9. References to VET/HRD research resources.

European Centre for the
Development of Vocational Training
ERO National Research Report Template 2006
(ERO National Research Report Manual 2006)
ERO National Research Report
Name(s) of author(s):
Krzysztof Symela
Henryk Bednarczyk
Rafał Wawrzyński
Ludmiła Łopacińska-Kupidura
Date of submission:
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In Poland, politics, reforms and innovations in the area of VET/HRD are mainly initiated and coordinated by
Ministry of Education and Science (Ministesrtwo Edukacji i Nauki - MEiN) and the Ministry of Labour and
Social Policy (Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej – MPiPS). Both Ministries have changed their names in
relation to previous report and hale been transformed in 2005). Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
which supports SMEs development (Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości-PARP) also takes part in this
process. Poland is actually implementing The “National Strategy for Employment Growth and Human
Resources Development for the Years 2000-2006”, The “Government Economic Strategy “Enterprise-GrowthEmployment” and The National Development Plan 2004 – 2006, which is a complex document describing socioeconomic strategy of Poland in its first years as a member of the European Union. Furthermore, the Government
agreed on The “Strategy for Development of Continuing Education until the year 2010” and The “National
Youth Strategy for the Years 2003-2012”. As the consequence of the implementation of the above documents,
the activities aiming to support 3 basic areas: companies, infrastructure and human resource development are
undertaken. The instrument that serves to realize accepted politics and strategy is actually realized by the
Sectoral Operational Programme – Human Resources Development 2004-2006 (Sektorowy Program
Operacyjny Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich - SPO RZL), that aims are also compatible with the priorities of
European Employment Strategy.
National R&D initiatives in the area of VET/HRD are usually ordered by state administration institutions in
form of reports and expert analyses. Inter alia, on the order of MEiN, the Institute for Sustainable Technologies
– National Research Institute has prepared a report concerning diagnosis of lifelong learning in Poland.
However, for needs of development of national vocational qualifications standards the consortium of institutions
has been established, that will realize an order for MPiPS in 2006-2007.
In the area of recognition of vocational qualifications, the results of research are published by Central
Examination Commission in Warsaw.
In the recent years The Gdańsk Institute of Market Economics (Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową IbnGR) joined this process. IbnGR is an independent scientific research institution dealing with economy and
state politics. It develops recommendations useful for state policy as well as it provides business sphere and
wide public opinion with independent economy assessments, including continuing education. In this area it
cooperates with Polish Lisbon Strategy Forum (Polskie Forum Strategii Lizbońskiej - PFSL).
Prognostic studies concerning the development of professions and qualifications, very important to the
improvement of VET/HRD in Poland, are led by Government Center for Strategic Studies (RCSS) Interdepartmental Team for Forecasting Job Demand.
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In 2005 the Agency for Coordination of Staff Development of Foundation „Cooperation Fund” which is a leader
of National Consortium of ReferNet has elaborated a report “Vocational education and training in Poland”. The
report has been prepared in accordance with CEDEFOP requirements, that makes possible to achieve
international comparisons (the report is available in English version on CEDEFOP website). This report is also
an important resource of information concerning status of work in VET/HRD development in Poland and
interrelates them with Project and European initiatives in this scope.
In the framework of VET system the reforming activities that aim to modernize Polish curricula offer (modular
curricula development), and develop external examination system (the responsibility of Central Examination
Commission (Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna) and its 8 subordinate districts) enabling recognition of
vocational qualifications are carried out.
Poland adopted the National Strategy for Increase of Employment and Development of Human Resources in the
years 2000-2006, which pays attention to the need of raising the quality of offered training services. This can be
achieved, inter alia, by the application of national professional qualifications standards. The Strategy assumes
that the national qualifications standards – common for the scholar and non-scholar system – will be the basis
for vocational training programs and for the system of vocational exams. The Ministry of Labour and Social
Policy is in charge of implementing the Strategy in terms of development of vocational training and
professional qualifications standards. Whereas the European Social Fund supports the development of
VET/HRD in Poland In the framework of Sectoral Operational Programme - Human Resources Development
European programmes like Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, EQUAL, Youth for Europe projects represent the
biggest group among research projects realized in Poland and financed from the European funds. Significant
research elements can also be seen in Phare 2003 projects.
