PARKSIDE FAMILY PRACTICE PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP NEWSLETTER December 2013 No.9 APPOINTMENTS NEWS! One of the most talked about topics at the Patient Participation Group meetings is that of appointments. Much has been suggested and tried over the years. The following is the latest procedure for making appointments: All patients requiring a ‘SAME DAY’ consultation with a GP will be phoned back by the Doctor who will assess the need for an ‘urgent’ appointment. If it’s considered necessary a face to face appointment will be made for the same day. If it is felt the matter can be dealt with by the Doctor over the telephone, he or she will advise, prescribe or refer as necessary. No changes have been made for routine appointments made in advance. Current waiting times for this type of appointment is approximately 10 to 12 days. Choosing a specific Doctor could mean a wait of up to one month. The demand is outstripping availability, which is frustrating for both patients and Doctors. The Practice is working hard to maximize Doctors appointment times. Your understanding and consideration would be appreciated when trying to book. NEW WEBSITE We have launched a new website at At present, there is a software issue regarding appointments and prescriptions online and this is currently in the hands of our software supplier. In the meantime, patients are able to register to use the system ready for when the fault is corrected. To do this, patients should telephone, email or speak to a receptionist to say they would like to register for online access. The practice will produce a registration letter giving 'how to do' instructions and any necessary codes or passwords. This letter will need to be collected in person by the patient themselves and picture ID ( passport/photocard driving licence) must be produced before the practice will release the letter. From the website you can book appointments (not same day) or request repeat prescriptions. There is also lots of information regarding Staff, opening times, news and notices and of course, the Patient Participation Group page. We hope you find it useful and find the information you need. If you feel there is something we should include on the website please feel free to let us know either at reception or at the next PPG meeting. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR With the Winter season upon us we thought it might help to offer a few suggestions to make it as enjoyable and painfree as possible TAKE CARE ON THE ICY PAVEMENTS. BLACK ICE CAN BREAK BONES! COOK MEATS THOROUGHLY, FOOD POISONING IS NO FUN DON’T LEAVE THE LEFTOVERS TOO LONG BEFORE USING WRAP UP WARM INDOORS AND OUT, LOTS OF LAYERS ARE BEST.COUGHS AND SNEEZES REALLY DO SPREAD DISEASES, USE A PAPER TISSUE THEN BIN IT! WISHING YOU ALL A WARM, SAFE AND HAPPY FESTIVE SEASON AND NEW YEAR. NHS CHOICES WINTER FRIENDS Support the NHS Choices Winter Friends campaign and sign the pledge to look in on an older friend or neighbour this winter. More information can be found on this and other NHS Winter advice online at If you are thinking of signing the NHS Choices Winter Friends pledge to look in on an older friend or neighbour this winter or are already signed and wondering what to do next? Here are answers to some of the common questions people have about the pledge. How do I find someone who needs help? If you have a neighbour who you think might need some help but you don't know them very well, why not take this opportunity to call in on them? There are lots of benefits to being part of a close-knit community and knowing your neighbours even if they don't need any help. There are also more formal ways you can go about helping an older person through a charity or local volunteer group. The following organisations are all involved in helping older people and have opportunities for volunteers. Independent Age: Volunteer ( Contact the Elderly: Become a volunteer ( Royal Voluntary Service: Get involved ( Friends of the Elderly: Volunteer with us ( Age UK: Befriending services ( The Silver Line: Volunteering for the helpline ( You could also contact your nearest Volunteer Centre who should be able to tell you about volunteering opportunities in your local area. OPENING TIMES KNIGHTWOOD – MON-FRI 8am to 12.30pm AND 3pm to 6pm EASTTLEIGH HEALTH CENTRE – MON-FRI 8am to 12.30pm AND 1.30pm to 6pm SATURDAYS (Eastleigh only) 2nd Saturday in every month 8.30 to 10.30am pre-booked appointments only. (During the closed lunchtime period we can give out repeat prescriptions but are unable to make appointments) You can contact our surgeries by telephone during opening hours on: EASTLEIGH HEALTH CENTRE Appointments: 023 80612843 Other calls and Emergencies: 023 80612032 KNIGHTWOOD SURGERY Appointments and Enquiries: 023 80255118 Appointments Only: 023 80271724 OUT OF HOURS Dial 111 for non-emergency assistance. In the event of an emergency dial 999 or go to your local A&E.