SA02-02-bubblenets - alumni

Bubble Networks: A Context-Sensitive
Lexicon Representation
Hugo Liu
MIT Media Laboratory
20 Ames St., E15-320D
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Abstract. The paradigm of packing semantics into words has long been the dogma of lexical semantics. As computational semantics is maturing as a field, we are beginning to see
the failure of this paradigm. Pustejovsky’s Generative Lexicon is only able to have generative powers if the semantics packed within a word can anticipate possible combinations with other words. However, even an idealized Generative Lexicon will have to
grapple with the effects of implicit, non-lexical context (e.g. topics, commonsense
knowledge) on meaning determination. In this paper, we propose an intrinsic, connectionist network representation of a lexicon called a bubble network. In a bubble network,
meaning is a result of graph traversal, from some word-concept node toward a context
(e.g. “wedding” in the context of “ritual”), or toward another lexical item (e.g. “fast car”).
Possible meanings are disambiguated using a modified spreading activation function
which incorporates ideas of structural message-passing and active contexts. An encapsulation mechanism allows larger lexical expressions and assertional knowledge to be incorporated into the network, and along with the notion of utility-based learning of
weights, helps to give a more natural account of lexical evolution (acquisition, deletion,
generalization, individuation). A preliminary implementation and evaluation of bubble
networks show that lexical expressions can be interpreted with remarkable contextsensitivity, but also point to some pragmatic problems in lexicon building using a bubble
1 Introduction
Semantic frames have been a dominating knowledge representation in artificial intelligence because they can encapsulate the entirety of an idea with exhaustive satisfaction or a priori definition. In extremely rich domains such as commonsense, they
have been used to encapsulate objects, events, and functions (as in Lenat’s Cyc project
(1995)). However, when reasoning with frame encapsulations in rich environments, it
can be difficult to decide how to identify and apply the relevant aspects of a frame to
any given situation. This is closely related to the classic AI frame problem, first posed
by McCarthy and Hayes (1969) in the context of the situation calculus formalism.
Likewise in computational semantics, within the non-statistical camp, there is an
increasing trend toward representing word meanings with richly formulated frames,
the idea being that a richer lexicon solves more problems. Arguably, the flagship
semantic theory of this view is Pustejovsky’s Generative Lexicon Theory (GLT).
(1991). In GLT, many different semantic structures are packed into a lexical item.
These linguistic representations include logical argument structure, event structure,
qualia structure, and lexical inheritance structure. Packing this practical hodgepodge
of semantics into each lexical item, GLT postulates that lexical items, when combined,
will interact with and coerce one another with enough power, to generate larger lexical
expressions with highly nuanced meanings. We would certainly agree that such a
lexicon, being richer, would exhibit more “generative” behavior than most lexicons
that have been developed in the past, such as Fellbaum et. al's WordNet project
(1998). Nonetheless, we see several problems with the GLT approach that prevent it
from better reflecting how human minds handle context and semantic interpretation in
a more flexible way.
1. Packing semantics into lexical items is a difficult proposition, because it’s
hard to know when to stop. In WordNet, formal definitions and examples are
packed into words, organized into senses. In GLT, the qualia structure of a word
tries to account for its constitution (what it is made of), formal definition, telic role
(its function), and its agentive role (how it came into being). But how, for example, is one to decide what uses of an object should be included in the telic role, and
which uses should be left out?
2. Not all relevant semantics is naturally lexical in nature. A lot of knowledge
arises out of larger contexts, such as world semantics, or commonsense. For example, the proposition, “cheap apartments are rare” can only be considered true
under a set of default assumptions, and if true, has a set of entailments (its interpretive context) which must also hold, such as, “they are rare because cheap
apartments are in demand” and “these rare cheap apartments are in low supply.”
Although it is non-obvious how such non-lexical entailments are important to the
semantic interpretation of the proposition, we will show later, that these contextual
factors heavily nuance the interpretation of, inter alia, the word, “rare.” The implication to GLT is that not all practically relevant meaning can be generated from
lexical combination alone. In contrast, one inference we might make from the design of GLT is that the context in a semantic description must arise solely as a result of the combination and intersection of explicit words used to form the lexical
3. In the GLT account, the lexicon is rather static, which we know not to be true
of human minds. Namely, GLT does not give a compelling account of the lexicon’s own evolution. How can new concepts arise in the lexicon (lexical acquisition)? How can existing concepts be revised? How can concepts be combined
(generalization), or split apart (individuation)? How can unnamed concepts, kinds,
or immediate or transitory concepts interact with the lexicon (conceptual unification)?
