Texas Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and Providers of Services
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Holiday Inn Select
North Dallas
2645 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, Texas 75234
The Texas Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and Providers of Services (TARPPS) is an affiliate of the
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP). IARP was established in 1977 and incorporated in
1982. TARPPS was established in 1982 and chartered by the State of Texas in that same year.
TARPPS is an association that exclusively represents the interests of rehabilitation professionals in both the public and
private sectors, and its membership is composed of case managers, vocational counselors, insurance nurses, professional
counselors, job placement specialists, vocational evaluators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists,
rehabilitation counselors, rehabilitation educators, disability management specialists, ergonomic specialists, social
workers, students enrolled in rehabilitation counseling programs and other related curricula, and a variety of rehabilitation
facility personnel including administrators, managers, counselors, therapists, psychologists, and marketing personnel.
The All-Day Seminar Planning Committee spent many hours planning the Seminar, contacting presenters, and taking care
of a wide variety of other tasks necessary to bring the Seminar to realization. The time and resources expended by the
group and as individuals is greatly appreciated.
TARPPS has applied for and approval is pending for 5.5 contact hours for Continuing Education purposes for CRC,
CCM, CDMS, LPC and Adjusters. In addition, sufficient documentation and verification, as needed, will be provided
for those seeking continuing education credit from other licensing or certifying bodies including those for physical
therapy, occupational therapy, social work, nursing, psychology, etc.
“It is CRCC, CDMSC, CCMC’s philosophical belief that all programs must be held in an accessible, barrier free location
so that no one with a disability is excluded from participation. Furthermore, CRCC, CDMSC, CCMC strongly
encourages all programs to comply with relevant federal, state, and local laws relating to serving people with
Networking ● Education ● Professional Growth ● Information
New Ideas and Perspectives ● Updates on Policies/Procedures ●
Entertainment ● Participation
Board Member
Board Member
Bob Cogburn
Kacy Turner
Mary Mason
Valerie Armstrong
Bob Boudreaux
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Cornelius Gorman
Edward Shwery
Donna Finkbeiner
Calvin Turner
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Registration//Exhibits Open/Professional Networking
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
First General Session
1.00 contact hrs.
Life Care Planning: Making an Impact
Colleen Cozzi, R. N., Certified Life Care Planner, ACLS
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Break/Exhibits Open/Professional Networking
9:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Second General Session
1.50 contact hrs.
Case Management in the Texas Workers’ Compensation System
Steve Nichols, Manager of Workers’ Compensation Services at the
Insurance Council of Texas
Workers’ Compensation Legislative and Statute Changes and a
Look ahead to DWC Sunset Review Process
Albert Betts, Partner with Thompson Coe and General Counsel for the
Insurance Council of Texas
11:30 p.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Break/Exhibits Open/Professional Networking
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Third General Session
1.00 contact hrs.
Building Accessibility Enables Independence
Guy Riley, Certified Environmental Access Contractor/Consultant
1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Break/Exhibits Open/Professional Networking
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Fourth General Session
1.00 contact hrs.
A Panel Discussion from the Occupational Information Development
Advisory Panel Regarding the Mission and Content Model /
Classifications Recommendations
Shanan Gwaltney-Gibson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Management
At the East Carolina University
Tom Johns, Disability Quality Branch Chief at the Office of Quality
Performance from the Social Security Administration’s Dallas Office
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Break/Exhibits Open/Professional Networking
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Fifth General Session
1.00 contact hrs.
Formulary Cases: Yesterday, Today and the Days to Come
Dan Bodin, Program Director – Partner Functional Services of Texas
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Evaluation
Awarding of Attendance Verification Certificates and
Continuing Education Certificates
The Holiday Inn Select North Dallas is located at the North East corner of Interstate Highway 35E and
LBJ (635). The Seminar will be located in the Lone Star I and II conference rooms.
Lodging/Overnight Accommodations
For those attending the All-Day Seminar from outside the Dallas – Fort Worth area as well as for local
residents who wish to be closer to the seminar site, accommodations have been arranged with the
Holiday Inn Select Hotel. A block of rooms have been reserved for those attending the TARPPS AllDay Seminar at a special TARPPS rate. Please call 972/243-3363 to make your reservation. Ask for
Celeste Lindell Sales Manager at the Holiday Inn Select if you have difficulty securing the TARPPS
room rate. Each attendee must make his/her own hotel reservations. The special rates are $89.00 plus
applicable taxes / night. This rate is secured until March 19, 2010. The hotel is modern, and the rooms
are very attractive and comfortable. The hotel has its own restaurant and there are dozens of
restaurants within a short riding distance.
You are encouraged to register as soon as possible so as to give Seminar planners additional
information with which to work and to help the Planning Committee honor its commitments regarding
attendance, food, and accommodations. Several of the Presenters are traveling long distances to
appear at the Seminar, and registrant information is needed to make decisions about presentation style,
handouts, etc. You may register in a number of ways:
1. Complete the enclosed Registration Form and return with your check or money order by mail to the
address noted on the form. Make all checks payable to “TARPPS.”
2. Complete the enclosed Registration Form, Fax the form, and indicate whether a check or money
order is being sent by mail or that payment will be made at the door on the day of the Seminar. Fax to
Bob Cogburn at 214/688-6502.
3. E-mail your completed Registration Form indicates whether you are sending a check or money
order by mail or will be paying at the Registration Desk.
Please e-mail to
4. You may register on the day of the All-Day Seminar and pay all fees at that time. Walk-Ins are
5. You may call Bob Cogburn at 972/672-2920 to R.S.V.P. and bring the completed form and check to
the conference.
Method # 1 is the method preferred by TARPPS because it allows us to do better planning and meet
our commitments and obligations.
Registration Fee:
Holiday Inn Select North Dallas
2645 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75234
Check One (1): ( ) TARPPS Member ( ) Non-Member ( ) CMSA Member ( ) TRA Member ( ) Student ( ) DARS Employee
Last Name:
First Name:
Home Address:
Street and number
zip code
zip code
Employer Address:
Street and number or P. O. Box
Home Telephone:
Fax Number:
Business Telephone:
Registration Options (Check all that apply)
) $30.00 Registration Fee
Make Check or Money Order Payable to: TARPPS
(Credit Cards Not Accepted at this time)
Mail Form and Payment to:
Bob Cogburn
TARPPS All-Day Seminar
1937 Hawken Drive
Plano, Texas 75023
Phone or E-mail Bob Cogburn
Make a copy of this form, complete the form, and return as soon as possible to the above address with check or money order
for the appropriate fee or indicate on the form that you will be sending payment by mail. Make checks or money orders
payable to TARPPS.