Pacing Time: 1 cycle Learning Unit 10th Grade Sci-fi / Mystery Overarching Essential Goals: This learning unit will address student expectations to either independently and/or collaboratively: _X_1. Describe, interpret, and evaluate classical and contemporary fictional text of many cultures in order to construct meaning, extend understanding, and demonstrate appreciation. (1.2) ___2. Interpret and evaluate informational text in order to construct meaning ___3. Produce written texts in a variety of modes appropriate to audience, purpose, and task. _X_4. Employ research skills. (4.4) _X_5. Communicate effectively in creative and critical formats using various media. (5.3) Unit Theme Introduction: “Lamb to Slaughter” by Roald Dahl Through reading literature in the mystery genre, students begin to understand how we make predictions based upon information provided to us, and begin to understand how the outcomes are often not what we expect. Learning Outcomes: Differentiated Instructional Strategies: 1.2 Pre-reading Quickwrite question to facilitate interest, connections, and facilitate discussion. (See resources.) Apply before, during, and after strategies to comprehension. Complete reading about Roald Dahl Master of the Delightfully Sinister in the text and respond to teacher-created CAPTlike questions. (See resources.) Vocabulary activities to identify, review, and expand such as crossword puzzles, word search, cloze, and Holt Reader and text activity. (See resources.) Reader Response Log questions and responses incorporating Holt Reader side bar reading strategy questions. (See resources.) Completion of graphic organizer which employs clues used to make predictions incorporating Holt Reader Story Detail Chart. (See resources.) 4.4 Use print, auditory, and Small group activity: Using the Internet visual media in research. students will choose and research a forensic technique, from a teacher generated list, such as finger printing, which is employed to solve crimes. While researching, will complete a “forensic task sheet” to identify and organize their findings. 5.3 Select a means to communicate understanding and interpretation of ideas. Student’s choice of method of presentation of his/ her research on a forensic technique: PowerPoint, poster, oral report with visual aides, written report, etc. utilizing a rubric. Resources: The Holt Elements of Literature Fourth Course-Teacher’s Annotated Edition pages 316-327. The Holt Course Reader, Fourth Course- pages 148-165. Quickwrite example: Holt Text, page 316. Roald Dahl background: Master of the Delightfully Sinister Holt Text, page 325. Vocabulary: Holt Reader, page 149, Vocabulary: Holt Text, page 317. Graphic organizer: story details, Holt Reader, page 148. Extension Activities: Mock trial of Mrs. Maloney utilizing facts from the short story and forensic techniques researched. Research and reporting of famous murder trials such as the O.J. Simpson, Scott Peterson, and Lindburgh baby kidnapping in a mode of students’ choosing. Informal Assessments: Completed graphic organizer for story clues/ predictions/ details. Completed forensic chart employed while researching. Completion of questions in Reader Response Log. Completion of vocabulary activities. Formal Assessments: Response to Literature Response to last question in Reader Response Log in essay format: How does the title relate to the story with rubric for essay? Reading for Information Reading the background information of Roald Dahl (Master of the Delightfully Sinister) and responding to teacher-created CAPT-like questions. Presentation of research forensic techniques on research with rubric.