4. The lexicon should reflect an underlying intrinsic (within-system semantics)
conceptual system. However, whereas the conceptual system of human minds has
connectionist properties (conceptual recall time lapse reflects mental distances between concepts, semantic priming (Becker et al., 1997), GLT does not exhibit any
such properties. Indeed, connectionist properties are arguably the key to success in
forming contexts. Contexts can be formed quite dynamically by spreading activation over a conceptual web.
The intention of scrutinizing GLT in a critical way is not to discount the practical
engineering value of building elaborate lexicons, or to single out GLT from our lexicon-building efforts, and in fact, much of this criticism applies to all traditional lexicons and frame systems. In this paper, we examine the weaknesses of frames and
traditional lexicons, especially on the points of context and flexibility. We then use
this critical evaluation to motivate a proposal for a novel knowledge representation
called a bubble network.
A bubble network is a connectionist network (also called semantic networks and
conceptual webs, in the literature), specially purposed to represent a lexicon. With a
small set of novel properties and processes, we describe how a bubble network lexicon
representation handles some classically challenging semantic tasks with ease. We
show how bubble networks can be thought of to subsume the representational power
of frames, first-order predicate logic, inferential reasoning (deductive, inductive, and
abductive), and defeasibility (default) reasoning. The network also produces some
nice generative properties, subsuming the generative capabilities of GLT. However,
the most desirable property of the bubble network is in its seamless handling of context, in all its different forms. Lexical polysemy (nuances in word meaning) is handled naturally (compare this to the awkwardness of WordNet senses), as are the tasks
of lexical evolution (acquisition, generalization, individuation), conceptual analogy,
and defining the interpretive context of a lexical expression. The power of a bubble
network derives from its duality as a connectionist system with intrinsic semantics,
and a symbolic reasoning system with some (albeit primitive) inherent notion of syntax.
Many hybrid connectionist/symbolic systems have been proposed in the literatures
of cognitive science and artificial intelligence to tackle cognitive representations.
Such systems have tackled, inter alia, belief encoding (Wedelken & Shastri, 2002),
concept encoding (Schank, 1972), and knowledge representation unification (Gallant,
1993). Our attempt is motivated by a desire to design a lexicon that is flexible and
naturally apt with context. Our goal is not to solve the connectionist/symbolic hybridization problem; it is to demonstrate a new perspective on the relationship between
lexicon and context: how an augmented connectionist network representation of a
“lexicon” can naturally address the context problem for lexical expressions. We hope
that our presentation will motivate further re-evaluation of the establishment dogma of
lexicons as semantically packed words, and inspire more work on reinventing the
lexicon to be more pliable to contextual phenomena.
Before we present the bubble network, we first revisit connectionist networks and
identify those properties which inspired our representation.
2 Connectionist Networks
The term connectionist network is used broadly to refer to many, more specific
knowledge representations, such as neural networks, the multilayer perceptron (Rosenblatt, 1958; Minsky & Papert, 1969), spreading activation networks (Collins &
Loftus, 1975), semantic networks, and conceptual webs (Quine & Ullian, 1970). The
common property shared by these systems is that a network consists of nodes, which
are connected to each other through links representing correlation. For purposes of
situating our bubble network in the literature, we characterize and discuss three desirable properties of connectionist networks that are useful to our venture: learning, representing dependency relations, and simulation.
2.1 Learning
Adaptive weights. The tradition of learning networks most prominently features
neural networks, which arguably best emphasizes the principles of connectionism. In
neural networks, typically a multilayer perceptron (MLP), nodes (or perceptrons) are
de-emphasized, in favor of weighted edges connecting nodes, which give the network
a notion of memory, and intrinsic (within system) semantics. Such a network is fed a
set of features to the input layer of nodes, passes through any number of hidden layers,
and outputs a set of concepts. Various methods of back propagation adjust the
weights along the edges in order to produce more accurate outputs. Because connecting edges carry a trainable numerical weight, neural nets are very apt for learning.
The idea of learning via adapting weights is also found in belief networks (Pearl,
1988), where weights represent confidence values, causal networks (Rieger 1976),
where weights represent the strength of implications, Bayesian networks, whose
weights are conditional probabilities, and spreading activation networks, where
weights are passed from node to node as decaying activation energies.
We are interested in applying the idea of changeable weights to lexical semantics
because they provide an intrinsic, learnable feature for defining semantic context, by
spreading activation; they also support lexical evolution tasks such as acquisition,
generalization, and individuation.
