Performance Review Student Name ......................................... 0 1 2 3 4 Job Title ................................... not done poor job; lack of participation; little or no understanding of the session objectives fair job; an honest effort; participation; basic understanding of the session objectives good job; full participation and cooperation; good understanding of the session objectives excellent job; extra effort with enthusiastic participation; good teamwork; comprehensive understanding of the session objectives The following is a session-by-session checklist or evaluation sheet of your participation in The Real Game. Make sure that your materials are complete, and kept in your Student Kit. UNIT ONE LEARNING A LIVING Session 1 Complete the What I Know about the World of Work survey ………… Define the terms: job, occupation, career ………… Discuss the High Five guiding principles ………… Use new key words in class discussion ………… Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… Use new key words ………… FOUNDATIONS Session 2 THE SPIN GAME UNIT TWO MAKING A LIVING Session 1 Choose ideal housing, accommodation and other items from the Wish List ………… Discuss the necessities of life for an adult worker ………… Use new key words in class discussion ………… Complete A Day in the Life exercise ………… Identify key information about a particular job ………… Use new key words in class discussion ………… Create individual business card (optional activity) ………… Transfer key information from Job Profile to Activity Poster ………… Graph gross monthly income on Activity Poster ………… Complete the Who Am I? Who Are You? activity sheet ………… THE DREAM Session 2 WHAT’S MY LINE? Session 3 WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU? The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved Session 4 REALITY CHECK Session Five BUILDING BLOCKS Calculate expenses on Monthly Expenses sheet ………… Make final affordable lifestyle choices from the Wish List ………… Complete balanced Monthly Budget ………… Include Chance Card effects in Monthly Budget ………… Use new key words in class discussion ………… Graph monthly expenses and deductions on the Activity Poster ………… Select affordable items from their Dream Cloud and Wish List to attach to Activity Poster ………… Attach revised Dream Cloud above Activity posters ………… In the community group, name street and create street sign ………… Participate in nomination and vote for town name ………… Help create town signs for classroom ………… Visit other students’ Activity Posters to compare choices ………… Use new key words in class discussion ………… UNIT THREE QUALITY OF LIFE Session 1 Complete the Where Does All the Time Go? sheet to calculate available leisure time ………… Review leisure time choices on the So Much to Do worksheet ………… Complete the Time for Me! worksheet ………… Attach representations of leisure activities to Activity Poster ………… Visit other students’ Activity Posters to compare leisure time choices ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… Create a holiday plan with group members ………… Adjust budget as required ………… Research information about holiday destination ………… Complete the Holiday Portfolio activity sheet ………… Report orally to class with group members, using researched information ………… Create visual display of researched information (optional) ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… Use new key words ………… AFTER WORK Session 2 GETTING AWAY Session 3 SPIN IT AGAIN! The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved UNIT FOUR CHANGES AND CHOICES Session 1 Complete the Man’s Work or Woman’s Work? worksheet ………… Complete the Reflecting on Gender Facts worksheet ………… Sign the Gender Equity Proclamation ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… Complete the 5 steps of the Thing Again! worksheet ………… Attach list of preferred occupations to Dream Cloud ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… Help make a plan to cope with job loss ………… Help create a resumé with group members ………… Help create an event poster with community group ………… Create individual resumé ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… Complete the Case History Worksheet (optional activity) ………… Identify employment opportunities for self and others ………… Help assign personnel to work projects ………… Use new key words in class discussions ………… FAIR PLAY Session 2 THINK AGAIN! Session 3 THE REDUNDANCY NOTICE Session 4 TRANSITIONS UNIT FIVE THE PERSONAL JOURNEY Session 1 Complete the Circle of Life or Time Line worksheet ………… Participate in class discussion ………… Complete the My Ideal Job Profile exercise ………… Participate in class discussion ………… Help plan Career Day activities ………… Participate in Career Day activities and discussions ………… Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… Use new key words ………… THE BIG PICTURE Session 2 FOLLOW YOUR HEART Session 3 CAREERS DAY Session 4 WRAP-UP The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved