability to grasp the social context. The social theory here is - social changes. Special application: becomes apparent when it is necessary to critically assess the world and to change it. The Bible is the key, because changes require change of heart. Special application: to give the basic know-how in cases when action is paralysed by sense of guilt. Methods experience/ reflection / action, social development. the chief problem - human sin, the teacher is preaches, “knowledge” is revealed truth the best metaphor for education feeding chief value - trust worthiness , educated person is not conceited but meek This type of education is closely related to Christian view of faith. Men and women respond to revelation - it comes into their world from without. This is the style of much of Church education and it has proved effective to the present day. The student is under the yoke of sin Here the student’s experience hopes are judged and re-evaluated in the light of new knowledge. The social theory here is conversion Methods constant repetition in liturgical and/or sacramental context, learning by heart, memory - training. ~ 119 ~ Within this type of integrated education, the Academy envisages the development of the following research fields: 1 The Gospel and society and s piritu 2 Hum al res ans mob ility ource s People and redemptive processes Values, power and information in society Human rights, peace, agreement Sex and theology of the churches 3 Christian message in religiously and culturally pluralistic world Christian tradition, social environment and culture 4 Theology of culture l and alternative religious mov em spe o ent eg h s T 5 The Gospel and the Church Church and power NB! Academic research was terminated in Latvia from 1940 to 1990. LCA Youth in the Church and in society Christian response to the suffering world ~ 120 ~ Starting of Master of Theology programme in II semester 1997/98. Development of M.Theol. programme 1998-2000. Person responsible - Pro-rector for research Prof. J.Vējš. The master of theology programme of LCA (integration the programme of “Practical theology”) envisages theological education in close connection with modern social sciences and humanities psychology, sociology, philosophy, history) with the view of wide-spectrum evangelical and charitable application. The aim of M.Theol. programme is to offer fundamental knowledge in theology and its field aspects practical theology; to acquire and use latest methods of research so as to investigate and understand larger links between theology, social problems and culture; to develop analytical approach, based in the Gospel teaching concerning personal and social problems. At present theological studies in Latvia tend to be reproductive, not productive. Our aim is to turn to new insufficiently investigated aspects of social and spiritual life and to perform initial research of these problems. (For details see: “Master degree programme” ,,,, page) Research innovations. (persons responsible:. V.Tēraudkalns) Prof. J.Vējš, doc. In 1998/99 academic years the following academic workshops are operative: Prof. J.Vējš “Religion and philosophy: 20th /21st centuries”. Dr. A.Vecgrāve and Dr. I.Krūmiņa “Psychological help in crisis situations”. Dr. Sk.Gūtmane and J.Rokpelnis “The Gospel and present-day cultural processes”. Lecturer G.Dišlers “Judaism and Christianity” (on the bases of “Friends of Israel” association in Latvia) Lecturer Ģ.Priedols “Modern theology and information”. The workshop intend to develop original approaches and to ensure their applicability in specific Church and social help and cultural situations. ~ 121 ~ Research activities. Inter-disciplinary conferences (person responsible Director of “Dialogue Centre”; teaching staff involving students) No Themes Year 1. Christian education in post - modern Latvia Ecumenical Church in modern world 1998. Symposium “The Role of Religion in Conflict and Peace” (in Baltic Sea Region) Homelessness as a social and spiritual phenomenon Diaconia: social dialogue between denominations 1999. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1999. Place person responsible Riga Dr. Sk.Gūtmane Jointly with St.Andrew’s Bible Institute St.Petersburg Prof. J.Vējš, Dr. A.Bodrovs (St.Petersburg) Jointly with “Life and Peace Institute” Uppsala and Christian Council of Sweden. Dr. Sk.Gūtmane, Dr. K.Lexen, L.Renöfält 2000. Riga Prof. J.Vējš 2001. Riga Prof. J.Vējš , doc. Sk.Gūtmane jointly with Diakonial Highschool (Lahti, Finland), within international project “Sacrates Erasmus Thematic Networks” Dr. Esa Konttinen Publication of research results in books and text-books.. The academic staff of LCA is preparing text books in theology text books in theology (originals and translations) No Books 1. Works of Latvian Christian Academy (yearly) 2. 3. 4. Authors Editorial board Donald Gurthie New Testament Theology Theological terms of the Bible G.Dišlers and associates New Bible Commentary Group of translators and consultants G.Ošiniece I.Zvirgzds Notes I. 1997. II. 1998. III. 1999. IV. 2000. translation from English (year 2000) Text book - 2500 entries year 1999. 2300 article year 2003 ~ 122 ~ 5. The Gospel in pluralistic society: Dogma and scepticism in pluralistic culture Roots pluralism Knowledge and Faith Authority, Autonomy and Experience Christ and history The Gospel and secular action myth Choice and logic; the logic of choice Authors: I.Trapenciere Sk.Gūtmane V.Tēraudkalns G.Prānis J.Vējš G.Līdums S.Rēvele; Year 1998 The perspective development of research centre “Dialogue Centre” (person responsible. pastor G.Dišlers and Prof. A.Buiķis) On the bases of a)agreement about co-operation with “Dialogue Centre” which was established by Council of Ministers, and b) agreement about co-operation with European Dialogue Centre, which is acting with Aarhus University the Latvian Christian Academy will research in the implications of the new religious movements in Latvia will perform communication with various denominations in Latvia trough confrontation. We are convinced that these two aspects are inseparable, because there is no dialogue outside confrontation; dialogue outside confrontation turns into empty talking that excludes doubts or becomes syncretic. And vice versa: confrontation without dialogue turns into rejection of those think differently “Dialogue Centre” is against any sort of syncretism or heretic-hunting. “Dialogue Centre” helps the Church to hear social and individual problems and to develop convincing apologetics in Latvia: people who think critically of Christianity may receive a substantiated replay here. The so called “Christian school” groups (leader. student R.Valters) offer adult education in localities about modern neo-religiosity (seminars, booklets) “Dialogue Centre” is operating a confidence telephone, where people may get counselling and help in connection with contacts with new religious groups. This may lead to pastoral guidance. “Dialogue Centre” is publishing books and folders about various questions of new religious movements and Christianity. ~ 123 ~ “Dialogue Centre” has concluded an agreement with “Dialogue Centre International” (Aarhus University) to the effect that it will a) investigate new religious movements in Latvia so as to include the results in TEIN (Theological Education on Internet); b) will translate the necessary texts from German, English and French into Latvian; c) will integrate theological Internet courses into LCA curriculum. “Dialogue Centre” will continue research co-operation with Lahti Deaconial School (Finland), with Oslo Deaconial School (Norway) within the international project “Thematic Networks”, which intends to join European teachers, researchers and practitioners of deaconial work into professional “know-how” exchange: a) to develop high-level teaching and research of deaconial problems in Latvia (master, doctoral level); b) to regularly publish research results in international conferences, c) to establish joint teaching and research modes. The total duration of the project is 3 years (began in 1996.. see page. …of cooperation within “Thematic Networks”) “Dialogue Centre” will research into the problems of the families which are in care of Riga Social Help and Co-ordination Centre (On 01.01.1997. there where 22432 families with 48407 children, including 4082 large families with 9404 children; 10071 one-parent families with 10513 children including 516 large one-parent families 1785 children; 946 families with 1101 children invalids). The main task is to perform theological appraised of the project “centre for children in crisis situation”. “Dialogue Centre” will perform a pilot project for the Jurmala municipality social help department connected with the introduction of a new international model of social care. To further develop the openness of the Christian Academy (the work started in 1994; person responsible B.Zīvere, Heads of Studies Department) See: Instruction about the openness of LCA ). Here we will give the main outline. a)general principles of the openness of the work of LCA: the Academy is engaged in academic and practical studies; the work of the Academy proceeds according to the Constitution of LCA; the Academy works according to a definite programme; ~ 124 ~ the studies of the Academy are financed by individuals and juridical persons; after registering for the programme and keeping its requirements fully one is entitled to receive the Bachelor and Master degrees and professional qualifications; it is possible to take separate courses or their parts in order to foster individual education according to interests b)the aim of the LCA is to be open for all the inhabitants of Latvia regardless of age, profession, denomination, thus offering academic, professional, further, additional and other forms of education; c) the Academy sees as its task the provisions free, flexible studies in academic workshops, so as to offer student-orientated education with the use of high - quality computers, TV, video, Christian radio and other appliances; d)the above-mentioned features testify to the fact that LCA is open and flexible academic institution. It performs the work so as to offer also part - time studies further studies additional studies interest studies opportunities in a Christian institution of higher learning Perspectives of professional studies The Academy offers higher professional education in the following programmes: “Practical theology” and “Sacred art ” (earmarked for accreditation in 1999) The perspective of the “Practical theology” programme envisages development of the basic programme alongside various modifications The following integrative models are envisaged: 1. Deaconial care and charity work. The academic character of this model follows from a) engagement of the Academy in international project “Thematic Network” Unit A2, which broadens the basic knowledge of various facts of deaconial work; b) engagement of the Academy in Jūrmala social care department pilot project; c) co-operation with various social care departments where students are doing field - work and practical training. 2. Practical know-how of charity work (including pastoral care) ~ 125 ~ 3. The role of the Church in charity work. 4. Intersubjective relations and Christian counselling system in Latvia 5. The strategic and descriptive aims of practical theology in Latvia (implications, theological education, methods analysis of individual experience, critical aspect in practical theology, strategy of practical theology in the Church and in society. Perspective development of professional evangelical care. A specific educational of the LCA is the evangelical charity work (deaconal work), and social care as an integral part of the social security system in Latvia - thus uniting the Church an national (State) interests. The aim of this programme is: to facilitate the implementation of the Law of the republic of Latvia “About social help” (adopted 26.10.1995) to delineate the boards of social work in Latvia as it follows from World Council of Churches decisions; to ensure the quality the evangelical work. The staff of the Academy have worked out theoretical and practical recommendations for deaconial work; work has to be carried out for investigation (beginning from 1988) of the employment market so as to ensure the relevance of professional programme and placing of the graduates. The “Practical theology” programme is augmented by the three academic workshops: Psychological help in crisis situations (Dr. A.Vecgrāve , Dr. I.Krūmiņa) Christian counselling system in parishes (G.Līdums and Dr. P.Hubners IGNIS, Germany) These workshops will be the result of the co-operation of the Academy with IGNIS Christian psychology Research Centre in Kitzingen. System of help for alcohol and narcotics dependency (Dr. E.Meuma Norway). This workshop intends to work according to the following scheme: Variations of independence’s To mediate variations variations of dependencies Active involvement Causes Desirable effect Wrong involvement Wrong theory? Experimental test of theory ~ 126 ~ The aim of this programme is to work out text - book and recommendations for deacons of the parishes and social help centres, as well as a system of recommendations for youth education in middle schools in Latvia based on the experience of Latvia and Norway. Students will be involved. Perspectives in the field of further education of pastoral and evangelical work and in the field of social help. (person responsible: Director of bachelor programme in practical theology V.Tēraudkalns ) further education is provided by the Latvian Christian Open Academy it offers further education for various categories of employees in deaconial, and charity social work (courses, seminars, summer camps etc.); offers courses for teachers in Christian counselling and crises management; it is envisaged to co-operate with Riga 1st Christian school (director V.Volgemunte)about of Riga (speciality Christian counsellor - social rehabilitation) Social activities of LCA (person responsible - R.Ziedonis - Rector’s assistant for media relations) The aim of social activities of LCA: to develop co-operation with other educational and research institutions, with religious organizations in academic and research work involving staff and students of LCA; to make use of media publicity in order to draw attention to charity work, to social help, to popularise basic aspects of Christian and national unity; to take part in conferences, symposiums, seminars. Plans for international co-operation (person responsible: Sk.Gūtmane) LCA has the following partner institutions: a) institutions of higher learning: Oslo School of Diaconial and Social Work (Norway); Oslo Diaconial School (Norway); Oslo Theological Faculty, Oslo University (Norway); Theological Institute (Finland); Telaviv University (Israel) Cortebu Theological School(Sweden) ~ 127 ~ Aarhus University (Denmark) Fuller Seminary Lutheran bible Institute (USA) b) research centre: IGNIS - Christian psychology and therapy research centre (Germany); International organization department of social help; “The friends of Israel” - international organization (LCA is the Latvian centre of this organization) The Christian Council of Sweden (Sweden); International Lutheran organization “Good News for Israel” (USA); “Women - Aglow international”. World organization with centre in USA. (LCA is the Latvian centre of this organization); International organization “Josuamission” (Sweden); International Lutheran Bible education association. “Aliansmission” (Sweden) c) organizations extending economic and financial assistance : “Aliansmission” - international organization (Sweden) “Good News for Israel” (USA); “Help for brothers” - international organization for evangelical assistance. An example of international co-operation in academic year: 1997/1998 Guest lectures : Judaism and Christianity New Testament Theology: Exegedid of the Epistles Marriage psychology: family therapy Dr. Kernei Fransten Prof. O.Mosbo “Good News for Israel” Sietle Bible Institute (USA) Dr. V.Wagner IV. October Evangelization and apologetics Dr. T.Klausen V. November Old testament Theology: Exegesis of Pentateuch New religions Dr. F.Monset IGNIS - Institute of Christian Psychology (Germany) IGNIS - Institute of Christian Psychology (Germany) Concordia Seminary (ASV) I. September II. October III. October VI. March Prof. Aarhus University ~ 128 ~ VII. April VIII. April movements Psychology religion (seminar) J.Aagard Dr. P.Hubner Bible archaeology and geography Church and Physics Dr. E.Junkaale Prof. J.Zaķis Theology of Power Prof. P.Laķis (Denmark) IGNIS - Institute of Christian Psychology (Germany) Finnish Theological Institute Latvian University (Latvia) Latvian University (Latvia) Study visits, post-diploma studies State, university University of Telaviv Teachers - T Students - S T, S Number Time Notes 8 June 1998 The Academy Archaeological expeditions to Bible Land every year: 1994.06. 1995.03., 06. 1996.06. 1997.06. Oslo Deaconal School Sietle Bible Institute S 10 S 1 End of january 1998 as from February 1998 Finnish Theological Institute IGNIS (Germany) T 1 October 1997 T 1 March 1998 2 students from LCA are already studying at Sietle Bible Institute Foreign student group visits, student exchange. Time Number Aim: September 1997 State, university Oslo Deaconal School 15-20 May 1998 LCA 4 Work on joint project “Youth for the Europe”; making personal contacts, cultural coming together; extending of social help training Work in IGNIS (Germany) ~ 129 ~ Summer schools, conferences and other activities (person responsible: Sk.Gūtmane, students: R.Valters, I.Ozola) Time State, organization Notes August, 1997 International Summer academy in Guadenthal (Germany) May, 1998 International organization “Women Aglow International” European summer camp in Greece Summer school at LCA jointly with the Latvian branch of “Youth with mission” (for middle school pupils) International camp of evangelical help and evangelization LCA students participate every year. Theme: “The Gospel in modern society” Charity work and modern women: theology of feminism and the Gospel” June 1998 “Human well - being in the light of the Gospel and theology of well - being psychological, sociological and theological aspects” Co-operation with mass media (person responsible: R.Ziedonis, Rector’s assistant for mass media) Aim: to bring the public notice the work of evangelical social help, of the spiritual well-being of people according to evangelical criteria, to popularise the importance of deaconial service. It is envisaged: 1. TV show “Good will” (See: Agreement with Latvia TV Director O.Pulks about the monthly TV show. Participants: G.Dišlers, LCA students) 2. Christian radio programme “I believe a little” (Sk.Gūtmane); 3. Publication of journal “The Rich Brother” (Dialogue) 4. To conclude an agreement with newspaper “Izglītība un kultūra” (education and Culture) about regular special issue. The Material resources of LCA (person responsible - E.Grīns administrative director) 1. 2. 3. 4. New premises to be built.(see: blueprint for the new premises at Bulduri 21, which will be construed at three stages Academic library premises (1-st stage); 2-nd block of lecture rooms (2-nd stage) The large hall (2-nd stage) Premises for “Dialogue Centre” - office, auditoriums, conferee hall (3. -rd stage) ~ 130 ~ Authors: architect M.Liepa. construction: AV Limited, manager. V.Eris. Resources for studies. It is envisaged to develop: technical means For the studies in auditoriums For student independent work 1997.-1999. 5 over-head projectors “Philips” another computer class (12 places) earphones for the linguaphone room 1999.-2001. 5 TV sets 2 video cameras computer hardware and software Library development: 1997-1998. increase of funds by 1000 units exegesis works, reference books; printing equipment list of text-books to be translated. Strategy of LCA. like any other institution of higher learning LCA sees assist , m a i n t a s k - to become part of the modern information society. It is a society where information and knowledge are the chief resources. It is the opposite of industrial society, which is based on capital (business i s n o t ! the task of a private educational institution) and where the chief end product i s “ g o o d s p r o d u c e d ” (now many students graduate from the school?) The chief end product of LCA is p e r s o n a l qualities and person’s adaptability to information and i n f o r m a t i o n e x c h a n g e . Therefore LCA concentrates on the quality of knowledge and adaptability of personality ~ 131 ~ ESTIMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL "PRACTICAL THEOLOGY" TRAINING SYLLABUS AS AN ASPECT OF THE NATIONAL INTERESTS OF LATVIA 1. The demand for highly educated social care specialists in Latvia is determined by the joining of Latvia to the Copenhagen Declaration of 1965, by the Social Aid Law of 1995, by the Medical and Social Protection Law of 1992, by the Latvian Social Welfare system Reform Project in 1997 and other documents, as well as the Constitution of the Latvian Ev.Luth. Church of 1996, the Declaration of the World Lutheran Federation on Deaconal Ministry in 1994 and other documents. 2.1. The Latvian Social Welfare System Project focuses on the following issues: poverty the situation of families with children (the growing number of children growing up without parent care - orphans of living parents) the situation of the disabled and exposed a variety of cooperation with the local governments developing a definite cooperation pattern among various charity branches 2.2. Those "focus" problems could be dealt with through the churches with the help of highly qualified social care specialists. L.Chr.Acc. is the only higher educational establishment in Latvia training specialists for charity missions, i.e., social care specialists for the needs of the church and the state. 3. The social care system in the church state needs a reliable data source to analyze the social situation and predict its changes. 3.1. The educational work according to the L.Chr.Acc. training program could improve the expertise of the social care organizations and find the best solutions for their specific functions. The training of social care workers is an indicator of the quality of their work. 3.2. The teaching staff and the students of the L.Chr.Acc. are developing a standard pattern of social care for parochial charity need. THE PRINCIPLE ASPECTS OF NATIONAL COOPERATION AND IMPORTANCE The Social Care Department 1. Drafting of proposals for the policy of social care and jurisdiction. 2. Defining of social care strategies The "Practical Theology" training syllabus Field studies in congregations and various state charities. Data accumulation and processing. The analysis of the charity aspect of social care in its evangelical sense and contents. Evolving practical suggestions for charity work to the department ~ 132 ~ 3. Determination of the investment management policy 4. Defining of minimal standards for charity services 5. Social care system quality control and the church. Comparison and research of the official data, publications, investigations, communication and interviews with the top charity deacon work executives in Latvia and the European Union. Performing a limited scope of empirical research with local authorities and congregations. Thorough research and estimation of the charity and services form the aspect of christian values. Promoting the cooperation of the church with the local authorities, stimulating the possibilities of the public institutions by publication of the findings of research as well as information of the general public. Methodical assistance through the "Dialogue Center" of the L.Chr.Acc., training of the charity executives. The state is responsible for the social reform and bringing the social care system to the local authorities. The tasks of the L.Chr.Acc. are as follows: to change the attitude of people by education and research, to make them understand that everybody is responsible for his/her own welfare, not the state. to emphasize the Christian concept of soteriology ESTIMATION OF THE ACADEMIC SYLLABUS IN THE ASPECT OF THE NATIONAL INTERESTS OF LATVIA THE DOCUMENTS OF THE LATVIAN RESPONSE OF THE L.CHR.ACC. TO THE REPUBLIC ACTUALIZING THE NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM NATIONAL CONCERNS 1. The speech of the State President G.Ulmanis "Foundation of the sense of Truth and craving for Profundity of the soul" at the L.Chr.Acc. on November 30, 1994 The assessment of the academy work in the light of the National interests of Latvia by the State President G.Ulmanis "New schools and higher educational establishments are developed in the renewed Latvia, new in contents and style of work. The Lutheran Deaconal Institute is new as well. Its goal is to see and understand the social needs of people in Latvia, to do everything possible to help people regain their spiritual values.~ 133 ~ The essence of its work is education of the heart, the strength of the soul, conformity of words and deeds, notions that have been 2. Declaration of the Government of Latvia The Latvian Christian Academy Chapter on "Education and Culture" of the Declaration of the Government of Latvia of 1997 "to consider formation of a free and creative personality the basic task of education." The academic syllabus Bachelor of Theology motivates humanity of a different dimension: a human freedom: "You will admit the truth, and the truth will make you free" (Christ) High quality theological education can perfect the secular academics and enrich it, as well as lead the church out of semiliteracy and bigotry. "to develop nationally significant scientific centers" The work of the "Dialogue center" of the L.Chr.Acc. has just begun, yet its objective is to become "a nationally significant theological research center" for the dialogue of Christianity with the public and state by fundamental and applied scientific research work. 3. The Law "On Social Security" "Regulates the kinds of social services, including social and educational aid, thus contributing to social justice and social security." 4. The Law "On Social Aid" "The social rehabilitation in a package of measures designed to build the social functions potential of a person, his/her social status and his/her integration to the society." The Latvian Christian Academy The academic syllabus Bachelor of Theology combines the classical interpretation of theology with the ability to use it for the benefit of the contemporary society. The Latvian Christian Academy The academic syllabus Bachelor of Theology provides education for clergymen, chaplains (including chaplains for places of confinement), evangelists, parsons, and deacons. They are specialists ready to implement the tasks of social rehabilitation in Latvia (including parochial work). ~ 134 ~ 5. The Social Welfare System The Latvian Christian Academy It is the Social aid administration "White Paper". The Latvian Christian Academy Reform Project The academic syllabus gives knowledge and promotes research for the development of a realistic pattern of spiritual social security in a system complying with the security goals and principles of Latvia as an European country, both nationally and parochially. teaches to motivate the priority of social aid (charity) work in church, enhances general expertise and knowledge with regard to the feasibility and tasks of the social aid in state and church welfare systems thus avoiding redundancy, improves the professional efficiency of deaconal ministry. L.Chr.Acc. is the only higher educational establishment that provides ecumenical academic education to clergymen. 6. The Constitution of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church The Latvian Christian Academy "Every parish should support its own parson as well as provide him with the assistants necessary for spiritual maintenance of the congregation." In performing these tasks using specialists with the higher theological education cannot be overrated. The academic theological syllabus provides education for deacons, evangelists, and chaplains. A Summary with an Emotional Tinge. Every community needs people who have acquired the fundamentals of the old European Christian culture and are able to integrate them into contemporary academic circles and social environment, even more so, they are necessary in Latvia in the aftermath of communist and atheistic wreckage. ~ 135 ~ STATISTIC INFORMATION 1 APENDIX Approved at the LChA Senate session February 2, 1996 RULES OF THE INTERNAL PROCEDURE AT THE LCHA 1. General 1.1 Rules of Internal procedure refer to all employees of the LChA, who enter in legal relations with the Academy, regardless of their position or work to be done. 1.2. LChA is an institution of Christian service and ministry, education and science, which learns and teaches. 