ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY IN POZNAŃ, POLAND Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Chemistry: Applied Chemistry - full-time studies Brief description AMU M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry programme introduces student to advanced theoretical chemistry (the quantum world) and inorganic and organic (syntheses, retrosynthetic analysis, chiral compounds) chemistry to progresses to advanced physical chemistry, crystallography (diffraction), spectroscopy, instrumental analysis (design of analytical instruments/tools, their performance and limitations) and chemical technology (modern industrial technological processes). Core courses prepare students to work in industry, research institutions and public administration where expert knowledge of ecology, chemistry and production processes is required. The programme includes a number of elective courses the wide offer of which meet students’ individual interests. See below for examples of detailed descriptions of some courses. Chemistry, applied chemistry second cycle study programmes L- Lecture; Class.- Classes; Sem.-Seminar Semester 1 No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of course Chemical technology Theoretical chemistry Crystallography Inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Elective course Total L. Clas s. 30 30 15 30 30 15 150 Sem. Lab. . Exam ECTS 45 75 75 45 60 60 45 360 * 6 7 5 5 5 5 33 . Exam ECTS 75 45 60 45 30 255 * 8 5 5 5 5 28 45 45 0 30 30 30 30 165 * * * * - Semester 2 No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type of course Instrumental analysis Spectroscopy Physical chemistry Elective course Master seminar Total L. 30 15 30 15 90 Class 0 Semester 3 Sem. 30 30 Lab. 45 30 30 30 135 * * - Lp . 1. 2. 3. 4. Type of course L. Master seminar Monographic lecture Monographic lecture Master laboratory 15 15 Total 30 Class 0 Sem. 30 30 . Exam ECTS 30 15 15 200 260 - 5 1,5 1,5 22 30 . Exam ECTS 30 15 15 200 260 - 5 1,5 1,5 22 30 Lab. 200 200 - Semester 4 Lp . 1. 2. 3. 4. Type of course L. Master seminar Monographic lecture Monographic lecture Master laboratory 15 15 Total 30 Class 0 Sem. 30 30 Lab. 200 200 - Chemical technology Full name Chemical technology Code 02-TCHCU Faculty Faculty of Chemistry The aim of the course is to introduce most typical modern industrial technological processes related to production of different chemical agents and substances, detailed explanation of particular stages of raw product transformations, training in interpretation of results, preparation of reports, communication and work in a group. Chemical technologies in focus include: production of sulfuric acid, nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitric acid, fertilizers), phosphorus industry (acid, fertilizers), production based on rock salt (Na2CO3, NaOH, sodium metal, chlorine and its compounds), coal (degasification and gasification), natural gas and oil (refinery and petrochemistry), typical organic syntheses (methanol, aldehydes, phenol, styrene), polymers. Ecological aspects of technology are emphasized. Students, in groups of 2 or 3 persons, carry out assigned laboratory tasks related to the problems of inorganic and organic technology presented in lectures. Exemplary tasks are: obtaining of superphosphate, production of soda, catalytic oxidation of SO2, dehydration of ethanol, alkylation of benzene, technical analysis of solid fuels (determination of the heat of combustion of gas and solid fuels), analysis of petroleum products. Upon completion of the course, students will have the basic knowledge and understanding of typical production technologies and ecological aspects of chemical production. Students are expected to be able to make correct choices of raw products for different technological processes and to choose proper methods for investigation of semiproducts and products obtained in result of technological processes. Literature C.H. Bartholomew and R.J. Farrauto, Industrial Catalytic Processes, Willey, 2006 J.A. Moulijn, M. Makkee, A. Van Diepen, Chemical Process Technology, Wiley, 2003 Theoretical chemistry Full name Code Faculty Theoretical chemistry 02-CHTU Faculty of Chemistry The aim of the course is to introduce unusual properties of the quantum world including e.g. quantization, superposition of states, uncertainty, wave-particle duality, complementarity and probabilistic versus deterministic interpretation of the quantum theory. This includes distinguishing between micro- and macro-levels of matter organisation and relations linking them, learning how to construct the quantum eigenvalue equation for atomic and molecular systems and how to solve it by application of analytical and approximate methods. The next stage is learning the connection between internal motions of molecules (rotational, vibrational, electronic) and their ability to generate MW, IR, UV spectra and which molecular properties can be determined from high-resolution spectra. Finally students learn how to evaluate molecules from the spectra using methods of theoretical spectroscopy, adequate application of the quantum calculus to solve particular problems in the quantum domain, application of MAPLE program for symbolic calculations in mathematics and quantum chemistry. This course covers: History and experimental basis of quantum theory. Spin: Stern-Gerlach experiment, Pauli exclusion principle, EPR and NMR spectra. FEMO method: π-electron approximation, variables separation method, energy quantization, electronic UV spectra of polyenes, 2dimensional potential well, degeneration phenomenon. Ab initio variational Ritz method: base functions