ECS ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS SHEET AND INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN for Teacher: Jackson/Miller ECS Number and Subject: ELA 3–2 Grade/Class: Cornell Date: 11/15/#### CUMULATIVE REVIEW OF PROFICIENT STANDARDS—Write the standards you will address with each of the following Spiral in Homework Spiral in Do Now Do Mini-Lesson Spiral in Quizzes or Tests All reading standards Capitalization and Punctuation Small-Group Instruction: What standards warrant more time for small-group instruction and review? • Fact versus Opinion NA All reading standards; sentences in context Instructional Plan How or When Will You Structure Small Group Instruction 1 Standards Analysis Whole-Class Instruction: What standards warrant more time for whole-class instruction, re-teaching and review? Sequencing (right after; middle event is OK) Analysis of Why Students Did Not Learn the Standard Instructional Plan––What Techniques Will You Use to Address These Standards SEQ #6,12: students didn’t look close enough to the original event; they chose the second- or third-closest event after. Didn’t highlight the right after concept enough. Students will list every action that occurs between two events, concluding with how much can occur in a short period of time. SEQ #17: didn’t read question closely enough. Confused two similar events (string to tooth and string to bedpost). Practice “right after” in questioning: challenge students to find something that happens even closer to the action than what their peer says during the conversation. Inference INF #7 and14: Students aced #7, so they can draw global conclusions. On #14, they couldn’t make a specific inference about something missing. We haven’t drawn such small, specific inferences in class. In select passages, identify elements needed to make something happen that are not listed in the story explicitly (for example, you need a knife to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). Identify actions that had to have happened (but are not mentioned explicitly) for the character to be the current situation. Supporting details SD #18: Students can find events when asked, but can’t find evidence to support an argument. We haven’t done enough examples like these. They also struggle writing answers more than talking through them or identifying them. Have students find evidence in the text for a character’s feelings or personality. Make them point to the example and summarize it. Character CH: Students could easily identify a character’s feelings (#24) but struggled with character (#20, especially when could be confused with details of the story or another character). Students need much more practice writing down conclusions and supporting details. 2 Standards Analysis Whole-Class Instruction: What standards warrant more time for whole-class instruction, re-teaching and review? Most important details Analysis of Why Students Did Not Learn the Standard Instructional Plan––What Techniques Will You Use to Address These Standards MID #21: Students don’t know “most important,” especially when given lots of information to choose from. Practice more inferential character analysis: what can you conclude about their character? Use FOCUS inference book to help in this development. Vocabulary in context Students don’t know techniques for finding meaning in words around the unknown word. This also trips them up when answering questions with an unknown (like “risk taker” today). Students write lists of details and events from a passage they have read and then have to choose the most important and justify their answer. Generate similar lists as a group, and present the group with other lists of details and events. Teach strategies for determining meaning of an unknown word. Students of Major Concern What They Need Most Help With Tryiq and Najee Inference, sequence of events, character, supporting details, and writing in general. Zayyir, Dasir, Malik S., Lebarone, Jordan Real problems with writing, even simple oneor two-sentence responses. Instructional Plan—When or How Will They Get Tutored, Supported, Addressed Make these standards bigger part of their work with Ms. Ferrell and Ms. Arnold. Need systemic approach to writing across the board, with specific support to this group (pending larger conversation about thirdgrade writing). 3 6 Week Instructional Plan for ______________________________________ WEEK 1 Standards for Review WEEK 2 Standards for Review WEEK 3 Standards for Review Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Other: Other: Other: New Standards New Standards New Standards Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Other: Other: Other: WEEK 4 Standards for Review WEEK 5 Standards for Review WEEK 6 Standards for Review Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Other: Other: Other: New Standards New Standards New Standards Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Guided Reading: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Text Analysis: Other: Other: Other: 4