1 Supplementary information 2 3 Sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental interpretations 4 The glacial history of the Taymyr Peninsula has been studied intensely in recent years as this 5 geographical area repeatedly formed the easternmost flank of waxing and waning Eurasian 6 Ice Sheets and largely remained ice-free during the last glacial/interglacial cycles (Svendsen 7 et al. 1999; Hjort et al. 2004; Svendsen et al. 2004; Möller et al. 2006; Möller et al. 2011). 8 Contrary to the western flank of the Eurasian Ice Sheet, i.e. the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) 9 that reached its maximum position at the end of the last glacial cycle during the LGM, the 10 maximum position in the east was reached already in the Early Weichselian, c. 70-90 kyr BP 11 (Svendsen et al. 2004; Möller et al. 2011), here with the Kara Sea sub-dome of the Eurasian 12 Ice Sheet (KSIS) (Figure 1). During the LGM only a minor northern part of the present 13 Taymyr Peninsula was covered by the KSIS, most probably terminating at the North Taymyr 14 ice-marginal zone (Alexanderson et al. 2001; Alexanderson et al. 2002). Consequently, the 15 region to the south of the Byrranga Mountains has remained a terrestrial/sub-aerial 16 environment for the last ~60-80 kyr, during which time clastic and organic sediment 17 sequences have accumulated through lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian deposition. A particularly 18 widespread type of deposit in the Lake Taymyr basin and the adjacent region to the south, are 19 the so-called Sabler-type sediments (Figure 1 and S1). These, as described in Möller et al. 20 (1999), consist predominantly of weakly laminated to massive silts and fine sands, more or 21 less rich in organic detritus and with frequent occurrences of mega-fauna remains (e.g. bones 22 of mammoth, horse, muskox). Radiocarbon dating of Sabler-type sediments at several 23 localities reveals a depositional age range of ~46 – 12.5 cal kyr BP, which is coincident with 1 24 the timeframe for “Mammoth steppe” conditions in the region (Möller et al. 2006; Möller et 25 al. 2011). 26 27 Cape Sabler-type perennially frozen sediments were sampled from four localities around the 28 western part of Lake Taymyr, namely Upper Taymyr River delta (UTRD), Baskura Peninsula 29 (BAP), Cape Sabler (CS) and Fedorov Islands (FI) (Figure 1). A fifth locality is Ovrazhny 30 Peninsula (OVR), situated on the northern shore of Lake Engelgarth, a lake basin along the 31 north-flowing Lower Taymyr River (Figure 1). All sites have thicker sediment accumulations 32 than could be investigated; the lowermost 1 - 2 meters or more above the lake shore are 33 usually slumped and refrozen sediments from further upslope, and from the top of the sections 34 the ground surface slopes gently to higher terrace levels with no exposed sediments. The 35 sediments are exposed due to progressive shore-bluff back wasting, leaving 10 – 30 m high 36 bluffs. When ice-wedge polygons are present – which is commonly the case for these type of 37 sediments – the erosion takes place along the reticulate pattern of these, forming gullies both 38 perpendicular and parallel to the coastline and leaving characteristic thermokarst mounds 39 (baydjarakhs, see Figure S1A). 40 41 From their internal composition and sedimentary structures (Figure 2) Sabler-type sediments 42 neither resemble typical fluvial sediment, nor pure lacustrine sediment. We interpret them as 43 derived predominantly from aeolian and lacustrine sources, the latter during periods of 44 elevated lake level. The sediments are primarily interpreted as sub-aerial deposits, formed by 45 vertical accretion of windblown silt trapped on top of the boggy surface of an active layer, 46 combined with deposition of silt and fine sand during lake and river flooding events tied to 47 annual snow melt and icing formation in the Taymyr River valley. At the same time there was 2 48 syngenetic formation of ground-ice polygons (Siegert et al. 1999). Depending on local 49 factors, e.g. topography, aeolian activity and/or flooding, sediment deposition could more or 50 less dominate the in situ accretion of organic deposits, explaining differences in sediment 51 successions between the sites. 