List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
1. Lieberman, AF. Preschoolers’ competence with a peer: Relations with attachment and
peer experience. Child Development. 48:1277-1287, 1977.
2. Lieberman, AF. Psychology and day care. Social Research. 45: 416-452, 1977.
3. Blehar, MC, Lieberman, AF, and Ainsworth, MD. Early face-to-face interaction and its
relation to later infant-mother attachment. Child Development. 48 (1): 182-194, 1977.
4. Gage, FH, and Lieberman, AF. A multivariate analysis of social dominance in
children. Aggressive Behavior. 4 (3): 219-229, 1978.
5. Lieberman, AF, Aradine, C, and Fraiberg, S. Psychotherapy with an affectively
disturbed child and his mother. Cases: The University of Michigan Psychological Clinic.
6. Fraiberg, S, Lieberman, AF, Pekarsky, JH, and Pawl, JH. Treatment and outcome in an
infant psychiatry program: I. Journal of Preventive Psychiatry. 1 (1): 89-111, 1981.
7. Fraiberg, S, Lieberman, AF, Pekarsky, JH, and Pawl, JH. Treatment and outcome in an
infant psychiatry program: II. Journal of Preventive Psychiatry. 1 (2): 143-167, 1981.
8. Lieberman, AF, and Pawl, JH. Searching for the best interests of the child: Intervention
with an abusive mother and her toddler. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. 39: 527-548,
9. Lieberman, AF. Infant mental health: A model for service delivery. Journal of Clinical
Child Psychology. 14 (3): 196-201, 1985.
10. Harris, E, Weston, D, and Lieberman, AF. The quality of mother-infant attachment
and pediatric health care use. Pediatrics. 84 (2): 248-254, 1989.
11. Lieberman, AF. What is culturally sensitive intervention? Early Child Development
and Care. 50: 197-204, 1989.
12. Lieberman, AF. Culturally sensitive intervention with children and families. Child
and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Special Issue: Culture and clinical social work. 7
(2): 101-120, 1990.
13. Lieberman, AF. Infant-Parent Intervention with Recent Immigrants: Reflections on a
Study with Latino Families. Zero to Three: Bulletin of the National Center for Clinical
Infant Programs. 4: 8-11, 1990.
14. Lieberman, AF, Weston, DR, and Pawl, JH. Preventive intervention and outcome
with anxiously attached dyads. Child Development. 62 (1): 199-209, 1991.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
15. Lieberman, AF. Infant-parent psychotherapy with toddlers. Development and
Psychopathology. 4 (4): 559-574, 1992.
16. Lieberman, AF, and Zeanah, CH. Disorders of attachment in infancy. Child &
Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 4 (3): 571-587, 1995.
17. Lieberman, AF. Aggression and sexuality in relation to toddler attachment:
Implications for the caregiving system. Infant Mental Health Journal. 17 (3): 276-292,
18. Miranda, J, Azocar, F, Organista, KC, Munoz, RF, and Lieberman, AF. Recruiting
and retaining low-income Latinos in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting &
Clinical Psychology. 64 (5): 868-874, 1996.
19. Lieberman, AF, Van Horn, P, Grandison, CM, and Pekarsky, JH. Mental health
assessment of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in a service program and a treatment
outcome research program. Infant Mental Health Journal. 18 (2): 158-170, 1997.
20. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. Attachment, trauma, and domestic violence:
Implications for child custody. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
7(2): 423-443, 1998.
21. Lieberman, AF, and Zeanah, C. The influence of attachment theory on infant-parent
psychotherapy and other interventions with young children. In P Shaver & J Cassidy
(Eds.), Handbook of Attachment Theory and Research. New York: Basic Books.
22. Silverman, RC, and Lieberman, AF. Negative maternal attributions, projective
identification, and the intergenerational transmission of violent relational patterns.
Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 9(2): 161-186, 1999.
23. Lieberman, AF. Negative maternal attributions: Effects on toddlers' sense of self.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 19(5): 737-756, 1999.
24. Stover, CS, Van Horn, P, Turner, R, Cooper, B, and Lieberman, AF. The effects of
father visitation on preschool-aged witnesses of domestic violence. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence. 18 (10): 1149-1166, 2003. (This article was highlighted in the
2004 edition of National Criminal Justice Reference Service Catalog for its implications
for judicial decisionsregarding child custody in situations of domestic violence.)
25. Lieberman, AF. The treatment of attachment disorder in infancy and early childhood.
Attachment and Human Development. 5(3), 279-282, 2003.
