The David Library of the American Revolution Selected Readings on Native Americans 4210 Allen, Robert S. His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1174-1815 (Toronto, 1992). 5943 Anderson, Gary Clayton. Kinsmen of another kind: Dakota-white relations in the upper Mississippi valley, 1650-1862 (Lincoln, NE, 1984). Ref 122 Anderson, William L. A guide to Cherokee documents in foreign archives (Metuchen, NJ, 1983). 6308 Atkin, Edmond. Indians of the Southern Colonial Frontier: The Edmond Atkin report and plan of 1755 (Ann Arbor, MI, 1960). 4725 Axtell, James. The Indians' new south: cultural change in the colonial southeast (Baton Rouge, LA, 1997). 234p Bevier, Abraham G. The Indians: or, narratives of massacres and depredations on the frontier, in Wawasink and its vicinity (Monroe, NY,1975). 2281 Beyond the convenant chain: the Iroquois and their neighbors in Indian North America, 1600-1800 (Syracuse, NY, 1987). 2246 Bird, Harrison. Battle for acContinent (New York, NY, 1965). 3091 Braund, Kathryn E. Holland. Deerskins and duffels: the Creek Indian trade with AngloAmerica, 1685-1815(Lincoln, NE, 1993). 6382 Brumwell, Stephen. White devil: a true story of war, savagery, and vengeance in colonial America (Cambridge, MA, 2005). 5759 Byrd, William L. Villainy often goes unpunished: Indian records from the North Carolina General Assembly sessions, 1675-1789 (Bowie, MD, 2002). 6660 Calloway, Colin G. One vast winter count: The Native American West before Lewis and Clark (Lincoln, NE, 2003). 5641 Calloway, Colin G. New Worlds for all: Indians, Europeans and the remaking of early America (Baltimore, MD, 1998). 6661 Calloway, Colin G. The scratch of a pen: 1763 and the transformation of North America (Oxford, England, 2006). 2829 Calloway, Colin G. The Western Abenakis of Vermont, 1600-1800: war, migration, and the survival of an Indian people (Norman, OK, 1990). 5318 Carson, James Taylor. Searching for a Bright Path: the Mississippi Choctaws from prehistory to removal (Lincoln, NE, 1999). 5633 Clarke, T. Wood. The bloody Mohawk (New York, NY, 1940). 2403 Connell, Brian. The Plains of Abraham (London, England, 1959). 6310 Cotterill, R.S. The southern Indians; the story of civilized tribes before removal (Norman, OK, 1954). 6120 Crosby, Harry. Antigua, California: mission and colony on the peninsular frontier, 16971768 (Albuquerque, NM, 1994). 6428 Davies, C. Collin. An historical atlas of the Indian peninsula (London, England, 1959). 5574 Densmore, Christopher. Red Jacket: Iroquois diplomat and orator (Syracuse, NY, 1999). 3045 Dowd, Gregory Evans. A spirited resistance: the North American Indian struggle for unity, 1745-1815 (Baltimore, MD, 1992). 5741 Dowd, Gregory Evans. War under heaven: Pontiac, the Indian Nations, and the British Empire (Baltimore, MD, 2002). 2750 Eckert, Allan W. Wilderness empire: a narrative (Boston, MA, 1969). 3735 Eckert, Allan W. A sorrow in our heart: the life of Tecumseh (New York, NY, 1993). 5661 Encyclopedia of North American Indians (Boston, MA, 1996). 6028 Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Indians: tribes, nations and people of the Eastern woodlands (St. Clair Shores, MI, 1998). 4665 Fenton, William Nelson. The Great Law and the Longhouse: a political history of the Iroquois Confederacy (Norman, OK, 1998). Ref 107 Field, Thomas W. An essay towards an Indian bibliography: being a catalogue of books, relating to the history, antiquities, languages, customs, religion, wars, literature, and origin of the American Indians, in the library of Thomas W. Field (New Haven, CT, 1991). 2748 Flexner, James Thomas. Lord of the Mohawks: a biography of Sir William Johnson (Boston, MA, 1979). 1351p Foreman, Grant. The Five Civilized Tribes; a brief history and a century of progress (Muskogee, OK, 1966). 3051 Frazier, Patrick. The Mohicans of Stockbridge (Lincoln, NE, 1992). 6042 From the heart: voices of the American Indian (New York, NY, 1995). 