Section E: Celebration of Faith Using visual verbal squares Places of significance 1. Definition: A place may be called significant if it holds a special meaning for people or it is important to them. 2. Write a sentence using the word: Croke Park is a place of significance for GAA supporters because it represents pride in championship Gaelic football. A place becomes significant in a religion if is linked with a particular person, event or tradition within that religion. Often a particular event happened in the significant place and that event continues to have meaning for people today. A place of significance in a world religion could be a place of pilgrimage such as Jerusalem. For Christians Jerusalem is a sacred place because Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead there. For Jews it is a significant place because it homes the Western Wall, the last remaining wall of the temple which was destroyed by the Romans in 70A.D. 3. Give a word that is connected to this word: e.g. pilgrimage, journey, holy, Knock, Croagh Patrick, Holy wells. 4. Draw a sketch of the word or something connected to it: 1 Actions of significance An action has significance for a person when it carries meaning and is of importance to him/her. Making the sign of the cross is an action of significance in Christianity because it is a prayer that reminds them that there are three persons in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Words connected with actions of significance: pilgrimage, worship, sacrament, wudu (ritual washing/purification before prayer in Islam). Draw a sketch of actions of significance or something connected to it: 2 Times of significance Times are significant when they carry a particular importance or meaning for people. November is a time of significance in Christianity because it is the month of Holy Souls and Christians remember and pray for those who have died. Ramadan is a time of significance in Islam because it was during the month of Ramadan that Muhammad first started to receive the word of Allah. Words connected to this word: tradition, liturgical seasons, Christmas, religious festivals, Id-ul-Fitr. Draw a sketch of times of significance or something connected to it: 3 Sacredness Something is considered sacred if it is regarded as holy, set apart, reserved, connected with God, regarded with great respect, regarded as very important, solemn, consecrated, dedicated to a god/person/purpose or sentiment. In a church building the sanctuary area is considered sacred because it is set apart, or slightly raised above the rest of the church. The word of God is proclaimed from this area, the priest or minister officiates at sacraments and other religious rituals here. In a catholic church the tabernacle is usually found here as a sign that it contains the presence of Jesus. The Ganges is a sacred river to followers of Hinduism because it purifies believers and washes away their sins. Words connected to sacredness: holy, altar, presence of Jesus, consecrated, connected with God, nature. Draw a sketch of sacredness or something connected to it: 4 Worship Worship involves a variety of activities in which God is honoured e.g. praise, thanksgiving, petition etc. The elements of worship include people gathering together in a sacred/holy place at a time of significance in order to experience God in a meaningful way by participating in religious rituals/prayers/actions. Worship expresses the belief that God is not passive but is involved in the world through nature and through people. Words connected to worship: church, mosque, incense, Our Father, congregational singing, listening to the Word of God, participation, kneeling, bowing, praying, mass, Sunday service. Draw a sketch of the word worship or something connected to it: 5 Ritual A ritual is a symbolic or meaningful action that helps us concretely, or physically, express our beliefs, values and deepest concerns. Rituals involve movements and gestures that convey meaning. They often include words that highlight the significance of the action. Rituals usually follow a set pattern and are done in a similar way every time they are performed. We often perform rituals at important moments of our lives e.g. graduation ceremony, 21st birthday etc. Before praying in the mosque, muslims perform a ritual washing called wudu. This helps them concentrate on God. They also remove their shoes before entering the mosque as a sign or respect and honour for God. When Catholics enter a church they bless themselves with holy water making the sign of the cross, and genuflect as a sign of respect for the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle. In Islam a seamless white garment is worn on pilgrimage. A ritual in Judaism is lighting the Sabbath candles at the beginning of each Sabbath. All religious rituals help us to express something about our relationship with the Divine. Words connected to ritual: gestures, making the sign of peace, lighting a candle, participating, reciting prayers in word and song, receiving Holy Communion. Draw a sketch of ritual or something connected to it: 6 Participation Participation means taking part in an event with other people and actively sharing in that event. This can be done through active listening, reciting prayers, praising God through song, responding to the prayers, movements such as kneeling/standing to convey respect for God. People are participating in an act of worship when they gather in a holy place and engage in rituals (a set pattern of prayers and actions which are linked to the event being celebrated). Participation in worship helps people to understand their religious tradition more clearly and gives them solidarity and encouragement to go on believing. Participation in worship also helps people deepen their relationship with God. Words connected to participation: rituals, worship, movements, gestures, praying, singing, active listening to the prayers and Word of God, responding. Draw a sketch of participation or something connected to it: 7 Reflection Reflection can be described as the deep thoughts that people have in response to an experience of mystery or