The Newton-Raphson Algorithm for Finding the Root of One Non-Linear Equation1 Given: f x , f x , initial approximation to root = x 0 , tolerance = , “small number” = , maximum number of iterations = MAXITER Set: newx x0 Repeat (not exceeding MAXITER) Set: fdx f newx If fdx , then Note: ‘flat spot’ Else Set: oldx newx fx f oldx fx newx oldx fdx If newx oldx oldx , then Note: ‘solved’ Until ‘solved’ or ‘flat spot’ (or limit on number of iterations reached) If ‘solved’, then Record: root, residual, number of iterations used If ‘limit’, then Record: last approximation to root If ‘flat spot’, then Record: last approximation to root A graph illustrating the method in a simple case is shown on the next page. An animated illustration of the method may be found at: An illustration of the Newton-Raphson iterative method:2 A Program to Implement Newton’s Method to Find a Root of a Non-Linear Function The following program uses the Newton-Raphson method to find the root of a non-linear function . The inputs to the program are: a) An external function, which is f(x); b) An external function, which is f’(x), c) An initial estimated value of the root, obtained possibly through use of another method such as the bisection method, d) The maximum number of iterations to be performed, in case convergence is not achieved, and e) A tolerance value, a small number used to indicate convergence. The outputs are one or more of the following: a) The final estimate of the root, b) An indicator that the maximum number of iterations have been reached, c) An indicator that the function has been found to be flat in a neighborhood of the root, d) The count of the number of iterations performed, e) The residual value at the estimated root, and/or f) The specified tolerance value used to indicate convergence. PROGRAM NEWTON INTEGER COUNT, FLAT, ITRATE, LIMIT, MAXITER, N00FIT, SOLVED, STATUS REAL DX, F, FDASH, FX, FDX, LASTX, NEWX, OLDX, X0, RESID, ROOT, TINY, TOL PARAMETER (TINY=1.E-10) PARAMETER (ITRATE = -1, SOLVED = 0, LIMIT = 1, FLAT = 2) PRINT*, 'Input the initial estimated root.' READ*, X0 PRINT*, 'Input the maximum number of allowable iterations.' READ*, MAXITER PRINT*, 'Input the tolerance.' READ*, TOL NEWX = X0 STATUS = ITRATE DO 10 COUNT = 1, MAXITER FDX = FDASH(NEWX) IF (ABS(FDX) .LE. TINY) THEN STATUS = FLAT PRINT*, 'Function is flat in a neighborhood of the root.' GO TO 12 ELSE OLDX = NEWX FX = F(OLDX) DX = -FX/FDX NEWX = OLDX + DX IF (ABS(DX) .LE. ABS(OLDX)*TOL) STATUS = SOLVED END IF IF (STATUS .NE. ITRATE) GO TO 11 10 CONTINUE STATUS = LIMIT PRINT*, 'Convergence was not achieved in the maximum allowed iterations.' 11 IF (STATUS .EQ. SOLVED) THEN N00FIT = COUNT ROOT = NEWX RESID = F(ROOT) PRINT*, 'The number of iterations needed was: ', N00FIT, '.' PRINT*, 'The root (approximate) is: ', ROOT, '.' PRINT*, 'The residual value at the root is: ', RESID, '.' PRINT*, 'The tolerance value used for convergence was: ', TOL, '.' 12 END IF IF (STATUS .EQ. LIMIT .OR. STATUS .EQ. FLAT) THEN LASTX = NEWX PRINT*, 'The final approximation to the root was: ', LASTX, '.' END IF END REAL FUNCTION F(Y) F = Y - EXP(1/Y) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION FDASH(Y) FDASH = 1 + (EXP(1/Y)/(Y**2)) RETURN END 1 Numerical Methods with FORTRAN 77: A Practical Introduction, by L. V. Atkinson, P. J. Harley, and J. D. Hudson; Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Wokingham, England, UK. 1989. 2's_method