
Unit Four Packet: The Life of a Cell
Unit Outline:
11-7: Unit Three Reflection
HW: Unit Three Reflection and Graph
11-8: Cell Cycle
HW: Cell Cycle Diary/Diagram
11-9: Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction Lab
Vocab Quiz
HW: Lab Conclusion Questions
11-10: Mitosis
HW: Unit Four Review Sheet One
11-11: Conclusion Section Lab
Weekly Quiz
HW: Lab Report (C)
11-14: Meiosis
HW: Mitosis/Meiosis Comparison WS
11-15: Crossing Over and Linked Genes
HW: How Many Chromosomes?
11-16: DNA and RNA
Vocab Quiz
HW: DNA/RNA comparison rap/song
11-17: DNA Replication
HW: Unit Four Review Sheet Two
11-18: DNA Lab
Weekly Quiz
HW: Lab Report (C)
11-28: Transcription
HW: Transcription WS
11-29: Translation
HW: Translation WS
11-30: Gene Mutations
Vocab Quiz
HW: Gene Mutations WS
12-1: Chromosome Mutations
HW: Unit Four Review Sheet Three
12-2: The Central Dogma
Central Dogma Lab
Weekly quiz
HW: Lab Report (C)
12-5: DNA Technology
HW: Unit Four Review Sheet Four
12-6: Diagnosing Diseases Using Karyotypes WS
DNA Fingerprinting Lab
HW: Prepare for the debate
12-7: Technology and Ethics Debate
Vocab Quiz
HW: Post-Debate Summary Essay
12-8: Unit Four Review
12-9: Unit Four Test
Unit Four Vocabulary
Week One Vocab:
Binary Fission: when a cell splits into two equal halves that each will become new cells
Budding: when a small portion of a cell breaks off from the larger cell to become a new cell
Diploid: when a cell has two sets of DNA
Gametes: eggs and sperm, the haploid reproductive cells in our bodies
Haploid: when a cell has one set of DNA
Somatic: diploid cells that make up your body
Week Two Vocab:
Centriole: A structure in the cell that helps to align the chromosomes in the middle of the cell during
mitosis and meiosis
Chromatin: The uncondensed, soup-like state that DNA is in during interphase
Homologous Chromosomes: the matching chromosomes from different parents; they are not identical
Meiosis: the process of creating unique gametes for sexual reproduction
Mitosis: the process of cell division leading to two identical cells; allows for body growth and repair
Sister Chromatids: two EXACT copies of a chromosome
Week Three Vocab:
Codon: a set of three base-pairs that are used by tRNA to translate the mRNA into amino acid sequences
Messenger RNA (mRNA): copied portions of DNA that are sent from the nucleus with instructions on
how to build proteins.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): RNA that is used to help construct ribosomes and aid in protein synthesis
Transcription: The process of copying a small portion of DNA into mRNA to send messages to the cell
Translation: The process of reading the codons in mRNA and turning them into amino acid sequences.
Transport RNA (tRNA): RNA that acts to transport amino acids to the ribosome and help to translate the
mRNA by matching their anti-codons to the codons on the mRNA
Week Four Vocab:
Central Dogma: the central idea in genetics that starts that DNA is turning into mRNA and then into proteins
Gel Electrophoresis: the process of separating fragments of DNA by size using gels and electricity
Inversion: when something is rotated 180 degrees, when something is flipped
Mutagen: a chemical or phenomenon that can cause a mutation
Restriction Enzymes: enzymes that can cut DNA into fragments
Transformation: when DNA from one source is integrated into the DNA or another organism
Unit Four Notes
Cell cycle
Somatic Cells: Cell that make up the body, reproduce by mitosis
Gametes: sex cells of egg and sperm, made through meiosis
Haploid Cells: Have ONE set of chromosomes or HALF of the normal set (ex. Gametes)
Diploid Cells: Have TWO sets of chromosomes of a FULL set
The cell cycle is the sequence of growth and development that a cell goes through
1. Interphase: The longer part of the cell cycle where the cell
prepares to divide
a. G1 Stage: First growth stage-make new proteins and
things needed for DNA replication
b. S Stage: the DNA in the nucleus is replicated
c. G2 Stage: Growth stage where proteins and RNA are made
to prepare for division
2. M phase
a. Mitosis: The nucleus divides into two equal halves with the
same number of chromosomes
b. Cytokinesis: When the entire cell divides into two halves
Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction: an individual organism makes a copy of itself (cloning)
Benefits: pass on ALL your genes, fast, can do it by yourself
Down-side: There is no variation, very easy for a disease to wipe everyone out
Types: Binary fission-cell splits in half
Budding-small section of the organism detaches with a full set of genes
Vegetative Propagation- send our runners that grow into new plants, or they grow from cutting
Regeneration- the ability to re-grow lost body parts, can result in growing a whole new body
Spore- small, pollen-like particles that can grow into a new organism on their own
Sexual Reproduction: two organisms make haploid gametes that fuse together to make a zygote
Benefits: variation in the genes, allows for variety and for a species to evolve and adapt easier
Down-side: each parent only passes on HALF of their genes (and they might not be the best
genes), you have to find a mate, mating itself (it takes energy!!)
