Chapter 8 & 9 Homework Assignment

BSC 103
Chapters 8-9 Homework
Class# _________
____ 1) A bacterial cell splits into two new cells by
A) duplication.
B) forming a cell plate.
C) binary fission.
D) mitosis.
____ 2) When does DNA (chromosome) replication occur?
A) prophase
B) metaphase
C) anaphase
D) interphase
E) telophase
_____ 3) If diploid cells of the fruit fly Drosophila have 10 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would a haploid
Drosophila gamete have?
A) one
B) two
C) five
D) ten
E) twenty
_____ 4) Most genes come in alternate forms called
A) chromosomes
B) alleles
C) loci
D) gametes
E) homologues
_____ 5) A cell is divided into two approximately equal halves, each with about the same amount of cytoplasm, during
A) interphase.
B) cytophase.
C) cytokinesis.
D) anaphase
E) telophase
_____ 6) Sister chromatids are
A) replicated chromosomes held together by a common centromere.
B) specialized gamete-forming cells.
C) non-functional chromosomes.
D) homologous pairs of chromosomes.
E) different in their genetic content.
_____ 7) Meiosis results in the production of
A) diploid cells with unpaired chromosomes.
B) diploid cells with paired chromosomes.
C) haploid cells with unpaired chromosomes.
D) haploid cells with paired chromosomes.
_____ 8) Mitosis usually results in the formation of
A) 2 diploid cells.
B) 4 diploid cells.
C) 2 haploid cells.
D) 4 haploid cells.
E) sperm or egg cells.
Match the lettered choices with the examples below. Choices will be used only once. (9-14)
A. Polygenic inheritance
B. Incomplete dominance
C. Co-Dominance
D. Dominant allele disorder
E. Recessive allele disorder
F. Disorder due to non-disjunction of autosomes
____ 9) ABO blood groups in humans
____ 10) Sickle-cell anemia
____ 11) Down’s syndrome
____ 12) In snapdragons, red × white produce pink hybrids
____ 13) Huntington’s’ disease
____ 14) Human skin pigmentation and height
_____ 15) When Mendel used true-breeding white flowers (recessive trait) and true-breeding purple flowers (dominant trait)
as the parental generation, he observed that:
A) all offspring had white flowers.
B) all offspring had purple flowers.
C) 3/4 of the flowers produced by offspring were purple and 1/4 were white
D) all the flowers were lavender
_____ 16) Gametes differ from somatic cells in
A) having only one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes.
B) being haploid.
C) functioning in sexual reproduction.
D) having half the amount of genetic material.
E) All the above choices are correct.
_____ 17) All of the following take place during meiosis EXCEPT
A) two rounds of DNA replication.
B) crossing over.
C) reduction of chromosome number.
D) separation of sister chromatid.
E) pairing and separation of homologous chromosomes
_____18) Which is NOT a source of variety in sexually reproducing species?
A) crossing over
B) correct DNA replication
C) distribution of chromosomes in gametes
D) fertilization
E) independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis
____ 19) An individual with two identical alleles of a gene is said to be ________, while one with two different
alleles for the same gene is said to be __________.
A. Genotype; Phenotype
B. Incomplete; dominant
C. Heterozygous; Homozygous
D. Homozygous; Heterozygous
____ 20) If an individual with sickle-cell anemia has 2 parents that do not have the disease, both parents must be
__________ _________ for the trait.
A) homozygous recessive
B) homozygous dominant
C) heterozygous
____ 21) A colorblind boy has a normal mother and a colorblind father. From which parent did he get the X-linked
colorblind gene?
A) father
B) mother
C) Either parent could have given him the gene.
Match the lettered choices with the statements below. Choices will be used only once. (22-25)
A. Metaphase
B. Prophase
C. Telophase
D. Anaphase
E. Cytokinesis
____ 22) Chromosomes line up along the equator of a cell.
____ 23) Replicated chromosomes coil and condense; Nuclear envelope reforms.
____ 24) Sister chromatids are pulled apart and move to opposite ends of the cell.
____ 25) Duplicated chromosomes condense; Spindle microtubules form; Chromosomes attach to spindle
____ 26) Which of the following occurs in mitosis but NOT in meiosis?
A) production of genetically identical cells
B) pairing up of homologous chromosomes during prophase
C) crossing over
D) independent assortment of chromosomes
E) separation of sister chromatid
____ 27) A(n) ________ is the physical location of a gene on a chromosome.
A) trait
B) genome
C) allele
D) loci
____ 28) A recessive gene is one:
A) blends into a dominant allele
B) whose effect is masked by a dominant allele.
C) that appears only in a heterozygous individual.
D) disappears when exposed to a dominant allele.
____ 29) Assume yellow seed color in peas is dominant over recessive green seed color. If you cross two heterozygous
yellow-seeded pea plants, then the expected ratio of yellow to green seeds among the offspring will be:
A) 25% yellow: 75% green
B) 50% yellow: 50% green
C) 75% yellow: 25% green
D) 100% yellow
____ 30) Traits controlled by sex-linked recessive genes are expressed more often in males because:
A) the male has only one gene for the trait.
B) males inherit these genes from their fathers.
C) all male offspring of a female carrier always get the gene.
D) males get more recessive genes than do females.