De-emphasizing nodes. As in the MLP representation, the de-emphasis of nodes
themselves in favor of their connections to other nodes also supports lexical evolution,
because nodes can be indexical features corresponding to named lexical items, or
kinds, or to unnamed features, or to contexts (to be explicated later). In fact, the purpose of node may simply be to provide a useful point of reference and to bind together
a set of descriptive features which describe the referent (see Jackendoff, 2002) for a
more refined discussion of indexical features and reference). One potentially important role played by nodes is to provide points for conceptual alignment across
individuals. Laakso and Cottrell (2000) and Goldstone and Rogosky (2002) have
demonstrated that it is possible to find conceptual correspondences across two individuals using inter-conceptual similarities between individualized conceptual web
representations, without the need for total conceptual identity. This suggests that such
a perspective on a lexical item as a node that is not precisely and formally defined
(even though they are called by the same “word”), or extrinsically defined, still supports the faculties of language as a communication means. The lexicon as a conceptual network distinct to each individual does not take away from language’s communication efficacy. However, this is not to say that formal lexical definition plays no
role. There is an acknowledged external component to lexical meaning, whether coming from social contexts (Wittgenstein, 1968), the community (Putnam, 1975), or
formalized as being free from personal associations (Frege, 1892). Such external
meaning, can be learned by and incorporated into an individual’s conceptual network
through conceptual alignment and reinforcement.
Despite the proposition that each individual maintains his/her own conceptual network that is not identical across individuals, it is still possible, and indeed, a worthwhile venture to create a common conceptual network lexicon that can be assumed to
be more or less very similar to the conceptual network possessed by any reasonable
person within some culture and population (since meaning converges in language and
culture). Similarly, the conceptual networks within some culture and population can
possess non-lexical knowledge that constitutes “common sense.” The intent of our
paper is to demonstrate how a common lexicon can be represented using a conceptual
network, and also how non-lexical commonsense knowledge integrates tightly with
lexical knowledge.
Generalization. Having only discussed adaptive weights as a learning method for
networks, we should add that two other methods important to our venture are rote
memory (knowledge is accumulated by directly adding it to the network) and restructuring (generalization). Case-based reasoning (Kolodner, 1993; Schank & Riesbeck
1994) exemplifies rote memory learning. Cases are first added to the knowledge base,
and later, generalizations are produced based on a notion of case similarity. In the
case of our conceptual network, we will introduce graph traversal as a notion of similarity. One issue of relevance not well covered in the literature is negative learning
over graphs, or, learning how to inhibit concepts, and prune contexts. The most relevant work is Winston’s (1975) “near-miss” arch learning. His program learned to
generalize a relational graph given positive, negative, and near-miss examples. In our
bubble network, conceptual generalization is a consequence of a tendency toward
activation economy, the minimization of activation energies needed in graph traversals.
2.2 Representing dependency relations
Conceptual Dependency. Connnectionist networks have also been used extensively as a platform for symbolic reasoning. Frege’s (1879) tree notation for firstorder predicate-logic (FOPL), and Peirce’s (1885) existential graphs, were early attempts to represent dependency relations between concepts, but were more graphical
drawings than machine-readable representations. In existential graphs, arbitrary predicates, which were concept nodes, were instead used as relations, labeling edges. We
do need to label the edges between nodes with dependency relations for reasoning.
The key is to decide on a set of edge labels that is not too small or too big and is most
appropriate. Arbitrary or object-specific predicate labels might be appropriate for
closed domains, such as the case of Brachman’s (1979) description logics system,
Knowledge Language One (KL-ONE), but if we are to represent something as rich
and diverse as a lexicon, arbitrary dependency labels making generalized reasoning
very difficult. Some have tried to enumerate a set of conceptually prime relations,
including Silvio Ceccato’s (1961) correlational nets with 56 different relations, and
Margaret Masterman's (1961) semantic network based on 100 primitive concept types,
with some success. While such creations are no doubt richly expressive, there is little
agreement on these primitive types, and motivating a lexicon with an a priori and
elaborate set of primitives lends only inflexibility to the system. On the opposite end
of the spectrum, overly impoverished relation types, such as the nymic subtyping
relations of WordNet, severely curtail the expressive power of the network.
Schank’s system of Conceptual Dependency (Schank & Tesler 1969) took primitive representations to a new level of sophistication. His theory mapped words into 12
conceptual primitive acts and 4 primitive conceptualizations. Though our goal is not
to try to decompose concepts and words into primitive acts, we recognize this as an
important work because Schank’s graphs had an inherent notion of syntax. Edge
labels included an agent-verb relation and a verb-object relation, and the three primitive acts of a-, p- and m-trans incorporated a notion of causality. While we will not
use primitive acts, we do try to incorporate the casual transfer relation as a type of
node in our system. We also incorporate the idea of an agent, verb and modifier into a
small ontology of inter-node relations, though in a slightly different formulation.