Types: External fertilization: make lots of eggs, spend little energy on each egg, chances of offspring
survival are low
Internal fertilization: make few eggs, spend more energy on eggs, chances of offspring survival
are high
Conjugation: a small tube connects two bacteria allowing them to exchange genetic material
Pollination: sperm (pollen) from one plant is transferred to the egg of another (often in a flower)
Process by which a cell divides into two new cells that are exact copies of each other. This is how all
cells in your body other than the sex cells allow the body to grow and heal. You will end with
TWO diploid cells.
Remember: This takes place AFTER we have made copies of each chromosome so there are TWO copies
of each chromosome! We call these matching copies sister chromatids.
Chromatin: the material that makes up chromosomes. Usually not coiled up-like a soup.
Chromosomes-the condensed or coiled up structures made of chromatin
1. Prophase: Chromatin coils up into chromosomes and sister chromatids are held together by a
centromere (region in the middle where the chromosomes are connected). Nuclear
membrane disintegrates and spindle (what moves chromosomes) starts to form.
2. Metaphase: Spindle fibers created by the centriole attach to the centromere and moves them to the
middle (equator) of the cell.
3. Anaphase: The sister chromatids are separated and pulled in opposite directions by the centriole.
4. Telophase: Chromatids reach opposite ends of the cell, unwind into chromatin, the spindle
disappears and new nuclear membranes appear around the two sets of chromosomes.
Prophase-Tighten up!
Metaphase-Line up!
Do the PMAT, Do the PMAT, Do the PMAT, Do the PMAT
Homologous chromosomes: The matching pairs of chromosomes—not an exact copy, but the other
version of the chromosome that you have—remember, you got one of each chromosome
from your mom and one of each from your dad
Meiosis is the process of making sex cells (sperm and eggs). You will make FOUR haploid cells.
1. Prophase I: Sister chromatids pair up with their homologous chromosomes as tetrads
2. Metaphase I: Tetrads are lined up at the equator by the spindle fibers create by the centriole.
3. Anaphase I: Each set of homologous chromosomes moves to the opposite side of the cell
4. Telophase I and Cytokinesis: Cell divides into two cells each with a pair of sister chromatids and a
new nuclear membrane forms around them
5. Prophase II: New nuclear membranes disappear
6. Metaphase II: Sister chromatids align at equator of cells
7. Anaphase II: Sister chromatids separate at centromere and move to opposite sides of cells
8. Telophase II: Cells divide into haploid cells each with ONE copy of each gene (4 cells total)
Meiosis is important in sexual reproduction because it create gametes that have completely new
combinations of DNA. Remember that these gametes will have half the number of
chromosomes of the parent because they are haploid!
Crossing Over and Linked Genes
When the chromosomes are formed into tetrads, parts of the
homologous chromosomes will wrap around each other to hold them
together. This can lead to parts breaking off and getting reattached
to a different chromosome. We call this process crossing over and it
is really important is mixing up genes between the homologous
chromosomes and making completely new chromosomes that aren’t
like the ones you got from your parents!
Linked genes: When two genes are close on the same chromosome,
they are less likely to get split up during crossing over. The closer
they are, the less likely they will get split up. (ex. Red hair and
DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid) is the blue-print for the cell. It contains all of the information
that builds our bodies and controls the production of all proteins. These pieces of information
are called genes.
DNA is made of nucleic acids. DNA is made of two strands that form a double-helix shape with
a sugar-phosphate backbone using the sugar deoxyribose on the outside and nitrogenous
bases on the inside. The nitrogenous bases connect the two strands together. Its shape was
discovered by Watson and Crick.
There are four nitrogenous bases in DNA: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine
(C). A always pairs with T, G always pairs with C
RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a single-stranded chain of nucleic acids that uses the sugar ribose in its
backbone. It uses similar nitrogenous bases as DNA except it uses Uracil (U) instead of Thymine(T). A
pairs with U, G pairs with C.
There are three types of RNA:
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)-send messages from DNA to the rest of the cell
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)-transport amino acids to the site of protein synthesis
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-helps to build the structure of ribosomes
DNA Replication
DNA replication (copying) takes place during the S phase of Interphase.
