Summary Record of the Workshops on “Pharmacovigilance” and “Drug Quality Control” Tehran, 19-21 July 2010 Background Pharmacovigilance and Drug Quality Control are among those fields which have been identified as priority areas by the First Meeting of the ECO High Level Drug Regulatory Authorities (HLDA) held in Tehran on 13-15 November 2007. 2. The “Pharmacovigilance” and “Drug Quality Control” Workshops were held in Tehran from 19-21 July 2010. The Workshops were hosted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Deputy for Food and Drug, in collaboration with the ECO Secretariat. Introduction 3. Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the detection assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse reactions to drugs or any other drug-related problems. Pharmacovigilance is an umbrella term used to describe the processes for monitoring and evaluating adverse drug reactions (ADRs) especially for the new medicines introduced to the marketplace, and it is considered as a key component of effective drug regulation systems. The ultimate goal of pharmacovigilance is the safe and proper use of effective medicines of all types. 4. Pharmaceutical products, more commonly known as medicines or drugs, are a fundamental component of both modern and traditional medicine. Medicines are identified through an evidence-based process and quality, safety, efficacy. The safety of medicines is an essential part of patient safety. Global drug safety depends on strong national systems that monitor the development and quality of medicines, report their harmful effects, and provide accurate information for their safe use. Medicine safety must be followed by careful patient monitoring and further scientific data collection. This aspect of drug monitoring is called post-marketing surveillance. Objectives 5. The objectives and expected goals of these workshops were to give an opportunity to the participants to share the latest breakthroughs on quality control of biological and non-biological medicines and findings on pharmacovigilance among the ECO Member States. The participants highlighted the strong or vulnerable points of Member States based on which a more practical joint work plan can be formulated. They were also able to learn: how to develop National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center in the country how to implement Spontaneous Reporting System in the country - - how to identify and evaluate adverse drug events through better reporting systems, skilful technical investigation of incidents and responsible sharing of data, develop capacity to anticipate adverse events and to probe systemic weaknesses that might lead to problems identify existing knowledge resources, within and outside the health sector make improvements in the health-care delivery system Participation 6. Delegates from all ECO Member States namely: the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran (Host), the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Turkey, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the Workshops. List of participants and work programme are enclosed at Annex I. 7. The workshops were conducted in an interactive manner and the programme consisted of presentations, discussions, group activities. The presentations covered most of the aspects of pharmacovigilance and drug quality control. During each presentation, the participants were invited to share their experiences and achievements made by their respective countries relating to the areas covered in the presentations. Questions raised by the participants were addressed by the presenters and the facilitators. The participants were provided with pharmacopoeia books of Iran. Welcoming Remarks 8. Amb. Hassan Taherian, Deputy ECO Secretary General, in his opening remarks welcomed the participants of the Workshops. He thanked and appreciated the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Deputy for Food and Drug, for hosting and making excellent arrangements for these Workshops. 9. He said that active participation in deliberations and valuable professional contributions of the delegates would enable the workshops to accomplish their task successfully. Copy of opening remarks is attached at Annex II. Opening Remarks 10. Dr. M. R. Shanesaz, Director General of Division of Pharmaceutical Affairs in his speech warmly welcomed the delegates of the ECO Member States to Islamic Republic of Iran. 11. He regarded human safety as having a common significance among all the religions therefore creating opportunities for relations between various nations through the need for medicines. He emphasized to the fact that all ECO Member States enjoy a rich cultural background in the field of medicines and pharmaceutical and that the intellectuals of this regions widely contribute to the development of these sciences. 