1.3. Each employee by his work has to support 5 key principles of the LChA activity: a principle of confidence (confidence in qualitative possibilities of Academy's development); a principle of universal activity - the employee of the LChA has to be concerned with and able to find way in spheres of problem situations and to solve them within the limits of his Competence; a principle of career - continuous raising of qualification; a principle of care - to care about each other, about students and about the work; a principle of Christian ethics - "the defined in the Bible": "Let everyone among us live to the liking of his nearest, for his benefit, to perfect him." /Rom. 15:2/ 1.4. An axiom of each employee is: the quality of development of the Academy principally depends on good and earnest work of the employee. 2 Place of an employee in solving of Academy's aims and tasks 2.1. An employee has to support and implement aims of the LChA: to secure the indivisible character of the Christian creed, Academic studies and scientific Research work. 2.2. Each employee is creative force of the Academy. Creative approach is the foundation of the Academy's development and such is demanded from every employee. 3. Rights and duties of the employee ~ 136 ~ 3.1. Rights and duties of employees are regulated by the contract, existing laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia and the community of work of all employees of the Academy. 3.2. The duty of employees is to work in order to ensure, that the Academy prepares Academically and Professionally valuable specialists for science, public administration of social care, deaconal Church. 3.3. The duty of each employee is to maintain his knowledge and professional skills on high level. 3.4. In the very middle of the LChA stands a student: with his hopes; with his ideas; with his aims; with his strength; with his feebleness; with his study Contract. The task of each employee is to support in his place of work and by his professional skills the clarity, efficiency, order of the study work, to render services to students and other people correctly and without any bureaucracy. 3.5. An employee has the right to receive material bonuses, if he is able to be creative and is able for the benefit of the tasks of the Academy to increase the Volume of the voluntary contribution and work, which may exceed that fixed in the work Contract. The work done voluntarily will be valued and will favour possibilities of the employee's career in the Academy. 3.6. If an employee is dissatisfied with any aspect of conditions, the employee has to apply to the Employer. 3.7. The duty of an employee is to observe rules of safety techniques and work hygiene. If an employee is involved in or has noticed a damage of measures of precaution or unsparing attitude towards the property of the Academy, he has to inform the employer about it. 4. Mutual relations of employees 4.1. The LChA expects from its employee culture of open communication: the employee, who wants to say nothing, wants to hear nothing, wants to see nothing, cannot give positive contribution in the development of the Academy; mobbing, spreading of rumors and false statements about other employees and the Institution of his own work is forbidden in the LChA. Spreader of rumors will be immediately put vis a vis with a person, whom he discredits; an employee, who spreads rumors, may be immediately dismissed from his duties. 4.2. Interpersonal relations of the LChA employees shall be matter-of-fact. The duty of each employee is to particularly promote and support: business-like oriented, based on the Christian morality criteria, analytical interpersonal relations. ~ 137 ~ 4.3. The must for the LChA employee is an ability to refuse from the interpersonal conflicts, which are oriented towards personal relations, personal, emotional. 4.4. Each employee acts within the limits of his competence, yet takes care about the improvement of his work quality in the name of implementation of the concept of the Academy. 5. Working time at (work hours of) the LChA 5.1. Working time of the LChA employees comprises 40 hours per week. 5.2. Each employee shall start implementation of his duties at 9:00 and finish at 17:00. 5.3. The Lunch time of employees of the Christian Academy is from 12:00 till 13:00. 5.4. The Employer objects against idle Coffee breaks, which interrupt the rhythm of work. 5.5. An employee of the Christian Academy shall not change the daily time schedule by being late or shortening the day. 5.6. In cases of extra necessity an employee may change the daily Time schedule, if it at least a day in advance is concerted with the employer. 5.7. In cases of illness or other motivated and unforeseen conditions an employee informs the employer about the absence from work in due time. 5.8. If an employee, without prior concerting with the employer willfully changes length of the working day, then the employee may be fired according to provisions of Article 33 of the Republic of Latvia Code. 5.9. Repeated coming late and unqualitative work of an LChA employee shall be considered as violation of rules of work. 6. E a c h e m p l o y e e b y h i s w o r k s u p p o r t s t h i s A c a d e m y as a possibility to serve God and people. This is reflected in the attitude towards the property of the Academy, as well as towards premises, inventory and in mutual relations of people. 6.1. Each employee independently shall put in the forefront the highest demands of work and the culture of human relations ~ 138 ~ RULES FOR ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS AT THE LCHA 1. Every citizen of Latvia and persons, who have the right to own a passport of the non-citizen of Latvia, issued in the Republic of Latvia, with permissions of permanent residence, regardless of sex and property status, race and nationality, are entitled to study at the LChA. 2. The LChA enrolls students in two study programs: in study program of a bachelor (and master) of Academic theology; in higher program of professional education "The Practical Theology". 3. In both programs the time of studies is 4 years (semesters). 4. When entering the LChA, persons shall submit to the selection committee the following: an application; curriculum vitae; a document about secondary (gymnasium) education; 4 photos; a reference issued by the psychiatrist and narcologist. After submission of a document, the Passport shall be produced. 5. The selection of future students takes place on competitive basis. 6. Entrance examinations: test of preliminary Religious knowledge (in writing); a written work - Essay on literature or free subject; an interview - colloquy. The test of the preliminary knowledge in Religion is in accord of the course of confirmation of the ev.luth. Church of Latvia. The following is assessed in the written Essay: general knowledge of the question; a skill to define a problem; a skill to discuss it purposefully; a skill to see alternatives; a skill to express thoughts in the proper Latvian language in writing (grammar etc.). The time for the test and the Essay is 4 hours. Evaluation - according to the system of 10 points (marks). The aim of the interview (for a sample of text see Appendix) is to clear up the candidate's motivation, creed, personal suitability to profession. Results of the interview and colloquy, which is based on the interview, are evaluated by the mark "settled/unsettled". 7. Entrance examinations are the basis for the candidate's enrollment at the Academy. Criteria: 6 points as the minimum score separately for the Essay, and the mark "settled" for the Interview. ~ 139 ~ 8. Entrance examinations and preparation for the entrance tests are carried out by the Entrance Examination Commission during the whole academic year in form of discussions, tutorials, open-door days, etc. 9. Training places are granted for pay. AGREEMENT OF STUDIES STATUTE OF THE LCHA CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY 1. General provisions 1.1. The Constituent Assembly is the authorized supreme institution of Collegiate representation, administration and decision-making in the Academy. 1.2. The Constituent Academy acts in accordance with the effective legislation of Latvia, Constitution of the Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy and the present Statute. 2. Composition of the Constituent Assembly, election and withdrawal of representatives 2.1. The Constituent Assembly is elected in composition of 20 members for three years in the following procedure: a Representative of the founder; the Rector; the Pro-rector; 12 representatives of the Academic personnel; 2 studying representatives; 3 representative of the General staff. 2.2. The above representatives are elected separately in each group of the personnel. 2.3. A group of the relevant personnel by its decision is entitled to withdraw its representative before the term and to elect other representative instead. 2.4. The decision about election of representatives to the Assembly or withdrawal from it is accepted in secret ballot by a simple majority of votes. 3. Procedure of convening the Constituent Assembly 3.1. The regular Constituent Assembly is convened by the Rector once in three years. If the Rector has not convened the regular Constituent Assembly in term of the present paragraph, not later than during two months before expiration of the term, the regular Constituent Assembly is convened by the Senate. 3.2. The extraordinary Constituent Assembly is convened by the Rector on his initiative, or when it is demanded by the Senate, or by no less than a half of the Academy personnel, or by no less than a half of studying persons. 3.3. Initiators of the extraordinary Constituent Assembly shall indicate reasons and the agenda, submit them to the Rector and inform the Senate about it. 3.4. The Rector shall convene the extraordinary Constituent Assembly within a month from the day, when the demand to convene it has been received. ~ 140 ~ 3.5. If the Rector does not convene the Constituent Assembly, the Senate of the Academy has the right to convene it. 3.6. Members of the Constituent Assembly shall be notified about convocation of the Constituent Assembly not later than 30 days before convocation of the Assembly, indicating the place, time and full agenda. 4. Competence of the Constituent Assembly 4.1. The LChA Constituent Assembly alone is competent to: 1) accept the LChA Constitution and modify it; 2) elect and revoke the Rector; 3) listen to annual reports of the Rector; 4) elect the Senate and approve the Statute of the LChA Senate; 5) elect the LChA Auditing Commission and the LChA Arbitration; 6) approve and decide questions, which are connected with the conceptual directions of the LChA activities and are not in competence of the Senate, Rector and Pro-rector. 4.2. The Constituent Assembly may consider also other matters connected with activities of the Academy, if it is demanded by the rector of the LChA Senate. 5. Competence and procedure of decision-making of the LChA Constituent Assembly 5.1. The LChA Constituent Assembly is competent to take decisions if at least a half of the number of representatives take part in it. If there is no quorum of the Constituent Assembly, then not later than during 15 days a repeated Constituent Assembly is convened. 5.2. The LChA takes decision with a simple majority of votes. Modifications of the Constitution, decisions about electing and withdrawing the rector are taken by 3/4 majority of votes from the total number of representative of the Constituent Assembly. 6. Procedure of the Constituent Assembly 6.1. The LChA Constituent Assembly is opened by the Rector or his authorized person. 6.2. On suggestion of the person, who opens the Constituent Assembly, it from among itself elects the teller. 6.3. After opening of the Constituent Assembly, it elects the chairperson of the Constituent Assembly and on his suggestion - a secretary (a recorder). 6.4. The voting at the Constituent Assembly is open, except in cases, when secret ballot is determined by laws, the Constitution of the LChA, or it is demanded by at least a half of the representatives present. 6.5. The LChA structural units have to report to the Constituent Assembly on the situation of the LChA, as it is necessary for the relevant paragraph of the agenda. 7. Record of the LChA Constituent Assembly 7.1. The record of the LChA Constituent Assembly shall include the following information: 1) date, time, place of the Constituent Assembly; ~ 141 ~ 2) name and family name of representatives, who take part in the Constituent Assembly, as well as position, name and family name of other persons present, who are invited to the Constituent Assembly; 3) agenda of the Constituent Assembly; 4) the most important statements and proposals, expressed during the Assembly; 5) decisions taken and number of votes; 6) the most serious protests registered at the Constituent Assembly. 8. Appealing against the decisions of the LChA Constituent Assembly 8.1. Decisions of the LChA Constituent Assembly may be appealed against or revoked in procedure, provided by the legislation. Accepted at the Constituent Assembly April 251996 Protocol no. 1 STATUTE OF THE SENATE OF THE LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY General provisions 1.1. The LChA Senate is a collegiate legislative institution of the Academy, which functions in accordance with the Statute, approved by the LChA Constituent Assembly. 1.2. The Senate is authorized to approve the procedure and rules, which regulate all spheres of activities of the Academy. 