Week 6

ECON 151 – Fall 2006 - Dr. Charles R. Link
Syllabus Part 3: includes ALL material on second examination on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
(cm - refers to the Course Material Booklet; R – Lieberman’s Course Readings)
Your final examination will be on Tuesday Dec. 12, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon.
Extra credit (5 points) movie: 2 showings on Thurs. Nov. 2: 5:30 p.m. & 6:50 pm. in 115
Purnell Hall
Week 6
Tuesday, Oct. 3: - First examination, 100 points.
Thursday, Oct. 5: Problem set #3 is due at the start of class.
CD module on price elasticity of demand and supply. Finish elasticities: Lecture notebook: pp. 3855; McConnell text selected reading in cm pp. 278-85.
-Handout: (could be one of the article questions on the exam) “Payoff Debt or Invest? That
is the Question.”
- Lieberman’s readings booklet:
“Airlines Try Business-Fare Cuts, Find They Don’t
Lose Revenue,”R22.
“As Cameras Go Digital, a Race to Shape Habits of Consumers,” R23-24.
“Funeral Industry is Hit With Casket-Pricing Suit,” R25-26
-Utility (what underlies the shape of the demand curve), cm. pp. 60, 61, 64.
Week 7
Tuesday, Oct 10: finish discussion from previous class.
-Tariffs: cm pp. 140-141 and 290-308.
- Lieberman’s readings booklet:
“Imposing Steel Tariffs, Bush Buys Some Time for Troubled Industry,” WSJ, March 6,
2002, R32-R34.
“So Far, Steel Tariffs Do Little of What President Bush Envisioned,” WSJ Sept 22, 2002,
“Protect Us from Protectionists,” WSJ April 25, 2005, R32
“French Resistance to Trade Accord Has Cultural Roots,” R33-34
-Agriculture: Cm 152-156, 317 – 324; “In Fight Against Farm Subsidies, Even Farmers Are Joining
Foes” R27-28.
Thursday Oct. 12: Finish discussion from previous class.
-Rent Controls: .cm pp. 126-129; McConnell text selected readings in cm pp. 286- top 288
-Lieberman’s readings booklet: “Some Rich and Famous of NYC Bask in Sheltering of Rent
Law,” R35-36.
-Tax incidence: Multimedia CD module:
cm pp. 130-139. McConnell text selected readings in cm pp. 309-316.
Week 8:
Tuesday Oct. 17: -Problem set #4 will be available at the class web site: due on Oct. 24.
Finish discussion from previous class.
-Potentially Start Cost of Production: .cm pp. 66-83.
Thursday, Oct. 19: -Continue discussion on Costs of Production.
Week 9:
Tuesday, Oct.24: Problem set # 4 is potentially due.
See p. 194 for 2nd scheduled quiz from spring 2002. (Key p. 211)
Scheduled Quiz #2: 30 points and you will have 25 minutes.
-Continue discussion on Costs of Production.
Thursday, Oct. 26: Problem set #5 will be at the class web site and is due on Thursday Nov 2.
. Lieberman’s: R 41-52.
Week 10:
Tuesday October 31:
-Price and Output Determination: Pure Competition; .cm pp. 84-107.
Multimedia CD module: Pure Competition
Thursday November 2:
Problem set 5 is potentially due.
Problem Set #6 will be handed out: due on Thursday November 16
-Continue discussion on Pure Competition.
Week 11:
Tuesday, Nov. 7: Election Day, NO CLASS UD IS CLOSED.
Thursday, Nov. 9: -Continue discussion on Pure Competition.
Review Session: Monday November 13 at 7:00p.m. – Purnell 115 Our classroom
Tuesday, Nov. 14, Second major examination: will include material covered through November 9.
There will be a 5 point question on readings in the course material just as on the first exam, and a 3
pointer on one of the interviews on the CD --just like on exam 1). Sample 2nd Exam, cm pp. 195204, key is on cm p.211). You are responsible for bringing a supply of No. 2 pencils to all exams!
Next topics: Pure competition in the long run: cm pp. 102-106.
-McConnell text selected readings, cm pp. 325-335.
cm. pp.108-121,142-143, 336-342 & 284.Lieberman’s: pp. R 53-62.
-Why Govt. Intervention in the economy: .cm pp. 56-59, 343-353.
- Health Issues; cm pp. 146-151; Lieberman’s: R68-R74 & R66-75.
- Peak load pricing of electricity; cm. P. 157; Lieberman’s, R63-65.
- Immigration Policy, cm. pp. 144-145