PEI Planning on Community Mental Health Needs and Priority Populations Fresno County Feedback Worksheet The purpose of this form is to identify community priorities by mental health needs and targeted populations as outlined by DMH. Please complete the Feedback Worksheet as it applies to your agency/stakeholder interest for our local communities. Name of Organization Address and Contact Information Age group you represent (please mark all that apply): Children and Youth Transition-Age Youth Adult Older Adult Date Submitted Age Group 1. PEI Key Community Mental Health Needs Select two most important key community mental health needs and corresponding age group: 1. Disparities in Access to Mental Health Services 2. Psycho-Social Impact of Trauma 3. At-Risk Children, Youth and Young Adult Populations 4. Stigma and Discrimination 5. Suicide Risk 2. PEI Priority Population(s) Note: All PEI projects must address underserved racial/ethnic and cultural populations. Select two most important Priority Populations and corresponding age group: 1. Trauma Exposed Individuals 2. Individuals Experiencing Onset of Serious Psychiatric Illness 3. Children and Youth in Stressed Families 4. Children and Youth at Risk for School Failure 5. Children and Youth at Risk of or Experiencing Juvenile Justice Involvement 6. Underserved Cultural Populations Children and Youth TransitionAge Youth Adult Older Adult PEI Key Community Mental Health Needs- Defined Disparities in Access to Mental Health Services - PEI efforts will reduce disparities in access to early mental health interventions due to stigma, lack of knowledge about mental health services or lack of suitability (i.e., cultural competency) of traditional mainstream services. Psycho-Social Impact of Trauma - PEI efforts will reduce the negative psycho-social impact of trauma on all ages. At-Risk Children, Youth, and Young Adult Populations - PEI efforts will increase prevention efforts and response to early signs of emotional and behavioral health problems among specific at-risk populations. Stigma and Discrimination - PEI will reduce stigma and discrimination affecting individuals with mental health illness and mental health problems. Suicide Risk - PEI will increase public knowledge of the signs of suicide risk and appropriate actions to prevent suicide. PEI Priority Populations- Defined Underserved Cultural Populations - PEI projects address those who are unlikely to seek help from any traditional mental health service whether because of stigma, lack of knowledge, or other barriers (such as members of ethnically/racially diverse communities, members of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender communities, etc.) and would benefit from Prevention and Early Intervention programs and interventions. Individuals Experiencing Onset of Serious Psychiatric Illness - Those identified by providers, including but not limited to primary health care, as presenting signs of mental illness first break, including those who are unlikely to seek help from any traditional mental health service. Children/Youth in Stressed Families - Children and youth placed out-of-home or those in families where there is substance abuse or violence, depression or other mental illnesses or lack of care giving adults (e.g., as a result of a serious health condition or incarceration), rendering the children and youth at high risk of behavioral and emotional problems. Trauma-Exposed - Those who are exposed to traumatic events or prolonged traumatic conditions including grief, loss and isolation, including those who are unlikely to seek help from any traditional mental health service. Children/Youth at Risk for School Failure - Due to unaddressed emotional and behavioral problems. Children/Youth at Risk of or Experiencing Juvenile Justice Involvement - Those with signs of behavioral/emotional problems who are at risk of or have had any contact with any part of the juvenile justice system, and who cannot be appropriately served through Community Services and Supports (CSS). State-Administered Projects Suicide Prevention Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Ethnically and Culturally Specific Programs and Interventions Training, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Statewide Evaluation Student Mental Health Initiative Additional Comments: Prevention and Early Intervention Programs: What PEI programs would you like to see in Fresno County? Please state below: Please feel free to add any additional comments you may have regarding PEI Key Community Mental Health Needs and/or PEI Priority Population(s): Future Focus Groups: Please mark if you would be interested in future focus groups. Please return completed Feedback Worksheet to: