CURRICUVLUM VITAE - Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates

Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
ver February 17, 2016
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Texas Heart Institute
P.O. Box 20269
Houston, Texas 77225
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates
St. Luke’s Medical Towers
6624 Fannin, Suite 2480
Houston, Texas 77030
713 – 529 - 5530
713 – 791 - 1786
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Texas Heart Institute
St Joseph Hospital
St. Lukes Sugar Land Hospital
Farmingdale Senior High
Regents Diploma; Graduated #15 in
Class of 1000
Member of National Honor Society
State University of New York at BuffaloB.S. Chemistry
Graduated “Summa Cum Laude”
Member-Phi Beta Kappa, Chemistry
Club, Music Club (active in teaching)
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Upstate Medical Center
College of Medicine at Syracuse
M.D. on May 22, 1977
“Honors”-Biochemistry, Pathology,
Endocrinology, Pharmacology,
Neurology and Anesthesiology
“Dean’s Letter of Commendation”
Member of Elective Committee
Member of Education Policies
Interviewed Prospective Medical
Applicants for Admissions Office
Member of Freshman Orientation
Medical Externship - Onondaga
County Correction Facility
University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston (Internal Medicine)
University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston (Internal Medicine)
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital/Texas
Heart Institute Cardiology
1. American College of Cardiology, March 1980. Houston, Texas
2. American College of Cardiology, April 1981. Atlanta, Georgia
3. American College of Cardiology, April 1982. Atlanta, Georgia
4. Echocardiography Symposium, January 1983. Maui, Hawaii
5. Stanford PTCA Symposium, June 1984. Palo Alto, California
6. American College of Cardiology, March 1984. Anaheim, California
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
7. Silent Ischemia, October 1985. Phoenix, Arizona
8. Moderator at Interventional Cardiology, 1985. Houston, Texas
9. Moderator at Interventional Cardiology, 1986, Houston, Texas
10. Laser Angioscopy and Surgery, January 1987. Torrance, California
11. Symposium on Tissue Plasminogen Activator, May 1987. South San Francisco,
12. Interventional Cardiology, 1987, Houston, Texas
13. Moderator at “Clinical Evaluation and Decision-Making: Spring Auscultation
Session” 1987. Houston, Texas
14. Moderator/Lecturer at “the Diagnosis and Treatment of End Stage Heart
Disease: Heart Transplantation and Assist Devices” 1987. Houston, Texas
15. International Symposium on Inflammatory Heart Disease – 1988. Snowmass,
16. Moderator/Lecturer at the Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society6th International Symposium 1988. Bermuda
17. Lecturer at “Update in Cardiology: Cardiology Symposium 1989”February 24, 1989. Monroe, Louisiana
18. Lecturer at Mended Heart Inc. - January 15, 1990. Houston, Texas
19. Lecturer at Eighth Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research in
Houston-Feb 16, 1990. Houston, Texas
20. Lecturer at “Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease for the Practicing
Physician”-Feb 24, 1990. Monroe Louisiana
21. Moderator/Lecturer at-Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society-7th
International Symposium-August 1990. Acapulco, Mexico
22. Symposium-“Update in Cardiology 1990” October 1990. Houston, Texas
23. Symposium at Advanced Catheter Systems, August 28 - September 1, 1991.
La Costa, California
24. The 5th International Congress on Cardiovascular Intervention.
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
February 12-16, 1992. Phoenix, Arizona
25. Lecturer at Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society.
July 30-August 1992. Puerto Rico, USA
26. Advanced Directional Coronary Atherectomy Workshop –May 7, 1993.
Houston, Texas
27. Gianturco-Roubin Flex-Stent Coronary Workshop- August 1993.
Houston, Texas.
28. Moderator/Lecturer at “Cardio-Peripheral Vascular Disease: Advancing
Techniques” September 10-11, 1993. Woodlands, Texas
29. Advanced Peripheral Vascular Interventions. October 5-8, 1993.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
30. Lecturer at Frontiers in Cardiology. January 4-8, 1994. Winter Park, Colorado
31. Coronary Rotablator Workshop. January 13-14, 1994. San Diego, California
32. Coronary Extraction Atherectomy Workshop (TEC). July 9, 1994.
Denver, Colorado
33. Johnson & Johnson “Palmaz-Schatz “Balloon-Expandable Coronary Stent
Workshop. August 25, 1994. Houston, Texas
34. Optimal Coronary Atherectomy Workshop. Oct 5, 1994.
San Francisco, California
35. Lecturer/Moderator at “Peripheral Interventions for the Cardiovascular
Specialist: 1st Annual Symposium” Nov 11-12, 1994. Houston, TX
36. Lecturer at Frontiers in Cardiology. Jan 4-8, 1995. Winter Park, Colorado
37. Lecturer at “Advanced Coronary Interventions” Sept 21-22, 1995.
Houston, Texas
38. Lecturer at “Improving Clinical Outcome in the High Risk PTCA patient.
Oct 9 & 23, 1995. Houston, Texas
39. Intravascular Ultrasound Preceptorship. Oct 14, 1995. Houston, Texas
40. Advanced Peripheral Vascular Interventions. Oct 29-32, 1995.
Aventura, Florida
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
41. Lecturer/Moderator/ Program Chairman at “Peripheral Interventions for the
Cardiovascular Specialist: 2nd Annual Symposium” Nov 9-10, 1995.
Houston, Texas
42. Scimed Intravascular Ultrasound Preceptorship Training Course at the Texas
Heart Institute. Dec14, 15, 1995. Houston, Texas
43. Lecturer at Frontiers in Cardiology. Jan 4-8, 1996. Winter Park, Colorado
44. The 9th International Congress on Cardiovascular Intervention.
February 11- 15, 1996. Phoenix, Arizona
45. Lecturer at “Into the 21st Century: Innovations in Diagnostic and
Interventional Cardiology” June 14-15, 1996. Houston, Texas
46. Lecturer at “Advanced Coronary Interventions”: the Good, The Bad & The
Ugly. June 22, 1996. Houston, Texas
47. Datascope certification for the implantation of the VasoSeal Vascular
Hemostasis Device Aug 20, 1996 Houston, Texas, USA
48. Johnson & Johnson “Palmaz-Schatz “Coronary Stent Workshop. Sept 15-18,
1996. Monterey, California
49. Lecturer/Moderator at “Peripheral Interventions for the Cardiovascular
Specialist” 3rd Annual Symposium Nov 6-8, 1996. Houston, Texas
50. Lecturer at Frontiers in Cardiology. Jan 6-10, 1997. Winter Park, Colorado
51. Lecturer at 24th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology
Feb 24-28, 1997. Cairo, Egypt
52. Lecturer/Moderator at “First International Preceptorship in Interventional
Cardiology at the Texas Heart Institute April 9-11, 1997. Houston, Texas
53. Lecturer/Organizer of “Workshops on Endovascular Intervention: An
Exceptional Learning Experience for the Cardiovascular Specialist”
May 9, 1997. Texas Heart Institute
54. Lecturer/Organizer of “Workshops on Endovascular Intervention: An
Exceptional Learning Experience for the Cardiovascular Specialist”
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
July 18, 1997. Texas Heart Institute
55. Lecturer/Moderator at the Asia Pacific Cardiovascular Stenting Symposium
July 24-25, 1997. Hong Kong, China
56. Lecturer “Risk Factors of Heart Disease” Quail Valley CC Aug 12, 1997.
Houston, Texas
57. Medtronic “Wiktor “Coronary Stent Certification WorkshopSept 9, 1997. Houston, Texas
58. A Peripheral Vascular Interventions Retreat “the Agony after the Ecstasy”
Sept 7-9, 1997. Kohler, Wisconsin
59. Lecturer/Moderator at “Peripheral Interventions for the Cardiovascular
Specialist” 4th Annual Symposium Oct 14-16, 1997. Houston, Texas
60. Advanced Cardiovascular Systems (ACS)” Multi-Link” Coronary Stent
Certification, Oct 13, 1997. Houston, Texas
61. Arterial Vascular Engineering (AVE) Coronary Stent Certification workshop
January 12, 1998. Houston, Texas
62. Lecturer/Organizer of “Workshops on Endovascular Intervention: An
Exceptional Learning Experience for the Cardiovascular Specialist”
January 16, 1998. Texas Heart Institute
63. Cordis, a Johnson & Johnson Company “Crown” Coronary Stent Certification
January 26, 1998. Houston, Texas
64. Lecturer at”30 years of Thai Heart” 30th Annual Scientific Session Bangkok
Thailand March 4th-7th, 1998
65. Primary Interventionalist at Live Interventional Cardiology Demonstration of
Vascular Intervention at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2nd-4th, 1998
66. Lecturer/Organizer of “Workshops on Endovascular Intervention: An
Exceptional Learning Experience for the Cardiovascular Specialist”
June 12, 1998. Texas Heart Institute
67. Boston Scientific (BSX) “Nir” Coronary Stent Certification workshop
August 18, 1998. Houston, Texas
68. Medtronic’s AneuRx AAA Stent-Graft Certification-November, 1998,
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
69. Abciximab (Reopro) the clinical uses of Glycoprotein 2b3a agents in Acute
Coronary Syndromes. Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan 14 - 15, 1999
