HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL VETERINARY DIRECTORATE ANIMAL HEALTH DIRECTORATE ZOONOSES DEPARTMENT Mail Address: 2, Acharnon Street GR 101 76 Athens Phone : + 30 1 5291484 Fax : + 30 1 8252614 E mail ka6u013@minagric.gr ATHENS, MAY 2000 . BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS ERADICATION PROGRAM HELLAS FOR THE YEAR 2001 1. INTRODUCTION In Greece the bovine tuberculosis eradication program has been run by the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture since 1981. The program has been approved very successful and at present the prevalence of the disease in national basis is declining . Although the disease is in low prevalence in bovine population in Greece, some focuses still exist in some areas of the country. The target for the Greek Veterinary Service is to implement an eradication program in all these focuses during 2001, in order to eliminate the disease. 2. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION Greece is divided in 54 prefectures called "Nomos". The total bovine population is estimated to 650.912 animals, reared in 31.502 herds. The evolution of the bovine tuberculosis eradication program in Greece for the year 1999, as well as the epidemiological situation are presented in Tables 7, 8 attached in Annex I. As the prevalence of the disease in the majority of the prefectures is below 1%, the eradication program is implemented in these prefectures every two or three years. For the prefectures included in the eradication program for the year 2001, the epidemiological situation during the last three years is presented in Tables 1 to 6, attached in Annex I. The results after the implementation of the eradication program for the first trimester 2000 as well as the epidemiological situation on 31-3-2000 are presented in Tables 9, 10 attached in the Annex I. 3 . COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS For the success of the above mentioned targets of the eradication program, intradermal tuberculin test will be conducted in all bovines over the age of 6 weeks, belonging to T1, T2 and T (+) herds. All positive animals will be slaughtered. Concerning the T3 herds, in order to keep their health status, there is a provision for two intradermal tuberculin tests within a period of 12 months. Table 1 attached in Annex II presents the herds and animals that will be subject of investigation during 2001. It is estimated that 6.751 herds and 184.587 animals will be investigated. From these, 352 animals are expected to be infected, which will be slaughtered and compensated during 2001. The total cost for the implementation of the bovine tuberculosis eradication program for the year 2001 is estimated to 128.000.000 Drachmas equal to 376.470 EURO and is presented in detail in Table 2 attached in Annex II . The Commission is asked to cover 50 % of the compensation cost of the slaughtered animals. 4. LEGAL BASIS OF THE ERADICATION PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR 2001 The Community legal basis for the program is: - Council Decision 90/424/EEC, regarding the eligibility - Council Directive 64/432/EEC, as it was amended by the Directives 97/12/EEC, 98/46/EEC, 98/99/EEC and the Decision 2000/322 regarding the special actions - Commission Decision 90/638/EEC, regarding the structure and criteria The national legal basis for the program is: - Law 101/1985 concerning the hygiene measures for bovine tuberculosis in positive herds. 5. OBJECTIVES OF THE ERADICATION PROGRAM The following objectives have been defined in the regions included in the program of 2001: - To investigate all herds of unknown health status To maintain the tuberculosis officially free health status of the herds in each region To establish an advanced epidemiological investigation plan to control infection To reduce the prevalence of the disease up to 50% of the current within a year To establish the tuberculosis officially free health status with a three year strategy To minimize losses to the cattle industry To eliminate potential risks for human health For the other regions of the country where a surveillance and monitoring program is implemented the following objectives have been defined: - To continue the screening tests in the herds nationally - To emphasize in maintaining the tuberculosis officially free health status of - herds - To re-evaluate the epidemiological situation in regions of low prevalence - and establish the frequency control status To apply systematic evaluation on the epidemiological trends in order to control re-infection 5. AUTHORITIES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS ERADICATION PROGRAM 5.1. COMPETENT ORDINATION AUTHORITY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CO- OF THE PROGRAM The authority which is responsible for the co-ordination and control of bovine tuberculosis eradication program in the country is the Department of Zoonoses in the Directorate of Animal Health of the Central Veterinary Service in the Ministry of Agriculture . The Department of Zoonoses is responsible for the co-ordination and control of all District Veterinary Services involved in the implementation of this program. This department collects the data, performs statistical analysis and evaluation of the campaign and informs the relevant authorities in the European Union about the progress of the campaign . A committee for the co-ordination , monitoring and evaluation of bovine tuberculosis control and eradication program is established . The committee will assist the Department of Zoonoses in the Ministry of Agriculture to the co-ordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program. The committee is consisted by : 1) The Director of Animal Health Directorate in the Ministry of Agriculture who will act as President . 