Secret Key vs Public key Encryption

Ben Cole
Internet & Computer Security Assignment One
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University of Northampton
BSc Computing (Year 3)
Internet & Computer Security
Marking Tutor: Amir Minai
Ben Cole
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Table of contents
Cover Sheet
Page 1
Front Cover
Page 2
Table of Contents
Page 3
Abstract/ Preface
Page 4
Page 5
Main Body
Page 6-20
Conclusions and Recommendations
Ben Cole
Page 21
Page 22-24
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In this paper I am going to take the role of an internet security
consultant and develop a suitable security policy for a commercial
This will involve research into and an analysis of a security tool from
the internet security Field.
To start the paper I will identify the security threats from internal and
external sources and recommend a suitable solution that would serve the
security requirements of the organisation. I will then my give
recommendations to the company.
Symmetric cryptography vs. Public key Cryptography
The area that the commercial company have asked me to look into is
the use of cryptography to encrypt private files that are transferred across the
organisations network both locally and globally.
Cryptography is used to encrypt private data packets that are sent
across networks into a format that can not be read by a user until the data is
decrypted. It is a method used to stop hackers from intercepting private data
and either changing or corrupting it.
There are two types of cryptography that can be used to achieve this
task. Symmetric cryptography and public key cryptography, the company
have called me in to evaluate the two type of encryption, find the advantages
of disadvantages of both and come to a conclusion as to which method is best
out of the two.
After these two methods have been evaluated I will also research
further into the field to determine whether there is any more up to date or
more effective methods of encryption available to achieve the task of sending
data securely across the organisations network.
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With the ever growing use of technology in world industry, more and
more people are finding a need to transfer computer files across the internet.
Reasons for this include sending files such as important financial
spreadsheets and memos across both local and wide area networks. It is
widely believed that the need to transfer computer files safely has never been
greater. The files that are being transferred for commercial purposes are often
confidential and therefore not meant to be viewed by anyone other than the
intended recipient. However, due to the insecure nature of computer network,
this is not always the case. Computer hackers with the correct skills and
knowledge can gain unauthorized access to files being transferred across
both local and wide area network; this presents a big problem for anyone
wishing to transfer files across a network safely.
A hypothetical example of this problem, a branch of a bank in London
needs to send a customer’s bank details across a network to a branch of their
bank in Scotland. The details are sent across the network from London but
before the file arrives in Scotland it is intercepted by a hacker and copied. The
file is then sent on to Scotland and they are unaware anything has even
happened. The hacker now has a copy of a customers confidential bank
details and could use them for malicious purposes like identity theft.
Transferring file across a network involves sending packets of data from one
pc to another, this often involves using sockets.
Sockets send the packets of data across networks using TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol). A socket is a connection between two hosts;
once the two hosts (or peers) are connected they can perform tasks such as
sending and receiving data. When peers receive data from one another using
sockets, the basic stages are to create the sockets and then connect to the
other peer. Once the connection is established the two peers use input and
output streams to send files to each other. Once the transmission of data is
complete either one or both sides close the connection.
To make a network secure it is essential that the sockets used to send the
files are secure. For the sockets to be secure the files being sent through
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them need to be encrypted by the sending peer and then decrypted by the
receiver once received.
There are two ways to encrypt files being sent through sockets, the first
is to use a method called the symmetric key. With this method the same key
is used by both peers; they both have access to the key and it is used for both
encrypting and decrypting data.
The other method of encrypting data is to use an asymmetric
encryption keys. To encrypt the data using this method a key known as the
public key is used, this key can be seen by anyone. But to decrypt the data
once it is received involves the use of another private key that only the
receiving peer has access to.
In this paper I will analyse both types of ‘keys’ in turn before drawing
conclusions on the advantages and disadvantage of each. I will then research
further into the use of encryption of data looking for other possible methods of
securing files that are transferred. Once the project is complete I will conclude
my finding and give my recommendations on the best type of encryption.
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Main Body
The aim of this paper is to find the most secure method of encryption to help a
commercial company find a way to send data around their global network
The first method of encryption I am going to look into is Symmetric
keys encryption.
Symmetric key encryption uses a single key to both encrypt and
decrypt data. For example, suppose that you took a document and placed it in
a file cabinet and then locked the cabinet with a key. For you or anyone else
to access the document, they would need the key to the file cabinet.