2 12. While commenting on the relation between the ECO Member States he highlighted that keeping in account the historical background of the Member States the relationship is insufficient as compared to other Western and Asian Nations as it creates a strong scientific exchange and hence strengthening the medicinal and pharmaceutical relations. He also shared the achievements of Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of Pharmaceutical after the Islamic Revolution, as before the Islamic Revolution Iran was a major importer of Pharmaceutical and after the Revolution it fulfilled 96% of its pharmaceutical requirements and achieved the certificate for the regulatory authority over production of vaccines. 13. On part of Islamic Republic of Iran and as a human duty he wished to share the pharmaceutical experiences and technical know-how among all the countries in order to promote health-base relations between countries. Text of his statement is attached at Annex-III. Inauguration 14. In his inaugural statement, Dr. M. H. Nicknam, Acting Health Minister for International Relations Affairs he welcomed the delegates to visit Iran to participate in the workshops. He appreciated and thanked for the cooperation extended by the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the efforts made by ECO Secretarial for providing the necessary facilities for holding the workshops. He particularly appreciated MOH&ME, Deputy for Food and drug, for hosting these workshops. 15. The social, economical challenges confronted to today’s world require a close cooperation that is proportionate with the needs and situations of every region, he said. The cultural, religious affinities and historical bonds, the common needs and deep understanding among ECO Member States can lead to an effective interaction in health sector including pharmaceutical field. 16. He made a reference to the First ECO Health Ministers Meeting held in Baku (Azerbaijan) in February 2010 which clearly drawn up the ways for expanding the existing joint cooperation among Member States as well as benefiting from the support and technical experiences of the International Organizations that are active in the fields of health and pharmaceutical affairs. He said that the Ministry of Health and Medical Education has constantly prioritized the expansion of health cooperation among neighbouring countries and ECO Member States. Text of his statement is attached at Annex-IV. “Pharmacovigilance” (19th July 2010) Why drug Monitoring? Methods Available for Drug Safety Monitoring – an Overview 17. Professor Kheirollah Gholami made a presentation on the topic. While describing the history of drug safety and adverse drug reaction, he said that the adverse reaction of 3 the drug is as old as medicine. The Adverse Drug Reactions are the 4th to 6th largest cause of mortality in the USA (Lazarou J. et al., 1998). While elaborating the impact of drug on humanity he said that the percentage of hospital admissions due to drug related events in some countries are about or more than 10%. He also discussed the economic impact of the drug reaction and said that the total cost of drug-related morbidity and mortality exceeds the cost of the medications themselves. Sometimes the total cost of ADRs is double the cost of medicines. 18. The most vulnerable section of the mankind to the ADRs is: the young, old or female and those who are taking multiple therapies, 50% of patients on 5 drugs or more, have more than one medical problem, have a history of allergy or a previous reaction to drugs. Dr. Gholami cautioned about this misperception that if the drugs manufactured in UK or USA, there is no need to worry. He said if there is a drug, there is a risk. One has always to be careful rather to worry about its reaction, regardless of the manufacturing states. Categories of the ADRs were explained and various methods of ADR reporting and misconceptions about ADR Reporting were also discussed. 19. Major aims of pharmacovigilance were elaborated. The ultimate goal of pharmacovigilance is improving pharmacotherapy. Presentation made by Dr. Gholami is attached at Annex-V. Medication Errors 20. Dr. Fanak Fahimi, Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University made a presentation on medication errors. She defined the medication errors as “any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm, while the medication is in the control of health care professional, or patient. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, or systems”. She also highlighted the common causes and types of the medication errors. She said that any of the persons involved in medication can be source of medication error e.g. physician, nurse, pharmacist or pharmacy technician etc. 21. Dr. Fahimi also referred to various studies conducted regarding medication errors which is a matter of concern as the medication error can lead to maximum loss i.e. loss of life. She said that these errors can be prevented by taking care of the various precautionary measures in labeling, clear prescription, use of exact dosage, counseling the patients for medication use and proper diagnosis and recommending proper medicine. She also emphasized that all the stakeholders of the medicines should keep themselves up with today knowledge, review existing drug therapy and patient’s current status before prescribing a new drug, and be familiar to the formulary system and approved abbreviations and complete and clear prescription. Her presentation is attached at AnnexVI. Definitions and Mechanisms of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) 22. Dr. Jamshid Salamzadeh, Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University in his presentation discussed the definitions, general terminology, classification and mechanisms of ADRs. A comprehensive definition of an ADR proposed by Edwards IR and Aronson JK is “an appreciably harmful or unpleasant 4 reaction, resulting from an intervention related to the use of a medicinal product, which predicts hazard from future administration and warrants prevention or specific treatment, or alteration of the dosage regimens or withdrawal of the product”. 23. He also highlighted the drawbacks of some of the definitions. Adverse reaction & adverse effect are interchangeable. Adverse effect is seen from the point of view of the drug. Adverse reaction is seen from the point of view of the patient. Any substance that is capable of producing a therapeutic effect can also produce unwanted or adverse effects. The risk of adverse effects ranges from very low to high. He said that for the purpose of reporting adverse effects we need a common communication language. 50% of the cases of drug-related injury are from potentially avoidable ADRs. Different categories of ADRs include, A: Dose-related (Augmented); B: None-dose-related (Bizarre); C: Doserelated & Time-related (Chronic); D: Time-related (Delayed); E: Withdrawal effects (End of use); F: Unexpected failure of therapy (Failure) 24. In conclusion of his presentation he said that ‘an adverse drug reaction is a harmful or unpleasant reaction directly caused by the drug at normal doses, during normal use. Presentation attached at Annex-VII Preventable Adverse Drug Reaction; A Focus on Drug Interactions 25. Dr. Fariborz Farsad, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Iran University of Medical Sciences made a presentation on Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions. While highlighting the drug interactions he discussed an approach to prescribing drugs in ways that avoid adverse drug interactions as a cause for preventable medication errors. The mechanisms through which drug interaction can occur are mentioned below: • • • • • • Even before drugs enter the body due to formulation incompatibility, or at any point in the process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. Drugs can bind to each other in the GI tract, preventing absorption, and reducing systemic availability. In theory, drugs could interact in the plasma via protein-bumping reactions but, despite the emphasis placed on these in many texts and pharmacology courses, there are no known clinically relevant examples in which this mechanism is responsible. A large number of important interactions do occur in the liver and GI tract due to changes in the rates of drug metabolism brought about by other medicines that are inducers or inhibitors of drug metabolism. A few interactions occur through competition at drug transporters. Finally, interactions can occur at the level of drug action such as the combination of verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, and a beta-blocker. Both slow the heart rate by different mechanisms, and the combination is relatively contra-indicated because heart block can result. Because of this interaction many textbooks and computer programs warn against concomitant use of any beta-blocker and any calcium channel blocker. This creates a great deal of confusion and distrust of drug interaction warnings, because most health care providers know that drugs in these two classes are often employed successfully and safely in patients with hypertension. Presentation attached at Annex-VIII. 5 Individual Case Causality Assessment 26. Dr. Gloria Shalviri, director of Iranian Pharmacovigilance Monitoring Center demonstrated a presentation on the topic. She said that the spontaneous reporting is considered the backbone of Pharmacovigilance, which is not a perfect method. Aggregated assessment and interpretation are used for: signal detection; regulatory measures; publication; identifying interactions and risk factors; conducting serial (clinicopathological) study; frequency estimation. Major drawbacks are: under-reporting, uncertainty with regard to the causal involvement of the drug. 27. She explained the definition of Case-causality assessment (Drug-relationship assessment or imputation) as “Structured or standardized assessment in an individual case of the likelihood of a causal association between suspected drug and the adverse event”. She also discussed the efficiency and deficiency of causality assessment. She elaborated various categories of causality defined by WHO, which are: certain, probable/likely, possible, unlikely etc. Diseases or other drugs provide plausible explanations in some causality categories, like “possible”. Australian Causality Categories were also discussed as unclear/unlikely/unassessable, possible. Some other circumstances involved in case causality assessment include alternative explanation, more than one drug is suspected, data are incomplete, recovery follows withdrawal of more than one drug, time