Bilingual Reading – Grade 2

Bilingual Reading – Grade 1
Unit of Study: Creating a Climate for Thinking (Cómo crear un ambiente para promover el pensamiento)
Unit Rationale
Second Grading Period Weeks 1- 5
Big Idea
“When our vision of community expands to create a culture and climate for thinking – when
rigor, inquiry, and intimacy become key components of our definition – it’s essential that we
work first to build genuine relationships, establish mutual trust, and create working literate
environments” (17). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers,
Markham, Ontario.
“Explicit instruction, modeling, reading high-quality literature and children’s writing,
and giving children time to practice real reading and writing are the cornerstones of
my teaching” (50). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers,
Markham, Ontario.
TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome
TEKS Grade 1 The student is expected to
 1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
 1D listen critically to interpret and evaluate
 1E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections
from classic and contemporary works
 1F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or
repeated sounds
 2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and
 3C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large
group discussions
 4A learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions,
and categories
 4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
 5E know the order of the alphabet
 5H understand that spoken words are represented in written language by specific
sequences of letters
 5I recognize that different parts of a book…offer information
 5J recognize that there are correct spellings for words
 6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by
clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words
 6C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming
 6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds
 6E blend sounds to make spoken words, including three and four phoneme
words, through ways such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a
spoken word
6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three
and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
7A name and identify each letter of the alphabet
7B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
7C(ii) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of vowel-consonant patters
to produce syllables to begin to read
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
“I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
Yo puedo…
 participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C, 13B, 13C)
 escuchar por diferentes motivos (1D, 1E, 13A)
 identificar rimas y sonidos repetidos (1F)
 hacer conexiones personales con el texto, hacer conexiones entre textos y con
el mundo real (2A, 13D, 16A)
 hacer y contestar preguntas (3C)
 aprender el vocabulario nuevo (4A, 4B)
 conocer los conceptos de la letra impresa (5E, 5H, 5I, 7B)
 reconocer que las palabras siguen una ortografía propia (5J)
 dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para
formar palabras (6B, 6E, 6F)
 hacer parejas de palabras que riman y distinguir las palabras que riman y no
riman (6C)
 identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii)
 nombrar e identificar cada letra del alfabeto (7A)
 entender que las palabras habladas están hechas de sonidos (7B)
 utilizar la correspondencia entre letras y sonidos para aprender a leer (7Cii, 7Dii)
 descifrar las palabras (7Eii, 7F, 7H, 8A)
 leer texto descifrable (7G)
 usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B)
 utilizar claves estructurales (8Cii)
 utilizar las palabras irregulares de uso frecuente (8F)
 reconocer las palabras comunes con rapidez (8Gii)
 leer textos al nivel instruccional e independiente (9A, 9B, 9D)
 leer con fluidez (9C)
 leer libros de diferentes géneros y reconocer sus características (10A, 14D)
 discutir los significados de palabras (11A)
 leer las palabras nuevas y usarlas en las discusiones y la escritura (11B)
 usar el conocimiento previo para entender el texto (12A)
 establecer el propósito para la lectura (12B)
 volver a contar un cuento (12C)
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences
 7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and
 saber la idea principal del libro (12F)
 entender la estructura de un cuento (14B)
syllables, including consonants, vowels, blends, and stress
 7F decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled
 7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts (engaging and coherent
texts in which most of the words are comprised of an accumulating sequence of
letter-sound correspondences being taught)
8A decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within a word
8B use common spelling patterns to read words
8C(ii) use structural cues to recognize words such as compounds, base words,
and inflections such as –mente, -ito, -ada…
8F use knowledge of word order (syntax) and context to support word
identification and confirm word meaning
8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling
9A read regularly in independent-level materials
9B read regularly in instructional-level materials that are challenging but
9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency (accuracy, expression, appropriate
phrasing, and attention to punctuation)
9D self-select independent level reading such as by drawing on personal interest,
by relying on knowledge of authors and different types of texts, and/or by
estimating text difficulty
10A read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for pleasure and/or information
11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through
meaningful/concrete experiences
11B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and
conceptually challenging selections read aloud
12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts
12B establish purposes for reading and listening
12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
12D monitor his/her own comprehension and act purposefully when
comprehension breaks down using strategies
12F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas
and causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
12G identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics,
characters, and problems
13A listen to stories being read aloud
13B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable
and patterned selections are read aloud
13C respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety
of stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 13D connect ideas and themes across texts
 13E describe how illustrations contribute to the text
 14B understand simple story structure
Evidence of Learning
Anecdotal remarks from the Reader’s Notebook
80% of the students will score 80% or above on the selection assessments (comprehension and vocabulary).
80% of the students will score 80% or above on the spelling tests.
85% of the students will be “Desarrollado” on the Tejas LEE assessment
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Bilingual Reading – Grade 1
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
 What do good readers do when their comprehension breaks
 What is the author’s purpose for writing?
 What is cause and effect?
 How can I use my schema to draw conclusions?
 What is the main idea of a text?
 What are blends?
Week 1
Kindergarten TEKS
 know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (5B)
 produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words (6C)
 blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word (6E)
 name and identify each letter of the alphabet (7A)
 learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (7C)
 use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (9A)
The Teaching Plan for Maleta, mapa, osito, pelota and El viento travieso
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
pp. 42i-42j, 42k-42l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
p. 47c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
o Eres una sílaba
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
pp. 42j, 42l
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi,
mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 42l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 47d
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi,
mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
 Práctica con adivinanzas
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 47d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de vocabulario
práctico para repasar las palabras de la
semana (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
p. 47d
 Caligrafía: Ee
p. 42m
 Presentar el vocabulario
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética El mar en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética El mar (Teacher
Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El mar en
coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Choral Reading)
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 75a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética – El mar
 Repaso: Vocales a, e, i, o, u
p. 76a
Fonética: Vocales fuertes a, e, o y
vocales débiles i, u
 Repaso: Vocales
 Atención a necesidades diversas
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la
conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 77d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with m and p.