26. Lieberman, AF. Traumatic stress and quality of attachment: Reality and
internalization in disorders of infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal. 25(4),
336-351, 2004.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
27. Lieberman, AF, Van Horn, P, and Ozer, E. The impact of domestic violence on
preschoolers: Predictive and mediating factors. Development and Psychopathology. 17,
385-396, 2005.
28. Lieberman, AF, Padrón, E, Van Horn, P, and Harris, WW. Angels in the nursery:
Intergenerational transmission of benevolent parental influences. Infant Mental Health
Journal.26(6), 504-520, 2005.
29. Lieberman, AF, Van Horn, P, and Ghosh Ippen, C. Toward evidence-based treatment:
Child-Parent Psychotherapy with preschoolers exposed to marital violence. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 44(12), 1241-1248, 2005.
30. Lieberman, AF, Van Horn, P, and Ghosh Ippen, C. Child-Parent Psychotherapy: 6Month follow-up of a randomized control trial. Journal of the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 45(8), 913-918, 2006.
31. Stover, C, Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Parental representations in the play of
preschool aged witnesses of marital violence. Journal of Family Violence. 21(4), 2006.
32. Lieberman, AF, and Knorr, K. The impact of trauma: A developmental framework for
infancy and early childhood. Pediatric Annals. 36(4), 1-6, 2007.
33. Harris, W, Lieberman, AF, and Marans, S. In the best interests of society. Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 48(3/4), 392-411, 2007.
34. Lieberman, AF, and Knorr, K. Trauma in infancy and early childhood: A
developmental framework. Psychiatric Annals. 40, 2007.
35. Ybarra, GJ, Wilkens, S, and Lieberman, AF. The influence of domestic violence on
preschooler's behavior and functioning. Journal of Family Violence. 22, 33-42, 2007.
36. Lieberman, AF. Ghosts and angels: Intergenerational processes in the transmission
and treatment of the traumatic sequelae of domestic violence. Infant Mental Health
Journal. 28(4), 422-439, 2007.
37. Cozza, S, and Lieberman, AF. The young military child: Our modern Telemachus.
Journal of Zero to Three, 27(6), 2007.
38. Gleason, MM, Egger, HL, Emslie, GJ, Kowatch, RA, Lieberman, AF, Luby, JL,
Owens, J, Scahill, L, Scheeringa, MS, Stafford, B, Wise, B, and Zeanah CH.
Psychopharmacological treatment for very young children: Contexts and guidelines.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 46(12), 15321572, 2007.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
39. Lieberman, AF, and Harris, W. Still searching for the best interests of the child:
Violence and trauma in early childhood. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. 62, 211238, 2008.
40. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. Giving voice to the unsayable: Child-parent
psychotherapy in the treatment of early trauma. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics
of North America. 18(3), 707-720, 2009.
41. Chu, AT, and Lieberman, AF. Clinical implications of traumatic stress from birth to
age five. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 6, 469-494, 2010.
42. Busch, A. L., & Lieberman, A.F. (2010). Mothers' Adult Attachment Interview ratings
predict preschool children's IQ following domestic violence exposure. Attachment &
Human Development 12(6), 505-527.
43. Lieberman, AF. Child-parent psychotherapy with preschool witnesses of domestic
violence: theoretical premises and empirical findings. Infant Mental Health Journal (in
44. Osofsky, JD & Lieberman, AF. A call for integrating a mental health perspective into
systems of care for abused and neglected infants and young children. American
Psychologist (in press).
45. Ghosh Ippen, C, Harris, WW, Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. (manuscript under
review). Traumatic and stressful events in childhood: Can treatment help those at highest
1. Greenspan SI, Wieder S, Lieberman, AF, Nover RA, Lourie RS, and Robinson ME.
Infants in multirisk families: Case studies in preventive intervention. Clinical infant
reports series of the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, No. 3. Madison, CT,
US: International Universities Press, 1987.
2. Lieberman, AF. The emotional life of the toddler. New York, NY: Free Press, 1993.
Paperback edition: 1995. Translated to: Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, and
Danish. (The book continues to be in print and its sales have increased since it was first
published, an unusual development for books about early childhood. It was called a
“groundbreaking book” by Barbara F. Meltz from The Boston Globe, April 1, 2004).