relationship is not clear, outcome of the reaction is not recorded, recovery follows therapy in addition to withdrawal of the drug. 28. Prevailing Case Causality Assessment systems are Karch and Lasagna, 1977, Kramer et al, 1977, Emanueli & Saccheti, 1980, Begaud et al, 1981 (The French imputation system), Venulet et al, 1986, Probability calculation (Bayes’ Theorem=relationship between the probability of a preposition of before and after acquisition of additional data.), Aetiological-Diagnostic systems (Be’nichou’s group), German system. The commonality in different systems can be defined as “time and sometimes location association, challenge, dechallenge, rechallenge; pharmacology; clinical, lab; exclusion or likelihood of other causes”. The European Causality Categories (ABO) also came under discussion. Major uses of causality assessment are “signal detection, drug regulation, scientific publications and data exchange”. Presentation is attached at Annex-IX. How to Evaluate and Report Suspected ADRs (Group Activity) 29. The participants were divided into three groups and gave the task: “How to evaluate and report suspected ADRs” from available information. Dr. Gloria Shalviri coordinated the group activity. The participants actively participated in the group activity and each group demonstrated the presentation prepared by them and the information, expertise and experiences of delegates and working in their respective countries were shared by the participants. Literature Sources for ADR Information 30. Dr. Gloria Shalviri provided various useful sources for obtaining ADR information. The participants appreciated the effort of the presenter for providing them source information. These include journals, secondary review journals, reference books, 6 textbooks, reference online, computerized literature, National ADR Bulletins, WHO Publications etc… Presentation showing important web-links attached at Annex-X. “Drug Quality Control” 20th July 2010 The role of Food and Drug Control Laboratories (FDCL) on Drug Quality Control 31. Dr. Hosein Rastegar, Director General of Food & drug National Control Laboratories, demonstrated a presentation on the role of Food and Drug Control Laboratories (FDCL) on Quality. He described the definitions, qualitative and quantitative methods of quality control. He underlined the main quality control elements which include “selection and managing control materials (importance of sampling process); analysis of QC data; Monitoring quality control data”. Process for achieving accurate and precise results in quality control was demonstrated. Measures of Dispersion or Variability of analytical data were also elaborated. 32. Quality Control requirements such as data as a laboratory product, specific equipped lab according to the products, calibrated instruments for precise results, expert staffs for achieving precise results and quality system and suitable organization for validated results are necessary. Organizational set up of Food and Drug Control Labs (FDCL) of Iran was also demonstrated. Presentation attached at Annex-XI. Overview of Drug Regulations in Iran 33. Dr. Mahboubeh Valadkhani demonstrated a presentation on topic. While explaining the background with regard to regulations on this subject, she said that first Act for Food, Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices was approved by the Parliament in 1955, amended in 1967 & 1988 and later on in 2010. As a result of which Guidelines, SOPs and Checklists are now being designed and implemented using references from international bodies and expert’s comments. Various articles of the Act were explained. 34. Organizational set up of the National Control Authority for Pharmaceutical Products was also demonstrated. The mission of the National Policy is to promote and protect public health and assure availability of safe and effective drugs to people. Registration of pharmaceutical products for imports and documents required for registration were illustrated in detail. Various biological offices and their activities and the efforts being made for their improvement were underlined. Presentation attached at Annex-XII. Quality Assurance 35. Dr. Haleh Hamedifar, in her presentation elaborated the topic. She said Quality Assurance is a program which ensures standards of quality with systematic monitoring and evaluation of various aspects of a project, service, or facility. Two key principles 7 characterizes the Quality Assurance are” "fit for purpose" (the product should be suitable for the intended purpose) and "right first time" (mistakes should be eliminated). Quality assurance includes regulation of the quality of raw materials, intermediate materials or substrates, products and components; services related to production; and management, production and inspection processes. 36. It is important to realize that quality is determined by the intended users, clients or customers, not by society in general. It is not the same as 'expensive' or 'high quality'. Even goods with low prices can be considered quality items if they meet a market need. Quality assurance is more than just testing the quality of aspects of a product, service or facility, it analyzes the quality to make sure it conforms to specific requirements and comply with established plans. 