1. The two strands of DNA unwind and separate (unzip) from each other
2. DNA polymerase attaches itself to the DNA strands, reads what base it is on, and then attaches the
matching base from free-floating nucleotides.
3. As DNA polymerase moves down the strand, the newly attached nucleotides bond together to form a
new DNA strand that is attached to the old DNA strand. We call this copy the complimentary copy.
4. At the end, we have two copies of the DNA strand. Each has one old strand and one new strand.
Transcription: (DNA  RNA) The process of copying DNA strands into messages the cell can use to make
proteins (mRNA). Like in DNA replication, the DNA unzips but this time RNA polymerase attaches to the
DNA and makes a complimentary copy of the DNA as mRNA. This mRNA can then be sent out into the
cell where it is read and turned into a protein during translation.
Translation: (RNA Protein). Occurs at the ribosome in the cytoplasm. mRNA enters the ribosome and
the ribosome reads the code of mRNA 3 bases at a time (codon). tRNA brings amino acids to the
ribosome where the anti-codon (3 base pairs) of tRNA connects with the codon of mRNA.
The ribosome knows where to start reading the mRNA because it contains a start codon. The new
amino acid attaches to the chain of amino acids with peptide bonds and the protein is released from the
ribosome and folds up to the proper shape on its own when the mRNA reaches a stop codon!
Gene Mutations
Mutagen-a chemical, substance, or energy (like the suns UV rays) that causes a mutation.
Gene mutations-just one gene is changed
Point Mutation (substitution)-one nucleotide is replace with another nucleotide
Frame-shift mutation: the adding or removing of one nucleotide causes all of the codons after the
mutation to shift and change what they code for
Insertion-one nucleotides is added
Deletion-one nucleotides is removed
These can be especially important if we add or remove a stop codon in the middle of a gene since adding
a stop codon will stop the production of the protein and make it short and removing a stop codon will
cause the ribosome to keep reading the mRNA and cause it to become longer!
Color blindness: caused by a mutation that prevents the certain color receptors in the eye from forming.
Very often means they cannot see the difference between the colors red and green.
Sickle-cell Anemia: caused by a point mutation that causes the blood cells to become sickle shaped.
Having one gene for the trait allows people to be less effected by malaria, but having two leads
to the different shapes of blood cells which can lead to pain, blood clots, and strokes.
Chromosome Mutations
Chromosome mutations-change in the structure or number of chromosomes (usually more
Deletion-losing a part of the chromosome
Duplication-doubling and insertion of a part of a chromosome
Inversion-broken parts of a chromosome reattach backwards (they flip)
Translocation: parts of the chromosome move to other chromosomes
Non-disjunction: the chromosomes don’t separate during meiosis and you end up with one
Hemophilia: caused by a mutation that prevents the blot-clotting factor from forming. This
means that when the person start bleeding, they often can’t stop and lose large
amounts of blood.
Down’s Syndrome: caused by a non-disjunction that leads to an extra chromosome 21. This
leads to both physical and mental problems in development.
The Central Dogma
The central dogma is the main idea behind all of genetics: DNARNAProtein
This includes the processes of transcription (writing a text) and translation (figuring out what the
text means).
The central dogma helps explain why we always say your genes control what you look like.
Your genes are instructions for the building of proteins and proteins are the building
blocks for most of your body: your hair, your skin, your eyes, etc.
When you get your genes from your parents, you get instructions to build the same
proteins that give them their features and this is why we look like our relatives!
DNA Technology
DNA fingerprinting- each person’s DNA is different, it can be used to identify a person (match
the bands)
 DNA extraction-scientists take DNA out of the cell from a sample
(blood, hair, nails, etc.)
 Restriction enzymes- cut the DNA into smaller pieces using a
restriction enzyme
 Gel Electrophoresis-DNA is separated in a gel that is filled with
holes as the negative DNA is attracted to the positive end of the
electric current. Smaller parts move further.
Recombinant DNA- taking DNA from 2 different organisms and joining them together
 Transformation- process of placing a piece of DNA into a living organism. They use a
Plasmid: a small circular piece of DNA in bacteria—often injected into the new cell using a
 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)-when organisms contain genes
from other organisms {cows with extra copies of growth hormone, corn with
their own insecticides}
Cloning-transferring genetic material into a donor egg cell to make an exact copy
of the original cell
Karyotype- shows all of the chromosomes as they are stained during metaphase.
Scientists can identify abnormalities or extra chromosomes.