70. Lecturer / Moderator at the Asia Pacific Cardiovascular Stenting
Symposium –2 March 25-27, 1999. Hong Kong, China
71. Medtronic (MDT) “AVE-GFX-2”Coronary Stent Certification workshop
April 2, 1999. Houston, Texas
72. Cordis, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) “Mini Crown” Coronary Stent Certification
workshop April 22, 1999. Houston, Texas
73. Boston Scientific Vascular Medical Advisor Board “Definitive Pathways in
Peripheral Vascular Disease Technology” San Diego, CA May 13-16, 1999
74. Lecturer / Moderator / Primary Interventionalist at the Taiwan Cardiovascular
Society June 11-13, 1999. Taipei, Taiwan
75. ABIM (American board of Internal Medicine) Interventional Cardiology board
Review Course Oct 11-15, 1999 San Francisco, CA
76. Lecturer /Interventionalist at “Peripheral Interventions for the Cardiovascular
Specialist” 5th Annual Symposium Nov 4-5, 1999. Houston, Texas
77. Medtronic (MDT) “SF670”Coronary Stent Certification workshop
Nov 12, 1999. Houston, Texas
78. Guidant “Tri-Star” Coronary Stent Certification workshop Jan 15, 2000.
Houston, Texas
79. Lecturer on Wallgraft “Conquest 2000 Global Sales Marketing for Boston
Scientific Corporation” Jan 31, 2000, Coronado, CA
80. Member at the Centocor Medical Advisory Board “Alternative
Pharmacological Therapies for the Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease”
February 11-12, 2000 Scottsdale, AZ
81. Member of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists:
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
The 13th International Congress on Endovascular Interventions
February 13- 17, 2000. Phoenix, AZ
82. Guidant Ancure AAA Stent-Graft Certification-April 13, 2000
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
83. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) July 24-26, 2000
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
84. Symposium “Interventional Insights 2000”: Peripheral Vascular Techniques
Inn at Spanish Bay, August 3-5, 2000 Pebble Beach, CA
85. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for Survival
“PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Oct 6, 2000 Houston, Texas
86. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Oct 23-25, 2000 Texas Heart
Institute, Houston, Texas
87. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for Survival
“PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Houston, Texas. Oct 27, 2000
88. “SAPPHIRE” investigators meeting for Carotid Stenting. Atlanta, GA Dec 8,
89. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Texas Heart Institute, Houston,
Texas. Jan 16-17, 2001
90. Lecturer / Moderator / at the First Cardiovascular Symposium of the New
Millennium. San Jose, Costa Rica Feb 28- March 2, 2001.
91. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for Survival
“PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Houston, Texas. March 5, 2001
92. Cordis, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) “CHECKMATE” Coronary Radiation for InStent Restenosis Certification workshop. Houston, Texas March 12, 2001
93. Lecturer at Cardiovascular Symposium 2001: St. John Medical Center, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, April 6, 2001
94. Lecturer / Moderator / Primary Interventionalist at the Frontiers in Cardiology:
an update for 2001, Houston, Texas, April 18-21, 2001
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
95. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) May 1-2, 2001
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
96. Lecturer at the EGE University Medical School: PVD new advances for the
year 2001. Izmir, Turkey June 11-12, 2001.
97. Visiting Professor at the American University Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey
during June 13-14, 2001.
98. Lecturer / Moderator / Primary Interventionalist at the 2nd Interventional
Cardiology Live in Taipei, Taiwan June 22-23, 2001
99. Primary Interventionalist at the Interventional Cardiology Live in Tainan,
Taiwan June 25-26, 2001
100. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) July 24-26, 2001 Texas Heart
Institute, Houston, Texas
101. Medtronic AneuRx Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stent-graft Proctor: July
2001 Lake Charles, LA; Lafayette, LA
102. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for
Survival “PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Houston, Texas. Oct 1, 2001
103. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for
Survival “PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Houston, Texas. Nov 5, 2001
104. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Nov 6-7, 2001
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
105. Lecturer at CCU Nurses’ Organization of SLEH and the Critical Care / ER
Nurses of Houston – Veterans Affairs Medical Center 3rd Annual symposium
entitled “Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine”. Percutaneous Treatment for
Aortic Aneurysm and Carotid Disease. Nov 17, 2001, Houston, Texas
106. Lecturer at 6 Tower Outpatient Nurses’ Organization of SLEH “Percutaneous
Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis” Nov 28, 2001, Houston, Texas
107. Lecturer at PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for
Survival “PARTNERS” a Preceptorship. Houston, Texas. Dec 5, 2001
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
108. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Feb 5-6, 2002
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
109. Member of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists:
The 15th International Congress on Endovascular Interventions
February 11- 14, 2002. Phoenix, AZ
110. Lecturer at Controversies in Endovascular Treatment of Peripheral Vascular
Disease (A Texas Heart Institute Symposium) at ACC in Atlanta, GA March 6,
111. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) April 2-3, 2002.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
112. Moderator at Advances in Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery (
A Texas Heart Institute Symposium) at the Denton A Cooley Building, April 1214, 2002. Houston, Texas
113. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
May 7-8, 2002. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
114. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
June 4-5, 2002. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
115. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) July 23-24, 2002.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
116. Moderator and Lecturer at 14th Asean Congress of Cardiology, “Evolving
Concepts and Challenges”, July 17-21, 2002. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
117. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques:
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
Aug 27-28, 2002. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
118. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Sept 10-11, 2002.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
119. Lecturer on ”Clinical Update on Carotid Stenting“, sponsored by Medtronic
at Sullivan’s Oct 17, 2002. Houston, Texas
120. Primary Interventionalist and Moderator for “Concepts in Cardiology” an
update in Cardiology Oct. 23-26, 2002. Houston, Texas
121. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Oct 29-30, 2002.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
122. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Nov 5-6, 2002.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
123. Lecturer at Controversies in Endovascular Treatment of Peripheral Vascular
Disease (A Texas Heart Institute Symposium) at AHA in Nov 16, 2002.
Chicago, Illinois
125. Gore Excluder AAA Stent-Graft Certification- Dec 10, 2002 .
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
126. Lecturer on” Carotid Stenting 2003“, Cardiology Grand Rounds Dec 12, 2002
Texas Heart Institute Houston, Texas
127. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Jan 28-29, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
128. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Feb 25-26, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
129. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques:
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
Mar 11-12, 2003. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
130. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Mar 18-19, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
131. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) April 22-23, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
132. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques:
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
May 13-14, 2003 .Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
133. Lecturer on” Carotid Stenting 2003 and the US Sapphire Trial“, Herrmann
Memorial Northwest Hospital May 15, 2003. Houston, Texas
134. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) May 20-21, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
135. Lecturer on” Carotid Stenting 2003 and the US Sapphire Trial“, Medical
Grand Rounds at Baylor College of Medicine June 23, 2003. Houston, Texas
136. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) June 24-25, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
137. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques:
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
July 15-16, 2003. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
136. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) July 29-30, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
137. Panel member Cordis Endovascular “Opinion Leaders 2003 “
July 31-Aug 2,2003. San Francisco, CA
138. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Aug 25-26, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
139. Cook Zenith AAA Stent-Graft Certification Aug 19-20, 2003. New Orleans, LA
140. Lecturer on” Endovascular Updates“, Society of Interventional
Cardiovascular Professionals Aug 21, 2003. Houston, Texas.
141. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Oct 14-15, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
142. Primary Interventionalist, Lecturer and Moderator for Chinese Interventional
Therapeutics CIT 2003 Oct 24-26, 2003. Beijing, China
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
143. Primary Interventionalist and Lecturer for Malaysia Cardiology Society
Oct 27, 2003. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
144. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques: A
Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event) Nov 4-5, 2003.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
145. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-1) Jan 20-21, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
146. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-2) Feb 17-18, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
147. Lecturer and Moderator for the Egyptian Cardiology Society. Lectures on
carotid stenting and Thoracic Endovascular stent grafts. Feb 23-25, 2004.
Alexandria, Egypt
148. CASES Faculty summit educational program on the issues and future role of
Regional Education centers for Carotid Stenting Instruction. March 2&3, 2004.
Cincinnati, OH
149. Course Attendee, Lecturer for the Texas Heart Institute at the ACC.
Advancing the Standard of care: New Prospectives, New Approaches, entitled
“Peripheral Vascular Disease update 2004.” March 6, 2004. New Orleans, LA
150. Course Attendee & Expert Moderator for “Renal Artery Stenting” at the ACC.
March 8, 2004. New Orleans, LA
151. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-3) Mar 23-24, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
152. Course Attendee, Primary Interventionalist, Expert Moderator and Lecturer
for “Concepts in Cardiology” an update in Cardiology April 1-3, 2004.