37. Quality assurance is a wide ranging concept covering all matters that individually or collectively influence the quality of a product. With regard to pharmaceuticals, quality assurance can be divided into four major areas i.e. quality control, production, distribution, and inspections. The development of norms, standards and guidelines to promote quality assurance is an integral part of WHO’s Constitution and has been endorsed and supported through numerous World Health Assembly resolutions, and more recently in those on the Revised Drug Strategy. Presentation attached at Annex-XIII. Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) 38. Dr. Amir Mehdizadeh made a presentation on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). He said that GLP regulations govern the conduct of non-clinical laboratory safety studies and is concerned with equipment calibration, method and process validation, personnel training, sampling, specifications and testing as well as the organization, documentation and release procedures which ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are carried out. Therefore, materials are not released for use, nor the products released for sale or supply, until their quality has been judged satisfactory. Quality control is not confined to laboratory operations, but must be involved in all decisions which may concern the quality of the product. The independence of Quality Control from production is considered fundamental to the satisfactory operation of Quality Control. 39. Each holder of a manufacturing authorization should have a Quality Control Department. This department should be independent and under the authority of a person with appropriate qualifications and experience, who has one or several control laboratories at his/her disposal. Adequate resources must be available to ensure that all the quality control arrangements are effectively and reliably carried out. Presentation attached at Annex-XIV. Method Validation 40. Dr. Farzad Kobarfard, in his presentation underscored the importance and necessity of the validation. He said that validation is conformation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a special intended use are fulfilled. Method validation is the process of establishing the performance characteristics and limitations of a method and the identification of the influences which may change these characteristics and to what extent. It is also the process of verifying 8 that a method is fit for purpose i.e. for use for assay of active pharmaceutical ingredients, or determination of related substances of finished products in the stability study analytical problem. Various internationally accepted definitions, purposes, tools and parameters of validation were pointed out. 41. Important components of method validation like precision, accuracy, sensitivity, linearity and range, specificity, reproducibility, robustness were discussed in the presentation. Some common perceptions of validation were highlighted. Presentation attached at Annex-XV. Third Day 21st July 2010 Medical Biotechnology Trends 42. Dr. Fereidoun Mahboudi, gave a presentation on the topic. He said that the understanding of disease from a systems perspective would change our current brand of medical practice so radically in the next 10 to 15 years that all healthcare industries, even medical schools, would need to restructure almost every aspect of their operations. Systems biology advances would allow for the majority of drug discovery to be conducted in silico. Healthcare would be centrally delivered and smart cards would contain a person’s genome and health records. Combination therapies would be routine as new medicines combine a diagnostic with a drug and a delivery device. 43. Worldwide, the pharmaceutical market would have doubled to $1.3 trillion; the expected revelation in the high-tech convergence of nano,-bio, information, and materials technologies bolsters biotech. In biotech land, the top-selling drugs had mixed report card. Industry wide, biotech product sales grew approximately 8% to $89 billion in 2007. Genentech increased its 2007 sales to 8.5 billion, a 19% increase compare to 2006. In terms of drugs, Avastin rose 32% to 2.3 billion. He said that this was a concern that our research system is falling behind the needs of society to determine the balance of benefit and risk from drugs, and devices. Personalized medicine using genetics or other molecular biology-based diagnostic tests to customize treatment for a particular patient would increase dramatically. Finally, business models would be radically different. Presentation attached at Annex-XVI. Quality control of Blood Products 44. Dr. Siamac Samiee made a presentation on this subject. He said that blood and blood products, as an essential part of modern health care, if used correctly can save life and improve health. The major concern, the transmission of infectious agents by blood and blood products has focused particular attention on the potential risks of transfusion. The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed strategy to promote global blood safety and minimize the risks of blood and blood products consists of: - The establishment of nationally coordinated blood transfusion services with quality systems in all areas. The collection of blood only from voluntary non-remunerated donors from low-risk populations. 