2) The Head of the Department of Zoonoses in the Ministry of Agriculture who will act as Vice - President . 3) A senior veterinary officer of the Department of Zoonoses in the Ministry of Agriculture who will be a member . 4) An epidemiologist, who will be appointed by the Central Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and act as the technical adviser of the committee. The committee will meet at least every three months in order to evaluate the progress of the program in each prefecture and in the whole country. In case that the targets set in advance will not be achieved in a prefecture, the committee will examine the situation , will make corrections and will plan the actions in order for the targets to be achieved. In such a case, in the committee will participate also: 1) The District Veterinary Officer of each district (Nomos) 2) The Head of the Animal Health Department of each district . (Nomos ) 3) The Director and the Head of Microbiology Department of the Regional Veterinary Laboratory. The situation concerning the bovine and human tuberculosis is monitored by the National Zoonoses Committee established in 1999 in which participate 3 members coming from the Ministry of Agriculture and 3 members coming from the Ministry of Public Health (MO 1243/98). 5.2. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM The District Veterinary Service in each prefecture is responsible for the co-ordination of the Field Veterinary Services in the district . It collects data referring to the application of the program in the district and informs the Department of Zoonoses of the Central Veterinary Service . The veterinarians of the Field Veterinary Services are responsible for the implementation of the program, the identification and registration of the animals, the identification of infected animals and the issue of the relevant certificate for the movement of animals and the transhumance of the flocks. The collection of data concerning the implementation of the program and the reporting from the District to the Central Veterinary Service will be on a monthly basis according to the guidelines of the Department of Zoonoses. 6 . TESTS FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS Blood testing for the confirmation of the disease will be performed in the Veterinary Laboratory in Larissa of the Ministry of Agriculture. The test used for the investigation of bovine tuberculosis is intradermal tuberculin test by using PPD according to the specifications set in Directive 64/432/EEC, applied to all bovine animals as it is stated in the Annex of the Directive 64/432. In case of positive or inconclusive results in intradermal tuberculin test, comparative intradermal tuberculin test by M.avium is applied for confirmation of the disease along with serological investigation by ELISA test and/or γinterferon assay, depending on the epidemiological evaluation of the case. In case that lesions have been ascertained during post mortem examination, confirmation of the disease is done by bacteriological and histological tests. 7. PREFECTURES WHERE THE ERADICATION PROGRAM WILL BE IMPLEMENTED DURING 2001. The bovine tuberculosis eradication program for the year 2001 will be implemented in the following 6 prefectures (NOMOS): Thessaloniki, Kilkis, Pella, Imathia, Attiki (East Attiki, West Attiki, Athens), Achaia. Main criteria for the selection of the above prefectures were the high prevalence of the disease. Considering that the estimated cost for the implementation of the eradication program will be very high, it is asked for the financial contribution of the Commission of the European Union. For all the other prefectures that a surveillance and monitoring program is implemented, the cost of the eradication program will be covered by national funds. 8. NOTIFICATION OF THE DISEASE Bovine tuberculosis is a notifiable disease in Greece according to article 16 of the law 101/85 . Infected animals will be marked in the right ear by a T shape punch, isolated from the others and slaughtered as soon as possible. 