Arts Faculty Council

Arts Faculty Council
Minutes of Friday, December 12, 2008
3:00 p.m. Moot Court/EA1031
Manuel Mertin, Dean
Sabrina Reed, Associate Dean
Darlene Williams, Administrative Assistant
Cindy Drover Davidson, Administrative Assistant
Yaw Asante, English
Robert Boschman, English
Bill Bunn, English
Jane Drover, English
Lee Easton, English
Michele Holmgren, English
Karen Manarin, English
Kenna Olsen, English
Aida Patient, English
Diana Patterson, English
Randy Schroeder, English
Sharon Smulders, English
Pamela Wallbridge, English
Joe Anderson, Humanities
Tom Brown, Humanities
Mark Gardner, Humanities
Susan Harris, Humanities
Michael Hawley, Humanities
Debra Jensen, Humanities
Peter Morton, Humanities
Scott Murray, Humanities
Heather Nelson, Humanities
Carmen Nielsen, Humanities
Jennifer Pettit, Humanities
Jeff Wigelsworth, Humanities
Paula Dozios, Interior Design
Marianne Beauvilain, Languages and Cultures
Enrique Lopez, Languages and Cultures
Gilles Mossiere, Languages and Cultures
Antoine Sassine, Languages and Cultures
Duane Bratt, Policy Studies
Miriam Carey, Policy Studies
Bruce Foster, Policy Studies
Benjamin Kusi-Sekyere, Policy Studies
Gerard Lucyshyn, Policy Studies
Frances Widdowson, Policy Studies
Anthony Chaston, Psychology
Evelyn Field, Psychology
Naomi Grant, Psychology
Mardy Robert, Psychology
Nancy Ogden, Psychology
Gen Thurlow, Psychology
David Aveline, Sociology & Anthropology
Angela Beattie, Sociology & Anthropology
Carol Krol, Sociology & Anthropology
Sumanti Kulatilake, Sociology & Anthropology
Shane Gannon, Sociology & Anthropology
William Glanzman, Sociology & Anthropology
Tracy Nielsen, Sociology & Anthropology
Bruce Ravelli, Sociology & Anthropology
Isha Sharma, Sociology & Anthropology
Don Swenson, Sociology & Anthropology
Frederick Ulmer, Sociology & Anthropology
Matt Koczkor, SAMRC
Marie Barnes, SAMRC
Elizabeth McKeown, Student Representative SAMRC
Arts Faculty Council
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2008
Moved by Nancy Ogden and seconded by Jennifer Pettit:
“That the agenda be approved as circulated.”
Minutes: Approved as presented.
Moved by Miriam Carey and seconded by Kenna Olsen:
“That the December 12, 2008 Faculty Council minutes be approved as circulated.”
Business Arising from the Minutes:
Diversity Charter
David Aveline distributed the Diversity Charter.
Moved by Bruce Ravelli and seconded by Nancy Ogden:
“That the charter be approved.”
Bruce Ravelli asked about whether the Diversity Committee reports only to the Arts Faculty
Council and recommended that the wording be changed so that it is not reflecting that the
committee is reporting to the College. He also recommended changing “identifying problem
areas” and “monitor and addressing” so that the charter does not appear as a policing body.
David indicated that the committee’s intent was as a recommending body. David indicated
that this committee would make recommendations on general issues. Manuel clarified that
the intent of committee is to encourage a diversity strategy to achieve a desired level of
Miriam Carey was concerned about affirmative action and that departments have the
freedom to hire the best person for the job. She asked that the charter be amended to make it
more clear and suggested removing point 3. Bruce suggested that the committee redraft the
charter and is, therefore, withdrawing the motion.
New Business:
Linking FAC to GFC
Manuel suggested having a reporting mechanism from GFC representatives to FAC
to formalize the connection between FAC and GFC. Lee Easton asked to have a
standing item on the FAC agenda for reporting purposes. Scott Murray, a
representative on GFC, indicated that the minutes are available to all faculty. Bruce
Ravelli indicated that as a member of GFC he has the responsibility of making FAC
views known at GFC but feels free to vote as he sees fit. He suggested, because the
minutes are available, having a Q & A rather than a report. Manuel indicated that
we will try a Q&A period and the onus is on faculty members to read the minutes.
Gilles added that at the meeting yesterday there were two issues that everyone should
be aware of: 1. calendar change issues and 2. a reading day which was defeated.
Scott reviewed the issues around the calendar change. Manuel reviewed the General
Education discussion.