2.3 Simulation
Semantic networks are often treated as static structures that can be read off by a
computer program. However, some procedural semantic networks have executable
mechanisms contained in the net itself. Quillian’s spreading activation is one that we
have already mentioned. We quite happily incorporate the idea of spreading activation when trying to represent a lexicon because spreading activation over intrinsic
edge weights is a natural way to define interpretative context.
In Petri’s (1962) Petri nets, the idea of messaging passing from Quillian’s networks
is combined with a dataflow model which simulates an event. In our model of a lexicon we opt to keep the nodes as free from internal state and content as possible (see
the above discussion on de-emphasizing nodes); however, one concession had to be
made toward procedural semantics. In order to represent the action of verbs, we introduce a differentiated node for verbs based on Schankian transfer, called a transnode. This node has two binding sites, a before and an after, thus, its activation simulates some procedural change of state of the network.
Simulation is a core theme of our bubble networks. Going beyond spreading activation, which can be seen as rather undirected inference away from some origin node,
bubble networks engage in directed search. A search path represents a semantic interpretation, and spreading activation away from a search path generates an interpretive
context. So it can be said to be true of bubble networks that meaning is a result of
simulation. We hope to make this more clear in the next section.
3 Bubble Networks
Synthesizing together the desirable properties of connectionist networks described in
the previous section, some of which were motivated by connectionism, and others by
symbol processing, we present a hybrid symbolic/connectionist system apt for repre-
senting a rich lexicon, compound meanings, and interpretive contexts. In this section
we first state the tenets, assumptions, and goals of this representation. Second, we
describe the types of nodes, edges, and operators available and processes. Third, we
perform some interesting linguistic tasks used bubble networks (BN). The rest of the
paper will discuss an implementation of bubble networks, followed by evaluation and
value value
person ability
Fig. 1. A static view of a bubble network. We selectively depict some nodes and edges relevant
to the lexical items “car”, “road”, and “fast”. Edge weights are not shown. Nodes cleaved in
half by a straight line are transnodes, and have some notion of syntax. The black node is a
context-activation node.
3.1 Goals, Tenets and Assumptions
Goals. The goals of the bubble network lexicon representation can be stated as follows:
Lexicon building should not involve arbitrary decisions regarding how much
semantic structure to pack into a word. Any semantic structure possibly relevant in explaining a lexical item should be accessible to it.
Lexical items should interact with each other to produce compounds and still
larger expressions, with rich generative meaning.
The lexical representation should provide a natural and systematic account of
polysemy (ambiguous meaning).
The lexical representation should provide a natural account of how context
affects the semantic interpretation of any lexical expression, and explain how
non-lexical knowledge (including commonsense knowledge) is a part of this
The lexicon representation should provide an account of lexical evolution –
how concepts may be acquired, generalized, individuated, and deleted.
The ontology of relations between nodes should not be completely conceptspecific as in description logics, as the network should be easily machinetraversable without too much knowledge in the traversal mechanism.
We want to be able to embed and make use of frame-like knowledge.
Tenets. Graphically Figure 1 resembles any plain semantic network, but the differences will soon be evident. Here, we begin by explaining some principled differences.
No coherent meaning without simulation. From a static view of the bubble
network, lexical items are merely a collection of relations to a large number
of other nodes, reflecting the many useful perspectives of a word, conflated
onto a single network; therefore, lexical items hardly have any coherent
meaning in a static view. When human minds think about what a word or
phrase means, meaning is always evaluated in some context. Similarly, a
word only becomes coherently meaningful in a bubble network as a result of
simulation (graph traversal): spreading activation (edges are weighted,
though figure 1 does not show the weights) from the origin node, toward
some destination. The destination may be a context node, or if a larger lexical expression is being assembled, toward other lexical nodes. The destination node, no matter if it is a word or a context, can be seen as a semantic
primer. It provides a context which helps us hammer down a more coherent
and succinct meaning.
Activated nodes in the context biases interpretation. The meaning of a
word, therefore, is the collection of nodes and relations it has traversed in
moving toward its context destination. The meaning of a compound, such as
an adjective-noun pair, is the collection of paths from the root noun to the adjectival attribute. One path corresponds to one “word sense” (rather unambiguous meaning). The viability of a word sense path depends upon any context biases nearby the path which may boost the activation energy of that
path. In this way, semantic interpretation is very naturally influenced by context, as context prefers one interpretation by lending activation energy to its
Assumptions. We make some reasonable assumptions about our representation.