9. COMPULSORY SLAUGHTER - COMPENSATION OF SLAUGHTERED ANIMALS The compulsory slaughter of infected animals is carried out as soon as possible under an official supervision in a predetermined slaughterhouse. The slaughter must be done within 30 days maximum after the official notification of the owner . The carcass of tuberculin positive animals is inspected according to the national law 410/94, which is in accordance with the Directives 91/497 and 91/498, and is destroyed if the animal suffers from generalized tuberculosis. In case that localized lesions are found, the carcass is suitable for human consumption after removal of the relevant offal. The compensation of the animals which will be slaughtered in the implementation of this program must be paid to the owner within 90 days after the slaughter of the animals . Before the animal's slaughter a committee will evaluate their life price and will propose the amount of compensation taking into account the EU's Directives and Decisions. The committee is constituted by a Veterinarian of the District Veterinary Service , an Officer of the District Animal Production Service and a representative of farmers co-operative . The amount of compensation, that cannot be greater than the market price of the animal, is defined in detail in the MO 390/2000 and it depends on the breed and the degree of genetic improvement of the animal is as following: - 300.000 GRD for every purebred cow - 230.000 GRD for every semi-purebred cow - 180.000 GRD for every cow of domestic breed 140.000 GRD for any other purebred bovine 110.000 GRD for any other semi-purebred bovine 85.000 GRD for any other bovine of domestic breed From the above compensation a down payment is submitted to the herdowner after the slaughter which reach the following amount: - 190.000 GRD for every purebred cow 130.000 GRD for every semi-purebred cow 90.000 GRD for every cow of domestic breed For all the other bovines the amount of compensation is paid as a whole after the slaughter. - 10. MEASURES TO SUPPORT THE TARGETS OF THE PROGRAM 10.1. The development of a computerized database network system in accordance to regulation 820/97/EC is in process in order to register all the herds, identify all the animals and improve the monitoring system of animal movements in relation to the health status. 10.2. The development of a computerized system for the management of the control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis is also in process, in order to gain traceability, monitoring and evaluation of the disease in very small areas. The application of such program will collect demographic information of the herds and animals, monitor animal movements and transhumance, record information on the disease testing and animal health aspects and establish an epidemiological surveillance plan. 10.3. Special educational and training courses for personnel involved in the implementation of the eradication program (veterinarians, technicians) as well as informative actions for the herdowners will be organized by the Department of Zoonoses of the General Veterinary Directorate in collaboration with the District Veterinary services. Main task of the above courses will be the information of personnel on the current epidemiological data and recent epidemiological trends of bovine tuberculosis, the improvement of administration and management of the eradication program as well as occupational health and safety issues. Such courses will be organized at least once or more frequently, if it is considered as necessary. Special concern will be given to the awareness of the public through the media, concerning the disease and the eradication program. The farmers and their Associations will be informed about the objective and the importance of the program for the animal health and animal products. In addition, the necessity for their collaboration with the veterinarians for the proper implementation of the program and the application of sanitary measures for the benefit of the animal production and the public health will be enhanced. 10.4. Monitoring of the eradication program on site will be achieved by visits of members of the Department of Zoonoses of the Central Veterinary Service in areas with problems in the implementation of the program. The clear description of the situation and the collaboration with the local authorities will lead to immediate solutions in overcoming either administration problems by coordinating a better administrative planning, or disease problems by further epidemiological investigation and laboratory support for the testing of the disease. 11. HERD REGISTRATION AND ANIMALS IDENTIFICATION According to the Greek legislation the registration of the bovine herds as well as the identification of the animals are compulsory . All the bovine animals over 3 weeks of age must be ear tagged . The ear tag has a number which is consisted by two letters corresponding to country's name, two digits indicating the code number of the prefecture (Nomos), four digits indicating the code number of the herd and six digits which is the registration number of the animal . With the ear tag each animal's herd of origin can be easily identified. All the herds are registered in the F.V.C of the area. The farmer keeps a herd record in which all the animals of the herd are registered. A copy of this record is kept by F.V.C of the area. Each animal must have an individual identification card in which all the data concerning its identification as well as its health status must be mentioned. 