Corporate sponsorship or donation request form

Corporate sponsorship or donation request form
Please complete all sections below and email to Please
include all supporting documents (e.g. sponsorship plan, benefits, line drawings, etc.) with your
Contact information
Your information
First name:
Best phone
number to reach
you (incl. country and
Last name:
Best time of day to
reach you: (incl. time
area codes):
Email address:
Company or organization information
Website address:
Legal name: (or
same as above)
ZIP/Postal code
If your organization is a non-profit or public tax-exempt organization as defined under Section
501(c)3 of the U.S. IRS code or are a Canadian registered charity, please enter the tax ID
number of the 501(c)3 organization or CCRC# in Canada:
Please see below for a list of organizations which Christie does not fund.
Corporate sponsorship or donation request form - page 1
Describe your company or organization, including the primary purpose (incl. date founded, # of
employees, clients or customers):
How did you hear about Christie?
Project/Event details
Name of project/event:
Type of request: (please select the most appropriate)
[ ] a sponsorship proposal
[ ] a gift-in-kind donation
[ ] a cash donation
[ ] a publicity event
[ ] a speaking engagement opportunity
Date(s) of project/event:
Location of project/event: (please indicate city and country)
What date do you need a response by?:
If a donation, what date do you need it by?:
Corporate sponsorship or donation request form - page 2
Have you been in contact with a Christie employee or partner regarding this request?*
(if yes, please provide name of contact, and their company, phone number and email address)
[ ] yes,
[ ] no
Does your request have a budget for AV equipment? *
(if yes, please indicate the amount and currency type)
[ ] yes,
[ ] no
Please describe the purpose of your project or event, why Christie is a good fit for your
organization or event, and outcomes you hope to achieve. How will you measure
success? Note: 1000-character limit.
If your request is for a gift-in-kind donation, please provide a description of the space
including inside/outside projection, length of time that the equipment would operate,
new build or retrofit space, size of screen, distance of the projector to the screen, etc.
Note: 1000-character limit.
Corporate sponsorship or donation request form - page 3
Please describe details that may impact our decision to support your project or event
(ex. exclusive rights, sponsor benefits, use of logo, media outreach, number of people
impact or attendance at event, other partners, audience demographics, competing
companies involvement, etc.) Note: 1000-character limit.
Thank you for completing this form.
Please attach additional supporting documents with your email.
Submit this form to
Corporate sponsorship or donation request form - page 4
Christie does not fund the following types of organizations:
Advocacy and non-ethical groups or organizations
Political parties, candidates or special interest organizations or groups
Organizations that are not 501(c)(3) charities in the United States of America. For more
information visit:
Organizations which do not have a registered CCRC number with the Canada Revenue
Agency (CRA). For more information visit:
Private foundations or endowment funds
Sectarian or denominational religious organizations whose programs are limited to
members of a specific religious denomination. However, non-denominational programs
by religious groups intended for the general good of the community may be considered.
Fraternal organizations, service clubs or third parties raising funds for charity, lodges,
Toastmaster societies and other recreational or self-improvement organizations where
participation is intended primarily for the personal advancement or benefit of the
Courtesy advertising, including program books and yearbooks
Educational institutions below the post-secondary level
Operating expenses of United Way member agencies
Local, minor sports teams or related events
Individuals or individual pursuits
Corporate sponsorship or donation request form - page 5