3. DC:0-3: Diagnostic Classification of Developmental and Mental Health Disorders of
Infancy and Early Childhood. Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
Families, Washington, D.C. 1994, 2005. Translated into 12 languages. (I was a member of
the Diagnostic Task Force, chaired by Stanley Greenspan, M.D. & Serena Wieder, Ph.D.,
that created this diagnostic manual, which is the first diagnostic instrument specifically
designed for children in the first five years of life. It is widely used nationally and
internationally and it is approved in several states across the country as the basis for
infant and early childhood mental health treatment reimbursement. I contributed
primarily to the sections on Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder,
and Grief/Bereavement.)
4. Lieberman, AF, Wieder, S, and Fenichel, E. The DC: 0-3 casebook: A guide to the use
of 0 to 3 Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of
Infancy and Early Childhood in Assessment and Treatment Planning. Washington, DC:
Zero to Three/National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, 1997.
5. Shonkoff, JP, and Phillips DA. From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early
childhood development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000. (This
influential book is the product of two years of work by members of the Institute of
Medicine Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood. It has become a
centerpiece in national initiatives to increase public awareness and federal and state
funding for early childhood programs. I contributed particularly to the sections on
attachment, the empirical evidence for the effectiveness of mental health
interventions in infancy and early childhood, and the role of cultural factors in shaping
childrearing practices and affecting the effectiveness of intervention.)
6. Zuckerman, B, Lieberman, AF, and Fox, NA (Eds). Emotional regulation and
developmental health: Infancy and early childhood. New Jersey, NJ: Johnson & Johnson
Pediatric Institute, 2003.
7. Lieberman, AF, Compton, N, Van Horn, P, and Ghosh Ippen, C. Losing a parent to
death in the early years: Guidelines for the treatment of traumatic bereavement in infancy
and early childhood. Washington, DC: Zero to Three Press, 2003. (Translated to Italian in
8. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. “Don’t hit my mommy!”: A manual for child-parent
psychotherapy with young witnesses of family violence. Washington, DC: Zero to Three
Press, 2005
9. Lieberman, AF, DeMartino, R, and Fox, NA (Eds). Interventions with children
exposed to violence. New Jersey: Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute, 2006.
10. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. Psychotherapy with infants and young children:
Repairing the effects of stress and trauma on early attachment. New York: The Guilford
Press, 2008.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
1. Lieberman, AF, and Blos, P. Make room for Paulie: Building attachment before birth.
In: S. Fraiberg (Ed), Clinical studies in infant mental health: The first year of life, 242259. New York: Basic Books, 1980.
2. Greenspan, SI, and Lieberman, AF. Infants, mothers, and their interaction: A
quantitative clinical approach to developmental assessment. In: Greenspan SI, Pollock
GH, eds. The course of life, Vol. 1: Infancy, 271-312. Adelphi: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 1989.
3. Lieberman, AF. Infant-parent psychotherapy during pregnancy. Clinical Infant Reports
No 2: 85-141, 1983.
4. Hibbs, T, Findikoglu, P, Lieberman, AF, Lourie, R, Nover, R, Wieder, S, and
Greenspan, S. Magical thinking and destructiveness: A comprehensive clinical approach
to an infant and mother with multiple affective and developmental challenges. In: S.
Provence (Ed.), Infants and parents: Clinical case reports, 247-306. New York:
International Universities Press, 1983.
5. Glasser, ME, and Lieberman, AF. Failure to thrive: An interactional developmental
approach. In: C. Van Dyke, L. Temoshok and L. Zegans (Eds.), Emotions in health
and illness: Applications to clinical practice, 199-207. San Diego: Grune and
6. Lieberman, AF, and Birch, M. The etiology of failure to thrive: An interactional
developmental approach. In: D. Drotar (Ed.), New directions in failure to thrive:
Research and clinical practice, 259-279.New York: Plenum Press, 1985.
7. Lieberman, AF. Psychoanalytic and ethological perspectives in separation and
development. In: J. and S. Bloom-Feshback (Eds.), The psychology of separation through
the life span, 109-135. New York: Jossey-Bass, 1987.
8. Williams D, Nover RA, Castellan JM, Greenspan SI, and Lieberman, AF. A case of
double vulnerability for mother and child: Louise and Robbie. In: Greenspan SI, Wieder
S, eds. Infants in multirisk families: Case studies in preventive intervention. Clinical
infant reports series of the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, No. 3. 39-79.
Madison: International Universities Press, Inc, 1987.
