January 5, 2009 HDES Media Center
In attendance:
School Board MembersPam Butler
Paul Plater
John Segedy
Rich Pelletier
Tim Grass
Barbara Baker, Superintendent
Chris Elkington, High School Principal
Donna Stafford, High School Assistant Principal
Ellen Klein, Elementary School Principal
Lisa Braiterman, Business Administrator
Patty Parenteau, Director of Student Support Services
Helene Bickford, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and
Russ Galpin, Town Moderator
Curtis Hines, Student Representative
Michael Pon, The Villager
Community members
A. Swearing in of New Board Member
Russ Galpin swore Tim Grass in as the new Board member.
B. Non-Public Session-Student Issue
Motion to go into non-public session made by John Segedy, seconded by Rich
Pam Butler, yes; Paul Plater, yes; Tim Grass, yes; John Segedy, yes; Rich
Pelletier, yes.
C. Action Following Non-Public
Motion to seal the minutes from non-public session made by John Segedy,
seconded by Rich Pelletier and approved 5-0.
D. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Plater called the meeting to order at 6:46pm and led the Pledge of
Meeting recorded by Paul Plater, John Segedy and the HDSD.
E. Recognitions
Dr Baker expressed appreciation for all the help from the community during
the recent emergency situation. Dr. Baker also shared a thank you note from
the Town Office showing their appreciation also.
Chair Plater mentioned the food service and how hard they worked.
Lisa recognized McGurty maintenance for their efforts and said that PSNH
workers were offered warmth and shelter throughout the storm and meals
were catered.
Chair Plater recognized Tim Grass from Deering as the new Board member.
F. Public Comment
Heidi Welch informed the Board that because of cancellations the two
concerts will be combined on January 29th at the Middle School at 6:30pm.
January 14th the “Ball in the House” , A capella group out of Boston, will be
hosted with a spaghetti dinner at 5:30pm with concert following at 7. Dinner
and show $10, concert only $6 at the Middle School.
G. Student Representative’s Report
All three schools had a smooth transition back to school after the extended
Finals for the High School have been rescheduled for the 2nd and 3rd of
The Middle school won the JYY 105.5 contest to raise the most pounds of food
for the food bank. This was done mostly by the students and they raised
1541 pounds in three weeks.
H. Correspondence
I. Minutes-December 1 and 18, 2008
Motion to approve minutes dated December 1, 2008 with the following
amendments made by John Segedy, seconded by Rich Pelletier and approved
4-0-1; Tim Grass abstained.
Motion to approve minutes dated December 18, 2008 with the following
amendments made by John Segedy, seconded by Pam Butler and approved 40-1; Tim Grass abstained.
J. Superintendent’s Report
1. Finalize High School Schedule 2009-10 – C. Elkington and D.
Dr. Baker asked for the Board’s support in implementing the new trimester
schedule at the high school for 2009-2010.
Chris Elkington provided more information about the new schedule.
Chair Plater expressed his reservations about the trimester schedule,
especially for students transferring in or out. Curtis Hines asked about the
reference to more career exploration opportunities and Mr. Elkington
answered that this schedule would offer more blocks or times that students
could use for that purpose. Mr. Elkington said that the biggest advantage is
the amount of time that staff is in actual contact with students per class. He
is looking at more time for students to get a better understanding. John
Segedy explained that this explanation is very similar to the explanation
heard regarding block scheduling. Mr. Grass discussed how this seems to be
a better schedule as students are probably getting lost at the end of the
longer blocks.
A community member spoke representing four perspectives:
 Her sophomore son is very much opposed to the trimester.
 She as an Assistant Principal in a Vermont school where the trimester
is used and the school took a downward spiral. They are now looking
to move to a two semester system.
 As a Parent she is in support of her son.
 As a community member who feels that this is different than what was
presented at the meeting in November. The trimester was off the table
at that time.
Shelly Cutter is the mother of a senior who is maxed out in math and was
going to Hopkinton. Mr. Elkington explained it would not be an issue.
Randy Welch said that the staff needs to be involved and asked what the
Board is asking to be done about instruction regardless of the schedule.
Chair Plater explained that assessments and competencies will help focus
instruction. Tim Grass feels that the seven period schedule seems to be the
Chair Plater preferred the second schedule which offers some longer blocks.
Dr. Baker explained that the goal is to improve student achievement and the
schedule recommended by Mr. Elkington and Mrs. Stafford is felt to best
meet the needs of these students. John Segedy pointed out that Freshman
Academy would be taking up four of the five blocks allowing only one spot for
an elective. Mr. Elkington will look into this. Rich Pelletier asked the
administration to look into the school in Vermont that found the trimester
schedule very difficult.
John Segedy recognized and thanked Chris Elkington and Donna Stafford for
all of their work on the schedules.
Called back to order at 8:05pm after a short break.
K. Old Business
1. Hillsboro-Deering FY2010 Budget and Warrant Articles
Proposed budget of $18,473,406
Default budget of $18,211,124
Last year’s budget $18,372,052
Chair Plater ,again, suggested a 2% increase plus $500. Rich does not like
the idea of giving a smaller percent of an increase to those making less.
