File: IFAA TEXTBOOK AND CORE NOVEL/NON-FICTION SELECTION AND ADOPTION The policy pertains only to the basic textbook and core novels/non-fiction proposed to be used by a class and/or teacher as the primary source of instruction or study. A ‘basic textbook” is defined as a book identified as being the most relevant to the major portion of the content and objectives of a course of study. The book is intended to be used for a larger segment of time in the course than supplemental or reference textbooks. Core novel/non-fiction is defined as required reading in the core curriculum. I. Selection A. Responsibility for the proposal of textbook and core novel/non-fiction (hereafter referred to as TCNNF) selections is delegated by the Board to TCNNF Selection Committees, and appointed by the Superintendent or his/her designee. B. Primary criteria for selection of TCNNF shall be the curriculum objectives of the District and State, to include but not be limited to: C. 1. the needs of all learners 2. materials representative of ethnic, cultural and religious heritages 3. the social and vocational roles available to both sexes 4. conflicting points of view of the problems and issues of our time 5. adequate coverage of historic developments which continue to affect mankind. Criteria for selection of novels/non-fiction include: relationship to the curriculum themes quality of the piece of literature interest level level of difficulty approach to instruction West Chester Area School District. West Chester, PA teaching materials to be used recommendations from organizations and/or awards such as: American Library Association Language Arts magazine American Book Awards Scott O’Dell Award PA Library Association Newbery Medal Awards Booklist Editor’s Choice II. Best Books For Young Adults The Reading Teacher PA Young Reader’s Choice Award Coretta Scott King Award The English Journal Journal of Reading Adoption A. Recommendations of a TCNNF Selection Committee will be reviewed by the Superintendent and referred to the School Board Education Committee with recommendations for Board action. B. The Education Committee of the Board shall report the recommendation of the Superintendent to the Board and make a motion to approve or not to approve the recommendation. C. Pursuant to Section 803 of the School Code, textbooks and novels/non-fiction may be adopted by an approval of five or more members of the School Board in favor of a text recommended by the Superintendent. D. Rejection of a specific text by the Board will result in the TCNNF Selection Committee acting on the Board’s recommendation or the formation of a new committee. III. Inquiry A. Formal inquiry regarding the selection of any particular text by the general public may be made by use of official inquiry forms (KNBA-E). Revised and adopted 10/24/83; revised 2/22/93; revised November, 1994 West Chester Area School District. West Chester, PA