The team that writes the most words
correctly in 10 minutes wins.
p. 48a
 Presentar el vocabulario
 Escoger una actividad de vocabulario
práctico para repasar las palabras de
la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El mar en
coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Choral Reading)
p. 77d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de vocabulario
práctico para repasar las palabras de
la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El mar en
parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words
 ama
 mamá
 mima
 mapa
 papi
 puma
 mi
 papá
 mimo
 pomo
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El mar en
parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Paired Reading)
p. 75b
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi,
mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 76b
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi,
mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
p. 75b
Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
High Frequency Words
 por
 papá
 al
 más
 mi
Vocabulary Words
Maleta, mapa,
osito, pelota
 maleta
 piso
El viento
 país
 revés
 sueños
Academic Vocabulary
 causa
 efecto
 ambiente
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Cause and Effect
(Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Cause and Effect)
Focus: A cause is the reason something happens. An effect is what happens.
 Before reading, pre-select two or three stopping points to model cause and effect. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud.
Read aloud Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ricitos de oro y los tres osos) and model two or three think aloud strategies related to cause and effect.
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Draw the following chart:
¿Por qué pasó?
¿Qué pasó?
El tazón del Osito está vacío.
La silla del Osito está rota..
Ricitos de oro huyó.
Read each effect and guide students to think about the reason it happened (cause).
Add the cause.
¿Por qué pasó?
Ricitos de oro se comió toda la avena.
Ricitos de oro estaba demasiado pesada.
Ella tenía miedo de los caballos.
¿Qué pasó?
El tazón del Osito está vacío.
La silla del Osito está rota..
Ricitos de oro huyó.
Explain that good readers think about cause and effect to help understand what happens and why it happens.
Encourage students to look for cause and effect relationships when reading.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 47e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(causa y efecto) al leer el cuento El
viento travieso, pp. 48-74, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 75e
 Práctica: Causa y efecto
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Ambiente
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.2
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 29
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 30
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 42a-77e
 Stories: Maleta, mapa, osito, pelota and El
viento travieso
 Librito de fonética El mar
 Superlibro Relajo en la cocina
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Suggested Read Alouds:
 Ricitos de oro y los tres osos adapted by Marta
 Si le das una galletita a un ratón by Laura
 Julius, el rey de la casa by Kevin Henkes
 Pollita chiquita by Steven Kellogg
 La casita by Virginia Lee Burton
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 2
The Teaching Plan for La pesa de Nino and Salí de paseo
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
pp. 78i-78j, 78k-78l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con s/n
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
 Separen en sílabas
 Digan con más fuerza
p. 83c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con s/n
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
o Formar palabras
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
p. 115a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con s/n
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Safari de palabras
o Librito de fonética – Vi a Susana
con la nena
o Superlibro
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con m
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética Vi a Susana con la nena en
voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética Vi a Susana con la
nena (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
pp. 78j, 78l
Ortografía: Palabras con sa, se, si, so,
su; na, ne, ni, no, nu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 78l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 83d
Ortografía: Palabras con sa, se, si, so,
su; na, ne, ni, no, nu
 Práctica con adivinanzas
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 83
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Vi a Susana
con la nena en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 84a
 Presentar el vocabulario
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Vi a Susana
con la nena en parejas (Teacher
Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
p. 83d
 Caligrafía: Ss
p. 115b
Ortografía: Palabras con sa, se, si, so,
su; na, ne, ni, no, nu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 78m
 Presentar el vocabulario
p. 115b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 116a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con p
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
p. 116b
Ortografía: Palabras con sa, se, si, so,
su; na, ne, ni, no, nu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Vi a Susana
con la nena en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 117d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Vi a Susana
con la nena en parejas (Teacher
Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la
conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 117d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with s and n.
The team that writes the most words
correctly in 10 minutes wins.
Weekly Spelling Words
 mesa
 sapo
 sopa
 mano
 mona
 nene
 nada
 sí
 solo
 pesa
High Frequency Words
 sí
 solo
 nada
 esto
 vi
Vocabulary Words
La pesa
de Nino
 pesa
 sala
Salí de
 animales
 montón
 paseo
 rosado
Academic Vocabulary
 predecir
 claves de contexto
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Predicting
(Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Making Predictions)
Focus: Make a prediction about future events and outcomes with supporting textual evidence
Before reading, pre-select two or three stopping points to make predictions. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud.
Read aloud to the first stopping point and make a prediction. Model your thinking by referring back to the text and explaining why you made the prediction, providing textual
At the next stopping point, ask students to make predictions, referring back to the text to explain why they made that prediction. Have students turn and talk to a neighbor
about their predictions. Ask two students to share with the whole group.
Encourage students to make predictions when they read and to use information from the text to support their thinking.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 9 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 83e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(predecir) al leer el cuento Salí de
paseo, pp. 84-113, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 115e
 Práctica: Predecir
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Claves de contexto
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.2
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 45
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 46
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that
the teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole
group and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 10 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 78a-117e
 Stories: La pesa de Nino and Salí de paseo
 Librito de fonética Vi a Susana con la nena
 Superlibro Yo tenía un hipopótamo
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Suggested Read Alouds:
Prudencia se preocupa by Kevin Henkes
La escoba de la viuda by Chris Van Allsburg
Carlos by Ivar Da Coll
Pindulí by Janell Cannon
Willy el campeón by Anthony Browne
El chiquero by Mark Teague
Page 11 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 3
The Teaching Plan for Lalo y Didi and Federico y el mar
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética La luna en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética La luna (Teacher
Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading)
pp. 118i-118j, 118k-118l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con l/d
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
 Separen en sílabas
p. 123c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con l/d
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
pp. 118j, 118l
Ortografía: Palabras con la, le, li, lo, lu; da,
de, di, do, du
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 118l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 123d
Ortografía: Palabras con la, le, li, lo, lu; da,
de, di, do, du
 Palabras que faltan
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 123d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética La luna en
coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Choral Reading)
p. 139a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con l/d
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Cuaderno de palabras
o Librito de fonética – La luna
o Superlibro
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con s
p. 139b
Ortografía: Palabras con la, le, li, lo, lu; da,
de, di, do, du
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 124a
 Nombres
 Imaginar un paseo
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética La luna en
parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Paired Reading)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
p. 83d
 Caligrafía: Ii
p. 118m
 Presentar el vocabulario
p. 139b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 12 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 140a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con n
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar
la conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 117d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with l and d.