Nodes are word-concepts. Although determiners, pronouns, and prepositions
can be represented as nodes, we will not show these because they are connected to too many nodes.
Nodes may also be larger lexical expressions, such as “fast car,” constructed
through the process of encapsulation (explanation to follow), or they may be
unnamed, intermediate concepts, though those are usually not shown.
In our examples, we always show selected nodes and edges, although the
success of such a lexicon design thrives on the network actually being very
well-connected and dense.
Obviously different word senses (e.g. fast: not eat, vs. quick) are represented
by different nodes. However, more nuanced polysemy is handled by the same
node. We assume we can cleanly distinguish between these two classes of
word senses. Compare to WordNet, in which a lot of nuanced polysemy is
cleaved into different word senses.
Though not always shown, relations are always numerically weighted between 0.0 and 1.0, in addition to the predicate label, and nodes also have a
stable activation energy (cf. spreading activation literature).
3.2 Ontology of Nodes, Relations, and Operators
As shown in Figure 2, there are three types of nodes. Normal nodes may be wordconcepts, or larger encapsulated lexical expressions. However, some kinds of meaning i.e. actions, beliefs, implications cannot be represented using static nodes and
relations. Whereas most semantic networks have overcome this problem by introducing a causal relation (Rieger, 1976; Pearl, 1988), we opted for a causal node called a
TransNode because it offers a more precise account of situation change by providing
two binding sites representing a before and after state. TransNodes are based on the
Schankian notion of transfer, though we use them more generally for any action wordconcept whose nature is causal. TransNodes are divided and have a top and bottom
binding site, in addition to the periphery (because it can also behave like a normal
node). The top and bottom binding sites refer to a before and after situation, much
like Marvin Minsky’s transframe (1986). TransNode introduces the notion of causality as being inherent in some word-concepts, like actions. We feel that this is a more
faithful representation than putting the causality in links. With TransNodes, causal
effects on the semantic network are only observable by simulation. The next section
will offer a more detailed account of how this node is used.
Types of Nodes
Types of Relations
function x.y()
param x(y,)
Types of Operators
ability x.y()
isA x:y (subtype)
ContextNode TransientNode
property x.y
assoc x,y
1 2
value x=y
Fig. 2. Ontology of node, relation, and operator types.
ContextNodes are also interesting. They use the assoc (generic association) relation,
along with operators, to cause the network to be in some state when they are activated.
In Figure 1, the “formal auto context” ContextNode is meant to represent a person’s
stereotyped notion of what constitutes the domain of automotives. When it is activated, it loosely activates a set of other nodes. The next section will explain their activation. Of course, context nodes, because they are rather vague, will not be identical
across people; however, we posit that because knowledge of domains is a part of
commonsense knowledge, these nodes will be conceptually similar across people.
Because ContextNodes help to group and organize nodes, they are useful in producing abstractions, just as a semantic frame might. For example, let’s consider again,
the example of a car, as depicted in Figure 1. A car can be thought of as an assembly
of its individual parts, or it can be thought of functionally as something that is a type
of transportation that people use to drive from point A to point B. We need a mechanism to distinguish these two abstractions of a car. We could, of course, depend purely on lexical context from other parts of the larger lexical expression to help us pick
the right abstractions; however, it is occasionally desirable to enforce more absolutely
the abstraction boundaries. Of course, we can view an abstraction, as a type of packaged context. Along these lines, we can introduce two ContextNodes to define the
appropriate abstractions.
So far we have only talked about nodes that are stable word-concepts and stable
contexts in the lexicon. These can be thought of as being stable in memory, and very
slowly changing. However, it is also desirable to represent more temporary concepts,
such as those used in thought. For example, to reason about “fast cars”, one might
encapsulate one particular sense of fast car into a TransientNode. Or if one wanted
to instantiate a car into a particular one and attribute some strange fantastical features
to it, one can also accomplish this with a TransientNode. If there is little reason for it
to persist, a TransientNode can slowly die out as its connections fade over time.
However, if it becomes a useful concept, it might persist and be strengthened, evolving into a normal node. Although not shown in Figure 2, any of the three stable nodes
can be transient. TransientNodes explain how fleeting concepts in thought can be
reconciled with the lexicon, which contains more stable elements.
We present a small ontology of relations to represent fairly generic relations between concepts. These are quite consistent, though not identical with network relations found in the literature []. The reason why relations are also expressed in objectoriented programming notation is because the process of search in the network engages in marker passing of relations. Oriented-oriented programming notation is a useful
shorthand and is better than stating sequences of binary relations because it already
has a notion of symbol binding.
It also important to be reminded at this point, that each edge carries not only a
named relation, but also a numerical weight, indicating the strength of a relation.