Houston, Texas
153. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-4) Apr 20-21, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
154. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “AESOPS” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty April 30, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
155. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular-1)
May 4-5, 2004. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
156. Lecturer on” Carotid Stenting 2004: From Conception to Inception “,
Medical Grand Rounds at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital May 14,2004.
Houston, Texas
157. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-5) May 18-19, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
158. Panel member Guidant Endovascular “Advisory Board 2004 “March 24, 2004.
Chicago, IL
159. Course Attendee: 14th International Congress” Cardiostim 2004” June 16-19,
2004. Nice, France
160. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-6) June 22-23, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
161. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “AESOPS” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty June 25, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
162. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-7) July 20-21, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
163. Lecturer and Expert Moderator at the Endovascular Summit on” Carotid
Stenting, Abdominal Aneurysm, Renal Artery disease and PVD” August 5-6, 2004.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
164. Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular Techniques:
Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
Aug 24-25, 2004. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
165. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “PVD training”
an introductory course to endovascular training sponsored by Cordis
Endovascular Sept 13-17, 2004. Bangkok, Thailand
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
166. Lecturer on “SAPPHIRE Trial, a randomized comparison of carotid Stenting
to Endarterectomy: The Diabetic Subset” at TCT (Transcatheter Cardiovascular
Therapeutics) Sept 27 – Oct 1, 2004. Washington D.C.
167. Lecturer on “Carotid Stents: A Better Option for Your Patient” at
Denton A Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society; Oct 7, 2004. Houston, TX
168. Guidant Acculink Carotid Stent certification Oct 8, 2004. Houston, TX
169. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-8) Oct 19-20, 2004.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
170. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular)
Nov 2-3 2004. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
171. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “SimSuite
Carotid Education Course” an educational observational training on Carotid Stent
angioplasty Dec 12-13, 2004. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
172. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-1) Jan 18-19, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
173. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “CASES” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty Jan 20-21, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
174. Primary Interventionalist, Lecturer and Expert Moderator at the Singapore
Live 14th International Conference on Vascular Endotherapy 2005 Jan 25-26, 2005.
Singapore, Singapore
175. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “PVD training”
an introductory course to endovascular training sponsored by Cordis
Endovascular Asia Pacific Jan 27-, 2005. Penang, Malaysia
176. Lecturer / Moderator at the Third Cardiovascular Symposium of the New
Millennium. Feb 9- 11, 2005. San Jose, Costa Rica
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
177. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-2) Feb 22-23, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
178. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-3) March 22-23,
2005. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
179. Lecturer at the Rui Jing Hospital Neurology Grand Rounds on Carotid
Stenting Endotherapy 2005 April 1, 2005. Shanghai, China
180. Course Attendee, Lecturer and Moderator for TCT at CIT (Chinese
Interventional Therapeutics) CIT 2005 April 1-3, 2005. Beijing, China
181. Course Attendee, Primary Interventionalist, Expert Moderator and Lecturer
for “Concepts in Cardiology” an update in Cardiology April 13-16, 2005.
Houston, Texas
182. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-4) Apr 19-20, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
183. Panel member Guidant Endovascular “Advisory Board 2005 “April 22, 2005.
Chicago, IL
184. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “CASES” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty May 10-11, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
185. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “Sim Suite
Carotid Education Course” an educational observational training on Carotid
Stent angioplasty May 12-13, 2005. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
186. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-5) May 24-25, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
187. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-6) June 21-22, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
188. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “Sim Suite
Carotid Education Course” an educational observational training on Carotid Stent
angioplasty July14-15, 2005. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
189. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-7) July 20-21, 2005
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
190. Lecturer and Expert Moderator at the Endovascular Summit on” Carotid
Stenting, Abdominal Aneurysm, Renal Artery disease and PVD” August 4-5, 2005.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
191. Lecturer at “12th International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care”:
Throw away the Knife, Carotid Stenting is the Only Way to Treat Carotid Artery
Stenosis; and Critical Limb Ischemia at Discovery Kartika Plaza Aug 12-15, 2005.
Kuta, Bali
192. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-8) Aug 23-24, 2005
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
193. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-9) Sept 12-13, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
194. Gore TAG Thoracic Endograft certification, Sept 15-16, 2005 Phoenix AZ
195. Bard Carotid Stent certification, Sept 24-25, 2005 Las Vegas, NE
196. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-10) Oct 18-19, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
197. Lecturer at “An Interactive Night with Critical Limb Ischemia” at Tony’s
restaurant, Nov 3, 2005, Houston, TX
198. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Partnerships in PVD (Guidant Endovascular-1) Nov 8-9, 2005.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
199. Course Attendee, Lecturer, and Moderator: for the Texas Heart Institute at the
AHA. Advancing the Standard of care: Where Have We Gone, We Are We Going
entitled “Carotid Stenting controversies 2005.” Nov 12, 2005. Dallas, TX
200. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-1) Jan 10-12, 2006.
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
201. Course Attendee at the Gore 2006 Aortic Summit, Jan 12-14, 2006
Marriott Desert Ridge, Scottsdale, AZ
202. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Innovation
for Peripheral vascular Disease: A Preceptorship Program (an EV3 Event-1)
Jan 24-25, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
203. Course Attendee at the Foxhollow SilverHawk 2006: New Advances in
Critical Limb Ischemia, Jan 26-28, 2006 Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, TX
204. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-2) Feb 7-9, 2006.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
205. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-3) March 10-12,
2006.Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
206. Cordis Endovascular Frontrunner and Outback Catheter certification,
March 14, 2006 Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
207. Primary Interventionalist at 38th Annual Heart association of Thailand,
Siriraj Hospital, March 24, 2006 Bangkok, Thailand
208. Lecturer at 38th Annual Heart Scientific Meeting of Thailand, His Royal
Majesty’s Ascension to the Throne “Carotid Artery Stenosis is the Treatment for
Carotid Artery Disease, Evidenced Bases Medicine 2006” March 26, 2006 Pattaya
City, Thailand
209. Lecturer for Vascular Medicine Society at the Shangra-La Edsa: “How to
Recognize and Treat PVD in Everyday Practice” March 27, 2006, Manila,
210. Primary Interventionalist at the Philippine Heart Center: March 28, 2006,
Manila, Philippines
211. Primary Interventionalist and Lecturer for Malaysian Cardiology Society at
IJN. “Hybrid Percutaneous and Surgical Procedures” March 30, 2006, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
212. Lecturer for 10th National Heart Association of Malaysia Annual Scientific
Meeting: “Global Revascularization” April 2, 2006, Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
213. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-4) April 4-6, 2006,
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
214. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist at “Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiology Interventional Cardiology” Fellows Course. Lecture: Presentation and
Non-Invasive Evaluation of Peripheral Vascular Disease 2006 April 19, 2006,
Houston, Texas
215. Lecturer, Primary Interventionalist at “Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiology” an update in Cardiology April 20-22, 2006. Houston, Texas
216. Proctor on Guidant Acculink-Accunet Carotid Stenting; Beaumont TX April
27, 2006
217. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular-1)
May 9-11, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
218. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Innovation
for Peripheral vascular Disease: A Preceptorship Program (an EV3 Event-2)
May 16-18, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
219. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-5) May 1819, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
220. Lecturer at First Carotid Decision Makers: May 22, 2006 Houston, Texas
221. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-6) June 13-15, 2006.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
222. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-7)
July 18-19, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
223. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-4) July 25-26, 2006Texas
Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
224. Lecturer for Surgical Vascular Society at the Shangri-La: “Makati Med
Center” on How to Recognize and Treat PVD in Everyday Practice” July 31, 2006,
Manila, Philippines
225. Lecturer at “13th International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care in
Conjunction with Nutri Indonesia 2006 ”: New Devices in the Treatment of DVT,
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stenting; Renal Artery Disease as it relates to CHF
and Critical Limb Ischemia at Discovery Kartika Plaza Aug 3-7, 2006. Kuta, Bali
226. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: A Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-8) Aug 22-24, 2006.