9 - - The screening of all donated blood for transfusion-transmissible infections, and good laboratory practice in all aspects of blood grouping, compatibility testing, component preparation and the storage and transportation of blood and blood products. A reduction in unnecessary transfusions through the appropriate clinical use of blood and blood products, and the use of simple alternatives to transfusion, wherever possible. There are critical steps to assure safety of blood products: - Donor recruitment and selection - Medical examination of donor and blood collection - Screenings (microorganisms transmissible by blood or blood products, blood grouping) - GMP and stock management - Plasma pool screening (Recruiting nucleic acid based techniques as well as EIA) - Virus removal/inactivation - Surveillance (Hemovigilance and Pharmacovigilance) Presentation attached at Annex-XVII. Quality Control of Vaccines (Group Activity) 45. A group activity was coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Alebouyeh. The participants were divided into three groups and gave the task on the Quality Control of Vaccines. The participant actively participated in the group activity and each group demonstrated the presentation prepared by them and the information and experiences of delegates in their respective countries were shared by the participants. Physico-Chemical Quality Control of Vaccine 46. Dr. Mojgan Taghizadeh made a presentation on the topic. She said that Vaccines need to particulate attention because of their nature and target population. She highlighted the quality standards and procedures involved in testing of intermediate, bulk or final product by appropriate tests. National Control Laboratories (NCL) has a vital role in assuring the quality of vaccines. While speaking on protocol review she said that the model protocol given in WHO requirements for each product is to ensure production of batch meets authorization as determined by in-process controls and tests on final container meets specifications given in market authorization. She also elaborated the retest policy and identification methods which are: - Immunochemical methods are based on the selective, reversible and non-covalent cbinding of antigens by antibodies. The reagents necessary for many immunochemical methods are available as commercial assay kits. - Immunoprecipitation methods (include flocculation and precipitation reactions) in which used unlabelled antigen and antibody are mostly used. Various tests performed on final bulk or final products were also notified. Factors affecting selection of tests are validated method, equipments (availability) and staff (experience and training). Presentation attached at Annex-XVIII. 10 Quality Control of Genetically Modified Organisms Products 47. Dr. Maryam Rabiei, made a presentation on the topic. In her presentation she described the history and background of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and it goals. She said that GMO is the organism whose genetic structure has been altered by incorporating a gene to express a desirable trait by modern biotechnology. Right now GM crops are grown in more than 130 million hectares in 25 countries. About 70% of total GM crops are made by USA, followed by Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India and China. Main GM crops are soybean, maize, cotton and canola. The main goals of GM crops are herbicide tolerance and pest resistance. Crops with Altered Nutrition and Law & Regulations of GM crops were discussed. Method for genetic modification of crops and Gene Transformation Methods were described. She highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the GMO as well as implications of genetic manipulation & human health. In conclusion, she said, new genetic technologies are causing drastic changes and in order to evaluate GMO, many testing and researches are needed to be done as “Genetically Engineered Foods are Different. It is not same as conventional foods”. Presentation attached at Annex-XIX. Quality Control of Recombinant Proteins 48. Dr. Mahmoud Alebouyeh, made a presentation on the Quality Control of Recombinant Proteins. While highlighting the rapidly growth in the production and use of recombinant proteins in recent years, he said that the quality control of recombinant proteins requires selection of multiple assays that are complementary for the evaluation of identity, purity, potency, strength and stability of these products. The laboratory test methods and specifications for biological/ biotechnologist products should be established to ensure lot-to-lot consistency. To achieve to this goal, samples selected for finished products testing should be representative for the homogenous fill. So, each individual sample should have characteristics identical to all other samples and be representative of the lot as a whole. 