1.3. The basic tasks of the Senate are: elaboration, approving, performance, coordination of the statute for Academic and Professional studies; discussion and approving of Academic and Professional study programs; determination of the strategy for scientific research work of students and the Academic personnel, its discussion and coordination; analysis of the study system and teaching work, marking of main directions; election to Academic positions; concerting of teaching staff's scientific qualification; drawing up of the draft study budget, analysis of its use; discussion and preparing of Scientific publications; formation of Scientific research and other structures of the Academy and discussion of their regulations; organization of introduction of Foreign experience. 1.4. The activities of the LChA Senate involve teaching and scientific work of the studying persons at the Day and Evening departments, different Post-study forms and their contents. ~ 142 ~ 1.5. In order to implement principal functions and tasks the LChA Senate may form expert commissions from among specialists, employed at the LChA, inviting specialists from other higher education institutions or Theological institutions of the relevant confession. 2. Functions of the LChA Senate. 2.1. The Senate determines the procedure and size of remuneration for work. 2.2. The Senate approves the LChA Statute on Election to the Academic Positions, fixes the number of posts of the staff. 2.3. The Senate determines the Tasks and Duties of work of lecturers and assistants. 2.4. By its decisions the Senate forms the LChA Convention of Advisors and approves its Statute. 2.5. The Senate considers the link of the LChA with scientists of different countries, research Institutes in cooperation in Academic work and Science. 2.6. The Senate considers and approves common requirements for the Academic and higher Professional program, coordinates meeting of requirements. 2.7. Considers questions pertaining to qualification of the teaching staff, as well as determines questions of the staff recruitment. 2.8. The Senate heads the scientific publication, training book, methodical aid, etc., publishing activity, accepts scientific research orders, addressed to the LChA. 2.9. The LChA Senate analyses prognostications for preparing of specialists. 2.10. The LChA Senate works out and approves enrollment and extra enrollment rules. 2.11. The Senate works out and approves regulations on Procedure of studies. 2.12 The Senate elaborates and approves the system for assessment of students' Study work and the Statute of the Study program for the Final and State examinations. 2.13. The Senate approves subjects of Bachelor work, as well as of the Course and Diploma papers, scientific supervisors and advisors of works, decides about perspectives of scientific elaboration of the Course and Diploma projects. 2.14. The LChA Senate considers suggestions on distribution and use of training rooms and equipment. 2.15. The Senate considers and approves the LChA financial reports. 2.16. The Senate organizes scientific Conferences, Exhibitions, Cooperation with foreign scientists. 2.17. The Senate discusses and approves regulations of scientific structures and other formations of the LChA, decides about formation of Societies at the LChA. 2.18. The Senate, within the limits of its competence, controls the observance of norms set out in the LChA Constitution. 2.19. The Senate expresses Proposals and Recommendations for considering at the LChA Constituent Assembly. 3. The membership of the LChA Senate. 3.1. The LChA Senate is formed of 14 members. The Rector, and representatives of the Academic personnel, who comprise no less than 75%, at least 10% of studying persons and employees of other categories. 3.2. The personnel staff of the Senate is elected by the LChA Constituent Assembly for three years. The studying representatives are elected to the Senate by the students' self-government. ~ 143 ~ 3.3. Take part in the Senate with advisory vote. 4. The procedure of work of the LChA Senate. 4.1. The work of the Senate proceeds in form of sessions. Sessions of the Senate are convened by the Chairman or Deputy chairman of the Senate no less than once a month. 4.2. Sessions of the Senate are chaired by the Chairman or Deputy chairman of the Senate. Sessions are recorded by the Secretary of the Senate. The protocol of the Senate session is signed by the Chairman of the LChA Senate and secretary, but their signatures are certified by the LChA Rector with his Signature and the Seal of the Academy. 4.3. The LChA Senate is competent to decide, if no less than a half of its members take part in it. 4.4. The Senate takes its decisions with a simple majority of votes, except in cases provided in paragraph 4.5 of the Statute of the Senate. 4.5. The LChA Senate, when deciding questions on approving of extra enrollment rules, formation of structural units, etc., take decisions with 3/4 majority of votes of the members present. One fourth of the members present at the Senate or the LChA Rector is competent to ask to reconsider the question and decide it at the LChA Constituent Assembly. 4.6. If any of the LChA Senate members disagree with decisions of the Senate, he may object against them and require to write it into the Protocol of the Senate session. In such case he is not liable for the decision taken by the Senate. Students have the veto rights in questions, which concern their interests. 4.7. The LChA Senate informs the Constituent Assembly about its decisions. 4.8. Expert commissions are headed by the Chairman of the expert commission, who is appointed by the LChA Senate. 5. Material supply of the LChA Senate. 5.1. The LChA Senate carries out its activities within the limits of the Academy's budgetary resources, as well as plans possibilities for self-financing of scientific activity. Chairperson of the LChA Constituent Assembly: Gūtmane Secretary of the Constituent Assembly .A.Lasmanis ~ 144 ~ Concerted at the LChA Senate session September 9, 1997 STATUTE OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION OF THE LCHA SENATE 1. Personnel Commission of the LChA Senate is a unit of the Senate members, which assesses compliance of the Academic personnel with the electable and/or appointable position, gets to know and understands Man as a qualitative instrument of the Academic work. The most important value of the higher educational institution is its Teaching staff, people, who are loyal to interests of the Christian Academy. The task of the Commission is to recommend and keep in the institution of higher education such Academic personnel, which in full value implements scientific, educational and Christianity tasks, which works in order to have high rating of the Academy today, tomorrow and in Future. The Commission works out the program of benefits and guarantees of the Academy's teaching staff. The Commission works out and finds people with high professional and scientific logic of Academic work, who are loyal to the LChA. 2. The decision of the Commission is recommending, it is approved by the LChA Senate. 3. The Commission consists of at least 4 LChA senators, who are approved by the Senate for 3 years. 4. Work of the Commission is headed by the Chairman, who is elected by the Commission from among its members by rotation for a School year. 5. The Commission basis its work on the Republic of Latvia Law on Higher Educational Institutions, LChA Constitution, Statute of the Academic Personnel Positions and Statute on Elections of the Academic Personnel. 6. The Commission evaluates documents, submitted for the vacancies of the Academic personnel and summarizes results of elections. 7. The Commission assesses the scientific, professional and the creed correspondence of the activities, carried out by the Teaching staff, to the tasks and aims of the LChA. The Commission reviews and summarizes: students' questionnaires and interviews on the quality and the pedagogical result of the Training course, test results of the students' knowledge, the delivered training and methodical supplies, involvement of students in Scientific research, participation of the Teaching staff in the Theoretical seminar of the Staff, the result of the teaching staff's individual scientific research, publications, creative public activity, analysis of the visited lessons. 8. The Commission submits the conclusion to the Senate in writing. 9. The conclusion of the Commission is essential in both Professional and Academic career of the LChA Teaching staff. 10. The Commission recommends the work of the Teaching staff for rewarding with Premiums and Grants. 11. The meeting of the Commission is attended by the Rector and Pro-rector. ~ 145 ~ Accepted at the Constituent Assembly May 15, 1997 STATUTE OF THE LCHA ON ARBITRATION 1. The LChA Arbitration is an independent Institution, elected by the Constituent Assembly, which deals with the matters of the Academy in procedure provided by the present Statute. 2. The LChA Arbitration, in secret ballot, is elected by the Constituent Assembly consisting of three (3) persons - arbitrators for 3 years. The LChA Arbitration is elected from among the Academic personnel. The LChA Arbitration shall not be elected from representatives of the administrative staff. 3. Arbitrators from among themselves, by open voting, elect the Chairman of the Arbitration. 4. In its work the Arbitration observes laws of Latvia, Constitution of the LChA, the present Statute, decisions of the LChA Constituent Assembly, Senate, Rector of the LChA. 5. When realizing its duties, the Arbitration shall be independent and objective. It shall not allow to influence and emotionally dispose itself. 6. The Arbitration reviews cases collegially, by three judges. 7. The Arbitration reviews cases openly, on motivated request of the parties. The Arbitration may review the case in a closed session. 8. The LChA Arbitration is located at 23, Bulduru prosp., Jurmala, Latvia LV-2010 9. The LChA Arbitration is competent to: 1) to review complaints, submitted by students and the Academical personnel of the LChA, about restriction of the academic freedom and rights provided by the LChA Constitution; 2) review interpersonal and mobbing problems; 3) review disputes between the LChA structural units and administrative institutions. The Arbitration shall not review cases/disputes, which, as provided by the law, shall be reviewed at the court of Latvia. 10. The Arbitration reviews cases on the bases of applications (complaints). The Arbitration accepts only written applications. The application shall contain the following information: 1) name of the arbitration; 2) names of contesting parties; 3) subject, essence and motivation of the contest; 4) evidence, that proves the indicated conditions, activities, carried out prior to regulation of contradictions, before submission of the application; 5) name, family name, position of persons, invited to the Arbitration; 6) a list of documents, which supplement the application; 7) a signatory of application, submitted to the Arbitration; 11. The application shall be received by the chairman of the Arbitration and registered in a special Arbitration Register. ~ 146 ~ 12. The parties may personally or by their authorized representatives take part in sessions of the Arbitration. The parties may terminate the case in peace. 13. The parties, which participate in the case, shall have the right: 1) to get acquainted with materials of the case; 2) to submit evidence; 3) to participate in sessions of the Arbitration; 4) to give oral or written explanations; 5) to increase or decrease the size of the claim, to refuse from the claim, to plead guilty, admit full or partial claim of the other party. 14. The Arbitration shall review the case within 30 days from the day of receipt of the application. This term may be prolonged, but not more than for 10 days. 15. The Chairman of the Arbitration or one of Judges, appointed by him, shall prepare the case for reviewing. The parties shall be notified about the time of arbitration in writing not later than 5 days before the session. 16. Sessions of arbitration shall be recorded. 17. The Arbitration shall take decisions by majority of votes. If any of the arbitrators disagrees with the decision, he has the right to express objections against the decision in writing, that shall be indicated on the decision itself. 18. The decision of arbitration shall contain the following information: 1) name and composition of the arbitration; 2) time of when the decision has been taken; 3) disputing parties, their representatives; 4) subject of the dispute; 5) explanations and evidence of the disputing parties, motives, according to which the arbitration has come to its conclusions; 6) resolution of the arbitration; 7) procedure of appealing against the decision. The decision of the arbitration shall be submitted to the Senate for acceptance during three (3) days. After accepting in the Senate, a copy of the decision within three (3) days shall be issued to disputing parties and the administration of the Academy. 11. The decision of arbitration shall be approved by the Senate, but executed by the administration. If the Senate states, that the arbitration, when reviewing the case, has violated the LChA Constitution or the present Statute, it may cancel the decision of arbitration and return the case for retrying, considering the fixed violations. The Arbitration shall retry the case within ten (10) days. 12. If a dispute is not decided in point of fact (reviewing of the case is stopped, postponed, legal proceedings are terminated, the claim is left without reviewing, etc.), the decision, which is binding with the case (by-decision) shall be taken. The decision shall include its motive, actions to be carried out by the parties or other structural units of the LChA, and shall be sent to the relevant officer for deciding. It shall be done within three (3) days after their acceptance. 13. The LChA Arbitration shall have separate and independent record keeping. Records, decisions and other materials shall be included in a separate file and handed over to archives in the fixed procedure. 14. Modification of the Statute of Arbitration shall be made by the LChA Constituent Assembly. Head of the LChA Constituest Assembly Sk.Gūtmane ~ 147 ~ Secretary of the LChA Constituent Assembly B.Zīvere STATUTE OF THE LCHA ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES The procedure of Academic and Professional studies at the LChA is determined by the Republic of Latvia Law on Education, the Republic of Latvia Law on Higher Education Institutions, the LChA Constitution and the present Statute. 