The team that writes the most words
correctly in 10 minutes wins.
p. 140b
Ortografía: Palabras con la, le, li, lo, lu; da,
de, di, do, du
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética La luna en
coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Choral Reading)
p. 141d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética La luna en
parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words
 lima
 loma
 pala
 dedo
 dime
 lodo
 de
 la
 luna
 saludo
High Frequency Words
 la
 luna
 de
 dos
Vocabulary Words
Lalo y Didi
Federico y el mar
 arena
 balde
 divertida
 enormes
 fondo
 laguna
 miedo
 orilla
Academic Vocabulary
 ambiente
 secuencia
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Setting
(Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Setting)
Focus: Setting is the time and place in which a story occurs.
Brainstorm a list of places where stories occur.
Read aloud. Point out the setting (time and place) of the story. Explain how you used pictures to figure out the setting.
Have students draw a picture of the setting in their reader’s notebooks.
Explain how pictures might show us the setting of the story. Sometimes we have to imagine the setting by paying attention to details the author has written.
Remind students that the setting is the time and place in which a story occurs.
Explain that good readers look at the pictures and use details to figure out the setting of the story.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 13 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 123e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(ambiente) al leer el cuento Federico
y el mar pp. 124-137, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 139e
 Práctica: Ambiente
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Secuencia
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.2
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 61
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 62
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 14 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 118a-141e
 Stories: Lalo y Didi and Federico y el mar
 Librito de fonética La luna
 Superlibro Caras de peces
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Suggested Read Alouds:
La montaña más bella by Alfredo Gómez Cerdá
El gran capoquero by Lynne Cherry
El camino de Amelia by Linda Jacobs Altman
Carlos y la milpa de maíz by Jan Romero
 Mi propio cuartito by Amada Irma Pérez
Page 15 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 4
The Teaching Plan for Los animales de la finca and Los hogares de los animales
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética El patito nada en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética El patito nada
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
pp. 142i-142j, 142k-142l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con t/f
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
 Digan con más fuerza
 Separen en sílabas
p. 147c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con t/f
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
pp. 142j, 142l
Ortografía: Palabras con ta, te, ti, to, tu; fa,
fe, fi, fo, fu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 142l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 147d
Ortografía: Palabras con ta, te, ti, to, tu; fa,
fe, fi, fo, fu
 Rompecabezas de ortografía
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 147d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética El patito
nada en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency
– Choral Reading)
p. 157a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con t/f
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Saco de palabras
o Librito de fonética – El patito
o Superlibro
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con l
p. 157b
Ortografía: Palabras con ta, te, ti, to, tu; fa,
fe, fi, fo, fu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 148a
 Presentar el vocabulario
 Enseñar estrategias de vocabulario:
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El patito nada
en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Paired Reading)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
p. 147d
 Caligrafía: Oo
p. 142m
 Presentar el vocabulario
p. 157b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 16 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 158a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con d
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar
la conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with t and f.
The team that writes the most words
correctly in 10 minutes wins.
p. 158b
Ortografía: Palabras con ta, te, ti, to, tu; fa,
fe, fi, fo, fu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética El patito nada
en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency –
Choral Reading)
p. 159d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El patito
nada en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words
 lata
 tapa
 tela
 fila
 fino
 sofá
 feo
 tú
 teléfono
 tomate
High Frequency Words
 tan
 tú
 fin
 feo
 estoy
Vocabulary Words
Los animales de
la finca
 cabra
 fabulosos
 finca
 oveja
de los
 lustrosa
 pescuezo
 piel
 selva
 túneles
Academic Vocabulary
 propósito del autor
 secuencia
 antónimos
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Author’s Purpose
(Teacher Toolkit: Author’s Purpose )
Focus: Determine the author’s purpose for writing a selection
When modeling author’s purpose, use a read aloud of your choice. Preview the text and mark stopping points where you will think aloud to discuss the author’s purpose.
Make an author’s purpose anchor chart using a sheet of chart paper. At the top, write the heading, Author’s Purpose. Below the heading, make a three column chart. Write one word
in each column: entertain, inform, persuade.
Tell students that an author is a person who writes a book.
Say: Authors have different reasons or purposes for writing. Sometimes an author will write a book just for you to enjoy or to entertain you. Remember when we read
________? The author wrote that book to entertain you. Authors can write to inform to give you information about something. (Hold up a nonfiction book). This book is full of
facts about ________. The author wrote this book to give you information about ________. Sometimes authors write to make you think a certain way or persuade. Show
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 17 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
students an example of a book written to persuade. EX: saving the environment, protecting endangered animals, benefits of exercising. The author wrote this to
make you want to__________. (Los autores escriben con diferentes propósitos. A veces un autor escribirá un libro para entretenerte. ¿Acuérdense cuando leímos
____________? El autor escribió ese libro para entretener al lector. Los autores pueden escribir para informarte o para darte información acerca de algo. (Muestre un libro
informativo.) Este libro está lleno de hechos. El autor escribió este libro para darte información acerca de ________________. A veces los autores escriben para hacerte pensar
de cierta manera o para persuadirte. (Muestre un libro escrito para persuadir.) Ejemplos: salvar el medio ambiente, proteger las especies de animales en peligro, los beneficios
de hacer ejecicios, etc.) El autor escribió esto para persuadirte a _________________.)