God. Reflection may involve asking ourselves deep questions such as why we are here, why people suffer, and who is God. Followers of a religion engage in reflection in order to draw closer to a deeper understanding of the meaning of their faith. Reflection allows us to consider our religious traditions, the nature of God and the experience of mystery. Sometimes we look back and realise that a certain experience such as someone’s illness, or a birth, has helped us to reflect on the mystery of life as it filled us with wonder. Words connected to reflection: stillness, silence, mystery, life, depth, encounter, questions, thinking. Draw a sketch of reflection or something connected to it: 8 Encountering mystery (Higher level) People are said to encounter mystery when they experience the presence of God in their lives. A mystery is something that is so full of meaning that the human mind cannot fully understand it. A mystery is a fact of existence which we can never fathom, where the tools of scientific enquiry are of limited use. Although we can gain insights into mystery we cannot ever exhaust its meaning. Since God is mystery, but became human in Jesus Christ, therefore we can experience some of that mystery in human life. God’s presence is sometimes experienced in the world through nature (e.g. a beautiful sunset, the sound of the sea etc) or through other people (e.g. sharing a meal with loved ones, a kind word from a friend, support from someone when we are feeling down etc). Encountering mystery usually happens when we are really paying attention to what is happening in our lives and we become aware of God’s presence there. Words connected to encountering mystery: presence of God, revelation, listening, attentive, reflection, nature, other people wonder, life. Draw a sketch of encountering mystery or something connected to it: 9 Wonder (Higher level) We use the word wonder to describe our amazement, surprise or admiration for something that is difficult to understand, unfamiliar or inexplicable. Wonder means that we are curious to know more about something that is beyond our comprehension. In ancient times people had a sense of wonder about the cycle of birth and death, the changing of the seasons, the movement of tides. Today, despite the advances of science and technology, we can feel a sense of wonder at the mysteries of life, beauty, the birth of a baby, the death of a loved one etc. Words connected to wonder: God’s presence, nature, suffering, birth, reflection, awe, respect, reverence, mystery. Draw a sketch of wonder or something connected to it: 10 Worship as a response to mystery or an expression of ultimate concern (Higher level) Worship is a human activity in which God is honoured. Humans feel a need to worship in response to the great mystery of God’s presence in their lives and in the world… Worship helps us feel connected to or belonging to the mystery of God. Humans worship because God’s presence is a deep concern for us and it gives meaning and direction to our lives. Our early ancestors offered the first fruits of their harvests, and offered sacrifies of their best crops and livestock in order to show their deep honour and reverence for ancient gods who they believed controlled all happenings in nature e.g. floods etc. Worship expressed their thanks for land fertility and offered their sorrow if they had been punished by bad harvests. Newgrange is a sacred place where gods were worshipped. Christians believe that God has become part of the human race in Jesus Christ because God loved people so much. This great mystery, central to Christian faith, calls for followers to worship the mystery of God as a deep and meaningful concern in their lives. The Easter vigil is an example of a sacred time when Christians worship God in response to the mystery of Christ’s resurrection. Receiving the Eucharist is a sacred action for Catholics because it is an act of worship in which we deeply meet the presence of Christ. Words connected to worship as a response to mystery…: sacrifice, offering, prayer, encounter with God, God’s presence, communicate with God, reverence, wonder. Draw a sketch of worship as a response to mystery…: 11 Encounter with God (Higher level) God cannot be seen or touched but we can meet God, or encounter God in our lives through worship, nature, and daily life experiences such as love. We communicate with God in prayer and through our actions in the world, e.g. showing kindness to another. We encounter God in the sacraments and when we open our minds and hearts to God’s presence in our lives. The Celts worshipped their gods in nature. They encountered their gods in the land and all around them and actively sought to communicate with the gods. Today Christians worship God especially on Sundays because this is the day which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus. Christians encounter God by participating in the sacraments, listening to and living out the Word of God, receiving communion, praying, being attentive to the power and beauty of nature, and seeing the goodness in people. Words connected to encounter with God: presence of God, prayer, sacrament, worship, mystery, nature, people, goodness. Draw a sketch of encounter with God or something connected to it: 12 Celebration (Higher level) Celebration means performing a rite or ceremony or to publicly praise. Each world religion has times of celebration of their faith whereby believers gather together, use song/words/gestures/rituals to create an event that people can participate in for the purpose of worshipping their God or gods. The past, present and future are all important in an act of celebration. Christmas is one of the big celebrations for Christians. It is a sacred time when they recall the event of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, welcome Christ’s presence into their lives in the present, and look forward to the end of time with hope when Christ will come again to bring about God’s kingdom on earth in totality. Christians celebrate Christmas by attending Mass on Christmas Day and worshipping God for becoming a human in the person of Jesus Christ. Words connected