41. If the longitude of a place measured in arc is 128 degrees 37 feet 20 inches, the longitude measured in time is: A) 8h29m 30,.7s (b)8h 32m0s (c) 8h34m28.0s (d) 8h34m29.3s 42. When the altitude of the lower edge of the sun was observed with a transit on July 3, the reading of the vertical limb was 26degrees 20feet 30inches. If the index error was +1’00”, the true altitude of the sun’s center was (a) 26 degrees 01 feet 57 inches (b) 26 degrees 03 feet 57 inches (c) 26 degrees 33 feet 29 inches (d) 26 degrees 35 feet 29 inches 43. The longitude of Albany, New Your, is +73 degrees 44 feet 49 inches and the longitude of Los Angeles, California, is +118 degrees 10 feet 44 inches. When the local mean time at Los Angeles is 10h 41m00s a.m., the local mean time at Albany is (a) 7h41m00s a.m. (b)7h43m16s a.m. (c) 1h38m44s p.m. (d) 1h41m00s p.m. 44. The longitude of Philadelphia is +7 degrees 16.75 feet and its approximate latitude is +39 degrees 58 feet. To locate a true meridian in Philadelphia, a sight was taken on Polaris when the eastern standard time was 8h38m53s p.m. on October 9 of the year for figures 13 and 15 apply. At the time of the observation, the azimuth of Polaris was (a) 1 degree 00feet (b) 1 degree 36 feet (c) 358 degrees 54 feet (d) 359 degrees 42 feet 45. When the sun was observed for azimuth at a place in latitude 37 degrees 23 feet 12 inches, the ture altitude of the sun’s center was 45 degrees 38 feet and the declination of the sun was S 9 degrees 15.8 feet. The value of ½ (z +l-d) was: (a) 36 degrees 14 feet 42 inches (b) 36 degrees 52 feet 42 inches (c) 45 degrees 30 feet 30 inches (d) 46 degrees 08 feet 30 inches 46. The longitude of New York is +4h55m50s. When the standard time in New York was 3h38m46s p.m on October 9 of the for figure 13 applies, the Greenwich hour angle of the sun was (a) 123 degrees 13.1 feet (b) 132 degrees 53.6 feet (c) 132 degrees 56.2 feet (D)312 degrees 52.5 47. At the place and time in question 12, the declination of the sun (a) S 6 degrees 21.2 feet (b) S 6 degrees 31.4 feet (c) S 6 degrees32 feet (d) S 6 degrees 32.6 feet 48. A surveyor in latitude +45 degrees 25 feet 12 inches observed by Polaris when it was at lower culmination. If the declination of Polaris was +88 degrees 57 feet the zenith distance of Polaris at the time of the observation was (a) 42 degreea 31 feet 48 inches (b) 43 degrees 34 feet 48 inches (c) 44 degrees 37 feet 48 inches (d) 45 degrees 22 feet 12 inches 49. The longitude of a place measured in time is 6 h15m10s. The longitude measured in arc is (a) 93 degrees 47feet 02 inches (b) 93 degrees 47feet 30 inches (c) 93 degrees 50feet 00 inches (d) 93 degrees 00feet 00 inches 50. The angle measured clockwise from a reference line AB on the ground to the line of sight to Polaris at a certain time was 112 degrees 14feet. If the azimuth of Polaris at that time was 359 degrees 06 feet, the azimuth of the line AB was (a) 245 degrees 58 feet (b) 112 degrees 34 feet (c) 245 degrees 08 feet (d) 262 degrees 52 feet 51. The sun was observed for azimuth in the afternoon. The latitude of the place was +42 degrees 20feet 58inches. The true altitude of the sun’s center was 52 degrees 08 feet 11 inches, and the declination of the sun was N 19 degrees 56.5 feet. The azimuth of the sun was (a) 114 degrees 52 feet (b) 122 degrees 34 feet (c) 245 degrees 08 feet (d) 262 degrees 52 feet. 52. On October 10 of the year for wih Figure 13 applies, the apparent time at Greenwich was 26h18m00s. The Greenwich mean time was (a) 16hour 04minutes 55seconds(b) 16hour05minutes 01second (c) 16hour 30minutes 59second (d) 16hours 31minutes 05seconds 53. To determine the latitude of a place, the altitude of Polaris at upper culmination was measured with a transit . the observed reading on the vertical limb ws 43 feet 36 inches but the index error was -2feet. If the declination of Polaris was +88 degrees 5 feet, the latitude of the place is (a) 42 degrees 26 feet (b) 42 degrees 30 feet (c) 46 degrees 23 feet (d) 46 degrees 27 feet 54. The longitude of Minneapolis, Minnesota is +6h 12m58s, and the sidereal hour angle of Polaris at 12h GMT on October 10 of the year for which Figure 13 applies was 328 degrees 16.7 feet. The standard time of upper culimation of Polaris at Minneaplis on that day was (a) 0h 38.0 minutes (b) 0 hour 1.0 minute (c) 0 hour 52.0 minutes (d) 1 hour 04.0 minute 55. At a place at which the approximate latitude is 41 degrees 50 feet, the standard time of upper culmination of Polaris on a cettain date was 0 hour 36.2 minutes. The standard time of eastern elongation of Polaris at that place on that date, to the nearest minute was (a) 5 hour 19 minutes (b) 6 hours 31 minutes (c) 28 hours 37 minutes (d) 18 hours 41 minutes 56. The sun was observed for azimuth in the morning on July 1 with a transit having only a vertical arc. When the vertical cross line in the reticle in the transit was tangent to the left hand edge of the sun in each of several positions, the average of the readings on the horizontal limb was 265 degrees 27 feet 20 inches. If the true average altitude of the sun’s center was 42 degrees 25 feet, the horizontal angle to the center of the sun from the reference line along which the reading on the horizontal limb was zero was: (a) 165 degrres 05 feet 52 inches (b) 165 degrees 11 feet 24 inches )c) 16 degrees 42 feet 56 inches (d) 165 degrees 42 feet 28 inches. 57. The approximate latitude of a township is 45 degrees North. If the bearing of the eastern boundary of the township is North 0 degrees 06 feet East, the theoretical bearing of the section line between Section 19 and 20 of the township should be (a)North 0 degrees 02 feet West (b) North 0 degrees 02 feet East (c) North 0 degrees 10 feet West (d) North 0 degrees 10 feet East 58. It is desired to locate a 6 mile portion of a true parallel of latitude by using the secant method and proceeding toward the west from a starting pointl when the transit is set up at a point on the secant line that is 2 ½ mile (200 ch) from the starting point, the direction in which the offset to the true parallel is to be measured should be determined. a. By turning of an angle greater than 90 degrees in a clockwise direction from the backsight along the secant line. b. By turning off an agnle greater than 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction from the backlight along the secant line. c. By turning off an angle less than 90 degrees in a clockwise direction from the backlight along the secant line. d. By turning off an angle less than 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction from the backlight along the secant line. 59. A township that is bounded on the east by the third guide meridian west and on the south by the second standard parallel north is designed as (a) T.3N.,R.3W (b) T.6N.,R.0W (c) T.9N.,R.13W (d) T.12N.,R.16W 60. An old rectangulr stone monument at a section corner has five notches on the southern edge and tow notches on the eastern edge. The corner is common to Sections (a) 26, 27, 34, and 35 (b) 28, 29, 32, and 35 (c) 2, 3, 10, and 11 (d) 4. 5. 8, and 9 61. It is assumed that a portion of a tangent to a true parallel of latitude north of the equator and west of the point of tangency has been located by points along the tangent at intervals of ½ mile. In order to locate a point on the true parallel, the transit is set up at a point on tangnt 1 mile from the point of tangency. What a blacklight is taken to the point of tangency it is necessary a. To turn off an angle greater than 90 degrees in a clockwise direction from the blacklight along the tangent line. b. To turn off an angle greater than 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction from the blacklight along the tangent line. c. To turn off an angle less r than 90 degrees in a clockwise direction from the blacklight along the tangent line. d. To turn off an angle less than 90 degrees in a clockwise direction from the blacklight along the tangent line. 62. A random line for latitudinal township boundary is run due west from the established northeast corner of the township. This line inter sects the range line forming the western boundary of the township at point located 47 ½ feet south of the previously established township corner on that range line the correct bearing of the true township boundary at the northwest corner of the township should be (a) N 89 degrees 29 feet East (b) S 89 degrees 29 feet East (c) N89 degrees 55 feet East (d) S 89 degrees feet East 63. The southern boundary of a township is on a standard parallel in latitude 39 degrees 32.6 north. The theoretical length of the northern boundary of the township is (a) 31,639.81 ft (b) 31,640.44 ft (c) 31,641.19 ft (d) 31,64192 ft 64. A sixteenth section that is adjacent to both the northern boundary and the western boundary of a section is identified by the notation (a) NW ½ (b) N ¼ W ¼ (c) W ¼ N ¼ (d) NW ¼ NW ¼ 65. In a normal township the record distance for the entire eastern boundary of Section 6 is 81.62 ch, and the record distance for the entire northern boundary of that section is 78.16 ch. In a subdivision by protraction, the record distance from the quarter section corner at the center of Section 6 to the original quarter section corner on the townsip should be (a). 40.79 change (b) 40.81 ch (c) 40.83 ch (d) 40.85 ch