set, variational principle. Semi-empirical variation Hückl method: basic assumptions, determination of α- and β-integrals, energy levels and associated wave functions, π-electron density and bond order. Hydrogen atom and polyelectronic molecules: center of mass, relative and spherical coordinates, Schrödinger equation and its solutions, orbitals and atomic terms. Rovibrational systems: harmonic and anharmonic potentials, energy levels, IR and MW spectra, normal vibrations, spherical, symmetric and asymmetric rotors. Shape of the spectrum: Lambert-Beer law, selection rules, Boltzman distribution. CD spectra. Literature I. N. Levine, Students solutions manual to quantum chemistry, Prentice Hall, 2008. P.W. Atkins, R. Friedman, Molecular quantum mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2005. J. M. Hollas, Modern spectroscopy, Wiley, 2004. J. M. Hollas, High resolution spectroscopy, Wiley, 1998. L. Pauling, E. B. Wilson, Introduction to quantum mechanics with application to chemistry, Dover Publications, 1985. G. M. Barrow, Introduction to molecular spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill Education, 1962. Crystallography Full name Code Faculty Crystallography 02-KRYU Faculty of Chemistry The course aims to provide background knowledge on the diffraction phenomenon in crystals, diffraction methods and their application for studies of single crystals and polycrystalline materials. The students will be taught how to use these methods to solve analytical and structural problems. Other objectives are to develop students’ ability to interpret experimental results and to prepare a scientific report. Upon completion, students will know basic diffraction techniques used in chemistry and be able to solve analytical and structural chemical problems such as identification of the solid phases from diffraction patterns, determination of unit-cell dimensions and crystal symmetry from diffraction pattern. Students will be proficient in finding structural information from database searches. This course covers: Crystallization process; methods of crystallization; X-rays; diffraction of X-rays on crystals; reciprocal lattice; intensity of diffracted beams; symmetry of diffraction pattern; electron and neutron diffraction. Elements of X-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials: indexing of powder diffractograms, identification of crystalline phases. Elements of X-ray diffraction on single crystals: determination of unit-cell parameters and crystal symmetry, determination of atomic coordinates, interpretation of results of X-ray structural analysis. Introduction to structural databases. In laboratory classes students a) determine unit-cell parameters and crystal symmetry, b) design the reciprocal lattice for a crystal, c) draw a projection of a crystal structure, d) register X-ray diffraction pattern for a polycrystalline sample, e) identify a polycrystalline phase from its diffractogram, f) index powder diffractogram, g) perform database search for specific crystal structures. Literature W. Massa, Crystal Structure Determination, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999 R. Tilley, Crystals and Crystal Structures, Wiley, 2006 Inorganic chemistry Full name Code Inorganic chemistry 02-CNGBU Faculty Faculty of Chemistry This course is a series of lectures introducing current issues in advanced inorganic chemistry. Topics cover: 1/ solid state, ionic solids, 2/ transition metals, 3/ transition metal complexes, 4/ coordination bond, 5/ introduction to coordination chemistry, 6/ introduction to metaloorganic chemistry, 7/ catalysis by metals and their complexes, 8/ introduction to bioinorganic chemistry, 9/ high-molecular inorganic compounds, 10/ inorganic materials with specific properties: • hardness, • electric conductivity, • pigments. Upon completion, students will have basic knowledge and orientation in different subtopics in advanced inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry Full name Organic chemistry Code 02-CORBU Faculty Faculty of Chemistry The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of and skills needed in modern planning of organic syntheses with regard to retrosynthetic analysis, including planning of synthesis of chiral compounds. This course covers: Organic synthesis - introduction: planning of synthesis, selectivity of the reactions and control of their stereochemistry. Basic principles of retrosynthetic analysis: definitions and terminology. Types of disconnections. Donor and acceptor synthons. Functional group interconversion (FGI). Formations of bonds: C-C and C-X. Protective groups: introduction and removal and strategy for choosing. Asymmetric synthesis. Synthesis with the use of chiral auxiliary, reagent and catalyst. Organic synthesis with the use of organophosphorus compounds: Wittig reaction (phosphorus ylides), Horner-Wodsworth-Emmons reaction and Mitsunobu reaction. Organic synthesis with the use of organosulfur compounds. Synthesis of complex molecules. Polar rearrangements. LABORATORY. Exercises involve multistep syntheses with emphasis on their planning, retrosynthetic analysis and selection of protective groups. Examples of Wittig and Mitsunobu reactions. On completion, students will know how to plan the synthesis of medium complex organic compounds with the use of retrosynthetic analysis and chiral compounds employing chiral auxiliaries, reagents and catalysts. Moreover, students will have the skills to perform multistep synthesis using protective groups. Literature Carrey F. A. and Sundberg R. J., Advanced Organic Chemistry, Springer (2007). Smith M. B., Organic Synthesis, McGraw-Hill, New