Application: PHD Program In Psychology and Social Neuroscience, Sapienza University of Rome Deadline: July 20, 2012 Link: Codice: 16167 PSICOLOGIA E NEUROSCIENZE SOCIALI (Scuola di dottorato in Scienze Psicologiche) Place: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Sapienza University of Rome Coordinator: prof.ssa Concetta Pastorelli Period: 3 Years - scholarships: 6 - 5 + Linguistic Council Private Limited: 1; plus 1 position without scholarship Two Curricula: a) COGNITIVE, SOCIAL AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE positions: 3 – fellowships: 3 b) PERSONALITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Positions: 4 - Fellowships: 2 + 1. Linguistic Council Private Limited; 1: without fellowships Only curriculum A) Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience (CoSAN): Candidates are required to perform online (skype) interviews 10/09/2012 ore 09:00 - Language: English Pubblication of the evaluation on Internet: Only curriculum B) Personality and Organizational Psychology (POP): 1. Date first admission test: 15/10/2012, hour: 10:00 – Aula seminari Dip. di Psicologia Via dei Marsi, 78 – Roma Candidates are required to perform a research project on the following research lines: 1. Socio-cognitive and affective determinants of normal and abnormal functioning; 2. Individual and familial determinants of normal and abnormal behavior from infancy to adolescence and young adulthood 3. Values and Motives in educational and organizational contexts 4. Personal and contextual determinants of health behaviors 5. Personal and Collective efficacy in educational and organizational context 6. Teacher’s motivation 7. Personal determinants of political and economical behaviors 8. Well-being in educational and organizational context Language: English 2. Date second admission test: 16/10/2012 at 09:00 - Aula seminari Dip. di Psicologia Via dei Marsi, 78 - Roma Curriculum B) Personality and Organizational Psychology (POP): the interview will focus on previous research experiences and on the proposal of a research project on one of the research lines of the curriuculm Language: english Date of notice: 16/10/2012 Coordinator: Concetta Pastorelli TEL.: 0649917618 MAIL: Please contact prof. Concetta pastorelli for further information Program description: Psychology and Social Neuroscience, Sapienza University of Rome The PhD in "Psychology and Social Neuroscience" is a 3 year multi-centre Ph.D. programme that is designed to train researchers in a multidisciplinary vein and to advance their knowledge in theory, research methodology, and several substantive fields that are part of psychology and social neuroscience field. Students may apply to one of the two curricula: A) Cognitive Social and affective NEuroscience (COSAN) and B) Personality and Organizational Psychology (POP) Both curricula COSAN E POP aims: * To provide methodological knowledge, to develop theoretically sound and cogent experimental, quasi experimental and longitudinal-cross-sectional designs and paradigms. * To train Ph.D. students to be future independent researchers by supporting their proactive role from writing scientific articles to grant hunting and grant writing. * To encourage inquisitive, creative and critical thinking through group interaction and cooperation. * To reinforce the interaction between partner laboratories by sharing knowledge and expertise and through researchers' mobility. In particular, Ph.D. students will carry out their research projects at Sapienza University of Rome and another university within the PhD network. During the first year each student must attend courses both on conceptual models, research methodology and paradigms within the basic themes previous mentioned. During the first year, Phd students are required to identify the research line they want to pursue and present their own research project. During the second and third year students in conjunction with their tutor must realize their research projects and scientific publications on Italian and international journals. Scientific publications represent evaluation criteria for the admission to the final defense. Finally first, second and third year students are required to attend regular seminar, lab meetings and courses planned within the programme as well as summer-schools, national and international conference, stages in different university sites within the international bilateral cultural and scientific agreements established by the program. Specific aims related to the curricula: A) COSAN AND B) POP A) COSAN curriculum aims to: * Investigate, within a traslational framework, the neural correlates of cognitive, social and affective functions and the neuroplastic mechanisms underpinning potential intervention approaches, as well as understanding human psycosocial functioning, adaptive and maladaptive, within several social contexts. * Investigate the combination of behavioural and non-invasive brain stimulation interventions to improve the quality of life of individuals with acquired and congenital neurological conditions that affect social interaction. Also, the programme represents an answer to recent cultural challenges and it is based on the advances and successes of psychosocial research in the area of promotion of health, of well-being and social harmony in educational and organizational contexts. * Develop expertise in at least one state-of-the-art experimental technique among those available to research laboratories. B) POP curriculum aims to: *Investigate human psycosocial functioning, adaptive and maladaptive, within several social contexts. The PHd Program represents an answer to recent cultural challenges and it is based on the advances and successes of psychological research in the area of prevention of disease and the promotion of health, of well-being and social harmony in educational, organizational and sanitary contexts. *Train researchers in a multidisciplinary vein and to advance their knowledge in theory, research methodology, and several substantive fields that are part of personality in the life course, interpersonal an social relations within educational, organizational and cultural contexts. *Offer Ph.d students theoretical and methodological expertise suitable to be applied in academic and professional field.