Phenotype- our outward appearance, what we look like
Genotype- Our genetic make-up, what genes we have
Cell Cycle Diary/Diagram
Choose ONE of the two options: 1) Write four diary entries as if you were a cell going through your life
cycle. There should be one entry at every phase during the cell cycle (starting at G1) and you should
describe what you are doing during each stage and WHY you are doing it. 2) Draw a diagram of a cell
going through the four stages of its life cycle. For each stage, label it and describe what is going on in the
cell during that stage. Also make sure you indicate which phases are included in Interphase.
Asexual Reproduction Lab
1) When an organism reproduces sexually, are its children exact copies of itself? ____________
2) When an organism reproduces asexually, are its children exact copies of itself? ___________
3) If an organism reproduces asexually, and has 100 children, how are its children similar or different
from each other? _____________________________________________________
1) Empty your lab bin. It will represent a pool of water.
2) You should have four bags of beads. They represent paramecium (a single celled organism).
The different colors represent different forms of a trait.
3) Place 3 of each color of bead in the bin.
4) Each bead reproduces asexually (which means it produces an exact copy of itself when it reproduces).
Follow the directions under events and THEN list the number of each color in the pool in the next row.
Generation 0
# Red
# Black
# Blue
Generation 1
# White
Each paramecium reproduces once.
Gen 1.5
Chemical in water, each paramecium
reproduces once except red.
A disease strikes, killing all white paramecia
Generation 2
Each paramecium reproduces once.
Generation 3
Each paramecium reproduces once.
Gen 3.5
A predator strikes, killing all blue and
½ black paramecia
Each paramecium reproduces once.
Generation 4
Gen 4.5
A disease strikes killing all red and ½ other
Generation 5
1) How many offspring did red have at the end? _________________________________
2) How many offspring did black have at the end? _________________________________
3) How many offspring did blue have at the end? _________________________________
4) How many offspring did white have at the end? _________________________________
(Questions continue on next page)
Asexual Reproduction Lab
If something happens to kill off all organisms with one form of a trait, will that trait ever appear again? Why?
What is the advantage of asexual reproduction over sexual reproduction? What is the major disadvantage
we saw in this lab?
Sexual reproduction takes a lot more energy and time AND you only pass on half of your genes. WHY would
any organism want to reproduce sexually (and remember that very few species get pleasure from sex)?
How would this lab have turned out differently if the organisms reproduced sexually and were able to trade
genes with each other when they reproduced? Would traits disappear entirely if a disease worked against
Thinking about humans, why is it helpful to us that we are sexually reproducing organisms (think about colds
and flues)?
Unit Four Review Sheet One
Cell Cycle:
What are the four parts of the cell cycle and what happens during each stage of the cell cycle?
We group the four parts above into two big sections-what are those two bigger sections called? Which
one is the longest part of the cell cycle?
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction:
What are the major advantage and disadvantages of both sexual and asexual reproduction?
What is the difference between budding and binary fission?
How many cells are made in mitosis? Are those cells haploid or diploid?
What is the purpose of mitosis?
What is the genetic material called when it is NOT coiled? When it is coiled?
What are sister chromatids? How are they held together? What moves them around the cell?
Name the four phases in order and summarize in five words what each stage does.
Conclusion Section Lab
Make a hypothesis sketch what you stages of mitosis you think you will see when
you look at the onion skin.
MaterialsMicroscope, Microscope Slides, Cover Slips, Eyedropper, Iodine, Onion Skin
1. Stretch a small piece of onion skin out on the slide.
2. See Mr. Driscoll to add a drop of iodine and allow it to sit for 2 minutes.
3. Tilt the slide to drain excess iodine into the collection beaker.
4. Cover the specimen with a coverslip and mount the slide on your microscope.
Collect Data
Use the low power objective (4x) on your microscope to look for thin layers of cells and
the use your high power objective (40X) to see nuclei in individual cells. Use the
worksheet provided to sketch 6 of the cells and then label what stage they are inmake sure to include at least one slide for each stage.
What phase is this?
What phase is this?
Conclusion Section Lab
What phase is this?
What phase is this?
What phase is this?
What phase is this?