9. Lieberman, AF, and Pawl JH. Clinical applications of attachment theory. In: Belsky J,
Nezworski T, eds. Clinical implications of attachment, 327-351. Hillsdale: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1988.
10. Lieberman, AF. Toward a comprehensive infant mental health program for a
community: I. The core program. In: Anthony EJ, Chiland C, eds. The child in his family,
Vol. 8: Perilous development: Child raising and identity formation under stress. Yearbook
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
of the International Association for Child Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions,
263-273. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
11. Lieberman, AF. Toward a comprehensive infant mental health program for a
community: I. The core program. In: Anthony EJ, Chiland C, eds. The child in his family,
Vol. 8: Perilous development: Child raising and identity formation under stress. Yearbook
of the International Association for Child Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions,
263-273. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
12. Greenspan, SI, and Lieberman, AF. A clinical approach to attachment. In: Belsky J,
Nezworski T, eds. Clinical implications of attachment, 387-424. Hillsdale: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1988.
13. Lieberman, AF. Socio-emotional development in infancy: Implications for day care.
In: S. Goldston (Ed.), Promoting mental health in early child care settings, UCLA Series
on Preventive Psychiatry, 33-46. Neuropsychiatric Institute, 1989.
14. Lieberman, AF, and Pawl, JH. Disorders of attachment and secure base behavior in
the second year of life: Conceptual issues and clinical intervention. In: Greenberg MT,
Cicchetti D, eds. Attachment in the preschool years: Theory, research, and intervention,
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation series on mental health and
development, 375-397.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp., 1990.
15. Lieberman, AF. Early day care from an infant mental health perspective. In:
Chehrazi SS, (Ed.), Psychosocial issues in day care, 69-81. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Association, 1990.
16. Lieberman, AF. Attachment theory and infant-parent psychotherapy: Some
conceptual, clinical and research considerations. In: Cicchetti D, Toth SL, eds. Rochester
Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, Vol. 3: Models and integrations. 261287. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 1991.
17. Lieberman, AF, and Pawl, JH. Infant-parent psychotherapy. In: Zeanah CH, Jr., (Ed.),
Handbook of infant mental health, 427-442. New York: The Guilford Press, 1993.
18. Zeanah, CH, Mammen, OK, and Lieberman, AF. Disorders of attachment.
In: Zeanah CH, Jr., (Ed.), Handbook of infant mental health, 332-349. New York: The
Guilford Press, 1993.
19. Greenspan, SI, and Lieberman, AF. Representational elaboration and differentiation:
A clinical-quantitative approach to the assessment of 2- to 4-year-olds. In: Slade A,
Wolf DP, eds. Children at play: Clinical and developmental approaches to meaning and
Representation, 3-32. London, Oxford University Press, 1994.
20. Petersen, SH, Pawl, JH, and Lieberman, AF. The experience of attachment in infants
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
with disabilities. In: R.A. Eder (Ed.), Craniofacial anomaly: Psychological perspectives,
111-129. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
21. Lieberman, AF. Toddlers' internalization of maternal attributions as a factor in quality
of attachment. In: Atkinson L, Zucker KJ, eds. Attachment and psychopathology, 277291. New York: The Guilford Press, 1997.
22. Lieberman, AF, and Slade, A. The first year of life. In: J. Noshpitz (Ed.),
Comprehensive textbook of child psychiatry, New York: Basic Books, 1997.
23. Lieberman, AF, and Slade, A. The second year of life. In: J. Noshpitz (Ed.),
Comprehensive textbook of child psychiatry, New York: Basic Books, 1997.
24. Slade, A, and Lieberman, AF. The third year of life. In: J. Noshpitz (Ed.),
Comprehensive textbook of child psychiatry, New York: Basic Books, 1997.
25. Pawl, J, and Lieberman, AF. Infant-parent psychotherapy. In: J. Noshpitz (Ed.),
Comprehensive textbook of child psychiatry, New York: Basic Books, 1997.
26. Lieberman, AF, and Zeanah, CH. Contributions of attachment theory to infant-parent
psychotherapy and other interventions with infants and young children. In: J Cassidy J &
PR Shaver, eds. Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications,
555-574. New York: The Guilford Press, 1999.
27. Lieberman, AF, Silverman, R, and Pawl, JH. Infant-parent psychotherapy: Core
concepts and current approaches. In: CH Zeanah Jr., (Ed.), Handbook of infant mental
health (2nd ed.), 472-484. New York: The Guilford Press, 2000.