12. MOVEMENT OF ANIMALS The movement of bovines is prohibited unless they are accompanied by an official Veterinary Certificate issued by the F.V.S of the area. In this certificate, the health status of the herd of origin as well as the purpose of animal's movement and its final destination are mentioned. A copy of this certificate is send officially to the F.V.S of destination for checking the arrival of the animal. Animals entering in a herd for reproduction must originate from bovine tuberculosis officially free herds T3. Animals originated from bovine tuberculosis officially free herds T3 can also enter in an animal market. When animals kept for reproduction and originated from bovine tuberculosis officially free herds are transported , they must not come in contact with bovine animals originated from herds of lower health status. In addition, these animals must not come in contact during transportation with swines, sheep and goats. For the year 2001 a computerized network database program for the identification and registration of the animals is going to be established in accordance to the Regulation 820/97/EU in order to improve the monitoring system of animal movements in relation to the health status. 13. HERD HEALTH STATUS CATEGORIES According to the Council Directive 97/12 the bovine herds is divided in 4 categories concerning the health status due to bovine tuberculosis . The four categories are the following: T1 = The tuberculosis health status of the herd is unknown to the F.V.S of the area. The animals included in the herd have never been tested with intradermal tuberculin test. T2 = All the bovine animals in the herd over the age of 6 weeks have been tested once with intradermal tuberculin test and showed negative results. T2 is also characterized the T+ herd where all the bovines over the age of 6 weeks were negative in a test conducted 40 days after the slaughter of the last infected animal and after the cleaning and disaffection procedures. T+ = The herd in which all the bovines over the age of 6 weekss have been tested and one or more animals had a positive reaction to intradermal tuberculin test, or the possibility of infection is based on epidemiological investigation or a lesion due to tuberculosis have been identified during post mortem examination and mycobacterium has been isolated by bacteriological or histological examination from infected material. T3 = Bovine tuberculosis officially free herd. All the animals in the herd have no clinical symptoms of tuberculosis. The last 12 months there is no case of tuberculosis in the herd and all the animals over the age of 6 weeks have shown negative reaction in two skin tuberculin tests at least 6 months apart from each other. In case of a previous infection in the herd, all the animals over the age of 6 weeks must have shown negative reaction in two skin tuberculin tests, the first performed 6 months after removal of the source of infection. It is considered that the source of infection has been removed when all the animals over the age of 6 weeks have shown negative reaction in a tuberculin test at least 60 after the last infected animals’ slaughter and completion of the disaffection of the herd. The second tuberculin test is conducted 6 months after the first one. In case of reestablishing a herd with animals originated from officially tuberculosis free herds (T3), the first tuberculin test is conducted 60 days after the reestablishment of the herd. The introduction of animals in a herd is prohibited after the completion of the first tuberculin test in all animals of the destination herd over the age of 6 weeks, unless the new animals have shown negative reaction on a tuberculin test conducted 30 days before or 30 days after their introduction in the herd (if the introduced animals have been isolated for this time period). 14. DESIGNATION AND RETAINING PROCEDURES OF THE HERD HEALTH STATUS 14.1. Designating a herd of unknown health status (T1) to tuberculosis officially free herd (T3). The procedure for designating a (T1) herd to (T3) is as following: - - - All bovine animals over the age of 6 weeks are subjects of intradermal tuberculin test according to the Annex of the Council Directive 97/12. If the results of the first tuberculin test are negative, the herd is characterized as tuberculosis negative (T2). In (T2) herds a tuberculin test is conducted to all animals over the age of 6 weeks, 6 months after the first test. If the results of the second tuberculin test are negative, the herd is characterized as tuberculosis officially free (T3) under the following conditions: No animal over the age of 6 weeks has been introduced in the herd without negative reaction to a tuberculin test performed 30 days before or - after the introduction of the animal to the destination herd. The animals of the herd have never come in contact with animals in a herd of lower health status. 