Strictly research projects realized in the framework of the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and
Technological Research (COST) programme as well as under 6th Framework Programme (mainly Information
Society Technologies - IST priority) also contain R&D elements specific for VET/HRD domain. Projects related
to this scope are integrated with directions of informatics community development in Poland till 2020, accepted
in 2004 by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
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Research and development projects in the area of VET/HRD realised in Poland are strongly related with
realisation of accepted strategies concerning development of vocational lifelong education that is related with
strategies of economy and labour market development.
In database there are 67 projects among these, 15 projects are individual research grants financed from state
budget by the Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies (Ministerstwo Nauki i Informatyzacji MNiI), whereas 2 projects are related to so called multi-year scientific projects. Next 10 projects are/were
financed from Phare funds, 5 projects from European Structural Funds, 29 projects from Leaonardo da Vinci, 3
projects from Socrates and the latest 3 from other sources of financing. The research issue is focused around the
following problems: human resources development, identification of training needs analysis, quality assurance
of VET, then development of modular curricula of vocational education and training and new learning and
teaching technologies, competence and skill development, information technology (including e-learning
development) and educational institution/enterprise. The research in other scientific areas is/was carried out to
far smaller extent. It should be mentioned that each project is of an interdisciplinary character.
The other group of projects concerns issues of vocational training.
Projects indicated below are the most important for Poland, because they are included in VET/HRD system
European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies – EMCET de Bank
The Integration of education contents and education model optimization in the field of human activity safety;
Staff development in the field of advanced technologies of production and maintenance;
Theoretical and methodical basis for the development of e-learning in continuing education;
Improving quality standards of employment promotion services;
National Vocational Training System – Part II;
National Agricultural Advisory System;
Public employment services – qualification development in the implementation of the European Employment
Strategy and participation in EURES;
Development of a guide on accreditation procedures of institutions of continuing education in after school system;
National Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance – NRCVG;
Transnational Vocational Counselling;
Preparation of innovative curricula to vocational education;
Continuing Education 2005. Report on the continuing education situation in Poland.
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Main institutions implementing VET/HRD researches are:
Institute for Educational Research of Ministry of National Education And Sports in Warsaw (Instytut
Badań Edukacyjnych Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu – IBE). Conducts basic and applied
research in education, provides expertise for educational policy and practice (www.ibe.edu.pl).
Institute for Terotechnology – National Research Institute in Radom (Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji –
Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Radomiu – ITeE-PIB). Specializes in conducting occupational research,
developing and evaluating vocational qualification standards and modular curricula of vocational education
and training (www.itee.radom.pl).
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute Centralny Instytytut Ochrony Pracy –
Państwowy Instytut Badawczy - CIOP-PIB). Specializes in human resources development in the field of
labour protection, related to occupational safety (www.ciop.pl).
Institute of Labour and Social Studies – ILSS in Warsaw (Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych - IPiSS).
Specializes in studies and research concerning the labour market, forecasting labour supply and demand as
well as in research on human resources development (www.ipiss.pl).
National In-Service Teacher Training Centre in Warsaw (Centralny Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli –
CODN). Specializes in conducting research on teachers’ competencies and quality of services related
National Centre for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education in Warsaw (Krajowy Ośrodek
Wspierania Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego – KOWEZiU). Conducts research on the
development of vocational guidance and counseling and on curricula for vocational education
Central Examination Commission in Warsaw (Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna – CKE). Inspires,
conducts and co-ordinates regular diagnostic, implementation and evaluation research related to external
examination system (www.cke.edu.pl).
