A Study Guide and Review Questions for Book 24: “Achilles and

Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
A Study Guide and Review Questions for Book 24: “Achilles and Priam”
You should be able:
place Achilles’ grief in perspective
recognize what Achilles does each morning in an attempt to calm his grief
understand why and how Apollo protects Hector’s body
understand the reference, “Paris in all his madness” and also the reference “the
lust that loosed disaster”
recognize how long Hector has been dead
notice the effective use of verbs and adjectives and images in Apollo’s speech
know Apollo’s opinion
understand Hera’s claim about Achilles having a connection to the gods
follow Zeus’s characterization of Hector
understand Zeus’s decree
understand why Zeus does not support the gods taking Hector’s body
understand the order Thetis delivers from Zeus
understand what Iris will command Priam to do
recognize the condition in which Thetis finds Zeus
be aware of what looms ahead for Achilles
study Achilles fast agreement to Thetis’ message
focus on the conditions set for Priam’s journey to Achilles
recognize the emotional side of those within Priam’s city walls
understand the impact of gifts that will “melt Achilles’ rage”
compare and contrast Priam and Hecuba’s reaction to the journey
realize Priam’s one wish
appreciate the significance of the gifts Priam takes
understand Priam’s one wish before he dies
notice the response has to his remaining sons
name the actions Zeus take to protect Priam
comprehend the message and the significance of the dialogue between Priam and
Hermes (disguised as Achilles’ aide)
describe and understand Hector’s condition
study line 478 and to appreciate Priam’s psychological approach to Achilles
understand why the narrator comments so specifically on Achilles’ hands
recognize Achilles’ response to Priam’s psychological approach
understand what these two men share in common
retell and comprehend the parable of the two great jars on the floor of Zeus’s halls
recognize the sad irony of Achilles’ advice to Priam
recognize what may be behind Achilles’ hostile response to Priam’s wanting to
see Hector’s body
notice how and in what way Achilles is demonstrating signs of kindness
recognize Achilles new awareness of others and their needs
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.
Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
understand why Achilles asks for Patroclus’ forgiveness
interpret the symbolism behind the story of Niobe
understand the significance of the ritual meal Achilles has prepared and served
acknowledge what each man sees as he admires the other
understand how Achilles admonition to Priam to sleep outside is, in reality,
Achilles being politically correct
understand the funeral rites of the Ancient Greeks
understand why Hermes gets Priam out of Achilles camp before daybreak
study the reaction of all of Troy to the return of Hector
ask yourself if the same response would have ever been generated by the Acheans
if Achilles has been the one to die
appreciate Andromache’s lament
compare and contrast Andromache’s response to Hector’s death to the response
Priam has to Hector’s death and the response Achilles has to Patroclus’ death
notice Hecuba’s understanding of death and its finality
respond to Helen’s estimation of Hector
follow the details of Hector’s actual burning ceremony
understand the significance of fear returning to the Trojans
recognize the importance of The Iliad ending as it does
Interpreting Book 24:
What does Homer’s description of Achilles as he mourns Patroclus reveal about
When Priam ransoms Hector’s body form Achilles, Achilles describe the two urns that
stand on Zeus’s doorsill. What do the contents of these two urns indicate about human
Look at the ending of Book 24. How does the ending show the workings of divine pity?
How does it also show the workings of human pity?
Applying Book 24 Concepts to a New Situation:
The Ritual of burial helps the Trojans endure the unendurable. What rituals does society
have today that help us bear human tragedy?
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.
Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
Analyzing Literature—Recognizing and Interpreting Epic Similes
The elaborate comparisons prevalent in Book 24 of The Iliad are epic similes. Homer
compares certain characters and situations to objects or occurrences that his audience is
familiar with, thus drawing them into the experience of the poem. Homeric similes
enable both ancient and modern audiences to identify with the action taking place in the
From your perspective, find the one most significant epic simile in Book 24. Explain the
comparisons and tell, from your viewpoint, how this simile invites you to identify with
the story.
Critical Thinking and Reading—Understanding Ancient Code of Ethics
In The Iliad, funeral rites are elaborate. They provide a way of celebrating the life and
acknowledging the worth of the dead person. They also help the living come to terms
with grief and loss so that they can separate themselves from the dead and go on living.
First the corpse must be prepared for burial. Then the close to the deceased must give
voice to their mourning in ritual laments that follow a comfortingly familiar pattern, but
that also allow for personal detail. Following the ritual laments, the corpse is burned on a
funeral pyre, and the ashes are later buried.
Another sacred code of behavior had to do with hospitality, xenia. It was customary to
offer a stranger food, drink, and shelter before asking his or her name or business.
Neither the host nor the guest was to violate the bond of hospitality; wronging a host or a
guest was a crime punishable by Zeus. Ties of xenia could bind persons unrelated by
blood, and their descendants, in a strong alliance.
What does Achilles hope to accomplish by defiling Hector’s corpse?
How do the gods respond to Achilles’ treatment of Hector’s body?
Why does Achilles arrange a truce so that Hector can be buried?
What role do rituals play in binding private and public worlds in The Iliad?
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.
Literature, Culture, and the Humanities --- The Iliad
Mr. Wasilewski, Mrs. McHugh, and Mrs. Lulis
Achilles insists on sharing food with Priam although Achilles has just finished eating.
What is the role of shared food in the context of hospitality? What is the role of shared
food in the context of grief and accepting loss?
How does the meeting of Priam and Achilles in Achilles’ tent stretch the limits of the
guest-host relationship?
Thinking and Writing—Writing About Shared Humanity
Priam’s tears of loss over Hector’s death move Achilles to realize that his own father
would have been similarly devastated by the thought of Achilles dead on the battlefield.
That realization breaks down the strict heroic code Achilles lives by, and the two men
shed tears of sadness in recognition of their common human condition. Analyze the
scene between Achilles and Priam and discuss ways in which it illustrates their shared
humanity. Be certain you have supported your discussion with examples from the text.
Please note: I have had to vary the translations that I use for the Iliad, the page numbers may be an estimate
and not an exact reference.