FRIESIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND LTD Harbours Hill Farm, Hanbury Rd, Stoke Prior, Worcestershire, B60 4AG Tel: 00 44 (0) 7740 305267 / 00 44 (0)1527 821276 Website: FOAL REGISTRATION © FHAGBI 2013 1 . Dear FHAGBI Member, We are delighted to hear of your imminent arrival, and hope that your mare safely has a beautiful, healthy and happy foal. We sincerely hope that you will register your Friesian foal with the KFPS, and that you will consider bringing your mare and foal to the grading. There are details about how to register your foal, along with the relevant forms included in this foal registration pack and will also be available to download on line. Although a huge commitment, watching a foal from birth to maturity is a very worthwhile and rewarding experience, but not always without complications, so we hope that the additional information included within this foal registration guide is not needed, but will be of help in an emergency. We cannot recommend strongly enough that you become a member of the National Foaling Bank. Johanna Vardon’s dedication has saved many an orphaned foal, and she and her team are able to offer invaluable advice on all aspects of foaling 24 hours a day – a membership form for the National Foaling Bank is included. Also do not be afraid or embarrassed to phone your vet should you be worried about a possible complication, far better an out of hours call out charge than a poorly mare or foal. Further advice and articles can be found on: The FHAGBI website in particular has a lot of articles and guidance regarding breeding and foal registration, If you do have any further queries please contact the persons listed below for advice and please do email some photos of your foal when it arrives as we would love to put them in the newsletter and on the website. Kind regards Tracey Venter FHAGBI President on behalf of the FHAGBI Committee 2 USEFUL CONTACTS: Please note: there is a wealth of information on breeding and registration on the FHAGBI website, and it would be a great help to the committee if you could please consult the website in the first instance, and if you cannot find the information that you require on there, then please by all means email the following persons who will try to answer your queries as soon as they possibly can but please remember that the FHAGBI Board and Committee are all unpaid volunteers, they do not operate from a central office, and due to work and family commitments it may take a week or so during busy times for a reply to reach you. Likewise the KFPS office staff are extremely busy dealing with enquiries from all over the world so it may take them a week or two to get back to you. KFPS contacts: KFPS OPRIJLAAN 1 9205 BZ DRACHTEN THE NETHERLANDS TEL. 0031 512 523888 MAIN FOALBBOOK (ie approved studbook stallion + main studbook / foalbook dam) REGISTRATIONS: Ina van der Lei ( email: BI-BOEK (i.e. foalbook (unapproved) sire or bi-boek dams) REGISTRATIONS requiring DNA samples: Trijnie Duin (email: SERVICE / BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT FORMS: Trijnie Duin (email: FHAGBI contacts: FHAGBI HARBOURS HILL FARM HANBURY ROAD STOKE PRIOR WORCESTERSHIRE B60 4AG Breeding and registration advice: Tracey Venter Email: tel. 07776 145424 (7pm-9pm Mon-Thurs only!) Accounts / invoice payments: Julian Atkins Email: tel. 01527 821276 (7pm-9pm Mon-Fri only!) 3 FRIESIAN FOAL REGISTRATION IMPORTANT: IN ORDER FOR A FRIESIAN HORSE TO BE REGISTERED WITH THE KFPS THE SIRE AND DAM MUST BOTH BE KFPS REGISTERED FRIESIAN HORSES. IF THE PEDIGREE OF THE HORSE CONTAINS UNREGISTERED ANIMALS NOT IMMEDIATELY DESCENDED FROM KFPS REGISTERED STOCK THEN THE HORSE CANNOT BE REGISTERED AS A FRIESIAN WITH THE KFPS CROSS BREEDING IS FORBIDDEN BY THE KFPS AND CROSS BRED FRIESIAN HORSES CANNOT BE REGISTERED PLEASE BREED RESPONSIBLY; TO ENSURE THAT BREED STANDARDS ARE MAINTAINED AT THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE LEVEL AND INBREEDING IS KEPT LOW, IT IS PREFERABLE THAT ONLY MAIN STUDBOOK MARES ARE BRED FROM, WHERE POSSIBLE USING AI WITH SEMEN FROM AN APPROVED STUDBOOK STALLION. BI-BOEK I OR BI-BOEK II STALLIONS SHOULD NOT BE BRED FROM AS THEIR PEDIGREES WILL BE LESS THAN IDEAL AND THEY AND THEIR OFFSPRING MAY NOT MEET BREED STANDARDS. IT IS THE BREEDERS’ RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE FOAL IS FULLY REGISTERED BEFORE SALE. PLEASE DO NOT SELL ON FOALS WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT PAPERWORK BEING IN PLACE. ONCE THE KFPS HAVE RECEIVED ALL PAPERWORK AND HAIR SAMPLES AS APPROPRIATE AND PROCESSED THE REGISTRATION YOU WILL BE ISSUED WITH AN INVOICE. THIS MAY BE PAID VIA FHAGBI, BUT NO PASSPORT OR REGISTRATION PAPER WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU UNTIL THE INVOICE IS PAID IN FULL. REGISTRATION FEES ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST AND WILL SHORTLY BE AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON THE FHAGBI WEBSITE. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT REGISTRATIONS REQUIRING DNA TESTING OFTEN TAKE IN EXCESS OF 3 MONTHS, PARTICULALRLY IF BI-BOEK REGISTRATIONS. Naming of foals: 2013 P, Q, R or S As a guide to Dutch and Friesian names for foals visit, go to the index page and choose Friesch Paarden forum, on here as well as links to many Friesian sites is a link to a site with names for Friesian horses. You may apply to the FPS for a protected stable name as a suffix to your foals name, however there is a yearly fee for this. 4 UNSURE OF WHICH REGISTRY YOU SHOULD APPLY FOR? PLEASE REFER TO THE TABLE BELOW SIRE of Offspring is KFPS Approved Studbook stallion (Stb) Affiliated studbook stallion (FPZV) Disapproved studbook stallion (previously Stb but failed offspring test now Vb) Foalbook stallion (Vb) with breeding permit (Breeding permits no longer given in EU countries) Foalbook (vb) stallion without breeding permit Bi Boek Stallion (Please do not use!!) KFPS Main Veulenboek/ stamboek KFPS Main Veulenboek/ stamboek D-Boek Bi-boek II Bi-boek I Bi-boek II Bi boek II D Boek Bi -boek II Bi-boek II Bi Boek II Dam of Offspring is KFPS Main Stamboek / veulenboek Mare D Boek Bi- boek I mare sired by non Stb stallion Bi-boek I mare sired by Stb stallion Bi-boek I mare with 3 x stb stallions in last 4 generations Bi-boek II mare sired by VB or disapproved studbook stallion Bi-boek II mare sired by Vb stallion with breeding permit Bi-boek I Bi-boek I Bi-Boek II Bi-boek I Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek I Bi-Boek II Bi-boek I Bi-boek II Bi-boek II KFPS Main Veulenboek/ stamboek Bi-boek I Bi Boek II Bi-boek I Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek I Bi-boek I Bi-boek II Bi-boek II Bi-boek II KFPS Main Veulenboek/ stamboek Bi-boek I Bi-boek I Please do your bit to ensure the future high standards of the breed: Please where possible only breed KFPS main studbook mares (mares with an approved sire which have themselves been graded into the studbook as adults - as much as you may adore your mare …..IF YOUR MARE FAILS TO BE GRADED INTO THE STUDBOOK, HAS DEVELOPMENTAL / DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE (Osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, wobblers syndrome ) OR HAS SWEET-ITCH THEN YOU NEED TO QUESTION HER SUITABILITY AS A BROODMARE – PLEASE DO NOT PASS ON GENETIC BASED PROBLEMS TO FUTURE GENERATIONS OF HORSES. It is far preferable that breeders use semen from KFPS Approved Stb stallions. If you decide that you are going to use your Friesian stallion to cover mares with, please ensure he is in the main foalbook, has an excellent, full papered pedigree (all mares in pedigree Ster, Ster-Pref, Kroon, Model, or Model Pref) and that he has been to a grading and received the ster predicate and also check the inbreeding percentage of the stallion with the mare he is going to cover. Again ANY STALLION WITH POTENTIALLY GENETICALLY HERITABLE ISSUES SUCH AS DEVELOPMENTAL / DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE (INCLUDING WOBBLERS SYNDROME!!) OR CONDITIONS SUCH AS SWEET ITCH SHOULD NOT BE BRED FROM. 5 REGISTRATION OF MAIN FOALBOOK FOALS (Approved STUDBOOK sire and main studbook / foalbook dam) At the end of the breeding season, the stud from which you obtained the semen will forward to the KFPS a service confirmation and the KFPS / Stud will send you a white Birth Announcement form. + IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU ARE A CURRENT MEMBER OF FHAGBI / KFPS AND THAT THE REGISTRATION PAPERS OF THE DAM ARE TRANSFERRED INTO YOUR NAME IMMEDIATELY AFTER PURCHASE. +DELAYS IN TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP MAY MEAN YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT FORM FROM THE KFPS AND THIS MAY LEAD TO DELAYS IN THE REGISTRATION OF THE FOAL. ++IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT FORM IN THE DECEMBER OR JANUARY FOLLOWING THE INSEMMINATION OF THE MARE PLEASE CONTACT: Trijnie Duin (KFPS office) ( tel: 00 31 512 523888 +YOU WILL BE ISSUED WITH AN ADMINISTRATION FEE FROM THE KFPS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOUR MARE CARRIES TO TERM OR NOT. * Even if the mare reabsorbs, aborts, has a still born foal or a foal with a congenital defect, it is very important to complete the birth announcement form and send it back to the FPS. This is important for calculating the fertility rates of the FPS approved studbook stallions and also to monitor any congenital defects Within 14 days of the birth of the foal, the birth announcement form must be completed and returned to: KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205 BZ Drachten, The Netherlands It is recommended that you take a photocopy of any paperwork to keep for yourself and that any forms are sent to the KFPS by international signed for post. The KFPS will then send a confirmation of the naming of the foal (A Blue Birth Acknowlegement form) and the foal we be provisionally registered (VVR), assigned a registration number and entered on the KFPS database. It is a requirement of the KFPS, EU and DEFRA that in the first six months after birth ( or before December 31 st in year of birth and certainly before weaning) that your foal must be microchipped. You will