49. In case of almost of recombinant protein, the degradation pattern is complex and no single method can address all of the modes of degradation. Thus, a series of individual assays are used to detect subtle molecular changes. Selection of the test methods in each laboratory depends on the access to the equipments and relative test methods (standard operating procedure) and it may be varied lab by lab. However, the final results should be the same: effective and safe product for use. In his presentation, he showed the current laboratory tests that are being done in manufacturers’ quality control departments to release the safe and effective product for popular use. Presentation attached at AnnexXX. Visit to Jaber Ebne Hayyan Pharmaceutical Co. 50. In the afternoon of the third day of the Workshops, a visit to Jaber Ebne Hayyan Pharmaceutical Company located in the outskirts of Tehran city was arranged. A briefing, depicting the history, manufacturing capacity, site plan and future prospects of company as well as organizational chart was given by Dr. Montaseri, managing director of the company. The Company was established in 1960 with the name of Squibb Iran, 11 which was changed in 1979 as Jaber Ebne Hayyan Pharmaceutical Company. Initially the company was producing few medicines under brand names. After Islamic revolution in Iran it started to manufacture antibiotics. Today the company is equipped with modern technology and is producing 68 products (28 new products in pipeline) with the expertise of 547 qualified personnel. The company produces various antibiotics consisting of capsules, tablets, powders for oral suspension, sterile powder for injection and ointments as well as inhalers. Its annual production is 120 million vials. 51. Dr. Montaseri informed the participants that Jaber Ebne Hayyan has a superior, high tech quality control system. Acquiring ISO 17025 certificate from DAP (Germany) is a major achievement for company’s quality control laboratory system. Its research and development laboratory is dedicated to developing innovative, cost effective medicines which address significant unmet medical needs in order to provide health care to the society. It is the 4th largest pharmaceutical company of total 80 pharmaceuticals of Iran. The Company’s priority export markets are the Middle and CIS countries. It has the potentials to expand its exportation activities to other parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. 52. The participants were escorted to witness the various production units especially Inhalers and different parts of quality control laboratories of the Company and were briefed about their functions and capacity. 22nd July 2010 Visit to Pasteur Institute of Iran 53. A visit to the Production & Research Complex (Karaj) of the Pasteur Institute of Iran was arranged on Thursday, 22nd July 2010 (in addition to the original programme). The Head of the International and Public Affairs Department briefed the participants about the history and functions of the Institute. The Institute was established in 1920 with the aim to pave the way for advanced research to provide innovative programs in the basic and applied medical sciences and also production of biopharmaceuticals and diagnostic kits with special emphasis on infection disease. Since 1983 the Institute is offering wide range of teaching activities in the area of pharmaceutical biotechnology at Ph.D level. The major products at the Institute, among others, are Hepatitis B Vaccine and BCG Vaccine. This Institute is the only manufacturing unit of Hepatitis B Vaccine in the Middle East and 7th in the world. 54. Escorted by Dr. Daryoush Norouzian, Production Director of the Institute, the participants got the opportunity to witness the process of formulation, filling and packaging of the HB Vaccine. They visited the CCTV monitoring unit and witnessed its functions. They also visited and acquainted themselves with the functions of the units of Quality Control Department, which include Mycoplasma, Environmental Monitoring Lab, Physical-Chemistry Lab, Instrumental Room, Immunochemistry Lab, Chromatography Lab, Electrophorsis Lab, Fermentation Room, Microbiology Lab and Bioassay Lab. At the end the participant visited the Quality Assurance Department of the Institute. A working lunch was also arranged. 55. In the afternoon the participants were taken to see SaadAbad Cultural & Historical Complex, which is stretched on 110 Hectare land. There are a number of 12 museums as well as traditional restaurant and coffee shops. The participants were happy to visit this complex. 56. The participants were awarded with certificates by Dr. M. R. Shanesaz, Director General of Division of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Ministry of Health, Amb. Taherian ECO Deputy Secretary General and Mr. Fatih Unlu, the then Acting ECO Secretary General. The participants appreciated the efforts of the Ministry of Health, Deputy for Food and Drug and ECO Secretariat for organizing the Workshops and making excellent arrangements. They also expressed their satisfaction for the deliberations of the Workshops. 13