5-2 Vocab – Adaptation and Extinction text p. 219-227 1. habitat - 2. interpret 3. misinterpret 4. structural adaptation 5. camouflage 6. mimicry 7. Batesian mimicry 8. Mullerian mimicry 9. self mimicry 10. behavioral adaptation 11. extinct 12. threatened - 5-2 Vocab – Adaptation and Extinction text p. 219-227 1. habitat - 2. interpret - 3. misinterpret - 4. structural adaptation - 5. camouflage - 6. mimicry - 7. Batesian mimicry - 8. Mullerian mimicry - 9. self mimicry - 10. behavioral adaptation - 11. extinct - 12. threatened - 5-2 Vocab – Adaptation and Extinction text p. 219-227 1. habitat 2. interpret 3. misinterpret 4. structural adaptation 5. camouflage 6. mimicry 7. Batesian mimicry 8. Mullerian mimicry 9. self mimicry 10. behavioral adaptation 11. extinct 12. threatened 5-2 Vocab – Adaptation and Extinction text p. 219-227 1. habitat - a place an organism lives 2. interpret - to explain the meaning of 3. misinterpret - to interpret wrongly 4. structural adaptation - inherited physical traits of a species that make its members better suited to their environments 5. camouflage - blending in with the surrounding environment 6. mimicry - one species looks like another species so that a third species is fooled 7. Batesian mimicry - the model organism is dangerous or venomous, but the mimic is not dangerous 8. Mullerian mimicry - both the model organism and the mimic are dangerous or distasteful 9. self mimicry - a species fools its prey by looking inviting or familiar 10. behavioral adaptation - an inherited behavior that makes members of a species better suited to their environment 11. extinct - when all the individuals of a particular species die off 12. threatened - likely to become an endangered species Name Date ______________ Period _____ “Adaptation and Extinction” Vocabulary Quiz – Version 1 Directions: Write the CAPITAL letter of the correct definition on the line to the left of each vocabulary word. A. a place an organism lives ____ 1. Batesian mimicry B. to explain the meaning of ____ 2. behavioral adaptation C. to interpret wrongly ____ 3. camouflage D. inherited physical traits of a species that make its members better suited to their environments ____ 4. extinct ____ 5. habitat ____ 6. interpret ____ 7. mimicry ____ 8. misinterpret ____ 9. Mullerian mimicry E. blending in with the surrounding environment F. one species looks like another species so that a third species is fooled G. mimicry where the model organism is dangerous or venomous, but the mimic is not dangerous H. mimicry where both the model organism and the mimic are dangerous or distasteful I. mimicry where a species fools its prey by looking inviting or familiar ____ 10. self mimicry ____ 11. structural adaptation ____ 12. threatened J. an inherited behavior that makes members of a species better suited to their environment K. when all the individuals of a particular species die off L. likely to become an endangered species Name Date ______________ Period _____ “Adaptation and Extinction” Vocabulary Quiz – Version 2 Directions: Write the CAPITAL letter of the correct definition on the line to the left of each vocabulary word. A. a place an organism lives ____ 1. threatened B. to explain the meaning of ____ 2. structural adaptation C. to interpret wrongly ____ 3. Mullerian mimicry D. inherited physical traits of a species that make its members better suited to their environments ____ 4. misinterpret ____ 5. mimicry ____ 6. interpret ____ 7. behavioral adaptation ____ 8. self mimicry ____ 9. habitat E. blending in with the surrounding environment F. one species looks like another species so that a third species is fooled G. mimicry where the model organism is dangerous or venomous, but the mimic is not dangerous H. mimicry where both the model organism and the mimic are dangerous or distasteful I. mimicry where a species fools its prey by looking inviting or familiar ____ 10. extinct ____ 11. camouflage ____ 12. Batesian mimicry J. an inherited behavior that makes members of a species better suited to their environment K. when all the individuals of a particular species die off L. likely to become an endangered species Name Date ______________ Period _____ “Adaptation and Extinction” Vocabulary Quiz – Version 3 Directions: Write the CAPITAL letter of the correct definition on the line to the left of each vocabulary word. A. a place an organism lives ____ 1. misinterpret B. to explain the meaning of ____ 2. habitat C. to interpret wrongly ____ 3. interpret D. inherited physical traits of a species that make its members better suited to their environments ____ 4. camouflage E. blending in with the surrounding environment ____ 5. mimicry F. one species looks like another species so that a third species is fooled ____ 6. structural adaptation ____ 7. Batesian mimicry ____ 8. self mimicry ____ 9. Mullerian mimicry G. mimicry where the model organism is dangerous or venomous, but the mimic is not dangerous H. mimicry where both the model organism and the mimic are dangerous or distasteful I. mimicry where a species fools its prey by looking inviting or familiar J. an inherited behavior that makes members of a species better suited to their environment ____ 10. extinct K. when all the individuals of a particular species die off ____ 11. behavioral adaptation L. likely to become an endangered species ____ 12. threatened