University centers:
Center for Science Policy and Higher Education. Warsaw University (Centrum Badań Polityki Naukowej
i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (www.cbpniszw.uw.edu.pl)
The Centre of Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development (Centrum Innowacji,
Transferu Technologii i Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (www.cittru.uj.edu.pl)
Knowbase, University of Lodz (Centrum Doskonałości Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Center of Research and Expertise of Economical Academy in Katowice (Centrum Badań i Ekspertyz
Akademii Ekonomicznej w Katowicach www.cbie.ae.katowice.pl)
Development Center of non – stationary education of Warsaw School of Economics (Centrum Rozwoju
Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Szkoły Głównej Handlowej
Management and Social Communication Faculty of Jagiellonian University (Wydział Zarządzania
i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (http://gemini.miks.uj.edu.pl)
Faculty of Humanities of Mikolaj Kopernik University (Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Mikołaja
Kopernika (www.umk.pl/wydzialy/wh)
Faculty of Management of University in Zielona Gora (Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu
Zielonogórskiego (www.wz.uz.zgora.pl/top.html)
Other organizations:
Government Center for Strategic Studies (Rządowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych – RCSS) Międzyresortowy Zespół do Prognozowania Popytu na Pracę) – Team to Forecast Labour Demand.
Conducts research on the development of occupations and specializations (www.rcss.gov.pl).
Central Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny - GUS). Specializes in the research of the public
statistics (www.stat.gov.pl).
The Gdańsk Institute for Market Economics (Instytutu Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową – IBGR).
Specializes in scientific-research works related to social policy and labour market, co-ordinates functioning
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of the Polish Lisbon Strategy Forum, initiates research and expertise in the field of employability and its
development (www.ibngr.edu.pl).
Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinow (Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie - CDR).
Specializes in the research on human resources development for the agricultural sector, conducts analysis
and forecasts in the field of agricultural advisory (www.cdr.gov.pl).
Institute of Management (Instytut Zarządzania - IZ). Specializes in the research and development of Polish
managerial staff (www.izinfo.home.pl/instytut/).
Polish Chaber of Training Companies (Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych – PIFS). It represents a network
of training companies, specializes in market development of educational sernice and in propagating of
lifelong learning idea. (www.pifs.pl).
The State Accreditation Committee (Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna - PAK). Evaluates and supervises
educational quality at the university level (www.pka.edu.pl).
D&R initiatives in the area of VET/HRD are supported by three paths: (a) the Budget funds for study, (b)
European funds and (c) other resources.
The first path constitutes research projects (grants and target projects realized mainly by research institutes and
higher schools) funded from the state budget by the Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies
(Ministerstwo Nauki i Informatyzacji – MNiI). This group of projects also includes research projects submitted
in the framework of COST Programme (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technological
Research) and the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development mainly in the priority:
Information Society Technologies. There is also a formula of Multiyear Programmes approved at government
level, which are co-ordinated by scientific institutions with the status of National Research Institutes. Within
this group, they are actually realised by ITeE-PIB, within the cooperation of academic establishments, projects
for Public Service „Development of vocational improvement within advance technologies of production and
The second path consist of projects (co-ordinated at state level by the Ministry of Labour Social Policy
(MPiPS), Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN), and Polish Agency For Enterprise Development (PARP)
partially financed from EU funds, and in particular from European Social Fund. These projects are the result of
the implementation of the National Development Plan 2004-2006 and particularly of one of its parts: Sectoral
Operational Plan Human Resources Development. The most, beneficiaries are interested in the activity Staff
Development of new economy. The dynamics of the projects belonging to this group indicates that this will be
the main source of support of the government policy in the field of the development of human resources and
knowledge-based society in the nearest future. A supplement of this programme is EQUAL initiative initiated in
2004. Moreover, this group includes projects implemented in the framework of the pre-accession programme
Phare – Human Resources Development, monitored by Polish Agency For Enterprise Development. These
projects have mostly local impact and are oriented towards improving the situation on local labour markets.
Actually, within editions Phare 2002 and Phare 2003 there are realised projects where also research of final
beneficiaries are led.
A significant influence on the development of VET have educational EU programmes: Leonardo da Vinci (pilot
projects, studies and analyses) co-ordinate by The Task Force for Training and Human Resources – Cooperation Fund (Biuro Koordynacji Kształcenia Kadr – Fundusz Współpracy)as well as Socrates (covering
a series of actions concerning various levels and aspects of education, including VET), co-ordinated by the
Foundation for the Development of the Education System (Fundacja Rozju Systemu Edukacji).
The third path takes into account research financing from Budget and out of Budget funds. The state budget
finances also studies into the level of educational activity of people conducted by the Central Statistical Office
(GUS) and research led by Government Centre for Strategic Studies (Rządowe Centrum Studiów
Strategicznych). Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej) is another institution
supporting projects in the area of VET/HRD (fellowships for young scientists, support of international cooperation).