Each computer has a secret key (or code) that is used to encrypt a
packet of information before it is sent over the network. It is like a code
between the two computers that each computer must know in order to decode
the packet back into plaintext. Symmetric-key’s requires that you know which
computers will be talking to each other so you can install the key on each one.
The packet of data is encrypted by the sender using a code that has
been previously agreed, the code that encrypts the message provides the key
to decoding the message. Then once the receiver has the packet they use
that code to decode the message.
Say you wanted to send a memo to your boss over the company’s
network about resigning your post. The message is only intended to be read
by your boss and therefore needs to be encrypted. The original message
reads “I quit”, you then create a message coding key in which each letter is
substituted with the letter that is two down from it in the alphabet. So "A"
becomes "C," and "B" becomes "D". Your boss is then sent the key that he
needs to decrypt the message. The original message “I quit” is the encrypted
and becomes “K SWKV”. The encrypted message is then sent to your boss
across the network and once he has received it he can decrypt the message
using the symmetric key that was previously sent to him. Figure one shows
this process. Anyone else who maybe intercepting messages on the network
will only see the encrypted message which to them will seem like a load of
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Figure One – Symmetric Encryption Example
The message to be encrypted is known as plaintext, this plaintext is
transformed by the use of a function or algorithm (known as a cipher) into an
encrypted message known as Ciphertext. In symmetric keys the same key is
used for encryption and decryption.
The example I used in figure one shows a very basic method of
encryption, which simply involves shifting down 2 letters in the alphabet,
methods like this are known as substitution ciphers. Substitution cipher is not
the only method though there are many different types of encryption that use
more complex key coding functions.
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There are different types of ciphers, the first and most simple kind of
cipher is a substitution cipher. This is the simplest technique, whereby each
character in the message is replaced by another using some rule. The order
of the encrypted characters is the same as in the plaintext. There are many
examples of this technique however most falls into the general category of
monoalphabetic substitution. A simple example of this is the one I used in
figure one where letters are shifted down 2 places so c becomes e and I
becomes K and so on. A more complex example uses a "random" re-ordering
of the letters as shown in figure two.
Figure Two – Cipher that uses a “random” re-ordering of letter
The problem with this type of cipher is that for a professional hacker it
would be relatively easy to break. Despite the huge keyspace (26) this can be
done using known statistical characteristics of English (or other languages).
For example certain letter appears more often like “e” and “t”. Words like “and”
are more common and appear in the text more often and certain words may
be more likely to be used in the particular context.
Another type of Cipher is Transposition Ciphers. Using this system, the
order of the plaintext characters is changed, but the characters themselves
are not; so the encrypted message would still contains all the same
characters as the plaintext. For example, a simple columnar cipher could be
constructed as shown in figure three.
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An Example of Transposition Ciphers
Plain text message: MEET AT FIVE TODAY
Order in the
Plaintext is
written across
The Ciphertext is read column
wise, starting with this column
as “E” is first in the alphabet
Ciphertext message: AEYMTTEFOTVAEID
Figure Three- A Transposition Cipher
The finally type of cipher I will look into is DES or data encryption
standard. DES is a block cipher. There are two types of DES, Electronic Code
Book (ECB) and Chain Block Cipher (CBC). The basic algorithm for this type
of cipher has two stages, the substitution stage and the transposition stage.
The substitution stages of DES involve re-arranging the order of the
bits from the previous stage, and using the XOR function to combine them
with the key. Then, the transposition stage re-arranges (swaps) the positions
of all 64 bits; this is shown in figure four.
DES decryption is performed by the exact same algorithm as
encryption using the same key, the way it is encrypted is just more complex
making it more secure and harder to crack than other single key algorithms.
Figure four - an example of the Electronic Code Book DES
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The effectiveness of DES is based on the complexity of the stages. The more
complex the stages the more secure the cipher. The diagram in figure four will
result in two identical 64-bit ciphertext’s if the same two plaintexts are entered.
This type of DES is called the Electronic Code Book (ECB).
The other type of DES is the Chain Block Cipher (CBC). In this version
of DES each block of plaintext is put through the exclusive OR algorithm with
the ciphertext output from the previous encryption operation. Thus, the next
block of ciphertext is a function of its corresponding plaintext, the 56-bit key
and the previous block of ciphertext; this is shown in figure five.
Figure five - an example of the Chain Block Cipher DES
With this method identical blocks of plaintext no longer generate
identical ciphertext, unlike with the electronic code book method discussed
previously; this makes the encryption even harder to crack. Chain block cipher
is the most secure type of symmetric key encryption that can be used.
The next method of encryption I am going to investigate is asymmetric
key encryption; asymmetric key encryption is also known as public key
With this encryption method each user that is sending or receiving data
packets has two separate keys. One of the keys is known as the public key
and the other the private key. To encrypt the data using this method the key
known as the public key is used, this key can be seen by anyone on the
network including a potential hacker. The difference between this method and
symmetric keys is that to decrypt the data once it is received involves the use
of another key; this key is called the private key. Only the receiving peer has
access to this private key and it is not known to anyone else on the network.
For example if compuer1 needed to send a message to compuer2 then
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compuer1 would ask compuer2 for their public key. Compuer2 would then
send their public key to compuer1 using an insecure connection, compuer1
then uses compuer2’s public key to encrypt the data and send it. Once the
data has been received compuer2 can use their private key to decrypt the
data, only compuer2 can decrypt this data because although you only need
the public key to encrypt the data you need both public and private keys to
decrypt it; the diagram in figure five shows this process more clearly. No one
else knows compuer2’s private key and therefore no one else can decrypt the
Figure six – asymmetric key encryption
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The reason only computer2 can decrypt the data is because
computer2’s public and private keys are combined in what’s known as a key
set or shared secret. You can encrypt data with just the public key, but you
need both keys in the key set to decrypt the data.
A digital signature is a type of asymmetric cryptography used to
simulate the security properties of a handwritten signature on paper. Digital
signature’s normally have two algorithms, one for signing which involves the
user's private key, and one for verifying signatures which involves the user's
public key. The signature provides authentication of a "message" or
document. These digital signatures are used to create public key
infrastructure (PKI) in which a user's public key is tied to a user by a digital
identity certificate issued by a certificate authority identification.
The example below involves user1 and user2 wishing to share data.
With his private key and the right software, user1 puts digital signatures on
the data to be sent. The digital signature is like a "stamp" which is unique to
the user and very difficult to forge. The signature also assures that any
changes made to data that has been signed can not go undetected.
To sign a document, the software will crunch down the data into just a
few lines by a process called "hashing". These few lines are called a message
digest. User1 then encrypted the message digest with his private key and the
result is a digital signature. The software will then append the digital signature
to the document.
The data is then sent to User2 who’s software decrypts the signature
using User1‘s public key changing it back into a message digest. If this
worked, then it proves that the data was signed by User1, because only User1
knows his private key. User2 then hashes the document data into a message
digest. If the message digest is the same as the message digest created
when the signature was decrypted, then User2 knows that the signed data
has not been changed.
To make this system even more secure the data can also be signed to
a digital certificate that is issued by a trusted third party. The trusted third
party can create the certificate by signing the public key to the certificate
along with some common information about the user who owns the public
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key. Common certificate’s includes data such as personal information about
the owner of the key like name and address, Information about the certificate
like expiration date and serial number and the public key.
When using digital signature’s if User2 receives data they can first
check User1’s trusted certificate to ensure that the public key they have
received truly belongs to User1.
Furthermore, to verify the signature on the document, user2’s software
first uses the public key of the certificate authority's to check that the signature
on User’s certificate is valid.
Algorithms that are used to encrypt data in asymmetric keys are
different to the one’s that encrypt data for symmetric keys. Common
algorithms for asymmetric keys are RSA, DSA and ELGAMA.
RSA stands for Rivest Shamir Adleman which is the surnames of the
three people who invented the algorithm. RSA algorithm is used for both
asymmetric key encryption and digital signatures.
RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be
known to everyone and is used for encrypting messages. Messages
encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted using the private key.
The keys for the RSA algorithm are generated using the method shown in
figure seven.
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RSA encryption and decryption
Note: The parameters used here are very small to make the example as simple as possible
1. Choose two prime numbers
p = 61 and q = 53
2. Compute
n = 61 * 53 = 3233
3. Compute the totient
4. Choose e > 1 coprime to 3120
e = 17
5. Compute
such that
e.g. by computing the modular inverse of e modulo
d = 2753
17 * 2753 = 46801 = 1 + 15 * 3120.