1. General provisions 1.1. The aim of the Academic studies is: to promote quality of thinking of young people, to promote scientific research interests of students, the capacity of their intellect, knowledge and experience, to provide the necessary basis for further Academic education. 1.2. The juridically fixed (formal) aim of Academic studies is acquisition of the Academic degree of Bachelor and Master. 1.3. The task of Academic studies is: to promote students' wish to join the scientific research work, to strengthen the world outlook, which proves the belief in God in unity with social Responsibility, to develop the desire of research work, to teach to master methods of Scientific research, to teach to write a scientific paper. 1.4. Persons with secondary (gymnasium) education may become candidates of the Bachelor studies if they have become students of the LChA in accordance with the enrollment rules. Persons with the Bachelor degree may apply for the Master studies in the given branch of science. The procedure of enrollment of students at the LChA is determined by "Rules of Enrollment of Students at the LChA". 1.5. Acquisition of the Academic education on the level of a Bachelor or Master foresees realization of the relevant Study program in the corresponding branch of Science. 2. Aim of Professional studies 2.1. The aim of Professional studies is: to train young people for Christian Ministry and Charity, to prepare students for professional activity in Social care, to deepen attitude towards the Human being and principles of Social environment as they are put in the Bible, to reveal a complete system of Ethical determinations and taboos, which demands to value the lifetime and life of each Human being as unique. 2.2. Tasks of the professional studies proceed from the Aims of the Study program and are closely related with the basic tasks of Professional activity of the specialist of Social care and Charity: ~ 148 ~ to provide multidimensional knowledge and understanding about: the contents, reasons, development of Christian charity, contents of Social policy and the Key principles of its development, the Biblical system of people's welfare - its principles, mechanism of work, the Secular system of the World welfare (with and without inverted commas), aims and mechanisms of its work; to ensure the necessary Theological knowledge about the Biblical motivations of functioning of Social systems: the common and the diverse in characterization of interaction of Men and Society by secular opinions on functioning of Social systems, to acquire models of Social care and Charity in Church, congregation, Secular structures of Latvia and the rest of the World, to teach students to integrate Theological knowledge into practice of Social care and Charity, to teach, when realizing the free will, to obey God and Commandments of the Gospel, and by their strength to overcome the negative pressure of economy, politics, psychological atmosphere, to excite interest about scientific Research work, to teach to acquire skills necessary for the specialist in Social care and Charity: those of Christian interrelations, diagnostics, methods, analyses etc., to deepen specialization in the work of Deaconate and Social rehabilitation. 2.3. Persons with secondary (gymnasium) education may become candidates for the higher Professional study program, after they have become students of the LChA in accordance with the Enrollment rules. 3. Study programs 3.1. The Bachelor and Master's study programs are worked out by the teaching staff of the LChA, concerting their compulsory parts of credit points with the size of credits of the University of Latvia, Theological Faculty's Bachelor and Master's degree study programs. 3.2. The contents of the Professional study program determines the skills necessary for specialists of Social care and Charity, which are defined in the Classification of Professions, Republic of Latvia. The contents of the Professional study program is worked out by the teaching staff of the LChA or other initiative persons, according to principles of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of European Deaconate. Principles of the Association of European Social Care Institutions of Higher Education are taken into consideration, when elaborating the Study program. 3.3. Academic and Professional study programs are assessed and approved by the LChA Senate. 3.4. The LChA Senate nominates and approves Directors of the Academic and Professional study programs. 3.5. The Academic and Professional study programs are accredited in procedure, provided by the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Education and Science. 4. Size of the study work ~ 149 ~ 4.1. The evaluation of the size of Study work takes place according to the unified system in Academic and Professional study programs. 4.2. For comparative assessment of the size of Study work the system of credit points is used at the LChA. Credit points are measuring units of planning, registration and realization of individual study courses, subjects, as well as of the total volume of the study program. 4.3. One credit point approximately corresponds to the study work, which is included in 4 0 C o n t a c t l e s s o n s of classes. 4.4. The amount of credit points is determined in the study programs. Credit points are granted for each discipline of studies. 4.5. The size of the Academic study program is planned for 8 semesters, its standard volume is 2 5 0 c r e d i t p o i n t s . The size of separate parts of the Program may also be bigger on account of intensity of the study process, without prolongation of the total time of studies. 4.6. The size of Professional study program is planned for 8 semesters, its standard volume is 1 4 0 - 1 6 0 c r e d i t p o i n t s . 5. Acquisition of the Academic degree. 5.1. In order to acquire the corresponding academic degree, it is necessary: to realize the Bachelor or Master's degree study program, to pass all foreseen examinations and to acquire the amount of credit points, fixed in the Program, to defend the Bachelor or Master's degree paper. 5.2. Students are allowed to defend the Bachelor or Master's degree paper after they have passed the Theoretical part of the relevant study program. 5.3. The Bachelor and Master's degree paper is an Academic work based on investigations. The master's degree work is of deeper research character, than the Bachelor work. 5.4. The Academic degree of the Bachelor or Master is conferred by the Commission of Final Examinations in accordance with "The Statute of the Final Examinations and the State Examinations" of the LChA. 6. Attribution of Professional qualification 6.1. The higher professional qualification is attributed to persons, who have covered the Study program, passed all examinations and acquired the number of credits, fixed in the Program, as well as have passed the State examinations. 6.2. Qualification is attributed by the State Examination Commission, which is formed and approved by the LChA Senate in accordance with "The LChA Statute of the Final and State Examinations". ~ 150 ~ ARTICLES OF THE LCHA STUDENT COUNCIL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. I. General Provisions The Student Council (SC) is a voluntary organization based on common interests and uniting persons studying at the LChA. The resolutions by the SC shall be binding for all students. The SC shall operate within the territory of Latvia under the international legal acts, regulatory acts effective in Latvia and the present Articles. The LChA SC shall have Bank accounts, common seal, letterheads. The legal address of the SC shall be 23 Bulduru pr., Jūrmala, LV-2010, Latvia. Purposes and Objectives of the LChA SC The purpose of the SC shall be to represent the LChA, defend the interests of the students, deal with the matters of Cultural and Christian everyday life at the Academy. The objectives of the SC shall be: to facilitate Professional development and Socializing skills of students; to represent the Academy on the local and international level; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. to organize the everyday life in Christian spirit, liveliness and wholesomeness of Cultural space. Rights of the SC To request and receive the information and explanations from representatives of any subdivisions of the Academy on any matter affecting the interests of the students; The SC shall have the right of suspending veto in the matters affecting the interests of the students and not contradictory to the Agreement made with the Academy. As soon as the veto has been exercised, the matter in question shall be examined and reconciled by the Commission formed by the Academy Assembly according to the principle of parity. The resolution by the Reconciliation Commission shall be approved by the Academy Assembly with two thirds of majority of votes. The SC shall determine the election of students to the collegiate bodies. The SC shall participate in the work by the LChA Assembly and Senate protecting the interests of the students. The resolutions by the SC shall be binding for all students. Obligations of Students To inform the students about the adopted resolutions and draft resolutions. To promote the respect of Christian values at the Academy. To assist with the improvement of the process of studies, summarization of students’ opinions on the Programs of studies and Curriculums. To organize Scientific research work by the students. To participate in allocation of material and Financial allowances. Structure of the SC The LChA SC shall consist of the representatives from each year’s students, the Chairman and the Secretary. The representatives shall be appointed to the SC every year by the end of the first month of the Academic year at the latest. ~ 151 ~ 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. The SC shall hold general meetings at least once in a month; the Chairman and the Secretary shall be authorized to decide on separate matters of lesser importance. At least half of the votes of the SC members is required to adopt the resolutions of the SC. Financing and Dissolution of the SC The funds of the SC shall be formed out of the Donations and Gifts by legal entities and individuals, proceeds from economic activities of the SC. The SC may have its own personal and real property. The SC may be dissolved in the procedure provided for under the Act ’’On Public Organizations and Their Associations’’. Upon dissolution the property and funds of the SC shall be transferred under the ownership of the Academy. appendIx to the Statute on Election to Academic Positions TASKS AND DUTIES OF THE ACADEMIC PERSONNEL AT THE LCHA 1. Duties of the Academic personnel are determined by the Republic of Latvia law On Higher Educational Institutions, the law of the Republic of Latvia "On Scientific Activity", the LChA Constitution and the LChA Senate. 2. The tasks of the Academic personnel are 2.1. The task of the Professor is to deliver highly qualified lectures, supervise studies, training classes and testing of his study course: to supervise the Research work in his branch and sub-branch of science, which corresponds to the name of Professor's position; to educate young scientists and associate professors; to take part in the development of Study programs; to take part in assessment of work and quality of structural units of the Academy; to take part in work of Scientific editorial board. 2.2. The task of the Associate professor is: active research work in the sub-branch of science, which corresponds to the name and position of the associate professor; supervision of Research work in order to acquire the doctor's and master's degree; supervision of educational work, studies, training classes, tests of the relevant course; delivering of lectures; educating and supporting of young scientists and Associate professors; advising and supervision of students' course papers and projects, Bachelor and Qualification works. 2.3. The task of the Docent is: research work in the sub-branch of science, which corresponds to the name of the Docent's position; supervision of study classes; carrying out of examinations, tests in his study program; ~ 152 ~ elaboration of Study programs; advising and supervision of course papers, Bachelor's and Qualifications works. 2.4. The task of the lecturer is: to prepare courses of lectures; to deliver lectures; to advise and review the course papers and projects; to supervise students' practice (Field work). 3. Once a year the LChA Academic personnel reports on implementation of its Academic tasks. 4. The duty of the Academic personnel is to raise qualification earnestly, to solve questions and difficulties of the Christian belief, with the knowledge and attitude towards values of Christianity to implement aims and tasks of the LChA. 5. In cases when the Academic person consciously acts against aims and interests of the LChA, the LChA Senate, grounding on effective legislation, has the right to reconsider the correspondence of the relevant person to the Academic status. Rector of the LChA Sk.Gutmane Approved at the meeting of the Senate October 15,1996 STATUTE OF THE LCHA ON ELECTION TO ACADEMIC POSITIONS I. General provisions 1. Procedure of election to Academic positions of the LChA is determined by the Republic of Latvia Law on Higher Education Institutions, the law of the Republic of Latvia "On Scientific Activity" and the LChA Constitution. 2. In accordance with the Republic of Latvia Law on Higher Education Institutions and the LChA Constitution, the Academic personnel is formed of: Professors, Associate professors, Docents, Leading researchers, Lecturers, Research assistants 3. The academic personnel carries out pedagogical work and scientific investigations. The procedure and size of remuneration is regulated by the Contract and the LChA Senate. Remuneration for the work of the Academic personnel shall not be lower than the minimum salary (tariff rate for lessons, monthly salary), determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia. 4. Persons below 65 may take Academic and Administrative positions at the LChA. The Rector, according to the funding allotted by the founder, has the right to conclude an individual Contract with the retired Academic personnel, foreseeing remuneration for a definite volume and quality of Work. 5. Professors and Associate professors, when they reach the age of retiring, may be awarded the Honorary title for special contribution to the Higher education. ~ 153 ~ 6. For special contribution in work of the Academy, members of the Teaching staff, who have reached the pensioning age, may be elected the Honorary members of the Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy. 7. In accordance with the Republic of Latvia Law on Higher Education Institutions, Professors may be elected persons, who have a degree of the Doctor hab. The Professor, in an open competition, is elected for 6 years and the Rector concludes with him a work contract for the whole term of election, or for the time until the age of 65. 8. A person may be elected the Associate professor, who has a degree of the Doctor hab., or for the first time - with the Doctor's degree. The position of the Associate professor may take persons with the Doctor's degree and at least 5 years experience of clergy, Christian pedagogical work or Social work. In accordance with the procedure, provided by the Republic of Latvia legislation on Higher education institutions, the Associate professor is elected for 6 years and the Rector of the LChA concludes with him the work Contract. 9. A person may be elected Docent, who has the degree of the Doctor hab. or the Doctor. To implement the highest Professional program a person may be elected Docent with the University education without the Scientific degree and Academic degree, if the length of his Practical work is 10 years. 10. Docents are elected for 6 years and the Rector concludes with them the work Contract. 11. The number of Docents' positions on the Staff is determined by the Academy. 12. Persons may be elected Lecturers, who have the degree of the Doctor hab., Doctor or Master. A Lecturer may be elected also a person without the degree, if the length of the Practical work is at least 5 years. 13. At the LChA lecturers are elected for 6 years. 14. Duties of the lecturer are determined by the LChA Senate. 15. Assistant may be elected a person with the degree of the Doctor or Master. A person without the Academic degree may be elected Assistant, if the length of the practical work is at least 5 years. 16. At the LChA Assistants are elected for 6 years. 17. Duties of the Assistant are determined by the LChA Senate. 18. If there is a temporary vacancy, the LChA Senate, without the Rector's suggestion, may decided not to announce a competition, but for two years engage a Visiting professor, Visiting docent, Visiting lecturer - on contractual basis. The Visiting professor, Visiting docent, Visiting lecturer may not take part in work of the LChA elected Institutions. 19. During the temporary absence, the Rector, with consent of the LChA Senate, is competent to appoint the Associate professor to the position of the Professor, a Lecturer or Assistant with the Doctor's degree -to the position of the Docent, yet for the period, which does not exceed two years. II. Election to the academic positions of the LChA 1. Election of the Academic personnel takes place once a year. 2. Competition to vacancies of Academic positions is open. 3. Candidates to vacancies have to submit the relevant Documents in a month's time from the day of announcing the Competition. 4. The following Documents shall be submitted: * a Document of Higher education and certification, that the length of service is no less than 10 years in the Social care work of Clergy, Psychology, Medicine or Pedagogic; a list of Scientific publications; an Abstract of the basic course of lectures (1 p.); a subject of the Scientific research work; ~ 154 ~ two References. 5. Persons may be elected Lecturers and Assistants, who have the Master's degree in Theology or other Humanities. 6. After having got acquainted with the candidate's Documents and after discussions with all Candidates to the Academic post, the Senate, in secret ballot, takes a decision. 7. The Candidate may be considered elected, who has received 50% plus one vote from the number of the Senate members present. 8. The LChA Teaching staff, employed for lessons, maintains the Academic status fixed at the Principal work. Chairman of the LChA Senate Secretary of the Senate Prof. J.Vējš V.Zāle STATUTE ON STUDENTS' PRACTICAL FIELD WORK Statute on Students' Practical Field Work There are three kinds of Practical field work at the LChA: Introductory practical field work, General practical field work and Specialized practical field work. General provision 1.1. The aim of the Practical field work is: to create a possibility for students to acquire skills of a Clergyman or Deacon and Social care and charity workers, focusing on the ability to work with people, family, with social groups, with the Congregation, to work at the institutions of Management or Administration of social care. 1.2. The task of the Practical work is: to get an idea about professional models of Social care and charity, their variability and purposefulness of functioning, to acquire a skill to develop professional relations with a client, to analyze the work of a Congregation or the Service of social assistance, to acquire the skill to prognosticate the efficiency of activity, to learn to do well the work of a Minister, Deacon, Specialist of Social care and charity. 1.3. The LChA students have to take the following differentiated practical field work: 1.3.1. The aim of the Introductory practical field work (the practical work of evangelization - 200 hours in the 2nd semester) is: a) to get an idea about the work of the Social care and Rehabilitation institutions (Old people's home, Family center, Orphanage, Prison, etc.), b) to get an idea about the Spiritual and Christian care of people, c) to learn to use the Knowledge acquired during Theoretical disciplines, in order to carry out the evangelization work. 1.3.2. The aim of the General practical field work is to develop professional skills of a Deacon, Clergy, Social care work, particularly in sense of increasing the capacity of activity. ~ 155 ~ practical work of Psychology and Psychiatry (for Clergy, Deacons - 200 hours in the 4th semester), Professional practical work of Administration of Social care (for Social care specialists - 200 hours in the 6th semester), practical work of Administrative and Christian management of the Congregation (200 hours in the 6th semester). 1.3.3. The aim of the Specialized practical field work is to prepare oneself for the activity in the Social care or the work of a clergy, to clear up the Ethical dilemma of the Social care and charity and that of the Clergy. practical work of a clergyman (200 hours in the 7th semesters according to specializations - Missions, Clergy, Evangelist, Christian counselor), practical field work of a Family patronage nurse, Social rehabilitator, Social care patronage nurse, employee of the Social care institution (200 hours). Organization and management of the practical work 2.1. The practical work takes place: for students of the Day department - in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th semesters, for students of Evening department - in the 2nd, 6th, 7th semester. 2.2. Usually Practical field work takes place in Latvia, but it may be organized also abroad. 2.3. During the Introductory practical work (200 hours) students work in groups of 3-5 people. 2.4. During the General practical work (600 hours) an individual places of Practical work are provided for students. 2.5. During the Specialized practical work (200 hours) students individually specialize in the selected spheres of work. 2.6. The Practical work is organized by the head of the Study Department, who is responsible for: determination of the basis for Practical work, appointment of the Director of Practical work, making of a Contract with institutions of Practical work, appointment of the Theological curator for the Practical work, making of a contract with the responsible person for the Practical work at the relevant institution. 2.7. Each Practical field work has an approved Director of the Practical field work from the Academy, whose task is: to supervise the organization of the work, to acquaint students with the aims, tasks, contents of the work and the responsible person in charge at the institution, to specify functions of work, tasks and duties of each student, to help to plan the tasks of the Practical work, to carry out a detailed Analysis of results of the Practical work, concerting it with the Curator, and to inform the LChA Senate about the Results, to organize and plan the Common work of students and the Curator. 2.8. In each institution of the practical work a responsible person is chosen, who is paid for his work. The tasks of the responsible person are: to specify students' Professional tasks, to coordinate the activities of students in the place of their Practical work, to help to plan the contents of the Practical work, at the end of the Practical work to give a written estimation of students' activities in the place and time of the work. ~ 156 ~ 2.9. The theological Curator is appointed for each practical work. A person, who has the education of a Doctor of theology and experience of practical work in the sphere of Christian ministry or intellectual and social welfare, is appointed the Curator. 2.9.1. The Curator signs Contract with the Rector of the LChA. 2.9.2. The Curator is responsible for provision of conceptual basis for work of his group of students (2-5 people). 2.9.2. The compulsory full-time job of the Curator is 5 hours for a group of students, 4 hours a week and 6 hours for work with the group in the Academy. 2.9.4. The Curator has to educate, supervise and support the trainees. This is realized by: assessing the activity of students and analyzing success and failure of their Activity, giving theoretical advice to the whole group, discussing in students' group tasks of the Clergy and Church in the Modern world, analyzing the Dilemmas of Social care and charity, the Curator analyses the process of the Practical work in whole and assesses students' work - altogether and individually in groups. Evaluation of the practical work 3.1. The basic component of the Practical field work is evaluation and analysis of students' abilities and inabilities. 3.2. The practical work shall be evaluated according to the following criteria: ability to form and develop Professional relations with systems of different strata in public and environment, work of a Clergyman as a process of resocialization and Spiritual and Mental perfection of a Human being - the totality of the necessary knowledge and skills, work of the Social care specialists as both System and Process - knowledge and skills, ability to find one's way in Administration and Management of the Church, Congregation, organization of a Mission or Institution of Social assistance, relations with Curator and the Responsible person in charge, relations with the rest of the Group and Colleagues, Professional skills, independence and dependence in realization of tasks of work and in progressing towards the aim. Documentation of the practical work 4.1. During the Practical field work students write the Diary of the Practical field work, which at its end is submitted to evaluation. 4.2. At the end of the Practical work, together with the Diary of the Practical field work students hand in also a Report, the form of which is individually creative. 4.3. The Director of the Practical work may ask to hand in also other research materials, Psychological observations etc. related with the work. Regime of the practical work 5.1. Students work a full working day or the part of the day during a semester, indicated by the Director of the Practical work. 5.2. During the week students work - 4 days in the institution of practical work, but in the Academy - the whole day, supplementing the necessary Theoretical knowledge. 5.3. One day in the Academy is compulsory for all students because of the Analysis of the weekly practical works. ~ 157 ~ 5.4. For absence from the Practical work without an excuse a student may be exmatriculated by the decision of the LChA Senate. 5.5. On justifying reasons students may be absent from Practical work not more than for 3 days. When being absent a longer period with a justifying reason, the Practical work is not considered, taking of it shall be concerted with the LChA Study Department. Change of place of the Practical field work 6.1. The place of Practical work chosen by the LChA shall not be changed without a special permissions of the head of the LChA Study Department. 6.2. The head of the LChA Study Department may decide about the change of the place of Practical work if: a) the respective Institution is being liquidated, b) qualitative implementation of tasks set for practical work is not ensured in the place of Practical work. Pay for the practical work 7.1. Students are not paid for their Practical work. 7.2. All transport expenses are covered by students themselves. Chairperson of the LChA Senate Sk.Gūtmane Secretary of the Senate V.Zāle Has been read by: the head of the Study Department B.Zīvere REFERENCE ON AGREEMENTS OF STUDENTS' FIELD WORK WITH INSTITUTIONS OF SOCIAL CARE AND CHARITY WORK (AS WELL AS OF CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CARE) Institution 1. Commission of Social Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Saeima (Parliment) 2. The Riga Ev. Luth. Cross congregation Rev. Guntis Dišlers 3. The Riga Ev. Luth. Luther's congregation Rev. Juris Rubenis 4. The Riga Coordination Centre of Social Assistance the Latgale SAS Avotu iela 31 man. E.Avotiņa the Kurzeme SAS Slokas iela 31 man. M.Pavasare the Zemgale SAS E.Smiļģa iela 46 man. I.Krūmiņa the Northern SAS Veru iela 6 man. I.Zilgalve the Centre's SAS Kungu iela 34 man. I.Rama the Vidzeme SAS Brīvības iela 266 man. A.Krastiņa 5. Social Assistance Department of the Jurmala City Council 6. Centre of Family Care "Bulduri" 7. The Cesis Children's home "Gaujas lici" head I.Pallo V.Randa I.Krauja ~ 158 ~ 8. The Riga Red Cross Medical School of Nurses Kučāns 9. National Centre of Psychic Health Care G.Kalnietis 10. Republic of Latvia, Department of Inprisonment Places of the Ministry of Internal Affairs . V.Zahars Head of the Study Department B.Zīvere PROVISIONS FOR THE LCHA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER “DIALOGUE CENTER” 1. General Provisions 1.1. The LChA ‘’Dialogue Center’’ shall be a subdivision of the Academy supervising and conducting Scientific research through development of Scientific and applied research of importance to the Dialogue between the Latvian Social and cultural environments. 