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Polish Pedagogic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne - PTE) – is an organiser of a cyclic (every 3
years) all-Polish conventions (hosting guests from abroad) for theorists, practitioners and researchers who
represent all academic centres and universities educating in the field of pedagogy. The latest reunion was in
Wrocław in September 2004.
The Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences (Komitet Nauk Pedagogicznych
Polskiej Agademii Nauk - KNP PAN) – is one of 24 committees functioning by the Committee on Social
Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Komitet Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk).
The distinguished employees of Task Force for Labour Pedagogy (Zespół Pedagogiki Pracy) and Task Force for
Andragogy (Zespół Andragogiki) who represent universities, scientific-research institutes as well as economic
and social organizations are particularly involved in carrying out survey in the field of VET/HRD. Every year
KNP PAN takes the patronage over a number of cyclic scientific conferences and seminars. The survey findings
are published in KNP PAN publications. Inter alia, research results are Publisher in journals: “Labour
Pedagogy” (edited by ITeE-PIB) and “Education, Studies, Research, Innovations” (edited by IBE).
Polish Society of Educational Diagnostics (Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Edukacyjnej - PTDE) and Polish
Society of Cognitive Science (Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne - PTK) are involved in similar scientific
activities. Among organizations associated in networks dealing with R&D in VET/HRD the following should be
mentioned: Association of the Centers for Vocational Development (Związek Zakładów Doskonalenia
Zawodowego), the Polish Crafts Association (Polski Związek Rzemiosła), Polish Association for Adult
Education, Association of Polish Educators (Stowarzyszenie Oświatowców Polskich), Voluntary Work Corps
(Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy), The Polish Chamber of Commerce (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza), Polish Network of
Modular Education (Polska Sieć Kształcenia Modułowego), Association of Polish Electrical Engineers
(Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich), Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians
(Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich).
Since 2004, Poland is a member of European Network ReferNet that functions under CEDEFOP. Polish
ReferNet Network creates a consortium of institutions that takes care of education and vocational training issues
and research market. The leader of National Network Consortium is Task Force for Training and Human
Resources of Foundation „Cooperation Fund”. National Network Consortium that includes 8 institutions:
Foundation of System Education Development – Office of EURYDICE program (Warsaw), Institute for
Educational Research (Warsaw), Institute of Labour and Social Studies (Warsaw), Institute for Sustainable
Technologies (Radom), Institute of Management (Warsaw), Confederation of Polish Employers (Warsaw),
National Center for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education (Warsaw) and Polish Craft Union.
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7.1. Firstly, comment briefly on the status, effectiveness and impact of current VET/HRD R&D activities
in your country. (One third of a page)
R&D activities in Poland should be analysed according to the sources of financing, which can be divided into
expenditures on science from the state budget, European Union funds and other funds. It should be stressed,
that the level of expenditures on R&D in Poland, determined in the budgetary bill, differ considerably from the
Lisbon Strategy objectives, which, in turn, impinges on the scope and scale of research conducted. Much more
funds are allocated for research projects in the field of technical sciences in relation to projects covering
humanities and social sciences, including research into VET/HRD. This comparison is much improved thanks to
educational projects and structural funds of the European Union. Last year, it was observed that Ministry of
National Education had been more interested in research of lifelong education in Poland and elaboration of the
report of this scope is one of examples.
According to the public expectations and opinions of the majority of scientists, Polish science should place
strong emphasis on applied research which directly contributes to better development of human resources, and
the younger generation in particular. This, however, requires investments in the development of human
resources, and as regards research an interdisciplinary approach, combining research in technical, economic and
social fields, which have been so far developed in Poland in isolation. As a serious weakness of studies in the
areas of VET/HRD one should consider their excessive fragmentation, atomisation and an individual form of
realisation. Poll studies are the most frequent form of research, but they are often conducted on groups not
meeting the criteria of a representative sample. The range of dissemination and valorisation of research results
and the level of their transfer to business practice seem to be insufficient as well. These problems have a
negative effect on the activities in the field of human resources development. It seems that in the next few years
the greatest influence on the development of VET/HRD studies in Poland will be exerted by the implementation
of the assumptions of the “Promotion of Employment and Employment Market Institutions Act” and an
increasing number of institutions taking advantage of the funds of Sectoral Operational Programme - Human
Resources Development. Last year Ministry of Labour and Social Policy initiated the projects to study
effectiveness of implementation of new legal solutions in public employment service (labour offices). Research
of definitive beneficiaries of support within Sectorial Operating Programme Human Research Development had
also a positive reaction that should contribute to quality and effectiveness improvement of new applicable
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7.2 Secondly, briefly outline and comment on those issues that need to be addressed by R&D in the future.
