SPATIAL DATA STRUCTURES Modeling surface entities such as height, pollution and rainfall pose interesting problems in GIS. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are surface models created from information on height, slope, aspect, breaks in slope and other topographic features A DTM is a digital data set used to model a topographic surface (representing height data). MODELING SURFACES Modeling a surface accurately would entail storing an almost infinite number of observations – an impossibility, of course Using a finite number of observations, a surface model can be derived. The ‘resolution’ of the DTM is determined by the frequency of observations. DTMs are created, then, from a series of either regularly or irregularly spaced x, y, and z data points. EXAMPLES OF SURFACE TYPES MODELING SURFACES DTMs are derived from a number of data sources including: Contours and spot heights from topograhic maps Satellite images Field surveys using GPS CONTOURS AND SPOT HEIGHTS 1 STEREOSCOPIC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS SATELLITE IMAGERY Radar or laser scanning sensors SAR – Synthetic Aperture Radar LiDAR – Light Detection and Ranging SRTM – Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Resolution: a few meters to 90 meters Provide elevation data in DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for direct input in GIS SATELLITE IMAGERY RASTER APPROACH TO DTM In a raster GIS, a DTM is a grid of height values. Each cell contains a single value representative of the height of the terrain that is covered by that cell. This is a simple raster DTM referred to as a DEM – Digital Elevation Matrix. 2 There is no other information other than the elevation or height above the datum. more complex the terrain, the more data points are required – finer resolution The simpler the terrain and fewer data points are required – coarser resolution The SIMPLE AND COMPLEX RASTER DTM VECTOR APPROACH TO DTM A vector DTM mimics the raster DTM by using regularly spaced set of spot heights to represent terrain surfaces. Triangulated irregular network (TIN) is a more complex form of a vector DTM A TIN is used to create a DTM from either regular or irregular surface height data. DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELS DEM AND TIN MODELS FOR REGIONS WITH VARYING COMPLEXITY 3 TIN MODELS The main advantage of the TIN model is efficiency of data storage. Additionally, since TINs are created from irregularly spaced points, it can easily model complex terrain: more points for mountainous areas and fewer points for flatter regions. TERRAIN MODELING There are five common terrain mapping techniques: Contouring Vertical profiling Hill shading Hypsometric tinting Perspective view CONTOURING The most common method for terrain mapping. Contour lines connect points of equal elevation Contour interval represents the vertical distance between contour Base contour is the contour line from which all contouring starts lines CONTOUR MAP BASICS The arrangement and pattern of contour lines reflect the topography Close lines represent steep slopes, while contour lines that are widely spaced, represent gentle slopes. Contour lines will bend upstream when crossing a stream valley. Contour lines do not cross each other or stop in the middle of a map. Closed contour lines can represent either a mountain top or a basin. Basins are shown as closed contour lines with hachure lines pointing to the lower elevation in the center. VERTICAL PROFILING A vertical profile shows the changes in elevation along a line, such as a hiking trail, a road or a stream. 4 VERTICAL PROFILE HILLSHADING Also known as shaded relief, hill shading simulates how the terrain looks with the interaction between sunlight and surface features. A mountain slope facing into oncoming light will appear bright, while the slope facing away will be dark Hill shading helps viewers recognize the shape of landform features DEM AND HILLSHADE EXAMPLES HILLSHADING EXAMPLES HILLSHADING TECHNIQUES Four factors control the visual effect of hill shading: 0 0 (1) The Sun’s azimuth – the direction of incoming light, ranging from 0 (due north) to 360 in a clockwise direction. 5 Typically, the default azimuth is 3150 0 0 (2) The Sun’s altitude – the angle of incoming light measured above the horizon between 0 and 90 (3) The slope of the surface – ranging between 00 – 900 0 0 (4) The aspect of the surface – ranging between 0 - 360 SUN’S AZIMUTH AND ALTITUDE SURFACE SLOPE AND ASPECT ASPECT AND SLOPE FACTORS The accuracy of slope and aspect measures can influence the performance of models The most important factor is the resolution of the DEM used for deriving slope and aspect The quality of the DEM also influences slope and aspect measures Dependent on software package and input data (ground control points) Variation in computing algorithms affects slope and aspect measures Local topography can also be a factor in estimating slope and aspect. Steeper slopes may create errors in slope estimates, but gentler slopes create errors in aspect estimates. Slope and aspect are basic elements for analyzing and visualizing landform characteristics. Slope and aspect are important in studies of watershed units, landscape units and other measures. Slope and aspect can also assist in solving problems in forest inventory estimates, soil erosion, habitat suitability, site analysis and others HYPSOMETRIC TINTING Hypsometry depicts the distribution of the Earth’s mass with elevation. Hypsometric tinting, layer tinting, applies color symbols to different elevation zones. 6 HYPSOMETRIC TINTING PERSPECTIVE VIEW Perspective Views are 3-D views of the terrain The terrain has the same appearance as it would have it viewed at an angle from an airplane Four parameters control appearance: 0 0 (1) Viewing azimuth: direction from observer to surface (0 -360 clockwise) 0 0 (2) Viewing angle: angle measured from horizon to altitude of observer (0 -90 ) 0 3D effect reaches maximum as angle approaches 0 0 3D effect reaches minimum as angle approaches 90 (3) Viewing distance: distance between the viewer and surface (4) z-scale: the ratio between the vertical scale and horizontal scale Also called the vertical exaggeration factor, the z-scale is useful for highlighting minor landform surfaces PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3D PERSPECTIVE VIEW 7 PLAN OBLIQUE RELIEF FROM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. On left, a drawing of region based on topography and on the right a plan oblique relief based on SRTM 3-D DRAPING To make perspective views more realistic, layers such as hydrographic features, land cover, vegetation and roads can be superimposed on the views. 3D DRAPING TERRAIN MAPPING AND ANALYSIS USING ARCGIS Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions in ArcGIS are tools used for terrain mapping and analysis. Using ArcToolbox, the Spatial Analyst Tool/Surface toolset includes tools for aspect, contour, curvature, hillshade, and slope. The 3D Analyst Tools/Conversion toolset has tools for conversion between TIN, raster, and features. The 3D Analyst Tools/TIN Surface toolset has tools for deriving aspect, contour, and slope features layers directly from TINs. 8