5770 Grumet, Robert Steven. Historic contact: Indian people and colonists in today's northeastern United States in the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries (Norman, OK, 1995). 6309 Hoig, Stan. The Cherokees and their chiefs: in the wake of empire (Fayetteville, AR, 1998). 5871 In Mohawk country: early narratives about a Native people (Syracuse, NY, 1996). 4397 The Indian peoples of Eastern America: a documentary history of the sexes (New York, NY, 1981). 5899 Jennings, Francis. The ambiguous Iroquois empire: the Covenant Chain confederation of Indian tribes with English colonies from its beginnings to the Lancaster Treaty of 1744 (New York, NY, 1984). 132q Johnson, Michael. Macmillan encyclopedia of Native American Tribes (New York, NY, 1999). 1258p Johnson, Michael G. American Indians of the Southeast (London, Englad, 1995). 1244p Johnson, Michael G. American Woodland Indians (London, England, 1990). 1355p Johnson, Michael G. Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy (Oxford, England, 2003). 4180 Mancall, Peter C. Deadly Medicine: Indians and alcohol in early America (Ithaca, NY, 1995). 4474 Mandell, Daniel R. Behind the Frontier: Indians in eighteenth-century eastern Massachusetts (Lincoln, NE, 1996). 4576 Morgan, Lewis Henry. League of the Iroquois (Seacaucus, NJ, 1996). 5625 Native Americans and the early republic (Charlottesville, VA, 1999). 6064 The Native Americans : an illustrated history (Kansas City, MO, 1993). 5925 The Oneida Indian journey: from New York to Wisconsin, 1784-1860 (Madison, WI, 1999). 5646 Oswalt, Wendell H. This land was theirs: a study of the North American Indian (New York, NY, 1966). 5874 Powhatan's mantle: Indians in the colonial Southeast (Lincoln, NE, 1989). 6307 Nichols, Roger L. Indians in the United States and Canada: a comparative history (Lincoln, NE,1998). 4568 Northeastern Indian lives, 1632-1816 (Amherst, MA, 1996). 4767 Perdue, Theda. Cherokee women: gender and culture change, 1700-1835 (Lincoln, NE, 1998). 5738 Richter, Daniel K. The ordeal of the longhouse: the peoples of the Iroquois League in the era of European colonization (Chapel Hill, NC, 1992). 5814 Richter, Daniel K. Facing east from Indian country: a Native history of early America (Cambridge, MA, 2001). 6311 Rights, Douglas L. The American Indian in North Carolina (Winston-Salem, NC, 1957). 3112 Silver, Timothy. A new face on the countryside: Indians, colonists, and slaves in South Atlantic forests, 1500-1800 (Cambridge, MA, 1990). 5568 Sivertsen, Barbara J. Turtles, Wolves, and Bears: a Mohawk family history (Bowie, MD, 1996). 5505 Stiggins, George. Creek Indian history: a historical narrative of the genealogy, traditions, and downfall of the Ispocoga or Creek Indian tribe of Indians (Birmingham, AL, 1989). 4952 Sugden, John. Tecumseh: a life (New York, NY, 1998). 2683 Szasz, Margaret. Indian Education in the American colonies, 1607-1783 (Albuquerque, NM, 1988). 5218 Thorne, Tanis C. The many hands of my relations: French and Indians on the lower Missouri (Columbia, MO, 1996). 4521 Turner, Frederick Jackson. The character and influence of the Indian trade in Wisconsin: a study of the trading post as an institution (Norman, OK, 1977). 5605 Usner, Daniel H. American Indians in the lower Mississippi Valley: social and economic histories (Lincoln, NE, 1998). 3111 Van Every, Dale. Men of the western waters; a second look at the first Americans (Boston, MA, 1956). 6130 Wallace, Paul A.W. Indian Paths of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, PA, 1998). 5088 Warhus, Mark. Another America: Native American maps and the history of our land (New York, NY, 1997). 3711 The World turned upside down: Indian voices from early America (Boston, MA, 1994). 6312 Wyss, Hilary E. Writing Indians: literacy, Christianity, and native community in early America(Amherst, MA, 2000). 5212 Zeisberger, David. David Zeisberger's history of the Northern American Indians (Columbus, OH, 1991).