Show students the author’s purpose anchor chart and use it to review author’s purpose. Say: As I’m reading today, I want you to think about the author’s purpose for writing the
book. (Mientras leo el cuento, quiero que piensen en el propósito del autor para escribir el libro.)
Show students your thinking by discussing the author’s purpose using the title and cover illustrations of the read aloud. Stop two times during your reading to discuss author’s
After the read aloud, ask students to turn and talk to their partner to discuss the author’s purpose for writing the book. Decide on the author’s purpose as a class. Write the title of
the book under the correct column on the anchor chart.
After the read aloud, remind students that good readers think about the author’s purpose when they are reading.
Continue to add to the author’s purpose anchor chart using subsequent read alouds.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 147e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(propósito del autor) al leer el cuento
Los hogares de los animales pp. 124137, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 157e
 Práctica: Propósito del autor
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Secuencia
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.2
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 77
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 78
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 142a-159e
 Stories: Los animales de la finca and Los
hogares de los animales
 Librito de fonética El patito nada
 Superlibro ¿Quién llegará primero?
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Suggested Read Alouds:
CLIC, CLAC, MUU Vacas escritoras by Doreen
Cronin (Persuasion)
 Querida Señora LaRue: Cartas desde la
Academia Canina by Mark Teague (Persuasion)
 Tiburones by Seymour Simon (Information)
 Delfines by Rosa Costa-Pau (Information)
 Hallytosis El horrible problema de un perro by
Dav Pilkey (Entertainment)
 Martha habla by Susan Meddaugh
Page 19 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 5
The Teaching Plan for Gato Goloso y Lobita Bonita and La cinturita de Anansi
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
pp. 160i-160j, 160k-160l
Fonética: Sílabas ga, go, gu y Sílabas
abiertas con b
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
o Volver al cartel
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
 Separen en sílabas
 Digan con más fuerza
p. 165c
Fonética: Sílabas ga, go, gu y Sílabas
abiertas con b
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
p. 187a
Fonética: Sílabas ga, go, gu y Sílabas
abiertas con b
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Safari de palabras de palabras
o Superlibro
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con t
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética El gato de bigote en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética El gato de bigote
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
pp. 160j, 160l
Ortografía: Palabras con ga, go, gu;
Sílabas abiertas con b
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 160l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 165d
Palabras con ga, go, gu; Sílabas abiertas
con b
 Revoltillo de palabras
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 165d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética El gato de
bigote en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 166a
 Presentar el vocabulario
 Enseñar estrategias de vocabulario:
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El gato de
bigote en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
p. 165d
 Caligrafía: Gg
p. 187b
Palabras con ga, go, gu; Sílabas abiertas
con b
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 160m
 Presentar el vocabulario
p. 187b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 20 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 158a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con f
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar
la conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 189d
Fonética: Sílabas ga, go, gu; Sílabas
abiertas con b
 Bolsas de palabras
p. 188b
Palabras con ga, go, gu; Sílabas abiertas
con b
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética El gato de
bigote en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 189d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética El gato de
bigote en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words
 amiga
 gota
 gusano
 bebida
 bota
 nube
 bonito
 gato
 bigote
 bodega
High Frequency Words
 gato
 gustar
 muy
 bonito
 dijo
Vocabulary Words
Gato Goloso y
Lobita Bonita
 batido
 bigote
 lame
 mantel
La cinturita
de Anansi
 adentrando
 arena
 átenme
 cintura
 cordel
 reventaron
 selva
 tirón
Academic Vocabulary
 causa
 efecto
 propósito del autor
 antónimos
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Cause and Effect
(Teacher Toolkit: Cause and Effect )
Focus: A cause is the reason something happens. An effect is what happens.
When modeling cause and effect, use a read aloud of your choice. Preview the text and mark two or three stopping points where you will think aloud.
Before the lesson, make a cause and effect anchor chart using a sheet of chart paper. Write the heading, Cause and Effect at the top of the paper. Draw a box on one side, followed
by an arrow, and another box on the other side. Repeat two times.
Label the boxes on the left, cause and the boxes on the right, effect.
Say: Today we are going to be thinking about cause and effect. A cause is the reason that something happens. An effect is what happens. Let me give you an example. If you
have a baby brother or sister at home, you know that babies cry a lot. Let me write “The baby is crying” as the effect. (On the anchor chart, write: The baby is crying.) What
caused the baby to cry? The baby is hungry. The baby cried because he was hungry. Let me write “The baby is hungry” as the cause. (On the anchor chart, write: The baby is
hungry.) There could be other things that caused the baby to cry. He might need his diaper changed or he might be tired. (Hoy vamos a pensar en la causa y efecto. La causa es
la razón por qué algo sucedió. El efecto es lo que pasó. Déjenme darles un ejemplo. Si tienen un hermanito bebé en la casa, saben que los bebés lloran mucho. Voy a escribir
“El bebé llora” como el efecto. (On the anchor chart, write: El bebé llora.) ¿Por qué el bebé está llorando? El bebé tiene hambre. El bebé lloró porque tenía hambre. Déjenme
escribir “El bebé tiene hambre” como la causa. (On the anchor chart, write: El bebé tiene hambre.) Puede ser motivos por qué el bebé llora. Por ejemplo, es posible que necesite
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 21 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
que cambie su pañal o que esté cansado.)
Good readers think about what happened and why it happened.
Read aloud and model two or three think alouds related to cause and effect.
After the read aloud, select two key points from the story to illustrate cause and effect. On the anchor chart, write the effect and ask students to determine the cause. Repeat with
another example from the story.
Remind students that good readers think about cause and effect to help them understand what happens and why it happens. Encourage students to look for cause and effect
relationships when reading.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 165e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(causa y efecto) al leer el cuento La
cinturita de Anansi pp. 166-185, en
voz alta.