Arts Faculty Council
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2008
By Election
Manuel indicated there are two vacancies, Scott Murray and Sabrina Reed. This
election will be held early in the New Year and the term would be for two years.
Moved by Lee Easton and Seconded by Mardy Roberts
“That nominations be accepted until January 9 and voting will be held on Tuesday,
January 13 and Wednesday, January 14”.
TSS Numbers for Arts/College
List S
Faculty Arts have 41 faculty on List S plus 6 new hires (some faculty are half on List
S) which comes to 43.5 (comprising 47 individuals). The total for the College is
121.5 (30 Health and Community Studies, 20 Science and Technology and 17 in
Scholarship Stream (TSS)
There are 13 additional faculty in Arts who are moving to TSS. Altogether we are at
56.5 out of 93, over 50% in the Faculty of Arts.
In terms of List S, some are replaced by full-time and some by part-time. There are
6 full-time positions and the rest are replaced by part-time. Five of the ten positions
this year are to compensate for TSS. Jennifer asked if term-certain faculty will be
accepted into TSS. Manuel indicated that they have not heard and that the priority is
with tenure track faculty. He indicated that we should open that discussion for multi
term-certains but at present the focus is on tenure track. Lee Easton asked if those
individuals could apply to List A funding and be supported in a different way.
Manuel indicated that they could arrive at the same release time of 96 SICH if they
successfully applied for List A funding.
Interior Design Interim CIDA Review
Paula reported that 14 criteria were reviewed and 12 passed and the CIDA Review
indicated that they need to address English writing skills
AUCC Visit
Manuel has distributed information from the Mock and Levy review to the
Department Chairs and will be discussing how to engage faculty at the next DAG
meeting. There are some things to be addressed. AUCC representatives are looking
to see whether we are looking enough like them to become a Canadian University.
We need to emphasize the similarities rather than the differences and engage their
priorities rather than ours.
Manuel reported that the government has approved 2.6 million for further
development of the Library. He has sent out further information in the DAG
package and asked to have this discussed in department meetings.
Arts Faculty Council
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2008
Committee on Scholarship Charter (Faculty of Arts)
Sabrina had been asked to write a draft charter for a committee on scholarship in the
Faculty of Arts and this committee will be responsible for defining scholarship in the
Faculty. This is an important initiative because we now have a teaching scholarship
stream and will need to have a sense of how scholarship counts, a base on which
faculty can develop their work and a base on which to be evaluated. Each faculty
develops a definition of scholarship which is in keeping with what each faculty does.
The deadlines are as follows: February 27 (Arts Faculty Council Meeting) the
submission will be debated and will probably have to go back to the committee to be
revised, then the final draft will come back to the April 27 meeting.
Moved by Nancy Ogden and seconded by Lee Easton
“That the Scholarship Charter be approved.”
Amendment to the motion made by Lee Easton and seconded by Bruce Foster:
“That the charter read under point 2-Membership: 1 Tenured or tenurable faculty
member from each department.” All were in favor of the amendment except for 2
that were opposed, Don Swenson and Bill Glanzman. The Amendment passed.
Karen asked why it was restricted to tenured faculty. Sabrina indicated that tenured
faculty might feel more comfortable in developing a definition of research than
someone who is not tenured and doesn’t necessarily want to make the tenured people
in the department unhappy. Nancy indicated that a lot of new faculty have already
started research.
Amendment to the motion made by Bill Glanzman and seconded by Antoine
“That the membership ideally should be composed of those that are experienced in
scholarship research publications.”
Three approved, the rest opposed and there was one abstention. The amendment was
All were in favor of the committee charter motion as amended with 1 opposed, Bill
Glanzman, no abstentions.
The elections for this committee will take place in departments by Monday, January
Scholarship Review Committee (Office of Research and Scholarship)
Manuel reviewed the e-mail from Trevor Davis. There are 5 representatives to be
elected to the Scholarship Review Committee which include 1 representative from
Humanities, 2 representatives from English, Languages & Cultures and Performance,
2 representatives from Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology and Policy Studies.
Sabrina asked to clarify with Trevor regarding whether Performance is to include the
Conservatory or whether it is just within the Faculty of Arts. Manuel will check this
and organize the election.
Arts Faculty Council
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2008
It was decided to hold the election at the same time as the by-law election.
Nominations should be received by January 9 and the election will be held on
January 13 and 14.
4.0 Information Item:
Manuel introduced Cindy Drover Davidson, the part-time administrative assistant in the
Dean’s Office.
Moved by Jennifer Pettit
“That the meeting be adjourned”.