28. Lieberman, AF, and Slade, A. Working with toddlers. In JD Osofsky (Ed.),
Comprehensive handbook of infant mental health, New York: Basic Books, 2000.
29. Lieberman, AF. Treatment of attachment disorders in infant-parent psychotherapy.
In: JM Maldonado-Duran, (Ed.), Infant and toddler mental health: Models of clinical
intervention with infants and their families, 105-128. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2002.
30. Stover, C, Van Horn, P, Turner, R, Cooper, B, and Lieberman, AF. The effects of
father visitation on preschool-aged witnesses of domestic violence. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 18: 1149-1166, 2003.
31. Lieberman, AF. Child-parent psychotherapy: A relationship-based approach to the
treatment of mental health disorders in infancy and early childhood. In A J Sameroff, SC
McDonough, and KL Rosenblum (Eds.), Treating parent-infant relationship problems, 97122. New York: The Guilford Press, 2004.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
32. Lieberman, AF, Barnard, KE, and Wieder, S. The DC:0-3 Diagnostic Classification
System. In A Carter and R Del Carmen (Eds.), Handbook of infant and toddler mental
health assessment, 141-160. New York: The Guilford Press, 2004.
33. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. Assessment and treatment of young children
exposed to trauma. In JD Osofsky (Ed.), Young children and trauma, 111-138. New
York: The Guilford Press, 2004.
34. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Early mental health interventions with infants,
toddlers, and preschoolers. In BT Litz (Ed.), Early Intervention for Trauma and Traumatic
Loss in Children and Adults, 112-130. New York: The Guilford Press, 2004.
35. Lieberman, AF, and Amaya-Jackson, L. Reciprocal influences of attachment and
trauma: Using a dual lens in the assessment and treatment of infants, toddlers and
preschoolers. In L Berlin, Y Ziv, L Amaya-Jackson & M Greenberg (Eds.), Enhancing
early attachments, 100-126. New York: The Guilford Press, 2005.
36. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Play in Child-Parent Psychotherapy with
traumatized preschoolers. In JL Luby (Ed), Handbook of preschool mental health:
Development, disorders, and treatment, 372-387. New York: The Guilford Press, 2006.
37. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Child-Parent Psychotherapy and the Early Trauma
Treatment Network: Collaborating to treat infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. In M.
Freerick & G. Silverman (Eds.), Children exposed to violence, 87-106. Baltimore:
Brookes Publishing, 2006.
38. Groves, BM, Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Relationships between children and
fathers after domestic violence: Implications for treatment. In JL Edleson and OJ
Williams (Eds.). Parenting by men who batter: New directions for assessment and
intervention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
39. Busch, A, and Lieberman, AF. The reciprocal impact of trauma and attachment:
Treatment of young children exposed to family violence. In D. Goldsmith & D.
Oppenheim (Eds.) Clinical applications of attachment theory. New York: The Guilford
Press, 2007.
40. Lieberman, AF, St. John, M, and Silverman, R. Passionate attachments and parental
exploitations of dependency in infancy and early childhood. In D. Diamond, S. Blatt, JD
Lichtenberg (Eds.), Attachment and Sexuality, 179-200. New York: The Analytic Press,
41. Lieberman, AF, Ghosh Ippen, C, and Marans, S. Psychodynamic treatment of child
trauma. In: E. Foa, J. Cohen (Eds.) Effective treatments for PTSD: Practice guidelines
from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 370-387. New York:
International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress, 2008.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
42. Lieberman, AF, and Van Horn, P. Child-Parent Psychotherapy: A developmental
approach to mental health treatment in infancy and early childhood. In C. H. Zeanah
(Ed.), Handbook of infant mental health. New York: The Guilford Press, in press.
43. Berlin, L, Zeanah, C, and Lieberman, AF. Prevention and intervention programs for
supporting early attachment security. In P. Shaver & J. Cassidy (Eds.), Handbook of
attachment theory and research, 745-761. New York: The Guilford Press, 2008.
44. Ghosh Ippen, C, and Lieberman, AF. Infancy and early childhood. In G. Reyes, J.
Elhai, & J. Ford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. New York: Wiley &
Sons, 2008.
44. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Using dyadic therapies to treat traumatized young
children. In D. Brom, R. Pat-Horenczyk, & J. Ford (Eds.),Treating traumatized children:
Risk, resilience, and recovery. New York: Routledge, 2008.
45. Busch, A, and Lieberman, AF. Good expectations: A case study of perinatal childparent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma. In C. M.