Numerical weights are critically important in all processes of bubble networks, especially spreading activation and learning.
Operators put certain conditions on relations. In Figure 1, road material may only
take on the value of pavement or dirt, and not both at once. Some operators will only
hold in a certain instantiation or a certain context, so operators can be conditionally
activated by a context or node. For example, a person can drive and walk, but under
the time context, a person can only drive XOR walk.
3.3 Processes
Having described the types of nodes, relations, and operators, we now explain the
processes that are core themes of bubble networks.
c.d &
c.d=e &
c.d &
c.d=e &
(a) The car whose top speed is fast.
(b) The car that can be driven at a speed that is fast.
(c) The car whose tires have a rating that is fast.
(d) The car whose paint has a drying time that is fast.
(e) The car that can be washed at a speed that is fast.
(f) The car that can be driven on a road whose speed limit is fast.
e.f &
c.d = e
e.f=g &
c.d = e
(g) The car that can be driven
on a road whose road material
is pavement, whose drying time
is fast.
Fig. 3. Different meanings of “fast car,” resulting from network traversal. Numerical weights
and other context nodes are not shown. Edges are labeled with message passing, in OOP notation. The ith letter corresponds to the ith node in a traversal.
Meaning Determination. One of the important tenets of the lexicon’s representation
in bubble networks is that coherent meaning can only arise out of simulation. That is
to say, out-of-context, word-concepts have so many possible meanings associated with
each of them that we can only hope to make sense of a word by putting it into some
context, be it, a topic area (e.g. traversing from “car” toward the ContextNode of
“transportation”), or lexical context (e.g. traversing from “car” toward the normal
node of “fast”). We motivate this meaning as simulation idea with the example of
attribute attachment for “fast car”, as depicted in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows some of
the different interpretations of “fast car”.
As illustrated in Figure 3, “fast car” produces many different interpretations given
no other context. Novel to bubble networks, not only are numerical weights passed
(cf. Quillian’s spreading activation network), OOP-style messages are also passed.
Therefore, “drying time” will not always relate to “fast” in the same sense. It depends
on whether or not pavement is drying or a washed car is drying. Therefore, the history
of traversal functions to nuance the meaning of the current node.
Although traversal produces many meanings for “fast car,” most of the senses will
not be very energetic, that is to say, they are not very plausible out of context. The
senses given in Figure 3 are ordered by plausibility. Plausibility is determined by the
activation energy of the traversal path. Spreading activation across a traversal path is
different than spreading activation in literature.
j contexts
ijx  n 1, n n
n i
ij x  
 n cn
n , n 1
Equation (1) shows how a typical activation energy for the xth path between nodes i
and j is calculated in classical spreading activation systems (see Salton & Buckley,
1988). It is the summation over all nodes in the path, of the product of the activation
energy of each node n along the path, times the magnitude of the edge weight leading
into node n. However, in a bubble network, we would like to make use of extra information to arrive at a more precise evaluation of a path’s activation energy, especially against all other paths between i and j. This can be thought of as meaning disambiguation, because in the end, we inhibit the incorrect paths which represent incorrect
To perform this disambiguation, the influence of external contexts that are active
(i.e. other parts of the lexical expression, relevant and active non-lexical knowledge,
discourse context, and topic ContextNodes), and the plausibility of the OOP-message
being passed are factored in.
If we are evaluating a traversal path in a larger context, such as a part of a sentence
or larger discourse structure, or some topic is active, then there will likely be a set of
word-concept nodes and ContextNodes which have remained active. These contexts
are factored into our spreading activation evaluation function (2) as the summation
over all active contexts c of all paths from c to n.
The plausibility of the OOP-message being passed  M
is also important. Adn ,n1
mittedly, for different linguistic assembly tasks, different heuristics will be needed. In
attribute attachment (e.g. adj-noun compounds), the heuristic is fairly straightforward.
The case in which the attribute characterizes the noun-concept directly is preferred,
followed by the adjective characterizing the noun-concept’s ability or use (e.g. Fig.
3(b)) or subpart (e.g. Fig. 3(a,c,d)), followed by the adjective characterizing some
external manipulation of the noun-concept (e.g. Fig. 3(e)). What is not preferred is
when the adjective characterizes another noun-concept that is a sister concept (e.g.
Fig. 3(f,g)). Our spreading activation function (2) incorporates classic spreading
activation considerations of node activation energy and edge weight, with context
influence on every node in the path, and OOP-message plausibility.