The public key is (n = 3233, e = 17). For a padded message
the encryption
function is:
The private key is (n = 3233, d = 2753). The decryption function is:
For example, to encrypt m = 123, we calculate
To decrypt c = 855, we calculate
Figure seven – RSA algorithm example
Another asymmetric key algorithm is The Data Encryption Standard or
DES. This algorithm was developed and endorsed by the U.S. government in
1977 as an official standard and forms the basis for Automatic Teller
Machine’s (ATM’s) PIN authentication system. In light of new computer
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hacking technology Triple-DES (3DES) has also emerged as a stronger
method. This 3DES using standard DES encryption but triple-DES encrypts
data three times and uses a different key for at least one of the three passes
giving it a cumulative key size of about 112-168 bits.
It is widely believed that the larger the key’s bit block size is the harder
it is to crack, figure eight show a table of most of the common algorithms used
to encrypt asymmetric keys, the output size of the algorithm along with the
block and length size that can be generated.
Output size (bits)
state size
Arbitrarily long
58 words
3 words
Figure eight – Common encryption algorithms
The next section of this paper is an evaluation of the two types of key
encryption methods discussed in this paper and the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
The advantages of symmetric keys are that they are much faster and
easier to implement. Encryption algorithms used with symmetric keys like
substitution and transposition ciphers are much easier to understand than the
algorithms used with asymmetric keys like RSA and DSA. The keys that are
generated from symmetric key encryption are also much smaller than
asymmetric keys and take less time to create which mean they take up less
network bandwidth when in use there for reducing the use of system and
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network resources. Due to this reduce in network resources and the keys
being much smaller they can transfer between parties up to up to 10,000
times faster.
The advantage of asymmetric keys is that they are much more secure
than symmetric keys. This mean the data that is being sent has less chance
of being intercepted by a malicious third party. The hypothetical example in
figure nine shows the big disadvantage of symmetric keys which in turn shows
why the use of asymmetric keys means your data will be much more secure in
Figure nine – Symmetric key encryption problem
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As shown in figure nine the major problem with using the symmetric
key encryption method is that the key has to be sent un-securely across the
network so that the receiver knows how to decrypt the message. If the key is
intercepted and then a hacker could easily intercept and successfully de-crypt
any data that is sent using that key to encrypt it.
When using asymmetric keys the public key is sent across the network
un-securely just the same as it is with symmetric keys however the difference
is that if the key is intercepted by a hacker they will still be unable to decrypt
an data they intercept because they will also need the private key that was
used to encrypt the data.
The disadvantage of asymmetric keys is that the algorithms used to
encrypt the data are highly complex and therefore very hard to implement.
This is also as a disadvantage as data encrypted with these algorithms tends
to be much larger than data encrypted with methods like substation cipher this
is because the key’s bit block size is much larger. This is a disadvantage
because transfer of the data will subsequently be much slower.
The advantage of using a complex algorithm though is that highly
complex algorithms make it near impossible for a hacker to decrypt the data
without having access to both the public and private key used to encrypt the
After evaluating both methods it is clear that asymmetric keys are
much more secure than symmetric keys due to the use of both public and
private keys to encrypt data and more complex methods of encrypting the
data originally.
In next section of this paper I am going to research into other
encryption methods that can be used to encrypt data and try to find any that
are more secure that asymmetric keys.
Another method of key encryption is a system called Kerberos;
Kerberos is named after a three headed dog from Greek methodology that
guarded the gates of the dead and decided who could enter. With Kerberos
there are three parties present, the Kerberos server the applicant host and the
verifier host. The applicant host is the equivalent of user1 in previous
examples and the Verifier host the equivalent of user2; the names have been
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changed so it is easier to define the keys that are sent from the kerberos
server. The process of using Kerberos to send data is explained in figure ten.
Figure ten – Kerberos
The Kerberos server is used to manage security by encrypting data
sent between parties with symmetric keys and overlooking the whole process,
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in this system it is impossible for the applicant and verifier to communicate
without authorisation from the kerberos server.
The main advantage of kerberos is that the transferring of data is done
using symmetric keys once all the authorisation has been complete this
means that the transfer of data is much faster than using asymmetric keys
and a lot easier to implement.
The other advantage of kerberos is that although the process uses
symmetric keys, which were previously concluded to be less secure than
asymmetric keys, the system is still secure. The reason the system is as safe
is that the users both have to get the key that they use to transfer packets
from the kerberos server and to get this key the kerberos server has to
authorise that the two parties are not malicious using a login and ticket
granting tickets. Connections between the server and the hosts are also
secured from interception using symmetric keys, this key is supplied to the
user when they register with the server (AS or VS key in the figure ten)
meaning that this system is almost completely secured from interceptions.
One disadvantage of this system is that one central server handles all
the functions required for authentication and if this server goes down no one
can get authenticated meaning the whole network is down.
The other disadvantage of kerberos is that the kerberos server clock
and the host machines clocks must be synchronised to ensure that time
stamps are valid and stay valid. Think of it this way, when host is issued with
a service ticket the time stamp might say the ticket is valid for one hour, but if
the server clock is one hour out of sync with the hosts clock the ticket will be
immediately invalid, this problem can however be solved with the use of
network time protocol
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Conclusions and Recommendations
After researching into symmetric and asymmetric keys I concluded that
asymmetric keys were much more secure than symmetric keys this
conclusion was made with the needs of the commercial company in mind. My
reason are highlighted in this section
The main advantage of the company using asymmetric key is the fact
that with data packets being transferred all around the globe there is a much
bigger chance of the data being intercepted than if the packets were just
being transferred locally.
The disadvantages of the company using asymmetric keys and the
advantages of using symmetric keys is that symmetric keys are much cheaper
and easier to implement due to the less complex nature of the algorithms that
create the encrypting and decrypting methods. This means that transfer
across the global network would be much faster (up to 10,000 times) and
cheaper to implement than asymmetric keys.
However, because the scope of data transfer is so large, anyone in the
world could be listening; symmetric keys are just not plausible as they are far
too insecure. This means that although asymmetric keys are much larger,
more expensive to implement and use much more network if it was a choice
between the two then asymmetric keys would be the only plausible option.
Luckily there is a third type of encryption the company can use. This
method is called kerberos. Kerberos involves a central server that
authenticated the transferring between hosts of all symmetric keys. Using
kerberos there is almost no chance of the symmetric keys being intercepted
making them just as secure as asymmetric keys. This means that the
commercial company can use symmetric keys and have all the cost and
speed advantages of them, with the added assurance that the data being sent
is completely secure. Some well known companies that use kerberos for there
network security are Cisco, Microsoft and Apple
In conclusion kerberos is the most cost and network bandwidth efficient
solution for sending data packets around a global commercial company. My
recommendation to the commercial company is that they use kerberos for
there network security.
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Lecture Notes
Minai, A. (2007). DES-ASE-RSA. Internet & computer security,
CSY3023. University of Northampton, Nov 2007.
Minai, A. (2007) Kerberos, Internet & computer security CSY3023.
University of Northampton, Nov 2007.
Anon. (cited 2008). Introduction to Encryption [online]. Available on: [16/02/2008].
Anon. (2008). RSA Algorithm [online]. Available on: [17/02/2008].
Anon. (cited 2008). Encryption Algorithms [online]. Available on:
Anon. (2007). Symmetric Key Cryptography [online]. Available on:
Anon. (2008). How Kerberos Authentication Works [online]. Available on: [18/02/2008].
Posey, B.M. (2002). Understanding the Differences between Public Key and
Symmetric Key Encryption [online]. Available on:
Tyson, J. (cited 2008). How Encryption Works [online]. Available on:
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Figure Two – Cipher that uses a “random” re-ordering of letter
Anon. (cited 2008). Introduction to Encryption [online]. Available on: [16/02/2008].
Figure four - an example of the Electronic Code Book DES
Anon. (cited 2008). Introduction to Encryption [online]. Available on: [16/02/2008].
Figure five - an example of the Chain Block Cipher DES
Anon. (cited 2008). Introduction to Encryption [online]. Available on: [16/02/2008].
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Figure eight – Common encryption algorithms
Barreto, P.S.L.M. (2006). The Hash Function Lounge [online]. Available on:
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