Lab Report: On Monday, you will turn in a lab report with the conclusion section. This lab report needs to be
on a separate paper that you can TURN IN TO ME. I have re-written the questions here in-case you couldn’t
find you lab report expectations:
First Paragraph
___ Declares if the data allows them to accept or reject their hypothesis
___ Gives the reason why the data allows you to accept or reject your hypothesis
___ States the big conclusion or trend that the experiment allows them to draw
___ Explanation of the conclusion based on what they know from class
Second Paragraph
___ Mentions two problems they had with the experiment (design, experimenter error)
___ Mentions at least one way to fix every problem mentioned
Third Paragraph
___ Mentions how these results compare to other students in the class
___ Mentions at least one new question they would like to answer
___ Mentions at least one new experiment that should take place after this lab
Mitosis/Meiosis Comparison WS
INSTRUCTIONS: Use four different colors or designs (types of lines) to start off
each cell with four different chromosomes-then complete the chart below!
prophase I
Mitosis 
Metaphase I
Meiosis I
anaphase I
telophase I/
metaphase II
anaphase II
telophase II/
Meiosis II
prophase II
Mitosis/Meiosis Comparison WS
Fill in the blank using the following words:
Half, two, four, haploid, diploid, sexual, copy, body, eggs, sperm, somatic, zygote
So the big idea for today is that mitosis will create _____ cells that have a
complete set of DNA, or are _________. We create an exact _______ of the
cell and this is how cells in the _________, called ___________ cells, reproduce
allowing us to grow and heal.
Meiosis will create _____ cells that have half the normal amount of DNA, or are
________. Only organisms that go through _________ reproduction will go
through meiosis because it creates ________ and ________, or the gametes.
The gametes only have ______ the DNA so that when they come together to make
a ___________, the baby will have a complete set of DNA.
A sudden change in the DNA of a chromosome can usually be passed on to
future generations if the change occurs in a
Liver cell
Skin cell
Brain cell
Sex cell
Indicate in which phase of mitosis the following take place.
a) Chromosomes line up along the equator:
b) Chromosomes relax back into chromatin:
c) Chromosomes shorten and thicken:
d) Chromosomes are split towards the two ends of the cell:
e) Chromosomes condense into their X shape:
How Many Chromosomes?
Calculate the number of chromosomes in the indicated cells of these
organisms. Then label if those cells are HAPLOID or DIPLOID.
Body cells have 10 chromosomes  ___ chromosomes in the sperm. __________
Eggs have 20 chromosomes ___ chromosomes in the somatic cells. __________
15 chromosomes in the gametes ___ chromosomes in the body cells. _________
30 chromosomes in the foot cells ____ chromosomes in the eye cells. ________
80 chromosomes in the somatic cells ___ chromosomes in the eggs. __________
14 chromosomes in the sperm ____ chromosomes in the eggs. ______________
28 chromosomes in the root cells  ____ chromosomes in the pollen. __________
90 chromosomes in the sperm  ____ chromosomes in the somatic cells. _______
Which sequence represents the correct order of processes that result in the formation and development of
an embryo?
a. mitosis  fertilization  meiosis
b. meiosis  fertilization  mitosis
c. fertilization  meiosis  mitosis
d. fertilization  mitosis  meiosis
Meiosis results in greater genetic variation than asexual
reproduction because it:
A. is a lengthy process full of errors.
B . results in a greater number of offspring.
C . is more common in higher order species.
D. allows the recombination of genetic information.
DNA/RNA Comparison Rap/Song
You can choose to either write a rap, song, poem or letter as DNA writing to RNA. Whichever you
choose, you need to include the following comparisons of RNA and DNA: single or double stranded,
the sugars they are made of, the bases that they use, their purposes. You also need to include the jobs
of all three RNAs: tRNA, mRNA, rRNA.
Unit Four Review Sheet Two
What are the differences in purpose and products (# of cells, haploid or diploid) of mitosis and meiosis?
Calculate the number of chromosomes in the indicated cells of these organisms based on the number
given in the first cell. Then label if those resulting cells are HAPLOID or DIPLOID.
Body cells have 30 chromosomes  _________ chromosomes in the sperm. ________________
20 chromosomes in the foot cells ___________ chromosomes in the eye cells. _______________
90 chromosomes in the sperm  ___________ chromosomes in the somatic cells. _____________
40 chromosomes in the sperm ___________ chromosomes in the eggs. ________________
DNA and RNA:
Single or Double stranded?
Sugars used in their backbone
What do we call the shape a DNA molecule makes?
What are the jobs of the three types of RNA?
Write the complimentary strand of DNA:
DNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
DNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
DNA is made of two nitrogenous base pairs: _______ and _______.
DNA is found in every single cell of your body. Specifically, the cell organelle that DNA is kept in is
called the ________________. All living things have DNA, including animals (like dogs and spiders) and
plants (like trees and strawberries).
Question: If you extract (meaning “take out”) DNA from a strawberry, what will the DNA look like?
Hypothesis: (Write a complete sentence!)
1.Place one strawberry in a ziplock bag.