Día 4: p. 187e
 Práctica: Causa y efecto
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Propósito del autor
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.2
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 93
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 94
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 22 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro,
Vol. 2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 160a-189e
 Stories: Gato Goloso y Lobita Bonita and La
cinturita de Anansi
 Librito de fonética El gato de bigote
 Superlibro El ratoncito, la fresa roja y madura
y el gran oso hambriento
Suggested Read Alouds:
 Si le das un panqueque a una cerdita a un ratón
by Laura Numeroff
 Si le das un panecillo a un alce by Laura Numeroff
 Pollita chiquita by Steven Kellogg
 La casita by Virginia Lee Burton
 El conejo andarín by Margaret Wise Brown
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for Small Group
Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 Work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of
the learner. Students will have additional practice to
help them master the skills learned during whole
group instruction.
What do you do for students who master the learning
 Activities/materials offered during Small Group
Guided Reading Instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Sample Question
Third Grade: TAKS Released Test
Source: TEA Website
Sample Question
Eighth Grade: TAKS Released Test
Source: TEA Website
Spanish Reading: February 2006
5. Observa el siguiente diagrama con información del
Reading: April 2006
Deborah Turner supo de
un carrito que podría
ayudar a los animales.
8 Look at this chart of information from the story.
 People race frantically to
The Hindenburg
catches fire.
escape from the burning
 ________________________
 Fire trucks begin to arrive at
Muchas personas
oyeron sobre Willy.
Lakehurst Naval Air Station.
Willy se hizo famoso.
¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones va en los renglones
en blanco?
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
(Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College
Willy se quedó en el hospital por un año.
Willy esperó a que alguien lo adoptara.
Willy chocaba contra las paredes y los muebles.
Willy podía moverse por su cuenta.
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Which detail belongs on the empty line?
F The airship arrives at Lakehurst Naval Air Station.
G Leanna’s father points at a fin on the airship.
H The airship crumples to the ground and collapses.
J Leanna and her father park far from the airfield.
Page 23 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Bilingual Reading – Grade 1
Unit of Study: Motivating Children to Read (Cómo motivar a los alumnos a leer)
Unit Rationale
Second Grading Period Weeks 6 – 9
Big Idea
“Done thoughtfully, reading aloud becomes a critically important means of teaching
background knowledge, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, and knowledge of written
language so crucial to becoming skilled and willing readers during the primary grades and
beyond” (224). Avery, C. (2002). And With a Light Touch. Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH.
“If you want to develop readers, you have to read to children, give them time to read
real books, and opportunity to discuss them, respond to them, value them” (267).
Avery, C. (2002). And With a Light Touch. Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH.
“Reading aloud motivates kids to want to learn to read, extends their oral language,
and gives them opportunities to connect new information to what they already know”
(29). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers, Markham,
TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome
TEKS Grade 1 The students will…
 1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
 1D listen critically to interpret and evaluate
 1E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections
from classic and contemporary works
 1F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or
repeated sounds
 2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and
 3C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large
group discussions
 4A learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions,
and categories
 4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
 5E know the order of the alphabet
 5H understand that spoken words are represented in written language by specific
sequences of letters
 5I recognize that different parts of a book
 5J recognize that there are correct spellings for words
 6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by
clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words
 6C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming
 6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds
 6E blend sounds to make spoken words, including three and four phoneme
words, through ways such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a
spoken word
 6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three
and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
“I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
Yo puedo…
 participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C, 13B, 13C)
 escuchar por diferentes motivos (1D, 1E, 13A)
 identificar rimas y sonidos repetidos (1F)
 hacer conexiones personales con el texto, hacer conexiones entre textos y con
el mundo real (2A, 13D, 16A)
 hacer y contestar preguntas (3C)
 aprender el vocabulario nuevo (4A, 4B)
 conocer los conceptos de la letra impresa (5E, 5H, 5I, 7B)
 reconocer que las palabras siguen una ortografía propia (5J)
 dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para
formar palabras (6B, 6E, 6F)
 hacer parejas de palabras que riman y distinguir las palabras que riman y no
riman (6C)
 identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii)
 entender que las palabras habladas están hechas de sonidos (7B)
 utilizar la correspondencia entre letras y sonidos para aprender a leer (7Cii, 7Dii)
 descifrar las palabras (7Eii, 7H, 8A)
 leer texto descifrable (7G)
 usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B)
 utilizar claves estructurales (8Cii)
 utilizar las palabras irregulares de uso frecuente (8F)
 reconocer las palabras comunes con rapidez (8Gii)
 leer textos al nivel instruccional e independiente (9A, 9B, 9D)
 leer con fluidez (9C)
 leer libros de diferentes géneros y reconocer sus características (10A, 14D)
 discutir los significados de palabras (11A)
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 24 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 7C(ii) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of consonant-vowel patterns
to produce syllables to begin to read
 7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences
 7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and
syllables, including consonants, vowels, blends, and stress
 7F decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled
 7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts (engaging and coherent
texts in which most of the words are comprised of an accumulating sequence of
letter-sound correspondences being taught)
 8A decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within a word
 8B use common spelling patterns to read words
 8C(ii) use structural cues to recognize words such as compounds, base words,
and inflections such as –mente, -ito, -ada…
 8E recognize high frequency irregular words
 8F use knowledge of word order (syntax) and context to support word
identification and confirm word meaning
 8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling patterns
 9A read regularly in independent-level materials
 9B read regularly in instructional-level materials that are challenging but
 9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency (accuracy, expression, appropriate
phrasing, and attention to punctuation)
 9D self-select independent level reading such as by drawing on personal interest,
by relying on knowledge of authors and different types of texts, and/or by
estimating text difficulty
 10A read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for pleasure and/or information
 11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through
meaningful/concrete experiences
 11B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and
conceptually challenging selections read aloud
 12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts
 12B establish purposes for reading and listening
 12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
 12D monitor his/her own comprehension and act purposefully when
comprehension breaks down using strategies
 12F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas
and causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
 12G identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics,
characters, and problems
 13A listen to stories being read aloud
 13B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable
and patterned selections are read aloud
 13C respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety
of stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
leer las palabras nuevas y usarlas en las discusiones y la escritura (11B)
usar el conocimiento previo para entender el texto (12A)
volver a contar un cuento (12C)
saber la idea principal del libro (12F)
entender la estructura de un cuento (14B)
distinguir entre los hechos y la fantasía (14C)
utilizar el conocimiento de palabras y el contexto para identificar las palabras
(8F, 11A)
 explicar lo que hacen los autores e ilustradores (14F)
 analizar los personajes (14G)
 escribir en mi mejor letra (17B, 17E)
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
13D connect ideas and themes across texts
13E describe how illustrations contribute to the text
14B understand simple story structure
14C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
14D recognize the distinguishing features of familiar genres, including stories,
poems, and informational texts
14F understand literary terms by distinguishing between the roles of the author
and illustrator such as the author writes the story and the illustrator draws the
14G analyze characters, including their traits, feelings, relationships, and
16A connect his/her own experiences with the life experiences, languages,
customs, and culture of others
17B write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase, using correct
formation, appropriate size, and spacing
17E gain an increasing control of penmanship such as pencil grip, paper position,
stroke, and posture
Evidence of Learning
Anecdotal remarks from the Reader’s Notebook
80% of the students will score 80% or above on the selection assessments (comprehension and vocabulary).