52 53 From three of the sites, namely the Cape Sabler, Baskura Peninsula and Upper Taymyr River 54 sites, a conspicuous decline in depositional rate is seen in the age/depth curves (Figure 3) with 55 duration of some 4 to 6 kyr. The decline starts a few thousands of years before the LGM and 56 continues into the same, after which the deposition rate shows a remarkable increase. It is 57 tempting to tie the decline in deposition to an increasingly severe climate gradually evolving 58 into extreme polar desert conditions over Taymyr at the LGM with close to zero precipitation 59 (Hubberten et al. 2004). Such a climate would subdue most processes described above to be 60 responsible for Sabler-type sediment formation. The increasing sedimentation rate, starting at 61 the end of the LGM is suggested to be connected with an LGM ice advance, inundating the 62 northwestern most part of the Taymyr Peninsula to the NTZ line (Fig. 1; Alexanderson et al. 63 2001; Alexanderson et al. 2002), thus reversing the drainage direction of the Taymyr River 64 and by this increase melt-water and sediment input in the Taymyr Lake basin (Hjort et al. 65 2004). 66 67 Study sites 68 Upper Taymyr River delta. – At the entrance of the Upper Taymyr River into the western part 69 of Taymyr Lake (Figure 1C), Sabler-type sediments are exposed in front of a first large delta 70 in 7–9 metres high baydjarakh bluffs, of which ~5 m could be logged (Figure 2A). The 71 succession consists of 10 - 90 cm thick beds of silt-soaked moss, interbedded with massive to 3 72 weakly laminated, 12 - 95 cm thick silt beds. When lamination is evident it is in order of 1 - 4 73 mm thick lamina. The silt beds are more or less rich in wood fragments and other plant 74 detritus. Radiocarbon dating of eleven samples gives a depositional age frame between c. 75 28.2 – 20.1 cal kyr BP (Table S2), of which two datings (UTRD 4:10 and 4:11) show clear 76 age reversals, most probably due to resedimentation of older plant remains. A break in 77 sedimentation, c. 5 kyr long, or an extremely low sedimentation rate between samples UTRD 78 4:6 and 4:7 is indicated from retrieved radiocarbon ages between 26 – 22 cal kyr BP (Figure 79 3A). The sampled sediment bed does not, however, indicate any hiatus, but continuous 80 sedimentation. 81 82 Baskura Peninsula. – The north-facing, more than 2 km long shore bluff of north-eastern 83 Baskura Peninsula (Figure 1C) rises ~20 m above Taymyr Lake, exhibiting typical 84 baydjarakhs (Figure S1A). Ten metres of sediments could be logged (Figure 2B), forming a 85 stacked sequence of horizontally laminated coarse silt to sandy silt (Figure S1B). Silt laminas 86 are usually 2-10 mm thick, occasionally up to 50 mm. The typical silt-soaked moss beds (for 87 Sabler-type successions) are absent and the overall occurrence of organic detritus is low in the 88 more sandy parts, but more frequent in the siltier parts. Radiocarbon dating of 21 samples 89 gives a depositional age frame between c. 34.5 – 22.9 cal kyr BP (Table S2), but dated 90 samples reveal frequent age reversals, most probably due to resedimentation of older plant 91 remains. A break in sedimentation rate seems to occur at around 25 – 27 cal kyr BP (Figure 92 3B). 93 94 Cape Sabler. – Cape Sabler is a peninsula protruding southwards into Lake Taymyr (Figure 95 1C), bordered by 5 – 25 m high bluffs actively eroded by the lake and at places exhibiting 4 96 spectacular baydjarakh morphology. Sections along Cape Sabler were briefly investigated by 97 Isayeva (1984) and in a more comprehensive study by Möller (1999). An approximately 26 m 98 high section, of which 23 meters could be logged (Cape Sabler 1 (Möller et al. 1999)), 99 showed a stacked sequence of predominantly horizontally laminated to massive silt rich in 100 organic detritus (moss stems, small twigs, seeds, leaves), occasionally interbedded with thin 101 fine sand beds occurring solitary or in intercalated sets. A characteristic feature is also 0.5-3 102 m thick beds of massive silt with a very high content of moss (Figure S1E), often grading into 103 silt-soaked moss peat (Figure S1D). In this study only sediments between 9.9 - 10.0 m a.s.l. 104 were sampled in 10 cm intervals for extraction of pollen, macrofossils and sedaDNA and the 105 log in Figure 2B is an extraction between 8 - 13 m of the complete sediment succession at 106 Cape Sabler. In total there are 36 radiocarbon dated samples, suggesting a depositional age 107 frame between c. 39 – 19.9 cal kyr BP, but with frequently occurring age reversals within the 108 succession. A best fit curve of ages plotted against depth, avoiding the most obvious age 109 reversals (Figure 3C) indicate a pronounced decline in sedimentation rate approximately 110 between 29 – 23 cal kyr BP, after which sedimentation speed up again. 