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
227. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Innovation
for Peripheral vascular Disease: A Preceptorship Program (an EV3 Event-3)
Sept 12-13, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
228. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-8)
Sept 14-15, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
229. Lecturer for North Texas Cardiovascular Conference 2006 on “The
Endovascular Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis 2006” Sept 16, 2006, Plano,
230. Lecturer at 20 Congreso Internacional Medicina del Tercer Milenio
Humanismo, Una Prioridad en: “Introduction to PVD” Oct 13, 2006. Tampico,
231. Lecturer at LINC Course: An Endovascular Neuroradiology Workshop & Live
Cases on”Heparin, Bivalirudin and others” Oct 16, 2006 Marriott Medical Center
Houston, Texas
232. Lecturer at LINC Course: An Endovascular Neuroradiology Workshop & Live
Cases on”Cordis Endovascular Seminar” Oct 18, 2006 Marriott Medical Center
Houston, Texas
233. Lecturer at the Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology Seminar
on “Peripheral Vascular Case Discussions” Oct 21, 2006 at the Westin Park Central
Dallas, Texas
234. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-9)
Oct 24-26, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
235. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-10)
Nov 7-9, 2006. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
236. Course Director, Lecturer, and Moderator for Advanced Carotid Stenting for
Experts at Trevisios Restaurant Nov 30, 2006. Houston, Texas
237. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-5) Dec 12-13, 2006
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
238. Boston Scientific: Nexstent Carotid Stent certification, Jan 24, 2007
Houston, TX
240. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-1)
Feb 7-9, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
241. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-2)
Feb 20-22, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
242. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-1) March 6-7, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
243. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Endovascular Techniques: Hands on Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis
Endovascular-1) March 8-9, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
244. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-3)
March 20-22, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
245. Course Attendee, Lecturer and Moderator for TCT at CIT (Chinese
Interventional Therapeutics) CIT 2007 “AAA is now totally percutaneous”&
“Carotid Stenting can be performed by anyone adequately trained”, “Angiomax
rather than Heparin for Critical limb Ischemia” March 29-31. Beijing, China:
246. Lecturer, Primary Interventionalist at “Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiology” an update in Cardiology April 18-21, 2007. Houston, Texas
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
247. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “REC” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty (sponsored by J &
J /Cordis Endovascular-2) April 23-24, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
248. Lecturer: Research Today-On the Market Tomorrow: The Staff Nurse’s Role
in Clinical Research-“Carotid Stenting Research” April 26, 2007 Houston Texas
249. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-4)
May 8-10, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
250. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: Hands on Experience (an Abbott-2) May 15-16, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
251. Lecturer: “Carotid Stenting can be performed by anyone adequately trained”
St Luke Episcopal Hospital Cardiology Grand Rounds, May 31, 2007
252. Lecturer: “Carotid Stenting can be performed by anyone adequately trained”
Memorial Herman Memorial City Grand Rounds, June 1, 2007
253. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-5)
June 5-7, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
254. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-3) June 19-20, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
255. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “REC” an
educational observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty (sponsored by J &
J /Cordis Endovascular-3) June 21-22, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
256. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “My Live” 3rd Asian
Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics with Malaysian Cardiovascular
Interventional Symposium, July 11-14, 2007 Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia: Topics-Carotid Stenting, Aortic Aneurysm, And Thoracic Aneurysm
257. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-6)
July 17-19, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
258. Lecturer and Expert Moderator at the Endovascular Summit on” Carotid
Stenting, Abdominal Aneurysm, Renal Artery disease and PVD” July 23-25, 2007.
Colorado Springs, Co
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
259. Lecturer at “14th International Symposium on Shock and Critical Care in
Indonesia 2007”: Mesenteric Ischemia, Carotid Stenting; and Complications of
Vascular Access at Discovery Kartika Plaza Aug 2-5, 2007. Kuta, Bali
260. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-4) Aug 14-15, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
261. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-7)
Sept 11-13, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
262. Lecturer at 3rd Annual Peripheral Arterial Disease Conference
(Texas A & M Health Science Center) Case review at Vietnam Restaurant.
Lecture on PV diagnosis and treatment. Sept 14-15, 2007 Corpus Christi, TX
263. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Endovascular
Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-8)
Oct 9-11, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
264. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in Carotid Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-5) Oct 16-17, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
265. Lecturer at McAllen country Club: Lecture on Carotid Artery Stenting and
Angiomax. Oct 19, 2007 McAllen, TX
266. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop of Carotid
Stenting Techniques: Hands on Experience (a Boston Scientific Event-9)
Nov 6-8, 2007. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
267. Clinical Advisors Endologix Roundtable Program:
Irvine California Nov 8-11, 2007
268. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in Carotid Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-6) Nov 27-29, 2007
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
269. Lecturer / Moderator / Primary Interventionalist at the Taiwan society of
Cardiovascular Interventions Live in Taipei, Taiwan Nov 30-Dec 1, 2007
270. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in PV Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-7) Dec 4-6, 2007
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
271. Moderator for “A Live Endovascular Treatment of an Infrarenal
Abdominal aortic Aneurysm” Dec 5, 2007, SLEH / THI Houston, Texas
272. Lecturer at McAllen country Club: Lecture on Peripheral Vascular CTO’s and
anticoagulation Jan 31, 2008; McAllen, Texas
273. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for an educational
observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty (sponsored by J & J /Cordis
Endovascular-1) Jan 29, 2008. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
274. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for Training for Interventional
Success: A PV preceptorship program (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular-2)
Feb 19-20, 2008. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
275. APTUS: AAA Endograft Stent certification, March 10, 2008 Houston, TX
276. Course Director, Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for an educational
observational training on Carotid Stent angioplasty (sponsored by J & J /Cordis
Endovascular-3) March 12, 2008. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
277. Course Attendee, Lecturer and Moderator for TCT at CIT (Chinese
Interventional Therapeutics) CIT 2008 “Carotid Stenting 2008” March 21-24.
Beijing, China:
278. Lecturer, Primary Interventionalist at “Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiology” an update in Cardiology April 7-9, 2008. Houston, Texas
279. Lombard Medical: AAA Aorfix Endograft Stent certification, May 9, 2008 Ft.
Lauderdale, FL
280. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for Training for Interventional
Success: A PV preceptorship program (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular-4)
May 13-14, 2008. Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas
281. Lecturer at Kokura live: “Angiosculpt: a New Frontier” May 30, 2008Kokura,
282. Lombard Medical: AAA Aorfix Endograft Cadaver Training, June 6, 2008
Memphis, TN
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
283. Lecturer for Vascular Leaders Summit (VLS) an Endovascular Training on
CTO for the Superficial Femoral Artery (Cordis Asia Pacific) Royal Orchid
Sheraton and Towers, June 21 & 22, 2008 Bangkok, Thailand
284. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop CTO’s: Hands on
Preceptorship (sponsored by J & J /Cordis Endovascular Asia Pacific) at hospitals:
Chulalonghorn, Ramathibodi, Army; June 23-24, 2008. Bangkok, Thailand
285. Lecturer, Moderator and Primary Interventionalist for 4th Asian
Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics (AICT) Centara Grand and Bangkok
Convention center: Talks were centered on:
 Carotid Stenting,
 CTO’s,
 CLI,
 BTK,
286. Lecturer at “15th International Symposium on Critical Care & Emergency
Medicine 2008”: Talks were centered on:
 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism;
 How to prevent a stroke without Surgery with Carotid Stenting;
 Complications of Critical Limb Ischemia
at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Aug 14-16, 2008. Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
287. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in Carotid Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-1)
 Live cases were performed
Sept 9-10, 2008, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas, USA
288. Lecturer at LINC Course Houston 2008; Endovascular Neuroradiology
Workshop and Live Cases. Talks were centered on:
 Carotid Artery Stenting 2008;
 Anticoagulation;
 CAS complications
At Marriott Hotel Oct 11-16, 2008, Houston, TX
289. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for an Endovascular Preceptorship
in Carotid Techniques: A Hands on Experience (an Abbott-2)
 Live cases were performed
Oct 21-22, 2008, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas, USA
290. Lecturer: “Horizons” Angiomax usage for Safety and efficacy in Coronary
Stenting, Nov 13, 2008, McAllen, Texas, USA
291. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Preceptorship in Carotid
Techniques: A Hands on Experience at Renaissance Hospital
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
 Live cases were performed
Nov 14, 2008, McAllen, Texas, USA
292. Medtronic: Thoracic Aorta: TALENT Stent certification, Feb 19, 2009
SLEH, Houston, TX, USA
293. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for India Carotid Stent Training for
the Ruby Hall Clinic center:
 Talks were centered on “Peripheral Vascular Complications”
 Live training was performed for local physicians
Feb13, 2009 Pune, India
294. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist at the 2nd Endovascular Workshop
on Carotid Interventions.
 Talks were centered on “Carotid Stenting Complications”
 Cases were presented for discussion
2/14, 2009 Escorts Heart Institute & Research Center, Okla Road, New Delhi, India
295. Lecturer: at Emergencies in Medicine Conference.
 Talks were centered on “Critical Limb Ischemia”
March 1 – March 6, 2009; Park City, Utah, USA
296. Course Attendee, Lecturer and Moderator for TCT at CIT (Chinese
Interventional Therapeutics) CIT 2009.
 Talks were centered on “Carotid Stenting 2009,
 Talks included “Hybrid Endovascular Procedures”
March 19-22, 2009. Beijing, China
297. Lecturer, Moderator, Primary Interventionalist at Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiovascular Medicine Symposium.
 Talks were related to “Carotid Stenting for 2009”
 Interventional cases were on Peripheral Vascular Disease
April 15-17, 2009. Houston, Texas, USA
298. Lecturer at 4th Annual Peripheral Arterial Disease Conference
(Texas A & M Health Science Center).