80% of the students will score 80% or above on the spelling tests.
85% of the students will be “Desarrollado” on the Tejas LEE assessment
80% of the students will read at a rate of 40wpm or more on the Tejas LEE assessment
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1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Essential Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
 How do I choose a book that’s just right for me?
 What are reading genres?
 What do good readers do when they come to a new word
they don’t know?
 What consonant letters make two sounds?
 What are contractions?
 How does the reader learn more about a character?
Kindergarten TEKS
 know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (5B)
 produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words (6C)
 blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word (6E)
 name and identify each letter of the alphabet (7A)
 learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (7C)
 use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (9A)
Week 6
The Teaching Plan for ¡Vaya guiso! and La gallina Paulina
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
pp. 10i-10j, 10k-10l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con gue,
gui; Sílabas abiertas con v
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las sílabas
 Combinen las sílabas
p. 17c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con gue,
gui; Sílabas abiertas con v
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
pp. 10j, 10l
Ortografía: Palabras con gue, gui; va, ve,
vi, vo, vu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 10l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 17d
Palabras con gue, gui; va, ve, vi, vo, vu
 Palabras que faltan
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 17d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
p. 17d
 Caligrafía: Vv
p. 10m
 Presentar el vocabulario
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética Fue el guepardo en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética Fue el guepardo
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Fue el
guepardo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
Page 28 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 41a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con gue,
gui; Sílabas abiertas con v
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Libro de palabras
o Librito de fonética
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con ga, go,
p. 42a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con b
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Fue el
guepardo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
p. 41b
Ortografía: Palabras con gue, gui; va, ve,
vi, vo, vu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 18a
 Nombres
 Explicar los pasos
p. 140b
Ortografía: Palabras con gue, gui; va, ve,
vi, vo, vu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Fue el
guepardo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 43d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Fue el
guepardo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
p. 42b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar
la conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 43d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with gue and
gui. The team that writes the most
words correctly in 10 minutes wins.
Weekly Spelling Words
 guía
 guisado
 pague
 vaso
 vela
 vivo
 guiso
 vamos
 águila
 venado
High Frequency Words
 vamos
 guiso
 ver
 pues
 fue
Vocabulary Words
¡Vaya guiso!
 desastre
 pasillo
 reguero
La gallina
 espigas
 grano
 horno
 molino
 picoteaba
 vecinos
Academic Vocabulary
 comparación
 contraste
 volver a contar
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Focus: When you compare and contrast, you see how things are alike and how they are different.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Before this lesson, you need to read aloud The Three Little Pigs to the class. In this lesson, you will be comparing and contrasting The Three Little Pigs with Little Red Riding
Hood. Preview the text and mark stopping points where you will think aloud to make text to text connections.
Using a sheet of chart paper, prepare a compare and contrast anchor chart. Label the chart compare and contrast at the top.
Draw a Venn Diagram. You may laminate the chart for durability.
Say: We’ve been learning about what good readers do to understand when they read. Good readers think about how things are alike and how they are different. Good readers
compare and contrast. Compare means to think about how things are alike. Contrast means to think about how things are different. We read The Three Little Pigs the other day.
Today we are going to read Little Red Riding Hood and we are going to think about how the stories are alike and how they are different. (Hemos aprendido de lo que hacen los
buenos lectores para comprender lo que leen. Los buenos lectores piensen en cómo las cosas son parecidas y diferentes. Ellos comparan y contrastan. Comparar quiere decir
pensar en cómo son parecidas o iguales las cosas. Contrastar significa pensar en cómo son diferentes.)
Read aloud Little Red Riding Hood. Stop two to three times to make text to text connections with The Three Little Pigs.
After the read aloud, label the Venn diagram with The Three Little Pigs on the left and Little Red Riding Hood on the right. As a class, complete the Venn diagram, comparing the
story elements (setting, characters, problem, attempts to solve the problem, and solution) of both stories.