2. Smash strawberry with fingers for 2-3 minutes (do this gently and maturely—do not break the bag!)
3. Add 10 ml of DNA extraction buffer (contains salt, soap, and water) to the bag.
4. Mush again for one minute.
5. Place a double layer of cheesecloth in a funnel
6. Place the funnel into a test tube
7. Slowly pour some of the strawberry juice into the cheesecloth, and let it filter into the test tube
8. Slowly pour the cold ethanol into the test tube until the tube is half-full
9. Where the strawberry juice meets the ethanol, you will see the DNA precipitate (come out) of solution.
Spool the DNA onto your paperclip and place it onto the microscope slide
10. Clean up:
-throw away ziplock bag and cheesecloth
-pour liquid from test tube into collection bin
What did the liquid in the test tube look like after you added the ethanol in step 9?
What did the DNA look like? (Explain in complete sentences, including what color it was, what texture,
what size, etc).
Lab Report: On Monday, you will turn in a lab report with the conclusion section. This lab report needs to be
on a separate paper that you can TURN IN TO ME. Make sure you include answers to all the conclusion
section questions (see the conclusion lab for reference) and answer these two questions as well after the third
1. What is the purpose of the soap in this activity? (HINT: what is protecting the DNA from the outside
environment of the cell?)
2. A person cannot see a single cotton thread 100 feet away, but if you wound thousands of threads
together into a rope, it would be visible at some distance. How is this statement an analogy to our DNA
Transcription WS
Please make the complimentary strand of DNA on the left and RNA on the right for each sequence.
For each mRNA strand listed, write the DNA strand that it used as a template and the matching mRNA.
Translation WS
Problem 1
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
Problem 2: Copy the DNA sequence from Problem 1, but mutate (change) the first “G” to a “C”.
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
III) Problem 3
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
IV) Problem 4: Copy the DNA sequence from Problem 3, but mutate (change) it by deleting the sequence “CGA”.
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
Problem 5
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
VI) Problem 6: Copy the DNA sequence from Problem 5, but mutate (change) it by deleting the second “C”.
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
B) mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
C) Amino Acids:
Gene Mutations WS
You are a geneticist. You have a patient that thinks she is lactose intolerant.
The following is the information you have gathered…
Johanna Eatsalot
Extreme pain
She first noticed the pain after she ate ice cream. Now it’s after she eats any dairy product.
Here’s where YOU come in… You must determine WHY she is having these pains.
Lactose Intolerance: Milk products contain the sugar called lactose. Your digestive system
breaks this double sugar down into simple sugars using a specific protein. This protein is the
enzyme lactase. You cannot digest the sugar lactose if you do not have the lactase enzyme. If
lactose is not digested, it causes stomach aches.
- What is lactose? _________________________________________
- What protein is needed to break down lactose into smaller sugars? _____________________
Johanna’s Case: You have isolated some of Johanna’s DNA. You determined that she does not
have the gene to make lactase enzyme. She is lactose intolerant! You were a careless in the
lab and got Johanna’s results mixed up with 2 other patients’. You must sort out this mess!
- Is Johanna lactose intolerant? _______
- Does Johanna have the gene that produces lactase? _______
Your key to solving this case
Gene for lactase: Met – Asn – Arg – Iso – Pro – Leu
Patient A
DNA Sequence:
Transcribed into mRNA:
Translated into amino acid chain:
Lactase gene present? (yes / no)
Lactose intolerant? (yes / no)
Is this Johanna? (yes / no)
Patient B
DNA Sequence:
Transcribed into mRNA:
Translated into amino acid chain:
Lactase gene present? (yes / no)
Lactose intolerant? (yes / no)
Is this Johanna? (yes / no)
Patient C
DNA Sequence:
Transcribed into mRNA:
Translated into amino acid chain:
Lactase gene present? (yes / no)
Lactose intolerant? (yes / no)
Is this Johanna? (yes / no)
Conclusion: Which patient’s DNA sample belongs to Johanna? ______
Gene Mutations WS
How were you able to determine whether each patient was lactose intolerant?
How is DNA structure related to the functioning of the lactase enzyme?
In numbers 1-6, a section of the gene that allows Spider-Man to make webs, called webbin
reads TAC GAT GGC. He spends the entire morning in the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the
sun have acted as a mutagen and changed the DNA in some of Spider-Man’s skin cells.
Identify the following types of mutations (point mutation/substitution, insertion or deletion).
In numbers 7-9, the original DNA sequence is ATT ACC GAG. You will create the examples of mutations that may
occur in the DNA of a human skin cell. Indicate the location of the mutation by using an arrow.