to celebration: worship, ceremony, sacrament, special event, community of believers, rituals, prayer, joy, past, present, future. Draw a sketch of celebration or something connected to it: 13 Communication Higher level Communication means connection. We can use the word communication about God’s relationship with humanity. Christians believe that God did not simply create us ands sit back and leave us completely alone. God communicates with us through the Word of God (Bible), through prayer, silence, events and other people. We communicate with God when we pray, become still and raise our hearts to God, through nature and through our love of one another. Communication between friends involves spending time together, sharing, listening, reassuring, encouraging. Friendship cannot survive without communication. Communication with God is important if we want to be aware of God’s presence and if we want to keep our relationship with God alive. We do this when we spend time with God, be attentive to God in our lives, follow God’s Word and live the way God wants us to. Words connected to communication: friendship, prayer, relationship with God, stillness, silence, listening, talking to God, sharing. Draw a sketch of communication or something connected to it: 14 Sign A sign can be a word, a drawing, an object or an action which communicates a piece of information. A sign usually conveys a simple, agreed message or meaning. When we see a red traffic light we all agree that this means stop. There is no misunderstanding this sign. The meaning is clear and straight forward: STOP. Words connected to sign: message, information, clear, action, object, word, direct, agreed, universal. Draw a sketch of the word sign or something connected to it: 15 Symbol A symbol is an object, gesture or action that helps people express something abstract such as feelings or ideas that are difficult to put into words e.g. a rose can communicate love, a handshake can communicate sympathy.. A symbol has the power to produce a reaction in a person. A symbol can produce a different response in different people. A symbol can have more than one meaning. Water can be a symbol of life and hop for people living through a drought. For others who have experienced a hurricane water can represent destruction and fear. A religious symbol is an object, gesture or action that helps people to give expression to their religious faith e.g. Star of David, Cross, Altar, Crescent Moon. Words connected to symbol: meaning, action, gesture, object, feeling, powerful, spiritual, language, expression. Draw a sketch of the word symbol or something connected to it: 16 Icon The word icon comes from the Greek word “eikon” which means image. An icon is a religious painting containing a sacred image of Jesus, Mary, a saint or a bible event. The purpose of an icon is to help people to pray, to enter into a sacred space. An icon is not just a painting to admire. An icon is a symbol containing art combined with prayer. When a person contemplates an icon he/she draws closer to God. In early Christianity icons were used to deepen the faith of new converts to Christianity at a time when many people were illiterate. Gold paint is a main feature of an icon because it represents the sacred realm. An icon is often described as a “window into heaven”. The person who paints an icon is known as an iconographer and is led by God in prayer to create the particular image. Two famous icons include Rublev’s icon and The Icon of Vladimir. Words connected to icon: sacred, symbol, prayer, spiritual, peaceful, still, timeless, religious truths, vivid symbolic colours. Draw a sketch of the word icon or something connected to it: 17 Sacrament A sacrament is a sacred sign that God is with us. Sacraments are usually celebrated at key important stages of our lives e.g. birth (baptism), commitment in love (marriage) etc. Sacraments are a very important part of Christian worship. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders and the Sacrament of the Sick. Many Protestant churches recognise just two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. People receive a special grace/gift from each sacrament and this grace helps them to live better lives. A sacrament is a channel for God’s love to people. Words connected to sacrament: grace, sacred, symbols, initiation, healing, vocation, life journey, sacred times. Draw a sketch of the word sacrament or something connected to it: 18 Identity When a person is baptised their identity as a follower of Christ is established. They officially become a Christian and member of a church. Their identity is “who they are” in terms of being a member of a particular church. Paul received his identity as a member of the Church of Ireland when he was baptised. The outward sign of water was poured over his head. The inward spiritual grace was receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Words connected with identity: Sacrament, baptism, church, belonging, family of God, membership, Christian. Draw a sketch of the word identity or something connected to it: 19 Communicating experience Various symbols can be used to communicate the experience of something sacred. Since we cannot see God, God uses visible symbols to communicate the experience of love to us e.g. the care of a friend, a word of encouragement, an experience of success. As humans we also use symbols to communicate our experience to God. We use words and actions to express our need for God and our love for God. That is because we are trying to communicate something deep within us that we do not have the proper language to express fully. E.g. we might go into a church and light a candle for someone sick and pray for them. The candle represents our prayer and our hope that the person will recover. We are communicating out experience of hope to God in the action of lighting a candle. We often receive a birthday card or gift from someone who loves us. This action communicates their love for us. God uses the sacraments to communicate love to people also. Words connected to communicating experience: sacrament, love, God, symbol, language, expression, actions. Draw