have to arrange for your veterinary surgeon to microchip the foal at the side of it’s dam and complete Identification form VBID1 (most vets will suggest that this is done from 6 weeks of age attaching the barcode sticker from the microchip to the form. You may either hand in your birth announcement form and identification form at a keuring if your mare and foal are attending, or if you are not brining your foal to be graded you must send both forms to the KFPS. Once the KFPS have received this and the foal announcement confirmation they will invoice you for the registration and again, once paid will post registration papers and the passport. ** if you are bringing your foal to be graded it MUST be microchipped in advance** Please do ensure that you have your foal microchipped and registered / passported well before it is weaned, as if left until after weaning then DNA testing will have to take place and if not carried out before 6 months of age or December 31st in the year of birth then you are in breach of EU regulations and could risk a fine / prosecution. Please refer to the following pages for birth announcement form translations and for information on exceptions to main foal book registrations which require DNA samples to be taken verification of pedigree 6 The Birth Announcement form will be set out as follows (translation given in red). DIO Nummer: Dek-/-inseminatie-station: (stud or insemination station): Hengst (stallion): Naam: name Registratienummer: registration number of stallion Dekdatum: date of service Merrie (mare) Naam: name Registratienummer: registration number of mare Geboren: date of birth Tongnummer / chipnummer : tongue or microchip number Eigenaar merrie; owner of mare GEBOORTEBERICHT Binnen twee weken na de geboorte van het veulen ingevuld en ondertekend in te zenden aan het FPS. Ook inzenden wanneer de merrie gust is gebleven, heft verwopen e.d. Within two weeks of the birth of the foal complete the following and return to the FPS. Even if the mare has not taken or has aborted etc. Geboren op: Born on Geslacht (sex) Hengst (colt) / Merrie(filly) (doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is / Kleur (colour) cross out what foal is not Aftekening (white markings) Naam veulen (name of foal) eigenaar merrie (owner of mare) Naam: (name) Adres (Address) Postcode woonplaats (postcode / town/city/ county) Telefoon (telephone number) Datum (date) Opmerkingen : remarks tick boxes [] gust gebleven (empty) [] Verwopen (aborted) [] dood geboren (still born) [] kort na de geboren Gestorven (died shortly after birth) [] mismaakt geboren (birth defect) [] dwergveulen (dwarf) [] Waterhoofd (water on the brain / hydrocephalus) [] anders (other)please say what. eigenaar veulen (owner of foal) Handtekening Merriehouder (signature of person caring for mare) 7 MAIN FOALBOOK REGISTRATION EXCEPTIONS REQUIRING DNA SAMPLES: 1.Registration of EMBRYO TRANSFER main foal book foals. The process is as for non-ET main foalbook foals. However, it is also necessary to download a Registration / Breeding Information form for ET foals (ETID1) from the FHAGBI website, and have your Vet take a hair sample from the foal and its biological (donor) mother for DNA testing at the same time as micro chipping the foal and completing the identification form. Only a few (10-15) hairs from the mane or tail are required but they must include the root. Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: : Please ensure that you send the following to the KFPS: - the original KFPS registration document (i.e birth announcement form) if available, - KFPS Passport-Identification & Registration Document (VBID1) completed by your veterinary surgeon (including microchip barcode sticker), - Embryo Transfer Registration / Breeding Information form form (ETID1) - DNA samples from Foal to be registered and biological (Donor) Dam. - Letter of conformation / or other proof such as invoice with date of ET listed from Stud manager / veterinarian overseeing the procedure. To. Trijnie Duin / Ina van der Lei, KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands Please do this at the earliest opportunity to allow DNA verification and preliminary registration in advance of a keuring, since DNA test may take in excess of 2 months. 2. Registration of Main foalbook foals where there is an issue over service dates On occasion, the KFPS having received the completed birth announcement from you, may query the date of birth of the foal relative to the service dates that they have received from the Stud supplying the AI. In such cases they will send a letter directly to you requesting a hair sample from both the dam and the foal. Only a few (10-15) hairs from the mane or tail are required but they must include the root. Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: The forms (VBID1 + KFPS Birth Acknowledgement) and DNA samples must then be sent to: Trijnie Duin / Ina van der Lei, KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands Once these have been received, processed and verified registration will be completed. Please follow any further instructions given in the letter you receive from the KFPS. 8 3. Registration of Main foalbook foals where the dam has been inseminated with AI from 2 different stallions within the same year. If your mare did not take on her first or second insemination and you then inseminate her on her following cycle with semen from a different stallion, the KFPS will again write to you to request hair samples from the foal and its dam for DNA verification. Only a few (10-15) hairs from the mane or tail are required but they must include the root. Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: The forms (VBID1 + KFPS Birth Acknowledgement) and DNA samples must then be sent to: Trijnie Duin / Ina van der Lei, KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands 4. Registration of main foalbook horses over 6 months of age / after 31 st December in year of birth. If you do not register your foal before it is 6 months of age or before 31 st December in the year that it is born then the KFPS will require hair samples to be taken from the Foal and its Dam for DNA verification. Only a few (10-15) hairs from the mane or tail are required but they must include the root. Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: The forms (VBID1 + KFPS Birth Acknowledgement / Birth Announcement + Registration-Breeding Information Form (RBIF1)) and DNA samples must then be sent to: Trijnie Duin / Ina van der Lei, KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands 9 AUXILLARY STUDBOOK (BI-BOEK REGISTRATIONS) – FOALS FROM NON-APPROVED STALLIONS Registration in D-Boek of foals from a KFPS dam and a FPZV sire Following a number of years of discussion between the KFPS and the breakaway German Friesian Horse registry (the FPZV) The D-boek was formed in in order to accommodate registrations of foals from KFPS dams (or KFPS D-Boek dams) and FPZV (or other EU recognized registry for Friesian horses ) sires (in many cases FPDZ sires are former KFPS approved stallions who had their breeding approval removed by the KFPS due to unsatisfactory offspring reports). For guidance on registering foals in the D-boek please contact Trijnie Duin or Ina van der Lei at the KFPS. Registration in Bi-Boek I of foals with an Approved Studbook Sire but out of a Bi-Boek Dam The registration procedure is the same as for main foal book foals in that you should receive a birth announcement form from the KFPS to be completed and returned within 14 days of birth, after which the KFPS will send a Blue Birth Acknowledgement form. However, you must also ask your veterinary surgeon to take a hair sample from the mane or tail of the dam and the foal (this need only be a few strands (10-15 hairs) but it must include the root), when he microchips the foal and completes the Identification / Registration form form (BBID1) and a Registration-Breeding Information Form (RBIF1) It is recommended that the forms and DNA samples are sent to the KFPS at the earliest opportunity to allow DNA verification and preliminary registration in advance of a keuring, since DNA test may take in excess of 2 months Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for hair sample from each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: The completed identification form and DNA samples must then be sent to: Trijnie Duin , KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands Registration in Bi-boek II of foals from non-approved vb stallions without breeding privileges. To register (In Bi-Boek II, brown papers)and obtain a passport for a foal from a non-approved foalbook stallion without breeding privileges it is necessary to request an identification/ registration form (BBID1)and a Registration-Breeding Information Form (RBIF1) from FHAGBI. You must have a veterinary surgeon complete this with the foal at the side of the dam, microchip the foal and collect a hair sample from the mane or tail of the sire, dam and foal for DNA testing. Only a few (10-15) hairs from the mane or tail are required but they must include the root. This must all be sent to the KFPS in the Netherlands and after satisfactory DNA results you will be invoiced for the foal registration. On settlement of the invoice Bi-boek II registration papers and a passport will be posted to you. Again, please ensure that your foal is microchipped at the side of its dam, and registration papers / passport applied for before 6 months of age or before December 31st in year of birth, whichever is earlier. It is recommended that the forms and DNA samples are sent to the KFPS at the earliest opportunity to allow DNA verification and preliminary registration in advance of a keuring, since DNA test may take in excess of 2 months Please note that Bi-Boek II foals may now be graded at an inspection. Please use a separate small sealed plastic bag for each separate horse, and mark each bag in permanent ink: Name of horse: Registration Number: Owner: Location: Date: The completed identification form, completed registration-breeding information form, and DNA samples must then be sent to: Trijnie Duin , KFPS, Oprijlaan 1, 9205BZ Drachten, The Netherlands 10