Recall that the plausibility ordering given in Figure 3 assumed no major active contexts. However, let’s consider how the interpretation might change had the discourse
context been a conversation at a car wash. In such a case, “car wash” might be an
active ContextNode. So the meaning depicted in Fig. 3(e) would experience increased
activation energy from the context term, "car  wash", wash . This boost would likely
make (e) a plausible, if not the preferred, interpretation.
Encapsulation. Once a specific meaning is determined for a lexical compound, it
may be desirable to refer to it, so, we can assign to it a new indexical feature. This
happens by the process of encapsulation, in which a specific traversal of the network
is captured into a new TransientNode. (Of course, if the node is used enough, over
time, if may become a stable node). The new node inherits just the specific relations
present in the nodes along the traversal path. Figure 4 illustrates sense (b) of “fast
Fig. 4. Encapsulation. One meaning of “fast car” is encapsulated into a TransientNode, making it easy to reference and overload.
More than just lexical compounds can be encapsulated. For example, groupings of
concepts (such as a group of specific cars) can be encapsulated, along with objects
that share a set of properties or descriptive features (Jackendoff calls these kinds), and
even assertions and whole lines of reasoning can be encapsulated (with the help of the
Boolean and ordering operators). And encapsulation is more than just a useful way of
abstraction-making. Once a concept has been encapsulated, its meaning can be overloaded, evolving away from the original meaning. For example, we might instantiate
“car” into “Mary’s car,” and then add a set of properties specific to Mary’s car. We
believe encapsulation, along with classical weight learning, supports accounts of lexical evolution, namely, it helps to explain how new concepts may be acquired, concepts
may be generalized (concept intersection), or individuated (concept overloading).
Lexical Evolution. Along with context-sensitivity, lexical evolution is another way
that the bubble network distinguishes itself from other lexicon representations. Already mentioned, encapsulation offers a mechanism by which concept combinations
can be captured and overloaded. Variations on this idea allow for concept acquisition,
deletion, generalization, and individuation. The primary drive behind evolution is
utility. As the bubble network is invoked and used over time, concepts and relations
which are more often traveled will have their weights promoted. The utility of a concept increases its stable activation energy. If it is useful to have two specific versions
of a concept rather than a single concept, then individuation is likely. Similarly, if a
general concept covers all the ground of individual examples, then, that general concept might become more stable over time and the individual examples may die off.
Contrast utility-driven learning with rote memory learning, as in the case-based
learning scheme of Schank & Riesbeck (1994). In their scheme, generalization is
motivated by case similarity, so very similar cases might be merged, and not-sosimilar cases will not be merged. Our scheme makes a different prediction. Very
similar cases will not be generalized if the differences between them are important
enough to justify both cases existing. Not-so-similar cases might be merged if the
cases are obscure enough to not be invoked very often. Utility learning is a benefit
derived from maintaining intrinsic weights, as is done in most neural networks.
Frame Learning. On a more practical note, one question which may be looming in
the reader’s mind is how a bubble network might practically be constructed. Because
of lexical evolution, it is theoretically possible to start with very few concepts and to
slowly grow the network. However, a more practical solution would be to bootstrap
the network by learning frame knowledge from existing lexicons, such as GLT, or
even Cyc. Taking the example of Cyc, we might map Cyc containers into nodes, Cyc
predicates into a combination of TransNodes and bubble network relations, and map
micro-theories (Cyc’s version of contexts) into ContextNodes which activate concepts
within each micro-theory. Assertional knowledge can be encapsulated into new
nodes. Cyc suffers from the problem of rigidity, especially contextual rigidity, as
exhibited by microtheories which predefine context boundaries. (Figure 5). However,
we believe that once frames are imported into a bubble network, the notion of context
will become much more flexible and dynamic, through the process of meaning determination. Contexts will also evolve, based on the notion of utility, not just predefinition.
Fig. 5. Cyc’s notion of context via Microtheories, versus real contexts.
4 Implementation and Evaluation
To test the ideas put forth in this paper, we implemented bubble networks over a subset of the Open Mind Commonsense Semantic Network (OMCSNet) (Liu & Singh,
2002) based on the Open Mind Commonsense knowledge base (Singh, 2002), and
using the adaptive weight training algorithm developed for ARIA (Liu & Lieberman,
2002). Edge weights were assigned an a priori fixed value, based on the type of relation. The spreading activation evaluation function described in equation (2) was implemented. We planted 4 general ContextNodes through OMCSNet, based on proximity to the hasCollocate relation, which was translated into the assoc relation in the
bubble network. An experiment was run over four lexical compounds, alternatingly
turning on each of the ContextNodes plus the null ContextNode. ContextNode activations were set to a very high value to elicit a context-sensitive meaning. Table 1
summarizes the results.