Remind students that good readers think about how things are alike and how they are different when they are reading.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 17e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(comparación y contraste) al leer el
cuento La gallina Paulina pp. 18-40,
en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 41e
 Práctica: Comparación y contraste
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Recordar y volver a contar
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.3
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 13
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 14
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
 Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
 Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
 Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
 Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
3 – Juntos aprendemos, Páginas 10a-43e
 Stories: ¡Vaya guiso! and La gallina Paulina
 Librito de fonética Fue el guepardo
 Superlibro Cómo se hacen los ositos de
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Suggested Read Alouds:
La caperucita roja by the Brothers Grimm
Los tres cerditos adapted by Mercè Escardó I Bas
Los tres cerditos by Margot Zemach
¡La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos! by Jon
Cocodrilos y caimanes by Norman S. Barrett
Mariposas y las polillas by Janine Scott
La Cenicienta by Charles Perrault
Las bellas hijas de Mufaro by John Steptoe
Page 31 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 7
The Teaching Plan for El niño dibuja la noche and El papalote
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética Mi amigo Chimo en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética Mi amigo Chimo
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
pp. 44i-44j, 44k-44l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ch/ñ
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
 Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Digan con más fuerza
 Separen en sílabas
 Identifiquen las sílabas
 Combinen las sílabas
p. 49c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ch/ñ
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
pp. 44j, 44l
Ortografía: Palabras con cha, che, chi,
cho, chu, ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 44l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 49d
Ortografía: Palabras con cha, che, chi,
cho, chu, ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu
 Práctica con adivinanzas
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 49d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Mi amigo
Chimo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 65a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ch/ñ
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Libro de palabras
o Librito de fonética
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con ga, go,
gu/gue, gui
p. 65b
Ortografía: Palabras con cha, che, chi,
cho, chu, ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 50a
 Nombres
 Explicar los pasos
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Mi amigo
Chimo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
p. 49d
 Caligrafía: Ññ
p. 44m
 Presentar el vocabulario
p. 65b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
p. 67a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ch/ñ
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
p. 66b
Ortografía: Palabras con cha, che, chi,
cho, chu, ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Mi amigo
Chimo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 67d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Mi amigo
Chimo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
 Hacer una actividad para desarrollar
la conciencia fonémica y la fonética
(Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic
Awareness/Phonics Activities)
p. 67d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 2 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with ch and
ñ. The team that writes the most
words correctly in 10 minutes wins.
Weekly Spelling Words
 chino
 leche
 mucho
 ñame
 ñato
 piña
 niño
 lechuga
 muchacho
 piñata
High Frequency Words
 niño
 papel
 chiquito
 vez
 hacer
Vocabulary Words
El niño dibuja
la noche
 dibuja
 moña
 techo
El papalote
 complicado
 convencimo
 decidió
 hilo
 hogar
 magnífico
Academic Vocabulary
 sacar conclusiones
 secuencia
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Drawing Conclusions
(Teacher Toolkit: Drawing Conclusions)
Focus: Use what you have read and what you know about real life to draw conclusions.
Use a read aloud of your choice to model drawing conclusions. Preview the text and mark stopping points where you will think aloud and draw conclusions.
Make an anchor chart using a sheet of chart paper. Label it Drawing Conclusions. Make a three column chart and label each part: textual clues, schema, and conclusion.
Say: Authors usually don’t tell their readers everything about the story. Readers have to use the clues in the story along with what they already know, their schema, to figure out
the meaning. Today I’m going to show you how to use the clues in the story and add your schema, what you already know, to figure out the meaning. This is called drawing
conclusions. Let me give you an example. I’m standing in line in the school cafeteria. I see students biting into the pizza and making a face. Some students are throwing away the
pizza. I know that sometimes when I eat food that doesn’t taste good, I make a face and I won’t eat the rest of it. I just throw it away. I can draw the conclusion that the pizza
doesn’t taste good. (Los autores por lo general no cuentan la historia a los lectores. Los lectores deben usar las pistas en el cuento con lo que ya saben, su esquema, para
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
averiguar el significado. Hoy les voy a mostrar cómo usar las pistas en el cuento y añadir su esquema, lo que ya saben, para averiguar el significado. Este proceso se llama
sacar conclusiones. Déjenme darles un ejemplo. Estoy parado/-a en fila en la cafeteria. Veo los niños tomando mordiscos de su pizza y haciendo muecas de asco. Algunos niños
están echando la pizza en la basura. Yo sé que a veces cuando como algo que no sabe bien, hago una mueca y no comeré el resto de la comida. Nada más la boto. Puedo
sacar la conclusión que la pizza no sabe bien.)
Say: As you listen to the story today, see if you can use the clues in the story and add your schema (background knowledge) to draw conclusions. (Mientras escuchan el cuento,,
traten de utilizar las pistas en el cuento y añaden su esquema (conocimiento previo) para sacar conclusiones.)
Read aloud, stopping two to three times to draw conclusions based on textual evidence and personal experience.
Fill in the anchor chart with two examples from the story.
Tell students that good readers look at the clues in the story and use their schema to figure out more about the characters and what happens in the story.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 49e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(sacar conclusiones) al leer el cuento
El papalote pp. 50-63, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 65e
 Práctica: Sacar conclusiones
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Secuencia
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.3
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 29
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 30
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
 Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 34 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Model comments and reflections as you read.
Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
3 – Juntos aprendemos, Páginas 44a-67e
 Stories: El niño dibuja la noche and El papalote
 Librito de fonética Mi amigo Chimo
 Superlibro Cómo se hacen los ositos de
Suggested Read Alouds:
Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg
El higo más dulce by Chris Van Allsburg
Los tres cerditos by David Wiesner
Willy el mago by Anthony Browne
Jorge y Marta by James Marshall
Fábulas by Arnold Lobel
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Week 8 or 9: The Teaching Plan for Un perro llamado Coco and El león y el ratón
Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Week 8 or 9
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
pp. 68i-68j, 68k-68l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ca, co,
cu; Sílabas abiertas con ll
 Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
o Volver al cartel
 Relacionar los sonidos y las letras
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
 Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
 Separen las letras
 Combinen las sílabas
 Separen en sílabas
 Digan con más fuerza
p. 75c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ca, co,
cu; Sílabas abiertas con ll
 Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y
canciones de fonética
 Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
pp. 68j, 68l
Ortografía: Palabras con ca, co, cu; lla, lle,
lli, llo, llu
 Examen preliminar
 Emplear el patrón ortográfico
p. 68l
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
p. 75d
Ortografía: Palabras con ca, co, cu; lla, lle,
lli, llo, llu
 Práctica con adivinanzas
 Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 75d
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar las
palabras de la semana (Teacher
Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary
p. 75d
 Caligrafía: Cc
p. 68m
 Presentar el vocabulario
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de
fonética Coco el caballo en voz alta
 Practicar la lectura en eco usando el
librito de fonética Coco el caballo
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Coco el
caballo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
Page 36 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Coco el
caballo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
p. 97a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ca, co,
cu; Sílabas abiertas con ll
 Relación con el cuento
 Actividades de práctica
o Libro de palabras
o Librito de fonética
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas con ga, go,
gu/gue, gui
p. 98a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ca, co,
cu; Sílabas abiertas con ll
 Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
 Atención a necesidades diversas
p. 97b
Ortografía: Palabras con ca, co, cu; lla, lle,
lli, llo, llu
 Practicar la escritura
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar deletreando las palabras
(Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
p. 76a
 Nombres
 Explicar los pasos
p. 98b
Ortografía: Palabras con ca, co, cu; lla, lle,
lli, llo, llu
 Práctica de ortografía en parejas
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
 Leer el librito de fonética Coco el
caballo en coro (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Choral Reading)
p. 99d
 Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to
play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher
Toolkit) Each group will divide their
paper into 3 columns. The teams will
compete against each other to write
lists of words beginning with ca, co,
cu. The team that writes the most
words correctly in 10 minutes wins.
p. 99d
 Escoger unas de las actividades para
practicar las palabras de ortografía
(Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to
Practice Spelling Words)
 Examen de ortografía
 Escoger una actividad de
vocabulario práctico para repasar
las palabras de la semana.
(Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On
Vocabulary Instruction)
 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad
(Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed
 Leer el librito de fonética Coco el
caballo en parejas (Teacher Toolkit:
Fluency – Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words
 camisa
 coco
 cuna
 gallina
 llama
 llave
 comer
 lleno
 calle
 cuchillo
p. 97b
 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso
High Frequency Words
 comer
 lleno
 allí
 cual
 digo
Vocabulary Words
Un perro
llamado Coco
 conozco
 lanzo
 peinar
El león y el
 basta
 favor
 gran
 red
 roer
 socorro
Academic Vocabulary
 idea principal
 sacar conclusiones
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an
additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Main Idea
(Teacher Toolkit: Main Idea 2 )
Focus: The main idea is what the story/text is mostly about.
Before reading, pre-select two or three stopping points to teach main idea. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud.
Say: The main idea is what a story is all about. It is the most important idea in a selection. Authors use small pieces of information called supporting details to tell more about the
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 37 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
main idea. Good readers think about the main idea to help them understand the story. (La idea principal es lo que trata principalmente la historia .Es la idea más importante de la
selección. Los autores utilizan trozos de información llamados detalles de apoyo para decirnos más acerca de la idea principal.)
Read a short nonfiction article/selection. Find a good stopping point to state the main idea. Do a think aloud. “The sentences are mostly about _________. I think the main idea is
________.” (Las oraciones tratan principalmente de _____________. Creo que la idea principal es ____________.)
Continue to read the article and modeling the think aloud.
Write main idea in the middle circle of a web. Ask students to tell the main idea of the selection and write it in the middle. Ask students to give supporting details that tell more
about the main idea. Write the details on the web.
Remind students that the main idea is the most important idea in a selection. Supporting details tell more about the main idea. Good readers think about the main idea when
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 75e
 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
 Enseñar la destreza
o Demuestre
o Practicar
Día 3
 Modelar la destreza de comprensión
(idea principal) al leer el cuento El
león y el ratón, pp. 50-63, en voz alta.
Día 4: p. 97e
 Práctica: Idea principal
 Volver al superlibro
 Repaso: Sacar conclusions
Día 5:
 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de
práctica 1.3
o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 45
o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 46
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is
based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
 The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or
Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
 On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the
teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading
Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group
and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
 Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
 Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies
taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
 Students will visit the following five work stations:
 Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
 Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
 Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
 Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
 Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
 Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
 Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
 Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
 Ask students to make predictions.
 Model comments and reflections as you read.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 38 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
 Fluency Speed Drills
 Ways to Teach Fluency packet
 Spelling Chants
 Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
 Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
 Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol.
3 – Juntos aprendemos, Páginas 68a-99e
 Stories: Un perro llamado Coco and El león y
el ratón
 Librito de fonética Coco el caballo
 Superlibro Cómo se hacen los ositos de
Additional Resources:
 Cartel de rimas y canciones
 Audiocasete de la selección
 Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
 Cuaderno de práctica
Suggested Read Alouds:
Un sillón para mi mamá by Vera B. Williams
El hallazgo de Jamaica by Juanita Havill
Por amor a nuestra Tierra by P.K. Hallinan
Rita, ¡NO GRITES! by Flávia Muniz
Inés del revés by Anita Jeram
Crisantemo by Kevin Henkes
Evidence of Learning
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for Small Group
Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 Work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of
the learner. Students will have additional practice to
help them master the skills learned during whole
group instruction.
What do you do for students who master the
learning quickly?
 Activities/materials offered during Small Group
Guided Reading Instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
SAISD © 2008-09 – Second Grading Period
Sample Questions
Fifth Grade: TAKS Released Test
Source: TEA Website – Spring 2004
Spanish Reading
19 Observa el diagrama con información de este
(Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College
Sample Questions
Tenth Grade: TAKS Released Test
Source: TEA Website – April 2006
ELA Makeup Test
13 This article is mostly about —
a father’s pride in his daughter’s accomplishments
a writer’s description of his love of basketball
the smallest girl on a college basketball team
the determination of a couple to have a daughter
¿Qué detalle va en el espacio vacío?
A Fueron construidos especialmente por los científicos.
B Están cerca del Polo Sur.
C Son lugares donde los científicos estudian a los
D Incluyen luces especiales con controles de tiempo.
1st Grade Bilingual Reading
Page 39 of 39
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at
each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.