Project Proposal V 3.0 by Stephen Johnson I. Title. Ant Optimization in NetLogo II. Problem Statement. An Introduction to the Purpose and Scope of the Research Project Numerous fields of study work with systems. Some systems are very simplistic, while others are very complex. The human body, for example, is a network that man has been studying for centuries. It is a system of such complexity that people refute Darwinism, arguing that something so complex could not result from random chance. On a simpler scale, ants are amazing creatures that, while very small, accomplish big things by working together. This has lead to the development of Ant Optimization. Ant Optimization means using lots of very simple agents to perform a complex task. By studying a simpler form of networking (like ants), we can begin to understand how a more complex system (like a human) might work. The purpose of this project is to model the behavior of ant foraging. I hope to create a nest of ants that follow simple rules but are able to find optimal paths from their nest to a food source. This project will explore how a mass of simplistic agents can perform a complex task. III. Purpose. What is the subject of the project; what are the goals; The subject of this product is optimization. The goal is to generate optimal solutions to path finding problems using agents in a model. what is the project about? This project is about understanding Ant Optimization. This kind of agent based modeling relies on very large numbers of simplistic agents. These agents carry little or no information and perform very simple tasks, but in large numbers form a network that is capable of complicated tasks. Why is the project worth doing; This project is worth doing because the results are fields. Optimization is a subject of intense interest to businessmen, military officials, mathematicians, and many is of particular interest because the agents involved are for short programing time with big results. applicable to many marketing agents, others. Ant Optimization so simple. This allows why is it a good topic for the Computer Systems Lab? This is a good topic for the Computer Systems Lab because computers allow us to model things digitally, which is much easier than producing mechanical models. Who will be interested in the results; how can the results be applied? The application of Ant optimization is not limited to any one field. Computers allow us to model so many situations. Any industries with computer networks can integrate agents into the networks to optimize their tasks. I suspect that in the future the capabilities of scientists and engineers will reach the point where we can create very small computers and integrate them with robots and perhaps even biological life. This would allow us to introduce optimization agents into the real world, which would give us more accurate results than any model. IV. Scope of Study. Describe the overall bounds of the work that will be involved, e.g., the research or data that will be required, and the relationships and variables that will need to be programmed, the expected results, etc. [Hints: Most students have a hard time finishing their projects because of the complexities they encounter. So you may have to narrow down your research/project objectives. You need to be specific about what you want to develop. Try drawing a boundary around the area of study that you think you can finish. You may have to select a more modest piece of your original project idea to work on.] I will be using a language called NetLogo, which was built for agent based modeling. I will have to research the language in order to program my model. I am then going to create a simulation in which my agents will represent ants and find optimal solutions to food gathering problems. Once the behavior of the ants is programmed I can place them in different situations and see how they behave. V. Background and review of current literature/research in this area. Demonstrate that you know the background of your topic. What kinds of research have been done before in this area? How have others gone about trying to solve the problems you want to tackle? Where is the "state of the art" today? In what ways may your approach build on and vary from previous work that has been done in your project area? If you wanted to bring another student up to date on what you're doing, what would be the most important thing to read or website(s) to look at for information? Agent based modeling is very popular. We use it to simulate lots of things from predation to hurricane paths. Growing Artificial Societies (Epstein and Axtell) and Turtles Termites and Traffic Jams (Resnick) are two examples of work that has been done on Agent Based modeling. Mr. Resnick has an example of how ants collect food. I intend to extend this example by introducing obstacles through which the ants must find the optimal path. Start thinking about a bibliography: all references in this background and literature review section should be in your bibliography, but not everything that will be in your bibliography needs to be included here. Bibliography NetLogo user manual, Uri Wilensky "Growing Artificial Societies," Joshua Epstein & Robert Axtell "Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams," Mitchel Resnick “Swarm Intelligence,” James Kennedy & Russell C Eberhart “Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid,” Douglas R. Hofstadter “Ant Colony Optimization,” Marco Dorigo & Thomas Stutzle “Ant Foraging Revisited,” Liviu A. Panait & Sean Luke VI. Procedure and Methodology. You should show that you clearly understand your task, have a logical time plan, say, by the research, design, programming, sub-testing and testing phases of your project. Show that you have identified the resources that you will need. What are the tasks and sub-tasks that will have to be accomplished to meet your objectives? Investigate ant behvior Code ants Research possible environments to test ants Analyze results and investigate applications What materials and programming language(s)/tools will be necessary? NetLogo, all set up What graphics will be needed? NetLogo has integrated graphics What data will be needed and how will they be collected? NetLogo allows data collection and display to be programmed, so all I will have to do is to decide what kind of data I want to collect. What method or processes will be used to test and analyze the data? Again, aspects of NetLogo that I will incorporate into my project. What error analyses will be performed on the gathered data? There is an inherent error in any simulation because its only a simulation. If I can find data I will try to repeat the experiments performed using my ants and see how my results compare. I will also investigate the restrictions inherent in my model. VII. Expected Results & Value to Others What results do you expect to obtain from your project? I expect for my ants to be able to chose the optimal path from a myriad options and to display that path. How will the final results and analyses be presented (including visuals such as graphs and charts)? Screenshots of the ants at work as well as charts and-or graphs for any data I collect will suffice. What contributions can these results give to future researchers? Only time will tell. What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish the identified tasks and subtasks? The rest of the school year? What form will be used as a work breakdown of your individual tasks, and how they interrelate, for planning and tracking your work, e.g. PERT Network(s) or Task Chart(s)? I have a chart thingy that Mr. Latimer gave us, but I've pretty much just been working every class and work gets done.