14.2. Designating a herd of unknown health status (T1) to a tuberculosis positive herd (T+). In case that even one animal of the herd shows positive reaction in intradermal tuberculin test, the herd is defined as infected (T+). - - - - 14.3. Retaining the tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3). A herd in order to retain the tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3) cover the following conditions: All the animals in the herd have no clinical symptoms of tuberculosis. The animals over the age of 6 weeks are tested once a year and show negative results in a skin tuberculin test. All the animals over the age of 6 weeks introduced in the herd must originate from a tuberculosis officially free herd (T3), tested 30 days before or 30 days after their introduction in the herd (if the introduced animals have been isolated for this time period). 14.4. Frequency of intradermal tuberculin testing in a region characterized as tuberculosis officially free. All bovine animals in the country are subjects of intradermal tuberculin testing once a year. The frequency control of tuberculosis officially free herds in a prefecture can change to: Every two years, if the average percentage of infected herds in the prefecture on the 31st of December of each year do not exceed 1% the last two yearly testing control. Every three years or the age of animals tested by intradermally tuberculin test is 24 months, if the average percentage of infected herds in the prefecture on the 31st of December of each year do not exceed 0,2% the last two two-year frequency testing control. Every four years, if the average percentage of infected herds in the prefecture on the 31st of December of each year do not exceed 0,1% the last two three-year frequency testing control. In this case the competent authority may stop the control program if: - All the bovine animals introduced in the herds of the prefecture give negative results in intradermal tuberculin testing. All the bovine animals slaughtered in the slaughterhouses of the prefecture are under official post-mortem examination and in case of finding tuberculosis lesions, confirmation of the infection is performed by histological and bacteriological laboratory examination and identification of M.bovis. The frequency control in each prefecture is changing after the permission of the Dept.of Zoonoses of Animal Health Directorate in the Central Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is based on the epidemiological data of the region. The permission is suspended if the requirements are not followed. 14.5. Suspension of the tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3). A) The tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3) is suspended in case that: - Clinical symptoms related to tuberculosis are reported to an animal of the herd. - Introduction of animal originating from a herd tuberculosis non officially free has occurred. The animal has not been tested by intradermal tuberculin test whenever is required. The animals of the herd have come in contact with animals of tuberculosis lower herd health status. The suspended herd health status under the previous circumstances can be restored if: - - All the necessary serological, histological and bacteriological tests have been performed o suspected animals and there is no evidence for tuberculosis infection. All the animals over the age of 6 weeks give negative results in intradermal tuberculin test 42 days after the suspension of the health status or 42 days after the removal of the suspected for infection animals, if there are any. B) The tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3) is suspended also in case that: - One or more animals of the herd react positively in intradermal tuberculin - test. Suspected tuberculosis lesions are found in post-mortem examination of animals of the herd. In the above case the infected animals are removed from the herd and slaughtered and an epidemiological investigation is undertaken in order to collect relevant data. The carcasses of the positive reactors are inspected independently of the existence of lesions and laboratory methods are performed in order to identify M.bovis. The herd health status remains under suspension until the completion of the laboratory examination. If the diagnosis of tuberculosis is confirmed the officially free herd health status is withdrawn and the herd is designated as infected (T+). If the tuberculosis outbreak is not confirmed the officially free health status is re-established (T3) when all the bovine animals of the herd over the age of 6 weeks react negatively in intradermal tuberculin test performed 42 days after the removal of the suspected for infection animals. C) The officially free herd health status is suspended also in case that: - Intradermal tuberculin test in animals gave inconclusive results In this case, the animals are restricted until to clear out the situation by comparative intradermal tuberculin test 42 days after the simple tuberculin test, or serological examination, or post-mortem examination and laboratory testing. The herd health status is reestablished as soon as the health status of the animals shown inconclusive results on simple intradermal tuberculin test has been confirmed. 