Table 1. Results of an experiment run to determine the effects of active context on attribute
attachment in compounds.
Compound (context)
Fast horse ( )
Fast horse (money)
Fast horse (culture)
Fast horse (transportation)
Cheap apartment ( )
Cheap apartment (money)
Cheap apartment (culture)
Cheap apartment (transportation)
Love tree ( )
Love tree (money)
Love tree (culture)
Love tree (transportation)
Talk music ( )
Talk music (money)
Talk music (culture)
Talk music (transportation)
Top Interpretation ( ij
score in %)
Horse that is fast. (30%)
Horse that races, which wins money, is fast. (60%)
Horse that is fast (30%)
Horse is used to ride, which can be fast. (55%)
Apartment that has a cost which can be expensive. (22%)
Apartment that has a cost which can be expensive. (80%)
Apartment is used for living, which is cheap in New York. (60%)
Apartment that is near work; Gas money to work can be cheap (20%)
Tree is a part of nature, which can be loved (15%)
Buying a tree costs money; money is loved. (25%)
People who are in love kiss under a tree. (25%)
Tree is a part of nature, which can be loved (20%)
Music is a language which has use to talk. (30%)
Music is used for advertisement, which is an ability of talk radio.
Music that is classical is talked about by people. (30%)
Music is used in elevators where people talk. (30%)
One difference between the attribute attachment example given earlier in the paper
and the results of the evaluation is that assertional knowledge (e.g. “Gas money to
work can be cheap”) is an allowable part of the traversal path. Assertional knowledge
is encapsulated as a node.
As the results show, meaning interpretation can be very context-sensitive. However, with it comes several consequences. First, meaning interpretation is very sensitive
to the sorts of concepts/relations/knowledge present in the lexicon. For example, in
the last example in Table 1, “talk music” in the transportation context was interpreted
as “music is used in elevators, where people talk.” This interpretation came about,
even though music is played in buses, cars, planes, and everywhere else in transportation. This has to do with the sparsity of relations in the test bubble network. Although
those other transportation concepts were present, they were not properly connected to
“music”. What this suggests is that meaning is not only influenced by what exists in
the network, it is also heavily influenced by what is absent from the network, such as
the absence of a relation that should exist.
Generally though, this preliminary evaluation of bubble networks for meaning determination is promising, as it shows how the meaning of lexical expressions can be
made very sensitive to context. Compare this with traditional notions of polysemy as
a phenomena which is best handled through a fixed and predefined set of senses. But
senses do not produce the generative behavior witnessed in real life, in which meaning
is naturally nuanced by context.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we presented a novel lexicon representation called the bubble network.
Bubble networks hybridize a connectionist network with some symbol manipulation
properties, resulting in an intrinsic lexical representation with the power to encode
frame-based lexical semantics found in GLT. Nodes in a bubble network are indexical features for word-concepts, which then connect to other word-concepts through a
small set of OOP relations. Contrasting the traditional approach taken to lexicons, in
which semantics are packed into a word, the bubble networks approach de-emphasizes
word-concept nodes, instead, positing that a word-concept is just the set of descriptive
features it binds together.
An implication of this is that words only have meaning when we traverse the network toward some context. For example, the meaning of “wedding” in the context of
“event” may be that it has a ceremony, followed by a reception, and that invitations,
gifts, and proper dress are required. But in the context of “ritual”, a wedding might
more aptly mean an exchange of vows between a bride and a groom, accompanied by
bridesmaids and a best man and flower girls. Or in a lexical expression, meaning will
consist of the path which connects two lexical items, such as in “fast car.” Meaning is
completely context-sensitive, and this notion is more aptly captured in a bubble network than in a traditional lexicon in which word and context boundaries are enforced.
Because bubble networks have adaptive edge weights in addition to named relations, we can begin to provide an account for lexical evolution (word-concept acquisition, deletion, generalization, individuation) based on the notion of network utility.
The availability of ContextNodes and the role of active contexts in a revised spreading
activation function for bubble networks makes explicit the notion that meaning determination is a context-sensitive process. The mechanisms of encapsulation and overloading provide an account for lexical evolution, and also for temporary lexicon manipulations, such as assembling a temporary lexical expression.
A cursory implementation and evaluation of bubble networks over OMCSNet
yielded some interesting preliminary findings. The semantic interpretation of lexical
compounds under different contexts is remarkably sensitive. However, these preliminary findings also tell a cautionary tale. The accuracy of a semantic interpretation is
heavily reliant on the concepts in the network being well-connected. This makes the
task of importing traditional lexicons into bubble networks all the more challenging,
because traditional lexicons are typically not conceptually well-connected.
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