for more information

National University of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar University
Institute of Archaeology of Mongolian Academy of Sciences
National Museum of Mongolia
Irkutsk State University
Irkutsk State Technical University
Eastern Siberian State Academy of Education
Buryatia State University
Institute of Mongolian studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS
Transbaikalian State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University
We are glad to invite You to take part in the Third International Conference “Ancient
cultures of Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia” taking place in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia),
September 5-9, 2012. The First scientific conference was held in September 2010 in Ulan-Ude
(Russia), and the Second conference was held in May 2011 in Irkutsk (Russia). The Fourth
international conference will take place in Chita (Russia).
Sessions of the Third International Conference “Ancient cultures of Mongolia and
Baikalian Siberia” will be following:
- Stone Age of Central, Northern and Northeastern Asia
- Bronze and Early Iron Age of Central, Northern and Northeastern Asia
- Central, Northern and Northeastern Asia in the Epoch of Nomad Empires
- Paleogeography and paleoecology of Central, Northern and Northeastern Asia
- Ethnogenesis and culturogenesis in Central, Northern and Northeastern Asia
- Conservation and the use of historical and cultural monuments
- Interdisciplinary approaches in archaeology and anthropology
Organizers of the Conference encourage MA and Ph.D students to submit poster papers.
Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference
“Ancient cultures of Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia”
Chairman of the organizing committee:
S.Tumur-Ochir, Prof., President (NUM)
Co-Chairman of the organizing committee:
Ch.Ganzorig, Sc.D., Vice-President for research and innovation, NUM
A.Galtbayar, Ph.D., Vice-President for international relation and cooperation, NUM
G.Erdenebayar, Ph.D., Director, School of Social Sciences, NUM
D.Tseveendorj, Sc.D., Director, Institute of Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of
D.Saruulbuyan, Ph.D., Director, National Museum of Mongolia
Vice-Chairman of the organizing committee:
D.Tumen, Sc.D., Head, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM
Members of the organizing committee:
D.Erdenebaatar, Ph.D., Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ulaanbaatar University
Z.Batsaikhan, Ph.D., Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM
U.Erdenebat, Ph.D., Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM
Sh.Uranchimeg, Ph.D., Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM
S.V.Danilov, Sc.D., Institute of Mongolian studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB
A.D.Tsybiktarov, Sc.D., Head, Department of World history, Buryat State University
A.V.Konstantinov, Sc.D., Head, Department of Russian history, TSHPU;
A.V.Kharinsky, Ph.D., Dean, Faculty of law, sociology and mass-media, ISTU
A.V.Medvedev, Ph.D., Head, Department of archaeology, ethnology and history of
ancient world, ISU;
V.M.Vetrov, Ph.D., Head, Laboratory of archaeology, ESSAE;
Executive secretary
M.Erdene, B.Undral. Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM
Conference languages: Mongolian, Russian and English
Place of Conference: National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
During the Conference the following tours are planned:
1. Visit the National Museum of Mongolia
2. Tour to archaeological sites in the Orkhon River valley (Paleolithic, Bronze, Uigur, Turkic and
Mongolian period monuments, 13th century Mongolian capital city Kara-Korum)
3. Tour to archaeological sites in the Kherlen River valley (Bronze age, Xiongnu, Turkic period
graves, deerstone site)
Everyone interested in the Conference is invited to fill out the application form and send via
e-mail by January 31, 2012. Full text of papers for the publication in the Volume of Conference
proceedings should be sent in Mongolian, Russian or English via e-mail by March 31, 2012.
Contact address:
Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference “Ancient cultures of
Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia”
Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, National University of Mongolia,
Ulaanbaatar-46a, Mongolia, 210646.
Phone:976-77307730-2309 (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, NUM)
Fax: 976-11-328890
Official invitation, Information about Conference program and fee will be sent in the
Second information letter in May, 2012
International Scientific Conference “Ancient cultures of Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia”
Family, Name, Patronymic Name.
State, city.
Scientific degree and title
Title of the paper
Post address
Telephone, fax.
What type of paper (poster or podium) would you prefer to give?
Device for the presentation
What session would you like to present your paper?
What tour would you like to take part in?
Organizing committee is planning to publish the Volume of Conference proceedings.
Electronic submission of manuscripts is encouraged. Manuscripts MUST conform to the
instructions below and the file name MUST be your Last name (e.g. Petrov.doc - for text files
and Petrov.tif - for figures).
Manuscripts for the Volume can be either in Mongolian, Russian or English. The volume
can’t be more than 20,000 signs without blanks (including the list of cited literature). Text editor:
Microsoft Word, font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1; margins: left - 3 см, top - 2 см,
right - 2 см, bottom - 3 см; figures in format tif, resolution not less than 300 dpi. Graphics and
diagrams must be black-and-white, without colored or grey elements. Captions to illustrations
should be sent in separate text file in Mongolian, Russian and English. Tables and diagrams
made in Excel in font Times New Roman 10 pt (format А4) can also be accepted.
Don’t: make the tabulation, delineating of words by blanks (between words, signs only
the one blank); separation of the paragraphs by blank line; use the commands working in
automatic regime (inserting of footnotes to literature, hyperlinks and comments, marking and
numeration of paragraphs etc.); use the macros, save the text as “Read-only”; format text and
make coercive hyphens. Units of measure must be corresponded to SI.
Figures or tables could not be more than 1/3 of paper. Notes in the text to the figures,
tables and publications must be in round brackets (fig. 1 – 2, 3), (table. 1), (Petrov, 2001: 31),
(Петров, 2001: рис. 1 – 2, 3).
The literature list in the end of paper must be arranged alphabetically. Summary (no more
than 1000 signs) in Russian or English must be submitted in the end of paper.