a sketch of communicating experience or something connected to it: 20 Communication with God Communication with God is often called prayer. It arises from the need of humans to express their belief in the spiritual realm. It is sacred time when either alone or with others people turn their minds and hearts to God. People sometimes use words, gestures, symbols or silence to open up to God. Communication with God is usually two-way: I become quiet and enter into a sacred space and share with God my deepest longings, hopes fears etc. God in turn communicates with me through the silence, a thought, an affirmation, an idea, a feeling that sometimes happens after the prayer time. When we read stories of people of deep religious faith (e.g. Abraham, Jesus, Teresa of Avila, Muhammad) we realise that they needed prayer in order to communicate with God. Words connected to communication with God: prayer, sharing, still, Word of God, asking, thanking, praising, listening, waiting, openness, attentiveness. Draw a sketch of communication with God or something connected to it: 21 Meditation Meditation is a type of prayer that involves the person turning their attention entirely towards God and deep thought on a religious or scriptural idea. In meditation people search for meaning and connection with God through their thoughts, feelings, desires and imagination. In Christian meditation the focus of prayer is the person of Jesus Christ. Sometimes people use symbols, icons, or the Word of God to help them meditate. Words connected to meditation: thinking about God, imagination, journey, stillness, focus. Draw a sketch of meditation or something connected to it: 22 Contemplation Contemplation is a type of prayer that involves the person clearing their mind of all thoughts and words so as to have direct and total awareness of the presence and love of God. Contemplation requires the person to focus their attention totally on God. The mind is emptied or thoughts and ideas, and no words are used. Deep inner silence is needed to enter into the presence of God. People must also listen to the presence and direction of God in contemplation. Words connected to contemplation: silence, stillness, emptying, listening, communion with God. Draw a sketch of contemplation or something connected to it: 23 Petition Petition is a type of prayer that makes an appeal or request to God. Petition prayer can also be called a prayer of intercession. It can involve asking God for something for someone else. Petition involves presenting your needs to God on behalf of self or others. It is a very common type of prayer used by many people e.g. God, please help me to do well in my exams, or, please help my mum to get well again after her operation. Jesus used petition prayer for his own needs (Mt26:39) and he taught them to pray using petition (Lk11:9). Words connected to petition: needs, asking, intention, others, intercession. Draw a sketch of petition or something connected to it: 24 Praise and Thanksgiving Praise is a type of prayer that expresses worship and admiration to God. Jesus praised God in Lk10:21. Thanksgiving is a type of prayer that expresses respect and gratitude to God. Jesus thanked God in Jn11:41-42. Praise and thanksgiving are essential to our relationship with God because that relationship, just like any friendship, cannot survive constant prayers of petition if nothing is given back to God. In Christianity the central celebration is called the “Eucharist”, which means “thanksgiving”. We might give thanks for life, for friendship, our families or a particular request that God has granted. In praising God we recognise our place in the universe and our dependence on the love and greatness of God. Words connected to praise and thanksgiving: love, God, appreciation, life, gift, honouring, acknowledging, respecting. Draw a sketch of praise and thanksgiving or something connected to it: 25 Penitence Prayers of penitence are prayers that express our sorrow to God for having done wrong causing harm in our relationship with self, others, the world or God. Penitence requires that we are honest with ourselves and accept the guilt and responsibility of having done wrong e.g. for losing my temper with a friend or for being impatient an elderly lady in a shop. The prodigal son returns to his father after a prayer of penitence (Lk15:21). Penitence opens our hearts to the love and forgiveness of God. Words connected to penitence: sorrow, guilt, responsibility, reconciliation, honesty, humility. Draw a sketch of penitence or something connected to it: 26 Personal Prayer Personal prayer is private prayer between a person and God. The person may use their own words to talk to God either in silence or out loud (vocal prayer). Personal prayer is like a private personal conversation between a person and God. It can be said in the silence of one’s own heart anywhere and any time. Sometimes personal prayer is a prayer that someone has composed or written down. This type of personal prayer is also known as informal prayer. Personal prayer is done alone even though there may be other people around. Words connected to personal prayer: private, using my own words, silence, heart to heart with God, heartfelt prayer, personal. Draw a sketch of personal prayer or something connected to it: 27 Communal Prayer Communal prayer is a more formal type of prayer that is used when people gather together to pray as a community. They use set vocal prayers. Usually people have learned the words of these prayers e.g. Our Father, Hail Mary. Communal prayer is familiar to everyone who gathers with others to pray. These set, formal prayers are often extracts of passages from the bible and have been passed down to believers through their religious tradition. Communal prayers allow many people to participate in the prayer experience and remind people that they belong to a particular religious tradition thereby uniting them as a community of believers. Words connected to communal prayer: community, gathering, unity, formal scripture, religious tradition, learned, set words. Draw a sketch of communal prayer or something connected to it: 28