Materials and Methods dcr-1d102 results in a Q1948X mutation and therefore truncates the second RNAIII domain in Dcr-1. Generation of Transgenic Lines Full-length Dacapo PCR products were GCTCTAGATTAGTTGTTGTGGCGCGGCCGCTT synthesized and using the the forward reverse primer primer GCTTCAGAATGGTCAGTGCCCGAGTCCTG (Invitrogen) from the template pSK+ dap (a gift from Christian Lehner). PCR products were then digested with XbaI and cloned into p-hsCaSpeR and pUAS-P vectors (a gift from Pernille Rorth). This XbaI fragment contained only the coding region; the 5’ and 3’ untranslated regions were not included. Transformant lines were generated by germline transformation in a w1118 background. Four independent transformant lines were obtained for UASDap (UAS-Dap-18 was analysed in Fig4d, other independent insertions gave similar results) and one transformant line for hs-Dap (hs-Dap-7). Dacapo Overexpression Ectopic expression of Dacapo was achieved by two different ways: 1) heat-shock-induced expression by administering 3x50 min heat-shocks in 36 hours and dissected 3-6 days after the last heat-shock; and 2) Gal4/UAS-dependent overexpression with the germline driver nanos (nos Gal4 VP16). Generation of clones and kinetic- and statistical-analysis Drosophila melanogaster stocks were raised on standard cornmeal-yeast-agar-medium at 25oC. Clones were induced using the FLP-FRT system for mitotic recombination (Supplementary Ref1). To obtain imaginal disc clones, we heat-shocked second-instar larvae for 120 minutes at 37 C and dissected them after 2 days. Transient cyst clones were induced by a single 50 minute heat-shock and the animals were dissected after 5 days at 21C; cysts were counted only if they had not yet reached the 16-cell stage and if no stem cell clone was observed in the germarium. Division frequencies were measured using germaria containing one GFP+ GSC and one GFP- GSC. The total number of cysts from a GSC that are produced in a given time window provides a measurement of GSC division frequency. In our case, the time window spanned from the first heat-shock treatment to the time of harvesting the adults. Therefore, we limited our counts to the region of the germarium that was anterior to the easily-identifiable GFP+/+ cyst. This cyst developed from the first daughter cell of the clonal GSC (GFP-) after heat-shock induced mitotic recombination. Since dcr-1 GSCs could have been induced by either of the two heat-shocks that were given, the total number of GSC progeny (cysts) found in the relevant region could vary (Fig3b). However, in all cases, the number of cysts produced from the dcr-1 GSCs was lower than for control GSCs regardless of time. Cyst production from homozygous clonal GSCs was divided by the cyst production from heterozygous non-clonal GSCs in the same germarium to obtain the division index (Fig3c). The student T-test was used to determine the statistical significance in Fig4c. The Dap 3’UTRs from D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura were analyzed for potential miRNA-binding sites. Four algorithms were independently applied: the program miRanda24, an EMBL program27, TargetScan28 and a program devised by Nakahara and Carthew (Supplementary Ref3). Staining Procedures Antibody stainings, BrdU-labeling (90 minute pulse) and confocal microscopy was performed as described previously17-18 (Supplementary Ref2). A two-photon laser-scanning microscope (Leica TCS SP/MP) was used in this study. Supplementary References 1. K. G. Golic, Science 252, 958 (Jun 17, 1991). 2. M. Keller Larkin et al., Dev Genes Evol 209, 301 (May, 1999). 3. K.Nakahara and R.Carthew, unpublished. Supplementary Table 1. Dcr-1 mutant GSCs are blocked in G1/S cell cycle transition n = number of GSCs counted % GSCs that show positive staining for cell cycle markers CycE Dap CycA CycB BrdU PH3 43.2% 46.0% 67.1% 48.4% 49.2% 11% n=88 n=50 n=76 n=64 n=131 n=134 hsFlp; FRT82B dcr-1Q1147X/FRT82B dcr-1Q1147X 85.0% 68.5% 58.3% 48.4% 39.3% 2.9% (8 days post induction) n=40 n=35 n=24 n=31 n=87 n=35 96% 96% 33.0% 17.0% 23.8% 0.0% n=25 n=24 n=24 n=47 n=61 n=10 Genotype Control dcr-1/+ (GFP+) hsFlp; FRT82B dcr-1Q1147X/FRT82B Ubi-GFP Mutant dcr-1/dcr-1 (GFP-) (12 days post induction) Supplementary Figure 1 Legend The dcr-1d102 allele yields a phenotype identical to, albeit slightly milder than the dcr-1Q1147X allele. (a) dcr-1d102 germaria are smaller then wild-type and exhibit a marked decrease in germline cyst number. (b) dcr-1d102 allele shows an increase in the frequency of CycE expression whereas GSCs that are homozygous for the parental chromosome express CycE with frequencies similar to what is observed for wild-type GSCs. No significant effect on CycE in dcr-2 mutant clones was observed. Days indicate the timepoint after clonal induction. Supplementary Figure 2 Legend The dcr1-related reduction in cell division rate and cell cycle delay are germline stem cell-specific. (a-a’’) dcr-1 (dcr-1Q1147X) clones in a leg imaginal disc. Clones are marked by dotted line in panels a’ and a’’. Legend refers to top clone and its sister clone, which are in the best orientation. The number of cells in the dcr-1 clone (a’, black) is approximately equal to the number of cells in the adjacent sister clone (a, bright green). a’’ Only a small percentage of cells within the dcr-1 clone are cyclin E-positive (while 96% of dcr-1 GSCs are CycE positive; Fig3e). (b) The average number of cells in dcr-1 imaginal disc clones is approximately equal to the number of cells in the sister (WT aka GFP+/+) clones. Data is shown for 21 individual imaginal disc clones (n=21). (c) Loss of dcr-1Q1147X does not cause transient germline cysts to express CycE with the high frequency observed in dcr-1 GSCs. (d) CycE is expressed in transient dcr-1Q1147X germline cysts with a frequency similar to that observed for wild-type transient cysts. Supplementary Figure 3 Legend Analysis of Dacapo expression in GSCs. (a) Dap protein is detected with high frequency in dcr-1Q1147X GSCs (no GFP, arrow). (b) CycE and Dap-5gm co-expressed in a wild type GSC. (c) In dcr-1 GSCs CycE expression is more frequent than in wild type (85% and 40% respectively). However, Dap-5gm frequency is similar in wild type and dcr-1 GSCs. (d) Over-expression of Dacapo lacking the 3’UTR partially phenocopies dcr1 (37%, n=85). Quantitations with these assays are shown in Fig4b-d. Supplementary Figure 4 Legend Computational prediction of miRNA binding sites in the dap 3’ UTR. (a) The complete 3’ UTR of D. melanogaster dap mRNA with the predicted microRNA target sites (shown in blue type) and their corresponding microRNAs. The miR-7 is additionally underlined since it partially overlaps with one of the miR-289 sites. (b) These specific sites were each predicted by at least two of four independent algorithms listed Supplementary Ref3 26,27,28, to be targets of the indicated miRNAs. Each algorithm only scored a site as positive if it was also found in the 3’UTR sequence of the D. pseudoobscura dap gene. Thus the sites are conserved in dap between different Drosophila species. The position of the 5’ nucleotide of each target site in the dap 3’UTR sequence is indicated.