14.5. Withdrawal of the tuberculosis officially free herd health status (T3). The officially free herd health status is withdrawn and the herd is designated as infected (T+) if tuberculosis cases are confirmed with the identification of M.bovis in laboratory testing of lesions during post- mortem examination. In this case an epidemiological investigation is conducted in order to identify the source of infection and the possibility of epidemiological link of the infected herd to other herds. In addition the competent authority may withdraw the officially free herd health status in the following cases: - - Clinical symptoms are observed related to bovine tuberculosis Animal from non-officially free herd health status has been introduced, or the intradermal tuberculin test has not been conducted the appropriate time, or the animals of the herd have come in contact with animals of lower health status. Post-mortem examination has shown characteristicic lesions of bovine Tuberculosis Epidemiological investigation leads to the possibility of infection in a herd. This action is considered as necessary in order to control the bovine tuberculosis in a region. In the above cases the competent authorities will define the method of reestablishing the health status of the herd. 14.6. Restoration of officially free herd health status (T3). In case that the health status of a herd has been withdrawn because it was found infected (T+), the officially free health status is restored: - When all the necessary sanitary measures have been applied properly in the infected from bovine tuberculosis herds and all positive reactors have - been slaughtered. After the completion of the disaffection process of the herd premises. After all the bovine animals of the herd over the age of 6 weeks are identified as negative reactors with two intradermal tuberculin tests performed, the first 60 days after the slaughter of the last infected animal reacted positively in the intradermal tuberculin test and the completion of the disaffection procedures in the herd, and the second at least 4 months after the first one and not later than 12 months. 14.7. Characterization of a region as tuberculosis officially free. A prefecture in order to be characterized as tuberculosis officially is necessary to: - The infected herds with bovine tuberculosis should not exceed the 0,1% of the existed in the region herds every year and for 6 consecutive years and at least 99,9% of the existing herds are designated as officially free (T3) every year and for 6 consecutive years. The percentages are estimated on the 31st of December of each year. - - An identification system for animals should be in action in the region in order to monitor the animal movements and identify the herd of origin and destination of each animal. All slaughtered animals undergo official post-mortem examination. An eradication or surveillance program is applied in the region in which the procedures of suspension and restoration of the health status are defined. The Department of Zoonoses of the Animal Health Directorate of the Central Veterinary Service in the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the characterization of the tuberculosis officially free region after the evaluation of the epidemiological data in each prefecture. The characterization is suspended or withdrawn in case that the relevant requirements are not fulfilled. 15. MEASURES FOR INFECTED HERDS– RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF A HERD 15.1. SANITATION MEASURES In case of finding an animal infected from tuberculosis in a herd, the herd's health status is withdrawn and it is characterised as infected belonging to T+ category . - The herd is under restriction and introduction of other animals is prohibited. - Healthy animals may be moved from an infected herd only for immediately slaughter after the permission issued by the F.V.S of the area. - The introduction of animals as well as the movement of animals to the holding, as well as the movement of animals from the holding for other purposes except of slaughter will be permitted only if the herd's health status will be re-established. - The infected animal or animals are isolated from the healthy immediately and marked in the right ear by a T shape punch and slaughtered as soon as possible. An epidemiological investigation is conducted in order to identify the source of infection or any epidemiological link to other infected herds. The transportation of infected animals to the slaughterhouse takes place after the permission issued by the F.V.S of the area and under restricted measures in order to prevent spreading of the disease. - Other animal species susceptible to bovine tuberculosis within the infected Holding is tested with intradermal tuberculin test. - - - - - Milk originating from infected animals with mastitis due to tuberculosis is destroyed. Milk from infected animals must be collected separately and destroyed. It can be used for animal feeding after appropriate heat treatment. It is not permitted to use this milk for human consumption. The manure of both infected and healthy animals and the material used for bedding is collected and disinfected. It is not allowed to remove the disinfected material from the holding in less than 3 weeks from the time it has been sprayed by a disinfectant. The carcass of the infected animal undergoes a detailed post-mortem examination. If lesions related to M.bovis infection are found they are subjects of histological and bacteriological laboratory examination in order to confirm the disease. After the slaughter of all infected animals, the whole establishment and its equipment is cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of the F.V.S of the area. After the completion of the cleaning and disaffection process, a certificate is issued from the supervising veterinarian. The type of disinfectant used as well as the dose is mentioned in the certificate. The process for re-establishing an infected herd begins after the issue of the disaffection certificate. 