 Talks were centered on ”PV early diagnosis and treatment”
April 25, 2009 Corpus Christi, TX, USA
299. Course Director for Boston Scientific of Taiwan sponsored Endovascular
Observorship Training May 18-22, 2009 Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas,
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
300. Lecturer: St Luke Episcopal Hospital Cardiology Noon Conference,
Talk was centered on:
 Endovascular Diagnosis and Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia
June 4, 2009. Houston, Texas, USA
301. Lecturer: Makati Medical at the Discovery Suites Hotel
Talks were centered on ”Carotid Stenting Update 2009” July 24, 2009
Manila, Philippines
302. Course Director, Primary Interventionalist for a Workshop PVD:) at hospitals:
 Vachira Hospital; July 27, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
 Khon Kaen University Hospital; July 28, 2009 Khon Kaen, Thailand
 Chulalonghorn Hospital ; July 29, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
303. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for “My Live” 4th Asian
Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics with Malaysian Cardiovascular
Interventional Symposium, July 30 – Aug 1, 2009 Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia: Talk was centered on:
 Carotid Stenting
 Critical Limb Ischemia
304. Lecturer for Breakfast symposium (Johnson & Johnson) on “CTO in Critical
Limb Ischemia” Ballroom KL Hilton Aug 31, 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
305. Lecturer: at Global Endovascular Complication Seminar
 Cases were centered on “complications”
Aug 30-Sept 1, 2009; Jackson Hole, Wyoming USA
306. Lecturer for Adriatic Vascular Summit 2009
Talks were centered on:
 Aortic-iliac Endovascular results
 EVAR with a percutaneous and local approach
 Carotid Stenting trials and results
Cenkarjev dom, Oct 23-24, 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia
307. Assisted Interventionalist in Carotid stenting: during AVS Oct 19-23, 2009 in
Budapest, Hungary & Ljubljana, Slovenia
308. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for Peripheral Vascular CTO course
For multiple physicians. Nov 8, 2009 SLEH/THI Houston, TX USA
309. Lecturer for ISES (International Society of Endovascular Specialists) on PVD
complications. Talks were centered on:
 Axillary artery perforation
 Renal artery Dissection
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Hilton Hotel during Endovascular Summit Dec 4, 5, 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina
310. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for Peripheral Vascular Fellows
course. Talks were related to:
 Carotid Artery Stenting
 Critical Limb Ischemia
Interventions were centered on: renal artery disease and carotid artery stenosis.
Serdang Hospital and Conference Center Jan 8, 2010 Putra Jaya, Malaysia
311. Lecturer and Primary Interventionalist for Penang Peripheral Vascular
Symposium. Talks were related to:
 Critical Limb Ischemia
 Cases discussion
Golden Sands Resort Conference Center Jan 9-10, 2010 Penang, Malaysia
312. Primary Interventionalist for Peripheral Vascular Disease for SFA CTO at
Gleneagles Hospital January 10, 2010 Penang, Malaysia
313. Primary Interventionalist for Peripheral Vascular Disease Teaching
Symposia. Interventions were centered on:
 Carotid Stenting
 Iliac Stenting
At Penang General Hospital January 11, 2010 Penang, Malaysia
314. Primary Interventionalist for Peripheral Vascular Disease:
Interventions were centered on:
 SFA CTO at Chulalonghorn Hospital
 SMA, Celiac, SFA Interventions at Siriraj Hospital
January 12, 13, 2010 Bangkok, Thailand
315. Lecturer, Moderator, Primary Interventionalist at Taiwan Transcatheter
Therapeutics Symposium.
Interventions were centered on:
 Left Main Disease
Buddhist Tzu Chi Hospital January 15, 2010 Hualien, Taiwan
Talks were related to:
 Carotid Stenting 2010
 Critical Limb Ischemia
Taiwan Conference Center January 16, 2010 Taipei, Taiwan
316. Lecturer on “Crossing Peripheral CTO’s” at
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Society of Interventional Cardiovascular Techs; Jan 27, 2010. Houston, TX, USA
317. Course Attendee, Lecturer and Moderator for TCT at CIT (Chinese
Interventional Therapeutics) CIT 2010.
Talks were related to:
 Carotid Stenting 2010
 Critical Limb Ischemia
China National Convention center, March 25-28, 2010. Beijing, China
318. Panelist, Moderator, Primary Interventionalist at Concepts in Contemporary
Cardiovascular Medicine Symposium.
Interventions were centered on:
 Proximal Protection for Carotid Artery Stenting
Talks were related to:
 Carotid Stenting for 2010
 Electrophysiology, Coarctation, CAD, CAS, LVAD
Hilton Americas Hotel April 8-10, 2010. Houston, Texas, USA
319. Lecturer for Fellow Noon Conference on “Crossing CTO’s in Critical Limb
Ischemia” THI Auditorium May 24, 2010, Houston, Texas
1. ABIM-Diplomat in Internal Medicine, Sept 9, 1980
2. ABIM-Diplomat of Cardiovascular Diseases, Nov 9, 1983
3. Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, July 3, 1984
4. Fellow of the American College of Physicians, Feb 28, 1986
5. ABIM-Interventional Cardiovascular Diseases, Nov 2, 1999
6. Outstanding Teacher of the year voted by Cardiology House Staff,
June 15, 1988
June 15, 1995
June 7, 2000
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Phi Beta Kappa, 1973
Upstate Medical Center Alumni Associate, 1977
American College of Physicians, 1980
American College of Cardiology, 1980
American Heart Association, 1980
American Medication Association, 1982
Texas Medical Association, 1982
Houston Cardiology Society, 1982
Houston Internal Medicine Society, 1982
Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society, 1983
International Society for Heart Transplantation, 1983
American Society of Cardiovascular Interventionists, 1989
Texas Heart Institute Cardiac Society, 1989 (president 1998)
Boston Scientific Peripheral Vascular Advisory Board, 1995
International Society for Endovascular Surgery, 1997
Editorial Board of Texas Heart Institute Journal, 1997
Cordis Opinion Leaders Peripheral Vascular Advisory Board, 1998
Texas Heart Institute Cardiology Peer Review Committee, 1998
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Cardiology Advisory Council, 1998
Premier Purchasing Partners-Cardiology representative, 1999
Guidant Peripheral Vascular Advisory Board, 2004
SCAI-Society of Cardiac Angiography and Intervention-2004
Faculty at Universidad Popular de Puebla- 1/15/2007
China Endovascular Club 3/29/10-Inaugural Member
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Clinical Instructor-Baylor College of Medicine, 1983-1986
Clinical Assistant Professor-Baylor College of Medicine,
1986 - 1991
Assistant Director of Non-invasive Cardiac Laboratories,
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, 1983-1988
Clinical Associate Professor-Baylor College of Medicine
1992 to 2003
Member, Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates, July 1982-1984
Partner, Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates, July 1984-present
Director of Peripheral Vascular Services,
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates (1990- present)
Clinical Professor-Baylor College of Medicine (2003 to present)
Abdominal Aortic Endoluminal Grafting
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treatment without surgery
Beta Radiation-Angioplasty
Carotid Artery Angiography
Carotid Arterial Balloon Angioplasty
Carotid Arterial Stent Angioplasty with Protection
Carotid Artery Stenting: Gore Flow Reversal
Carotid Artery Stenting: MOMA Flow Reversal
Cardiac Catheterization
Coronary Balloon Angioplasty
Coronary Stent Angioplasty
Coronary Laser Angioplasty
Coronary Atherectomy Angioplasty
Coronary Angiojet Thrombectomy
Coronary Intravascular Ultrasonography
Coronary Artery Thrombolysis
Directional Coronary Atherectomy
Endomyocardial Biopsy
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Gamma Radiation-Angioplasty
Peripheral Vascular Balloon Angioplasty
Peripheral Vascular Stent Angioplasty
Peripheral Vascular Angiography
Peripheral Vascular Rotablator Atherectomy
Peripheral Vascular CSI Diamondback Atherectomy
Peripheral Vascular Plaque Excision Therapy
Peripheral Vascular Thrombolysis
Peripheral Vascular Cryotherapy
Peripheral Vascular CTO: Frontrunner
Peripheral Vascular CTO: Outback
Peripheral Vascular CTO: Bard Crosser
Peripheral Vascular Laser Angioplasty
Peripheral Vascular Ultrasonography
Peripheral Vascular Angiojet Thrombectomy
Permanent / Temporary Pacemakers
Renal Arterial Stent Angioplasty
Rotational Coronary Atherectomy
Safe Cross Endoluminal Therapy
Thoracic Aortic Endoluminal Grafting
Thoracic Stent Graft Therapy- Gore TAG
Thoracic Stent Graft Therapy- Medtronic Talent
1. Strickman NE, Rossi PA, Hall RJ, Massumkhani GA: Carcinoid Heart
Disease. Current Problems in Cardiology, Feb VI (11), 1982.
2. Strickman NE and Dear WE: Left Stellate Ganglionectomy for the Long QT
Interval Syndrome: Nine-Year Follow-up of a Patient. Texas Heart Institute
Journal, 9 (2): 215, 1982.