1.2. The Scientific research at the LChA ‘’Dialogue Center’’ shall be carried out by the Academic personnel and the students. 2. Purpose and Objectives of the Center 2.1. By means of Scientific and applied research to ensure effective and innovative integration of the work by the Academy into the information community where information is the main product and the knowledge acts as the essential resources. 2.2. To develop the following required directions of Theological research: Gospel and the Society; Man and the Process of Redemption; Christian evidence in the World of religious and Cultural pluralism; Gospel and the Church. 2.3. To assist the students in acquiring skills of Scientific work and Research. 2.4. To conduct applied research in the Social fields of Charity work with the practical and advisory importance for public authorities and Church institutions. 3. Operation of the Center 3.1. The LChA “Dialogue Center” shall be managed by the Director and Deputy Director. The Directors of programs for studies, the LChA Academic staff supervising research in their respective fields, students conducting Scientific research as well as the LChA Scientific Editorial Board shall participate in the work of the Center. 3.2. The “Dialogue Center” for Scientific research shall conduct and publish research containing accurate information on the basic data in respect of new Religious movements and consequences of their activities in Latvia; in respect of viability and effectiveness of Charity work and Scientific grounds; compare and analyze data from official sources, publications, research as well as communicate and conduct interviews with leaders of Social assistance and Deaconal service in Latvia and the EU; ~ 159 ~ carry our a limited number of empirical research within Municipalities and Congregations; create new initiatives in the field of information for Christian Social care. 3.3. The Center shall cooperate with ‘’Dialogcenter International’’ (Århus University, Danmark) in the field of Scientific research on the theme ‘’New Religious Movements in Europe’’. The Center shall develop cooperation with other foreign higher Educational institutions and research facilities with which common Academic work has been established: Finnish Theological Institute, Kortebu High School of Theology (Sweden), Tel Aviv University (Israel), Seattle Bible institute, Association of World Bible Schools etc. 4. Material Base of the ‘’Dialogue Center’’ for Scientific research The ‘’Dialogue Center’’ shall operate within the limits of the Academy funds as well as plan for the possibilities of Self-financing of the Scientific activities. STATUTE OF PROCEDURE OF STUDIES AT THE LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 1. Studies at the LChA in accordance with the selected Academic Bachelor/master and/or Professional study program provide a possibility to acquire academic education and/or higher professional qualification and the bachelor or master's degree. 2. Studies are started by persons, who have been immatriculated at the Academy (immatriculation - writing into the List of students and receiving of student's Certificate). 3. Studying persons at the LChA are offered Academic and Professional studies. 3.1. Full Study program with the minimum length of studies is 4 (four) years (Day time studies). 3.2. Full optional program with higher intensity and the minimum length of studies is 4 (four) years (Evening time studies). In Evening time studies classes in the auditorium are organized as follows: twice a week at the 1st year, three times a week during the 2nd year, four times a week during the 3rd and 4th year. Once in semester students have classes in the auditorium for 1 week (intensive sessions). Between the exam sessions as well as in the free days of the week students are working independently. 4. The study process is regulated by the following conditions: 4.1. Students have the right to interrupt studies temporarily, even several times, but not more than for 4 semesters altogether. The minimum interval in studies is 1 semester. During the break student is not exmatriculated, lest he himself has expressed such wish. When interrupting studies, the head of the Study department shall be informed about it by submitting an application to the Secretariat of the LChA. When resuming studies, after they have been interrupted, if the interval has not been shorter than 1 semester and not longer than 4 semesters, the study credits, acquired earlier, are recognized fully in the same Study program. ~ 160 ~ 4.2. The change between the Bachelor and Professional study program is possible, if requirements of Study programs of 2 semesters have been met. In this case the student has to get the permission from Study Department of the LChA and/or Director of the new Study program. Director of the Program decides about consideration of credits, acquired earlier in the relevant part of the Study program. If necessary the question about an individual plan of Studies is decided together with the Director of the Study program. The earlier interrupted studies may be resumed (in case of exmatriculation), if the Study program of 2 semesters has been covered before. 4.3. Recognition of credits, acquired in other higher education institutions, foreign higher education institutions, is determined by the Director of the Study program (by concerting it with the LChA Study Department) according to the system of credits, fixed at the LChA. 4.4. Free attendance of classes could be allowed, if the student works according to his personal individual plan, which is concerted with all heads of courses of the Study program, and approved at the LChA Study department. 4.5. If during the semester the foreseen study program is not covered without any excuse, the student is exmatriculated. 4.6. A student who takes the State and Final examinations repeatedly has the right to do it during three years after the exmatriculation time according to the rules of the State examinations of the regular year and those of the Final examinations. 4.7. Students, who have covered the theoretical part and Practical work (field work) of the Study program, have the right to defend the qualification (bachelor) work and to pass the State and Final examinations during three years after the exmatriculation time. 5. The study curriculum is from September 1 till July 31, there are two semesters: the autumn semester: 01.09 - 31.01, the spring semester: 01.02 - 30.06. Holidays: Christmas: from 20.12 till 02.01. 5.1.1. Easter Holidays - the relevant one week, 5.1.2. Summer Holidays - from 01.08 till 31.08. 6. The length of one class is 50 minutes. Classes are organized and held according to the Schedule, which is compiled by the Study Department of the LChA for each week of studies. I. THE AIMS AND TASKS OF THE ACADEMY 1. INTRODUCTION 2. AIMS 2 3. TASKS 2 2 2 II. THE SELF-ASSESMENT OF THE LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 4 1. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HIGHER SCHOOL, ORGANIZATION OF STUDIES AND MANAGEMENT. 4 1. The Staff of LChA: Students, General Staff and Teaching Staff. 8 ~ 161 ~ 2. Material, financial and data maintenance 3. The Quality Maintenance by the Academy. 4. Joint research project 19 5. Project of archeological examination 20 6. Project of the Archeological excavations 7. Joint Research Projects 22 8. Joint Research Projects 23 10 12 21 REFERENCE ON SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THE LCHA 24 9. Prospects of development 32 10. Summary: the analysis of a Force field. 33 III. APENDIX AND EXPLANATION 46 1 APENDIX 46 THE LICENSE ISSUED BY THE REGISTER OF ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA 47 LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY BY-LAWS 47 LICENCE OF LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 58 THE BY–LAWS (STATUTES) OF THE DEACONAL INSTITUTE 58 2 APENDIX 58 IEŅĒMUMA DIENESTA IZZIŅA PAR LKRA STĀŠANOS NODOKOĻU MAKSĀTĀJU UZSKAITĒ UN NORĒĶINĀŠANOS AR VALSTS BUDŽETU. 58 PAŠVALDĪBU IZZIŅA PAR ATTIECĪGĀS MĀCĪBAS IESTĀDES DARBĪBAS IESPĒJAMĪBU TĀS ADMINISTRATĪVAJĀ TERITORIJĀ. 58 1. Nekustāmā īpašuma Bulduru prospektā 21 nomas līgums 2. Nomas līgums Error! Bookmark not defined. 58 3 APENDIX 58 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES NO. 12 OF THE MEETING OF LATVIAN EV.-LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SENATE 58 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES NO. 12 OF THE OPEN MEETING OF LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SENATE 60 4 APENDIX 60 CALCULATIONS FOR 1996 60 FINANCIAL REPORT 60 3. BALANCE-SHEET for 1996 Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Rector Latvian Ev.Luth. Christian Academy /S.Gśtmane/ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Report by the Management of Latvian Ev.Luth.Christian Academy Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. APPENDIX to the Annual Report for 1996 by the Latvian Ev.Luth.Christian Academy Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. AUDITOR’S STATEMENT Error! Bookmark not defined. UZZIŅA PAR DARBA SAMAKSAS NOTEIKUMIEM LKRA RĪKOJUMS PAR MĀCĪBU SPĒKU SLODZĒM LKRA 61 ~ 162 ~ 60 INFORMATION ABOUT THE MATERIAL BASIS OF STUDIES AT LCHA 62 DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THE LIBRARY OF THE LCHA 63 5 APENDIX 65 REFERENCE TO ACADEMIC STAFF OF LCHRA (SHORTENED VERSION OF CV) 65 CURRICULUM VITAE 70 INFORMATION ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGING STRUCTURE 108 LATVIAN LCHA STUDENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS. 111 THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE LCHA GRADUATES ON THE LABOR MARKET 112 6 APENDIX 116 LATVIAN EV.LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1997. - 2002.) 116 7. Perspective of Academic studies programme. 116 8. Perspectives of professional studies 125 9. Perspectives in the field of further education of pastoral and evangelical work and in the field of social help. (person responsible: Director of bachelor programme in practical theology V.Tēraudkalns ) 127 10. Social activities of LCA (person responsible - R.Ziedonis - Rector’s assistant for media relations) 127 11. Plans for international co-operation (person responsible: Sk.Gūtmane) 127 12. The Material resources of LCA (person responsible - E.Grīns administrative director) 130 ESTIMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL "PRACTICAL THEOLOGY" TRAINING SYLLABUS AS AN ASPECT OF THE NATIONAL INTERESTS OF LATVIA 132 ESTIMATION OF THE ACADEMIC SYLLABUS IN THE ASPECT OF THE NATIONAL INTERESTS OF LATVIA 133 IV. STATISTIC INFORMATION 136 V. AUGSTSKOLAS DARBĪBU REGLAMENTĒJOŠIE UC. TĀS DARBĪBU RAKSTUROJOŠIE DOKUMENTI ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1 APENDIX 136 RULES OF THE INTERNAL PROCEDURE AT THE LCHA 136 RULES FOR ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS AT THE LCHA 139 AGREEMENT OF STUDIES 140 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STATUTE OF THE LCHA CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY 140 STATUTE OF THE SENATE OF THE LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 142 ~ 163 ~ STATUTE OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION OF THE LCHA SENATE 145 STATUTE OF THE LCHA ON ARBITRATION 146 STATUTE OF THE LCHA ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 148 ARTICLES OF THE LCHA STUDENT COUNCIL 151 1. I. General Provisions 151 2. Purposes and Objectives of the LChA SC 3. Rights of the SC 151 4. Obligations of Students 151 5. Structure of the SC 151 6. Financing and Dissolution of the SC 152 151 NOLIKUMS PAR NODAĻĀM LKRA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TASKS AND DUTIES OF THE ACADEMIC PERSONNEL AT THE LCHA 152 STATUTE OF THE LCHA ON ELECTION TO ACADEMIC POSITIONS 153 STATUTE ON STUDENTS' PRACTICAL FIELD WORK 155 2. STATUTE ON STUDENTS' PRACTICAL FIELD WORK 155 1. General provision 155 2. Organization and management of the practical work 156 3. Evaluation of the practical work 157 4. Documentation of the practical work 157 5. Regime of the practical work 157 6. Change of place of the Practical field work 158 7. Pay for the practical work 158 REFERENCE ON AGREEMENTS OF STUDENTS' FIELD WORK WITH INSTITUTIONS OF SOCIAL CARE AND CHARITY WORK (AS WELL AS OF CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CARE) 158 PROVISIONS FOR THE LCHA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER “DIALOGUE CENTER” 159 STATUTE OF PROCEDURE OF STUDIES AT THE LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 160 8. Compulsory program A of the bachelor of theology study program and its division among semesters Error! Bookmark not defined. THEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. METHODS OF BIBLICAL EXEGETIC ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTION INTO PHILOSOPHY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EASTERN RELIGIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 164 ~ CHRISTIAN ETHICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. KRISTIETĪBAS VĒSTURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF LATVIA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE GERMAN LANGUAGE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE FRENCH LANGUAGE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE HEBREW ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE LATIN LANGUAGE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9. Optional program B of the bachelor of theology study program and its division among semesters Error! Bookmark not defined. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF LUKE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF MARK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF MATHEW ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AN OUTLINE OF PAUL’S THEOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF ROMANS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXEGETICAL STUDIES OF ACTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LITURĢIKA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONGREGATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HYMNOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LUTHERAN SYMBOLS OF FAITH ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SPIRITUA GROWTH OF A MAN ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN MISSION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BIBLE AND PHYSICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTION INTO THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 165 ~ PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PERSONĪBAS PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GRUPU SASKARSMES PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PSYCHOLOGY OF MARRIAGE (IN THE CONTEXT OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CILVĒKA ATTĪSTĪBAS PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VIDES MĀKSLAS PAMATI ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF CULTURE OF LATVIA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF ART ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEPENDANCES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. COMPUTER SCIENCE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIĀLĀ PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. IEVADS REDEMPĪVAJĀ TEOLOĢIJĀ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AGIOGRĀFIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. JAUNĀS RELIĢISKĀS KUSTĪBAS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STUDIES IN POIMENICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOMILETICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. METHODS OF EVANGELISM ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STUDIES ON CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PASTORĀLPSIHOLOĢIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE PRAYER ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE CHURCH IN MODERN SOCIETY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DIEVKALPOJUMU KĀRTĪBA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. JAUNO LAIKU FILOZOFIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. MODERNĀ FILOZOFIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THEOLOGY OF RULE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10. Optional program C of the bachelor of theology study program Error! Bookmark not defined. A HISTORY OF ISRAEL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3. THE PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES “PRACTICAL THEOLOGY” ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1. The aim of professional activities, Error! Bookmark not defined. ~ 166 ~ 2. The main tasks of the Professional activities, Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. The improvement and skillful use of Professional knowledge and Proficiency. Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. The general terms of the academic program "practical theology" Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. The aims and objectives of professional academic program "practical theology" Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. AGENDA of studies contains: Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. The CONTENTS of Studies Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. The Basic Courses of Theology: Error! Bookmark not defined. THEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE METHODS OF BIBLICAL EXEGESIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE HISTORY OF THEOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SYSTHEMATIC THEOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTION TO THEOLOGY OF REDEMPTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF LATVIA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. JŪDAISMS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. JAUNĀS RELIĢ KUSTĪBAS LATVIJĀS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9. THE BASIC COURSES OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN SCIENCES Error! Bookmark not defined. SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIOLOGY PĒTIJUMU METODES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF SOCIAL IDEAS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ĢIMENES SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. POLITOLOĢIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PSYCHOLOGY OF MARRIAGE (IN THE CONTEXT OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 167 ~ PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SASKARSMES PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ORGANIZĀCIJU PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ĢIMENES PSYCHOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTION INTO PHILOSOPHY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHRISTIAN ETHICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PSIHIATRY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HISTORY OF ART ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEPENDANCES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONFESSIONAL TEACHING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ETHICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BIBLE AND PHYSICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VIDES MĀKSLAS PAMATI ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LATVIJAS KULTŪRAS VĒSTURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. KRISTIETĪBAS VĒSTURE – PATRISTIKA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. KRISTIETĪBAS VĒSTURE – VIDUSLAIKI ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. MODERNO LAIKU FILOZOFIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. JAUNO LAIKU FILOZOFIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ETHICS AND PROBLEMS OF HUMAN RIGHTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THEOLOGY OF RULE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE CHURCH IN MODERN SOCIETY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10. THE COURSES OF PROFESSIONAL THEORETHICAL SCIENCES Error! Bookmark not defined. DEMOGRAPHY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VISPĀRĪGO TIESĪBU PAMATI ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIAL AND LABOR LAW ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 168 ~ THEORY OF SOCIAL WORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIAL WORK IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL WELFARE IN EUROPE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GRĀMATVEDĪBA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF LATVIA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VADĪBA UN LIETVEDĪBA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STARPTAUTISKĀ LIETVEDĪBA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHRISTIAN PEDAGOGICS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEACONAL EDUCATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 11. THE COURSES OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Error! Bookmark not defined. METHODS OF DEACONAL WORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GARĪGĀ APRŪPE UN GARĪGĀ IZAUGSME ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INTRODUCTION INTO THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REHABILITĀCIJA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOCIĀLĀS PALĪDZĪBAS SISTĒMA LATVIJĀ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ETNO PSIHOLOĢIJA UN ETNOPOLITIKA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. METHODS OF SOCIAL WORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 12. PRACTICES Error! Bookmark not defined. THE PROGRAM OF EVANGELISM FIELD WORKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PSYCHIATRY FIELD WORKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE PROGRAM OF GENERAL FIELD WORKS THE FIELD WORK IN PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE PROGRAM OF GENERAL FIELD WORK THE FIELD WORK IN PSYCHIATRY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL FIELD WORKS THE PRINCIPIAL TASKS OF SPECIALIZED FIELD WORK IN SOCIAL ~ 169 ~ CARE AND AID FOR UNDERGRADUATES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 13. THE GROUP OF COURSES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK Error! Bookmark not defined. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FUNDAMENTALS OF BIBLIOGRAPHY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. COMPUTER SCIENCES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FORMAL LOGIC ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 14. THE COURSES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Error! Bookmark not defined. ENGLISH ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GERMAN ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FRENCH ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HEBREW ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LATIN ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONTENT OF THE BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY PROGRAM AND ITS DIVISION AMONG COURSES AND SEMESTERS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 4. CONTENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM OF STUDIES “PRACTICAL THEOLOGY” AND ITS DIVISION IN COURSES AND SEMESTERS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1. 2ND YEAR, 4TH TERM 2. 3RD YEAR, 5TH TERM 3. 3RD YEAR, 6TH TERM 4. 4th YEAR, 7TH TERM 5. 4TH YEAR, 8TH TERM Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. IMATRIKULĀCIJAS KARTES PARAUGS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. MĀCĪBU DISCIPLĪNAS REĢISTRĀCIJAS LAPAS PARAUGS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM FOR A SPECIFIC CLASS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3 APENDIX ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STUDENT’S FIELD FORK MATERIALS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ FIELD WORK: TIME, PLACE, CONTENT (AMONG THE SCHOOL YEARS) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE ON THE SPECIALIZED FIELD WORK AT THE RIGA CENTRE OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE (IN THE 8YH SEMESTER): EXPERT CONCLUSION OF INSTITUTIONS OF FIELD WORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 170 ~ REFERENCE ON RESULTS OF THE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL CARE FIELD WORK IN LUTHER'S CONGREGATION IN 1994/95 SCHOOL YEAR. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REPORT ON THE SUMMER FIELD WORK AT THE CESIS REGIONAL HOSPITAL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DIARY OF INTRODUCTORY FIELD WORK. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK AT THE LCHA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS IN LATVIA, WHICH ARE REALIZED BY THE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AGREEMENT ON CONDUCT OF A RESEARCH IN PRACTICAL THEOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONTRACT WITH MS. KUPRIJANOVA. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONTRACT WITH THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF JŪRMALA. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE FAMILY CENTER ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 5. LATVIAN EV. LUTH. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY INVOLVE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECT’S ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1. Joint research project Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Project of archeological examination Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Project of the Archeological excavations Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Joint Research Projects Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Joint Research Projects Error! Bookmark not defined. THE TOPICS FOR BACHELOR RESEARCH PAPERS AND SUPERVISORS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE ON SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THE LCHA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 6. CONTRACT WITH THE NATIONAL TELEVISION CONCERNING THE PROGRAM “LABS PRÂTS” (“GOOD WILL”) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A SURVEY OF REGULAR ACADEMIC WORK BY FOREIGN VISITING PROFESSORS AND LECTURERS AT THE LCHA DURING 1997/98 ACADEMIC YEAR ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INFORMATION ABOUT THE CLASSES TAUGHT BY VISITING PROFESSORS DURING 1996./97.ACADEMIC YEAR. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A SURVEY OF THE ACADEMIC WORK OF PART-TIME PROFESSORS AND LECTURERS FROM LATVIA AT THE LCHA DURING 1997/98 ACADEMIC YEAR ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 171 ~ REFERENCE ON QUALIFICATION OF THE TEACHING STAFF OF THE LCHA (THE PRESENT STATE AND PERSPECTIVE) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE ON THEORETICAL SEMINAR OF THE LCHA TEACHING STAFF ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STUDENTS' INQUIRIES AT THE LCHA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' INQUIRIES AT THE LCHA ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANALYSIS IN CHARTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INFORMATION ON CHANGES INTRODUCED INTO THE LCHA CURRICULAR AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AFTER STUDENT OPINION POLLS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENT PLACEMENT ABROAD ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. A SURVEY OF THE ENVISAGED ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH WORK OF THE REGULAR TEACHING STAFF OF THE LCHA DURING 1997/98 ACADEMIC YEAR ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE CALENDAR PLAN OF THE ASSIGNMENTS/TASKS AT THE LCHA DURING THE 1997/98 ACADEMIC YEAR ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VI. VARIOUS MATERIALS ABOUT THE ACADEMY AND IT’S SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. THE PRESIDENT OF LATVIA GUNTIS ULMANIS ABOUT THE ACADEMY. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ~ 172 ~