DRAFT v4 The Cross-Government Hate Crime Action Plan Objective: Increase victim and community confidence in the criminal justice system. Sheffield Strategic Goal - Increase awareness, reporting and recording of Hate Crime incidents: Measure of Success – An ?% increase in the number of Hate Crimes reported to Partnership agencies. Baseline to be established. Action Lead Partner Outcome Completion Date 1a Provision of training to improve knowledge, Sheffield City - Hate incident training made Within one year of understanding and responses to Hate Crime. Council available to all service centre commencement of Develop framework for partners to deliver staff, housing officers, Safer Action Plan awareness raising to front line staff groups Neighbourhoods Officers, and ‘Training of trainers’ to roll out through Youth Service Workers. VCF sector. - 6 training sessions on Hate Crime delivered to key statutory, community and voluntary service providers per annum through partner panels. 1b Collate and promote information on existing Sheffield City Data collated to identify Baseline data collected reporting mechanisms including update of Council existing pattern of Hate Crime within six months of web based information. across Sheffield. commencement of Action Plan. Ongoing 1c Internal and external communications plan to Sheffield City Increased awareness and Within six months of be implemented. (Could incorporate all Council /South understanding. commencement of actions below which are marked *). Yorkshire Police Action Plan. 1d* Promote a public awareness campaign that Sheffield City Increased awareness and Within six months of is aimed at raising awareness of Hate Crime Council/ South understanding of process and commencement of reporting which includes a single leaflet Yorkshire Police support available for victims of Action Plan. containing all partner contact details. Hate Crime. 1e* Provision of information available to victims Sheffield City Increased awareness and Within one year of of Hate Crime at GP surgeries and A&E Council/ South understanding of process and commencement of departments. Yorkshire Police support available for victims of Action Plan Hate Crime. 1f* Promote the Hate Crime policy for tenants of Sheffield Homes Increased awareness amongst Ongoing Sheffield Homes. tenants. 1g Include Hate Crime guidelines within Sheffield City Increased understanding Within one year of DRAFT v4 Safeguarding Adults procedure. 1h Map the approaches taken by Residential Social Landlords (RSLs). 1i Continue to develop and improve data collection and performance targets to effectively measure the incidence of Hate Crime and the performance of agencies including reviewing what reporting mechanisms are currently in place. Develop an Information Sharing Protocol and ensure consistency amongst partners 1j Council through ASB Strategy Group Sheffield City CouncilRSL Liaison Team Sheffield City Council/ South Yorkshire Police/Sheffield Homes amongst professionals of support available. commencement of Action Plan Increased understanding of the approaches of RSLs to Hate Crime Improved data available for analysis and consideration to ensure planning reflects needs of area Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Ongoing Sheffield City Improved data sharing across Council/ South partners Yorkshire Police Sheffield Strategic Goal - Improve responses to Hate Crime perpetrators: Measure of Success – Reductions in re-offending Action 2a Police Sergeants to oversee the investigation of all reported Hate Crime and link with agencies and other processes including Integrated Offender Management (IOM) 2b Work with CPS to ensure that the CPS Crime Scrutiny Panel influences responses. 2c Develop and improve working relations to ensure that Anti-Social Behaviour powers are used to bring perpetrators to justice. 2d* Raise Awareness of work undertaken by Youth Offending Services and Probation Service to challenge inappropriate behaviour by offenders. Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Lead Partner South Yorkshire Police Outcome Increase sanctioned detection rates for race and homophobic Hate Crime. Completion Date Continuous – six monthly review South Yorkshire Police Increase the number of prosecutions/convictions for Hate Crime. Increase in the number of ASB powers utilised to address Hate Crime. Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Increased awareness and understanding of responses to Hate Crime perpetrators. Ongoing Sheffield City Council through ASB Strategic Group Sheffield City Council /South Yorkshire Police DRAFT v4 2e 2f 2g* 2h* 2i Determine appropriate routes for responding to Hate Crimes and Incidents including where appropriate taking additional tenancy actions. Ensure a common standard across Housing providers. South Yorkshire Police/Sheffield Homes Increase awareness amongst magistrates of the impact of Hate Crime on individuals, families and communities. Offender outcomes to be notified and widely publicised. Probation Service To run awareness raising sessions with magistrates Sheffield City Council- ASB Strategy Group South Yorkshire Police/Probation Service Sheffield City Council Increased awareness and understanding of responses to Hate Crime perpetrators. Increased responses to Hate Crime perpetrators. Work with prison services to identify and respond to Hate Crime. 2j RSL Liaison Team Increased understanding of responses/routes available to address Hate Crime perpetrators. Improved equality of services for tenants To commence September 2010 Within two years of commencement of Action Plan Bi-annual Within two years of commencement of Action Plan Within two years of commencement of Action Plan Work with New Arrivals Service to equip victims to respond appropriately to perpetrators. 2k Identify good practice on how agencies can Probation Service Improved Partnership working Within one year of work together at an early stage to respond to to address Hate Crime. commencement of emerging issues through the S2 Project – Action Plan Officers based at Manor Top to scope impact on community and test bed ideas. 2l Utilise existing mechanisms to identify Sheffield City Earlier responses and Within three months of emerging Hate Crime perpetrators (eg Council though resolution sought for Hate commencement of Neighbourhood Action Groups to include ASB Strategy Crime issues. Action Plan Hate Crime as a standard agenda item and Group ASB Strategy group to include Hate Crime). The Cross-Government Hate Crime Action Plan Objective: Prevent Hate Crimes from occurring or escalating in seriousness. Sheffield Strategic Goal – Develop preventative and educational activity to address Hate incidents: Measure of Success Action Lead Partner Outcome Completion Date DRAFT v4 3a Develop further anti-bullying resources for teachers and staff in schools. CYPD 3b Promote nationally developed educational material to schools and other education establishments to counter hatred on the internet (National Internet Hate Crime Action Plan – Action 8) and ensure Hate Crime is explicit in training provided. Identify opportunities for utilising Restorative Justice approaches to Hate Crime. CYPD 3c 3d* Raise awareness with Community Groups and members of the community. 3e* Promote messages through Further and Higher education establishments. Sheffield City Council – Community Justice Sheffield Homes Voluntary and Community Sector. 3f* School staff can identify practice and activities which will combat stigma and discrimination. School staff have access to nationally developed materials to support their work. Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Increased responses/routes available to address Hate Crime. Increased awareness and understanding of process and support available for victims of Hate Crime. Increased awareness and understanding of process and support available for victims of Hate Crime. Improved support for tenants and raised awareness. Improved response for victims and raised awareness. Ongoing Outcome Increased awareness and understanding of process and support available for victims of Completion Date Ongoing Ensure tenants understand the Sheffield Homes consequences of perpetrating Hate Crime. 3g* All agencies to ensure that staff are aware of All Partners routes to report Hate Crime and Hate Crime included within the induction process. The Cross-Government Hate Crime Action Plan Objective: Improve access to and take-up of victim support. Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Sheffield Strategic Goal – Improve service responses to victims: Measure of Success 4a Action Promote the services available for victims across Sheffield*. Lead Partner Sheffield City Council DRAFT v4 Hate Crime. Influence local standards adopted by RSLs to ensure an agreed minimum response to victims of Hate Crime. Utilise Police satisfaction data to understand the experience of victims. Sheffield City Council – RSL Liaison Team 4d Co-ordinate multi-agency activity to ensure that services for victims reflect their needs. 4e 4f Identify victim champions. Ensure that there are non-police reporting routes for victims. Sheffield City Council through ASB Strategic Group tbd Sheffield City Council/South Yorkshire Police 4b 4c South Yorkshire Police Increased understanding of victim experience to enable service improvements. Improved services for victims. Improved support for victims. A variety of reporting routes continuing to be available for victims. Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Within one year of commencement of Action Plan Aspirational Ongoing