111 112 Federov Islands. – Federov Islands (Figure 1C) consist of two very flat sand plateaux 113 reaching 22 m a.s.l., connected at lake level to each other by a tombola and located on a 114 dolerite core. Only the upper part of a shore bluff could be dug out with in situ sediments, 115 covering ~5 m (Figure 3D). The logged sediment consists of a stacked sequence of planar 116 parallel-laminated, 2 - 10 cm thick coarse silt beds, interbedded with 5 - 15 cm thick, massive 117 to vaguely laminated beds of fine sand. Most beds are rich in small wood fragments and other 118 organic detritus. In total there are 8 radiocarbon dated samples, suggesting a depositional age 119 frame between c. 13.4 – 12.3 cal kyr BP (Table S2) with only one old-age outlier. These 5 120 sediments are thus the youngest recorded Sabler-type sediment succession, deposited with a 121 high sedimentation rate (Figure 3D) at the very end of the Late Weichselian. Older sediment 122 should be expected further down in the inaccessible bluff. 123 124 Ovrazhny Peninsula. – Typical Cape Sabler-type sediments are exposed on the northern shore 125 of Lake Engelgarth (Figure 1C), the sediments located in a depression between out-cropping 126 glaciolacustrine varved sediments, OSL-dated to 52 - 60 kyr. These sediments stem from ice 127 damming/blockage of the Taymyr River valley in the Middle Weichselian (Hjort et al. 2004; 128 Möller et al. 2011) at the NTZ 2 ice-marginal zone (Figure 1B). Only ~4 m of Sabler-type 129 sediment was accessible for logging (Fig. 2E), showing three 0.5 - 1.2 m thick beds of partly 130 silt-soaked moss peat, interbedded with massive organic debris-rich silt beds, 35 - 50 cm 131 thick. Sabler-type sediments continue up-slope to ~30 m a.s.l., but are not exposed in non- 132 slumped sections. In total 8 samples were radiocarbon dated, giving our oldest ages for this 133 type of sediment. Even though three out of the four lowermost datings are finite (~45 14C kyr 134 BP), they are out of range to be calibrated into calendar years (Table S2). Upwards ages are in 135 reverse order at around 45 cal kyr BP, with a remarkable age jump to 35 cal kyr BP for the 136 uppermost sample (Figure 3E). There is no obvious sediment unconformity in the logged 137 section, indicating this break in sedimentation and age. 138 139 Results for sedaDNA, macrofossil and pollen analyses 140 The results from the three analyses of sedaDNA, macrofossils and pollen are shown in figure 141 S2, where records from each of the proxies are shown for all 18 samples analysed. Table 1 142 and figure 5 is based on these results. 143 144 6 145 Figures 146 147 148 Figure S1. A. The Baskura Peninsula site (Fig. 1C). The shore bluff shows the, for ‘Cape 149 Sabler-type’ sediments, typical thermokarst morphology called ‘baydjarakhs’, i.e. permafrost 150 degradation along ice-wedge polygons. Note person for scale. B. Laminated silt with a low 151 occurrence of organic remains (Baskura Peninsula). C. Interbedded silt and fine sand beds, 7 152 rich in organic remains (Fedorov Islands). D. Silt-soaked moss peat (Ovrazhny Peninsula). 153 E. Massive to vaguely laminated silt rich in moss (Cape Sabler). 154 155 156 157 Figure S2. Diagram showing results from the DNA, macrofossil and pollen analyses from all 158 samples/localities sorted according to radiocarbon age (calibrated). Numbers indicate the 159 method the taxa were detected by. D: DNA (green); M: macrofossils (blue); P: pollen (red); 160 DM: DNA & Macrofossils; DP: DNA & Pollen; MP: Macrofossils & Pollen; and “ALL” for 161 all proxies. 162 8 163 Table S1. Lithofacies codes as used in sediment logs. 164 165 9 166 Table S2. 14C dates from investigated sites. All are AMS dates, LuA numbers from the 167 Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at Lund University, Sweden and the Poz numbers from the 168 Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory in Poland. Positions of samples analyzed for 169 pollen/macrofossils/sedDNA are marked in grey. 170 10 171 References 172 Alexanderson H, Adrielsson L, Hjort C et al. (2002). 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