3. Strickman NE, Pechacek LW, Solana LG., Leon R: Two-Dimensional
Echocardiographic Features of Sewing Ring Dehiscence of a Bioprosthetic Mitral
Valve. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 10 (2): 311, 1983.
4. Feghali S, Strickman NE, Hall RJ: Congestive Cardiomyopathy Presumably
Secondary to Oxacillin. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 10 (4): 421, 1983.
5. Elayda MA, Strickman NE, Hall RJ, Gray AG, Garcia EG, Cooley DA:
Myocardial Revascularization in Young Patients (abstract) JACC, 2 (3): 504, 1984.
6. Klima T, Milam J, Bossart M, Beard E, Massin E, Schnee M, and Strickman NE:
Endomyocardial Biopsies in Follow-up of Human Cardiac Allografts and in
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Primary Myocardial Disorders. (Abstract) IXth European Congress of Cardiology,
Dusseldorf, 1984.
7. Hall RJ, Garcia E, Mathur V, de Castro CM, Massumi A, Strickman NE:
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (letter). N ENGLAND J MED, 310: 1262, 1984.
8. Carlson HD, Mathur VS, Gray AG, Hall RJ, Cooley DA, Garcia E, Massumi A,
de Castro CM, Strickman NE: Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Patients with
Severely Compromised Left Ventricles. (Abstract) International Symposium on
Cardiovascular Surgery-1985, Page 85, Houston, Texas, 1985
9. Elayda MA, Strickman NE, Hall RJ, Garcia E, Mathur VS, Cooley DA:
Myocardial Revascularization in Young Patients. (Abstract) International
Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery - 1985, Pg. 114, Houston, Texas, 1985.
10. Massumi A, Mathur VS, Strickman NE, Rockwell SA, Edelman SK:
Management of Acute Thrombus Formation Following Balloon Angioplasty.
(Abstract) International Symposium on Interventional Cardiology, Pg. 28,
Houston, Texas, 1986.
11. Massumi A, Mathur VS, Strickman NE, and Edelman SK: Changing Aspects
of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: A Survey of 100 Recent
Consecutive Cases. (Abstract) International Symposium on Interventional
Cardiology, Pg. 41, Houston, Texas, 1986.
12. Strickman NE, Hall RJ: Carcinoid Heart Disease. Cancer and the Heart, (12)
135-156, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1986.
13. Gibbs KL, Reardon MJ, Strickman NE, de Castro CM, Gerard JA, Rycyna JL,
Hall RJ, Cooley DA: Hemodynamic Compromise [(Tricuspid Stenosis and
Insufficiency) Caused by an Unruptured Aneurysm of the Sinus of Valsalva.
JACC, 7(5): 1177, 1986.
14. Strickman NE, Radovancevic B, Frazier OH: Cardiac Transplantation
Experience at the Texas Heart Institute, 1982-1986. Houston Heart Bulletin 7(3):
15. McAllister HA, Ferrans VJ, Hall RJ, Strickman NE, Bossart MI:
Chloroquine-Induced Cardiomyopathy. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 11: 953, 1987.
16. Strickman NE: The Pathogenesis and Prognosis of End-Stage Heart Disease.
Texas Heart Institute Journal 14 (4), 346-350, 1987.
17. Jain A, Strickman NE, Hall RJ, and Ott DA: An Unusual Complication of Left
Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm: Hemoptysis. CHEST 93, 429-431, 1988.
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
18. Avedissian MG, Strickman NE, McAllister HA, Harlan M: Predictors of Poor
Clinical Outcome and the Need for Cardiac Transplantation in Biopsy-Proven
Lymphocytic Myocarditis. Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society,
104-105, Bermuda, 1988.
19. Avedissian MG, Strickman NE: Lymphocytic Myocarditis Presenting as
Ventricular Arrhythmias Circ Supplement II, 78 (4): 1826, 1988.
20. Avedissian MG, Strickman NE, McAllister HA, Edelman SK, Harlan M:
Clinical Correlates of Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Lymphocytic
Myocarditis 62nd Scientific Sessions New Orleans, Louisiana, 1989.
21. Corley DD, Strickman NE: An Alternative System for Right Ventricular
Endomyocardial Biopsy (Abstract) Texas Heart Institute. Frontiers in
Cardiology, Steamboat Spring, Colorado, August 1991.
22. Elayda MA, Strickman NE, Lynn P, Hall RJ, Cooley DA: Predicting Outcome
after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Young Adults (Poster). 64th Scientific
Sessions of the American Heart Association. Anaheim, California, November
23. Strickman NE: Heart Attack Magazine-Vim and Vigor Summer, 63-64, 1991.
24. Corley DD, Strickman NE: Alternative Approaches to Right Ventricular
Endomyocardial Biopsy. Cath Card Diagnosis 31: 1994.
25. Hall-Garcia cardiology Associates: Guide to Houston’s Cardiology Experts
Medical Houston 58, 1995.
26. Rogers MT, Clark M, Perin EP, Benray J, Strickman NE, Massumi A,
Jain SK, Mortazavi A, Hogan PJ, Angelini P, Marsh K, Waly HM, Ferguson JJ:
Preliminary Experience with Reopro as an Adjunct to Intracoronary
Thrombolytic Therapy ACC 45th Annual Scientific Session
Orlando, Florida 1996.
27. Pathan A, Fujise K, Jeang M, Mullins J, Krajcer Z, Benray J, Strickman N,
Schroth G, Perin E, Smalling R: Favorable Long Term Outcome of Subclavian
Stenting (Abstract), ACC 45th Annual Scientific Session Orlando, Florida, 1996.
28. Reddy KJ, Simek S, Strickman NE, Perin EP, Treistman B, Benray J,
Rogers M, Le DH, Waly HM, Ferguson JJ: Reopro as an Adjunct to Intracoronary
Thrombolytic Therapy, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Feb 28, 1996.
29. Yaryura RA, Simek S, Benray J, Strickman NE, Perin EP, Fish RD,
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Treistman B, Mortazavi A, Mathur V, Garcia-Gregory J, Christy G, Rogers M, Le
DH, Waly HM, Ferguson JJ: Reopro plus Stenting: Pushing the Envelope of
Clinical Applications for Stents. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics
Feb 28, 1996.
30. Wilson JM, Kalife G, Rogers M, Strickman NE, Massumi A: Unusual
Electrocardiographic Presentation of Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction.
Texas Heart Institute Journal 23 (4), 1-5, 1996.
31. Strickman NE, Perin E: Multipurpose Angiography Suite Opens. Rounds
SLEH Publication October/November 1997
32. Damaraju S, Cuasay L, Le D, Strickman N, Krajcer Z: Predictors of primary
Patency Failure in Self-Expanding Endovascular (Wallstent) Prostheses for IlioFemoral Occlusive Disease. Texas Heart Institute Journal 1998.
33. Krajcer ZK, Zaqqa M, Strickman NE, et al: Wallgraft Endoprosthesis for
Endoluminal treatment for Traumatic and Aneurismal peripheral vascular
disease. American College of Cardiology 48th Annual Scientific Session New
Orleans, Louisiana, March 7-10, 1998.
34. Hernandez E, Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, et al: Wallgraft Endoprosthesis for
Endoluminal treatment for Traumatic and Aneurismal peripheral vascular
disease. American Journal of Cardiology 1999; (suppl 6A) 37P
35. Burgert SJ, Strickman NE, Carroll CL, Falcone M: Cardiac Kaposi’s sarcoma
following Heart Transplantation. Catheterization and Cardiovascular
Interventions Vol 49(2) 208-212, Feb 2000.
36. Krajcer ZK, Hernandez –Vila E, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Perin E, Dietrich
E, Ansel g, Lipman J, Murphy T, “Endoluminal Treatment of Arterial Disruptions
and Aneurysms With Wallgraft Endoprosthesis: 2-year Follow-Up” The 13th
International Congress on Endovascular Interventions February 16, 2000.
Phoenix, AZ
37. Howell MK, Vaughn B, Villarreal R, Strickman NE, Hallman C, Krajcer ZK:
Comparison of Early Outcomes in Age Matched Patients Undergoing
Conventional Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms vs. Patients Treated
with the AneuRx Stent Graft Journal of American College of Cardiology 22A
February 2000 ( Abstract).
38. Krajcer ZK, Hernandez –Vila E, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Perin E, Dietrich
E, Ansel g, Lipman J, Murphy T, “Endoluminal Treatment of Arterial Disruptions
and Aneurysms With Wallgraft Endoprosthesis: 2-year Follow-Up” Journal of
Endovascular Therapy (7) 20-21, 2000
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
39. Howell MK, Strickman NE, Hallman C, Krajcer ZK: Early Results of
Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair with the AneuRx Stent Graft
in Cardiology Practice. International Endovascular Peripheral Course FP1;
May 2000 (Abstract)
40. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Degree of
Hemodynamic Change is a predictor of Neurological Events following Carotid
Artery Stenting in High Risk Patients.