(One third of a page)
Analysis of current development policies, strategies and plans undertaken in Poland with regard to R&D actions
in the field of VET/HRD indicates the following main areas which require further research in the future:
assessment of the state of continuing education and training in Poland (in a form of annual report);
monitoring of changes with regard to the availability and diversity of training opportunities in the
framework of continuing education;
evaluation of innovative modular curricula implemented in vocational schools in a school system;
studies aiming at the improvement of training services quality, including: monitoring of the implementation
of distance learning methods (incl. e-learning), monitoring of the implementation of an accreditation system
for non-formal training, development and implementation of procedures and methods used for the
assessment of training outcomes within the framework of the qualification recognition system for formal
and non-formal system;
development (creation and modification) of vocational qualification standards on the basis of studies of
workstations in companies;
research concerning utilisation of vocational qualifications standards by different beneficiary groups (in
education and labour market sectors);
studies enabling assessment of the effectiveness of investments in human resources, including analysis of
training needs and development of methods and tools for the evaluation of quality and effectiveness of
training services in connection with labour market needs (this concerns the unemployed, employees, VET
elaboration and dissemination of prognoses of the labour market and demand for jobs as well as studies of
the demand for new occupations and qualifications, in the context of the development of technologies,
advanced manufacturing and maintenance methods and organisation of work.
Full name
E-mail address
Particular expertise related
to VET/HRD research
Elżbieta Strojna
Head of Continuous Vocational
Training Division in the Ministry of
Economy and Labour
Vocational training for the labour
market, programmes of human
resources development
Henryk Bednarczyk
Director for Staff Education and
Development in the Institute for
Terotechnology – National Research
Human resource development, VET
teachers training and further training
Krzysztof Kafel
Legal adviser of the Minster of
National Education and Sport
Education policy, implementation of
education strategies
Krzysztof Symela
Head of VET Department in the
Institute for Terotechnology –
National Research Institute
VET programmes, modularization,
standardisation, ICT
Michał Butkiewicz
Director of Research Centre
“Education and Labour”
Quality of VET, certification,
recognition of qualifications
Stefan M. Kwiatkowski
Director of the Institute of
Educational Research
VET system research, general and
higher education
Ludmiła Łopacińska Kupidura
Specialist for International
Rafał Wawrzyński
Specialist for International
Vocational education and training
programmes, recognition of
Vocational education and training
programmes, recognition of
Urszula Jeruszka
Senior Lecturer in the Institute of
Labour and Social Affairs
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Labour market, efficiency of vocational
Strategy for the development of continuing education by 2010, Ministry of National Education and Sport, Warsaw
2003 (http://www.menis.gov.pl/ksztzaw/strategia/strat_ust.php)
The National Development Plan for the Years 2007-2013 (http://www.npr.gov.pl/ ).
The National Strategy for Employment Growth and Human Resources Development for the Years 2000-2006
approved by the Polish Government in 2000.
National observatory of vocational education and training, Report 2003, Task Force for Training and Human
Resources “Co-operation Fund” Foundation”.
Pedagogy Yearbook, volume 27, Polish Academy of Sciences - Committee of Pedagogy Sciences, 2004
Sectoral Operational Programmes „Human Resources Development 2004-2006, Ministry of Economy, Labour and
Social Policy, Brussels - Warsaw, January 2004.
Sectoral Operational Programmes „Human Resources Development 2004-2006, Supplement of the Programme,
Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy, Warsaw April 2004.
M. Kubisz (editor): Work, education, partnership. Collection of studies developed in the framework of Phare 2000
Programme “Human Resources Development”, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, 2004.