7. Give an example of a point mutation given the above sequence
8. Give an example of an insertion that may occur.
9. Give an example of a deletion that may occur.
Unit Four Review Sheet Three
Transcription and Translation:
1. Write the matching mRNA and amino acid sequence for the DNA:
mRNA: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Amino Acids: ________ __________ ___________ ____________
2. Which of the following best describes the order of events that leads to genetic expression?
A RNA amino acid DNA protein genetic expression
B DNA amino acid protein RNA genetic expression
C DNA RNA amino acid protein genetic expression
D RNA protein DNAamino acid genetic expression
3. What is the difference between transcription and translation?
Mutations: Identify the type of gene mutation (Insertion, deletion, substitution) :
Original Sequence: TAC GAT GGC
TAC GAT GTC ___________________ TAC GAT TGG C_________________ TAC GTG GC ___________________
In the remaining questions, identify which of the chromosomal mutations (deletion, duplication, inversion,
translocation, or non-disjunction) has taken place.
Central Dogma Lab
Background: In the year 2050, an incredible archeological discovery was
made in South America, where a large meteor had struck the Earth. A pile of alien
bones was found. The explorers who made the discovery immediately informed the
organization known as Scientific Phenomena Over Our Fabulous Sphere (S. P. O. O.
F. S). S. P. O. O. F. S. sent out its best scientists to collect DNA samples. (Yes, these
aliens had DNA!) The scientists were able to recover small fragments of DNA. After
much work, they determined that the DNA fragments represented 9 genes.
In this activity, you will determine the traits of these unfortunate recovered aliens by
analyzing their DNA and determining the amino acid sequences of the resulting proteins. Each
protein is associated with a particular gene and a specific alien characteristic (trait).
DNA  __________  _____________ acids  ___________________
DATA Tables for Alien Gene Analysis:
Alien Number _______
Is your alien hairless or hairy?
Is your alien fat or skinny?
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Does your alien have 4 legs or 8 legs?
What size nose does your alien have?
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Does your alien have antennae or not?
What color skin does your alien have?
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Central Dogma Lab
How many fingers does your alien have?
Does your alien have a tail?
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Does your alien have 4 eyes or 8 eyes?
Amino Acids
Lab Report: On Monday, you will turn in a lab report with the results and conclusion section. This lab report
needs to be on a separate paper that you can TURN IN TO ME.
Results: In the results section, you should include your paragraph summary of what you found in this lab (what
traits your alien possessed). You should also include a chart listing number and features. You also need a
diagram where you sketch and color your alien, making sure to include all of the traits. Be sure to include
your alien’s genus and species at the top of your diagram.
Conclusion: Instead of answering the normal conclusion section questions, answer the following:
1. How does the DNA of the alien impact his physical appearance?
2. How does a single change in a nitrogen base alter the formation of a resulting protein?
3. If you knew a particular amino acid sequence, could you figure out the DNA for that
sequence? Why or why not?
4. What is the difference between transcription and translation?
5. What are the roles of the DNA, the mRNA, the rRNA, and tRNA in protein synthesis?
6. Police often can find DNA samples from blood or other body samples left behind at a crime
scene. How does what you just did in this lab relate to how they can use that DNA to figure
out some of the physical features of their perpetrator (person who committed the crime)?
Unit Four Review Sheet Four
DNA Tech
How is DNA like a fingerprint?
What are the three steps in DNA fingerprinting and what happens in each step?
When examining a gel electrophoresis, how can you tell if two samples share DNA?
What does recombinant DNA mean?
What do we call the process of putting new DNA into a living thing?
Name two examples of genetically modified organisms:
What is cloning?
A Karyotype would be LEAST useful in determining whether a person had:
A. More than one X chromosome.
B. A recessive gene on the Y chromosome
C. A missing 23rd chromosome.
D. An extra copy of chromosome 21.
Why is having one gene for sickle-cell anemia good but having two genes bad?
What causes down’s syndrome?
Unit Four Review Sheet Four
4. A change in your genotype will be expressed in your ___________
6. The messenger between your genes and protein synthesis
8. The process of amino acids being put together
9. What will happen to a chain of amino acids if a mutation creates a stop
codon in the middle of the mRNA?
11. The central dogma: ____ to _____ to ___________
13. Your physical appearance in controlled by your genes and your _____________
14. What will happen to the length of a chain of amino acids if a mutation
removes a stop codon?
1. The site of protein synthesis
2. The color of your hair is controlled by your _________.
3. Your genes get expressed when they are turned into __________.
5. The process of making a RNA copy of DNA
7. The molecule that carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis
10. The process of reading RNA and creating a protein
12. The location of DNA in the cell
Diagnosing Diseases Using Karyotypes
Read the descriptions of chromosomal abnormalities below. Then match the number with the correct
karyotype and explain why! Also write the sex of the individual (XX is female, XY is male)!
1. Cri du chat syndrome: People with this chromosomal abnormality that causes infants to cry like
a meowing kitten. It is caused by a missing portion of chromosome number 5.