American Journal of Cardiology 2000; 86 (SUPSA) 77i (abstract)
41. Krajcer Z, Hernandez-Vila E, Strickman N, et al.: Endoluminal Treatment of
Arterial Disruptions and Aneurysms with Wallgraft Endoprosthesis: 2-year
Follow-Up, Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 7:1-21, 2000
42. Krajcer Z, Howell M, Strickman N, et al.: Early Results of Endovascular
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair with the AneuRx Stent Graft in Cardiology
Practice, Global Endovascular Therapy (GET) 2000, 18: 12, 2000.Monaco, France,
May 17-20, 2000
43. Krajcer Z, Howell MJ, Strickman NE: Degree of Hemodynamic Change is a
predictor of Neurological Events following Carotid Artery Stenting in High Risk
Patients. Am J Cardiol 86 (Supp l 8A): 77i, 2000
44. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Degree of Hemodynamic
Change is a predictor of Neurological Events following Carotid Artery Stenting in
High Risk Patients. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2000. October 17 –
22, 2000 Washington D.C.
45. Howell MJ, Zaqqa M, Villarreal RP, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Endovascular
Exclusion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Initial Experience with Stent-Grafts in
Cardiology Practice. Tex Heart Inst J (2) 27; 136-45, 2000
46. Hernandez –Vila E, Strickman NE, Skolkin M, Toombs BD, Krajcer ZK:
Carotid Stenting for Post-Endarterectomy Restenosis and Radiation-Induced
Occlusive Disease. Tex Heart Inst J 2 (2); 159-165, 2000
47. Howell MJ, Strickman NE: Tandem Stenting of Crossed Renal Arteries with
Ostial Stenosis. Tex Heart Inst J 27 (2); 166-169, 2000
48. Krajcer ZK, Howell MJ, Strickman NE et al: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Repair in Cardiology Practice. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001: 37 (suppl A) 1257-33 (74A)
49. Howell MK, Strickman NE, Hallman C, Krajcer ZK: Early Results of
Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair with the AneuRx Stent Graft
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
in Cardiology Practice Journal of American College of Cardiology-Supplement
2001; 37: 75A (abstract)
50. Howell MK, Strickman NE, Hallman C, Krajcer ZK: Early Results of
Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair with the AneuRx Stent Graft
in Cardiology Practice American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session,
Orlando, FL. March 2001
51. Howell MJ , Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Hallman C,
Krajcer ZK: Endoluminal Exclusion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in the
Cardiac Catheterization Lab in High Risk Patients. The American Journal of
Cardiology 2001: 88 (supp 5A); 28G (abstract)
52. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using the AneuRx Stent Graft and the
Percutaneous Surgery Device offers Significant Benefit to the Patient. Circulation
Supp, 2001; 104; 17: II – 668 (abstract)
53. Gilbert JH, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Krajcer ZK.
Rheolytic Thrombectomy for the treatment of acute and subacute aortic Endograft
thrombosis. J Invasive Cardiol (Sept.2001)
54. Walton B, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Walmsley R, Krajcer ZK.
Endovascular treatment of hypoplastic aortic syndrome. J Invasive Cardiol
55. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, Dougherty K, Howell MJ. The role of llb/llla
agents in failed thrombolysis in acute limb ischemia. International Congress XIV,
2001; XI-6
56. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, Dougherty K, Howell MJ. Percutaneous repair of
large bore access sites in 156 patients. International Congress XIV, 2001; PVFF-5
57. Paniagua D, Howell MJ, Strickman NE, Velasco J, Dougherty K, Skolkin M,
Toombs B, Krajcer ZK: Outcomes Following Extracranial Carotid Artery Stenting
in High-Risk Patients. J Invasive Cardiology May 13 (5); 375-381 2001
58. Villarreal RP, Kar B, Howell MH, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Bare Metal Stents
with or without Coil Embolization for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Exclusion in
High-Risk Patients. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Vol 54 (1): 12-18 Sept 2001.
59. Howell MJ, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Hallman CH, Krajcer ZK: Preliminary
Results of Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Exclusion with the AneuRx
Stent-Graft. JACC Vol 38(4) 1040-6, Oct 2001
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
60. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using the AneuRx Stent Graft and the
Percutaneous Surgery Device offers Significant Benefit to the Patient.
74th Scientific Session of the American Heart Association, Anaheim CA.
November 13, 2001.
61. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, “Women in AAA” The 15th
International Congress on Endovascular Interventions presented February 13,
2002. Phoenix, AZ.
62. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK: Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using the AneuRx Stent Graft and the
Percutaneous surgery Device. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions.
55; 281-28, 2002.
63. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, Dougherty K, Howell MJ: Buttress Technique to
Insure Accurate Placement of the AneuRx Stent Graft in Patients with Complex
Anatomy. Journal of Endovascular Therapeutics (9) 772-776, 2002
64. Howell MJ, Krajcer ZK, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Skolkin M, Toombs B,
Paniagua D: Degree of Hemodynamic Change is a predictor of Neurological
Events following Carotid Artery Stenting in High Risk Patients. Journal of
Endovascular Therapeutics (9) 810-816, 2002
65. Krajcer ZK Gilbert JH, Dougherty K, Mortazavi A, Strickman NE: Successful
Treatment of Aortic Endograft Thrombosis with Rheolytic Thrombectomy
Journal of Endovascular Therapeutics (9) 756-764, 2002
66. Gilbert JH, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K, Krajcer ZK.
Treatment of Aorto-Ilio thrombosis with Rheolytic Thrombectomy.
Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, 2002
67. Walton B, Strickman NE, Dougherty K, Krajcer ZK.
Hypoplastic Aortoiliac syndrome. J Invasive Cardiology (suppl) May 2002
68. Walton B, Strickman NE, Dougherty K, Krajcer ZK.
Hypoplastic Aorto-Ilio syndrome. Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and
Intervention, 2002
69. Gilbert JH, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K, Krajcer ZK.
Treatment of Aortoiliac thrombosis with Rheolytic Thrombectomy. J Invasive
Cardiology (suppl) May 2002
70. Howell MJ, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Hallman C, Krajcer ZK.
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Percutaneous access for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm exclusion
significantly reduces procedure time and blood loss. J Am Coll Cardiology (suppl)
abstract May 2002
71. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K.
Percutaneous repair of abdominal aortic Aneurysms using Local Anesthesia: Is it
feasible with current generation of Endografts? J Invasive Cardiology, Sept 2002
72. Civitello A, Lau TK, Howell MH Mahmood H, Dougherty K, Perin E, Achari
A, Mortazavi A Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK. Cutting balloon angioplasty for the
treatment of tibioperoneal occlusive disease. Am J Cardiol TCT-155, 2002, Sept
73. Civitello A, Lau TK, Howell MH Mahmood H, Dougherty K, Perin E,
Achari A, Mortazavi A Strickman NE, Krajcer ZK. Cutting balloon angioplasty for
the treatment of tibioperoneal occlusive disease. Am J Cardiol TCT-155, 2002, Sept
74. Carillo-Jimenez R, Ciccia-McLean R, Londono JC, Lopez-Jimenez F, Vaughn
WK, Ferguson JJ, Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, Fish RD. Incidence of Deep Vein
Thrombosis in low-risk patients early after diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Am
J Cardio TCT-445, 2002
75. Paniagua D, Carillo-Jimenez R, Ciccia-McLean R, Londono JC, Lopez-Jimenez
F, Vaughn WK, Ferguson JJ, Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, Fish RD. Incidence of Deep
Vein Thrombosis in low-risk patients early after diagnostic cardiac
catheterization. Circulation 2002; 106:3172
76. Franklin WJ, Strickman NE, Hall RJ: Stent Deployment for Peripheral Venous
Stenosis as a Result of Radiation Therapy. Catheterization and Cardiovascular
Interventions (59) 60-62, 2003
77. Walton B, Dougherty K, Strickman N, Mortazavi A, Krajcer Z: Endovascular
treatment of hypoplastic Aortoiliac disease in young women. Catheterization and
Cardiovasc Intervention 60:329-334, 2003.
78. Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, And Dougherty K. Percutaneous AAA
Repair Opens the Door to Nonsurgical Interventionalist. Experience in over 300
Patients. International Congress XVl, 2003; I-25
79. Gupta K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K, Krajcer Z. Totally
percutaneous endovascular exclusion of abdominal aortic aneurysms with local
anesthesia: A comparison with endovascular repair with general anesthesia and
surgically obtained femoral access. Am J Cardio Sept 2003
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
80. Krajcer Z, Grad M, Strickman N, Mortazavi A, Hyde J, Dougherty K,
Five-Year follow-up in Over 200 Patients After Endoluminal AAA Repair:
Problems We Did Not Expect International Congress XVlll, 2003; I-20
81. Krajcer ZK, Strickman NE and Mortazavi A: AAA Repair Using Local
Anesthesia and Conscious Sedation. Endovascular Today Vol 3 (7) 48-54
July/August 2004.
82. Grad M, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Hyde J, Dougherty K, Krajcer Z.
Predictors of Endograft Migration after Endovascular Repair of Abdominal aortic
Aneurysm Exclusion; Cathet Cardiovasc Interv (suppl) 2004.