Worthman, P. M. Plotsky, D. S. Schechter, & C. A. Cummings (Eds.), Formative
Experiences: The interaction of caregiving, culture, and psychobiology. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
46. Lieberman, AF, Diaz, M, and Van Horn, P. Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy for
newborns and mothers exposed to domestic violence. Zero to Three, 29, (5), 17-22, 2010.
47. Lieberman, AF, and Harris, WW. Ghosts and angels in the nursery: Conflict and hope
in raising babies. In Lester BM & Sparrow JD (Eds.), Nurturing Children and Families:
Building on the Legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (242-253). Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., 2010.
48. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Psychological impact and treatment of children
exposed to domestic violence. In C. Jenny, Lowell, DE, Pierece, MC, Kellogg ND,
Frasier LD, Amaya Jackson L, Cohen, JA, Laskey, AL, Barron, CE (Ed.), Child abuse
and neglect: Diagnosis, treatment and evidence (498-512). Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2010.
49. Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Early exposure to trauma: Domestic and
community violence. In LC Mayes and M Lewis (Eds.), A developmental environmental
measurement handbook. New York: Cambridge University Press, in press.
50. Smith, G, O’Grady, M, Hitchens, D, Van Horn, P, and Lieberman, AF. Partnerships
for young children in court: How judges shape collaborations serving young children. In
JD Osofsky (Ed.), Trauma and young children, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford Press, in
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
51. Lieberman, AF, and Ghosh Ippen, C. Mental health intervention in infancy and early
childhood. In D. P. Keating (Ed.), Nature and nurture in early child development. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
52. Lieberman, AF, Diaz, M, and Van Horn, P. Perinatal child-parent psychotherapy:
Adaptation of an evidence-based treatment to pregnant women and babies exposed to
intimate partner violence. In S Graham-Bermann SA & AA Levendosky (Eds.), How
intimate partner violence affects children: Developmental research, case studies, and
evidence-based treatment.Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Books,
January 2011 (in press).
53. Lieberman, AF, Van Horn, P, and Ghosh Ippen, C. Domestic violence as seen through
the young child’s eyes: Clinical intervention and empirical findings. Proceedings of the
International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
Meeting on Children and War, in press.
54. Diaz, M, and Lieberman, AF. The use of play in child-parent psychotherapy with
preschoolers traumatized by marital violence. In Schaefer CE, (Ed), Play therapy for
preschool children. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, in press.
Other Publications
1. Lieberman, AF. New vistas on attachment: Three recent contributions. Merrill Palmer
Quarterly, 24: 279-282, 1978. (Book Review).
2. Kalmanson, B, and Lieberman, AF. Removing obstacles to attachment: Infant-parent
psychotherapy with an adolescent mother and her baby. Zero to Three: Bulletin of the
National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, 3: 1-5, 1982. (Clinical Communications).
3. Hayes, W, Massey, G, Thomas E, David, J, Milbrath, C, Buchanan, A, and Lieberman,
AF. Analytical and technical report of the national infant care study. Contract No. HHS
105-80-C- Submitted to the Administration for Children, Youth and Families, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 1983. (Government Report).
4. Lieberman, AF. Infant-parent intervention with recent immigrants: Reflections on a
study with Latino families. Zero to Three: Bulletin of the National Center for Clinical
Infant Programs, 4: 8-11, 1990.
5. Lieberman, AF. What you need to know about immigrant families. In J. Cortez (Ed.),
Culturally sensitive caregiving guide to day care providers. Far West Laboratory for
Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, 1990.
6. Lieberman, AF. Family planning as a clinical issue. Zero to Three: Bulletin of the
National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, 13(6): 1-5, 1993.
7. Lieberman, AF. The emotional life of the toddler. The Signal: Newsletter of the World
Association for Infant Mental Health, 2 (4):1-4, 1994.
List of Publications November 2010
Alicia F. Lieberman
8. Lieberman, AF. Power struggles in the second year. Parents Magazine, 1996.
9. Lieberman, AF. Children in a violent society. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 9-11,
1997. (Book Review).
10. Lieberman, AF. The satisfactions and tribulations of clinical consultation to child
protective services. Zero to Three: Bulletin of the National Center for Infants, Toddlers
and Families, 1998.
11. Van Horn, P and Lieberman, AF. Domestic violence and parenting: A review of the
literature. San Francisco: Center for Children, Families, and the Courts, Judicial Council
of California, 2002.
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