15.2. RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INFECTED HERD A) Sixty days after the slaughter of the last infected animal of the herd, the remaining animals over the age of 6 weeks will be subjects of intradermal tuberculin test. In case that the results in all animals are negative the tuberculosis officially free status is re-established if all the investigated animals over the age of 6 weeks show negative results in two additional consecutive intradermal tuberculin tests 6 months apart from each other. In case of re-establishment of an infected herd and characterization of this herd as bovine tuberculosis officially free (T3), all animals entering the herd are subjects of pre-movement testing 30 days before or 30 days after entering the herd. The animals of the herd must not also come in contact with animals of lower health status. 15.3 DEPOPULATION OF A HERD In case that 50% or more of the animals in a herd are found positive to tuberculosis the herd will be depopulated . In case that in the first intradermal tuberculin test 25% to 50% of the animals are found positive and in the second test 25% of the remaining animals are found positive too, then the herd will be also depopulated. In both cases the depopulation will be carried out after the suggestion of a committee and the permission of the Central Veterinary Service in the Ministry of Agriculture. The committee is consisted from the District Veterinary Officer, a veterinarian from the F.V.S of the area and an epidemiologist appointed by the Central Veterinary Service in the Ministry of Agriculture . The decision of the committee is based on the epidemiology of the disease , the health status of neighboring herds, the geography of the area , the population density and the epidemiological situation of the disease in the area due to tuberculosis, and other special features. All the animals that will be slaughtered are compensated according to the relevant legislation. In case of re-establishment a depopulated herd and characterization of this herd as bovine tuberculosis officially free (T3), all animals must originate from bovine tuberculosis officially free herds (T3) and animals over the age of 6 weeks will react negatively in intradermal tuberculin test performed 60 days after they are introduced in the herd. 16. TREATMENT OF INFECTED ANIMALS According to legislation 101 /85 article 15 all the actions aiming at the treatment of bovine tuberculosis are prohibited. Vaccination and actions aiming at the desensitization of animals as for bovine tuberculosis are prohibited. 17. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION The General Directorate of Veterinary Services in the Ministry of Agriculture undertakes the obligation to provide all the information and make a regular and full technical and financial report to the Commission of the E.U about the progress of the bovine tuberculosis eradication campaign proposed for 2001, according to the MO 399/2000. ANNEX II TABLE 1 ESTIMATION OF THE NUMBER OF INFECTED ANIMALS WHICH WILL BE SLAUGHTERED AND COMPENSATED IN THE PREFECTURES WHERE THE BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS ERADICATION PROGRAMME WILL BE IMPLEMENTED FOR THE YEAR 2001 NOMOS EXISTED HERDS INVESTIGATED ANIMAL HERDS S EXPECTED TO BE INFECTED ANIMALS WILL BE ANIMAL S HERDS ANIMAL S SLAUGHTERED 1 THES/NIKI 1.554 78.481 1.554 78.481 12 20 20 2 ACHAIA 466 8220 466 8220 5 10 10 3 ΗΜΑΤΗΙΑ 822 30.994 822 30.994 5 25 25 4 KILKIS 1.475 36.434 1.475 36.434 15 30 30 5 PELLA 2.293 23.124 2.293 23.124 5 17 17 6 ATTIKI 141 7.334 141 7.334 6.751 184.587 6.751 184.587 55 97 250 352 250 352 TOTAL The infected animals are expected to be found in herds of T1 and T2 and T+ category TABLE 2 COST OF BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS ERADICATION PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 2001 A . COST OF INVESTIGATION TUBERCULIN 250.000 doses x 40 Dr VETERINARY STAFF MOVEMENTS = 10.000.000 Dr = 30.000.000 Dr TOTAL COST OF INVESTIGATION: 40.000.000 Dr B . COST OF COMPENSATION 352 animals x 250.000 Dr = 88.000.000 Dr TOTAL COST OF ERADICATION PROGRAMMME FOR THE YEAR 2001: 128.000.000 Dr The total cost of bovine tuberculosis eradication programme for the year 2001 is estimated to be 128.000.000 Drachmas equal to 376.470 EURO . Is asking from Commission to cover 50% of the cost of compensation of the animals which will be 64.000.000 Dr equal to 188.235 EURO. 22