83. Grad M, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Hyde J, Dougherty K, Krajcer Z.
Predictors of Endograft migration after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic
aneurysm exclusion. Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention
May 2004
84. Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, and Mortazavi A. “Endovascular treatment of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Female Population” Business Briefing:
women’s Healthcare 2005
85. Yadav JS, Wholey MH, Kuntz RE, Fayad P, Katzen BT, Mishkel GJ, Bajwa TK,
Whitlow P, Strickman NE, Jaff MR, Popma JJ, Snead DB, Cutlip DE, Firth BG,
Ouriel K: Protected Carotid-Artery Stenting versus Endarterectomy in High-Risk
Patients. N Engl J Med Vol 351 (15) Oct 7, 2004: 1493 – 1501.
86. Gupta K, Younis G, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Achari A, Perin E, Dougherty
K, Krajcer Z. “Prior Neck Radiation or Carotid endarterectomy Significantly
Increases the Risk of Restenosis after Percutaneous Carotid Angioplasty and
Stenting; Cathet Cardiovasc Interv (suppl) 2004.
87. Gupta K, Younis G, Strickman ME, Mortazavi A, Achari, Perin E, Dougherty
K, Krajcer Z. Prior Neck Radiation or Carotid Endarterectomy Significantly
Increase the Risk of Restenosis after Percutaneous Carotid Angioplasty and
Stenting Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention May 2004
88. Younis G, Gupta K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Achari A, Perin E, Krajcer Z:
Carotid Artery Stent Restenosis. Endovascular Today 1-4 Jan 2005.
89. Krajcer Z, Grad M, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Hyde J. Dougherty K.:
Five year follow-up in over 200 patients after Endoluminal AAA repair: Problems
we did not expect. Journal of Endovascular Therapeutics Volume 12 Supplement
1-I-20, Feb 2005
90. Krajcer Z, Strickman N, Mortazavi A, Achari A, Dougherty K,:
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Could Cryoplasty Be a Simple Solution to Fibrointimal Hyperplasia in Endovascular
Restenosis Journal of Endovascular Therapeutics; Volume 12 Supplement 1-I-21,
Feb 2005
91. Krajcer Z, Grad M, Strickman N, Mortazavi A, Hyde J, Dougherty K. Five-year
follow-up in over 200 patients after Endoluminal AAA repair: Problems we did
not expect. J Endovasc Therapy 2005.
92. Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K. Five year follow-up in
over 400 patients after Endoluminal AAA repair: Problems we did not expect.
J Vasc Surg 2005
93. Krajcer Z, Jefferies J, Strickman ME, Mortazavi A , Achari A, Dougherty K.
Cryoplasty for the Treatment of Infrainguinal Arterial Disease. J Vasc Surg 2005 I
94. Krajcer z, Garnepudi K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K.
Comparison of Outcomes Between Men and Women Undergoing Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm Exclusion. Am J Cardio 2005
95. Krajcer Z, Wijay N, Garnepudi K, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A.
AAA Size Regression after Endovascular Repair. Endovascular Today
Suppl I: 9-12, 2005
96. Younis G, Gupta K, Strickman NE, Perin E, Mortazavi A, Achari A, Krajcer Z,
Dougherty K: Carotid Artery Stent Restenosis. Tex Heart Inst J 2005 SUBMITTED.
97. Strickman NE, Loyalka P. Carotid Artery Stenting: An Endovascular
Specialist’s Perspective. Tex Heart Inst J 32 (3); 318-322, 2005
98. Peter Forstall, MD, Kathy Dougherty, Matthew O’Steen, MD, Zvonimir
Krajcer, MD, Neil Strickman, MD Percutaneous Cervical Carotid Artery Access
with Stenting of the Left Internal Carotid Artery: Case Report; Critical Care and
Shock 2006; 9 (3):70-77
99. Zvonimir Krajcer, Neil Strickman and Ali Mortazavi Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Local Anesthesia. New Devices, July 2006
100. Zvonimir Krajcer, Neil Strickman and Ali Mortazavi. Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Local Anesthesia. Total Endovascular Aorta
May 2006
101. Zvonimir Krajcer, Neil Strickman and Ali Mortazavi Percutaneous Repair of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Technical improvements, precautions and
contraindications. Is it for every surgeon and is it for every patient? Veith
Symposium November 2006
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
102. DeFrain M, Strickman NE, Ljubic BJ, Dougherty KG, Gregoric ID.
Endovascular repair of ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysm.
103. Strickman NE: “New hope for High Risk thoracic Aneurysm Patients” THI
News and Publication Texas Heart Institute 2006
104. Younis G, Gupta K, Mortazavi A, Strickman N, Krajcer Z, Perin E, Achari A..
Predictors of carotid stent restenosis. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv Vol 69, Issue 5, 673682. March 9, 2007
105, Clinical Updates DVD from THI: Cerebral Vascular Update: A Brave New
World; Strickman NE, March 2007
106. Varon J, Strickman NE.: Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertensive Crisis in
the Elderly. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, Vol 4 Number 1, 50-55 March 2007
107. Strickman NE: Non Surgical Treatment Reduces Couple’s Risk of Stroke.
Texas Heart Institute Update Volume 7, Issue 1, April 2007
108. Krajcer Z, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Dougherty K: “Percutaneous repair of
Abdominal aortic aneurysms with Local anesthesia and conscious sedation”
Advanced Endovascular therapy of Aortic Disease, chapter 25 193-198; Blackwell
Futura Publishing 2007
109. Mitchell J, Dougherty K, Strickman NE, Mortazavi A, Krajcer Z:
“Endovascular Repair of Para-anastomotic aneurysms after Aortic Reconstruction”
Tex Heart Inst J 34 (2); 148-153, 2007
110. Patel D, Strickman NE: Carotid Stenting in the Elderly: The time has come;
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, Volume 4, number 2, 88-92 June 27, 2007
111. O’Steen M, Dougherty K, Strickman NE: Percutaneous Cervical Carotid
Access with Stenting of the left Internal Carotid Artery in the Elderly
Geriatric Cardiology, Volume 4, number 1, 111- June 27, 2007
112. The Cases PMS Investigators: Carotid Artery Protection with Emboli
Protection Surveillance Study: 30 day results of the CASES-PMS study
Cath and Cardiovasc Interv 70: 316-323, 2007
113. Krajcer Z, Hernandez E, Strickman N, Dougherty K: Silent Ischemic
Infarction after carotid Stenting. J Invas Cardiol 2007 (supp).
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
114. Krajcer Z, Strickman N, Mortazavi A: Percutaneous repair of Abdominal
Aortic aneurysms: Technical improvements, precautions and contraindications. Is
it for every surgeon and is it for every patient VEITH Symposium November 2007
115. Rajan L, Dougherty K, Gregoric I, Strickman N: Hybrid Repair of
Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Endovascular Today
Vol 7, Number 1, 73-78, January 2008
116. Hitinder S. Gurm, M.D., Jay S. Yadav, M.D., Pierre Fayad, M.D.,
Barry T. Katzen, M.D., Gregory J. Mishkel, M.D., Tanvir K. Bajwa, M.D.,
Gary Ansel, M.D., Neil E. Strickman, M.D., Hong Wang, M.D., M.P.H.,
Sidney A. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., Joseph M. Massaro, Ph.D., and Donald E. Cutlip,
M.D., for the SAPPHIRE Investigators*: Long-Term Results of Carotid Stenting
versus Endarterectomy in High-Risk Patients” N Engl J Med 358; 15; 1572 - 1579
April 10, 2008
117. Krajcer Z, Hernandez, Strickman N, Dougherty K: Catheter Thrombectomy to
reduce emboli after carotid artery stenting. Looking beyond distal embolic
protection. Endovasc Today 43-45, 2008;
118. Krajcer Z, Strickman N, Mortazavi A: Radiation induced carotid stenosis
Global Endovascular Complications. Jackson Hole WY, Sept 2008
119. Krajcer Z, Strickman N, Mortazavi A: totally Percutaneous AAA/EVAR:
When will this be the standard of care; New Orleans Sept 2008
120. Idelchik G, M.D., Dougherty K., CRTT, Hernandez E, M.D., Mortazavi A,
M.D, Strickman N, M.D., Krajcer Z, M.D.; Endovascular Exclusion of Popliteal
Artery Aneurysms with Stent-Grafts: A Prospective Single-Center Experience
J Endovasc Therapy Vol 16, (2) 215-223, April 2009
121. Hernandez E, Goel N, Dougherty K, Strickman N, Krajcer Z: Benefits of
Catheter Thrombectomy during Carotid Stenting. A Preliminary Study.
Tex Heart Inst J 36 (5); 404-408, 2009
121. Strickman N, Krajcer Z, Mortazavi A, Achari A: A Milestone in Improved
Stroke-Prevention Procedure “ A Viable Option for patients ineligible for
traditional surgery” Take to Heart, a THI Newsletter May 24, 2010
Re: CV of Neil E Strickman MD-
Neil E Strickman MD