York (2002). Warren S., Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1982). Instrumental analysis Full name Code Faculty Instrumental analysis 02-AINU Faculty of Chemistry This course covers: Molecular Spectroscopy (UV-Vis, Fluorescence, IR, Raman, NMR), Atomic Spectroscopy (AAS, AES), Mass Spectrometry, Electroanalytical Techniques (Potentiometry, Polarography, Voltammetry, Coulometry), Separation Techniques (GC, HPLC, CE), and Sensors. For every technique covered the following issues will be addressed: the fundamentals, the basic components of the instrument, the instrument output (quantitative or qualitative), the limitations of the method, the suitability for particular types of analyses, protocols for using the instruments and for analyzing the data. Sources of errors, reference materials and validation of methods will be also addressed. Upon completion, students will know: the principles and design of instruments in modern analytical chemistry, the performance of analytical instruments relative to their potential of use and limitations (sensitivity, precision and detection limit). Students will acquire skills to draw diagrams for analytical instruments, to explain the principles and design of modern analytical instruments, to apply their knowledge to carry out determination according to the analytical protocol to instrument methods. Student will be able to perform calculations relevant to data processing and quality control of obtained results. Literature G. Currell, Analytical instrumentation, Wiley, Chichester 2000. Spectroscopy Full name Code Faculty Spectroscopy 02-SPKU Faculty of Chemistry This course facilitates acquiring knowledge necessary for understanding the direct relation between different spectroscopic methods and the processes taking place as a result of light absorption, emission and scattering. Moreover, the students will become familiar with the applications of the spectroscopic methods, in particular the steady-state and time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy in research and analytical work in chemistry, physics, biology and medicine, in standard and non-standard investigation. This course covers: Types of molecular spectroscopy; electronic absorption and emission spectroscopy. Physical processes and chemical reactions studied by steady-state and time-resolved electronic spectroscopy. Absorption, emission and emission-excitation spectra, the shape, positions, intensity and the vibronic structure of the spectrum, factors influencing these parameters. Optical scheme, parameters and work of a spectrophotometer and spectrofluorimeter. The choice of conditions for the correct measurement of absorption and emission spectra and determination of the quantum yield of emission. Procedure for absorbance and emission measurements. The processes that can influence the absorption and emission spectra and thus the properties of the systems studied. The application of the absorption and emission spectroscopy. Application of the absorption and emission spectroscopy, especially in HPLC. Upon completion, students will : 1. recognize the factors influencing the absorption and emission spectra measured and therefore influencing the molecular parameters of the systems studied. 2. have practical knowledge of measuring the absorption and emission spectra, the choice of the best conditions of measurements depending on the purpose of the study, properties of the systems studied and parameters of the experimental equipment.3. have basic knowledge of methodical problems in absorption and emission studies. 4. have skills to interpret absorption and emission spectra. 5. know about factors which have important influence on absorption and emission spectra. 6. be able to interpret result of measurements and to formulate conclusions about the system studied on the basis of experiments conducted . Literature Materials available at W. Schmidt, Optical Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Life Sciences, Wiley, Weinheim 2005. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Second Edition, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York 1999. P. Suppan, Chemistry and light, RSC, London 1994. Physical chemistry Full name Code Faculty Physical chemistry 02-CFZL Faculty of Chemistry Lectures discuss applications of chemical physics to describe and explain properties of systems relevant for chemistry and biology and include examples related to thermodynamic equilibrium, reaction rates and structure of matter. Lectures highlight the role of models in the description of physicochemical phenomena and methods of data analysis. The following topics will be discussed: enzymatic catalysis, oscillatory reactions, conformations of polymers, equilibrium ligand binding. Laboratory classes covers topics related to the lectures: electrolytic and buffer properties of aqueous solutions of amino-acids; chemical reactions in micellar solutions; modeling conformations of polymer chains; Bielousov-Żabotyski reaction; aggregation kinetics; binding of low molecular weight ligands by proteins. Upon completion, students will have better understand the role of models in description of systems and phenomena, as well as broader knowledge of methods of data analysis. In laboratory students will develop skills to set and run experiments that determine physical quantities, as well as skills to use IT tools to analyze and visualize experimental data. Literature P.W. Atkins, P. DePaula, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press (8th edition, 2006) J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Stryer, Biochemistry, Freeman (6th edition, 2007)