Patty Parenteau spoke to the Board regarding the Related Services staff i.e.
Speech and language.
John motioned to decrease the Middle School field trips by $30,000 seconded
by Paul. Dr. Baker asked the Board to make a policy about the amount of
money to be spent on field trips. Pam explained that cutting this amount
does not address the issue. Motion failed 2-2-1 Rich and Pam voted no and
Tim abstained.
Chair Plater would like to cut the budget.
Pam would like to increase the budget to assure that all students are
Tim would approve the budget with the addition of the half-time
kindergarten teacher.
John would like to decrease the budget.
Rich would approve the budget as it is.
John motioned to reallocate $30,000 from Middle School field trips to half
time kindergarten teacher, seconded by Paul. Motion failed 2-3 Tim, Pam
and Rich voted no.
Pam motioned to add the half time kindergarten teacher, seconded by Tim.
Motion failed 2-3 Paul, Rich and John voted no.
Rich motioned for $18,473,406 as the proposed budget no second.
John motioned to cut $15,000 from the maintenance budget ($5,000 for the
room that was added, $8,000 for clock repairs and $2,000 ,which is an
estimate, for carpeting) seconded by Paul. Motion failed 2-2-1 Tim abstained.
Pam and Rich voted no.
Paul motioned to add $46,000 for SRO, John seconded. Motion approved 3-2
Rich and Tim voted no.
John motioned to reduce technology by $13,000, no second.
John motioned to remove $11,000 from travel accounts, no second.
Rich motioned to cut the added SRO and add a half time kindergarten
teacher, Tim seconded. John amended by also decreasing the middle school
field trips by $30,000, seconded by Paul. Amendment failed 2-3; Tim, Rich
and Pam voted no. Original motion passed 3-2 with John and Paul voting no.
The January 19th meeting had been changed to January 20th to accommodate
the school holiday.
Chair Plater moved to suspend budget discussions, Rich second and approved
Warrant articles:
Proposal 6 School Resource Officer $46,000 Motion made by
John, seconded by Pam and approved 5-0
 Proposals 3 and 4=$30,000 for detectors, fire panel and High
School door closers. Motion made by Rich, seconded by John and
approved 4-1, Paul voted no.
 Proposal for outdoor freezer $26,000 Motion made by Pam,
seconded by John and approved 5-0.
 Proposal to replace the windows in the elementary school for
$51,078 made by Pam, seconded by Paul and approved 5-0.
 Motion for Accepting Legacies and Trusts made by John,
seconded by Paul and approved 5-0.
 Proposal for upgrading the electrical system for $30,000 made
by Tim, seconded by Rich and approved 4-1 Paul voted no.
 John Segedy motioned for $50,000 addition to the Special
Education Trust Fund, seconded by Paul and approved 3-2 Tim
and Rich voted no.
Motion to end warrant article discussion made by Chair Plater, seconded by
Rich and approved 4-1 5-0.
L. Public Comment on Agenda Items
M. Action Items
1. Appointments, Leaves and Resignations
Motion to accept the resignation of Amy Martin made by John Segedy,
seconded by Pam Butler and approved 5-0.
2. 403(b) Plan
John Segedy moved to approve the 403b plan, seconded by Rich and approved
3-1-1 Paul voted no and Tim abstained.
3. Policies Requiring Board Action
Rich motioned to table policies, seconded by Pam and approved 4-1, John
voted no.
a. JLDBA Behavior Management and Intervention-Revision
b. JICK Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy-Revision
c. JICD Student Conduct, Discipline and Due Process-Safety
School Zone-Revision
d. IKF Graduation Requirement—2nd Reading
e. JJIF Guidelines for Proper Sportsmanship—2nd Reading
f. IMBD High School Credit For 7th And 8th Grade Advanced
Course Work—1st Reading
g. IKAA Interdisciplinary Credit —1st Reading
h. IK Earning of Credit —1st Reading
i. IHBI Alternative Learning Plans —1st Reading
4. Alternatives for making up lost instructional time
Dr. Baker provided options. Discussion ensued. Paul motioned
to make them up on Saturdays, Tim seconded motion failed 2-3 John,
Rich and Pam voted no.
Rich motioned to use February vacation for make-up time, seconded by
Pam. Motion failed 2-3 Paul, John and Tim voted no.
Motion to table this decision made by John, seconded by Tim and
approved 5-0.
N. Non-Public Session-Student Issue
John Segedy motioned to go into non-public session to discuss student issue,
seconded by Tim.
Pam Butler, yes; Paul Plater, yes; Tim Grass, yes; John Segedy, yes; Rich
Pelletier, yes.
O. Call Back to Order
P. Action Following Non-Public Session
Rich motioned to have Chair Plater write a letter carrying out the decision
reached in non-public session, seconded by Paul and approved 4-0-1, John
Segedy abstained.
Pam motioned to seal the minutes of the non-public session which was
seconded by Rich and approved 5-0.
Q. Adjournment
Pam motioned to adjourn at 11:42pm, seconded by Paul and approved 4-0-1,
John abstained.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelly Gardner, Board Secretary
The next Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting will be January 12, 2009 in
the HDES Media Center at 6:00 p.m.