National action plan for employment for the year 2005, A paper approved by the Council of Ministers on 21
September 2004, Ministry of Economy and Labour, Warsaw 2004.
Suggested trends of development of information society in Poland until 2020. Ministry of Science and Informatisation,
Warszawa, September 2004.
B. Niemierko., H. Szaleniec, Educational diagnostics. Requirement standards and testing norms in educational
diagnostics, Polish Society for Educational Diagnostics, 10th Conference, Kraków 2004.
Research projects XXIV call – Supplement 1’2004, Supplement 2’2004, Supplement 4’2004, Problems of Polish
Science, Bulletin of the State Committee for Scientific Research
Guide about Leonardo da Vinci projects 2003-2004, National Agency of Leonardo da Vinci Programme, Task Force
for Training and Human Resources “Cooperation Fund” Foundation”
Expert analysis, Market of training services for enterprises in Poland, State of the art. – Development prospects Recommendations, Institute of Management, April 2004.
Ekspertise. Trends of support for enterprises in the field of vocational training. Fundacja Rozwoju Kapitału Ludzkiego.
PARP, Warszawa 2004
107 Development Partnership in Poland, Community Initiative, Task Force for Training and Human Resources
“Cooperation Fund” Foundation, Warsaw 2005.
Employment in Poland 2005. Ministry of Economy and Labour, Warszawa 2005.
Strategic trends of informatisation development in Poland until 2013 and prospective prognosis of the information
society transformation until 2020. Ministry of Science and Informatisation, Warszawa, June 2005.
Development strategy of education for the years 2007-2013, Ministry of National Education and Sport, August 2005.
Supplementation of the Sectoral Operational Programme - HR Development 2004-2006. Ministry of Economy and
Labour – Department of the European Social Fund Management, Warszawa 2005.
Operational Programme „Education and competencies”, National Development Plan 2007-2013. Project, version of 12
September 2005.
Bednarczyk H., Woźniak I. (eds.): Continuing Education 2005. Report on the continuing education situation in Poland
in 2005. Ministry of Education and Science, Warszawa 2005
Conception of implementation of distance learning system in Polish conditions. Ministry of National Education and
Sport, Warszawa 2005.
Report concerning social consultations of introductory project of operating programme „Education and competence”.
Ministry of Education and Science, Warszawa, December 2005.
ReferNet.Vocational education and training in Poland. Report 2004. Coordination Office of Staff Development.
Foundation „Cooperation Fund”, Warszawa 2005.
Education, Studies, Research, Innovations (2005). Institute for Educational Research (www.ibe.edu.pl)
Adult Education (2005). Polish Society for Andragogy and Polish-German Foundation for Adult Education
Pedagogy of Work (2005). Institute for Terotechnology
Page 10 of 12
Polish Journal of Continuing Education (2005). Institute for Terotechnology
Human Resources Management (2005). Institute of Labour and Social Studies
New Vocational Education (2005). National Centre For Supporting Vocational And Continuing Education
Internet sources:
http://www.menis.gov.pl/ - Ministry of Education and Science (Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki - MEiN)
http://www.fundusze-ue.menis.gov.pl/page/pl/ - Structural Funds for educational sector in Poland (Fundusze Strukturalne dla
sektora edukacji w Polsce)
http://www.cofund.org.pl/ - Co-operation Fund Fundation (Fundacja „Fundusz Współpracy” )
http://www.bkkk-cofund.org.pl/ - National Agency of Leonardo da Vinci (Krajowa Agencja Programu Leonardo da Vinci
http://www.socrates.org.pl/ - Foundation for the Development of System of Education (Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu
http://www.equal.gov.pl/ - EQUAL Community Initiative (Inicjatywa Wspólnotowa EQUAL)
http://www.mgip.gov.pl/ - Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej – MPiPS
http://www.dwfefs.gov.pl/ - Sectoral Operational Programme - HR Development (Sektorowy Program Operacyjny Rozwój
Zasobów Ludzkich - SPO RZL)
http://www.psz.praca.gov.pl/ - Public Services for Employment
http://www.funduszestrukturalne.gov.pl - Structural Funds – information service of the Ministry Labour and Social Policy
http://www.npr.gov.pl/ - National Development Plan (Narodowy Plan Rozwoju)
http://www.cie.gov.pl/ - Centre for European Information of the Office of the Committee for European Integration (Centrum
Informacji Europejskiej Urzędu Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej)