2. Down’s Syndrome: Is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of an extra 21st
chromosome- trisomy 21. The condition is often characterized by impairment of cognitive
ability, physical growth, and a higher risk of health defects.
3. Klinefelter’s Syndrome: Is an abnormality where individuals have at least two X chromosomes
and at least 1 Y chromosome. Any individual with a Y chromosome will look male, so these
individuals have small testes, are usually infertile, have developmental and cognitive
impairments, and may have breast development.
4. Turner’s syndrome: Occurs in girls who are missing one of their X chromosomes. These girls are
often infertile, have physical abnormalities such as short stature, low set ears and hairline, poor
breast development, shortened hands, and small fingernails. They often have cognitive defects
and increased health risks. 98% of Turner’s syndrome fetuses will miscarry before birth. These
individuals are often described as “XO” instead of “XX” because they are missing the 2nd X
5. Hermaphroditism: A true hermaphrodite has XXXY chromosomes- two from the mother, two
from the father.
6. Triple X syndrome: Females that have 3 copies of the X chromosome. These individuals are
rarely diagnosed, as most functioning is normal. These women may have menstrual
irregularities, some behavior/cognitive impairment, and they can have children.
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
Diagnosing Diseases Using Karyotypes
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
Name of Syndrome: ______________________________
Total Number of Chromosomes: ____________________
Male or Female? _________________________________
How did you know? ______________________________
DNA Fingerprinting Lab
A laptop has gone missing at JJ McClain. It happened yesterday sometime
between 5 and 6PM. The perpetrator broke through the glass in Mr. Driscoll’s
door, reached through the hole, and opened the door. Once inside, they took a
laptop that was inside one of the cabinets in the back of the room where it was
being used to monitor the rate of photosynthesis for a plant in the dark for
someone’s science fair project. Only the laptop was taken.
Mr. Driscoll has reason to believe that the perpetrator was a 9th or 10th grade student because he had
only shown his biology students where this laptop was located. Although nobody reported seeing
anyone in the building at this time, one clue was left behind—a bit of blood on the glass from when they
reached through the broken window. Mr. Driscoll was able to take a sample of that blood and do some
DNA analysis on it and came up with the results as shown in the far left well of the gel electrophoresis
Your challenge is to take the sample of DNA that you have been given to determine if it matches that of
the perpetrator. To do this, please follow these steps:
1) First, you must use a restriction enzyme to cut up the DNA into pieces. The pieces are called
RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms). The particular restriction enzyme that we
will be using always cuts the DNA when a “G” is followed by an “A”. Using a marker, go down
the left hand side of your suspect’s DNA and draw a dark line between every “G—A”
2) Now, count the number of bases on one side of each DNA fragment. For the sake of
remembering, write that number of bases on each fragment.
3) Next, take a pair of scissors (the enzyme) and cut the DNA into fragments along each of the
4) To actually make a fingerprint of the DNA we must put all our fragments into a single well in a
gel electrophoresis chamber. We hook the chamber up to a socket and then run a current
through the chamber. Current always runs from the negative pole to the positive pole. Because
our DNA fragments are slightly polar (have an electric charge), they are carried with the current
as it moves through the chamber. The longer fragments don’t move as far (because they are
heavier) and therefore, end up closer to where the DNA was loaded into the chamber. Smaller
fragments travel a long distance in the chamber and will end up near the bottom of the sheet.
Look at each of your fragments and code in one row on the grid around the number of bases for
each fragment (only underneath your particular well). For example, if your fragment was 18
bases long you would shade in one row of boxes underneath your well at about 1/2 way
between 15 and 20. If you had another fragment that was 18, you would color in a row of boxes
right above or right under the one that you did for the first 18. Although this is not exact, it is
close enough that it will show the variety that exists between suspects.
5) Repeat step four for all of the people in your group. Compare each set of bands to the bands
from the SUSPECT (far left of the chamber). If the bands match, there is a high probability that
you have determined the perpetrator.
DNA Fingerprinting Lab
Post-Debate Summary Essay
Now that you have heard the debate over whichever issue your class focused on for DNA technology, I
want you to take some time and process on paper what you got out of the debate and how it effect
you. Write a reflection essay using the following questions to help guide you:
 What topic did you debate? Summarize the main points that were made by everyone.
 What was your view on the topic at the beginning? Did your view change? Why or why not?
 What were some things that people who had different views said that made you doubt what
you had through before? What was something the other side said that made you really think?
 Do you think that one side won over the other? Do you think that it is ok for people to have
these different views? What are the consequences of the other side continuing to believe
what they do? What are the consequences of you continuing to believe what you do?