http://fundusze.ukie.gov.pl/ - Structural Funds (Fundusze strukturalne
http://www.koszefs.pl/ - National Training Centre of the European Social Fund)
http://www.mnii.gov.pl – Ministry of Science and Information (Ministerstwo Nauki i Informatyzacji-MNiI)
http://www.sppp.gov.pl/ - System for Forecasting Job Demand (System Prognozowania Popytu na Pracę)
http://www.ped.uni.torun.pl/kognityw/kognitywistyka.htm - Polish Cognitive Society (Polskie Towarzystwo
http://www.pan.pl/ - Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk)
http://www.sprawynauki.waw.pl/ - Bulletin of the Ministry of Sciences and Information Society Technologies (Biuletyn
Ministerstwa Nauki i Informatyzacji)
http://www.fnp.org.pl/ - The Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej)
http://www.pfron.org.pl – National Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled People (Państwowy
Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych)
http://www.6pr.pl/ - National Contact Point for the Sixth Framework Programme of the EU (Punkt Kontaktowy Programów
Badawczych Unii Europejskiej)
http://www.opi.org.pl/ - The Information Processing Centre (Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji - OPI)
http://nauka-polska.pl/ - Portal of scientific research in Poland.
http://www.naukawpolsce.pap.pl/cgi-bin/index.pl - Science in Poland (Nauka w Polsce)
http://www.parp.gov.pl/ - Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości-PARP)
http://ksu.parp.gov.pl/rejestracja.html - National System of Services for SMEs (Krajowy System Usług dla Małych i
Średnich Przedsiębiorstw)
http://www.pfsl.pl/ - Polish Lisbon Strategy Forum (Polskie Forum Strategii Lizbońskiej)
http://www.pfpk.com.pl/ - Polish Foundation of Staff Promotion (Polska Fundacja Promocji Kadr)
http://www.pte.org.pl/ - Polish Evaluation Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Ewaluacyjne)
http://ewaluacja.ngo.pl/ - Non-government Agency of Evaluation and Development (Pozarządowa Agencja Ewaluacji i
http://www.klon.org.pl/ - Association Clone/Maple (Study of non - governmental organizations) Stowarzyszenie Klon/Jawor
(Badanie organizacji pozarządowych)
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Research in the area of VET/HRD in Poland contribute to animate a debate and change beliefs between science
and civil society but also to build a bridge to politics world. Poland has two big challenges: transformation and
integration. The results of VET/HRD research provide important arguments to solve current and emerging
problems for decision makers and other market actors of educational service.
The following institutions involved in VET/HRD research were contacted while developing the report: MEiN,
SYNABA database, “Sprawy Nauki” (edition: Research Projects) bulletin edited by the Ministry of Science and
Information Society Technologies (Ministerstwo Nauki i Informatyzacji) , reports and the Internet resources
(mainly the homepages of: ministries and other institutions of state and community administration, universities,
vocational education and training centers, institutes and scientific centers, foundations, associations, nongovernment organizations and others) were also analyzed.
The main resources of funding of research projects are European founds (EFS, Phare, Leonardo da Vinci,
Socrates and others) and by state budget (to far smaller extent) has been collected.
Research activities are mainly centred around these themes: analysis of development of vocational lifelong
education and quality assessment of educational service; analysis of human resources issues in the labour
market; employment forecasts in economic sectors and occupations; analyses and evaluation of teachers and
students; development of training tools with an emphasis on information technology tools; evaluation of the
impact of programmes and activities.
The analysis of studies and surveys in the field of VET/HRD carried out in Poland should be viewed with
moderate optimism. There are still research areas (i.e. quality education, affiliation education and labour market,
standarisation and recognition of informal and non-formal qualifications), that are not sufficiently recognized.
Last year interest concerning research in the area of lifelong learning in Poland in ministries of education and
labour market increased. Evaluative research of definitive beneficiaries of support granted within European
Social Fund and the Sectoral Operational Programme – Human Resource Development have also a positive
reaction, what should contribute to quality and effectiveness improvement of new applicable projects.
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